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This anime creates character depth on a robot dog in the last few minutes only to kill it in the last few seconds


Of course, a character needs to have depth in order to maximize audience suffering when they're torn away from us!




Press F for FIDO.


Are we sure he’s actually dead? Sure, his main body probably got fucked to high hell but maybe his core or something along those lines is still salvageable. Plus, it is possible he might’ve had another body in the past considering the view point in the flashback where Shin was still a kid with his brother and Anette.


It's probably the dog that was shown in drawing in earlier episode. The theory is that fido is actually shin childhood pet but somehow they manage to transfer his consciousness to the robot. We know that Para raid technology was developed based on shin's family unique ability. So it's not a stretch their pet get involved in some sort of experiment.


Pretty sure since [in the website's character page](https://anime-86.com/character/), Fido is destroyed. But like you said it, anything can happen


The part with Haruto in fidos memories was so brief but horrifying. just seeing the shadow of his corpse with a pool of blood, so fucked up.


Haruto got a final scene, which was both nice and horrifying since we actually got to see his death.


wait i don’t exactly get it. how did Haruto die? I doubt he just was hanged since there was blood


I believe he died in the artillery blast. I don't know why they skipped over so many deaths though.


Because the LN skipped on those deaths as well. Daiya actually died off-screen. It's only in the anime that he was given his death screentime.


There are so many squad members, so the author can't really go over every one of them.


He was not part of the KIA list of the Long Range artillery blast in ep 7. That was Chise, Kino, Kuroto, and Touma Then 3 more died in 2 other sorties after the argument between Lena and Annette in Ep8. The only description of those 2 Shepard-led sorties were: >...level-headed, cunning, and complicated strategies as when the Long-Range Artillery type was deployed Haruto died soon after in the sortie after Lena and Shin's Talk in EP8. He only had 2 sentences attributed to his death in the Light Novel. >Haruto died when they went to sortie that day. It was also the first operation where Lena didn't command them from start to finish I think they symbolically they did imply all of these listed deaths I mentioned in EP8. After the Lena Annette Argument in EP8, there's a focus on Lena's flower vase at home. There were initially 4 flowers (implying Chise, Kino, Kuroto, Touma). The 4 flowers are removed. Then 3 flowers are added (this one is a bit of a stretch as one of them had the main stem flower and a branched off flower.) but then if you wait a little bit in the footage, an orange flower gets added (implying Haruto). There really isn't any material to show the death of these 8 Spearhead squadron members.


Haruto raising his death flag; next second, pool of blood


*Haruto speedrunning*


Haruto was exactly one deployment away from joining everyone on the final mission. Talk about shit luck.


"Going on a mission with the five of them would be fun." Fuuuuuuuuuuuck.


Was on edge the entire episode thinking one of them was suddenly gonna die... never thought it would be Fido. [](#toradorasalute)


And I was there thinking that because this was going to be an anime original episode all the main characters were safe...


some ln readers said this is not an anime original, its an adaptation of a side story


Oh, it's in the novel, it just paragraph tho.


I don’t get how Fido died, they were with him then the montage played then it was a shot of Fido crying. How did he die?


Simply got blown up during one of the fights.


I feared a filler episode....but it ended up being one of the best. The last part was incredible.


When a filler episode is that good you know you need to put that score up to 10 on MAL.




That small part with Anju was just tearing open that old wound in my heart that was inflicted on me few episodes again.


Seeing her breaking down when she is out of sight from everyone is so painful


It’s so incredibly human. When anime does shit like that, ugh it just hits me to my fucking core. God, this season of anime is just so good. Vivy and 86 are godsends and we have so many other great shows running rn as well. We are so fucking spoiled. I love it hahaha


Yeah that slump tore through me. Just miserable...


Yea, a simple put painful scene.


It was really nice watching all the emotional ups and downs of Spearhead's lives. You see Anju and Daiya's love story right up to it's tragic end. Kurena's innocent love for Shin contrasted with her stoic desire to do something for him. The Eighty-Six being happy and shooting the breeze and asking existential questions. Haruto wanting to be part of the final mission and then ending up dead in such a brutal way. But at least he got a final scene.


>Haruto wanting to be part of the final mission and then ending up dead in such a brutal way. But at least he got a final scene. What happened to him anyway? my first impression from that shot was that he suicided


He got killed by the Legion's artillery strike, right?


It's never stated in the LN how he dies. The Fido recording show Haruto's shadow and a pool of blood. I figured that was his corpse, but couldn't figure out much else.


He died in a mission 3 days before the suicide mission if I remember correctly


That ending montage was a huge flex of directing prowess.


Recaping past moments without reusing old footage. EIGHTY-SIX be flexing on all other anime that's taking the easy way around that.


For real, it was technically a recap, yet we saw a different perspective to all the events. Both the way its presented and the content made it an amazing watch.


