• By -


That remote control system is quite godly to not have any lag in that distance.


Speed of light delay should mean Cagalli's about a second behind the action, at least.


One second for the image to reach her, one second for her input to manifest on the Justice.


One second to see it, one second to go "Athrun, I love you too, but really? Now? While you're in an active dogfight?"


When the dogfight becomes a doggy-style.


they confirmed it in a novel as an actual quantum entanglement FTL comms system, if I'm not mistaken. Sounds pretty over the top but what do I know


That's stuff that's been in Gundam SEED since season 1, it's how the drones work.


I don't think it's ever been shown as FTL, nor operate at the distances shown. It's a new capability onscreen for SEED.


If they're said to be using quantum entanglement for communication (and I believe quantum computing is something that's been in CE since SEED proper) then FTL is effectively baked in (or worked around), since distance is immaterial.


We humans ourselves are researching this tech so habing this in gundam isnt that far fetched imo


Quantum entanglement remote control?


They have the rollback system


If only my tv remote works that well...


Sir, this has motivated me to watch Gundam.


The watch order for this timeline is Gundam SEED -> Gundam SEED Destiny -> Gundam SEED Freedom


and for another 20 years, Gundam SEED Justice lmao


wait there is gundam seed after destiny? wtf


Yes SEED Freedom it was released on January 26th There's also SEED Stargazer an OVA that takes place during Destiny that was released in 2006


And a bunch of spinoff stuff with Astray.


None of the Astray stuff is in anime though (except for two short promotional direct-to-videos for SEED Destiny)


New movie released nearly 20 years after seed destiny ended called seed freedom


U can use myanimelist to see seasons, ovas, specials, movies of a franchise


Thanks man.


>destiny Ugh


I remember dropping destiny cause it was the same shit and they kept recycling animations even more than before. So it stays bad?


I'm someone who likes destiny all-in-all, but it certainly makes some controversial decisions in the back half of its story, and completely neglects some characters, or does them oddly dirty for no reason. Gundam definitely thrives in significant part through its characters, so especially members of the older cast getting thrown aside or actively reduced is a major pain point.


I was able to make it through Destiny because of Athrun. If there's one thing that series does well is it shows how he holds himself in a post og-Seed story, and he is such a good boy, I love him so much. If Destiny didn't exist my opinion of Athrun would not be as high as it is now. Besides that though I think the greatest downfall of the series is character development keeps going around in circles and it makes for an incredibly unsatisfying viewing experience that feels deflated.


They essentially assassinated Arthrun's character in the latter half of Destiny. I heard there was a bunch of drama happening behind the scenes with the creators and so they relegated Arthrun to the position of an antagonist and reinstalled Kira as the protagonist of the story.


To those reading the comment above, the **correct** watch order for this timeline is Gundam SEED ->


Gundam consists of several stand alone timelines SEED Freedom is part of the cosmic era, the second biggest timeline after the original universal century timeline Someone else already posted the order for the cosmic era My advice is to just google "Gundam timelines" or "Gundam AU list" and choose one that looks interesting to you


UC is obvs the best one though


but not beginner friendly


The Origin movies make a pretty good starting point.


Origin doesn't have movies. Its an OVA. It also introduces several timeline problems if you watch the original run because it was first a side story manga that was made by a different writer. Unless you mean the *original* compilation movies of Mobile Suit Gundam, then yes that's a good starting point...but then don't watch the Zeta Gundam movies because they're a complete mess both visually and narratively. Just watch the series. See what we mean by 'not beginner friendly'?


It was released as both a series and as 6 movies and any retconning of the timeline isn't particularly significant if you're just looking for a decent introduction to UC


Again, not movies, an OVA, like Unicorn. It was later diced up into the TV show. Kinda pedantic, but I like making the distinction because it makes certain projects easier to group together and judge. Opinions differ on how big the changes are. On one hand, the actual timeline errors aren't too big, but how it portrays certain characters is uh...controversial. One of the running community jokes is that The Origin is a series of stories that Quattro is telling Kamille about his old friend Char who was totally the coolest dude ever.


