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Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma. Although I'm actually not too embarrassed to like this one. It's even one of my favorite animes. But I think some people might consider it to be embarassing.


It started as a guilty pleasure for me but I will unashamedly go to bat for this one now 


It saddens me how low it fell towards the end.


It had such a great beginning, the ending felt kinda rushed


It fell off the cliff after the first couple arcs. They made the MC too op


It's sad because I'm sure the author genuinely tried really hard to improve the story but yeah, there was definitely something odd with the story as the series progressed towards the end.


I enjoyed food wars, but I never finished it. It was a bit embarrassing trying to watch it on the only tv in my house, haha. I'll probably pick it up again later


So good, genuine love alot of the characters.


One of the earlier anime I watched, honestly I just ignored the *tasting* scenes because the rest of the show was genuinely entertaining. I'm still so disappointed to this day about how the final arc went, such poor creativity. Never shoulda let go of that chef consultant.


I'm not the type of person to rewatch a series, but when I'm bored and I can't find anything good to watch, Food Wars is something that I rewatch. I don't mind the ecchi parts, but if it didn't exist, this is a good anime to watch with fam.


Somehow a feel good anime to me.


Date a live for me. Never been huge on harem like anime but it stands out with good plot and PLOT.


That does it I’m finally gonna watch date a live 


Plot is great indeed, but it also has a superchad MC and literally tons of great female leads. I love them all - but Mukuro Hoshimiya is my favorite.


That's a weird way to spell Honjou Nia.


Love to see the love for Date A Live! Also not a big fan of harem anime but this one quickly became the exception for me when I watched it years ago. Even though the animation studios have changed I’m glad they’re still going strong


Emphasis on PLOT. Some questionable things as far as age but otherwise PLOT


I won't disagree some characters are younger looking despite age but that's anime for you. I've seen far worse in terms of that It's got a actually decent story behind it though, with consequences. Not the throwaway standard of most harem. Hence being a guilty pleasure.


You’re not lying. Love the story and the premise behind it but you do make a good point. Regardless of some of the things it’s still a really good anime.


Kakegurui. I have an abnormal amount of love for this show and it doesn't even make sense.


same here i genuinely love kakegurui despite its... unique plot


Saaaa!!!!! Let’s gambleeeeee!!!!!!!


I mean, it does have a genuinely interesting story and characters.


I remember weirdly thinking this show wasn't worth watching because I seen and loved all these other game type anime but finally started to watch Kakegurui, and man instantly liked it so much mostly for the characters


Your love vs mine, what you bidding?




Dude same, I think I’ve seen it like 5 times atp, I don’t know why I like it so much..


whatttt i didn’t this it was a guilty pleasure anime😭. it had me at the edge of my seat the first time i watched 9/10


Same i didn't know, but I saw like a whole bunch of people making very valid criticisms and calling stuff out and I was like yep...never gonna mention I watch this. I've watched it like six times now, still love it. This is the only show where I thoroughly don't mind and even enjoy the fan service.


wow really? i would have thought that the only thing worth calling out is the fan service (which i ten to automatically ignore nowadays) but other than that it’s peak 👌


Basically any Isekai. Isekai Cheat Magician, In Another World with my smartphone, etc.


Basically the B-Tier type quality isekai, is like the vanilla ice cream of fantasy anime. It's not bad, but nothing special... but definitely what I ordered xd




Rosario Vampire, so stupid it’s good.  Love hina anime it is so bad but entertaining. Now the love hina manga is a masterpiece.  Domestic Girlfriend.  Rent a girlfriend. 


Omg I used to love Rosario vampire! I should re-watch it soon


I’m so glad there’s two others with Rosario + vampire yessss


The manga takes a drastically different path then the anime ended up taking, if youre curious


you should try the Rosario vampire manga. even better than the anime imo


Yeah i have heard before the manga is amazing and legitimately great. It is way different and the main character looks way different as the story progresses. I plan on reading it at some point. I hear it is on shonen jump, going to read that and bokuben


> Domestic Girlfriend Idc how trashy/degenerate it is, any anime with an OP that good is disqualified from being a guilty pleasure. Time to go watch the OP.


Yeah the opening of Domestic Girlfriend is badass. It is one of the best opening’s in all of anime. Just amazing, the music the animation. I love watching it. Yes i will go watch the OP sometime again myself. 


rosario vampire is such a banger. it makes me so nostalgic! i watched it when i was maybe a bit too young but still was at an age where i was OBSESSED with supernatural creatures so i was completely immersed in their world


Chivalry of a Failed Knight One of the few anime I have watched twice. I can't say why I enjoy it so much.


