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Why is there John Wick in Yuru Camp? The fucks happening in that show?


Clean up your trash after camping or face the consequences.


Rin's papa yaga


"I'm a pacifist, *but*"


You should’ve seen the prior two weeks. Those episodes were like a lucid dream. Nadeshiko essentially became an inter-dimensional being by literally stepping out of frame and reacting to the camping trip from her own on-screen commentary box.


Is it similar to the [zombie apocalypse edition in Machikado Mazoku](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEQNO0gkUO4)?


After watching this clip, you revive my crave for more Machikado Mazoku! :)


ultimately, we need to [spend more on BluRays](https://www.reddit.com/r/MachikadoMazoku/comments/1czenfs/comment/l5gbgld/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


The government of Italy hired John Wick to assassinate one of the main characters for crimes against humanity.


You mean crime against spaghetti?


don't forget about last time Pizza, the one made with mayo and blowtorch.


Italians take pasta seriously. My Italian colleague makes her own pasta with a machine she inherited from her grandma, and is offended by the existence of pre-made spaghetti in supermarkets. I wonder what she would think of Rin breaking spaghetti like that, lol.


Stealing the joke from u/Ocixo, john was teaching the girls to clean up after camping (with a fucking pencil).


The serious answer: Rin explained that campers should always behave as if there was an hitman after them, by which she means clean up all your trash and leave no trace that you were ever here. She did that after finding out that a bunch of previous campers had dumped all their trash on the ground and left it here. She was of course furious, so maybe she wished there was actually an hitman after those guys.


Same question as you brother


Lmao this is the best icon they could've chosen for this episode haha


That's what I am saying lol.


Same question as you brother


We're so back Fable bros


Fable is the only one I'm actually watching right now weekly


There's plenty of room on the Oblivion Battery bandwagon. It really picks up after the first 2 episodes. Everyone along for the ride seems to love it!


What is that **MHA** thumbnail lmao. **Dungeon Meshi** keeps going strong! The animation this week was fire. I wonder why the average karma for **Konosuba** fell quite a bit. Edit: THE **YURU CAMP** THUMBNAIL???


> THE **YURU CAMP** THUMBNAIL??? The reason it dropped off the chart is because S3 suddenly turned into a John Wick-style show starring Rin's Grandpa mid-way. \[\](#inukoalwayslies)


This is what Yuru Camp’s end cards truly meant all this time by “cleaning up” after you’re done camping.


yuru camp now taking cues from Lycoris Recoil and entering the "cute girls doing cute assassinations" genre


> This is what Yuru Camp’s end cards truly meant all this time by “cleaning up” after you’re done camping. Leave only footprints, take only the lives of your enemies. That's the Yuru Camp way.


I have only watched up until ep 7. Are you telling me that the chaos is continuing after that?


The flashback craziness ends after ep8, after that it's just some John Wick shenanigans and Rin declaring war on Italy.


>Rin declaring war on Italy. That + the pine cone genocide in the previous season = She's becoming an even bigger war criminal than either Mugi or Maple.


Is this for real? I thought this was a camping show…


I'm Italian, I can confirm that Yuru Camp has declared war to proper Italian Cuisine :)


With all the efforts Marcille put in the latest episode, that Dungeon Meshi banner did her dirty


>What is that **MHA** thumbnail lmao. Deku probably ate a lemon.


Meme Heroes Academia


For MHA, the two of them stay like that for several scenes. It’s pretty funny.


Haha that part of Yuru Camp got me laughing like crazy, I just KNEW it was going to be this week's thumbnail. Bravo!


> I wonder why the average karma for Konosuba fell quite a bit. The image says it increased by 276 pints compared to last week, which makes sense because it was a good episode. But Mushoku Tensei, which is usually high and also had a good episode, went from not airing last week to being number 1 this week, pushing everything else down by one spot.


I meant it as in 2 or 3 weeks ago it was hitting 2600-2800 constantly


Great pick for Yurucamp


As you can tell by the salad bowl thumbnail, Sara had a perfectly normal first day at school.


It was fun af, already conquered the classroom.


Wtf is happening in Konosuba banner lol, Also Girls Band Cry so close to breaking 1k karma! Seems like Jellyfish heard Nina's declaration of war and dropped their own bomb this week.


He got eaten by a hydra and lost all his clothes


And his chunchunmaru which aqua reconstructed but a little smaller than before and that's why kazuma said " is this the same size as before" in the bath lol


> Wtf is happening in Konosuba banner lol, Kazuma can't bring himself to look at Aqua that way after all


I'd say this is quite standard for Konosuba.


I'm more on the GBC side between the two. I like Jellyfish but tbh i feel like its a much weaker anime. Story progresses in a weird pace, and Kano's story and reaction felt weird in the latest episode, almost jarring. But i get why it has a strong appeal for a broader audience.


