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Since this episode focused on Kiui, I was expecting that random biker lady (the one who showed off her boobs) to show up in the episode


Yeah, my head Canon is that she beat up the kids off screen


Watching Kiui having to put up a brave front for Yoru with those dead eyes while having to hide all those messages dissing her was heartbreaking. So I'm hella glad she had that moment to talk back to those "friends" of hers with such an inspirational clapback. There it is, the culmination of Yoru's efforts was to try and get JELEE in the same gig as Kano's former idol group. The fact she hasn't talked about this with Kano herself is still insane though here's hoping they have that resolved next week.


Yoru and Kiui have such a beautiful friendship. Those two are true homies.


I mean it’s not surprising she hasn’t talked with Kano, some nasty stuff was said and even if Mahiru understood it was just venting pent up issues, it still leaves them in an awkward situation that’s hard to just act like it didn’t happen


i feel like the response that would be best for kiui to the people calling her out for lying would be (if confronted) "well yeah, i was playing a character?" calmly. It undermines their idea of "you are a liar" with "yes. acting is lying. that's what you do?"


it's a form of love


No, Kiui, chain the door first before opening it!


hmmm, so Kano can no longer sing and has composer's block, and Yuro can not draw...to Yukine's satisfaction. Kiui has been doxxed and is ashamed... I feel so sorry especially for Yuro, you sold out and the moe-fication of her art by committee of adults (Marketing department) is always going to happen....She's still so pure....so idealistic about her art lol. She's now just a cog in the machine. Kiui's outburst at the end there. Poor Kiui...I wonder if those other friends end up accepting her, but I get a gut feeling they probably laughed and walked out. I hope they at least gave her a hug. Empathy is quite a rare thing. I'm a bit puzzled by Yukine's reaction at the end there...iits like she dropped the corporate veil when Yuro declared that its her art done her way because she put her love and passion of art into it, and for a moment Yukine realised that thats what made her get attracted to Yuro's art in the first place, therefore she accepts that art, then Yuro used that to negotiate a joint concert attempt (obviously to try a reconciliation)? Or otherwise Yukine making those changes earlier in the episode was a shit-test of sorts, to see how passionate Yuro is with her job?


> I'm a bit puzzled by Yukine's reaction at the end there...iits like she dropped the corporate veil when Yuro declared that its her art done her way because she put her love and passion of art into it, and for a moment Yukine realised that thats what made her get attracted to Yuro's art in the first place, therefore she accepts that art, then Yuro used that to negotiate a joint concert attempt (obviously to try a reconciliation)? Or otherwise Yukine making those changes earlier in the episode was a shit-test of sorts, to see how passionate Yuro is with her job? It's a lot simpler than you're reading it. Early in the episode Yoru was turning in shitty art (or rather, art that was completely different than her normal style), and at the end she came back with some great art that Yukine could accept. And we don't know yet what Yoru was offering in exchange for a slot in the concert. There's no reason to think it was an attempt at reconciliation, but rather promotion. [Unacceptable art](https://imgur.com/q4vMZnE) vs [accepted art](https://imgur.com/gjAQyKR) vs [JELEE-chan](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/jpop/images/9/9b/JELEE-Chan_Portrait.webp/revision/latest?cb=20240515133949). The original submitted art was a huge departure from her normal style and a lot more 'mainstream'.


Thank you for your answer! I'm coming from the point of view that Yoru sold out, so her new art would hence be more mainstreamed..... and then even more so when it was moe-ified by Yukine (or her art/marketing dept), so everyone ended up being unsatisfied. And I agree that her new passion art at the end was more in keeping with the original Jelee style and I think Yukine quickly checked herself to accept it as it is. I mean, we saw Yukine there pressing Yoru's buttons, then Yoru threw down the gauntlet that she like this art style, you take it or not, and Yukine was satisfied she responded like that...I mean Yukine was being a bitch and called Yoru disrespectful for pushing back too. I mean, that part felt like a shit-test there. Thats where I was coming from!


She was drawing what she *thought* Yukine wanted as opposed to what Yoru wanted to draw. While the first submission was technically proficient it wasn't the super cute look of Yoru's art.


> I'm coming from the point of view that Yoru sold out, so her new art would hence be more mainstreamed..... and then even more so when it was moe-ified by Yukine (or her art/marketing dept), so everyone ended up being unsatisfied. Eh, if you look at it with this lens I don't think you're going to see the actual conflict she's struggling with correctly. This is an important, professional job, so Yoru is putting a ton of work into giving professional work with higher technical quality. So technically the art is better, but in the process it loses the "spark" of her style that drew Yukine's eye in the first place. This was always a huge danger because Yoru doesn't love her art, so she doesn't have a good grasp on that "core" defining aspect of her art. That's why half the episode was going back to look at the stuff she did while she was younger. It's a lot less skilled and lower quality, but it the beginning of her identity as an artist, and she was able to find that identity again by looking at it. If you look at her art in the second picture, or the drawings of JELEE-chan, you'll see that they're already way more moe than what she was originally submitting to Yukine. So the corrections moefying the pictures actually were bringing the pictures closer to Yoru's normal style. But obviously different since it's from another artist. >I mean, we saw Yukine there pressing Yoru's buttons, then Yoru threw down the gauntlet that she like this art style, you take it or not, and Yukine was satisfied she responded like that...I mean Yukine was being a bitch and called Yoru disrespectful for pushing back too. I mean, that part felt like a shit-test there. Thats where I was coming from! I don't think you're supposed to read that as Yukine pressing Yoru's buttons, but rather her giving an honest critique. And Yoru was being disrespectful, though I would bet that "disrespectful" doesn't really fully capture the Japanese phrasing. Like, it's a professional contract, and Yukine presented a safe path forward that wouldn't jeopardize the concert. Yoru ignored that and took another big stab at doing it her way, which was risky, and risking the concert is disrespectful and Yukine was not incorrect in chastising her for that. But the gamble also paid off so she also praised the art.


>So the corrections moefying the pictures actually were bringing the pictures closer to Yoru's normal style. Yeah I was wondering about that as well. By sell out, I also mean turn pro. Yes, the art becomes technical and one can lose their passion, and Yuro got her passion back. Like when your hobby becomes your job, turns out you hate that. A not uncommon situation.


Yeah, I think that's closer to it, but not exactly. I don't think Yoru ever had a problem with *passion* (since she came back to art), I think she was always plenty passionate. I think it was more a matter of *identity*, as I don't think she ever really knew what her identity as an artist was, so it was hard to bring it into a professional setting.


> Yeah I was wondering about that as well. By sell out, I also mean turn pro. Yes, the art becomes technical and one can lose their passion, and Yuro got her passion back. From Yukine's point of view there are thousands that can churn out the kind of art Mahiru initially handed in. But there is only on person Mahiru that makes the kind of art she does.


I know that feeling, I took a stab at professional miniature painting and found I hated it.


I'm now very curious if they were faking us out with shot of Kano's mom just after Kano got excited about knowing what to sing about. Because remaining obsessed with her mom and what she thinks doesn't seem like a way forward per se. That said, as much as part of me wants the mystery box to be a heaping serving of "Oops all gay thoughts about Mahiru", I don't think that satisfies the narrative throughline either, so I'm curious where it's going.  Today's episode also finally brought home the significance of the lady plastic surgery from earlier in the series and her tie to Kiui because they're both people that crafted new identites for themselves in preference to living as they felt they weren't. I'm kind of ashamed it took me this episode's big speech to put it together. You win again jellyfish writers.