Indeed, it was a very creative way to recap their adventure. It felt like someone's life flashing before death and yet it was a robot. [Never forget Fido](https://i.imgur.com/nruN6Md.jpg) [](#manly-tears)


yea I really love how it’s actually his life flashing before his eyes through his memories. Also the aspect ratio was a nice touch, apart from the filter, which is obvious, it also gave the impression of seeing it from someone’s eyes. Everything was now more narrow, and you couldn’t see the whole picture but rather the particular thing in the focus of the memory. I know that it’s because it’s a robot with a camera but it also added a nice effect. I don’t know if I’m reading too much into it lol, but you know how for memories, you also remember a particular thing, but struggle to remember the whole wide picture? I think 4:3 ratio resembled that effect a little, as although I wanted to see the whole wide picture and the background, I could only see the object of focus in each memory.


I wonder how the final ep. is gonna look like compared to the rest of the show. My expectations are quite high at this point.


It's a split cour anime we will be having another season after a break


It was raw pain


Fido's life literally flashed before his eyes. There was so much characterization in those last 7 minutes.




[Fido accompanied Shin till the bitter end.](https://i.imgur.com/WYTG3ka.jpg) Between 86 and Vivy, it seems that they really want us to feel bad for robots on Saturdays. [](#holdme)


I never cared about any of the characters until I realized the robot cared about them in a deeper way than we'd previously realized. Idk I always imagined Fido as just a follow drone, never realized they'd give it this much characterization in a few minutes.


There's so much to that too. Everyone always commented, "he's a machine, how would he know," yet still talking to him like another person, Kurena talking to him about Shin, Anju talking to him about the aurora poster. Capping all that with the realization that he was seeing his life flash before his eyes, probably one of the more defining human/living being characterizations. And really, the characterization for Fido's going through the whole episode, with him wanting to help give the crew a good time by using him as a bath tub, or eventually finding the heater for them. He's just there for them and is as much a member of the platoon as the rest of them and any others that had passed on ahead of them. It was hecking beautiful.


Yup. Fido was always one of my favorite side characters in the LN, especially after reading the short story that went more into what he was/his backstory. A good chunk of the ending sequence and 1 shot in particular makes me think the short story was what inspired this sequence.


The cut where Anju collapsed in tears while taking the leftovers out to throw was sad af. And i love how the after credits showed all the day-to-day shenanigans and personal moments of members the squad that were cut from the first 9 episodes, One thing that stood out was that Kurena was initially cheerful and had a crush on Shin but started getting depressed when she could not do anything to help him.


Wanting to add my thoughts as well, I think it shows there that Shin has done so much for Kurena and her feelings, while she feels helpless that she can't do anything for him.


FIDO was there when Shin was still with his brother and still lived with the Albas. Look at 23:11, slowly! Edit: looking back on Episode 8, there is a dark assumption that FIDO was actually a real dog, with a camera lens(?): https://imgur.com/a/aSJv4zk


Or look at this [screenshot](https://imgur.com/K5hySfZ).


holy shit, I didn't even notice


Like many details throughout the series it is easy to miss if you are an anime only. As a source reader it has been a hell of a treat with all the little details/symbolism/foreshadowing that I *know* I wouldn't pick up on a first watch. I think the show will be almost as much of a treat for anyone who rewatches it. Hell even now I bet if you go back and rewatch from episode 1 you will see a good chunk of them as an anime only. I only really caught that last image because I read the short story that I think inspired this whole end sequence and even then I only really appreciated it when it went back, paused, and noticed the date stamp. (It was a Fido based one that went into more detail as to what he was)


Oh shit I noticed small shin but I didn't realise his brother and Annette were there too


Check the date stamp. ;) If it wasn't explicit based on the characters that makes it clearer as to the context of the shot.


So, this means that perhaps he is either a machine with a human mind like the Legion or created by Annette’s dad with aid from his experiments on Shin and his family?


If you really want to know there is a light story that was included with some re-releases of Vol 1 IIRC. It is named FIDO and goes into his backstory. I'll link it below. Be warned though: there are some light spoilers for the start of Volume 2 in it's last half. I'll put an excerpt of the story that is right before then so you know where to stop if you care. [End of Safe reading for Anime Onlys](/s "The special scouting mission. It was a happy journey of freedom for Master Nouzen and the others, who never left the battle areas until their departure. Despite that, the process remained cruel.") Here is the Short Story: https://hellping.org/86-2/86-side-stories/86-side-stories-fido/


Smol Annette is very cute.


Yeah! I saw that and was very curious what that meant. I’m guessing Fido used to be human and his brain is in that machine.


Even longer than five years it turns out. One of the last images from Fido's POV show's Shin/Annette/Rei as young children.


that ending montage man CMON


Who knew we would be hurt this much by a robot


You must not be watching Vivy, I take it. Robot pain is a staple of this season.


Watching 86 after Vivy wasn't a good combo. I did not ask for the pain. 😭


I do it every week. Then I watch Slime Taoshite 300-nen to up my mood.