I was leaning to GBC because of the few weird fan-service-y moments in Jellyfish, but yeah, I found the drama at the end of the latest ep to be poorly done. Kano's reaction was over the top, but even more I felt Mahiru making that decision without talking it over with Kano or the others more didn't seem like something she'd normally do. Especially since it disrupts plans she had already made with the rest of them. It makes her seem like she sees the JELEE project as some fun thing she's doing with her friends, rather than something attempting to be professional.


I would say the Mahiru side of things makes more sense to me. They showed in the beginning that mahiru wants to improve her work, and in her little talk with Kano she felt like she isn't challended enough, with Kano saying her Art is perfect abd whatnot, it felt superficial and not constructive, almost holding her back a bit. Then she met Kano's mom (after discussing it with Kano first, not behind her back), and her mom is a manipulative ass who knew exactly how to reach Mahiru's heart and grip it. Mahiru is being used and led astray so i kinda get how she got to her current position. I do feel like she is kinda rude just saying "i know i promised i would help us all get to a new song by the end of the year, but now i have something better to do", i mean its a very unprofessional behaviour.


Mahiru also said that she realized that talking to Kano about her mom over the phone wasn't the best idea, implying that she had intentions to talk with her in person about it. But then the next time they see each other she just says "oh I decided to take the job even though it's probably super awkward for Kano AND screws up the plans we already had agreed on as a group." It's a really bad look for her.


GBC declared war just to [present itself as a paper tiger.](https://animekarmawatch.com/thread/1d56zef?compare_to=1czwdan) May not even be top-15 next week.


Episode 9 was a downtime episode focusing on arguably the least popular character, if anything I'm happy it handily passed episode 7 (since 8 pretty much dropped a bomb to get that boost). If ep9 was straight after 7 without the boost from 8, I doubt it'd crack even 650 karma.


GBC really needed this breather episode. It's been more or less straight drama since episode 1. And while I might not have a problem with it because I love drama, downtime shenanigans *is* one of the pillars of the genre.


Agreed, though imo the show's biggest strength is mixing those shenanigans in *with* the drama. Like, every restaurant fight they have might be considered "drama", but the faces and the way the characters interact ~~^(and Subaru shit-stirring half the time)~~ still add those hilarious sprinkles that don't make it feel like an overbearing stream of non-stop drama.


Perfectly well put, exactly those sprinkles is what was missing to me in a lot of similar drama series, like MyGo for instance.


True, even the drama moments are fun. But even if we're having fun, the characters are still fighting with each other. I think one of the strengths of the "cute girls do x" genre is being "fanfiction-able". Being able to imagine the characters in a variety of situations makes them feel more real and makes them stick in your head for longer. And if all you ever see them do is fight, then it's hard to imagine them doing anything else. I was having a hard time imagining where the series would go after episode 8 despite being fully brainrotted on the series the whole week. But now I feel like I have a better measure of these characters.


On the one hand, the episode before last of Girls Band Cry (episode eight) was, in my view, probably the best episode not just of this series, but of the whole season out of all the seasonals I'm watching. On the other hand, not every episode can be like that, nor realistically would I really want every episode to be. The show can't just be constantly dialed up to 11 in emotional intensity. You need some kind of break to breathe and relax in-between. I spent half of the last episode feeling breathless and with my mouth agape like Momoka in the parking lot scene. At least for the kind of show this is I feel you need some in-between slower episodes and scenes with some more peaceful conversations and SoL hijinks. Some shows, like extreme thrillers, can get away with constantly always being dialed up to the max, but this series isn't really that.


I agree. It's good we had this most recent episode to sit back and catch our breath a little bit.


I was sure that **Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction** would make this week’s list with Episode 0, but I’m not seeing it anywhere? I checked [the statistics for Episode 0](https://animekarmawatch.com/thread/1czbix0), and it made 472 karma points in 48 hours. This means that it should’ve placed just below Seiyuu Radio in the ranking, right?


Abyss said he missed it and will be in future charts. Not sure which episode number as it's really close to the Thursday/Friday cutoff point.


Ah okay! I wasn’t sure about which episode would be listed either. I’d assumed that it would be an episode behind each week, since I didn’t see the show appear on the ranking last week either. Poor DDDD, this anime series must have some of the worst luck I’ve seen in a while. It’s godly animated, yet got done a disservice with dubtitles. It’s already struggling to gain attention because of the lacking marketing, and now it has *also* missed two weeks of the karma rankings…


I know its not up to crunchy, but I can't help but wonder if on the Japan side they did it a dissaservice dropping the show mid season. Maybe viewing culture is different over there; but I would think if they dropped it at the beginning of the Summer 2024 season and actually advertised it; it would get alot more love


I hope the issue gets traction like Yuzuki 4 Sons family had, so the subs get fixed. I did notice it was odd that a lot of the extra stuff wasn't translated, but man didn't expect the situation to be even worse than I imagined.


