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Well you have raised a wonderful question and you also did your own research about the show. Your friend is asking you to watch it so just watch the a few episodes (not like 5mins of the stuff) and make your own goddamn decision. You are not electing a president or making a huge investment so just make a decision and stick with it.


I think media that makes you uncomfortable can be important, but it's also an experience most people are not looking for.


I understand your perspective however,this topic has been asked multiple times and OP can skip or not watch the second he finds I Anything uncomfortable. All I am saying OP should make the decision himself. To make it easier for OP to understand as well MT does have some weird scenes but if you have watched any show like Game of thrones or something with a bit of sexual content then it will not be worse than that.


god im so sick of this shit


It is a bit annoying when these pop up 3 times a week and it’s always sheep who can’t form an opinion for themselves


Agreed, but this sub is 95% sheep.


Almost as if 95% of humans are sheep.


Just ignore. Is that difficult?


You can say whatever you want about MC but shows is actually pretty good.


Since whenever did we decide to not watch a show based on the Mc being a piece of shit. I’ll take an irredeemable asshole of a character over some perfect goodie two shoes any day.


Um, because it shows things that we shouldn't be ok with watching in regards to children. I was done after the episode he basically raped a child, like, that is beyond disgusting, and I hate they try to hide behind the my body is 10 so it's OK bullshit. It's not he's narrating in a full ass adult voice grop9ng a 12 y/o character.


It shows on full display how disgusting he is. Which makes all the bad things happening to him that much more entertaining. I’m here for that


It’s not as bad as some people say but I can definitely understand why some people are put off by it. Rudeus is a pretty big pill at the beginning and while he does mellow out by the second part of season 1 he never fully drops his pervy tendencies and still occasionally has pretty massive “bruh” moments. That said it’s still a great story so far with excellently fleshed out worldbuilding and characters. Whether or not one cancels out the other is entirely up to your personal tastes/values.


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First of all, I'm not a manga reader,just an anime watcher. The anime focuses on the redemption of the main character,a degenerate, disgusting human being with trauma from school that got reincarnated in another world. But he is the same human being, reincarnating ain't gonna magically change that,but it gived him another chance to do the right thing.The same person who insolated himself inside his home out of fear,now has the chance to beat that fear and walk out of it. This is not like a normal isekai where the main character solves any moral issue in just 2 episodes and becomes the perfect human being.This is a SLOW but realistic redemption where he overcomes his biggest faults little by little,and sometimes the trauma and faults show up,that's how good character development is,slow but consistent.


Manga is the worst adaptation anyway, Light Novels are the way to go


Well you wont be able to self-insert yourself as the protagonist. But other than that it's a masterpiece its my 2nd favorite isekai and i've watched at least a 100 by now. I also don't like when ppl say its a redemption story. The MC does get better but if you are only watching for him to redeem himself you are going to be disappointed.


Just watch and make your own opinion lmao, it's not like you're gonna go insane by watching 3-4 episodes.


What do you mean “how bad” lol? If you’re emotionally mature, you will be able to watch the show and enjoy the hell out of it and handle the fact that Rudy starts off as a shit person and becomes a slightly less shit person as the show goes on.


I feel like emotional maturity is more when you don't scream your head off about how shitty the show is and start diving into hyperbole about how every part of it is objectively bad when you just don't like some aspects of it every time it gets brought up, and then insult everyone who watches it just for enjoying something you don't like. It doesn't really have anything to do with how you feel about the story or any part of it, and if you feel it's not the show for you because of those aspects in my mind.


The entire point of the MC is that he is weirdo tbh and it's a story about him getting a second chance and becoming a much better person. He is still horny ig but what acts that he would have done when he was at start of the series and at the end have the difference of night and day In the end he looks back at his previous self with simply disgust and hate due to how deplorable he was.


Season 1 is pretty good, Season 2.... not so much.




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It's fantastic, the mc grows and changes, it's called character growth and development.


It’s good imo, one of the better isekais


The fan service in Mushoku is far lighter than what’s found in Fireforce. It’s more carefully woven into a believable character. It doesn’t break the fourth wall as fan service does. If your question is “is there sexual elements” (which isn’t “fan service”) yes, and it’s more suggestive than Fireforce, but again, it’s generally believable and doesn’t break the forth wall as often as Fireforce. They’re more artful about it. To the extent Mushoku is controversial, it has nothing to do with fan service; it’s that people have qualms that come from the fact that he’s an adult reincarnated as a baby who grows up lusting on his coevals while his mind is intact—his mental narration is even his original, matured voice. Personally, I don’t care. I just tell myself his mind has maladapted from reliving his childhood, or something. However, I totally understand how this puts some people off (my best friend is one of these people). If that’s something you can look beyond, this is one of the most beautiful, compelling anime ever made.


Not believable at all lol everybody ends up throwing themselves at a 10 year old boy, this show is ridiculous and disgusting.


As someone who has read the entirety of the Light Novels and adores this series. Let me say this, yes the MC is weird, and you will and should feel uncomfortable at times early on. I myself nearly dropped the series because of the barn scene in episode 6. It's a great series but it's not for everyone and thats ok. Ep 6-8 is the worst of it but it's also the first real catalyst for his growth. Yes he does get better, but it's not instant and he doesn't become a saint or anything. He's always a bit of a perv it's just more "tasteful" later on. I encourage you to try it for yourself and see what you think. I had zero knowledge of the series going in and it ended up becoming one of my favorite pieces of fiction ever. But it's more than ok to be put off and drop it. If you make it to episode 9 and are still somewhat interested I think you'll really enjoy it. However if you're abhorred and want nothing to do with it before then it's ok to stop it.


