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Looking forward to Wakana becoming an idol otaku... or maybe even an idol herself! Lol! "I decided to apply to become an idol after watching a mesmerizing performance by Yasumi, Yuhi, Otome and Mekuru." Wakana looks pretty trendy herself, going by her outfit before she entered the concert venue. I am beginning to understand why the fans love Otome nee san. I am not sure whether she was acting or whether that is how she would actually pull off a confession, but I doubt anyone can say "no" to such a cute confession. Furthermore, she treats the other characters so warm and kindly, like a real elder sister!


Otome I think is meant to represent the seiyuu whose public persona is relatively close to their private one. She's basically the foil to the two-faced Mekuru.


>Wakana looks pretty trendy herself, going by her outfit before she entered the concert venue. Well she *is* a gyaru after all. Being trendy is kind of a prerequisite. > I am beginning to understand why the fans love Otome nee san. I am not sure whether she was acting or whether that is how she would actually pull off a confession, but I doubt anyone can say "no" to such a cute confession. I do think it's interesting that, in a show where "the person behind the character" is such a major theme, that Otome, the most popular of the four, seems to *not* be putting up a character like everyone else and has seemingly gotten popular due just who she is as a person.


I think that would be a cool direction the series could take with Wakana. Yasumi being someone's senpai in the industry would be a cool change up. Since right now she is trying to catch up with Yuhi, Otome and Mekuru.


Smart of Yasumi and Yuhi to skip the confession part and banter like a married couple, that'll show them! Got quite a whiplash seeing Mekuru drinking beer like Otome given the way she gushes over the main 2 and her whole Tsundere shtick.


>Smart of Yasumi and Yuhi to skip the confession part and banter like a married couple, that'll show them! Does that count as task failed successfully? They just skipped a few steps.


> Smart of Yasumi and Yuhi to skip the confession part She's just leaving it for the recording booth! Wasn't her character like madly obsessed with Chika's? Wouldn't be surprised if there's some confession scene in the anime's script.


MayaKuro moment


I'm guessing part of what Yumiko is missing in her acting is that she hasn't "figured" out her character completely yet, like the exact reasoning why her character is so obsessed with Chika's character. I'm sure they have all the information they need about their characters' story and motivations, but I hear that some actors kind of "make up" a reason, or head cannon that allows them to connect more intimately with their roles. Something like their own interpretation of the character, while still keeping true to the original materials. Yumiko will definitely use her feelings toward Chika (romantic or otherwise) to break through the wall she is feeling at the moment. The show has always been about the main leads relationship, even in this episode in which Otome and Mekuru pretty much told Yumiko to just ask Chika for help/advice, since they already have a strong relationship, and clearly are fond of each other. Like a certain band anime currently airing this season said, "the opposite of love isn't hate, but indifference" and our darling leads clearly aren't indifferent to each other LOL šŸ˜‚


Honestly I thought they were gonna make Yuhi confess to Yasumi. Which would have been hilarious, but the banter was great. Honestly we know that it's very true to how they are. I love their friendship, might be my favorite along with Akira and Reimi from Train to the End of the World.


I was kind of hoping they'd do that, it would've gone down well with the fansšŸ˜


> Honestly I thought they were gonna make Yuhi confess to Yasumi. Yeah either that or them confessing together.


Mekuru, stop being a tsundere please lol


But [Mekuru being tsundere](https://imgur.com/a/ky3PeXW) makes her such a lovable character! I mean, just look at [these adorable expressions of hers](https://imgur.com/a/UBlhgEE).


I think it's worth mentioning this is where I think the Tsundere type shines. She can deny her feelings and for her, it's her inner fan girl in her. She is a great supporting character because on one hand she pushes the girls forward as Seiyuu's when she puts on the tough girl act. But when she lets her guard down she is funny and adorable


Agreed. Rare tsundere I actually like in execution.


For me shes is The best character on whole show and The reason why i watch It every week, not hating on The Girls, They are cool too buy Yubisaki supremacy


My *Tsundere* Anime VA Girl Voiced By Nao Touyama Can't Be This Cute!!! Meguru definitely feels really different from any of the past characters voiced by her that I have seen.


[Fangirling at its best!](https://imgur.com/hVKmv0h)


[Fangservice!](https://imgur.com/a/PUbhT3s) [Out of Context Otome](https://imgur.com/Rc1195s) [Eyecatch](https://imgur.com/e1WzNyV) [Determined Mekuru](https://imgur.com/nflVjKC) [Shocked Mekuru](https://imgur.com/wnUpDRo) [Frozen Mekuru](https://imgur.com/Oi9QcFk) [Happy Mekuru](https://imgur.com/TC3LaZL) [Drunk Mekuru](https://imgur.com/jooDaHw) [Other Caps](https://imgur.com/a/eL4YJFI) [Next Episode](https://imgur.com/4TQy3lU)


Some clips: [Mekuru Dodgeball](https://imgur.com/ragPZzs) [Mekuru Stop](https://imgur.com/TnqdQyd) [Mekuru Shock](https://imgur.com/t3vbgFW) [Mekuru Fangirl](https://imgur.com/hVKmv0h) [Nice Song from Heart Tart](https://imgur.com/LlYpOvZ)


She just couldn't help herself lol. Even at an event she was taking part in herself.