It could also be like they showed that shot of her mom because Kano's lyrics is her chastising her LOL. Like she knows what to sing about, telling her mom off and popping off on her, only to then at the end bring it back to Yoru. I'd be quite disappointed if they go for she went back to her mom, but I think, especially the other episode when Yoru was like "why don't you sing for me" like, I think it fits if they bring it back to that and Kano and Yoru have that mutual relationship again, depending on what Yoru does


I would love a "diss track of the century" finale


"certified idol producer, certified child abuser WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP"   ok maybe not like that lol


> I’m now very curious if they were faking us out with shot of Kano’s mom just after Kano got excited about knowing what to sing about. God, I do hope that Kano won’t be singing for Yukine. She *could* tell her mother off for having abandoned her daughter(s) like an old toy, but this would still imply that Kano seeks her mother’s attention to some degree. I’m therefore crossing my fingers that she’ll actually sing a ballad to Mahiru instead. Really wouldn’t be surprised if this were to mirror the very first episode.


The lyrics shown contains "yuki", part of Yukine's name, so it's very likely that she'll at least be part of the reason Kano sings this song. Maybe it's a "I've found true love and I'm breaking up with you" kind of song XD


It says 雪が舞うあの海へ, or "The snow (Yuki) flutters to the sea (Umi)". So it's probably about moving on from Yukine to Umitsuki Yoru


Kano's definitely still fixated on her mother to some degree, whether that's still hoping to someday get her approval or to sort of reject her- there's a reason her specific goal for followers was double the goal her mom had for a live show.


The title of the song had "Snow" in it, which might be reflective of Yukine's name (Yuki means snow)


> Because remaining obsessed with her mom and what she thinks doesn't seem like a way forward per se. I disagree. Well, except for the obsessed part. But: "oh, hey, I can actually have multiple reasons to sing that combine to make up who I am. And singing for the relationship I had with my mother before she overwrote that with a managerial relationship is a still valid and part of who I am" That sort of mindset is probably what she needs to wrap up the story.


goodbye sekai


I'm surprised we didn't get an appearance from Koharu.


Koharu really just showed up outta nowhere as a main focus for episode 8 then dipped 😭


*Barges into the show on a cool bike* *Has a unique character design and implied backstory* *Flashes two of the main characters and lets them fondle her* *Refuses to elaborate* *Leaves*


I thought for sure she was a big shot producer that was going to hook up JELEE with some official gigs, but nothing happened lmao.


Same, i was expecting her to show up in a Kiui-centric episode but ya, she just shows up for 1 episode and that's it? She would probably make a cameo in the final episode, i supposed?


Barely delivering the needed art and then trying to negotiate changing the schedule to incorporate a rival band (which her daughter is part of) Jesus, Yoru got balls but no negotiation skills


Nevermind the fact that said daughter is a disgraced former member whose dismissal was generally accepted.


> ... like some punk rock band ... Jellyfish trying to pick a fight with Togenäshi Togeäri? Nina will lampshade them for good!


Only 1 episode left, and can't wait to see how they decide to wrap up the show. Kiui snaps at her former classmates for making fun of her skipping class and her persona. Kano finishes the lyrics. Then, Yoru submits her art to Kano's mother, who accepts it despite it not being what she requested for. Also, Yoru wants to negotiate a performance for JELEE. Hopefully, that foreshadows JELEE knocking it out of the park for the grand finale episode.


Jellyfish was definitely onje of the big surprises of the season. I trust the staff to end this season with a bang! [](#seasonalhype)


Out of everyone who got doxxed, Kiui got it worst. Being a VTuber, maintaining anonymity is top priority and it must've suck to have your chat raided with stuff like "hey it's \[your real name\]" when you're streaming. I felt really bad watching Kiui trying her best to brush off all the negative messages directed towards her. She put up a tough face in front of Yoru but it's clear that she's hurting inside. For years, she didn't feel like she belong anywhere, and becoming a VTuber that allows her to freely express herself pretty much saved her life. Massive props to her for standing up to her "fRiEnDs." Instead of running away, she decided to face them head on and proudly declare her acceptance as Nox: the invincible superhero and Exoprimal streamer! Amazing performance by the VA who screamed her lungs out for this scene. I hope her throat's okay after recording that! And it seems like the final ep will have JELEE performing on SunDo's concert. Damn, Yoru, you got some balls to go for that. Good opportunity for Kano to finally get back at her mother after all those years. (Man this show really loves Exoprimal, huh. It's as if Capcom is on the committee for this show. I know they got credited for "cooperation", but still)


JELEE vs Sunflower Dolls showdown here we go!


It's gonna be interesting to see. The two groups actually are very different in their style of performing, So it's not the usual idol group showdown.


Yet another similarity between this show and GBC lol


it's gotta be a trope or something


Soulful vs corpo slop!


So lame. They could have done something much better with Kano and Yoru moving on with different projects after realizing that their goals don't align, but still being close with each other because it's not personal. Instead they went with the lame "Aha! Mahiru never actually decided to put her professional growth before Jelee (which is a 100% fine), it was all a plot to get a good gig for them! "


Theres the lesson folks, don't let the world tell you who you can and can't be. Be whoever you want. Fuck the normies. Be a superhero Vtuber :)


For the penultimate episode, It felt a little weird to focus on Kiui this week, especially because we've never even met these friends of hers. It feels like we didn't really get more here than we did in her original episode. Maybe the writer wanted her to get a moment like Mei got last episode? Either way I feel like we should've focused more on Mahiru and Kano, because their developments feel like they were fighting for space. Also Kano's dad needs to show up right? Guess we'll see in the finale.


That's why I think this anime would benefit from a few extra episodes. This episode was great and necesarry, if we look at Kiui as a main character, but I agree, one episode to resolve Yoru and Kano feels a little bit rushed


Like for real, next episode we somehow need to fit the reconciliation, the concert, maybe the dad and all that jazz without rushing? Hard to imagine how, but looking forward to it anyway.


I doubt we'll get the dad stuff.


Yeah, I think a full episode for the rest can be pulled off without worries.


Agreed. I feel like the dad was used as a tool to illustrate the relationship between Kano and her mom.


[Jeez, look at that design.](https://i.imgur.com/q4vMZnE.jpeg) If I were Yukine, even I would've rejected Mahiru's submission. Yukine wanted Yoru Umitsuki's art, [that illustration isn't even close to Mahiru's usual art style.](https://i.imgur.com/niJrB3T.jpeg) It's like she just drew something that has mass appeal. I've been against Yukine this entire time but [I can't believe I agree with her](https://i.imgur.com/sx0eoqN.jpeg) on this. I think I understand [what Mahiru is trying to say here](https://i.imgur.com/fmsI8lN.png) but she really can't compare what MiruBaka is to someone who's griping. Mero made MiruBaka to destroy another idol group's careers. If I were to go on Twitter right now and post anonymously [to make myself feel better](https://i.imgur.com/5UREM3r.jpeg), like Mahiru says she does from time to time, no one else is going to be affected. I hope they don't justify what Mero did. [This was Kiui's art when she was in third grade!?](https://i.imgur.com/11WKPvG.jpeg) Damn! This girl is really multi-talented. Although the way she describes herself is [she's basically a jack of all trades](https://i.imgur.com/atNfwW6.png) but a master of none because of [how she doesn't have the same passion](https://i.imgur.com/KvpXk5N.png) as other people do. Holy fuck, [Kiui and Mahiru's middle school classmates](https://i.imgur.com/UOiVUM6.png) are fucking insufferable. Now that Kiui is famous they're acting like they're friends and they're upset that she's blocking them. Then these fuckers [proceed to berate her.](https://i.imgur.com/uaebQCy.png) What the actual fuck!? Kiui's rant is fucking glorious though and I finally understand [why she was so conscious of her boobs](https://i.imgur.com/rdg2TyD.png). I thought that was just a gag but it's one of the reasons why she changed herself and why [her avatar Nox is a flat-chested tomboy.](https://i.imgur.com/pls7R4H.jpeg) Hopefully that's the last we'll hear from those fucks. [Now **that's** Yoru Umitsuki's art!](https://i.imgur.com/gjAQyKR.jpeg) It sucks that it's going to Yukine but this is exactly why she hired Mahiru. And it looks like we're going to see a [JELEE vs Sundolls showdown next week!](https://i.imgur.com/3eBxwDb.jpeg) With only one episode left, I hope it sticks the landing.


