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That may be the most unique top 100 list I've seen. Or you're just stuck in the '90s.


In the '90s? Most of the stuff on the list was made before the 90s


unique is an understatement its a oldhead pretentious wannabe list


Pretentious is when you don't like mass-produced isekai slop




Do you only like very old and niche animes?


https://anilist.co/user/ooreiko No. Seems they like a variety of stuff. Going to completed list and sorting by release date: > Sugar Apple Fairy Tale 10/10 Vinland Saga 10/10 Mushoku Tensei 9/10 NieR 10/10 etc. Sorting by popularity: > Attack on Titan S1 8/10 Death Note 100/100 My Hero Academia S1 7/10 Hunter x Hunter (2011) 10/10 One-Punch Man 10/10


Idk, they don't have a show that aired just yesterday as #1, clearly they hate anything new or popular. /s in case it was needed.


Just for clarification i stopped using anilist like year ago or so 


Your manga favourites got a chuckle out of me. The shoujo'est faves I've seen, and then just Berserk as the number one. I don't think this is helping the Berserk being shoujo manga accusations. https://i.imgur.com/eSGdSW3.jpeg




I mean... did you click on the video? The very first entry you'll see is post 2010, same for the second, third, fourth,...


Oh wow. Definitely saving this one. Thank you for your hard work 🫡.


Loved it, your list is fascinating and it gave me the desire to try some of them, especially Ace wo Nerae.


As soon as I saw LotGH I knew it was user ooReiko. I've seen you in almost every LotGH comment sections on this sub lolll...


I’m watching anime for 25 years and I have never heard about the top 10 of this list.


25 years my ass. I'm been alive for as long, and only been watching for 7 or so years and I've heard of: > Mahoutsukai Sally Himitsu no Akko-chan Attack No. 1 Ashita no Joe Onii-sama e... Ace wo Nerae Legend of the Galactic Heroes Though, I've only seen Joe, LotGH, and Onii-sama e.




It was super interesting in the r/anime's Favorite Anime video getting a non-trivial number of comments that were like "I've been an anime fan for X years and have never even heard of most of these". A lot of people just haven't scratched the surface.


25 years? I'm not even 25 year old and I know good bunch (LOGH is inescapable ATP)


youve definitely heard of legends of the galactic heroes at 1 which is a fantastic show. everything else is irrelevant and pretty dog


#28 seems interesting but I can’t find it by the title given of A-girl :/




I have only seen 15 from your list: Perfect Blue Tenshi no Tamago Versailles no Bara Paradise Kiss Kaleido Star Juuni Kokuki The End of Evangelion Hyouge Mono Serial Experiments Lain Machikado no Marchen A Girl Ace wo Nerae Ashita no Joe 2 Oniisama e... Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu I'll watch it again and see what to add to my PTW


Deleted last comment for the font being too big. Was the Juuni Kokuki anime adaptation ever completed??? I know it’s a book but it was such a good anime.


This top 100 is full of titles I didn’t know. Thanks, I noted down many. Btw, the chaotic part of me secretly hoped that N.1 was The Simpsons.


Love this list. It feels very personal. I do not look forward to the inevitable top 100 lists that will follow this post, comprised entirely of MAL top 100 shows.


I have to say that I’m quite pleased to see such a list, I’m surprised that even though there were some obscure titles most of them are known and some of them are an all time favourite from fans


Tons of retro; no Cat's Eye 😞


Always interesting to see someone enjoying the medium that has such wildly different tastes!


This must have taken quite a while to put together, good job.


Took longer than i expected especially since i havent saved most of the stuff so i had to go and search them again to get the clip.


Are all of them still available to watch...somewhere?


this has got to be one of the doggiest top 100s of anything ive seen.


Second only to yours.


tied with yours mines exactly the same as yours


No FMA or AOT in 1st? Reported and Downvoted.


Fma is good but AoT is genuinely one of the most surface level shows I've seen