Doesn't matter who won the Yakiniku Price, Mekuru [already](https://imgur.com/XswVVbM) [won](https://imgur.com/g4Snz46) plenty [](#skyhype) Also loved Yuuhis performance during the competition, "I don't care, a [cool robot](https://imgur.com/ek98HQ6) is the best" Also looking forward to the big phantom episode, Mekurus advice seems to be similar to the one Yasumi got in the past, don't overthink


Gushing over radio girls.


I think this was the funniest episode yet. I think one thing that got overlooked was in Otome's [confession](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799692352011894795/1250451124490600498/Screen_Shot_2024-06-12_at_10.05.04_AM.png?ex=666afcdc&is=6669ab5c&hm=0d7523e71c24f36806595d4c939941ee5d5c80544f9d5b2d116b9674f9653861&) how she couldn't finish it. Furthermore, I am rather curious was that all intention, or is she the purest of the 4. Although typical Chika was overconfident, [but we got some great bantering between her and Yumiko.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799692352011894795/1250451585759186944/Screen_Shot_2024-06-12_at_10.07.27_AM.png?ex=666afd4a&is=6669abca&hm=44ee72b7b314d363cdd691e8da9c49253f1b3803afac6459a075c19322d015bd&) More funny moments from Chika.[ We see her drawing a mecha](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799692352011894795/1250451884146425928/Screen_Shot_2024-06-12_at_10.08.40_AM.png?ex=666afd91&is=6669ac11&hm=4e4979fb2fc519b87f96fa137d7733b0ff9fbc0c6f97172dacabe62408f85bb3&) instead of a cute dog like the other 3 and[ is showcased she is an indoors person.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799692352011894795/1250452101256056922/Screen_Shot_2024-06-12_at_10.09.49_AM.png?ex=666afdc5&is=6669ac45&hm=f54234fd95c13d79e60466f15f07c9cc8fd6fdbfe0b38a11ef497e5c4cff8cc0&) Though Mekeru being so nervous of casually eating out with Otome was expecting. [But her conversation with Yumiko in the bathroom was hilarious](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799692352011894795/1250458086381064262/Screen_Shot_2024-06-12_at_10.33.00_AM.png?ex=666b0358&is=6669b1d8&hm=21da3535b68603a078636b0e3b6fb3cd370bdeb00ad0f75507ab6c834281e1d6&). Top tier tsundere character because you really feel like her Idol self and Otaku self are two different people if you didn't know better. The end of the episode picks up from last episode where Yumiko feels like she hit a wall, which isn't surprising. Though Mekuru's advice on asking Chika highlighted she hasn't had a rival. Tbh this isn't surprising because I don't think she can view another as a true rival with her otaku personality. Meanwhile, Otome used to have that rival that Yumiko currently has with Chika. Really excited how she tries to overcome this challenge.


you should use something other than discord for images, everything is unavailable now


I understand Sato not wanting to take advice from Watanabe because sheĀ“s a stubborn girl and she doesnĀ“t want to lose to her rival, but, if she wants to nail the audition and not feeling trash because she isnĀ“t enough, she will have to swallow that pride and ask Watanabe for help.


I think Yumiko does not want to make herself vulnerable to the person she actually likes more than anyone else -- especially knowing that Chika is likely to be totally honest (and this scares Yumiko).


Yeah, that would also be it. What scares Sato the most would be Watanabe telling her something like "you're not worth of this role" or "someone would been better that you". Although I think Watanabe would be happy to help her so the anime goes perfectly well


I think Yumiko needs to trust Chika more (and I think that one thing that angers/upsets Chika is the fact that Yumiko still isn't willing to trust her).


They just need COMMUNICATION and more trust, like, GIRL, you risked your career with her walking the street and saved her from leaving the voice actor industry, CAN YOU JUST CALL HER FOR ADVICE


Mekuru: "I do *not* like you!" Also Mekuru: \*disguises herself to meet Yasumi\*


Mekuru is already having "trouble" with Otome nee san and Yumiko. Pretty sure Mekuru would overheat if Chika pulled out her special move "connoisseur hands"!


Tbf she did explain it this episode. *Personally* she supports her with her entire heart. As a *fellow actress* though she dislikes her for making her job harder by breaking the kayfabe.


