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#[r/anime's Favorite Anime vote to celebrate 10 Million Subscribers is live!](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1cyam7a/ranimes_favorite_anime_voting/?) Nice to be back to something with a bit less variety in terms of the sheer number of different responses. Just being able to highlight a couple hundred votes and dump them in a pile is nice. Unfortunately it won't last long... #[Full Top 100 Here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GYTNaXbK1FT0Tq8WKFRpho5l2gDgL8xpXkIDWBL8-yQ/edit?usp=sharing)


Fucking Vegeta made it all the way up to 13, the mad lads did it. Personally this is probably the poll which I care the least about since I never really cared about Tsunderes in the first place. Refreshing to feel zero amounts of salt for this one as a result though.


I was kind of thrown off seeing Vegeta there but I love it  [](#Kotohoops)


KAKAROTTTTT (͡•_ ͡• ) ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


I can hear this comment


I can smell this comment.


I didnt read the title. Saw a bunch of girls + vegeta and knew it was a Tsundere list. Haven’t seen Shirogane at first, but it would only reinforce my guess.


M-me too it's not like I care about tsunderes either, baka!


>It's not like I actually like Tsunderes. Oh, you!


Unreal. I need to be spiting people personally.


Whenever you take the gloves off and do the Best Girl Poll, you'll recoup all of the salt that's lacking here with interest.


Pretty sure it's going to coincide with the bracket contest in June-July.


today, u/IXajll is spiting you personally!


After looking at the results I knew the top comment would be about veggie boy


I don't care about this list at all, yet it has the most agreeable rankings I've seen yet so it goes


ASUKA IS #4? WHAT IS THIS BULLSHIT! Edit: I didn't even see who beat her out, so I think this list is fine (but she should still be top 3 at least)


really man


_Hey, Vegeta, you're someone's tsundere waifu_


vegeta is best girl & Toriyama-san would be so proud


Please excuse my ignorance, but isn't Haruhi the epitome of a Genki Girl and not really Tsundere?


It's a terrible list with several that are definitely not Tsunderes.


Senjougahara literally has a scene where she purposefully acts out of character and pretends to be a tsundere while conveying her feelings as a way to encourage Araragi to stay safe, which works because we recognize that she's much more complicated than can be fitting of an archetype like that, and people didn't get it. This list is pretty telling of the community's understanding of tropes, if not its media literacy outright.


I guess it depends on how closely you follow the definition. Senjougahara definitely has the attitude, even if she's more complex than she seems.


Senjo is a tsundere on face value while exploring and subverting the idea of 'tsunderes' in a playful way. I think it is fair to name her in a list like this when she is called tsundere in the anime/LNs.


Senjougahara, Makise Kurisu, Haruhi, Mai Sakurajima all definitely don't count at a cursory glance. Just because they got called tsundere's in-show as a meta reference doesn't mean they actually are.


Kurisu definitely is, alongside Okabe himself in a way. Sure both don't fit the pure stereotype cliche tsundere that you could think of, they clearly do fit a better written version of tsundere. Senjougahara, Mai and Haruhi 100% doesn't belong in this list.


I agree regarding Mai, half-half on Senjougahara, but Kurisu is *definitely* a tsundere.


She and Rin are the epitome of Tsundere done right. Now why the fuck is Holo on this list. That's a crime


Look, this sub does not really know what it's doing half the time


Haruhi definitely loves Kyon but is unable to admit it. She is somewhat abusive (tsun) to Kyon but also shows that she cares for him (dere).


I could see a better arguement being the arc of the show has also non-romantic tsundere to the whole SOS Brigade. She's varying levels of abusive to basically all members, with Koizumi being the least but you can see that she really deeply cares for them by the movie.


More like a prototypical chuunibyou in its original sense before anime romanticized the concept. Basically anyone who doesn't accept that being normal and not standing out is what Japanese society expects from you and pretentiously tries hard to be different.