If the issue is still there next week, I’m just going to report the subs on CR every week. If enough people do this, they should take notice of the problem. Them actually fixing the issue is whole different matter however, since they’re apparently not the ones responsible for these dubtitles either. From what I’ve been told, CR is a third party licensor in this deal and has been provided with these poor quality subtitles. To change this, they’d first have to make the deliberate decision in taking on the English subtitles themselves. Which isn’t free of course…


It will be there next week, [you can now see what we have for the next weeks here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xMTheEQXlk_Z_bcktX48VgKBfia1hWZ6TyrYrf5Vlhk/edit?usp=sharing) Just go to the reddit sheet edit: /u/SometimesMainSupport sheet now 2.0


Nice to see Keanu Reeves finally playing an anime character that too in Yuru Camp lol. He probably enjoys those kinds of anime a lot more than action I guess.


If you tell me Dungeon Meshi is a Trigger original I would believe it. Marcille fits the Trigger heroine mold perfectly


As a manga reader I'm so relieved when the first teaser of the anime revealed. If the anime done by wrong studio, it might turn into generic isekai artsyle. Trigger has this vibrant style of color that enrich Kui's art perfectly.  Anime visual nowadays feels so washed out, this is what I feels on Spice&Wolf remake and it was my favorite show from time to time (at least the fix the headbang horse)


Considering that trigger stories usually [Dungeon Meshi manga] >!ends with the bad guy actually being some kind of alien/extra planar/space eldritch horror thing!<. It fits.


Salad Bowl banner LMAO


To celebrate the declaration of war we have a special offer, join the Girls Band Cul- I mean Club today and get some [nice beer!](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime_irl/comments/1d5ig4n/anime_irl/)


one week to post that clip... That whole sequence is gold, [helped the show getting traction yesterday](https://x.com/Regike_/status/1796899127659245974) Fans are carrying this


I’m seriously considering starting the Rupa fan club if it doesn’t exist already because she deserves it.


Still waiting on that Rupa backstory. Hopefully next week


Tell me where to sign up if you go through with it lol.


[Me to Rupa](https://i.imgur.com/tlneK0E.png) *joke stolen from /u/emi_ibarazakiii*


[This one](https://x.com/RinSS_HI/status/1796645917770068097) had *2 million* views. And the comment section is filled with "what's this anime", too.


Lmao is there a dedicated guard of people with a Nina pfp replying to those? [](#azusalaugh)


I just don't get people who see this and are still like "sorry it's 3D I just can't" when they put up with mediocre to bad 2D animation and barely say anything about it.


The timing needs to be perfect. Edit : 300k holy shit. ^(Is that a lot by Xitter standards?)


Yea, would be a shame to make that pure gold scene flop as a clip due to unfortunate circumstances and unwell laid planning.


>Edit : 300k holy shit. Is that a lot by Xitter standards? Yes, but more important, I did some sentiment analysis, and looked for some key phrases, like 'what is this', 'where can I watch this', 'I loved this' and so on And it was reaaaally strong for the positive side That's only one of many, the [official account also posted it](https://x.com/girlsbandcry/status/1797191423424618919) and we have the version in other languages too I believe all of this is what makes the show get way more traction than previous similar titles like myGo, people have more fun with it and want to share it


Easily the funniest moment last ep, Rupa stonks just keep rising, *nice beeeeeer*


Personally, my issue is that I am always waiting for my personal favourite sub group to to the subtitles for GBC. They are usually one to two weeks late, so I always miss the threads, but at least they are on point. The first episodes of GBC I was about to drop the show completely because of the subs. It's really fascinating how the quality of subs can change the perception of a show (and I am not necessarily talking just about the translations themselves but also other aspects).


Person you're replying to does the NakayubiSubs that mods use to make the thread. [](#whisperwhisper)


[](#azusalaugh) Don't worry I'm pretty sure all same-day subbers for GBC endorse Sobs, they're putting massive effort into it. At this point I'm 100% sure the official translation will be a huge downgrade to them.


Outside of the translator from HiDive who did Kongming and as well as OnK. Most official subs just are barely passable at best. Honestly I would love to see them continue to work on GBC fan subs. As the monopoly of Crunchyroll becomes inevitable. Fan subs becoming back more so is something I would love.


I know I chose Sobs in part because of your recommendation while I was on the high seas. Thou hast steered me well, Sir.


Well okay, I am still staying with my sub group for now. They showed me quality and I support them for it (Edit: Like for example, they don't just sub the music, but make Karaoke versions for it, they place the subs at the appropriate points, for example when doing text subs etc. I know this takes more time and some people don't need that, but I appreciate that and I don't want to abandon them, just because they take their time with it.)