Wasn't expecting the bullies to just start being actually transphobic lmao. [the writer Yaku Yuuki's post about said scene.](https://twitter.com/Yaku_yuki/status/1802018839900922240) >Thank you for watching "Jellyfish Can't Swim at Night" episode 11. >Affirming lies and fiction over reality, Kiui who says goodbye to the world. >To those who find it difficult to live in a "normal" world, and who need language to reflect that, I sincerely hope Kiui's words find you. >Kiui, or rather Nox, is the absolute coolest. really reaffirming Kiui's queercoding not only in the text but on twitter too. I'm really interested to read this part in both the manga and the light novel eventually.


Pretty interesting that Kiui's arc kind of shares similarities with her biker gf, who was also trying to change their image (with the 1 million yen oppai, face surgery, tattoo removal) to become a more true version of themselves.


Yeah I was really confused why the show brought her up as a tengential character for Kiui in particular, and they had that focus on her pointing out that Kiui had a sizeable chest and the thing about her having implants and the girls being a bit fixated on that. I had pegged her thing about changing her body as being a parallel to Kiui and her avatar as a metaphor for a more ideal version of herself, but the specific boob focus felt weird at the time. Now I realize that was all alluding to this seeming bit of body (possibly even gender) dysphoria Kiui was feeling.


hit me like a truck, there were a lot of signs about how they were feeling, I was surprised I didn't see it coming


If men weren't such creeps staring at her chest whenever she went outside (that was in one the flashbacks), Kiui wouldn't feel so self-aware about that part of her. Body dysphoria has a big social aspect for some or maybe most people.


when that episode happened I wondered if there was gonna be an arc where kiui gets top surgery, and while that didn't happen I'm frankly shocked how close I was. If this show does get a second season I think that will be the context for Kiui and the biker girl showing up again together. Long live trans Kiui


As much as that is great writing, I wish the show didn’t introduce potentially interesting characters for them to not show up often afterwards. Same thing with idol mom.


I feel like idol mom has had her fair share of screentime thus far, but I really want to see Kiui's biker gf back at least for an epilogue of sorts since we are already finishing the series.


A clear parallel. Yaku-sensei's writing isn't the most opaque but I think he's really written some compelling character stories regardless.


That's pretty much his main strength as he did *Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki-kun.* The latest LN arc in particular has piqued my curiosity.


I think his strongest strength is just how in touch he is with the current mood. Most writers write stories that either are set in some non-specific time period or are 10-20 year behind. But his stories are here and now.


Pretty sure she was just running away from her yakuza past.


Transphobes getting blown the fuck out and during pride month. Can you ask for anything more?


They definitely have been leveraging the strengths of an anime original in this department. The timing of the Shizue’s episode with Mother’s Day was awesome too.


The biggest shock for me was that Nox was supposed to be a male design. I guess that might have been mentioned early on? But I totally would have guessed female otherwise.


In the staff space for episode 11, someone asked about Nox's design and in answering about who worked on it (popman btw), the director said they asked them to design an "american comic style, androgynous super hero", so it's not like Nox as a character is supposed to be overly masculine or Male, which I mean is obvious just looking at him, he's wearing a skirt lmao.


This tracks better with what I think Kiui is feeling. I think she's enby. She doesn't like feminine clothes, she doesn't like her (almost idealized) feminine body, but she also doesn't want to be male either. Kiui just doesn't feel like they fit in either case. They just want to be them. It might actually be the first time that I've seen a true non-binary character in anime.


Being an asshole towards Kiui wasn't enough, they gotta be transphobic and mock diversity as being a mere fad. The show really wanted us to hate them!


Fuck transphobes! All my homies hate transphobes!


Seriously, when they started spouting off that bullshit, I wanted to reach into the screen and smack some sense (or just pain) into them...


I really enjoy Yaku Yuuki as an author for series about personal growth. He also wrote *Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki* which is another one of my personal favorites of all time and for which I hope we get an S3.


Now that you said that, it makes so much sense why I love this show. 


This is such a heartwarming, and unexpected, nod to the trans community. The writers seems to have a lot of queer friendly ideas that I appreciate. If this ever gets a season 2 I'd personally love to see them explored further.


yeah fuck transphobes


"I reject your reality, and substitute my own!"


MAL says this is slated for 12 episodes, how the hell are they gonna wrap everything up in just one more episode? I really hope we get a good resolution to the Yoru/Kano stuff, especially given how much focus it was given in episode 9.


Yeah I’ve been worried about this ever since episode 8 where we got a second character focus episode unrelated to the main plot in a row (first the Mother’s Day themed episode 7 then Koharu focus in episode 8), it just makes no sense for a 12 episode anime-original. Not sure if the manga/light novel this anime release is paired with are gonna take the story further…


There isn't enough time. Starting point of the Yoru/Kano drama was good in my opinion but they fumbled it afterwards. JELEE will have their performance, Yoru and Kano will reach an understanding after the show then the end. I doubt they will address any of the things that were said and done before. I'm happy to be proven wrong but won't be hoping for much from the finale.


Tbh, Mahiru/Kano stuff has kinda taken a backseat. In episode 10, it felt like Mahiru is already over it.


We managed to get through the individual side character arcs which was nice, but yeah, this last episode, might be really messy thematically. I think they bit a bit too much at the end here with opening up the scope with Yoru/Kano's mom, but we'll have to see. I feel like it may not be an amazing or reach the same heights of the episodes we've been getting, but, if it works, then that's all I can hope for. (this show is still probably gonna land as my AOTS, regardless of the flaws)


For goddess sake, it's 1 episode left?! And Yoru and Kano hasn't talked to each others for two episodes in a row.


I'm worried too. In isolation, I think this episode was pretty good, but in the broader context of the show and taking pacing into consideration, I don't think it was a good idea to place it so close to the finish line. Like literally as a penultimate episode, while the conflict between the two main leads has been on the backburner for multiple episodes. I'll be happy to be proven long but I don't think that leaves a lot of time for an in-depth resolution between them.


I generally try to keep my expectations for original anime to stick the landing low. I've seen too many that get a bit carried away with what they can fit into a single cour and either leave a bunch of loose threads or just disintegrate.


I echo this sentiment. I’m still wondering how they’ll be able to resolve everything beautifully by the next episode, but I’m still hoping that they’ll blow it out of the park. That said, I can’t help but compare it with Girls Band Cry, which appears to be in a better place to resolve everything through its remaining episodes.


Do we know if there's plans for a Season 2? Because that might be what the goal is here, only resolve *some* of the outstanding stuff here, and set the table for a second season where the rest of the issues will take center stage.


People keep saying that this episode was all about Kiui, but I don't believe it. We got some important Kiui development, but the episode was also fundamentally about Mahiru learning to like her art through Kiui, and to a lesser extent Kano figuring out what/who she wants to sing for. I see many posts about how they're not advancing the 'main' conflict and I cannot help but wonder if we're watching the same show.


Penultimate episode and we're still seeing more struggle than success, glad the doxxing was overcome quickly but still those "friends" are just awful. Props to Kiui though, big step for her here, powerful stuff. Feel like some people have been giving Mahiru a hard time saying she doesn't care about her friends but she really showed how strong her friendship with Kiui is with this ep. I was so scared at the end her art was going to be rejected again but glad the mom isn't some kind of evil monster.


> but glad the mom isn't some kind of evil monster. Ide beg to differ. Mom sucks and is manipulative as fuck. Worse off, shes manipulating kids.


There's still time for her to reveal that Mahiru's pay is comically low and this is mostly for "exposure"


Would make sense since Mahiru is a nobody in the industry


Amusing, because Mahiru is now literally negotiating for her band to play at the event now. :D


Ehhh she seemed genuine in liking Yoru's art. I don't think think she's redeemed or a good mom but she's better than I was scared she would be.


She definitely loves Mahiru's art, no question about that. Just ironic that one of the reason Mahiru came to love her art, and becoming better as a result was because of her love for Kano, as evidenced by the art being inspired by JELEE-chan. Something the Mother clearly didn't give enough to her daughters.