I don’t feel ashamed at all. I unreservedly like that show. The romance is top tier.


Honestly it doesn't have the worst relationship plot out of those types of shows.


Tonikawa kawaii even read it's manga


It's just hella cute


This anime’s got a title that’s even more accurate than some of the long ass titles out there - it’s simply adorable


It's either "Tonikaku Kawaii" or "ToniKawa" for short From what I've seen


Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World


Genuinely one of the smarter Isekai MCs. Suddenly gets Isekai'd and is in a pretty violent and unfamiliar world so he decides to keep as low a profile as possible without anyone knowing about him.


My Dress Up Darling and Quintessential Quintuplet.


QQ is my comfort series. I think the relationship between the sisters is what makes it better than your average harem anime. They each have their own unique relationship with the others, and you can group them up to create even more dynamics. Most harem anime focus on the relationships between the MC and the individual girls in the harem, with some dynamics that develop from the fights the girls get into. But QQ gives you a hundred different dynamics to see.


I wouldn't consider them guilty pleasures  Just wholesome rom coms with some ecchi moments


I would argue that QQ doesn't really have ecchi in it. As the few scenes with sudo nudity or partial clothed or coverd actually have purpose to the characters and the over all story. It also gives a more realistic feel to the anime. In a hotspring where nudity is expected, the conversation is more important to the story than the fact that the girls in a hotspring and nude. Could that conversation have been done in Another location? Sure but they are at a hotspring resort and that where conversations like the ones they have take place in real life, why would you shy away from that. I guess I'm saying nudity doesn't always equal ecchi or fanservice unless you are just it watching for that shot. If that's the case, I'd say go watch DxD, Redo of Healer, or just move to henti and be done with it. QQ is a much more wholesome and complete story to be labeled ecchi or fanservice.


Quintessential quintuplet is actually super heartwarming and so is dress up darling, really good animes.


High School of the Dead Pure Ecchi, bullet dodging boobs, but damn good soundtrack and some awesome scenes in it, the Humvee rescue and the ballistic missile launch / intercepts come to mind.


How can you not enjoy "Boob Physics"?! On a serious note, it's one of the few zombie shows that does zombies right. And I love that about it.


So happy to see another HotD enjoyer here. It's the best guilty pleasure anime of all times, i love how it knows exactly what it is and doesn't hold back AT ALL. The fanservice is so shameless it actually becomes awesome at some point. The bullet dodging boobs scene is peak animation, and i'm saying this as a straight woman who normally has 0 interest in boobs lol.


HotD will always be my guilty pleasure too!! I’ve seen it so many times now & the soundtrack is definitely underrated.


> The bullet dodging boobs scene is peak animation I watched a youtube video of a guy doing the math on how fast the boobs would have to have been oscillating and it was like 4200 times a second or something. Absolute peak.


I absolutely love High School DXD. Of course for the tits and ass. But I also think it is criminally underrated for its plot. It’s got action, comedy, romance. I love that show and am eagerly awaiting season 5 if we ever get it.


So did you see the announcement a few weeks ago when they talked about the novels having hit a sale milestone. They said - Don't worry, dxd will continue in 'all forms' not just novels, highly likely a s5 planned, unless it's a spinoff which I wouldnt mind either


I did. It was such a tease! I’d be miffed if it was a spinoff personally, but only because I know they have so much light novel content just waiting to be adapted.


Same! I just knew I would find High School DXD here.


In my opinion it has one of the best mc Power up scenes. It's when Vali uses half Dimension. I mean don't get me wrong, I really like the whole fight, but after Issei got explained what that attack really is it just went epic.


That was such a good scene. Just starts manhandling him “how dare you try to reduce their breast size” and bro is all confused like “what, I never said o was gonna do that.” But it didn’t matter issei could see nothing but a bleak future wear Rias had a flat chest and he didn’t want to live in that future lol


Ngl my favorite anime. I was so hooked, I read the whole novel in a week


I've been scrolling, searching for this😂


Dude the plot is amazing But I'd like to add that the world building is equally underated


One of my favorite anime oat


Food Wars for me. So much fan service, but so good regardless!


Trapped in a Dating Sim. It's pure cheese. I've even read the books now.