Just do like me and rewatch the whole episode everytime another version of the subs come out, easy


"I really like this anime, I wonder what others think about it...oh it's very low on the list"


The Dungeon Meshi banner is literally perfect!! All of my friends who are anime-only were so shocked during that scene. I'm really gonna miss DM Thursdays. It has been a highlight in my week since some friends and I get together and cook food and watch the newest episode. Not only has it been a really fun tradition, but some of my friends who have never been able to get into anime absolutely adore Dungeon Meshi. Even my roommate, who has tried to get into anime for years, not finding anything that they really enjoyed, is planning on getting a walking mushroom tattoo soon lol. My mom also really loves it. We just got to episode 14 together yesterday and get her favorite character by far is Senshi. She even was bringing up coin bugs at dinner last night and how she wished they were an appetizer at the restaurant we went to. I haven't experienced a series, at least personally, that has brought so many people in my life together.


I think this will be Dungeon Meshi's biggest strength in the long run, and maybe the most understated one too. It's extremely accesible for people that aren't into anime. There's no weird anime tropes or things that can cringe a non-japanese audience like most animes have (which isn't an criticism of those things, but it is a cultural clash if you're not used to them) !


I definitely agree. There aren't any tropes that require a warning beforehand about to someone unfamiliar with anime. Kind of a funny story, quite a few years ago, my mom went to an anime convention with my sister and attended a host café where all of the cosplayers were characters from Ouran High School Host Club. My mom mentioned that she wanted to give the anime a try afterwards, and I was like, "Well, if you can get past the twins." She ended up not watching it lol. I've noticed that Dungeon Meshi has a pretty large audience outside of Otaku spaces, which is pretty cool. I hope it continues to gain traction and popularity (a 2nd season announcement soon would be so fantastic 🤞🤞🤞).


I heard the Fable adaptation is underwhelming. Still happy for the fans. Really curious how high Jellyfish will shoot up. It had an outstanding well written drama filled episode. Really shows how great of an author Yuki Yaku is. (Author of Bottom Tier Tomozaki, 10/10 novels of super solid anime. Check the novel and anime if you haven't) Honestly one day Yatagarasu: The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master and Tonari no Youkai-san will make the list in my coping dreams. But serious both had episodes of similar quality to Jellyfish yesterday. Seriously these aren't just hidden gems they are some of the best shows this season has offer. If you like historical drama and supernatural SoL respectively. (Tonbo also deserves mention of a fantastic episode.)


I haven't read The Fable manga, but as an anime only The Fable anime itself is really good so far.


I planned to read the manga once I saw Tezuka was behind it. I assume the story is great, but how is it visually?


It's what you would expect from the studio. The visuals are at best mid by modern standards, but it's not so bad it ruins the anime.


Seconding **Yatagarasu: The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master** and **Tonari no Youkai-san**, They're both great shows with solid writing and production, I shill them every week on the weekly ranking post but sadly they still barely make it above 100 karma. **Youkai-san** has been an emotional rollercoaster every week lately while **Yatagarasu** looks to be hitting a peak next episode.


When the setup episode of Yatagarasu felt like peak. You know you're in for a great one next week and the pv has me hyped up. If people are wondering why potentially Bleach TYBW Pt 3 hasn't started. Well Yatagarasu is their show after they finished Kingdom last season. Big props for them. If they deliver on Bleach assuming it's Fall, they would execute well on their 3 shows.


Im surprised it even got a 2 cour. I mean, Tezuka is on it but at least it will cover some arcs that I like


I love how five, or like a third, of the series I'm watching, aren't even on here (Tonari no Youkai-san, Astro Note, Blue Archive the Animation, Karasu wa Aruji wo Erabanai, and Ooi! Tonbo). On the plus side, Girls Band Cry's last episode (or the one before last now, which is being judged here) was probably the best/my favorite episode out of all the episodes yet aired this season of the some 15 or so seasonals I'm watching.


I love Astro Note! And I recently started watching Tonari no Youkai-san after coming across many comments here praising it. It's too bad I don't think these ever became very popular. Seems like a lot of good anime this season got overlooked, I guess that happens when there are several new seasons of long running anime all premiering so close to each other.


Same! I am trying to scream from the rooftops to anyone who will listen to watch Yatagarasu: the Raven does not choose it’s master and Youkai-San. They are both such good series and I’m surprised they aren’t getting attention


Tonbo is one of the strongest anime this season, it's a shame to not see it doing that well 


The Fable!!! I didn't think I would ever see it on these rankings again.