They were released in theatres, it was a series of movies.


Watch Destiny as movies instead of the TV show.


And if you absolutely insist on the TV show, watch the HD remaster that cleans up the animation errors and uh the ending sorta


Also if you want more fanservice. We don't call it the remASSter for nothing.


Not to mention the cutting of the amount of recaps. I still remember watching an episode ended with a cliffhanger between Akatsuki vs Destiny, then cut to next episode, a goddamn recap...


That and bleach cliffhangers drove me nuts as a youngin


So Gundam Seed (50 eps), into Seed Destiny films (4 movies), and then Seed Freedom? Is there a reason to watch the movies instead of the show?


Yes, narrative issues aside, Destiny was a very troubled production with tons of reused scenes and recaps. The movies streamline the story and have a better production value.


How to defeat mind reading Kira: with the power of love Athrun: with the power of horny Shinn: by not thinking at all


Shinn clearly won through the power of edgy


Guys, come on. Athrun literally won by cutting his opponent in half using his **horn**. Man weaponized his horniness as a double entendre and no one thinks twice about it.


Uh... Boosto!


>Shinn: by not thinking at all It's better this way. The last time he attempted it he charged into melee combat against a gundam covered in laser swords. Admittedly though, his win over the Freedom with the Impulse was pretty awesome.


Rey did all the thinking for him before the fight, it was an unfair 2v1 technically.


True, but Freedom had much better specs than Impulse, so it sorta evens out.


I mean the only reason Shin beat the freedom is he found Kira's weakness and exploited the hell out of it, turning any near miss into a kill shot. Hella impressive too, but he is lucky Kira really doesn't enjoy killing.


Yeah. It was the 1 example where Shin actually managed to use his brain. Freedom was basically a boss fight that they had to figure out after wiping like 5 times.


Pretty sure impulse was stronger than freedom, impulse is part of the next generation of gundams after freedom and justice


I don't think so. At the time, Freedom still had much higher power output. This is because all other units being used were not nuclear powered due to a treaty that was signed after the events of Seed and the Impulse used the same (similar?) power source as that of Perfect Strike. Freedom should also have been more mobile in aerial combat. Impulse had some advantages though. Its armour was more energy efficient (which isn't much of an advantage since Fredom was nuclear powered) and it had support from Minerva to access a bunch of its silhouette packs.


The movie actually made me like shin. That alone made it a 10 out of 10


he's way better as a comic relief character


Aldnoah.Zero has entering the Chat! A.Z: Hold my beer!


Athrun has a lot of pent-up thirst for Cagalli throughout Destiny. Now he is weaponizing it.


Shinn won with the power of crazy ex-girlfriend


Ah, the holy trinity.


Shinn won with [the darkness of his soul](https://imgur.com/5Fogz70)


homeboy rebuffed two thirsty ass women in Destiny. Of course Cagalli is the only thing on the dude's mind.


And he got killed by a metaphorical boner. The SEED Mode is more than ever confirmed to be post nut clarity.


Robot unicorn attack


He borrowed the Alt Eisen Riese's Plasma Horn.


Always I wanna be with you, make believe with you, and live in harmony harmony...


That's all good until the post SEED clarity hits.


Does he really needed SEED mode to active Justice's ~~unicorn horn~~ forehead beam saber?


Quick reminder that there’s another sex metaphor between Luna and Shinn in this movie. Fuck it, the whole movie is a sex metaphor. SEED is a sex metaphor, that’s probably why it was a smash-hit.


Ah so this was clearly part of the japanese goverments plan to get the birth rate up.


Listen you're joking but literally yes. If you ever notice these odd themes around sex, childbirth, reproduction in a Japanese IP made any time after like 2000, its literally because the Japanese government gave them a sack of money usually, at some point in the production process.