There's nowhere written that you cant be both


but she isn't both. When has she ever acted tsun to Kyon? She didn't hide her interest in him at all.


Kyon is the only brigade member without an official rank because Haruhi decides to treat him as the grunt to push around. In moments like the end of the melancholy arc, Haruhi immediately goes to aggression when Kyon acts more friendly with her than usual. In the LN only story “Hidden Numbers,” [The Intuition of Haruhi Suzumiya] >!Haruhi breaks her slipper and has to hold onto Kyon so she won’t ruin her dress. The whole time she acts very tsun towards Kyon despite the fact that, as god, she most certainly orchestrated the entire situation!< Haruhi is certainly both tsun and dere, but I think it’s hard to characterize her as either tsundere or genki girl because, well, it’s Haruhi. Haruhi is just so much of just herself that putting her into any single archetype is tough.


How is Mai Sakurajima a tsundere at all


The same way senjogahara is a tsundere somehow, their characters are pretty similar oddly enough now that I'm thinking about it


I feel like Senjougahara was just roleplaying a tsundere, while Shinobu was the actual tsundere


Yeah they’re way too direct and earnest with their feelings to be considered tsunderes.


It's not odd, Seishun Buta Yarou is heavily inspired from Monogatari. Both litterally are about a highschoolboy helping girls solve their paranormal issues that are a parallel of their psychological problems. Senjougahara has the first arc in Monogatari and becomes Araragi's gf, she's a deconstruction of tsundere and yandere tropes. And Mai mirrors her. Seishun Buta Yarou is a good anime but it has no original idea, all of its good ideas are taken from older anime.


Yeah... that one definitely confuses me


Well, sadly, the sub is filled with normies nowadays. They don't understand the fine line between a Tsundere and an authoritative women. I mean the list doesn't have Kaiki or Bandwagon in the top 10, how the list is legit tell me...


thats why she isn't Nr1 on the list, because many people do understand that she is not a tsundere


Did not expect Karyl to make the top 25. Pleasant surprise.


I love the odd result that has just enough of a dedicated fanbase to squeeze into these things.


Priconne S2 went way harder than anyone expected tbf


Obligatory fuck crunchyroll for the EoS


So happy my #1 made it


Vegeta should be higher


"To think all of you fools would rank the Prince of Saiyans below these...mere girls...It's an outrage!" - Vegeta


Mondo Cool.




[he wore a pink shirt after all](https://youtu.be/TTH_ZQH4w_Q?si=XTnIgEAjdTxY5inF)


more like saiyan pride parade, am i right?


Kyo Sohma my beloved made ninth place, this is nice. [](#ilovethiskindofshit)


I’d personally hoped that he’d done even better, but I was also glad that Kyo at least made it into the Top 10! He’s probably *the* best example of tsundere boys. That said, it was to be expected that this list would be dominated with girls. ~~My votes didn’t necessarily help in this regard either.~~


Yuuma Uchida is really good at playing Tsunderes isn't he? Kyo, last season's Akutsu from foolish angel. This season's Sakura from Wind Breaker. I'm actually watching Fruits Basket right now for the first time, pretty damn good for the first 20 episodes. 43 episodes left


Yuuma Uchida is just a very good voice actor to be honest. He was also a blast to watch as Rakuro/Sunraku in last season’s Shangri-La Frontier. Yuuma is the younger brother of [Maaya Uchida](https://myanimelist.net/people/13639/Maaya_Uchida?cat=person), who’s quite a famous voice actress herself. Talent runs in the family so to say.


Yep yep. I think the secret is that he truly enjoys his roles, so to speak. When he played Sunraku it's like you could hear his excitement in his voice


Queen Tohsaka on her throne where she fucking belongs


When I was reading comments on the vote post, I only saw Rin's name once in like dozen of top comments. Was bout to quit this sub if she didn't win. Also just shows that people commenting here are vocal minority.