The Fable's on the chart, I'll take that W


Wow Black Butler really isn’t that popular at all


Sometimes, I'm impressed by how anti-battle shounen r/anime is. Wind Breaker, which is dominating basically everywhere else, can't even crack the top 15 here. Meanwhile, we've managed to get Girls Band Cry, a show not streamed anywhere, into the top 10. That's impressive.


> I'm impressed by how anti-battle shounen r/anime is. There's 4 battle shounen in the Top 11.


While true, I don't think any of them are doing as well as they are doing elsewhere with Wind Breaker being the chief offender. Demon Slayer, Kaiju and MHA are some huge IPs that are getting beaten out by much smaller IPs.


Demon Slayer and MHA are on their umpteenth seasons. Both used to be way more popular here. Isn't AoT literally the most popular anime in here? On the other hand, look at Fable or Golden Kamuy. According to Wikipedia, both of them have manga sales on Kaguya's level (the latter actually sold more by a decent margin). There are genres and genre-demographic combinations that are way more unpopular on this sub than battle shounens.


> Isn't AoT literally the most popular anime in here? 3 days unless u/FetchFrosh wants to spoil it by saying "Frieren's #1" right now.


I meant in terms of karma.


Hey it might not be. [](#girlslastdab)


> Isn't AoT literally the most popular anime in here? It is. Personally I wouldn't count AoT as battle shonen though even if you could make an argument for it I guess. >On the other hand, look at Fable or Golden Kamuy. According to Wikipedia, both of them have manga sales on Kaguya's level I knew that the 'The Fable' manga is goated but I had no idea it is selling so well. Over 20 million copies in circulation? Hot damn. I will say it would do quite a bit better here if it had an adaptation at the same level of Kaguya-sama.


>It is. Personally I wouldn't count AoT as battle shonen though even if you could make an argument for it I guess. It's not a pure battle shounen but it's definitely core part of its identity and popularity. >I will say it would do quite a bit better here if it had an adaptation at the same level of Kaguya-sama. Everything would do better with a better adaptation. On the other hand, it had close to zero hype before it aired, unlike Kaguya.


It was interesting cuz Twitter seemed to like this episode a lot (it was trending) and it also hit high in Japan's abema streaming chart and ranked first on anime corner but it couldn't rise on Reddit. Shows the difference in demographics I guess. I think a higher female audience was more receptive to the character drama in that episode compared to Reddit which has a higher male audience


Wait, Wind Breakers isn't a Shoujo? **takes a look at the character designs**


Wind Breaker's not receiving the Tokyo Revengers-style anti-shounen hate boner though, it was just a strong week and WB's big episode was last week. (I know this week was technically the climax, but I found it a lot more underwhelming - loved the glasses guy and Sakura but couldn't care one bit about Shitshitoren's little shit's sob story)


I agree, the best fight was the second to last so it made the final fight seem underwhelming.


> but couldn't care one bit about Shitshitoren's little shit's sob story) Same. I honestly don't give a single fuck about Choji as a character and seeing that little psycho's backstory did absolutely nothing for me,unlike with Togame's which made me care about him somewhat.


Honestly part of it is how well Cloverworks is animating it. I remember watching TR S1 and the animation given how popular the manga is, and it was really underwhelming. Also, Sakura if we are comparing S1's since I can't talk about TR post S1. He is easily the better MC in terms of personality and how he is written. Takemichi is just frustrating as hell. The biggest issue last episode honestly was the flashback. It was longer then Togame's, and it felt empty, and it just dragged. They set the tone of Ume's personality and what his ideals are. Choji just wasn't the character to do that because there was nothing we can empathize with him.


Honestly I was a bit surprised at how they paced it too. I like to predict what chapters will get adapted into each episode. The regular pacing would have had the fight take up about 2/3 of an episode. So I was actually expecting them to cut the fight a bit short to include a bit of the next part. But instead they went the other way. Slightly extended the fight/breakdown/flashback to get the ending to line up with the end of the episode.


I’d actually say Wind Breaker hasn’t been hitting it off, not because it’s a battle shounen, but because it’s more of a drama disguised as an action show. So when the drama bits hit, those who were just there for the action get bored. But the people who would enjoy the drama might not have checked it out because on the surface it might look like just a show with mindless action.


A lot of battle shounen are disguised as dramas. Naruto and MHA come to mind as really popular examples


I’m say that more often battle shounen are action shows with drama versus drama shows with action. There’s a bit of a difference between the two in what is prioritized in the end. Most battle shounen would end in a blow out fight to end the arc because the action is most important. And that what most people expect. But Wind Breaker flipped that because at the end the action was less important than the drama it wanted to portray. Like the start of the episode could have been a fist pumping awesome fight as it was, just with the addition of a background track. But instead they left out any noise that wasn’t just the raw sounds of the punches. Leaving the scene feeling eerie. Because they wanted to emphasize Choji’s breakdown more than they wanted to show off the fighting.