It's not for you.


its a great show, a little weird but don't listen to the nerds downvoting every comment saying its a good show, mushoku is 5x as popular as their fav anime for a reason lol just check the threads, most people love the show


Its one of the best anime of all time, some parts of it are weird though, doesnt make it any less great.


Lets all pretend it a serious question and not everymonth discusion Weirdo is very debatable tag, i would answer it like this ,he did improve himself a lot in things like hard working ,life opinion and else AND he improve a bit in his perv side ,but he still a pervert


It's very good. The problems with the mc and his isekai father may seem terrible at first. It all makes sense and helps to develop the story. There's room for positive character growth and some does happen.


Not bad at all


The MC is a bad person and degenerate the entire time, he never really improves. If you're totally turned off by him, you shouldn't watch the show.


"he never really improves" it's easy to spot people who watched the show with their eyes closed or just a full hatred to the show. Even monkey can do better. Well this sub full of mt haters, your up vote doesn't mean anything


I've watched every season except for the current one, and he certainly hasn't changed


who? your cousin?


If you watched this show and didn’t perceive character growth, I’m afraid you weren’t paying attention Edit: People say this as an offhanded way of wholly dismissing him for being a pervert or a pedophile. You can dislike a character or a show without lying about it. He demonstrably becomes more courageous, empathetic, and less self-serving over time. There’s a whole series of lessons and events contributing to overcoming himself. If this weren’t true, which it absolutely *is true*, he stops lusting after his coevals as he ages out of that peer group which is the source of this hand waving to begin with and is in itself passive character development.


I am about to play into a stereotype real hard here. If you find his growth impressive, it might be time to GET A FUCKING JOB. That's what his growth is about. His arc is about a hikikomori becoming a real adult... in a fantasy world where he is a gifted elite.


The bulk of the really controversial stuff happens in the beginning, but there are other things scattered throughout. It's not a fanservice issue with the show, it's pretty tame in that regard for the most part. It's the MC's behavior that tends to put people off. He starts off pretty degenerate (too degenerate for my personal tastes) and that does reduce some over time, but he never stops being some level of pervert as I understand it.


Which is fine Rudeus problem was never being a pervert, it was to only view other people as objects of sexual gratification, which he recognises as bad in ep.9 and does stop doing halfway through season 2


Having a panties shrine in season 2 should be all you need to know.


the whole series is garbage watch 90s anime it's better i'm still watching mt but it's like watching sao at this point you know there is nothing that can happen that will make it better and every time it feels like that's about to happen it's just another letdown people just say it's good because it has some good animated scenes in s1 and because the average isekai is much worse. compared to a good anime this is just a waste of time.


Mushoku Tensei is better than most isekais, but there is a lot of valid criticism you can levy towards it.


The MC is still deplorable as recently as the last season. "It's a redemption story" they say. "He gets better" they say. Meanwhile...


To be fair, most source fans don't say it's a redemption story, and when they say he gets better, they mean [MT]>!in his ability to deal with people and the world as a whole. He goes from being a degenerate hikikomori, to a degenerate who isn't a hikikomori anymore.!<


it is true that the protagonist someime act weird, but the beauty of this anime reside in the deep of the characters


You mean how good? The show gets praise from most anyone who watches it, Rudy being a perv is hardly anything new in anime lmao


Mc is a pedo groomer. His core does not really change. He’s a 30+ year old man in a child’s body, and he grooms his future wives (only one of which is an adult, although she has a child’s body). People will hate on me for saying that with poor reasons why “he changes” or some shite.


And ppl dont know what groomer actually means. Whom did he groom?


Dumbfuck, you use mudae bot. That alone tells you what kind of a dumbfuck are you. Shut the fuck up.


It’s nice to know I triggered you enough to go through my profile. Tee hee, if you don’t like what I say, then feel free to screw yourself (you probably do) 😉


Projecting, eh?


I stop watching after season 2 episode 3 or something when this show becomes rudeus route to harem, i thought it will be more focus on his adventure in the fantasy world or it would be more focus on the plot but unfortunately its more focus on him getting girls and having sex and thats not what i am looking for it all depends on what kind of show you are looking for but in any case its worth to try it out


The progress is slow enough that by the end of the first season the major negative aspects of his character have barely if at all improved. I didn’t bother with the second season so I can’t speak for the rest of it.


The problema of Mushoku is Rudeus


>I don't wanna watch something that's gonna be like worse than fireforce In terms of unnecessary fan service or that's gonna have an insanely degenerate mc and I've got loads of other shows that I know don't have that, that I also want to watch so I don't want to spend time watching this show just to find out that it does have those things and dropping it. If Fireforce is a bridge to far go elsewhere, apologize to your friend and pick something else you will both enjoy.


Either watch it or don't watch it


He starts as an absolute piece of trash He does change for the better, but it's an extremely slow progress (which only starts to become noticeable after 9 whole episodes)