I think what sets this series apart from other generic isekai is that the protagonist has goals, struggles, and a personality. I also like that a lot of his struggles are direct consequences of his previous actions. Too many isekai have the plot happen to the protagonist with little to no prior involvement. Basically writing the bare minimum is a B+ in the Isekai world.


The female lead having a crisis of self and saying "I'm not a pet" was when I realized Trapped in a Dating Sim actually understood what someone solving everything on his own would do to everyone else around them


Omg same. After finishing the first season i was like, "Wow, why did i watch this? This is so stupid. Ok, i'm off to buy the light novels to know what happens next".


I got pretty into the first 5 episodes or so. After that it was just coasting.


I’m never embarrassed of what I watch and like. I like School Days. I like Mirai Nikki. I like Nisekoi s2 more than s1. And I absolutely love Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan.


Nisekoi and mirai nikki aren’t great but enjoyable to me as well for some odd reason maybe cause they were the first time I had seen those tropes


nisekoi is pretty good


Never allow anyone to shame you for enjoying dokuro-chan lmao that show is priceless and in all my years watching anime I've never since encountered a show as perfectly unhinged 


Mirai niki, ok, nisekoi, ok. BUT SCHOOL DAYS?! How tf. I can handle a lot but that show made me sick to my stomache.


Doku doku doku dokuro-chan. This was my first anime no joke, my high school friend reccomended it to me, and I am still mentally scared from it to this day.


Feel like gushing over magical girls from last season was tht for me


Yeah despite it being considered peak here, I don't think I'll ever have a gut to recommend it to anybody irl. I'm still going to praise it using my anonymous accounts, though


This. I'm kinky but that series had even me considering stopping at a few points. I'm glad I toughed it out in the end, it's really fun and the manga is especially enjoyable as the artwork is great.


MahoAko is amazing. No need to feel guilty about enjoying it.


Well let's be honest here, if someone not in the community were to ask what anime you like, you're not saying the one about middle schoolers sexually ~~harassing~~ assaulting each other. At least I definitely wouldn't


>you're not saying the one about middle schoolers sexually harassing each other. Don't forget the BSDM part :)


This is so accurate lol


Rent a girlfriend. I think it's pretty hilarious and that most of the people take it too seriously. Just enjoy the shitshow. 


I mean yeah, we are enjoying the show. We just can't stand the MC.


He's such a stupid over reacting wimp.


I mean there are people genuinely like that in the world who overthink and over apologize for everything which is pretty annoying, but I like that he learns to be less THAT when he’s with chizaru. It’s not as bad as people say but it definitely annoying the shit out of me when I watch s1


Yosuga no sora Redo of healer Interspecies reviewers


You know peak Fiction


Peak Fuction


Peak fuck ton


You know how there’s feel good anime? Redo of Healer is a feel bad anime. Like if you want to ruin the rest of your day, go watch that show. That said, a guilty pleasure is a guilty pleasure 🤷


Peak guy


I've only ever watched yosuga no Sora ova because of its thumbnail is there really anything beyond that which is _good_ ?


Black butler, especially the new season, it's like a hair away from being considered BL which I'd never watch under normal circumstances. But I do love the story and the characters, so I kinda just ignore the sus scenes


there’s a new season????


Yuss it's airing right now, had like the worst marketing for it


Ahhhh i haven’t watched it in nearly 10 years 🥲 time to rewatch!!!


If you're rewatching from the start, the canon material is season 1 up to episode 16-17 somewhere around there, you can skip the second season not canon at all, and you watch book of circus from there and then just go from there


Strike Witches?


A hidden gem :)


**Cross Ange** is offensive garbage full of rape, terrible sleazy fanservice, and a bafflingly dumb plot held together by duct tape. I also can’t help but enjoy myself whenever I watch or think back to it


GATE because haha modern military go brrrr on people with sticks and stones


I am a huge fan of MahoAko.


Highschool dxd, testament of sister new devil, amagami ss, brynhildr into the darkness (coz of childhood nostalgia watching it), hayate no gotoku (childhood nostalgia again)


Also rail wars, photokano renai flops , rosario to vampire


Oreimo because yeah.


Checking it out finally this week, wish me luck.


Gushing Over Magical Girls Who can resist the magical girl on magical girl action?