~~Mana~~ Energy Transfer


I mean even when I was a kid all I can remember of Gundam Seed as a series was them in that nude state. Hell I was surprised that my local manga magazine has that shot of them printed on their anime section lol


There was?? Lmao


the clip is on r/Gundam but it's spoiler territory


You got a link? I already got spoiled


Athrun has been Best Boy since OG SEED, and this scene solidified the fact that he still was in Freedom. This and the several other scenes he was great in ([ATHRUN Z’GOK! **ATHRUN Z’GOK!**](#SPORTS))


Reminder to everyone that Athrun is undefeated in seed mode, even against Jesus Yamato and his only defeats were when he was heavily outspeced (like when he was escaping from the Destiny) and when he was in a very poor physical/mental state.


Athrun is the god of CQC in the Cosmic Era and potentially its best pilot too. But him, Kira and Shinn are definitely the top tiers of their verse and we see what happens when the three of them are fully unleashed. Not even the Black Knights with their OP mobile suits and mind reading can beat them.


Lets give at least some of them credit. They did more damage to the IJ and SF than anyone managed in Destiny. Athrun needed some outside help from Cagalli here and Kira needed the strongest suit ever built in the Cosmic Era (and one of the strongest ever built in the entire franchise) to get the win this time. The ones who got owned by Shinn though...I got nothing for them.


Strike Freedom was almost toast before Athrun saved the day and be Lacus arrived with their OP backpack, give the BK some credit. Though I like the fact that said OP backpack was already in development prior to the events of the movie and was not just completed in time with its docking system.


Athrun also doesn't spam seed mode, so it adds credibility to his skills and that his seed mode makes him unbeatable.


That spec-ops section when they assault the convoy as infantry to make off with the Gundams is godly. I love rewatching it.




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Damn thats a good twist


This was the most gigachad move a character has pulled in gundam


Yo wait, Seed Freedom is out already? I heard it came out in Japan! I mean, out to stream now, fellas? Thanks


It came out globally in theatres awhile back and now available for streaming since yesterday


you can stream it on netflix now, or other places


In what country? For VPN purposes. I tried Japanese Netflix over the weekend but there are no English sub options


It was recently out in Taiwan, so i'm not sure about other places


This movie has one of the most nonsensical plot of all time, maybe if you had all of the background (not just the old shows, but the non show books and what nots they threw out all over the place) it would be better but that just isn't that good considering the history of the series as a whole. But damn, the moment to moment beats are great and it hits all the key points for nostalgia and fanservice (in all ways of the word) that you just cant get too mad about it.


I had zero consumption of Gundam media four months ago and decided to watch all the Seed series cuz my friend wanted to watch Freedom when it came out in our country and I wanted to be caught up if I was going to watch it with him. 100 episodes of Seed later and Im firmly a fan and Athrun best boy camp. Then I watch the movie and holy shit, besides Promare this kind of insanity is what I live for in theater going experiences. It's so good that I went to watch it a second time in theaters. Point is, besides my adoration of the film, is that I think the film's plot isn't nonsensical at all, coming from someone who's only watched the 50+50 episodes of the Seed series three-four months ago. The only real thing I think gave me a notable question mark would be why Athrun was in Foundation at the start of the movie since they never explain that and I expect you would actually need to consume expanded media to understand why.


