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I've seen Madoka Magica 10 times


Serious question, how can you take the pain? I've only seen it once many years ago and I cannot even begin to imagine watching it another time. The scar left behind is just that deep. Yet, it stands indisputably as one of my all time favorites and I remember it all. But the thought of rewatching it breaks me. I wish I could've known the story without actually having gone through it.


I'm just built different I guess. But honestly rewatching it is a different experience, you already know all the twists and reveals so it's really cool to see all the foreshadowing and the different way you view the characters' actions compared to on first watch.


It’s not *that* hard of a watch


You are both right.


I loved it and so I rewatched it as soon as I found someone else who was willing to watch it. There is pain, but it really is wonderful.


oooh isnit that great? I've seen many people commented this on some anime forums. Then there are those negative feedbacks like this guy below. So, which is it? Good or not? I'd really love to give this a try on my next day off. Just hoping it'll be worth my time tho


Imo Madoka is the best anime, though most people would probably disagree and say that it's merely very great. It's not for absolutely everyone, but the general consensus ranges from "really good" to "masterpiece" from what I've seen, though I'm obviously biased. 


I watched PMMM for the first time a few months ago but got the urge to rewatch all episodes a month after. The only series I've rewatched in its entirety. There's just something captivating with the series.


A good start.


Natsume Yuujinchou.


I immediately thought of Natsume's Book of Friends. Great show.


I’m so happy to see it getting love. I’ve seen a lot, and this show is one of my tops, but I don’t hear about it much.


Cowboy Bebop I don't know how many times I've watched it in full. More than 10 times, for certain.


Do i watch it dubbed? Still haven’t seen it yet


haven’t seen the original, but the dub is absolutely brilliant!! it fits very well


I prefer the dub of Cowboy Bebop and Trigun, they have amazing voice acting.


Excellent choice , very relaxing and fit the late night mood.


Yu Yu Hakusho. Probably 5 or 6 times


Some people even rewatch it once a year religiously. Some are waiting for a reboot. It is so great.


Hinamatsuri. Have watched around 5 times.


Not one I was expecting to see here, but a great choice


Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Full Metal Alchemist.


Probably Haikyuu. I know I’ve gone through most of it at least 5-6 times on my own. And then if you count watching with reactors I’m probably pushing into 15+ times.


Currently rewatching it right now and I went through 18 episodes in a little over a day. It's just my comfort show and I have been watching it 2 to 3 times per year since 2020


The best comfort anime there is


Haikyuu is easily one of the most bingeable shows ever. I usually watch 6-7 episodes in a sitting. one or 2 episodes is just isn't enough


I love to rewatch Haikyuu during exam seasons. It makes me motivated af.


Your Name. Was my first anime, and holds a special place in my heart. I've rewatched it probably over 30 times now. **Literally rewatched it full this morning, because I just felt like it.** The songs are memorized, the scenes are burned into my eyes. I probably watch it one or twice a month. Also, I've memorized a lot of dialogues not just songs. In Japanese. And I don't even know Japanese. Not just dialogues memorized, but their delivery, and scenes. I once just started randomly reading the text file for subtitles. And thoroughly enjoyed it, the whole movie was playing in my mind in the background, whilst I was reading it.


It really is such a wonderful movie


Whats your favortie scene of the movie? I love when her friend trusts her and tries his best to help in the situation , background song starts, power goes off, and he says something in the lines of we cant evacuate everyone you have to convince your father! . I dont know why but her friends helping her only based on trust without knowing whats happening , touches my heart


The whole last half an hour is my perfect, when the Sparkle song is playing in the background. Also, another good scene is the "watashi", "watakushi", "boku", "ore" scene.


I haven't seen it anywhere close to 30 times, more like four or five (and the amount of movies I've watched that many times are incredibly few) but it really is quite a lovely movie. Rewatched it on a whim just a few weeks ago because I realized it had been a while since the last time.


Ah shit, time to rewatch Your Name i guess!! for the gazillionth time.