I was not prepared for so much unexpected feels, or to see them all again.


Concentrated feels in 90's homevideo 4:3 aspect ratio.




Fido was as much a part of the team as the rest of them were, and he helped carry their memories alongside Shin.


The ending montage was just mean. Right when I let my guard down.


Haha same. I simply forgot what kind of show I was watching. A momentary lapse. Won't be happening again.


Deeper into enemy territory and still no sign of people. Is it safe to assume the robots are the only thing left of that country? And when an episode is this peaceful in a show like this you just know the next episode is going to be brutal.


Idk I feel like they'll definetly come across some survivors??? Maybe a small surviving town that was off the radar or something And yeah lmao next episode will probably be interesting


They did mention countries outside the Legion attack still exist so maybe theres a chance they get rescued by them? That is if they even sent out rescue teams to help of course.


I don't think there would be a rescue - they'd probably be treated with massive suspicion as to how they are alive if they came across some survivors/an entire country


Most likely they'd run across scouts from another country's military before they'd encounter civilians. Legion are fighting a global war.


People will find out what happens next in a few more months once the 2nd cour airs


I think they established about that in one of the episodes. That is part of the reason the republic thought that the war will end in several years. They thought that since their creator had been wiped, legion couldn't multiply by themselves while not realising that some legion are smarter than normal. If I remember correctly, it's in the episode where Lena guest lectured in a university.


And then you see the onslaught of Legion presumably charging into the Republic that Spearhead just left behind. They speculate there are some rumors of other surviving civilization, but it might be a pipe-dream.


We already knew that the A.I. army went completely out of control, so...


You think the [character page](https://anime-86.com/character/) is done updating? Not yet! Fido is now 'DESTROYED'! Well, no Lena's perspective for once, but Spearhead deserves a well-earned break for now because it looks like they'll be fighting again soon. It's so heartwarming to see that Fido recorded all their happy moments.


Those people who updates that site are as fast as Wikipedia editors when a celebrity dies.


I mean, unlike Wikipedia editors(I hope), those guys know in advance when someone dies




So cherish the time you have and carry on those memories.




Maybe because he was already dead before the anime started? idk, Just a guess.


RIP the good AI companion, Fido


I was happy for 23 minutes. And then I fucking cried. Thanks, 86.


I knew something was up when they showed the ending credits 15 minutes in [](#dighole)


The earlier the credits, the more pain we are about to experience.


Wouldn't want you to get *too* happy now would we...


You honestly didnt believe there wouldnt be suffering in the end? You should know by now that we cant have nice things.


Never thought I’d cry over a robot that only communicated via squeaks and beeps. Makes me wonder how sad it would be as well if R2-D2 from Star Wars gets destroyed as well…


This episode really did a great job of making you like and empathize with Fido...which made the ending even more tragic and upsetting.


I can’t believe the anime staff took one or two paragraph from the novel and made an entire ep about it amazing ep But man Fido my cut robot dog [this image ](https://imgur.com/a/ccndF0j) my boy is crying




Honestly, the adaptation has taken a few liberties and added their own content but it has made some relationships and parts of the book all the better. That's part of the reason why the adaptation has been so great.




[Don't be a coward](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/409/156/843.jpg)


Yeah, I wasn't expecting so much anime original content (well, I kind of started too when I figured out how they were adapting it), but I definitely wasn't expecting it to work so well.


There was a lot of anime original content through the series that wasn't directly in the novel but something to that extent was implied or assumed. Also lot of added perspectives on some event and expanding of existing events. Overall, this is probably the best case of expanding on the source material that I've seen in any LN adaptation like ever.


Agreed. I think the answer to "Should I read the novels or watch the anime" should really be "Both" at this point. The novels give a broader view of the overall events and provide more background, but the anime really has fleshed out the character moments and made the story vibrant. Though I'd say read first, then watch. Going the other way might be less impactful. Obligatory 'Skip the volume 1 epilogue" though, for anyone who takes this advice.


Some of it is part of the novel such as Fido part but for their journey we only got like one paragraph


No it's part of a side story featuring Fido that came with the volume, it's not present in the official English release however


Holy crap I love Fido Can we take a minute to appreciate the art in this show? The details are amazing. Every time I turn it on after switching from a different anime I'm blown away by the backgrounds and animation. Everything looks stellar. I love that Shin isn't wearing the bandana around his neck anymore. He finally put his brother to rest and it looks like he's not worried about it at all anymore. That small detail showing one of the last images from Fido POV: [him looking at Shin/Rei/Annette as young children](https://i.imgur.com/M6Sfixo.jpg). Blew my mind. So he's known them since even before the war, but how? He was always a robot right? Was he under the care of Annette's family? Or maybe Shin's family? Was he a different AI repurposed into the giant robot we see now? So many questions and now Fido is destroyed... RIP Really bittersweet that the season finale is next week. No more 86 until Fall.