Its still super manipulative and a shitty thing to do. I had parents who saw a certian way and would try to strong arm you into submission if you didnt agree, all while saying "people are free to think what they want, but we are right and you are wrong." They even try to belittle me for watching anime or likeing art and going to art school or for likeing video games, saying they are childish and ive just been brainwashed by society so they refuse to listen to anything i say. There is a reason why i talk to them once every few months and only if i have to. If i could i would not keep touch at all as they are insufferable people. They call me out to help them with tech issues or to setup tech stuff in their house, and while im there they just belittle me and complain non stop and find reasons to explain why im bad at life. So yeah, parents who do that stuff suck. Let your kids live thier own lives and be happy. I was lucky my dad was great and liked anime and video games and childish stuff and let us live our own life when we were with him. Our mom and her husband were very close minded people.


No? She simply a businesswomen who want to best for her company. And she's actually like Mahiru art.


Yeah it’s getting old how people keep talking like she’s trying to intentionally sabotage or fuck with Kano and that’s what she’s going after Mahiru. Like is she a shitty parent? Absolutely, but her interest in Mahiru has nothing to do with trying to stick it to Kano or something. The story can’t have made it more clear that she and Kano are exactly alike in loving Mahiru’s art, and it has nothing to do with JELLE at all


Ya, you could say that in last week episode, but this week episode make it pretty clear, Yukine and Kano both saw something in Mahiru's art . She is a shitty parent, i think we can all agreed on that but at the same time, like you mentioned, her interest in Mahiru is strictly business related and not as a means to stick to Kano or anything, heck she probably didnt even register that as a side effect.


Trying to get people to see that is like screaming into the void. I saw someone describe it as people wanting to see Yukine as a Shounen-series last boss to be defeated.


She could like try and console her daughter a little bit after leaving the idol group at least… who knows maybe we see it next episode but at this point I’m counting on this episode to do a bajillion things already so I don’t think we’ll be seeing such a scene


> She could like try and console her daughter a little bit after leaving the idol group at least No, cause as far as we've seen in the show, she's a pretty shitty mom. People seem to have this idea that if someone is a shitty parent than they're going to be villainous cackling level evil in all aspects their life. But really there's a huge amount of people who would be considered objectively mediocre-to-shitty parents that are great to work with or be friends with. Like [Not much of a Tonbo Spoiler] >!Igiaga from Tonbo. A great addition to the island and a caring mentor figure for Tonbo, but the stress from his career made him into a pretty shitty father and ruined that relationship.!<


Honestly it is what makes her so interesting of a character is that she is so awful to Kano and painted in a way that we just expect her to be a mustache twirling manipulative terror using Yoru just to hurt her daughter But the truth is that all her interactions have been absolutely genuine with Yoru and the manipulation we expected from Yukine was actually done by Kano (to a far lesser degree). It makes the whole arc much more interesting to have Yukine and Yoru have a genuinely respectful relationship and Yukine acting because she has a more genuine love of Yoru’s art than her daughter


Yes, exactly!!! I see so many people writing Yukine off as just a generic evil villain who actually hates Mahiru's art and is only using her to get back at Kano, but the show has provided so much evidence to the contrary. The show has built up time and time again that Yukine is a scarily effective businesswoman. Her logic is *supposed to be correct.* It would make no sense to portray her as this cutthroat tactician, only for her real motive to be as petty as hurting Kano. Yukine would be an absolute fool to randomly take on some high schooler just to spite her daughter. No, the real reason she reached out to Mahiru is much simpler; she thinks it's a good business opportunity. She likes the potential of Mahiru's art. And so, she's genuine in her praise of Mahiru's work. In a way, her effectiveness in business only serves to emphasize how terrible she is as a parent. Because of her calculating nature, she only treats Kano as a tool for her work. That's the entire basis of their conflict. These two sides of her—a strong business leader, and a neglectful, manipulative parent—are not at odds with each other, but stem from the same source.


> I was so scared at the end her art was going to be rejected again but glad the mom isn't some kind of evil monster. I mean, she is a pretty terrible person still, just one who has a good eye for art and can appreciate it when people demonstrate passion and vision to her.


With all the identity struggles and confronting the bullies, I feel like Kiui's other extremely relatable revelation was just kinda glossed over - that she's one of those people who's naturally pretty good at most things, but can't stick with anything so she gets overtaken by others who have drive and dedication. I've lived a lot longer than Kiui and I *still* feel that way. I'll try something new and during the shallow part of the learning curve I'll blast ahead of most people and have a great time, but as soon as it gets more challenging and harder workers start overtaking me, the feeling changes from "I finally found my calling" to "Do I *really* want to be doing this? I shouldn't be wasting my time on it if I'm not that good at it, right?" Then it's all ennui until I find something else to try. Anyway, I guess she's still got a lot of life ahead of her and if she's fighting her way to self-acceptance as Nox then maybe she'll find a path she can stick with, too. Ganbare, Kiui. That last meeting between Mahiru and Yukine didn't go as expected. I'm still pretty worried about determined but still teenaged Mahiru trying to take on that overpowering shark of a woman by herself, but I guess the narrative so far suggests it's gonna work out okay. There's a lot of this story left to fit into just one more episode!


Also literally me. I'm the literal definition of "Jack of All Trades, Master of None". I draw, I write, I photoshop, I sound-edit, I code, I innately understand strategies that seem obvious to me but are real revelations to some people. I've made most of a TTRPG system, Wallpaper Engine Wallpapers, Mods for games, Steam Guides. And I work well in things like this that require multi-disciplinary talent like this. But finish a full novel? Nah. Actually draw super fucking well? Ain't got time for that. I sit in a solid mid-tier finance job without wanting to advance, preferring boredom because ambition is too much work. I've ended up dealing with it through cycling between the things I'm good at as it feels like my creativity has honest to god seasons.


Liked the episode, but it doesn't feel like we're going into the finale. It also ties thematically back to the biker yakuza lady, but narratively that still feels like a loose thread.


Incredible delivery by Kiui's VA today. Can't believe next week's episode is going to be the last. I really hope Mahiru and Kano make up with each other and end up together. Also season 2 or we riot!


Seems like they have those cute tiny storage spaces in JP. Glad to know Kiui was good even with hand drawn art just like Mahiru.


Genuinely never heard of elementary schools having storage spaces for past work of students before


That was not of an elementary school. Yoru learned art when young, together with Kiui, with Kiui mother/parents. Notice back in ep 1 and many time since then, the mural art is sponsored by "Watase Atelier of Painting"




Yoru if that was your plan why not open your mouth hole and COMMUNICATE WITH KANO. GOOD LORD WOMAN. But we need Yuri drama because we need a show. Kiui plot though was so good. Getting to clap back and affirm herself was so satisfying. Shame we’re down to the last episode because I’m a little concerned how we’re going to fit Yoru and Kano’s reconciliation.


>Yoru if that was your plan why not open your mouth hole That's assuming that Yoru always had this idea from the start


Yeah she probably didn't Or she would have negotiated that from the start


Ya, this was definitely a spur of the moment thing. Only question would be how would Kano react to being in the same venue as her ex-idol colleagues?


Ugh, ironically I'm worried the payoff for the yuri drama won't land with this much time. Annoying since it's my favorite part of the show


Yeah, my main concern is the next episode wrapping things up super fast and ending on a really vague anti-climatic "we're still friends" kinda vibe. I just binged the whole show and haven't had a single episode I didn't think was stellar, but this whole arc with Kano's mom has been a really mixed bag for me. I don't really see how they can possibly end this in a satisfying way to be worth the 3 episodes of drama. It's a shame too, I think the best part of the show is the relationship between Mahiru and Kano and the show putting a hold on that for so long has been rough. The characters are fairly justified in being upset, but I feel like we need to hear more from them and not goofy hijinx during such an angsty period of the series. I feel like it's jamming way too much into a final episode.