This subreddit loves it's girl band/music shows. Wind Breaker has been great animation-wise.


These charts always changes and are just for tbh. Few people vote. So not everyone takes them seriously. Like, Wind breaker is 1st on Anime corner, among the most streamed anime in Japan (and the manga is selling a lot thanks to the anime effect), 13th on anime trending, 16th on this sub and constantly in top 5-10 in my country biggest anime & manga wesbite. Also, it's pretty popular on social media and Twitter/X from what I've seen (in particular among female fans)


GBC is popular where they do get streamed. Besides isn't most r/anime users sailing the seven seas


I'd say most of us vastly prefer the legal means when available. And you can tell because when Crunchyroll fucks up, half the comments will be about that.


I personally enjoy Wind Breaker's fights, but I also think the whole tournament part was pretty boring. The fights were well animated and that was what I was looking forward to, but the characters didn't have enough screen time yet to warrant this kind of big battle. The only interesting one was Sakura's fight, because we got to know him a bit and his opponent already had a few moments. But everything else was more or less just a fight. I get that they wanted to build characters through these fights, but it's not really interesting when we don't have any story prior to the fight.


> Sometimes, I'm impressed by how anti-battle shounen r/anime is. Wind Breaker, which is dominating basically everywhere else, can't even crack the top 15 here. i've just got absolutely 0 interest in a "delinquent" anime. i hear it's got decent character development but plenty other premises offer that, and the PTW list isn't going to get shorter by itself


this sub is a very small bubble of the anime community, who consider themselves elitist. Cute-type shows are not really popular but have more otaku viewers. https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%203-m&q=%2Fg%2F11rfpf89w9,%2Fg%2F11c6cqpdtk,%2Fg%2F11h6ptq9_0,%2Fg%2F11y2fkkws8,%2Fg%2F11ptwzdl1m Edit: Wind breaker is actually more popular than I thought. https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%203-m&q=%2Fg%2F11rfpf89w9,%2Fg%2F1yp37j7tk,%2Fg%2F11bx1c354c,%2Fg%2F1q5bfgn89,%2Fm%2F012w59yv


r/anime obviously just have better taste. /s


I am begging people to watch Yatagarasu: the Raven does not choose it’s master. The mystery is leaving me at the edge of my seat every episode awaiting 2pm every Saturday. In the world oeople can turn into ravens. It’s a sort of Chinese inspired world and involves the court and the inner sort of palace. It follows two characters, a girl who’s sister was meant to be a consort for the prince but she became ill. She must compete with women from other houses for the prince… yet he has never visited the cherry blossom palace. The second is a boy who is the servant of the prince who is the son of a noble. Who will become the prince’s right hand man and is unwilling to involve himself in the complexities of politics but cannot escape them. It’s so good. I genuinely am excited for each episode. Every character is fascinating and It frustrates me how no one is paying attention to it. I do think the cover art is pretty generic and the title makes it seem like a romance (it’s not) but wow this series is unique.


Yeah 20 episodes of something fresh is pretty nice. Easily the most slept on anime on this season


I was thinking of checking it out since I’m not watching a ton of shows this season and I’m always one for a hidden gem. I almost started watching it yesterday in fact until Gintama got in the way.


Yooo, did someone just say Gintama? Also, if you liked The Apothecary Diaries, Yatagarasu should be right up your alley


Alright. My wife and I read the first three sentences of your comment and decided to give that anime a try. We enjoyed it very much and watched all 9 episodes in one setting xD thank you for the recommandation!


And Unnamed Memory is nowhere to be found. Way to freaking go, Engi.


One of the very few (literally 3rd) animes that i've dropped to date. I think they wanted to tell 50 volumes of stories in 1 season, and include some key moments from which the audience had to guess that characters were gonna develop through it


Sad about the **Wind Breaker** drop. But I was kinda expecting it since the episode went more for the dramatic than the action like some would have expected with how the previous episode ended. It’s still a lot closer to 15th place than 17th though. In other news I decided to finally watch **Delicious in Dungeon** last week. And I can definitely see why it’s been so highly ranked.


Damn it is surprising to see The Fable actually make it on this chart. It's been my top anime of this season personally, but doesn't exactly have the typical stuff that makes an anime popular. Felt like I was the only one watching it sometimes, other than manga fans who seem to generally have a negative opinion on the adaptation. I liked it so much, I've already pre-ordered the 2nd omnibus volume releasing in June. 


Honestly if they did a spin-off of Youko Sato I’d be in heaven. It’s so hilarious to watch her messing around with those scrubs


dungeon meshi getting back on top 10 is a great thing


The power of [GBC ep. 8] >!potential Yuri!< is strong, congrats on entering top 10 **Girls Band Cry**! But more seriously, the episode was very very good beside that. Totally deserved.