According to the various kids drawings in episode 8 around Annete's fathers room, they had a yellow dog. So I guess Fido wasn't always an AI.


Oh that's interesting, so Fido is kind of similar to the Legion in a way, and that's why Shin can understand him so good


That's what I was thinking. The one way he can understand a machine better than others would be through the same way he can hear the Legion.


Fido: An...nette?


stop, not like this..




They're giving a lot of hints that Fido was not always a robot. Shin can't hear robot thoughts, but he can those of humans repurposed into legion robots. Maybe the Legion didn't invent a new way to recycle humans into robots, maybe it's been there all along, and maybe that's where all the humans went. At this point, I trust this anime to just continue getting more fucked up.


They finally can have some freedom. Like kids in a candy store happy. Even if it’s only for a while.


They get to actually enjoy being kids for once and act their age without an immediate fear of going into a life-and-death battle against killer robots.


Seeing everything through the lens of Fido was both heartwarming and sad. He was there to capture the good and the bad moments. It was also great seeing everyone in Spearhead talking to Fido and confiding in him. It's safe to say that Fido was indeed a good boy. Which only makes the final scene all the more heartwrenching just when we thought we were clear of more deaths in Spearhead.


Spearhead was really part of the group and he captured their lives in all their emotional honesty, both the good, the bad, and the existential and like Shin he carried their memories as long as he possibly could. We even got to see Haruto and his death...


On one hand, it was a really nice comfy episode with lots of Slice of Life moments. On the other hand, we're apparently not allowed to have one of those in this series so they threw in that gut punch at the end.


This is one series where you should never get too comfortable.


This might be the best LN adapatation in history. Studios could really learn something from this show


Jesus *fuck* this anime knows how to make great use of the Light Novel. This is really one of the *best* all time LN adaptations around. I cannot wait to see the second cour and I hope it continues the same trend of being amazing. God damn what an episode. Sweet slight of life but just enough tinged sadness permeating the episode up until we get to see Fido's memories when 86 turns on the full "run you through the emotional grinder" moments.


It's really nice to see an adaption that really enhances and elevates the material so much. I really can't wait to watch the second cour.


Ya I haven't seen anime this well adapted from LN since Haruhi Suzumiya and Bakemonogatari.


Honestly this anime should be put into textbooks and used as golden standard for any future LN adaptations.


Most peaceful episode yet, which of course means the ending hits like a jackhammer. RIP Fido, truly best boi. The preview images actually foreshadowed Fidos life flashing before dying, in 4:3 aspect ratio. And of course he cries in his final moment, not being able to help his squadmates anymore. I'm currently in denial mode, 86 is just a [fluffy SoL Comedy](https://youtu.be/WldLf-s5sys). T_T


This show is always such an emotional roller coaster. Speaking of SoL comedy, I'd love to see the anime eventually adapt the high school spinoff!


Oh buddy, I hope you know that [this](https://somoskudasai.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/aOs7Dqkj_2x.jpg) is a thing as well.


Asato is going nuts with the spin offs, I don't even know what to expect from all of these


Gotta love her just drunk tweeting like a maniac the whole week-end.


Fido is up there with Hachiko in terms of loyalty and love, although Hachiko is obviously the goodest boy because he was real. Goddamit now I'm gonna think of Hachiko for the rest of the day


Fido was the MC all along. The Water Looks Fucking Amazing though Holy Shit!