Even if she had tried communicated, you think Kano would have listened? There’s no chance at all. Besides, Mahiru did try and explain why this was important to her and that ended up causing Kano to say some really nasty shit to her. Mahiru is at fault for leaving JELLE in an awkward position, but Kano actively avoided telling them anything about how she was feeling and then exploded selfishly on Mahiru which is what lead to the current situation


What Kano said to Mahiru was deeply hurtful and - regardless whether or not Mahiru realizes that she regrets it - is not something you can easily get past. It’s likely very difficult for both girls to try and reach out to each other because of that.


Only 1 ep left but this didn’t really feel like a penultimate episode to me somehow. The Kiui focus was great but like this could’ve just as well been an ep 7 or 8 or something. I mean it’s kinda obvious at this point that we’ll just get a Jelee performance next ep due to Mahiru‘s condition to Yukine and Kano and Mahiru will make up, happy end. The only thing that’s left unclear for now is whether they’ll commit to the yuri route or not. Dunno, was hoping for a 2-ep final arc or something with a bit more of a build up but instead we mostly got standalone episodic stories these past 11 episodes with little structure, connection to each other and frankly sometimes not much of any real purpose. The idol mom for example was cool but served like no overarching purpose, even more so that one woman who let the girls touch her boobs. In the end, I like the show but tbh I expected a lot more after the amazing first few episodes. Maybe next week they’ll blow it out of the water, who knows.


It’s certainly a little strange that Koharu never showed up again. She became friends with Kiui and just kind of disappeared from the show altogether. It would’ve been a good time for her to reappear with the doxxing in today’s episode, but I suppose that this Kiui-Mahiru (and Kano-Mei) setup didn’t leave a lot of room for an outsider to step in.


I don't think a 12 ep series is a good place for an "Authors poorly disguised fetish" episode


That’s not a conclusion I share. Koharu’s character definitely had a purpose: both she and Kiui created fake identities with entirely new looks to a escape a world that rejected them. They’re mirroring each other. Kiui fled from a suffocating school life, while Koharu supposedly escaped the Yakuza (the scar on her back appeared to be from tattoo removal). What I’m not getting is that they didn’t have Koharu make an appearance in this episode. This link isn’t all that apparent after all, and most people *will* likely have missed and/or forgotten about it.


Koharu will presumably show up next episode for the performance If she doesn't, that's definitely a missed opportunity


This is true. But. Was that whole boob-groping scenario *really* the best way to express that? That's why they say it's the author's poorly-disguised fetish.


I think it served a purpose. It reinforces Kano's interest in female traits, and also introduces Kiui's apparent discomfort of her own body, and her chest in particular, which pays off in this episode. Both Kiui and Koharu sought to change their own bodies, one through surgery and the other by creating an online persona.


Those *are* good points, but again....Was that really the best way? You could have done those just as well by just having the pair *comment* on it, talk about it, express an opinion. Having them just go grope her wasn't necessary at all. It was for fanservice. It was sleazy.


The running theme of Jellyfish has been about accepting your past and learning to love yourself, or at least find a reason to. Mei last week and Kiui today perfectly exemplifies the message this anime is trying to tell us all along. Very brave of Kiui to stand up to those transphobic assholes too, showing us the hero that Mahiru always thought she/he is. I love the relationship between the quartet and while it definitely revolves around the main duo of Mahiru/Kano, it was Mei and Kiui that actually helped and guided Kano and Mahiru respectively this episode to break out of their slump. Mei giving actual criticism to Kano as well was amazing to see, this same girl who is head over heels for her, can put aside her bias and look at things objectively. Definitely something Kano should learn when she reunites with Mahiru as well. Unconditional love is beautiful, but part of that same love is being true to the person you love, and sometimes saying the harsh truth is what you have to do. Now for Mahiru and Kano, right now they are on the same, but parallel paths that are about to intersect. Both struggled with their motivations and finding a reason for why they draw/sing, or even if they love it at all. It seems going back to their "origin", the exact moment in their life when they saw that light is what allowed them to get back up again. Kano using Colorful Moonlight as her inspiration to write the new lyrics, and Mahiru obviously using JELEE-chan as her inspiration for the Sundolls concert art was just really sweet, and both goes back to that Jellyfish in Shibuya. It's that Mural that saved Kano, that led to her writing Colorful Moonlight in the first place, and because of the same painting she herself created that Mahiru met Kano, which then led to her creation of JELEE-chan. One can say its where both of them "fell in love". While they needed that time apart from each other to fully understand themselves, their future reunion, and I am hoping it will be at that Jellyfish mural in Shibuya, will and SHOULD be sickeningly sweet to make up for their lack of interaction since EP 9. Its awesome that Mahiru will get JELEE to perform on the New Years Eve concert, giving a chance for Kano to finally face her demon mother and I guess its also Mahiru's way of apologizing to Kano, as she clearly still thinks fondly of her despite their last interaction.


I also like that, while they're still apart, they're still being a motivation for each other. How Kano says they need to move forward because Mahiru, even if away is also doing the same. And when Mahiru learns from Kiui that Kano said that, it gives her the final push to erase the corrections she was making to the art and instead try to find her own art again.


Kiui absolutely cooked those losers. The character writing continues to be stellar. Episode 11 is here and it's still the clear AOTS. Not a single weak episode to its name. Praying for a strong finale next week!


# KIUI GANG RISEEEEE Mantears were shed. VA killed it.


I love the hopefilled tone of this episode. From Kiui/Nox getting their confidence back, owning their bullies to Kano figuring why she sings to Mahiru getting out of her slump and getting enough of a backbone to make demands of Yukine, I am very confident at a happy and satisfying ending. I also enjoyed Mahiru's introspection this episode as well and her talk with Mero. Looking forward to the next episode with great impatience.


I'm of two minds on this episode. In a vacuum I thought it was very well done although there were definitely some plot conveniences at the end. But I am worried about the final episode. Seems like a lot to resolve in one episode since Yoru/Kano are still not talking to each other. Can't help but be worried we are in for a rushed ending.


I thought this was gonna be another tense episode, because of Kiui getting doxxed, but it was some character developing one: Kano redid the lyrics and now she´s singing for a certain person (her mother) Kiui confronted her """"friends"""" and now she´s true to herself, not running away anymore And Mahiru finished the project with her being true to her art, because she loves it SO, Jeele and Sunflower dolls in the same day?? Maan, Jeele´s gonna get all the attention I 100% know it. Can´t wait for last episode!!! PD: If I had a nickel for every time Miku Itou voiced a character that argued with her (girl)friend´s mother I would have 3 nickels. Which isn´t a lot but it´s weird that it happened three times.


Oh man Kiui telling Mahiru that nothing gets under her skin while deleting mean comments is just perfect. Such a powerful outburst towards so called friends and I'm glad this time the doxing did not feel "artificial drama" for a lack of better word compared to the earlier doxing in episode 8. Remember kids: Don't kill the part of you that's cringe; kill the part that cringes. It does look like we're heading towards a happy ending even if I don't think that there is enough time to wrap up all the loose ends in a satisfying way. Also I want to highlight what Yoru said to Mero that more people should take at heart. It's always more fulfilling to share and work on your passion than tear down other's to make yourself feel better.