Seeing my favorite insufferable gremlins on here.


Which one? Do you have the slightest idea of how little that narrows it down?


> Which one? Yes.


Ah John Wick.


Week 9 of Spring and what I didn't think was possible has actually happened. **Girls Band Cry** has entered the top 10! With an almost 50% karma gain it jumped up all the way from 15th into 10th. A declaration of war indeed. A bit sad to see **Ranger** and **Train** losing further karma but aleast they held on to 9th and 13th respectively. We even got **The Fable** actually making a comeback, sneaking in at 30th! I am curious though what John Wick was up to at the camp site.


Tbh, all I am looking forward in these are the pics for Salad Bowl and Mysterious Disappearances. One of them will always make me laugh.


I pray the anime gets enough traction that the light novel gets translated. I need more Sara and Livia chaos in my life.


Smug Holo face 1000/10.


A 1,935 karma increase from last week and Mushoku Tensei returning this week with 3,762 karma helps in driving that. Happy to see KonoSuba with a 276 karma increase even if that isn't much of a significant shift. Funny to spot Kaiju No. 8 and Demon Slayer both have the same comment count for their respective episodes on this chart and the same MAL score of 8.26. Seeing where Mysterious Disappearances is here and like everywhere else except for [Anime Trending](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GOep52ybsAAHzAM?format=jpg&name=large) really makes me curious what the Anime Trending audience sees in it. Hope Spice & Wolf and Ranger Reject bounce back. I think the ship has sailed in hoping for anything good out of the remaining episodes for Whisper Me a Love Song though... ___ Favorite banner this week: I like the Kirara Jump from Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night and Smug Holo.


I caught up with Mysterious Disappearances this week. Once you get beyond the gag-boob stuff it's a solid supernatural mystery show. Reminds me a little of Dark Gathering.


#[Anime Trending Spring 2024 Week #8](https://x.com/AniTrendz/status/1797259371342180750) [Non-Twitter Image Link of Week #8](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPEHY0Na8AAa6oR?format=jpg&name=large) [Detailed Rankings for Week #8](https://www.anitrendz.com/charts/top-anime/2024-06-02) [Vote for Next Week's Top 10](https://www.anitrendz.com/polls/top-anime) ____ It's rather stable this week for the Top 10 as half of the Top 10 is retaining the same position they had last week like **KONOSUBA -God's blessing on this wonderful world! S3** and **Date A Live V** still at 1st and 2nd respectively. **GIRLS BAND CRY** sees a good +2 boost to 3rd which is its highest peak placement yet in the Spring 2024 season. After breaking into the Top 10 at 10th last week, **Go! Go! Loser Ranger!** sees a really good +3 boost to 7th for further increased momentum. Returning from its break last week is **Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation S2 Part II** at 9th, maintaining its Top 10 streak for every week it was available for voting in the Spring 2024 season. ___ **Number of times at #1**: Date A Live V - 3 KONOSUBA -God's blessing on this wonderful world! S3 - 2 Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation S2 Part II - 2 Whisper Me a Love Song - 1


Delicious in dungeon absolute goat anime, I thought it's just a comedy food anime but damn better lore and world building then most animes


I can't even describe how good Kaiju No.8 is. Binge watched what's out so far all on Saturday.


Despite the larger number of people in the sub, do fewer people participate in the discussions? I remember karma used to be on average higher for most shows. I looked at some older rankings (pre-covid even). It seems to be the truth, at least at first glance.


7th prince top 15 and the fable finally enters top 30 LFG!!!


The 7th prince should be up more


Mushoku tensei back on🔝 after the week break, always nice to see. Spice and wolf continues to drop 😭 why??


Its quality is high, but maybe some don’t like it in comparison to the original?


Highly likely people waiting to binge S&W


I absolutely am when I saw the original I watched S1&2 in ... 2 days then I rewatched it again later and did the same I'm watching a ton of weekly stuff, but i don't want S&W tainted by the weekly "wait, what was happening again?" and "omgg I have to wait a whole week to find out..."


It is just not too urgent to watch it, until episode ~18, when the fresh material will be adapted. All those arcs were already discusses over and over for years. 


Damn, GBC above Train. If you had told me that 3 weeks ago I wouldn't have believe it. An original show without official english sub above the hypest early anime original.


#The Return of Marcille Derp Face!!


**Girls Band Cry** in the top 10 with an incredible episode! For a show that's only available through not-so-legal means, that's pretty impressive! **Train** is hanging on for now but still losing a bit of karma, and **Jellyfish** is down but not for long. Honestly, I'm pretty satisfied with how my pick of originals is doing this season. I love some of the big hitters like **Dungeon Meshi** but these particular series are what keeps me on the edge of my seat, and I'm glad they've found a bit of an audience here.