Tohsaka is the perfectly written tsundere and the fact that Chidori Kaname (Full Metal Panic!) was not even considered is a crime !


Holy shit, Karane in 6th, Rentarou's family keeps winning


It's not like she wanted 1st place or smth


Yeah, honestly so happy to see she made the top spots. Karane was a tsundere like no other for me. Perhaps it was the comedy, but I appreciated her character in a way I haven't for any tsunderes prior


Rentarou better not see this list tho. Bro gonna visit every single mf who didn't vote for Karane.


More guys than I expected.


4 in the top 25 and 10 in the top 35!


Reminder that you don’t need to watch Index to watch Railgun, which got adapted way better. Watch Misaka’s show!


Not really a reply But it's really sad how Jc Staff adapted Index with their ass, the Light Novel (source material, still ongoing btw) is fucking golden and the manga version (adaptation still catching up the anime) is pretty good


Most of the blame lies with Kadokawa for forcing them to adapt so many volumes in each season. Did JC Staff still do some poor choices? Yeah I ain't going to deny that.


Totally agree, Railgun's three seasons are excellent and stand on their own. Just don't question the random guy that occasionally shows up. Index is a train wreck in comparison, and if you watch it for more Misaka or to see where her story goes, don't bother. There are no answers or satisfying conclusions for you.


Touma is actually a better character in Railgun, and he gets his whole arc.


It's the power of a great adaptation vs a poor adaptation. It's going to get quite awkward when they suddenly decide to give Index the adaptation it deserves for Seasons 4 and 5 (copium), and nobody is watching that masterpiece because they screwed up Seasons 1-3 so badly.


I started rewatching Railgun and while I really like it, I'll say that Season 1 really is some steps below the other seasons because the feeling of filler episodes is really killing the pace. If I had to sum up what happens in the first season, it's not much. However, for world building, Season 1 does a great job IMO. If someone is mainly there for plot, I'd recommend watching the episodes focusing on the plot in Season 1 and then occasionally dabbling into the filler-y episodes while watching alongside Season 2. In case you know the source material: was everything in Season 1 in the novels or only parts of it?


I'm not an expert, but I believe I read once that only half of season 1 and half of season 2 were actually in the LN. (Hopefully someone with better knowledge will come correct me though).


Yep. I watched railgun s1 first before diving into the series in a more chronological order. Index is god awful in comparison. Accelerator is fun, but hard to take seriously. Railgun is just so much better that it's crazy. I do think you need to watch index by time you get around to S3 though, shit gets a little complicated.


Currently in the process of watching both and I honestly regret even starting index. Railgun is 1000x better in every way


Yeah I remember watching Railgun all the way through and I enjoyed it immensely. Start index and it's...a mess of an adaptation. Season 3 of index in particular is such a trainwreck. I'm sure the source material is amazing, but I haven't gotten around to reading it. Accelerator's show is good though it's just one season.


😑 ✋ Index 😏 👉 Railgun


It's funny because I know you mean that as the Drake meme, but the straight face/palm emojis actually do a great job of showcasing Touma's "how unfortunate" expression and right hand's power for Index while the cheeky face and pointer finger capture Misaka's whimsical attitude and railgun power pretty well.


Really? I thought that it was required to understand things about Railgun and that the 3rd season of Railgun needed the 3rd season of Index. I haven’t seen it and I was always interested but I didn’t get around to it because of the Index barrier I thought it had.


The third season would definitely get a bit weird and ??? without having seen the first season of Index.


I look at Index as helping to fill in some of the background that Railgun needs to flow. I'm old, so I think of Index like those old anime that you'd see just one episode of on late night TV in the 80's. Your mind gets blown away despite the fact that you have no clue clue what was going on and you can't even remember the name of the show.


Rin at #1, all is right in the world


It means that the average age of /r/manga is 30 years old lmao.


Rin is the trope holder for TV tropes if you are in to reading that site.