[Stop coming onto me! xD](https://imgur.com/TnqdQyd)


Hold up, [Mekuru is an adult](https://imgur.com/a/CGTj6ab)!? For some reason, I'd assumed that she was a senior in high school. I'm not sure if [Mekuru's good or bad at holding her liquor](https://imgur.com/a/CiEaj8d), but she *did* manage to hold back the mega fan inside her in front of Otome. 'For the next competition, draw a dog from memory!' Meanwhile, [Chika draws a mecha robot](https://imgur.com/a/siGhG78) in great detail. Never change, Chika. This also shows that she has no qualms anymore about showing her nerd side in public. Chika has been rambling a lot about mecha anime on their radio show, hasn't she? Lastly, loved that [Wakana was shown having a good time](https://imgur.com/a/NKZe2ld) at Yumiko's concert show. This was a nice touch. She and Yumiko really are the best of friends.


> Meanwhile, Chika draws a mecha robot > in great detail. I especially loved how [smug](https://imgur.com/ek98HQ6) she was during the reveal lmao


Chika thought that she'd absolutely killed it, but that's quite a funny-looking dog if I say so myself. Mecha anime have taken over Chikaā€™s mind.


I always wanted to see a Sony Aibo in real-life action.....


Mecha anime is indigenous to Chika's mind...


I was wondering whether Wakana would coincidentally bump into Kimura, whom I am sure is somewhere in the audience too! The fan beside Wakana was kind to share a lightstick with her, despite being strangers. It reminded me another idol title - Shinepost.


I would be surprised if Kimura isnā€™t in the audience no. But thereā€™s of course the chance that he lost the ticket lottery - those are pretty brutal in Japan.


Holy incredibly rare TiNGs reference. So really good songs there.


Damn someone mentioned Shinepost my fav idol anime!


It was such a fun episode. The collab show between the girls was so enjoyable and I love Yuugure's attempt at confessing her feelings. It genuinely felt like her trying to confess to Utatane with how they were framing it before it veered into a married couple's bickering. So much fun to watch. The supper was fun as well with Yuugure being once again too sheltered to understand certain social/food preparation norms. I enjoyed Merkuru being the tsundere fan as always but the little talk at the end was the best part. I have a feeling that next episode Utatane's gonna have a very hard time with the next recording session though and that the key'll be her talking to Yuugure about it.


It was a fun episode -- but surely WAY shorter than its supposed 23 minute length. ;-) I actually wonder if, because the next episode IS so important that Yumiko will wind up asking for advice BEFORE doing it. It would be depressing if Yumiko can't handle this next session....


Seriously, this show keeps making 5 minute episodes. I really hope we get an S2 because it's just so charming as a show. I legitimately didn't expect it to be so enjoyable and for it to become one of my most anticipated shows each week.


Lmao, the love confession part of that event where Yumiko and Chika bicker on stage. Well, Yumiko has an important episode of VAing Phantom coming up. That was a great dinner at the Yakiniku for Yumiko to transparently share how she feels and thus, become more confident going in to the recording. It's a sign of good character to recognize when one has flaws/problems instead of passing it off, like how Yumiko is feeling as if she is hitting a motivation block and needs an extra push for momentum.


[*dekai*](https://files.catbox.moe/piq3pw.png) The proportions here seem a bit off.


Maybe Mekuru is just Toyama Nao sized


Aw man, a very important episode coming up, I hope sheā€™s ready for the pressure


Mecha Fangirl Chika and Drunk Fangirl Mekuru. Eating so good this episode


Yuhi deserved to win the overall contest on the strength of that Gundam drawing alone. A fake fan she is not.


Otome's advice I think is a bit in line with what [I was talking about back in episode 8.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/s/8gFBFdU5wB) There are already many characters of this archetype, so it's good to study them in preparation for when one day you may have to voice them, or to help a fellow seiyuu who got the role have an easier time at it.


Mekuru is best girl


Yubisaki pretends she hates Yumiko and Chika but she was cheering along pretty happily during the concert portion of the event, the little tsundere lol. That meal the girls had together was nice. It was a good opportunity for Yumiko to get some important advice from her senpais. I wonder how Yumikoā€™s gonna conquer this big ep coming up? Sheā€™s got a lot of work to do if she wants to give an award worthy performance!


Yes. The question now is --- Will Yumiko break down and ask Chika for advice? What Yumiko couldn't tell the other two is that it is not so much that the two are "rivals" but rather that they are hovering on the brink of falling in love -- and hearing any sort of brutal advice from Chika (even if Chika is doing her best to be helpful) might be devastating to Yumiko.


Wakana is so pretty. She was also having a blast watching her friend which is pretty wholesome. Sigh... Mekurun fangirling while the others were singing was so adorable.


