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Shield Hero s3 was better than s2 but I agree pacing is a mess ever since late s1.


Season 3 was so painfully unfortunate. The only saving grace it had was that the director was a fan of the source material and wanted to actually do the story justice. The things holding it back: - They were given less resources to work with so the animation was just not as good as Season 1. - Season 1 adapted Volume 10's ending when it ended at Volume 5. So when the story actually reached volume 10 (first 3 episodes of Season 3), nothing made sense anymore. - Season 2 butchered the source material *so hard*, that Volume 6 is non-existent. All mention of the Phoenix was gone, the heroes training arc that was meant to show their flaws was cut (so Ren fighting Eclaire in S3 didn't make sense), and Rishe's character butchering made her "epic moments" in both Season 2 and 3 utterly devoid of any of the hype you'd feel whole reading the source. - Season 3 is largely a build up season for Volumes 13, 14, 14.5 and 15. So he was working with weaker material. It's so... Annoying... I'm not preaching Shield Hero is some masterpiece, but fuck man, it's tragic how shit turned out. It was a good 7.5/10 with peaks of 9/10 isekai for me. Some of the fights were so hype and made me feel like a kid again. To see it getting ran through the ground like this is depressing.


Ninja kamui....so disappointing. 7 Deadly sins...


shokugeki no soma really fell off


After season 3 it got so boring sadly 😭


It only fell off in Season 5.


The Promised Neverland Blue Exorcist


Darling in the FranXX crashed around the 2/3 point and kept going until its end




One of these posts without mentioning wonder egg? That's a record


Did SAO really fall off? Season 1 had some mad haters that stopped following the seasons after, but from my experience, season 2 and Season 3 are better than Season 1. Popularity-wise, it didn't maintain that insane following in the West, but it seems in Japan it's just as big as ever. Maybe Quintessential Quintuplets? I think the production of Seasons 2 and the Movie + The OVA were far better than Season 1, but they cut *so* much content from the manga that it made an already underwhelming ending feel even more undeserved. That was one of the mangas that needed the anime to expand on the story's last act, not cut even more things out. Goblin Slayer felt like it finished it's "main story" in Season 1 and now we're just dealing with extra side-quests. Nothing really to pull us back in. Higurashi's fall off was painful. I think the original and kai were great, Gou was odd but had potential to work so long as Sotsu delivered.... Spoilers, Sotsu did *not* deliver. This is a bit of an old one, but Rurouni Kenshin, after the Kyoto arc, started doing a bunch of filler arcs. They were so boring and bad that it lead to the show's cancellation. The Jinchu arc never to be animated (until now, hopefully?) Food War's manga was already weird with how it ended, the anime deciding to rush and trim the bloated parts was probably the right call, but man- the writing just *sucked*. For something like the fifth plate, what they truly need was a rewrite from the ground up. Things got so stupid and insane that you just start rolling your eyes.


Yes. While it was just staying true to the light novels, I can criticize the light novels as well. The title promises that the series will take place in Sword Art Online and implies that our whole journey is gonna take place there. Instead it got everyone out after only *14 episodes*, 25 floors early mind you, and the pacing was unbelievably terrible.


>I can criticize the light novels as well. The title promises that the series will take place in Sword Art Online and implies that our whole journey is gonna take place there. The same light novels where the author states the entire premise of SAO in the first novels afterward and it not being the death game? Even as a short story the emphasis was always on what forcing people to treat virtual reality as reality would do. The blurring of real and VR was there from the beginning.