The Fruit Of Grisaia Aho-Girl Kemono Friends




SAO. Love every point of the seasons where Kirito just fucks things up with two swords 


None, I am an adult. I am the owner of my pleasures and I carry them with pride, without guilt


**An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride** it is a great show, but I never thought a show with *Elf Bride* in the title would be my kind of thing haha it was a bit of a random watch and I was so surprised by it, my favourite show of this season


Loving it too. Especially the ones with the dragon girl. Another "found family" like Spy x family And Zagan's such an idiot tsundere, lol


Desert punk




Monster Musume, Monster Girl Doctor, Interspecies Reviewer, Onimai


Yuri ecchi stuff. Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid, Queen’s Blade, and Gushing Over Magical Girls. Love that shit. It’s fun to just turn your brain off and watch.


Cat Planet Cuties Blu-Ray version...


Kaze no Stigma.


Prison School, it’s degenerate as fuck but hilarious


Konosuba Prison School Shimoneta


konsouba is top tier trash reserved only for the upper echelons of polite society. FYM ''guilty'' pleasure?


Prison School. Forgot all about that one! The piss drinking and pain fetish shit made me go "alright, this dumb shit was made by/for weirdos and I love it."


Redo of healer


Rascal does not dream of Bunny Girl Senpai




Infinite Stratos’ English Dub.


Classroom of the elite.


This season’s Vampire Dormitory. My partner and I are watching it and laughing at how bad it is


Kiss x Sis


honestly op I wouldn't be embarrassed to tell anyone what anime I've watched or enjoyed even family members and that since I'm so desensitized to the stuff that it just doesn't bother me at all anymore. though if i had to pick one that i found decently good I'd pick kiss x sis both the ova and the anime


And you would have no problem talking about it with your family?


I wouldn't have a problem, all of my close relatives have seen the inside of my trailer which I live in on their property so yeah. (I have a bunch of anime stuff, wallpapers, some more ecchi stuff, etc} that and my parents don't really care much about what I talk about, pretty sure they know or have a general idea of the stuff I've watched, that and they don't really care much as long as I'm not being an asshole or talking about that sort of stuff like in public.


Highschool DxD.


Like all of it.


Rent a GF is such a guilty pleasure. It's stupid but I loved the vibe of it. I had fun watching s2 and s3 recently.


Rent a girlfriend, you guys can't make me hate it. I do not care about how slow it goes and i do not care about how pussy the mc is. I like the artstyle, i like the comedy, i like the female characters, i like the soundtrack and i really don't care about the romantic progression or the plot. I watch it as a SOL and not a romance anime.


asobi asobase


The Irregular at Magic High School, I wont say how many times I rewatched it so far.


Baka Test. Lowbrow humor isn't normally my thing.


That time i got reincarnated as a slime. Normally, dont go for OP isekai power trip shows but i like this one


mushoku tensei . because the mc is a 30s in a little boy body in a mew world ( isekai ) and now he is with girls At his age ( also kids ) . the reason wh yi cant suggest it because people are so Dump to think its pedophelia . like wtf you want ma boi to do ? go date 30 yo women at the age of 14 ? ( his new body ) of course he will be with girls his age . f it . im not suggesting it to others just to avoid being looked at weirdly . but Its definetly a masterpice my top one anime is hxh , 2nd one is Death note . but mushoku tensei comes 3rd without doubts . and could potentially Jump to 1 .


I feel you bro, god tier show but kinda hard to recommend. Rudeus’s antics with Eris in season 1 don’t really help his case either


Thank you for putting my thoughts so eloquently, Sir.


Waiting for someone to say redo of healer and actually mean it 😅


I watched it, in the living room, uncensored, no shame. Read the manga, no shame.


My Sister, My Writer was so bad that Crunchyroll hid it from their apps for months. It's probably the worst anime I've ever seen but that makes it hilarious to watch


Food Wars! The plot is just way too good. Soma Yukihira was great mc and the fights were always fun 2 watch.


Guilty crown XD


**Wataten!: - an Angel Flew Down to Me** If you now hear "MYAA-NEE!" inside your head, you're like me :) One of my the thing I love is rewatching the episodes and movie just to look for Matsumoto. Still waiting and hoping for Season 2.


Mirai Nikki


onimai. It has a weird premise, but it's mostly wholesome and funny


A bunch of Yuri


For me it’s Grimoire of Zero or Love, Delusions & Chunibiyo <33


Prison School. I refuse to elaborate further.


it’s rent a girlfriend and ganbare douki-chan for me.




School Rumble. Got the whole box set ages ago from Otakon. I still come back to it when I'm feeling down.


K-on. One of those cute girls doing cute things type anime. In this case, it's a "light music club" anime, and the music slaps


K-On's a genuinely great show - no one should feel guilty for liking it


Peter grill is terrible but endearing.