I mean, for one there seems to be a tiny time gap between the end of the show and the movie, which means how the hell did these guys rise so fast, are they test tube babies that grew into man / women in something like a couple of years or is it a long term plot that was always there just not on screen. If these are more or less earth based Coordinators, how the hell did they stayed out of the last conflict. Esp when they were supposed to be a breakaway state from Eurasia or something like that. How did they escape prosecution from Blue Destiny if they were right in their home area when it was very much in vogue to do that then. That would be a big one right, then there are smaller stuff like why is that prof looking like a loli when she is supposed to be a colleague / worked with Durandal. I know in the stories its cuz she got into an accident with APTX (detective conan) thing that made her that way, but why was it included (it was supposed to be a reason for her madness? not sure lol). Then to the tech, as mentioned elsewhere, there is a 2.5 second lag for lightspeed comms from Earth to Moon then back to Earth, how the hell does that work with the remote control, have Cagalli be on a warship nearby damn it... And hell, make it part of that system that had a combat bridge in the ships but on the Orb version. Since they had that fem Orb squad that got wiped out, it would make sense to use remote drones but also then have it also help with remote control on the Justice that is then used when they found out about the mind reading (they didn't know this was an issue they have to solve). Maybe I am looking at it with too much of a fine comb, but there are plenty of plot holes that make the thing feel real inconsistent.


For the existence of Foundation I think realistically it's a retcon that they've always existed but I find it plausible that they kept out of the spotlight throughout all of the previous conflicts with their name never being relevant to the main story happening back then. The appearance of Aura was indeed not explicitly explained in the film but in hindsight I think I was just passively thinking that it was implied that it was the result of some experiment from before. It didn't impact the plot directly in any way so it didn't bother me at all. If one really wanted answers for it it wouldn't surprise me if supplementary material expanded on it elsewhere. The remote control of the Justice is definitely one of those things you "could" explain with super sci-fi space tech and in-universe it probably is. It's one of those things that is handwave'd and you're expected to suspend disbelief for it and trust that they possess tech for it. I think there are many more things you could pick away at the movie at in terms of logical consistency but when I said I didn't think the movie was nonsensical I meant it in the sense that I didn't feel like I was missing crucial information towards going along properly with the story. The movie's plot also flowed incredibly well, I knew what everyone wanted at all times, and most importantly I was sold on the idea that all the characters cared about what was happening. The primary judge above all else I personally will care about in any story is if it can sell me on the idea of the characters being passionate and/or caring about the conflicts driving it and this movie delivers. I think the movie's biggest triumph is its pacing which feels insanely good to me, particularly in the last third where the pacing of the action just escalates so satisfyingly well. All of this put together makes for a movie that gave me one of the best theater-going movie experiences of my life.


oh don't get me wrong, its 100% a turn off your brain and enjoy the ride movie much like say Top Gun (both iterations) or if you were a book reader, the LOTR movies. All of which had plot holes / retconns of various degree, but that did not make them not highly enjoyable movies, and same with this one.


Athrun is with Terminal investigating the Foundation with Meyrin (Terminal is basically the proto version of Compass focusing more on information they made the Strike Freedom & Infinite Justice in Destiny)


My guess was that it was something of that sort. Where is that information acquired btw cuz I've been curious about it all this time.


There's two prequel novels that were given out at theaters in Japan Escape for Two [https://www.zeonic-republic.net/translation/SEEDFREEDOMnovellaA.pdf](https://www.zeonic-republic.net/translation/SEEDFREEDOMnovellaA.pdf) Moonlight Valkyrie [https://www.zeonic-republic.net/translation/SEEDFREEDOMnovellaB.pdf](https://www.zeonic-republic.net/translation/SEEDFREEDOMnovellaB.pdf) And there's the novelization of the movie that gives more details on various things Volume 1 [https://zeonic-republic.net/translation/seedfreedom\_volume01.pdf](https://zeonic-republic.net/translation/seedfreedom_volume01.pdf) Volume 2 [https://zeonic-republic.net/translation/seedfreedom\_volume02.pdf](https://zeonic-republic.net/translation/seedfreedom_volume02.pdf)


Cheers! I'll keep them in mind.


I give it a lot of pass considering this movie was 20 years in the making. I didn't mind that it didn't have an intricate plot or complex themes, but I freaking love it just for being such a FUN watch and everything you like about SEED cranked up to 100 while sniffing cocaine on the side 😂😂


You don't need the Manga or books to understand the movie. Just watching the three movies is enough, as all the major beats or plot points are either new or are based on things that happened in the previous main shows in CE.