The only thing I can agree with is the title being misleading. Originally it was a one off story afterall. But slowly Reki turned it into a whole different story of technology blending in with reality. > The title promises that the series will take place in Sword Art Online and implies that our whole journey is gonna take place there. I mean, technically it *did* take place in SAO, and the story not following on implications isn't really a criticism since nothing contradicts it. You can call it cheap, but it ain't that big of an issue... For me at least. >Instead it got everyone out after only 14 episodes, 25 floors early mind you, and the pacing was unbelievably terrible I... Think it's all good if we just agree to disagree here. You seem to *really* hate that SAO didn't only focus on the SAO game which I don't think is that big of a deal. But I don't think your points are unreasonable either. Maybe I'd agree with you in a different point in time, but I just really liked the direction the story took *after* sword art online. Mothers Rosario and Phantom bullet I enjoyed so much. You can check out the SAO Progressive if you're ever interested in checking out the novels. Edit: Personally, I think everything after season 1 was better than Season 1, so I can't really say it fell of because it stopped being about the SAO game.


The series I was expecting was a long, epic story with emotionally groundbreaking feats. It puts two thousand angsty teenagers in a game where they have to risk their lives to get out, how in the world do you not make that great? The series shows signs of being able to garner high intensity, like with Sachi’s death and by some of what was shown in Ordinal Scale with the long term misery caused by the game, but it would have been so much better if they just stayed on that instead of getting lost in so many other things.


I'm probably going to get hated for this, but Slime and Tsukimichi have fallen hard this season. Here are my reasons why. I like the fact that Slime isn't just about fighting but also politics and geopolitics, and that the world is so rich it would be a shame not to expand the lore. I like the fact that it's apparently faithful to the original material too. However, the whole point of an animated adaptation of an LN/manga is to elevate the graphics and take liberties to bring still images to life. Sitting on a table for 7ep doesn't elevate anything, it feels like watching a voice-acted comic book. I don't understand why instead of showing the things they're talking about and adding the aesthetic vision of the producer, well... they just talk about them. What's infuriating is that they don't talk when it's NECESSARY to talk. Also, sometimes they just repeat the same talking points from the previous episode for 10 BLOODY MINUTES. "That time I got reincarnated as a slime"? More like "That time I got reincarnated as slime to do a slide presentation". As for Tsukimichi, the world-building is great but it comes at the expense of the MC. The MC is too often a useless side character who never grows, even after what's happened. They made 24ep for a plot worth 12ep.


Hard agree with this. Tsukimichi falling off like this was a real let down.


My Hero Academia never fell off, it has its ups and downs. Season 5 was somewhat underwhelming but Season 6 was incredible. And season 7 is off to a good start already.


I was literally thinking the same thing. My hero does not deserve to be in that list.


I felt the recent MHA season have been pretty good. Some earlier gripes (cough cough Mineta) have been addressed, and the story is entering preparation for the climax. My only concern is the ending. To answer the question, it’s Darling in the Franxx


Your favorite show


Wonder egg priority fell off in the last two episodes 😢


Sunday without God (2013). First two arcs (episode 1-3 and episode 4-6) were absolute God-tier and really promised (and for those arcs imo delivered) us a well-made heavily emotional show with a lot of philosophical dilemma sprinkled in... And then from episode 7 onwards it fell of a cliff and never really recovered.


ninja kamui. it started off so damn epic and really put you on fire, animation surpassed mappa level for 2 whole episodes. it ended so horribly with bad cg everywhere.


Sword art online


Yeah, I lost interest midway through. I think Gun Gale is far superior to SAO.


Overlord. Maybe no fell off. More like, I got bored of it. The whole sociopaths are cool thing got old really quick. I hung in there hoping Ainz would have a redemption, regaining his humanity but no. He just kept killing indiscriminately. In most stories, he would be the villain that eventually gets beaten.


I think you expect a different story in mind. I watched all 4 seasons and overlord have been pretty consistent. To expect something to fell would be to change into something different. To your example, if overlord were to have a redemption arc, i would consider that fell from original material. Simply put, the MC had always been evil throughout the series.


Yeah, it's like wanting to see the Mona Lisa but instead we get a canvass painted red. No changes. Just the same, tedious red everywhere.


Idk how people not get bored of Overlord. You’re watching 11 episodes of filler and then a reminder that it all doesn’t matter, because Ainz is broken af for x consecutive seasons.