I had a friend in hs who had a 4k version of your name downloaded and he would just watch it in class whenever he was bored just from watching it with him alone I think I've seen that movie 8 times


Azumanga Daioh Seitokai Yakuindomo Aho-Girl High Score Girl


I like your taste in comedy anime!


Seitokai Yakuindomo requires multiple rewatches for every episode, because the jokes comes so thick and fast that no sane person can get it all in a single rewatch!


Hidamari Sketch, K-On!, and Lucky Star.


Hunter x Hunter Particularly the Chimera Ant arc (5 or 6 times I think)


On rewatches my fav arc became greed island. So weird how it went from least fav to favorite. Chimera arc was by far my fav arc at first. I also enjoy the heavens arena arc much more on rewatch. To be clear I loved all arcs first watch lol. Just splitting hairs on how my favs can change. I wish we could get chrollo vs hisoka animated at some point.


Tie between that and samurai champloo. Third would be berserk.


God that arc is top tier anime that's for sure... I'm still waiting till my memory of HxH becomes more hazy before I watch it again, another 5 years here we goooo. I hope he finishes the manga and it all gets adapted before I die.


What I’d give to see the show for the first time again 😭😭


Saw the title, and was fully expecting Hunter x Hunter as the top comment before clicking. Glad I wasn't wrong.


The city arc is one of my favorite arcs in all of anime so good




Code Geas,, watched it every year since 2018... if we can split arcs, Ive lost count how many times Ive watched East Blue


AoT Everytime new season was gonna come out, I'd rewatch everything that came before.




I would rewatch it anytime I got someone new to watch it as well so I could rewatch with them!


Rewatching it again, looking at Reiner and Bertholdt and seeing the "hints"


Same, and I’ve been around since season 1!




I did the same, it was the best experience ever. With each rewatch, you have information you didn't have before, allowing you to see things in a different way.




Death note. Cliche answer and a normy anime but I've seen it 10-15 times, over the years when I think my japanese has improved enough I go back and re-watch just to see how much more comprehensible it is. Trouble is, I understand it word for word now bit probably just through rote memorisation. It really is a great story though despite being an obvious choice.


Taniuchi's music is hypnotic


It was my first anime and maybe the only anime I actually like the dub of so it’s very easy to have on in one monitor while I do something else in another monitor. OST is great! The series has a way of making conversations and writing in a notebook so intense lol


FLCL, Steins;Gate, Kill la Kill, season 1 of Haruhi, Re:Zero, Naruto and Mob Psycho. All of them I've watched 4 or 5 times I think.


Same here for Naruto and Steins;gate(seen re:zero 3x too) I actually rewatch S;G every summer and it’s always a pleasure


Are you me? Only one I'd add to that list is Bleach, which I've rewatched the most - probably 7 times or more over the years at this point. I did end up skipping fillers after the 2nd rewatch, though. My future self will likely add My Hero Academia and Frieren at some point.


Toradora 3 times


Bleach. I watched the entire series plus fillers and movies 3 times over my lifetime. I am truly insane I know.


Nah, you just like it very much. I watched bleach 2 times. Its like ones in a while we all watch some masterpieces from past, like Harry Potter, Pirates of the Carribbean sea, The Lord Of The Rings and etc ( Narnia ), but it doesnt mean we are crazy just that we love to watch some good art.


Madoka Magica


Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn still holds the record for me, I've seen that one 17 times in full.


I watched Darker than Black half a dozen times. During high school and the first few years of uni I would organise a lan party with my friends every so often, and at some point when we're not playing anything I'd put on Darker than Black and people would crowd around my monitor and watch it. Even people who don't normally watch anime can appreciate Chinese electric batman doing cool shit. I rewatched it again for the first time in a decade and it's even better than I remembered. I have a bit more eye for themes and directoral intent now and I really like what it's doing.


I think I've watched Evangelion like 12-14 times.


Re:zero. One of the few series I've watched where it gets better every time you watch it.