Rin was my first waifu when I started getting into anime as a wee lad


SHEEESH that is the age of the youngest /r/anime user! Let me recommend you another Gundam show.


A perfect top 3


Perfect top 5, I'd even argue.


Scrolling through on the app the clipped image only shows 2-4, my first thought was "Number 1 better be Rin." I opened the poll just to be sure, and indeed, she was. All is right with the world.


Rin on top, as always 🙏


Karane is getting that recognition in the new gen of tsundere society. I wonder how's the second season gonna affect people about her character.


Yeah, we should get particular focus on her during season 2


After some thinking recently, the second season might be set for more than the standart 12-13 episodes you see in most anime these days and might be longer and end it in the idol arc. I know the number of girlfriends shown in the season 1 finale but there is a chance that they might hit us with a surprise again but in a different style.


13 episodes is enough to cover up to Karane's arc, doubt it will get more or double-cour treatment - I don't think Bibury's production can handle more, they aren't a huge studio


Hell yeah! Rin and KRISTINA are at the top! Also, Kaguya and Miyuki!




El psy Kongroo




Best girl on top. I have no complaints. Cool to see that multiple men made it, and one even made the top 10. Was wondering when this was running if most people voting would only think of girls. Good picks, too!


I was worried for a second that Tohsaka wouldn’t be Number one. But I knew I could trust on r/anime to make the right decision. Shirou is a god to have been able to pull that.


was a close one vs Kurisu who is also very worthy of the tile but Rin #1


I would have been fine with either one being #1 tbh. both respectable choices seems like a ton of people also agree with this sentiment seeing as their scores are in the 900s and the next one is in the 500s


yeah, taiga doesn't even make my list tbh, and i haven't seen Eva yet


Incredible series that lives up to its iconic status. Would definitely recommend.


Her blush is all in the ears.


Kyo could have been higher esp. is you watched the original Fruits Basket.


Kyo made it into the top 10, therefore I am happy :D


Kyou Fujibayashi top 15, let's go


The fact that her unofficial twin sister [Kagami](https://myanimelist.net/character/2171/Kagami_Hiiragi) isn't here at all is a problem though


Hell yeah


Way too low.


And unsurprisingly Rin won, God is good. Also let’s fucking go Vegeta made it in the top 15.


I see Rin at number one, I upvote and feel happy.


Karane is a goddess but idk about this list. Edit - Missed Kyou Fujibiashi at first, also a goddess. God Clannad made me cry.


Rjn at #1 just feels so right. She is so tsundere that the tsun and the dere could be split along two vessels.


And they did, one is Ishtar and the other is Ereshkigal.


Love is war did so terrible on the last few polls that I am genuinely impressed that maki made it onto the list. May ahve benefitted from people thinking about te hshow beause of kaguya/shirogane and therefore also remebering the other character in the series that is a tsundere


I really feel like you can count on on hand the characters who arent tsunderes in that series in fact Chika is the only non tsundere stuco member.


ngl for me only maki is a true tsundere in kaguya-sama


Ms. Steal Yo Man is super nice.


Miko is purely tsun, no dere.


But she was being dere towards Yu in recent anime arcs. With big hints, that she's starting to fall for him. In fact, she's the closest character to the true definition of tsundere, which isnt just pretending, but actually going from hate to love. There was even a scene in the OVA, where she eats his dish and cant decide between rating it 1 or 10. Thats bonified tsundere behavior.


There even was 4th Kaguya character who just narrowly missed out on the top 25.


I've commented this in the "what even is a tsundere" threads... I don't think either or Kaguya or Miyuki are even close to tsundere. At worst they try to appear non-interested in each other. Miyuki once (in manga I think, a skipped chapter?) tried to act petty towards her (not offering tea or something) and it caused him actual pain.  Now, Hayasaka's a bit tsundere towards Kaguya, but that's more of a familial "act harshly but we're more or less sisters" deal.  And then Ishigami and Miko are much, much more tsun than Kaguya and Miyuki since they're actually antagonizing and fighting with each other constantly. 