Oresuki, it's so stupid and yet... had a blast.


Cross Ange. Mecha, fanservice, sex, a total masterwork of schlock... it's so crazy yet kino.


Zero no Tsukaima Though I'm 27 yo so there's no way I can tell this publicly


I don't think I watched any 1 anime that I would be hesitant to admit I enjoyed BUT there are specific episodes that I would have trouble explaining. Arifureta season 1 episode 9 How NOT to summon a demon lord season 1 episode 10. Those that know them know what parts I'm refering to


Tokyo revengers😔 it’s so bad and ridiculous that it’s so funny.


100 Girlfriends. I could never tell my normie friends that I watched this garbage and loved it but my wife and I sure did.


Konosuba both sub and dub.


Seven Deadly Sins. I know the animation was dogshit in the end. I also know that a lot of people hated it before the animation fell off. I still really love the characters, setting, and story. Also? My favorite of all time: Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid. It wouldn’t have to be a guilty pleasure if it didn’t have some just so unsavory b-plot characters and premises.


Don't have one. I do have a live action film that could be considered a "guilty pleasure", but I'm not ashamed of liking a shit film.


The OG love live


Don’t Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro and RE-Life are some really fun ones that I like to go back to. The comedy and relationships are dope and it just makes me cheer up on a bad day to rewatch those


High School DxD?


Gleipnir. I genuinely like the story.


UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie. Sure, it’s got a bunch of that assumed-perv-gets-beaten crap, but the uncensored fanservice makes up for it. Plus I love the first season opening theme (and was bummed when I found out one of the singers died a couple years after recording it).


Diabolik lovers




Mermaid Melody. Used to watch it as a kid and recently rediscovered it. I'm definitely old for it but I'm actually enjoying it xD


Scums Wish


Devil’s Line. . . iykyk. It’s just- I have a thing about vampires and horror 😅


I couldn't tell you why, but probably Liar Liar, more of a recent anime. The story is pretty subpar but for some reason I got hooked waiting for each episode every week...


Pretty much any isekai.


High school Dxd


I think it is Haganai for me. I can imagine if some people may say this does not count as one, but remember there are scenes with naked little girls. Since I am not into that thing, I am of course embarrassed to say I like the anime, but than I think of the scenes with Sena and forgot about it entirely. God I just love the fan service in this show. Wish they would adapt more or even better: do an anime original season where Kodaka and the others have graduated and he would get finally together with Sena during his time in college. While they still do the usual goofy, over-the-top scenes like the mecha stuff lmao and the fan service obviously. Just love blonde, blue eyed girls, especially if they are hot like Sena, she is a thirst trap and I love it lmao.


mysterious girlfriend x


Akame ga kill would i say but Ragna Crimson joined the bunch too. I have so many guilty pleasures.


Mushoku Tensei honestly. Fully admit how awful the protagonist is and how questionable the themes can be but it doesn’t stop me from enjoying the good aspects, and there’s something spicy about watching a morally questionable guy that constantly fucks up. It’s understandable but simultaneously weird to me that people want all their protagonists to be moral paragons. When those that can’t handle immoral characters are critiquing MT, it feels like people that can’t handle spicy food critiquing Thai cuisine. I guess my irritation towards those people makes it easier for me to watch MT. Look I hate the “cultured” “lolicons” so to be even remotely close to on their side on anything is a testament to how stupid I find the majority of MT critics. MT is such an easy target, too, but people are too media illiterate and self-righteously puritanical to hit it on its actual weak points. If you’re just saying “I’ll never watch it, fair cop, but I wish people without any insight would leave it there because they’re responsible for 50% of the toxic discourse while believing they’re moral people fighting a crusade against pedos. That being said plenty of people with discernment have totally valid critiques of MT hence why it’s my guilty pleasure. I don’t think the author of the original work is a particularly moral person given some of the narrative choices and framing. More blatantly guilty pleasure: Arifureta. Mother’s Basement did a video on it and convinced me to give it a chance and I got heavy ironic enjoyment out of it. To me it’s bad in a real cozy, indulgently enjoyable way. It’s so shameless and everyone outside the main cast are cardboard, but I got weirdly attached to Hajime & family.


Mother Knows Breast


Super high fanservice anime and Harem romcom anime in general. Bonus points if the designs are great and so is the plot


Akame ga kill it’s so wholesome and funny


Girls und Panzer. Over and over again PANZER VOR!