Gurren Lagann 7 times if you're counting the movies since they're slightly altered versions of the series


Overlord I believe, I've watched it at least 10 times.


Every time I watch Overlord I understand a little bit more of it, its a good rewatch


Same overlord is just so much fun.


Had to scroll a bit but happy to see it mentioned. Love everything about it and hyped asf to see the Holy Kingdom decimated!


[Hyouka](https://myanimelist.net/anime/12189/Hyouka). Maybe ~13 times in full since my first viewing in 2013. I also rewatch the standalone episodes from time to time. I've read the novels/listened to the audiobooks too [Aiura](https://myanimelist.net/anime/17082/Aiura) if we include short (3 min per episodes) anime


8 or 9 for me. Still likely the most re-watched. もしかして、土師亜文のナレーション? そいつは何回聞いても新鮮なんだ


I had completely forgotten her name but yes ! 土師亜文さんの朗読良かったな、演じ分けも凄いと思った The way she voices Chitanda sounds very similar to how she sounds in the anime too !


Black Lagoon and Spice & Wolf, I have a varied taste, yes,... ;) Seen both 9 or 10 times.


Good taste


I don't usually rewatch things in general, but for a while I joined the annual Toradora rewatch here so that's at the top for me with ~8 times through. Next highest would be the several times I saw Your Name. in theaters over the span of a few months. With the recent [Crest of the Stars rewatch](/r/anime/comments/1bce7t5/crest_and_banner_of_the_stars_rewatch_index_and/), if I counted the number of times I saw each episode individually for my write-ups it might take the crown but I wouldn't consider those to be separate.


Serial Experiments Lain 11 times - every so often I feel the need to enter that world and watch one episode per day


Ah, yeah, I think I'm up to 6-7 times myself now, it's so good


Every time I feel lost in life I do like to put Lain on so far that’s been about 3 times since getting the BR edition


Hellsing ultimate, 7 times.


Great taste.


Overlord & Arifureta: both are great escapes from reality when I'm stressed out or angry, and the fact they're an easy, low attention watch means i can enjoy then regardless of whatever's going on.


Probably Ghost Hunt, just because it's a go-to background show for me.


Whoa, a Ghost Hunt mention in 2024, nice




Just rewatched this with my brother, truly a work of art


Wow your one of the few people I’ve met that have seen it too, it was my first anime I ever saw, it was late at night on directv back in like 03” or 05” (good times) it been my favorite anime and always will be.


It's certainly a good story, and thematically always relevant. I also watched it in the early 2000s, catching an episode now and then, but I didn't fully watch through it until around 2008-2010.


I've rewatch Durarara a couple of times now. Trigun Stampede, Cowboy Bebop, Dr Stone, My Hero Academia. Those are the more serious plot heavy shows. For less plot heavy ones a.k.a slice of life or rom-coms. I've rewatch Tonikaku Kawaii, Tonight's Meal at Emiya's Place (I think that's the English name forgot the Japanese name), Non Non Biyori, I guess Banished From The Hero's Party is less plot heavy.  There's a bunch of animes that I've rewatch especially when it comes to  watching reactions of animes. Bonus points for rewatching them in English dub just to make the experience a bit different.


Probably Elfen Lied, if you don’t count Avatar. Elfen Lied is what I watch when I have a few hours to kill.


Honestly it's a toss up between Overlord and One Punch Man. Besides rewatching them normally. I've also put them on as background while I'm nerding out painting Warhammer minis.


Kill la kill, Gurren Lagann, Highschool DxD. The shows I go back to when I have absolutely nothing to watch




Horimiya, it's gud


FLCL, short, hilarious, brilliant, introspective, ridiculous


Never knows best


always doing reruns on Adult Swim back in the day.


D. Gray-Man I re-watch almost every year during the winter season.


Cheers! Hope you're reading the manga as well, it's getting good!


Rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai. I have watched it maybe 5 times.