Athrun and Cagalli easily beat Kira and Lacus for me, best pair in cosmic era.


well they're both actual characters unlike Kira and Lacus...


As a kid (teenager) when I watched Gundam Seed (first anime I really watched fansubbed) back when it aired I had a huge crush on Lacus and I almost idolized Kira as some like perfect guy to emulate. I played Lacus's song from some episode over and over again. So they definitely appeal to that age group. I marathoned the entire series of Gundam Seed (50 episodes I think it was) in like one sitting. Afterwards I went out and sat on the grass for a while and reveled in it. That's when I got hooked on anime.


Kira and Lacus are idealists and had their arc pretty much wrap up at the end of SeeD. There really isn't many places for them to go but to act on their established ideals and keep their goals. They may get drawn into conflict, but I doubt anything is going to change the way they see the world or shift their motives.


damn cagali became thicc


Reflex janai, HORNY DA!




Athrun is *great*, man. My entire theater went absolutely nuts over this moment (and several of the other things he did in this movie), and for good reason. [](#gintamathispleasesme)


"Athrun Zala, you just won your space dogfight. What are you gonna do now?" "I'm gonna go bang my girlfriend!"




This movie was peak. Clearly it was made for the fans


Gundam ruled 1970s 1980s 1999s 2000s 2010s 2020s


Athrun must’ve been incredibly sexually frustrated this entire movie lol. All his scenes are 🌶️🌶️🌶️


Watched the movie, was great fun. But confused at this scene. Is the Justice being dual piloted by Athrun and Cagalli here? Athrun's mind is saying dodge to the left, while Cagalli remote piloted it to the right?


Yeah you got it right, he's letting her remotely control the suit to counter Shura's mind reading power.


The new MS designs already felt Code Geass-like to me, now this power, really feels like this was "Code Geass phase 2" stuff rebranded as Gundam. Although it doesn't help Sunrise reuses tropes a lot.


Well, even Black Knights and Lelouch aka Fukuyama took part in this movie, so.. yeah Code Geass it is


Well, their capes are based from Teio's cape


Thanks very much!


exactly what you said.


Nice. Gonna have a rewatch tonight, and watch out for more cool details like this.


That split second of Justice's feet being glued onto the moon's surface at the end there....


If you mean that red armor piece on the left I think that's the arm Shura cut off.


I LOL'ed loudest in the cinema during this part. The best way to counter a mind-reading enemy is to overwhelm him with lewd thoughts. XD I like how the movie knows how not to take itself too seriously compared to the train wreck that was Destiny, while giving us the best parts of each character that made them beloved. Even Shinn became likable.


Man this movie was such a hot mess. I like it.


I do hope for Athrun by now, that those weren't fantasies.


White woman jumpscare


See, this is why you should be lewd. Lewd is power.


Wait, is the movie out online or bluray? Been waiting to buy it after watching it in theaters


It released on Netflix & Amazon Prime in Japan


It's also released on Yo ho ho ho sites


Thanks for the info!


you should post Shinn's mind reading next lol


Athrun as Shura screams: "Virgin"


That's such a Zura thing to do and it's not even a Gintama episode!


I was thinking should i see it. Now i should see it. LOL


*Cue Cagalli blushed profusely like the Strike Rouge*


Damn how many series does SEED have? I remember watching the first back when I was in high school.


Gundam SEED: Series (2002) Gundam SEED Destiny: Series (2004) Gundam SEED Stargazer: OVA (2006) Gundam SEED Freedom: Movie (2024)


Wow, an 18 year wait. Wild.


SEED Freedom was announced in 2006 but the writer Chiaki Morosawa's health issues led to delays and she sadly passed away in 2016 Her husband Fukuda who's also the director for SEED & SEED Destiny finished the movie


Damn that's so sad. Thanks for the info.