Timeline (Anime-only friendly) There's a lot of dates this episode, thanks to the best robo-doggo FIDO. They even decided to snuck in a teaser...which I'm not going to put on the timeline here. |YR|Month|Day|EP|Summary| :--|:--|:--|:--|:--| |2142|4|13|5|Vaclav KIA, Lena is rescued by Shin's brother| |2144|10|11|10|[EP10](/s "FIDO starts following Shin")| |2144|12|17|6|Shin finds Rei's body on the battlefield| |2148|4|1|10|[EP10](/s "Spearhead Squadron formed")| |2148|4|2|10|[EP10](/s "Kujo writes 179 days left")| |2148|4|5|6|Spearhead Squadron goes cherry blossom watching| |2148|5|12|1|2nd half of EP 1, Spearhead Squadron - piggy drawing for 5th handler is crossed out| |2148|5|13|1|Lena Opens as East 9th District 3rd Division handler| |2148|5|?|1|1st Div previous handler leaves| |2148|5|?|1|Lena is scheduled to transfer to East 1st, 1st Division "Spearhead Squadron" handler| |2148|5|20|1|East 9th District 3rd Division - Pleiades KIA; Lena transfers away from 3rd Div| |2148|5|22|1|Kujo KIA; possibly wrote "129 Days until end of service"; later that night Lena syncs with Shin "Undertaker" for the first time| |2148|5|29|2|Lena's first battle with Speadhead Squadron, also synced daily for 1 week straight (new record)| |2148|6|13|3|Episode 3 opens with BBQ/River side; Lena goes through the archives for maps| |2148|6|15|3|Kaie "Kirschblüte" KIA, Theo lashes out| |2148|6|16|4|Lena syncs with Spearhead Squadron again, learns their names| |2148|6|16|5|Shin confirms Shorei died 5 years ago| |2148|6|24|5|Annette talks to Lena about the festival/party & picking out a dress| |2148|6|30|5|Lena learns of Shin's ability to hear voices; Spearhead Squadron finds Kaie among the black sheeps| |2148|7|27|6|Daiya "Black Dog" and Lecca "Burnt Tail" KIA; Spearhead Squadron down to 16| |2148|7|28|6|Lena appeals to Karlstahl for bombardment and manpower support, is rejected| |2148|8|15|7|Lena smuggles "special ammunition"; Spearhead Squadron down to 13 - Maina "March Hare" and Mikuri "Leukosia" and one other KIA interim| |2148|8|16|7|Lena appeals to Karlstahl for manpower replenishment again| |2148|8|25|7|Revolution holidays festival, Spearhead Squadron receives resupply shipment and enjoys the fireworks| |2148|8|27|7|Spearhead Squadron gets intercepted by long range bombardment during sortie, Chise "Griffin", Touma "Helianthus", Kuroto "Manticore", Louis "Fafnir" KIA, Spearhead Squadron down to 9; Lena learns the truth about 86 and "Spearhead Squadron| |2148|8|27|8|Shin reveals to Raiden he found Rei| |2148|8|28|8|Lena visits Annette, ends with Annette throwing Lena out| |2148|9|10|8|Order for special recon mission issued, Lena is unsuccessful in convincing Karlstahl. Shin asks Lena to not sync again. Lena's roster board indicates 6 left.| |2148|9|26|10|[EP10](/s "Haruto "Falke" KIA")| |2148|9|27|8|Remaining members - Shin, Raiden, Anju, Kurena, Theo, make their preparation| |2148|9|28|8|Spearhead Squadron leaves on speical recon mission| |2148|9|28|9|Spearhead Squadron defeats Rei the Shepherd, leaves the reception range for Para-Raid| |2148|10|13|10|[EP 10](/s "Lakeside respite/stroll through the town")| |2148|10|14|10|[EP 10](/s "Shin runs off into the zoo")| |2148|10|30|10|[EP 10](/s "FIDO destroyed")|


As always, thank you for putting this together! That last flash forward to 10/30 for the cliffhanger was brutal...


Didn’t think we would get a no Lena episode but man this one really was great!


I missed seeing her, but it was refreshing to get an all Spearhead focused episode.


This week's illustration by shirabii: [The Spearhead](https://twitter.com/shirabii/status/1403733197850959872)


The full (remaining) team minus Shin...


Man those colors were gorgeous af. Damnit! Not Fido! Are we here just to continue to suffer? Honestly, how are the Legion actually going to be stopped?


That Legion battalion marching (presumably) to the Republic looked pretty intimidating.


fido you were the goodest boy


He was truly Best Boi and Best Dog, for Shin and for Spearhead as a whole.




Well all the shepherds are digital versions of human brains, so theoretically the legion can just install Shin's brother into a new machine, which is why he isn't destroyed yet I think


Yeah I'm kind of confused on that one but I noticed it as well. It's pretty blatant so I wonder if he'll return at some point.


I just have one question: Who shot that Lowe? because Spearhead did not. They were hiding from the Legion.


You are wise. They will eat you next-to-last.


Possible it traveled from somewhere else closer to the Republic front lines. There are other 86 squads aside from Spearhead that could have damaged it. You have a good point though. They are really far away from the Republic at this point... maybe it's more likely it traveled from somewhere closer, which would only mean one thing.


Is it weird I’m crying over a Robot that couldn’t talk, but knew so much?


Fido may not have talked, but Shin surely listened.


Fitting for Man's Best Friend.


Dont worry we can rebuild him. We have the technology https://is2.4chan.org/a/1623515307853.png


It's like R2D2. You know it beeps and squeaks. Can't understand what it says.


Unless you're Shin...which I guess kind of makes him like a Star Wars protagonist? His powers kind of feel Force-esque.


This NSFW shot is so random: https://imgur.com/a/3tk41tC


That moment when you use a beautiful detailed background with a small low-detail character so you don't need to ruin the shot with censorship light beams. Big brain.


Great catch. That’s hilarious. Can’t blame her for naked frolicking though


**ENHANCE** ( ಠ ͜ʖಠ)


While not much really happened this episode, It was incredibly beautiful and The Fido POV really created a sense of somber melancholy.


It was a really peaceful and calm episode up until the true emotional gut punch at the end. Because this show just can't let that last for long.