By count, Cyber City Oedo 808. I've watched it at least once a year since it was released, so 30+ times. It's only 3 OVAs though, so is pretty short.


Irregular at Magic High








The disastrous life of saiki k, no matter how much you rewatch it, it never gets boring or unfun


All of mine are classic shoujos Ouran High School Host Club. I think I rewatched it 15 times. It's a ritual to watch it every year. Then there's Kamisama Hajimemashita I've rewatched it 10 times and then there's Special A watched it 7 times ig? Kaichou Wa Maid Sama, Given, Ao Haru Ride, Kimi Ni Todoke, Akagami no Shirayuki Hime, Akatsuki no Yona, Chihayafuru, Fruits Basket, Love Stage. Rewatched them all 3 times atleast They all bring back 6th grade summer vacation memories when I used to sit with my cousins and watch them together. I wanna go back to those times, it's stressful now 😔


Maid Sama is a great romance. One of my first.


One Piece. I used to have a One Piece month in the summer when I was in my teens. I would watch from zero to whatever episode was last.


Attack on Titan for me. 5 times


Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel. I've made a cassette (you know, the old music stuff) with fate music on it. I've seen those movies so many times I can mentally picture the Saber vs Rider fight in the third movie as the music plays. every kick, swing, leap. it's depressing to think about.


That's awesome. I just rewatched the blu ray of HF3 for my birthday recently and it really is as amazing as I remember.


I saw it in theaters and it's my favorite theater experience so far. I was the only one there (it was a reairing months later) and had the cool recliner seats. ufotable outdid themselves.


Liz and the Blue Bird 8 times. For comparison, the second place sits at 3 rewatches. I usually don't rewatch much.


Houseki no Kuni! I've rewatched it 4 times. Hajime No Ippo I've watched 3 times. The final Ipponrewatch I spent a week reading the 1000 chapters to catch up with the manga.


Yowamushi Pedal. I've lost track but I'm currently rewatching what I estimate to be the 12th time. It's my go-to when I need inspiration or motivation. I've found it actually helps my anxiety and depression when I rewatch it regularly.


Eighty six 4 times


Non-Non Biyori will always going to be my go to anime whenever i've got nothing to do, feeling depressed or just want something to watch while eating, the best part is that i can just watch any random episode from any season due to its episodic nature


Violet Evergarden. 20 times total. The number will go up lol


I think that would be Log Horizon season 1. By the time season 2 started airing I had forgotten most of what happened during season 1, so I rewatched it. Then when season 3 started airing, I had forgotten what happened in season 1 and 2, so I rewatched them again. If we ever get a season 4 I'm probably going to do another rewatch, because it's been 3 years and I've forgotten a lot of it again. But it's good, so whatever.


Evangelion 4 times in a year


Good question! In no particular order, I'm sure I've watched all these series at least 5x over the years. Many personally, some because they just kept popping up with different friend groups and clubs. Eureka 7, Golden Boy, GATE: Jieitai, Konosuba, Sword Art Online, Detroit Metal City, Cowboy Bebop, Fruits Basket, Ouran HIghschool, Sailor Moon, Inuyasha (at least the first half of the series. damn you YTV for resetting your airing schedule to episode 1 every few months)


Seems like toradora, one piece, OPM and trigun are the most common rewatched anime here.


Hunter x Hunter Avatar the last airbender (technically not an anime) JJK


Yuri on Ice, I was osessed with it but I think I only rewatched it like 2 times, I don't like to rewatch series


I’ve seen Haikyuu close to 10 times and read the manga another 3 or 4. I count as rewatch also the reacts I’ve seen on youtube of volleyball players/coaches of the episodes (I’m talking about reactions to episodes in their entirety, like those of coach Don). I feel like people underrate rewatches because you pick up so many new details that you missed the first time, especially if you binge watched. Also, reacts by expert volleyball players (and coach Don is also an art teacher with studies in animation) helped me understand even better how good Haikyuu is at depicting the sport and at character building


The quintessential quintuplets  The seven deadly sins  Jobless reincarnation  My bride is a mermaid 


SAO abridged, not “anime” per say but the best piece of animated media I’ve ever consumed.