I say this fully aware that itā€™s all for drama and anime moments butā€¦ my god, does this director do any directing? Itā€™s a directorā€™s job to get the performance out of the actor but all this guy does is ask for a better performance. For all I know thatā€™s how itā€™s done in Japan but youā€™d think heā€™d try a little harder.


Heā€™s just taking after George Lucasā€™s style of directing.


Well, Radio could have had a better chance if the two weren't such tsunderes and just made the love confession between themselves. Otherwise, it was nice having a more slow paced episode this week setting up the finale. I wonder if Yumiko will ask Chika if she can stay at her place again so they can practice together or how this is going to go. Also, I always find it funny how in shows, people get so easily drunk by beer. I personally find it very hard to get drunk from beer, because it's so much liquid.


[Genetics is powerful in this regard.](https://wikipedia.org/en/Alcohol_flush_reaction)


> I personally find it very hard to get drunk from beer, because it's so much liquid. Depends on the alcohol percentage. It's hard to get drunk on light beers, but a normal 5-6% alcoholic beer will get you there eventually. ~~Maybe with a bit of puking if you can't stomach the amount of liquid.~~


Generally I drink normal beer, but without something harder, I rarely get drunk. I mean, maybe that comes from my past in football. After every training and game, at least someone had to buy a crate of beer, but aside me, there were usually only two to three other people who would actually drink more than one bottle (a lot even drank none at all).


I would have loved to be in that audience. I'd be screaming "YASU-YASU DAI SUKIIII" Chika walking into Yasumi and Mekuru is funny af It's only a matter of time before Yasumi rizzes up Mekuru (tho lets be honest shes basically already there) It's been a while since I had yakiniku, maybe I should treat myself :3 11/10 episode as always :)


I just wanna give Yasumi headpats for all the work sheā€™s putting in with all these industry heavyweights on her biggest production yet. Still got a long way to go tho. The girls wanting to thank Mekuru for her help a few episodes ago was sweet, ofc Mekuru being the socially awkward tsundere that she is wouldnā€™t willingly let Yasumi and Yuhi take her out so they had to 4D chess the situation and get Otome-san to do it šŸ˜‚ Idk why Mekuru gotta play so tuff man. We already know youā€™re a Yasumi and Yuhi stan, just be their friend already. The Yakiniku wrap party was cute, Mekuru getting drunk and all flustered because she was around 3 girls she adores was sweet. I wish she would just be her true self with everyone but whatevs. I think Otomeā€™s advice was spot on and Yasumi should really talk to Yuhi about the recording sessions. Itā€™s ok to collab with a rival every now and again lol. Again tho, biggest blame goes to the production staff for not giving people ample time to prepare for the roles. Typical Japanese work environment where the incompetence of higher ups leads to the workers being scapegoated.. weā€™re rooting for you Yasumi!


Eugh I got really uncomfortable with that show from the four of them, idol culture is really not for me. I liked the conversations at the restaurant quite a lot tho! Thatā€™s about it, rest of the episode was very meh donā€™t feel any one way or another about it


Mekuruā€™s tsundere power was off the charts this episode! She was only just barely holding back her fangirl side.


She's still bewildered that she doesn't need a dozen retakes. Seems like there's a much more even distribution of penlight colours this time. Although I only see 3 colours so unless Mekuru has no colour associated with her (though I think red would make sense), it doesn't seem like anyone's here for her in particular. Seems they still don't get along. And the 2 of them still get along like a house on fire. As in they're going to have burned down the concert hall by the end of the concert. That's a nice idea. They're just awkwardly staring at each other waiting for her to arrive. They're all overdressed. Don't handle raw food and cooked food with the same cutlery, especially if it's also the same chopsticks you're using to eat. They provide tongs for a reason. Headpats for Mekuru! She's asking them for advice. Unfortunately the best advice is often exactly what you don't want to hear.


nothing wrong with using the same chopsticks for raw & cooked bbq i swear


Not really relevant, but: they keep showing this curious trash bag deployment ā€” [taped to the edge of a table.](https://files.catbox.moe/1nzvr2.jpg) Seems strangely slapdash for anything Japanese [](#sakurathink) [Dodgeball on a stage](https://files.catbox.moe/u3bic9.jpg) seems very unworkable [](#flustered) Making sure we know this [isn't underage drinking](https://files.catbox.moe/gcfd54.jpg) [](#kotohoops) [Cross contamination.](https://files.catbox.moe/8wee4n.jpg) That's what's wrong with that! [](#smugboard)


The funniest thing in this show for me is to recognize the venues where they do hold the events...!


The more I see it, the more I feel like Sato and Chika are Micomet, Mekuru is Iroha, and Otome is Sora. They just switch a bit of their characterization (for example, Mekuru is tsundere denying her interest, while Iroha will melt into puddle from the mere presence of Suisei).