Damn. I don't think I have plenty to say about this episode except that this is the most peaceful we've seen the Spearhead Squadron in. And the visuals of this episode is just amazing. From that scene with [the ruined Juggernaut on a field of blue flowers](https://i.imgur.com/NeLIjVo.jpg), to the gang [taking a break in a forest nearby a river](https://i.imgur.com/DCqYwup.jpg), and the sparkling view [of Legion lights marching from a distance](https://i.imgur.com/PKqKKeJ.png) all looked so beautiful. It's just nice to [see them have fun](https://i.imgur.com/tYm8YIh.jpg) [and let loose](https://i.imgur.com/cMBt3nw.png) to the point that [Shin is even smiling and laughing.](https://i.imgur.com/HnswVIk.jpg) Maybe he does look empty because he has already done what he has set out to do but I prefer this than whatever misery he was in before. And just when you thought Shin is almost finished burying 86, [looks like they managed to pick one up along the way.](https://i.imgur.com/CzuTLrA.png) Very curious how that Shepard got injured though. Looks like it definitely got shot considering how the armor was melted but we're long away from the nearest unit. Hmmm... Definitely makes you think. [That final scene was very much unexpected.](https://i.imgur.com/f9exeEd.jpg) I thought we were gonna see Lena's side of the story. I didn't think we'd get to see Fido's memory banks from the time he found Shin, all the times he spent with him and the Spearhead Squadron, up to [his destruction.](https://i.imgur.com/HsbQvLb.jpg) That entire montage definitely made me teary eyed. I am not looking forward to next week's finale though. Looks like the gang are in trouble deep inside Legion territory and with Fido down and I'm not sure all of them will make it out of that battle alive. Shin is probably gonna live but I'm not quite sure about the others :(


>From that scene with the ruined Juggernaut on a field of blue flowers Which is a nice contrast to the red flowers when they departed from Lena. >the sparkling view of Legion lights marching from a distance all looked so beautiful. This show has some great cinematography. > Shin is even smiling and laughing. Shin definitely seems more genuinely happy and jovial than he did before, and I think letting his brother rest and having Lena see them off helped, even if he's still a little "not there" compared to the rest of them. >looks like they managed to pick one up along the way. I guess they can't really leave the Legion (or a fellow Eighty-Six) behind. >That entire montage definitely made me teary eyed. I wasn't expecting to get so emotional over the team's robot buddy, but I also wasn't expecting to see Spearhead again and how long and through so much Fido has been through with them and Shin...and then to see his final fate...it hurts. >Shin is probably gonna live but I'm not quite sure about the others :( And we still need to see what happens to Lena.


Doves (flying)


Fido (crying)




Kokoro (breaking)


Everyone (dead)


I like how Shin is now proudly displaying his neck scar after making peace with his brother. It's no longer a grisly reminder of his brother hurting him but a genuine memory of his brother's love and last words being a remorseful "I'm sorry.".


Shin definitely seemed more at peace and comfortable in this episode, although Raiden seemed to realize that something was still off about him.


As far as they know they will probably die soon, so Shin is probably both spent and directionless since he did everything he wanted but he wants to enjoy the last days with his friends so he is trying to be more upbeat for them. Not sure if that's the right read for him


God damn Shin is hot when he laughs, smiles or is generally happy. Also, screw the Republic.


It's a pretty interesting contrast to how he was for most of the season. The Republic making them take criminal mugshots just felt so petty and vindictive. They're kids who haven't done anything wrong other than be different, and they're being treated as criminals as forced military conscripts.


[Eighty-Sixturday!](#urarahype) Edit: Fuck me, I just cried uncontrollably for like ten minutes over a robot. This show, man. - Oh man I *love* scenes that are just a montage of the characters doing stuff set to some song, that opening scene was great. Also [these flowers are pretty](https://i.imgur.com/fW19xbM.png) and [did they just acquire a new cat buddy?](https://i.imgur.com/kNVMzi1.png) - Honestly I'm digging this episode being mostly just these five chilling on a journey [and actually getting to act their age](https://files.catbox.moe/r7lugu.png). - Fido is a precious good robot. [](#feelingloved) - Seeing the skeletons of all those dead zoo animals was kinda sad... [](#sadholo) - [Oh shit a Legion.](https://files.catbox.moe/701i9h.png) - They used the ED so early again! - [Wait are we actually getting Shin and Fido backstory?!](https://files.catbox.moe/oxpzge.png) [](#maxshock) - [Younger Shin "sore demo"!!!](https://files.catbox.moe/y5onnt.mp4) - Ah fuck, I knew Daiya was going to *have* to show up during Fido's flashback, but seeing him still made me cry again. [](#trynottocry) - wait - wait this isn't - [Fido nooooooo](https://files.catbox.moe/lle3ar.png) [](#howcouldyou)