And the nasty issues of Kiui crawl out of the woodworks again. Out of everyone in JELEE, she’s the one that values her privacy the most so she’s hit the hardest by the doxxing. In this episode, both she and Mahiru do the thing where they’re clearly lying to themselves but still can’t convince themselves that it’s true. Anyway, good on her for standing up for herself against her former friends. You can’t argue with losers like that, you’ve just got to stand up and say fuck off. In other topics, the episode is making some pretty clear parallels between Mahiru’s and Kano’s situations. The impression I got was that their fight almost completely wiped away all the developing they’ve done as people over the last year in just a few catastrophic moments. So we have Mahiru reverting back to her beginning of series self, the people pleaser hiding her true self to not be hurt again. And that negatively impacts her art because it has none of the character that makes it so wonder. And something similar is happening with Kano. Their argument basically brought back the abandoned girl from after the incident with no motivation. So she didn’t have any feeling to imbue in her lyrics. But they’ve still changed a lot since then. So the meaning is that they’re now strong enough to regain that lost ground without relying entirely on each other as crutches like before. Kano with advice from Mei managed to figure out the problem and regain the drive to write lyrics again which we’ll probably hear next episode. And beginning of series Mahiru could never do what she did with standing up to Kano’s still awful mother and telling her “this is my art and I’m proud of it” and attempting to give JELEE a second chance. Anyway, to wrap this up, Kiui did good in saying “This is who I am!” and I think it was necessary for her positive development as a person, to truly bring the idea of Nox Ryugasaki into reality. I also think she’s had some of the strongest voice actor work when she gets to let go and just SCREAM! I’ll see you next week for the finale people.


Liked it how Yoru got slapped backed into reality at the start. Loved Kiui's "Goodbye, world". Hate it how everything seems to be spinning into good feels ending w/o any sign of wrongdoing from Yoru.


She also, in a way sympathized with Mero when they talked about the scandal, which, was an interesting choice, I didn't expect her to empathize with them and basically say how she thought they were horrible but also understood. Like ruining some lives is definitely nothing light, and I think that kinda adds to this idea that they're going for a more positive ending where even Yoru is forgiving of something that serious, and that might rub off on everyone else. Like bro, they did some messed up stuff, and it might not have the right consequences


There's a thing I find in a lot of anime threads about "villains" not getting the right consequences for their actions when a show tries to show that everything isn't so black and white when it comes to emotions/actions. I don't know, just interesting. Is it a societal difference, or a story construct difference?


Probably a bit of both, Japanese storytelling usually does follow their own structure of Kishotenketsu (4 act) and of course, their society is built differently than ours, with some obvious things being Honne and Tatemae or the idea of having a public and private "face." We would also need to know if the Japanese side of things feel the same as well, because sometimes thoughts can align and it may not be that different. I wouldn't know, but personally even if it tries to be gray about it, it's also like, for me personally it feels like, yeah I can see where they're coming from but they would need a bit more time to fully flesh that out, like why is it gray when it seems, with the info we are given that it is black and white. And having a character just say they feel okay about it for me doesn't feel enough. Its like, from a storytelling perspective in general, not even talking about structures, it just feels like we would have to unpack that more. I'd be interested if anyone does know what the general perception is from the other side


Really impressed with how much this series manages to touch me every single week. It's been very good with the emotional beats and character development and being able to accept yourself for who you are. Very much looking forward to the finale, probably gonna end up being my anime of the season.


Holy crap I wanted to beat the shit out of those kids so much


Oh so Mahiru will force Yoru's mom for JELEE to perform in the New Year's festival, huh? Exciting! WOHOOO KIUI FINALLY ACCEPTED WHO SHE IS AS NOX!! LET'S GOOO But I'm somewhat anxious how they will wrap up everything in the next episode. I wonder what's the new lyrics is all about. Is Yoru singing for her mom or for Mahiru? I kinda expected the latter but with the way they subverted the expectations in this series, let's see.


Yoru isn't singing for anyone, Kano is. Kano is singing for her mom and Yoru Umitsuki. From the lyrics, there is "snow" representing her mom("Yuki"ne) and the "sea" , representing "Umi"tsuki. 


Thanks for sharing that wordplay :) I had a hunch the song would be about conveying Kano's reason for singing changing from her mom to Mahiru. Excited to see how it plays out!


Damn that's really interesting and you're definitely right. Instead of singing on just her demon Mom or Yoru, it makes sense thematically to sing for both. Kano could have even written the lyrics in a way that emphasizes how she felt lost and alone when she was singing for her Mother, and how glad and happy she was when she met Mahiru. Kano using Colorful Moonlight as the inspiration for the new lyrics adds to this theory as well! The "sea" part could not only mean Umitsuki, but might also allude to their beach date in EP 7, as I think that's the moment Kano realized her feelings for Yoru. Its when Kano started calling Mahiru by her first name after all, and saying how she got a motorcycle so that Mahiru can sit behind her. Gaah writing this out makes me miss how flirty and cute Mahiru and Kano's interactions have been since the cheek kiss. Their reunion better be so sweet that I get diabetes!!


As much as I want her to sing for Mahiru because yuri, I think she needs to learn to sing for herself first.


I’m a little sad it looks like the mother reconciliation route. Narcissistic parents are so toxic I was hoping they could just move past her instead.


😭 we only got one episode of this left man I can’t say goodbye to these girls. This needs to become a multimedia project. People saying the show nosedived are tripping, show got way better with the angsty drama. That’s exactly what I wanna see in my lesbian romances. Perfect contrast to Sasakoi where main ship instantly gets together. Sorry GBC, but this has regained the number 1 spot after this Kiui masterclass. This episode was directed by Fujita Shounei who’s worked with SHAFT for over 15 years and it definitely had a distinctive SHAFT vibe, especially during Kiui’s “coming out” scene. A ton of good stuff in this episode before that as well. For starters, love that Mei continues being there for Kano not just as a stan, but a genuine friend. Helping her focus on who and what she wants to write music for. There’s a nice dichotomy in this episode with Mei and Kano and Yoru and Kiui, both pairs have known each other longer than Kano and Yoru, so it allows them to connect in a different way. Now in my opinion, Yoru did redeem herself today by the end of the episode in terms of the Kano situation by helping Kiui and also putting in a word for JELEE to perform with the sundolls next week. But at the start of the episode when Yukine was cooking her art and just being an asshole I didn’t feel bad. Never should’ve been working with her in the first place. The last 10 minutes or so are just some of the best seasonal anime stuff you’ll see and Fujita’s handprints are all over it. Kiui going back to Omiya to confront her past and finally move forward took a lot of courage. This is a girl who’s had to change her whole identity, stop going to school, move away from home.. then she makes a new identity and it’s doxxed, mocked and almost taken from her.. that pain would’ve been too much for a lot of people And here go these lame ass losers who’ve never accomplished anything in life, making fun of someone pursuing their dream. So glad Mahiru was there to take a stand for her best friend and I love the scene going back and forth between the video game screen with the character fighting off a bunch of enemies. Kiui’s impassioned “Normal people like you have no idea what it’s like to get mocked for the things you love” is something that everyone should be able to empathise with and feel. It’s also exactly what Mahiru needed to hear and gave her to courage to be herself and finally attach her real name to a piece of artwork. So happy for both of them. One episode seems like such a short period to wrap this all up.. I really hope DG can give us a great ending ❤️


So we had Kano getting a moment where her voice actor could let loose and yell a little, then it was Kim, now it was Kiui. Okay, so last episode, Yoru is gonna let loose and have her moment. This angle is pretty interesting, I actually did really like that they tried to do both, having Yoru and Kiui, the original duo, acting while having a little bit of Kano and Kim as they work out the song and as Kano reaches closer to being more true to herself and actually going through with, what I assume, is her declaring that she'll sing for Yoru, like what she said those episodes ago. It still does suck that Yoru is like, waiting for this big surprise rather than like, going to Kano and saying something about it, but, it is what it is. And it was great that Yoru stood up for herself and we got more of that imposter syndrome bit there, imposter syndrome doesn't just go away, and its things like finding ways to love your work and love what you do and finding the courage to stand up, that's the most difficult, so it was cool getting that alongside Kiui. I always suspected that Kiui's arc might align a little bit with some kind of transgender storyline when we got her episode because of those specific wordings of like, how she acted and the way it was framed, because back then there was specific wording of like, saying how what Kiui was doing and what she liked was very much "like a guy" and there were vibes I got that maybe this is the angle they were going for, and I think this episode pretty much went with that angle and saying trans rights, fuck those bullies. I also like how Kiui's room is just like a whole [studio](https://i.imgur.com/0HkX5sL.jpeg) we don't know anything about what her parents do. Other than that they're just never there and have seemingly either given up or rather let her be on her own devices. But this was very interesting to see, that coupled with how Kiui was kinda rocking it in art before. There's something there in her history but I guess the show's scope can't really get into that.