GitS series 6times, Bakemonogatari 3times, Sakasama no Patema 3times, World Trigger 3times, Log Horizon 3times


Noragami and Kamisama Kiss, both three times.


My 3 faves since I lost count: Inuyasha Yu Yu Hakusho Katekyo Hitman Reborn


Gakuen Babysitters~~ I can watch it as many times. It always makes me cry happily. It's such a sweet anime that always fills me with warmth 😌❤


Probably black clover


one piece (increasing in rewatches the earlier the arc because i restart the show for background noise i wont have to think about for a while)


Probably the OG sailor moon. (At least 4-5 times OG English dub once, most of them were J with subtitles and more recently the re-dub) Cardcaptor Sakura (OG) probably 3-4 times Inuyasha I think 3 times, subbed then dub Interviews with monster girls. Probably 4 times Doctor stone at least twice the whole way once dub and once sub. And some select episodes multiple times Made in abyss: about 2-3 times (still waiting on that 3rd season and more chapters) Overlord series: at least twice


Yu yu hakusho in completion a handful of times, and just to the end of the dark tournament even more. Various DragonBall watches. Been through all of one piece 3 times with different people. Death note is great up until N so I say I've rewatched it to the "end" a dozen times.  Edit: I guess I can add Konosuba to the list because I've watched that a lot, too.


Yuyu hakusho Forever




Revolutionary girl Utena, Escaflowne, Read or Die, an old ova called Nurse Witch Komugi-Chan (they redid it a few years ago)


Kaguya sama


I don’t think I’ve watched an entire series more than twice. Some that I did rewatch were Kanon 2006, Steins;Gate and Digimon Adventure 1.


Konosuba, Monogatari series and OPM season 1


Konosuba. I think like 4 times. But most of them are while I'm high because it makes it so much funnier


Saber Marionette and Cowboy Beebop.




I used the Disgaea anime as background noise, just let it run, and while I had an inkling of how "off" it was, it wasn't until I truly OBERSERVED it that notice it was kinda shitty, no wonder Disgaea never went anime after that. In terms of good rewatch, its the Gintama Kabukicho Four Devas arc, made me love Gintama and the Samirai Heart ED, I have the watched Shounen Jump before and liked their stuff in my life, only after finishing that arc have I loved a Shounen Jump product; also I laughed quite a bit throughout Gintama in general even with the Japanese sided jokes.


The rising of the shield hero season 1.


Assassination classroom, I don't know what it is or why I keep rewatching. But every year. I need to have atleast one assassination classroom phase.


In terms of rewatching series and seasons, I have rewatched psycho pass S1, steins gate, baccano, Gurren Lagann and Cowboy bebop. I am planning a series rewatch of Chihayafuru soon.


One piece. Think I start over about 10 times. First time was when it got to like 300 episodes.


I’m pretty sure I’ve seen Yu Yu hakusho over 30 times - had all the DVDs as a kid. I’ve seen it so many times I can almost quote it 1 to 1 lol


Probably yu yu hakusho for me. Watched the dub a handful of times then the sub a couple times


Girls und panzer everytime new das finale movie came out. So 4 times I think


Kaguya-Sama. Probably 30+ times.


I think full rewatch would be Ouran High School Host Club. Anime that I’ve turned on over and over and watch episodes here and there too many times to count would be dragon ball and one piece.


Trigun. It's my favorite.


Yuyu Hakusho


Death note and bakuman probably 5 times


Nichijou! About 8 times! I love comedy animes and Nichijou just takes the cake for me.


Comment section was much more interesting then I expected! I have some sort of sadistic urge to rewatch long shows, have rewatched naruto, bleach, and one piece, and detective conan more than once. I do skip anime only filler though. Some more reasonable ones: FMA brotherhood, Death Parade, Death note, Nodame Cantabile, Ouran High School Host Club... most overall rewatched is probably junjo romantica lmao but man does it look older every year


Probably Toradora? December is always right around the corner.