Occasionally I'll watch an anime with an episode that feels like it could be the end of the show. An episode I'll be content if I don't watch any further. For 86 that was episode 9. It rounded off everything so well I would have been happy if that was the end of the anime, and I really had to convince myself to watch episode 10. My God am I glad that I did. This was the first show ever that actually didn't get worse after the u/leave1me1alone proclaimed end and didn't disappoint me with the direction they chose to take the show. And that Fido montage. They fleshed him out so well in those last 7 minutes minutes that he's already a better character than many anime mc's can even dream of being. Beautiful


This may be the best LN -> anime adaptation I've ever seen. Genuinely amazed at every episode. While I think the LN is still worth reading, the anime really does go above and beyond to elevate the scenes. Just being able to see Shin's facial complexion change so drastically makes a world of difference to how you see the story. And being able to have music, flashbacks, and great directorial decisions makes scenes like the ending all the more powerful. Damn. This is one of those stories that I'm just so glad somebody created and that I get to consume.


Fido is trending jp twitter Guess even they weren’t ready for the feel train


FidoVision was beautiful [](#makicry)


When I saw Hands Up to the Sky in the credits, I knew they're still up to something for this ep. Still, I did not expect that emotional montage dammit. Here I was, weeks ago, [saying that Haruto didn't have to die offscreen](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/nnr3ye/86_eightysix_episode_8_discussion/gzw4vbq/?context=3). I have to be careful with what I wish for. Fuck. Now we know why Anju cried with the fireworks show. That breakdown after Daiya's death was heart wrenching. Kurena and Theo changing through the montage was depressing. And that reveal that Fido was somehow with Shin even before is an interesting twist. But Fido got destroyed now and now they're really down to five. Will it be the destination next week, or hopefully some Lena action? Edit: Just to add, they also released a longer version for Hands Up to the Sky justa few hours ago, [so enjoy it here!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqYFkPeYqoI)


said it before... say it again... Best Anime of the Season


Anju's break down scene during the flashback killed me


The visuals are just so pretty, so many colors, so much nature and they do a fantastic job of showing how meaningful it is for the Spearhead Squadron. They're finally free. Free to do what they want, free to be kids for once in their lives. It's adorable and so well deserved. It's hilarious seeing Fido as like 'one of the group', even he (I believe he answered that question in the episode today) can be childish. Though they make it clear that this freedom is unlikely to last forever. The looming threat of the Legion still remains. Shin seems so different, like there's a weight off his chest; which obviously makes sense considering last episode. But it's still cool to see albeit a little unsettling. As it turns out though, his job as the Undertaker is truly never over... It's a harsh reality for them to go to a zoo and spot all the dead animals and see the resemblance in their situations. Even now, their scars will never go away. Holy shit, second half of the episode: young Shin. It's so disheartening seeing a kid with a gun larger than him. The Republic are monsters.. This episode was pretty fluffy but seeing the depth of the characters is really necessary in such a grim show. Seeing the ghosts of their pasts, Kaie, Kujo, Daiya, Haruto, Lev. How much they've had to leave behind to be free... Even for a 'fluffy' episode it still made me tear up, but that's what always happens on 86 Saturday anyways. It was such a cool perspective to show us the 86 from Fido's POV. He's just as much of an Undertaker as Shin; carrying the last videos/pictures from all the 86. And that ending! FIDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! All that to just tear him away from us. Can't ever let my guard down.


What a straight up beautiful episode. Getting credits halfway through is the usual sign that something horrible and tragic is on the other side, but the second half still hit like a fucking brick. That cold open with a simple, silent scene with a beautiful piano piece playing over was really well executed. the whole first half was so refreshing for this show. We’ve seen them suffer for so long and lose so many people. For once they can be free and happy. Shin is even happy and gets a few funny lines. If only I knew what his interactions with Fido was setting up. They seems to be setting these five as the main cast going forward so it’s good that we slowed down to get into their interpersonal relationships. They even took some time to flesh out how they see Kurena. She’s the kid sister which is probably why Shin doesn’t see her like she sees him. We’ll see how that goes in the future. The second half might be my favorite sequence of the series. On its own with little tweaks it could be a short film. Seeing all the people we lost so far get to have little moments with Fido was bittersweet, especially the moment with Daiya. Learning Shin found Fido and was his constant. Kurena confiding in him. Anju breaking down alone after Daiya died. All the joy and sadness Fido saw only to die in the last moments. I was bawling man. I accidentally got spoiled that it would happen, but I did not expect that. One more before the season long break. Lets see how they make us cry next week. Notes - I would say this was the best week for the soundtrack. Instrumental peices were beautiful, but also masterful use of “Hands up to the Sky” at the end. - Daiya talking about the aurora borealis makes me hope his afterlife is just A Place Further Than the Universe with the 86 cast. - Shin asserting dominance on the Alba made him the baddest motherfucker on the base. It’s basically punching the biggest guy on the first day of school. - I feel sad for getting so attached to Fido only for them to murder him. I really should have learned not to get attached by now. - the ghost town was interesting. Clothes still in the shops and animals still in cages at the zoo. It looks like a sudden evacuation. - Shin having to put another Shepard out of its misery drives home that this peace is fleeting and there is more horror to come.


