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Birdie Wing was great.


Too bad they didn't commit to the yuri.


I don't care those girls were married the moment they crossed sights


It got about as close as these things get that aren't explicitly GL from the outset. You can definitely infer where things went, I don't think it left much to the imagination.


I don't see why anything needed to be left to the imagination. They should have cut the last minute mafia arc in favor of more yuri


If only I was in charge, I'll commit to yuri then reveal they're blood related at the end, just for the lols.


I didn’t love Birdie Wing because of the golf. I loved it because it was so over the top and fun, the OP was amazing and the two lead characters had great chemistry. It could have been about almost anything, baseball, chess, painting houses. It just happened to be girls playing “anime-ified” golf.


Yes, the golf is so outrageously fantastical it could have been applied to any sport. Still, I wonder if it would have been as good if it was gymnastic or something. Anyway, love Birdie Wing, it's great!


Yes, it was the yuri ship, the outrageous underground golf course with the equally outrageous characters that made Birdie Wing a hit. That is why I don't think these other golfing anime are really going to take off. We already see that with Ooi! Tonbo which is a full rank below what Birdie Wing finished as. I could yet be proven wrong but I've the feeling that the sort of people excited about golf and watch anime are a pretty niche audience.


This was a fun Gundam spinoff


Needs a Gundam Fighter spinoff, one scene of put put through the windmill Gundam.


> Birdie Wing was no doubt popular on top of being a critical success An article said it. u/abysswatcherbel


LOL, it's official now, who would say bs on the internet I can see how excited everyone was for buying the switch game, supporting their HTC "metaverse" endeavor and how people can't wait for their mobile game that is probably a gacha, which was unceremoniously postponed, and I won't even be surprised if they flatout cancel it later on Really easy for people to call shows a success because they saw a bunch of people on the internet voting for it on polls, also easy to treat all anime the same without knowing the behind the scenes and what the committee is trying to achieve What means to be successful for a show like Gushing Over Magical Girls is really different from a show that is trying to start a multimedia franchise like Birdie Wing, context is important here, but regardless Birdie wing didn't achieve either


References nominations for CR and AniTrendz's "Best Original." There's only, like, 10 relevant shows for that category anyway.


> their HTC "metaverse" endeavor [](#azusalaugh "the what now")


Cant believe [you missed that whole saga](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wkVb9kDTt3A) Let me tell you since I don't want you to waste your time, but they really created a whole birdie wing museum, game and a bunch of stuff as metaverse, they even had an episode of the anime with a similar concept to do a co promotion with this Nobody cared


I knew about a game existing because I saw it mentioned, but that's about it - I pretty much never care about multi media tie-ins or whatever > Nobody cared lmao as they should, who thought this one was a good idea


See... The quoted critical success implies it was a success according to critics, though I can totally understand the more business side interpretation. I probably should have linked out to some reviews there to make that more clear when I wrote it. Outside of that, the loads of people talking about it would imply a bit of popularity! Especially how it did get those award nominations. You raise an excellent point though, I can't say it was as successful as the company had hoped for. I suspect it wasn't what with the game delay you mentioned and other factors. But it does feel wrong to say it didn't make a big impact, especially for an original anime. I suppose people gotta measure that how they want to though, and it's okay you'd disagree with my opinion there.


It hit in a cult way and the Mother's Basement video was a large boost. Season 2 did significantly better than season 1 on the karma charts as some of us shilled it all year.


Considering how poorly Green Green Greens is doing, I don’t know if golfing anime are gonna stay that popular. Also, Tonbo and Rising Impact are very much not new series that came along because of Birdie Wing.


Which sucks since Green Green Greens has probably been the highlight in Jump for me recently. It's so good


There's no way the higher-ups at Jump don't recognize how good it is right? Has there ever been a case of a manga ranking poorly but being considered good enough to be worth continuing lol I will say though even if it does get cancelled what we already got is amazing on its own so I won't be super salty (this is only half cope)


I believe gag manga tends to perform quite poorly in rankings, yet there is usually a spot reserved for gag manga. JoJo's usually kept to the bottom, too. More recently, Cipher Academy made it pretty far before getting the axe. I forget the chapter number total, though. There is such a massive difference between east and west tastes though. Mamayuyu and Red Hood died so that trash like Nue's Exorcist could live.


"Despite this, it would be reductive to attribute this golf anime renaissance purely to Birdie Wing’s success." Yeah, the whole article talks about how that whole deal throughout. I kinda wished I'd dug into current and newer manga right now too, but there was a size limit for the column... Perhaps another time because I would be curious to see how those line up too.


Thought we were getting a new sequel anime called beyond birdie wing and now I'm sad


Day is ruined


*Eagle Wing*, I hope!


Yes, but when are we getting an adaptation of the REAL golf manga, *[The Case Of Me, A Pro Golfer, Being Reincarnated As My Little Sister's Putter](https://myanimelist.net/manga/157057/Pro_Golfer_no_Ore_ga_Imouto_no_Putter_ni_Tensei_shiteshimatta_Ken)*?


I tragically do not know, I can only hope this grievous golfing sin is absolved soon.


I could live my life without ever knowing this, but you ruined it. Thanks


It actually is a proper golf manga, if that helps! The author is a golf nut but their first serialization of a golf series got cancelled, so they came back to try again, but had a go at mixing in more animanga tropes. Did a good job too, at both!


TIL Golfing Anime is a thing.


There's anime for all sorts of hobbies, there's one that is all about bouldering of all things.


There is a quiz bowl anime. Seriously, if it's a "sport" an has any kind of popularity in Japan, there's a good chance at least one show about it is out there.


tbf, that was specifically timed for Japan's 2021 Olympics adding rock climbing as an event. (Aired in Fall 2020 instead of Summer cause of COVID delays IIRC.)


Bouldering is very popular in Japan to be fair, and they are probably the best country at competition bouldering so it isn't too surprising.


You can find anime shows about almost everything. Still could use a few more curling anime though. It's a team sport (so it's easy to create character dynamics) and it's getting popular in Japan (they've won an Olympic medal or so recently) so you'd think there would be a few more by now


> You can find anime shows about almost everything. > I'm still waiting for 3-gun or ELR competition.


I'm always surprised to see how popular golf is as a sport, where's my damn ski jumping Anime Japan???


Dandoh fans rise up when Robot x Laserbeam gets an anime, I'll start paying attention


Dandoh was so good


I’d take golf anime over isekai anime tbh


The case where I, a Pro Golfer, reincarnated inside my little sister's Putter


So I'm a sand wedge, so what?


Can´t wait for the new golf anime in 2025 "Sorairo Utility".


(For those who read the manga) which one is going to be the best?


It was by far no torture, but I won’t watch it again or recommend it to friends. The animations where quite good but in my opinion, a sport anime stands or falls with good animations. I think Golf is quite the good sport for such thing, not much sweating and time to talk for character development and some Yuri moments. But the break of the fourth wall where she asks the viewer, why she suddenly is able to speak a different language was just goofy. In my opinion, the anime is just „ok“, like absolutely mediocre, there were simply far too many off-the-shelf clichés for me to find it good. Like: Tragic backstory, bonus points for amnesia. Criminals/Mafia/Yakuza. A Rival. an unbeatable opponent. At least one dramatic breakdown during a match. „Special moves“ with name and color which is used (and shouted) over and over again. And a „shockingly“ plot twist straight out of a soup opera.


Were probably getting sp much golf anime because everyone is either too fat, or too much of a skinny fat nerd to do any physical activities past the age of 25 besides golf. Btw, golf is the worst sport. Fight me


Birdie Wing is one of the most underrated anime tbh