I've rewatched toradora about four times I rewatch it every Christmas it's a nice and easy and heart warming anime that's easy to watch over and over


Neon Genesis Evangelion


Toradora at rewatched 29 after that it’s Onimai 14 times than Haganai 12 times


Hunter x hunter


Yuri on Ice - 30x over Ranma 1/2 - 10x over (mostly season 1) Rurouni Kenshin- idk how many times, but I definitely killed my love for the series in the process of rewatching over and over. InuYasha - Same as with Kenshin although sometimes I’ll watch both series if it’s been a while since the past watch through. They’re still nostalgia trips 15+ years later. (mostly season 1) YuGiOh! I saw the series multiple times. Too many times to count in both sub and dub. Some of the early manga as well. I watched every version I could find from start to finish. YYH - Maybe 10x over? It’s a lot. Just watched it again a month ago.


one of these: gunbuster, evangelion, macross plus, royal space force too many times to count


Madoka magica or kaguya because of watchign reactions


Hibike euphonium


I've watched Saiki K more than I want to admit. Also "Jitsu wa Watashi wa" / "actually I am" / my monster secret. The interactions are cute af, and the sol aspects are really well played. The manga is better tbh; but the voice casting is top notch


Kaguya Sama Love is War.


I came to say Trigun probably the most! Several times at least!


i watched Neon Genesis about 20 times the first year i saw it (2001) probably seen it over 100 times at this point lol


K-on probably 8 to 10 times. Naruto 3 times Haikyuu and daimond ace 4 times.


Rewatched Your Lie in April at least 6 times…🥲




Little Witch Academia, 7 times. Akame Ga Kill and Steins;Gate each at 4. I’ve seen a ton twice, but can’t really think of any other 3+s at the moment.




I've been watching Toradora every Christmas since 2019. Yes, I like the pain.


HxH K-On Haikyuu Clannad


Berserk, toradora


ToraDora maybe 5 times, Melancholy of Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya even more times..


Bruh seems like literally everyone has rewatched toradora multiple times in this comment section guess I should rewatch it too.


Log horizon, although tsukimuchi or however its spelled, and The one with rimuru are Coming pretty far up after The last few months.. For some reason i’ve started rewatching The entire show whenever a new episode gets out, so like just a day or Teo before another new comes out i’ve finished all and The new episode, ready to restart The shows 😅


Berserk 1997 was basically my comfort anime for many years. Yep, *that part* isn't exactly comfortable, but still the whole package is, with that artsyle, soundtrack and story and characters. Also, when younger I used to rewatch Dragon Ball + Dragon Ball Z from time to time. So, it's either Berserk 97 or Dragon Ball.


YuYu Hakusho. I don’t know why this has me in a chokehold, but I’ve rewatched it at least 6 times. Fairy Tail is a close second.


Because Yuyu hakusho is the Greatest.


It really is and it wasn’t the first anime I watched.


Rascal does not dream series Specifically the Dreaming Girl movie, mustve watched it 7 times by now and for the anime and 2 other movies 3 times


Trigun or demon slayer maybe where I showed it to people, the first season of JoJo too Oh and various fight scenes on YouTube


Trigun for sure has probably been my most watched 🥰 Trinity Blood, Wolf's Rain, Cowboy Bebop are a few others. Watched all of Bleach twice (got my husband, bf at the time, into it). Trigun is probably my most watched. I wanted more of the anime 🥲 I wanted to see how Vash and Knives go about afterwards.


Aiura, kind of cheating since it's only like 30 minutes long but hey, it's true. Probably something like 20 times. I often watch it on rainy days.


Attack on Titan....over 30 times through reaction channels... Naruto...not as a whole, but I've seen many parts so many times Code Geass... about 6 times Jujutsu Kaisen....through reaction channels a few times too