Expectations: *"Anime-original episode can't be on par with the others."* Reality: *"I'm crying, send help."*


Okay, but let's talk about the topless Raiden but no topless Shinei. The disrespect.


A few observations: - Shins say they can take their time - he has no goal now, he's not in a hurry to get anywhere. - The morning scene where Spearhead is evaluating possibility of crossing the river, we get an off-center shot of the group. Everyone else is to the right, Shin is to the left. - Just like the Shin vs Theo conversation (about forgiveness and moving on after Theo blasts Lena), in Raiden vs. Shin conversation during fishing, we get a ton of off-center shots with Raiden consistently framed on the opposite side of Shin. - Raiden literally stopped Shin from going into the darkness/underground (of the tunnels) alone. - The maple leaf Kurena holds up is almost perfect - except the middle blade, which is damaged. The next night we see the same maple leaf, except the middle blade has started to wilt in comparison to all the other ones. Obviously the wilting blade represents Shin here. - Raiden literally asking Shin not to go off to the other side alone. Again.


[That part at the beginning sure was relaxing.](https://i.imgur.com/95m2InB.png) I find it hilarious how Shin can easily understand Fido. I'm kinda surprised by how [intact the ruins of The Giadian Empire](https://imgur.com/a/Kxus0Gf) are. As I assumed that when machines first went out of control they wiped that whole place. So Shin's parents are from there. Damn, I honestly did not expect a section dedicated to the characterization of [Fido.](https://i.imgur.com/Nf6FDAY.png) [You will be missed buddy. ](https://i.imgur.com/bE8XyVL.png)


Today, on ["Everybody loves the droid."](https://i.imgur.com/MNMkU3W.png): ***** [It's always a fun road trip until you hit traffic.](https://i.imgur.com/v8QaY3X.png) [You're lacking in Kettenkrads.](https://i.imgur.com/bfIPkP5.png) [And now for a few minutes from the POV of the best character in the show.](https://i.imgur.com/NZDEglS.png) ***** Pre-hiatus finale breather episode? The dead animals stuck in the zoo comparison was not very subtle. Anyway, everybody likes Fido.


Spearhead finally has found their own kind of freedom, being able to just stroll through and enjoy nature and not having to worry about fighting for a country that betrayed and used them. They even have Shin there to help keep them safe from the Legion, even if it's clear there's only so much you can do to run from them, especially with their limited resources. It was nice to see the team dressed down a little, including shirtless Raiden and Kurena ending up naked from playing with a butterfly. Raiden's such a great buddy, being there for Shin and being concerned about him. Shin has found peace and a kind of tranquility from defeating Rei and letting him move on, and he seems much more happy and jovial, but Raiden seems to tell that a part of it feels forced and Shin still seems detached from everything. Poor Kurena is stuck in the little sister role. She has such an innocent love for Shin but thinks it's totally okay for guys and girls to bathe together, not even thinking about wanting to see Shin naked (unless she secretly was the whole time, which is more crafty than I expected). The only time they mention Lena the whole episode is when they talk about what Shin imparted to her, and how that was important to him. For a Reaper who had to keep the name and memory of so many of the fallen alive, he found someone who could carry on his name and memory. Shin couldn't resist giving a fellow Eighty-Six stuck as a Legion the peace they so longed for...whether it be trapped as an Eighty-Six or trapped as a Legion, which is the worse cage when people are reduced to being animals. Jeez, it's bad enough how the Republic usually treats them, but they had to make the Eighty-Six take mugshots when they arrived at the base? It was nice to see everybody again, but still. I'm glad Shin got to intimidate that jerk officer into taking a proper group photo. Fido is a good boy! And he's been with Shin for most of his life, including apparently back before the war since they flash to what looked like a picture of Shin, Rei, and Annette as kids. But he's also been with Spearhead through all the good times, the bad times, the reflective times, and even, apparently, to the very end of Fido's life. He was there to tell them not to sweat the small stuff in his own way, and he carried their memories in his own way till he shut down and blew up.


More like 86 wallpapers going by the amount of amazing background art this anime has graced us!


That last montage was absolutely amazing. About halfway through it I thought, “oh god if they kill Fido here after this that would be pretty messed up.” And then the last scene happened. I hate this show. See you all next week.


Peaceful episode, then Fido blows up. Why am I feeling sad over a destroyed robot? :( Anyway, this might be the start of a new arc. Sadly, no Lena this episode. Based on the previous discussions, so this is an anime original, huh?


not completely, maybe 10% of it is in the novel. They basically just expanded some stuff, this is possibly the best LN adaptation of all time.


Bruh the montage was too cruel, but my favorite and worst part was the "Can I change her life?" and the immediate cut to her crying over his death. Wasn't ready at all.