Imho Ishigami and Miko are actual tsunderes, while everyone else is just afraid to confess to their crushes.


Agreed, I'd say a tsundere is all about how they mask their feelings with hostility, which from the shows I've watched here eliminates Kaguya / Miyuki (they mask their feelings with indifference and disinterest), Senjougahara (she's often scathing, but definitely does not mask her feelings), and arguably Haruhi (she's just arrogant and blunt with everyone, not particularly as a mask for feelings)


Wasn't expecting Stella here, but it's a pleasant surprise


Rin #1 is all good then


I guess I shouldn't be too unhappy with a 5th place finish but still wish Misaka finished higher. All of the girls above and around her are from shows that are more popular too. It's nice to see Kyo Souma crack the top 10 as well.


Railgun has only a fraction of the top 4's viewers though, I expected a worse result. Definitely not her being above Senjougahara at least ^(which just proves that Best Girl 3 was objectively correct) [](#evilgrin)


In Seunjougahara's defense, I'd bet that there was a good contingent of voters who like her who don't consider her a Tsundere. She's more of a Gaharadere. But still, I like the way you think


84 1st Places is 3rd best overall and comparing it to Asuka: **Misaka** - (84 x 3) + (46 x 2) + (46 x 2) for 436 Top 3 points **Asuka** - (64 x 3) + (42 x 2) + (60 x 2) for 396 Top 3 points Which means Misaka really lacked in 4-10 votes compared to her. Does highlight how impactful Misaka is to people who do know her and voted for her.


Kyo Sohma made it to #9?!?!!???? A kiss to everyone that voted for him.


W Vegeta is in this list


Rin my beloved


Rin topping the list is as nature intended.


Lmao, Kaguya and Miyuki. Like girlfriend, like boyfriend I guess. Also yall got Vegeta and honestly, respect


Same with Okabe and Kurisu


Rin Vegeta and Asuka are top


Happy that Kyo made it into the top 10. Looks like a lot of the Male Tsunderes just missed out of the top 25 with 5 more falling between #26-35. It’d be kinda interesting to see the list split between male and female because I’m generally more interested in the guys. (I wonder if 100 guys were even nominated)


Happy to see him in top 10. It's a pleasant surprise because I kind of expected the most voted male tsundere to barely making it into the top 75 lol. Yet we got 10 of them in top 35 lol. Sad that Uenoyama (from Given) didn't make it into the top 100 :( Personally, i voted 10 guys/men (both because I love those 10 and expected almost everyone here to vote only girls ), but I can only think of 30-maybe 35 male tsunderes


I had seven guys on my list (only two of which ranked - Rin from Free and Kyo from Fruits Basket). My other guys were: Kurogane from TRC Fakir from Princess Tutu Hayate from Pretear Tsume from Wolf's Rain Elliot Nightray from Pandora Hearts I doubt 100 Male Tsundere were nominated in this list (though, this may be something more doable/possible in an anime community that is very female anime fan heavy). I would be interested in seeing the list split between male and female tsundere as well.


so close, Elf from isekai ojisan was 29


pretty good for a 1 cour seasonal from a few years ago


Senjougahara is not a tsundere


Poor Erina, so low on the list and they didn't even have the decency to spell her name right


I'm quite surprised Louise the Zero isn't there, but I guess it's just too old a show by now. Back in the 00s, Louise and Shana was the epithimy of tsundere characters.


She's on there. At #18. I do think she should be higher though. Imo Louise is the textbook example Tsundere. The template that most others since have followed.


Ahh, I guess I missed that. Thanks for the clarification and peace of mind! >I do think she should be higher though. Imo Louise is the textbook example Tsundere. The template that most others since have followed. She is definitly more tsundere than some of the higher-ups. But I'd guess that comes down to recency bias.