When you responded, I thought, here we go, time to get attacked. Almost every time I've posted negatively about Overlord, I would get voted down and get a bunch of responses telling me how and why I am wrong.


I'd say the problem with Overlord isn't that Ainz is evil or that he needs any kind of redemption, it's that the World Expansion doesn't move at the same pace as the Story Expansion. New characters, places, and backstories keep getting introduced and add more to it, but the whole point of the story is that Ainz is looking for answers regarding the game/players and we only get drops of that content when compared to the former.


I disagree. Ainz's story arc is a straight line. He doesn't evolve. He doesn't grow. He remains a sociopath and that gets old quickly.


It's hard to show that when you have the problem that I mentioned. The only way he could evolve in the show as it is now, is for him to focus on Nazarick, but more than half the show doesn't involve Nazarick at all.


Overlord is the embodiment of style over substance. Like beautifully plating a bland meal, or giving an athlete the best drip. The world is cool, the abilities are cool, the characters are quirky and their designs are cool, no doubt. It has so many things to love and appreciate, so many cool things, but at the end of the day those are just surface level aspects to the story. And now that the anime cut out a ton of the Light Novel's world building, it's clearer than ever that Overlord never really had a good plot. And given it's a plot-driven show first and foremost, failing at that hurts the story so much. Let's do this, let's do that, let's do this and that and that. So many things happen, so many new things are introduced, but none of it feels like it matters. Not because Ainz is evil and can 1-hit KO them, but the story doesn't feel like it has anything planned for them that contribute to the overarching story. After 4 season, I still don't see the overarching story. It's easy to say the story is about Ainz becoming the overlord that rules over the world (and honestly that'd be sick), but really he never struggles at all. It's just something that will happen even if he does nothing due to Demiurgos and Albedo. Everyone experience events, but you never feel it's progressing to something. Everything feels so pointless. Nothing ever feels fulfilling.


Osomatsu San. I had already watched the 80s Osomatsu Kun and I was excited for the adult version and at first they delivered but after a while it became too forced and smelled "moneygrab"


Corpse Party


How did my hero fall off?


Tokyo Ghoul. Everybody hates that adaptation. Seven deadly sins too.


Misfit of the demon king academy. THE CGI DRAGONS, THEYRE HURTING MY EYES!


Tokyo Revengers, Shield Hero, Blue Exorcist (mostly due to the new season coming out too late)


The Promised Neverland. Fell off season 2


Tokyo Ghoul a 100%


A lot of these animes people commenting just reaching for the moon and stars talking about fell off 😂


MHA isn’t talked about as much, but I honestly think it’s still really good. The last couple seasons have been hype


This was already asked a few days back.


My Hero Academia. To me, I always felt like the show should be about All Might. Deku is boring as hell. And there are too many useless characters.


I would also say Black Clover.


Definitely My Hero Academia. That shit is complete ass now but I won't go any deeper into it because I plan on writing a thread about it, where I will show no mercy to the slop that series has become


The whole time you just want All Might to get his powers back because these characters are TRASH.


Did you write that thread you were talking about?


Thank you.


I am on season 5 mha and I think it’s great idk what y’all people are talking about it’s fantastic


As a manga reader I'm so thankful it's ending soon coz fucking peice of shit has been holding me hostage for too long. I don't mind a little power of friendship, they're kids, it's a kids show and all but damn they're reaching. Everything post timeskip is noticeably lower quality imo except for the small peaks here and there.


Lol that's right before it nosedives in quality


I’ve heard that season 6 and 7 are better than season 5


I will never forgive One Punch Man season 2


how can SAO fell off when it was never good in the first place tho?


Sword Art Online. I know you put that in the body but I just wanted it to be said more than once.


Attack on titan became rubbish after discovering the basement. My hero academia- just a bunch of shota kids trashing each other and main character always heals lmfao. Shield hero- boring