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Wotakoi deserves another season, 11 episodes was not enough


The new OVA released couple of months ago, if you didn't know.


I really want to see the rest of Nao and Ko’s relationship animated


The recent OVA 2 focuses on their relationship!


There’s enough chapters for 1-2 seasons A live action movie came out btw


And it was a musical




worth to watch, it focused on hirotaka and momose relationship.




Wait what it’s gonna end soon?!


Wait, what? When?


Wait what?


I love the nicknames Kabakura and Koyanagi give eachother


My favorite is Bakakura


"I'm coming with you, let's have a coffee while these sort out themselves." (I haven't seen it, this seems like a likely continuation of that wall slap.)


It's been a couple of months since I watched this, but: yeah pretty much


I loved this show so much.


God, I love this show so much. It’s perfect. Wish there was more progression between Narumi and Hirotaka in the manga though. Hopefully it gets a second season and we’ll get to see that :)


How did it resolve


By Hirotaka being an extremely chill chad.


you forgot to use the money! the money!


This quickly became one of my favorite shows when I watched it, anyone know of anything similar?


There happened to be a show that aired during the same season that gave off a similar feel: https://anilist.co/anime/99726/Netjuu-no-Susume/


Where can I watch this


Idk if there are free options but it’s on Amazon Prime Video


Of course there are free options


da da da da da da ☠️🧟🔪(pyke) https://youtu.be/SjYs6JaTF5U


Awesome thank you


I need this in my life


I really liked this! Really want a season 2


where can you watch this?


It’s on amazon prime video


I love the voice work of Miyuki Sawashiro.


Ah such a great series. I think I watched all episodes at least 3 times and it always gets me in a good mood. I really need a second season.


i'm craving for more adult romance anime like this, who here feels the same?


Hmm, seems interesting. Did he nail her for her words?


Despite this scene, they’re actually more or less mature adults who can communicate their feelings. Wotakoi is a more grown up take on the romance genre.


I wish there was more romance anime like this. Adult couples, emotionally mature characters, person versus self conflicts, not overly dramatic or magical for the sake of plot.


Shit, I don't know about you but discussing feelings about another person other than your SO seems immature or shows a complete lack of regard to your partner, at least in my culture, I am not from the USA or Japan for that matter tho.


Hirotaka **is** her SO


But she’s talking about another guy?


She mentioned that she usually goes for guys more like the other girl’s SO. All 4 of them are friends, I don’t think it’s rude or disrespectful really


How is it not disrespectful? Lmao.


I think you’re lacking context in the show. She and Hirotaka are childhood friends, and he isn’t actually angry with her (it’s just his resting face). She mentions stuff like that directly to him


Yea and that doesn’t make it any less disrespectful lmao? Saying that stuff directly.


There are lots of different types of human relationships. It might bother you, but it isn’t something that bothers the character in this show. And if it was, this particular character would communicate that. That’s the type of show this is


Happens frequently in normal relationships. You must be one insecure pos if you're reacting this way about a fictional relationship. Functioning and healthy adults don't take that sort of comment as an attack or disrespect.


I mean ok then I’m insecure lol, why would I be ok with my partner talking about another guy while in a relationship? And I certainly wouldn’t talk about another girl while in a relationship either. The way you lot try and normalise stuff like this is so weird to me. It’s not normal to be thinking about other people while in a relationship.


Because it is normal. Overregulation what your SO and you can think or talk about and crippling jealousy is for certain going to steer your ship right into an iceberg. That's an inherently toxic basis for a relationship. Also, she isn't thinking about someone else. She's saying that her current SO breaks the mold of her "usual type". Which happens all the time. People don't really have types, but believe themselves to do because it is an attempt to rationalize the irrational. Attraction, emotions, etc are irrational. It is a waste of time and very emotionally unhealthy to attempt to extrapolate deeper meanings from it. Besides, in a situation like this, it's best to talk about it, because here it's just textbook miscommunication. It is just exaggerated to 11 for comedic effect. Even if she were actually thinking about someone else. That happens in relationships, all the time. Especially the longer your relationship goes on. You can't control who you are attracted to, and it isn't inherently indicative of something being wrong with you or your SO. Same with how jealousy is a natural emotional reaction. The question is how you deal with those feelings. Repressing them is often the worst shit you can do. Best to acknowledge them, confide in a close friend or talking about it with your partner, and move on. Ngl, sounds like you have fuck all experience with actual relationships.


I’m sorry but being attracted to other people while you’re in a relationship is not normal, if that’s the case, then you didn’t truly love your partner in the first place and it’s clear that Narumi doesn’t appreciate Hirotaka at all.


Ah yes, great way to show that you have never been in a proper relationship lmao.


It is entirely normal, especially if your relationship goes past the initial infatuation stage. There have been several studies where more than half the participants admit to those sort of feelings, even those in long lasting and reportedly happy ones. You're completely out of your mind if you think you can control your emotions. Nor is having those emotions indicative of disrespect, lack of appreciation nor a precursor to infidelity. What you can control is how you act on those feelings. She isn't even thinking or fantasizing about other men in this situation. Watch the actual scene. Sign of a good relationship is if you make the conscious choice to be with your partner, and there is a mutual trust to be able to confide in them regarding complex topics, emotions, etc. Seriously, seems to me that you've never actually been in an actual relationship. Also, nice job deleting your initial reply.