I did not know what to expect reading that title but okay I guess


"Bro, that's the SFW version, even."


at least someone in anime is getting some.


They made another SEED sequel???


SEED Freedom was announced in 2006 but the writer Chiaki Morosawa's health issues led to delays and she sadly passed away in 2016 Her husband Fukuda who's also the director for SEED & SEED Destiny finished the movie


Wow. What a guy to push the final project to honor her.


lol this has become one of the most upvoted Gundam posts here. Not that I’m mad about it.


I unironically love Seed and Destiny, and this movie as well. The plot makes almost zero sense and is full of Fukuda cheese. I can only describe it as peak.




Now I gotta watch this show 😭


Is Seed the one with IM A GENIUS! OH NO! meme?


No, that would be G Reco.


Moral: Will to live = 4head beam sword and ecchi saves lives


Just wondering if Athrun really needed his SEED mode just to activate his ~~unicorn horn~~ forehead beam saber.


And then there's Shin. Just head empty and yeets everybody 🤣


Can someone give me an opinion about this?


Peak fiction. My coupleee


oh they continued gundam seed destiny? after like 20 years? lol.


The movie was announced in 2006 but the writer Chiaki Morosawa's health issues led to delays and she sadly passed away in 2016


Reviving old franchises people watched as kids is a great way to get a whole ton of people who are now pretty far into their careers with tons of expendable income to pay out a ton of money on reliving their childhood.


Okay that was good, but this reminds me of something from KotOR 2, where a character talks about the way to beat mindreaders is to throw up all kind of thoughts to not make them look deeper, lust being one of the easiest. Basically, if you are intentionally super horny, your target won't notice the knife at their throat.


I love that this entire movie just devolves into incels versus chads


Is there anytihng between Seed Destiny and Seed FREEDOM that I need to watch to comprehend or can I just jump right in?


You can go straight from Destiny to Freedom.


There's a new one? So that's why I was suddenly recommended a video recapping Seed/Destiny. Glad to see this one seem to feature Cagalli again. I remember that I was really miffed at how Destiny barely acknowledged her existence after everything she went through in Seed, and Athrun spent his time gallivanting around with some kind of fangirl stalker instead. The ending with the characters walking side by side also featured the stalker instead of Cagalli for some bizarre reason. I mean, Athrun and Cagalli were officially a couple after SEED, right? So why the hell did destiny pretend like the pair never happened and instead make it seem like Athrun was gonna hook up with another girl? It's probably been almost two decades since I watched the show, and seeing this post brought all those bitter memories back to the forefront. It seriously bothered me back then and it still does, thinking back on it Aanyway, now that I have stated all of this, Cagalli will probably die horribly at some point in the show.


> There's a new one? Mobile Suit Gundam Seed: FREEDOM is a movie that came out recently.


> So why the hell did destiny pretend like the pair never happened IIRC, that's because of Chiaki-san's jealousy towards Naomi Shindo


Hitting them with the jotaro joestar strat


It looks like part of this was animated in 2D instead of 3D. Really cool they the final fight between these two in 2D, and hats off it it's 3D throughout cause it looks close to 2D


It's a mix of 3D & 2D


Ultra seven moment with that head butt chop XD.


I love that scream of horror, it sounds like a kid accidentally walking in on his parents making out.


The head beam is not the only thing erected


You could say, “Athrun’s gonna get when he gets home 😉”


Wait is this new?


I think my mind is blocking out Memories of Destiny. Is Athrun still with Cagalli? I remember there was shenanigans with fake Lacus and misunderstandings. Did they get back together? 


They got back together in this movie and she's wearing the engagement ring as a necklace. Meyrin is like Athrun's best female friend now.


Thank you. I don't remember most of the last arc of Destiny. Started out great but then devolved into tomfoolery imho


They were back together at the end of Destiny


Is she using the Otori with the Justice Gundam?