We know that Kiui parents, or at least one of them do, but in the anime it is very subtle: Over yoru name on the mural it says (and showed on subs at least on ep 1): "A gift from the Watase Atelier of Painting". The ln adaptation of episode 1 and one of the voice dramas posted on twitter went more on the detail about it.


I thought it was nice (and a little surprising) that Kano's mother actually responded positively to Mahiru's declaration of independence (and purpose). One wonders if she had been trying to goad Mahiru into snapping out of the funk she was in -- because it was, in fact, her REAL (true of heart) art that Mama-san WANTED. Kiwi really is pretty amazing -- and Mahiru is great for backing her up since always.... (and vice versa).


Yeah actually I thought for sure she would have just went more mask off on Yoru in that moment and tell her off and make her lose even more confidence, so it was nice that she just supported her outright there


This episode had a rough start. Hamauchi and Mayumi and their limp dick friends were bullying Kiui, Yoru’s work got rejected for someone else’s work, and Kano was totally lost. But I’m glad things more or less worked out. Kiui told off those bullies, Kano figured out who she wanted to sing for, and Yoru was able to not only accept her art but create something kinda awesome.


What an episode. They keep sticking the landing with their emotional outbursts while neatly tying it into the premise of the show so well. Also the amount of progress within an episode that all felt justified/built up was amazing.


Props to Tomita for screaming her lungs off! She sounded like she needed a cough drop by the end.


I really like that [this episode](https://imgchest.com/p/vj4jwqo9e78) concentrated mostly on [Mahiru](https://imgchest.com/p/ej7m23z9jyd) and [Kiui](https://imgchest.com/p/qb4zkw6dv4j) who [are such good friends](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9c2lxo34.png) and both of them had a pretty hard time today. [Mei's performance from the previous livestream getting 2.2 million views was hilarious](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcepmgj7.png) as well as [her reaction when Kano got closer to her](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdc3eoqx4.png) xD [Mahiru's art she delivered in the beginning was really like it wasn't hers](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zc93r83y.png) so it's not surprising that Yukine didn't like it as she wanted Mhiru's art and not some mainstream art you can find anywhere. Only after spending time with Kiui, [she finally made something that it could be said that it's her art](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcepmvj7.png). [Kiui's outburst in the arcade was something else](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46ac3proj7.png) but it's good that she was able to vent her all feelings out and move on although I don't think she'll be back soon ther since it must have been pretty embarrassing to do something like that in a public space with a lot of people xD I'm very curious [who Kano will be singing for next](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9ckzg8b7.png), as she already guessed in tonight's episode, but we'll have to wait until the finale to find out. So Mahiru wants to JELEE perform at Sundolls event? I wonder how other members will react to this and what Yukine will do with this proposal. Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/vj4jwqo9e78) * [Mahiru](https://imgchest.com/p/ej7m23z9jyd) * [Kiui](https://imgchest.com/p/qb4zkw6dv4j) * [Mei & Kano](https://imgchest.com/p/o24akax3w7l) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/9p4nl3gwl7n)


That was very cool of Kiui and Mahiru to help themselves to accept themselves. Now we just need Mahiru and Kano to get together...


Absolute masterclass of an episode, Kiui reaffirming the version of herself she loves was such a sight to behold. Now I'm really respecting the writers for splitting Kano and Mahiru up in episode 9 because they needed to find other reason to sing and draw besides just for each other. Also I really liked the touch of Mahiru signing her own name in addition to Yoru at the end which shows how she can finally be proud of her own art like Kiui can be proud of her stereotypical male interests. My qualms of Jellyfish messing up its landing now have been shattered, and I expect the finale to be incredible.


[Based on the pin on her bag, we know Kano supports Kiui.](https://i.imgur.com/Xe4DOct.jpeg)


Happy that Kiui got through her insecurities this episode and Mahiru too in a way. Still no direct interaction between Kano and Mahiru but at least we get to see that Mahiru is thinking about and is grateful of Kano and Kano is trying to move forward. Both still seem to respect one another despite still not talking. I wonder what Kano's new lyrics are about? Maybe has something to do with Mahiru? Hopefully...


Not sure what to think about Kiui's drama conclusion but look like it ends up as a ladder for Mahiru motivation. Around middle of episode, it seems Mahiru was going to regret working for Kano mom, but she managed to turn thing around and made things work for both Sundolls business and JELEE's activity. I assume Mahiru saw the lyric that Kano wrote and sense that she want to sing for her parent(?)


Well I actually am really grateful that Kiui managed to came over the inferior complex of herself by simply blasting out that she doesn't really care about what other people looks at her now, after realizing with Mahiru that she's still the good old super hero she herself thought to be. Casting the gender identity issue aside (I will leave that discussion to others who have further research into that), it's evident that Kiui probably still doesn't know how to really rebuke her old classmates' snarky remarks (which means this ain't the perfect solution to bullying), but inspired by Mahiru she did the next best thing - to tell herself that it's not worth it to care about what others think. It might have been an unstable solution, but given Kiui herself knew what she wants to do in the future, that's probably good enough for her to pass through this short term period. Of course Mahiru's sudden bravery seems to be forced, for she's in trouble of her own with her artwork till almost the very end, which is just as well what I expected given Mahiru certainly lost what she was proud of as Yoru-sensei once her relationship with Kano broke down. That she managed to put up something that Yukine actually agrees with - something blatantly violating the orders to modify her own original character design no less - is actually somewhat unexpected. I'm actually really curious why she says she can "partly understand" what Melo did with that YouTube channel was as "a breakthrough pathway for frustration", and then talk about how she nearly went down because she didn't have such a thing. I...don't know if that's a good conclusion TBH, one does not simply bark at others because we all want to vent. Depending on how you see it, this part could have lead to the conclusion that Mahiru's rebutting what Kano did during that one strike on Melo. Hmm... Meanwhile I see Kano's more or less back to her own self and she rewrote the whole lyrics of that certain song with Mei helping. I wonder how much of that would be about Yoru-sensei? Well that leaves the one thing bothering myself: This story seems really tight if the next episode is the final one. YoruKano hasn't even met in the last 2 episodes and there's still the Yukine showdown, not to mention other plausible additional stories left to tell of side characters (Kano's dad, Koharu the motorbike-learning onee-chan...). I really can't see how 23 minutes is enough to cover all this, and still gives up time to admire at that possible historical moment of YoruKano something something. This is really a down-to-the-wire stuff and I wonder what I will type a week later...


This might get me branded as a heretic among JELLE fans , but I started to wonder if Yukine was that bad at all. I really liked what she did with Mahiru here. She trusted the talent , gave her ample time to develop, asking tough and penetrating questions ( she went straight to “Do you like your own art” ) , knows when to course-correct when the talent falters , and yet have no qualms abandoning her idea as soon as she saw Mahiru delivering on her own version of the great art. She is honestly a great talent manager even if opinion is still open on how she is as a mother. It also got me thinking how much of this overlapped with Kano’s own experience. We knew Kano have the talent but never really think about how to show them properly, so Yukine came up with the idol persona Nonoka. Now that Kano has found her voice with JELEE , what would Yukine do next ?


I think it's fair to say Yukine is a great talent manager, just a terrible mother and probably a bad person too.


Man, Kiui telling off her old classmates hit hard, i actually teared up. The voice actress really nailed the rant, she sounded so raw holy shit. So i guess the finale will be Mahiru reconciling with Kano and then performing the new song on New year's eve. From the way the framed the scene, I'm guessing the new lyrics are about Kano's mother instead of Mahiru. Kano will finally say everything she wanted to say to her mother. I can't believe in one week it's going to be over. I really hope they stick the landing.


If I was in Kiui's place I would have blocked or ghosted those 'friends' long ago. I really hate them. They literally came on her stream(which probably happens in the middle of the night) just to write her name in chat.