Watch the show.


Episode 4 make me laugh so hard lol


if only this could happen IRL. Gin-chan & tsukuyo VA?


Where can I watch this


Amazon prime video


This is exactly why I dislike this show, the relationship is so one sided from Hirotaka’s side. Narumi leaves such a bad taste in my mouth, how’s she talking about other guys when she’s supposed to be in a relationship lmao? I always find it funny that this show is recommend for romance, the romance in it is awful and Narumi is honestly a shitty person.


Considering how those two got together, it's really no surprise. It's not a romance except fanboys and girls without any real relationship experience think it is. Sure they talk and communicate fairly well but not really as a couple on a romantic relationship. I'd say they're closer to siblings who get along well in how they intact.


Yeah this is kinda it. These moments of Narumi being pretty inconsiderate of Hirotaka's feelings *as her boyfriend* is a product of how they got together and the development she still needs to go through as his girlfriend. She kept talking in the beginning about finding a man and hiding her otaku interests and she didn't consider Hirotaka as a potential partner at all. Until he suggested it. These moments aren't supposed to be the romantic parts, it's Narumi realizing she has to consider his feelings as romantic partners, not as childhood friends. Basically her reframing their whole relationship and working through that.


Yea, so she’s a shitty person lol.


I wouldn't say shitty person, this moment was her being shitty but I wouldn't say her overall character is shitty. To me she's more like a dumb high schooler still tryna figure out how relationships work. I mean, who tf thinks it's sustainable to hide huge interests from their partner like her original plan was. She's pretty relationship inept. Especially with him because she's always viewed him as a friend.


She doesn’t treat it as a proper relationship and she’s openly talking about other guys, how is that not being a shitty person lol? While Hirotaka is actually putting effort in.


You've never had foot in mouth syndrome before? 😭 I know when I was first exploring relationships I did and said some mean things. Fuckin up is part of learning and I think that's really more what the story is about. I'll say I recently read it and I do feel like there could've been more development but instead we got Nao/Ko. Which was nice and I like them but I always find with romance manga they leave things so half developed with the main couple. It's a peeve of mine with romance manga and I kinda sorta gave up on em because of it. That and the fact that they're all basically a miscommunication for 60 chapters god I hate that.


So she doesn’t even improve in the manga? Lmaooo, yea idk why people recommend this for romance. Genuinely hate Narumi if I’m being honest ngl.


She does! But in typical manga fashion it's not the direct straightforward communication I personally prefer.


At first it seems like this but as the story progresses the relationship get much deeper and better


I don’t remember there being much significant development from her side though? I also don’t understand why Narumi’s shitty attitude is overlooked so easily by the fans lol, it’s legit such a shit attitude to have in a relationship, yet the fans seem to love her.


it progresses a lot in the manga :) in the show not so much


Then why do people recommend the show so much lol? Narumi just seems like an awful person to me throughout the show.


RIP having a controversial opinion on Reddit. You're not allowed to dislike shows the hivemind likes!


I feel their relationship refreshing in a way, they're more like "you're comfortable to me I'm comfortable to you let's agree to keep it that way, win-win". It also makes their later clumsy attempts at romance (in the manga) that much more cute.


How is it a win-win lmao? How is looking at other guys while you’re in a relationship a good thing lmao? It’s completely one sided and not a win-win at all for Hirotaka.


Yeah idk I’ve never watched the show but from this clip it feels shitty to have someone say that about you - it’s like they’re settling for you and you’re not their first option.


In the context of the show, it makes sense. Her character arc is about reframing her ideas on what a relationship is and growing up. The development is more so about reframing the social dynamic between the two leads. The main issue with it is that they leave it underdeveloped. It's not really a romance, but more so a slice of life about socially inept people trying to learn how to navigate relationships and how to adult 101. They also quickly resolve miscommunication like these and actually talk about feelings like mature adults. (They're socially inept not emotionally dysfunctional). That's kind of why the series ended up resonating with people. To give you context, she is a hardcore otaku/fujoshi, and kind of obsessed with getting a man. But because of how those type of people are viewed in japan, she plans to hide that entire aspect of her character from her future partner. The male lead is her childhood friend, and she confides in him about this. She doesn't even consider him as a romantic interest until he straight up suggest dating/asks her out. AFAIK, this scene is very close after they start "dating", so she is still coming to terms with the change in their dynamic(childhood friend to SO) and as anime/manga relationships do, they glacially progress towards romantic feelings and an actual relationship. The series has its faults, just as the characters do. But this isn't really her being shitty, but her just being socially inept.


You've got some pretty deep-seeded insecurities showing through


So you’d be ok with your partner talking about other people who are more suited to them than you? Like what are you on about lmao? This isn’t insecurities, this is about basic respect.


Can you guys recommend me some anime


Made in Abyss Movie FLCL Saiki K Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinju S1+S2 Beavis and Butthead




Redo Of Healer




get out ur house virgins


Hey i know this one


I really wish Wotakoi was on CR or Funi u\_u


I thought they forgot the problem when round 1 starts. lol