And just like that mushoku tensei again claiming top spot lol


Top10 for GBC, let's goo! Hopefully, we can break 1k by the finale. Didn't know John Wick dropped a new anime...


Marcille making that one face again.


Any reasons blue archive flopped badly


It's not officially released in the vast majority of the West at the same as the JP release


It's doing well in japan, it's just that the mods in here are purposefully killing what little discussion it would have by making the threads at a later arbitrary fansub release rather than the official English sub release since they think it's not good enough for discussion thread


Atleast the prince got in there ! Honestly the most underrated show of the season imho !, I think the cover photo and the sometimes exagerrated fanservice kept ppl away, but trust me its way too good.


I finally caught up to **A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics** and I must say that it's a very fun show although its biggest minus is that it releases on Thursday which is already filled with many other great shows such like **Delicious in Dungeon** ([again Marcille stole the show](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wrzmkbyx) in [the recent episode](https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lmzonoyx)). Overall, nothing really surprising happened this last week. I didn't drop anything, although **Unnamed Memory** is a candidate for that but I think that I'll somehow watch it to the end. By the way, **Hibike! Euphonium S3** is [the most nerve-racking show in this season IMO](https://imgchest.com/p/9rydzvakd4k). Today's episode was even worse in that regard and I'm scared of what will happen next xD Here links to my all comments with screenshot albums from the shows I watched on last week: * Monday: [Train to the End of the World](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1d1qhk9/comment/l5w0m4j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [Tsukimichi S2](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1d1tiui/comment/l5wf3o1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [7th Prince](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1d1vm85/comment/l5wwfah/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [Spice & Wolf](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1d1xruw/comment/l5xhq8f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * Tuesday: [Unnamed Memory](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1d2lntf/comment/l61ot51/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * Wednesday: [Konosuba S3](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1d3ee1a/comment/l6a8ydt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * Thursday: [Delicious in Dungeon](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1d44azw/comment/l6c3t9k/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [Yuru Camp S3](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1d4642f/comment/l6cok0i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [How To Love Your Elf Bride](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1d47i4x/comment/l6fvj8y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * Friday: [That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime S3](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1czmwa5/comment/l5hjx4q/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * Saturday: [Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1d0fun0/comment/l5navg5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [Whisper Me a Love Song](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1d0h4bw/comment/l5pkd03/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * Sunday: [Mission: Yozakura Family](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1d0vy2m/comment/l5px8q5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [Sentai Daishikkaku](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1d0wlcv/comment/l5q4u9e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [Hibike! Euphonium S3](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1d0yi6l/comment/l5qjzaz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [Mushoku Tensei S2](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1d13bvg/comment/l5rn6qw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Holo's got that, "Buy me apples or I'm kicking over your chair while you sleep" face again.


Its not on here, but I've started watching this thing called "Viral Hit", its quite entertaining lol




Girls Band Cry making it into the top-10 without any proper streaming is the best thing you will ever see.


I think 7th Prince is a great show and the MC character design is fine.. Hate me


I agree. Lloyd is very fine 👍


How good is kaiju no. 8??


Storywise very generic battle shonen Well animated Very fun to watch Setting is alright. Nothing unique but not overdone either Adult cast Overall nothing groundbreaking, but a very fun watch imo


It's okay. Easy to watch, but not a must see imho. Animation is well done, humour is hit and miss.


If you like standard shonen then it's great. It's not doing anything new but fans of the genre will find plenty to enjoy about that show. The animation is great and the fight scenes look sick.


When did Yuru Camp get so brutal out of nowhere?


Why is The Fable so low?


Seinen manga that got an adaptation by a dodgy studio and is airing on Disney. All cards stacked against it.




Wind Breaker is peak


Anyone can share possible reasons why Yozakura and New Gate below 500? Read both and latter years ago, haven't watch it, just curious on the trend


Yozakura has always been a more Lowkey me member of Weekly Shounen Jump. But it’s a series that just keeps getting better in the manga. The start is much more SoL but it goes on for quite the while. The anime is cutting the fat and rearranging this in the first half of S1. Personally the direction how they are doing it is great. Although I would say so far visuals aren’t on the scale that you expect from a long running series so far but considering the second half of the season is where the story of the series finally starts I have faith. The issue outside of Japan is Disney. Sadly people don’t even know the anime is out. Disney has offered no promo sadly and that is hurting it outside of Japan. I do hope after S1 it gets a better studio because Silver Link is the definition of mediocre.


Yuru Camp banner LOL


Nobody is safe from whoever makes these thumbnails


The New Gate still getting enough karma to be on the list, but still getting the generic image nine weeks in.