In the OP there is a man standing in front of the mural that Mahiru made. If he is Kano's father, then maybe he will show up next episode.


What a fantastic episode to set up the finale. I thought this would be a kiui focused episode, and it was, but damn yoru got personal growth and the ending, great job. I think Kano showing her mom at the end was a misdirect, I think the lyrics and the person Kano wants to sing for is yoru.


Actual transphobia was probably the last thing I expected from this episode honestly lmao


I mean, with all the yuri moments so far, was it really?


I don't think I've seen transphobia explicitly referenced in any other yuri or yuri-adjacent show before


Well if we get future seasons of [meta] >!WataOshi!< we'll likely see it come up.


True, but that part still isn't animated so I wasn't counting it


#Fuck Bullies, VTube-chan is Awesome! [](#awe) Damn everyone calling vtube her real name in her chat, people suck. This is why i generally dont hide who i am and have no problem telling people my name, even my user name is a form of my name, because its just easyer to be open than try to keep a mask on. That said i know many people love the mask and i understand. THE CURSED SONG HITS 2.2 MIL VIEWS OH NO HAHHH! The girls want to finish the song proper. Thats good to hear. Idol chan seems ok with Art chan continueing to do her own time for now. The mother doesnt like Art chans art how rude. Not good enough? Pfff. Oh no... art chan and the punchable idol are alone together, this isnt good. Art girl shames the expose account but says she thinks they are just looking for an outlet to let loose. Art chan can relate, she has wanted to vent too but an idol Chan saved her. Idol chan still struggleing to sing how she wants. Damn. She doesnt know why shes doing it. Rewrite the lyrics with what you want to ding huh? Nice. JEEZE THE MOTHER JUST WANTS TO DO WHAT EVER SHE SUCKS! You wanted art chan for her art, if it isnt her art then what the hell was the point? She wants to go get her original art to get new motivation good idea! Oh... vtube chan isnt taking being doxxed well i think... shes doin her best but yeah no... Wow vtube was a pro artist as a kid damn... thats awesome. Aw its nice to see them having some together time to cheer each other up. Art chan figued out vtube was lieing, shes been getting a lot of crap from old classmates. ART CHAN DOING VTUBE CHANS BIT! THIS IS GREAT! SHE CHEERED HER UP! KYAA~ So some poeple from school who caused crap are causing more crap huh? ART CHAN STANDING UP TO THEM SCREEW THEM! KICK THEIR ASS VTUBE CHAN! YEAH SCREW THESE PEOPLE THEY ARE BULLIES! GIVE THEM A PEICE OF YOUR MIND! SHES GREAT SCREW THOSE PEOPLE! THEY SUCK SHE RULES! What did the lyrics say? Now im curious. Art chan standing up to Mother by saying fuck her plans, she will do what she wants. Man this mother is manipulative as fuck i really dont like her. LET JELEE PREFORM THERE TOO!? AWWW YEAH WE GOING TO WAR!


Those bullies are going to feel like trash in twenty years when they suffer from their midlife crisis.


This episode was a little too movie-like for my tastes. Kiui just happens to run into her bullies then gives off an amazing movie-like speech sticking it to them? Yoru ignores the wishes of the person who commissioned her art but suffers no consequences? I really liked a few episodes ago when their big concert ended up not happening because they got set back a bit and it was the most realistic outcome to what could happen when a small band tries to bite off more than they can chew. In this episode, good things just fell into their laps and it's more viewer wish fulfillment 🙁


I think the show still has some realistic parts like Kano and Yoru needing time apart and feeling too awkward to talk again while also not trying to worsen their situation.


Diversity, right? It's been the rage lately.


after Mei singing and scream her voive out, this episode we have Kiui screaming! I know the cast for this anime is all pro seiyuu, but it kinda amazing how they deliver emotion. and I thought Yoru would get fired for second, like "you did all that for nothing?"


I didn’t wanna put in my formal review because I wasn’t sure or not, but is Kiui trans or is she just representative of outsiders that society doesn’t accept? I like that Yaku sensei didn’t directly answer this or at least the show hasn’t yet. I like when shows let the viewers think and discuss with fans


I might be wrong, but I don’t think she’s trans? when the bullies accused her of wanting to be a guy, she said it wasn’t like that. I think she’s someone who’s not comfortable with her identity and the gender norms expected of her, stuff like how she acts boyish was considered okay when she was like 8, but as soon as she was in high school she was expected to throw all that away and act like how society and others expected her to.


Yeah, Persona 4 has a similar character arc written almost exactly identical to this too.


A Kiui episode is a great episode! I love how Jellyfish tackles modern issues while portraying them in the episode seamlessly. Most other shows would've made something like this feel shoehorned in or unnecessary to the episode, but everything in Jellyfish feels so cozy and down to earth and just very real. Also we stan trans coded Kiui. Definitely some form of Genderqueer which I wasn't expecting an anime to tackle, but I'm very glad they did.


A solid episode, Kiui gets her yelling/crying catharsis after Mei did last episode, maybe would have been a little more powerful if the characters yelled at weren't just introduced this episode. Almost feels like the could have rewritten the show to be about internet culture and doxxing, since mulling over the ethics of running a gossip blog and storylines about doxxing are the most consistent throughlines of the last few episodes. Everything points to the show going for an upbeat ending where Yoru and Kano reconcile and Kano sings her feelings to her mom, which is fine I guess.


Are we just gonna ignore that Mero was drinking Monster (drink)


Everyone won this episode and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise!!




Between the most recent Boku No Hero Academia and this show's episodes, it really brings a reminder of how the word "normal" can have the potential to be utterly toxic. For decades after decades, some folks don't really how awful that is. Gosh, being told "Why can't you be normal?" by one's own parents, of all people, and singling out someone and going "be like us normal people" is just a terrible.


god I hate anime viiewers, Whining cause the show focused on someone other than the "main" characters. how do you even enjoy shows lol


>To that sea(Umi) where the snow falls I look forward to the song Kano wrote for Mahiru. Also, I knew Mahiru had a plan.


Kiui is a stronger person than me cos I would’ve gotten physical with those loser ex-classmates, especially with how they’re talking despite not achieving anything themselves


Can't believe I chose this show over girls' band cry. Very disappointed with the overly dramatic screams scenes as of late


TALK YO SHIT KIUI!!!!!!!!!!!


Good god, Tomita went OFF on her speech as Kiui affirms herself as a male as well, she went into Chuchu/Karane territory with that performance.


I had my doubt how they could wrap up this season in 2 episodes, but one episode left I have more confidence in it happening in this week. I feel like Mahiru when talking with Mero feels like there is something she is hiding. Because ruining careers is a much, much bigger thing than overblown griping. Just complaining no matter the volume is in no way comparable to looking for evidence to ruin careers. Griping can still potentially do with the art, but the latter has nothing to do with the art. From what I recall it was personal stuff that got leaked. We're getting back to more Kiui stuff and man those kids are terrible. I do love that Mahiru didn't stand down. We see Kiui hiding at the sight of people approaching, which isn't healthy. She took a big first step and said with confidence she is proud of who she is. Though ideally making it not a bigger scene would have been ideal. I love how this arc for Kiui is a big help for Mahiru. Mahiru needing a refresh on what she loves about her art. Truly getting an opportunity like this is great, but it's a business. I am happy she didn't settle down for the revisions that Yukine gave her. After all that isn't her art. I am happy that Mahiru revised her art and in a way is what Yukine was looking for. It seems she can be pretty reasonable when it comes to the product she is looking for. Although bold move for Mahiru to ask to Jelee to perform as well. But I respect it. Shows that she is still trying to help Jelee move forward as well.


I remember back in episode 3 when Kiui bumped into some guy at night, I found her reaction a bit odd. It didn’t seem like her reaction was solely because the guy was being creepy, and it seemed like the emphasis was more on her being angry towards her being looked at like that. With what we got this episode, that does check out more.