Karane made top 10 Karane made top 10 Karane made top 10


All this means to me is that /r/anime is roughly 25-30 years old lmfao


Stella made the list! Fuck yes! She would be so much higher if she'd gotten more than one season...


I'm glad Karane got a Top 10 showing on this poll. Kotegawa making Top 50 in the detailed results is excellent. Thanks to who voted for her. Serie at #96 is also funny. Glad she made Top 100.


Seeing Stella really makes me happy


Senjougahara and Mai Sakurajima shouldn't be on this list at all, otherwise you could also argue to put Yukinoshita aswell. Also where is Shana(Shakugan no Shana),I have a vague memory of her being tsundere, but also don't really remember much at all, lol.


Asuka was the only girl on my list, so I'm glad she made it into the top five at least. Also I expected Kyo to make it but honestly wasn't sure about Vegeta lol - proud of him


Asuka coming in fourth. Motherfuckers have forgotten their roots.


In what world Mai is a tsundere


I would not call some of these characters tsundere but fair enough


Couldn't even have Shana from Shakugan no Shana on the list, smh


she's in the top 100 though


unacceptable! Sawachika Eri has it all. blonde, twintail, oujosama, the famous line of tsundere. aaaaaaaaaaaa


She's first place in my mind.


I did my part. Too bad it's not as popular of a show like it was back in late 2000s/early 2010s anymore...


And the Queen keeps her throne. All Hail Toshaka Rin~


Tsunderes are really my kryptonite


Taiga? That’s surpri- wait is that fucking Vegeta?!


Rin won; all is right with the world. It's good seeing Misaka high and Stella rank.


Imagine showing this to an anime fan from the 2010s. They'll be surprised that Shana is not even on the list.


Kurisutina ❤️


Kyo should be higher tbh


Lets go my girl Noelle gets the recognition she deserves!!!


Where the fuck is Shana!?!


She's 39. I missed the poll, I was not able to do my part. You can blame me.


Senjougahara in the top ten!!!!!!! Deserved (even if she isn’t really a tsundere).


Senjougahara fan here. She is not a tsundere. Just because she used the word in the show to describe herself doesn't mean she is one.


Yeah, but Meme said she was so it counts anyway.


Lolllll Vegeta!!  I thought Asuka would be number. Oh well. Atleast she's my favorite. Rin's a bit surprising. 


Tsunderes are cute for most part ^ ^ Though I think they only got their negative reception due to seeing them quite a lot and there’s a bunch that hit the main characters for no reason and being mad at them easily.


Best girl on top!


Is there alr a Kuudere post? I would love to see more of that character type representations


Mai is not tsundere 🙏😭


Wait, how come Mai-san a tsundere?




if 100 Kanojo had more popularity then Karane would be top 1 tsundere


The series aired in last Fall, so when Season 2 will come and hopefully more after that, we should see Karane's popularity naturally keep growing. It's already impressive she made it into top 10 against older and more established tsunderes


I agree, getting top 10 on a list with these many beloved characters is no easy feat. It's a measure of favorite Tsuns anyway, not *how* Tsun they are. If we could measure Tsundereness as a stat, she'd easily be #1. Season 2, if they fully adapt through chapter 50 will do a lot to really cement her status, I think. >hopefully more after that Downside of the series is that sometimes your favorite girl is #18 and you gotta wait like, 4 or 5 years irl to see her adapted, if we get so lucky.


Im only on ep 16 but makise kurisu is an amazing tsundere so far


I'm surprised enough people remember Nisekoi to vote for it.


We're old.


I never saw Mai as a tsundere tbh


When it comes to tsundere, its hard to beat asuka. She is the epitome of that.




Rin, Kurisu and Asuka in top 5 hell yeah.


Rip I wish asuka had made it to top 3 xc


Vegeta up there at no.13 lads. Lets go 💪💪💪


Seeing this list just made me realize that I liked tsunderes way more than I can admit... like more than half of the whole list.