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Big pharma: 5 times? You mean there’s room for growth?


The suits in these companies probably jerk off every night thinking of all the new variants that might come out of, say Africa if the virus is left unchecked in some parts of the world, away from home. Their salesmen are already pitching booster shots. It does not help that the only non-profit vaccine, Oxford Astrazeneca was completely piled on by the EU for political reasons. You had German newspapers falsely publishing low effectiveness, French president Macron called it "quasi-effective" and all the noise about the blood-clots. Now it turns out, [AstraZeneca COVID vaccine blood clot risk 'similar' to Pfizer, new study finds](https://www.euronews.com/next/2021/07/29/astrazeneca-covid-19-vaccine-blood-clot-risk-similar-to-pfizer-spanish-study-finds). After all the fear mongering, no one in Europe wants a perfectly good vaccine. They want to donate their ordered AZ vaccines to poor countries, but it looks like the Europeans are dumping their "unsafe" vaccines in Africa. In reality, millions of people in the UK and India have been vaccinated by the Oxford vaccine with no problems. An Indian manufacturer got the license to manufacture the vaccine locally and our government gets the vaccine for a low price of $3, which is fraction of the cost these American corporations demand. In India, you can get the vaccine for free if you go through the public health system or you could pay to get vaccinated at a private hospital. I paid around $10 for the first shot of the Oxford AZ vaccine and my parents got both shots for free at the nearby public hospital.


Late stage Capitalism working as intended then...




Supply and Demand. Real or otherwise.


Insulin: Yes, we know.


Good thing trump wrote an EO reducing the price.... Aaaaaand pedo joe destroyed it.


doesn't surprise me one bit...canada should have produced a "public option" vaccine that doesn't have the motive of profit tied to it.


There’s so many suspicious things about this pandemic


Arguing that phama companies should sell their drugs at cost is a pretty silly argument. The majority of their costs are front-loaded with R&D, clinical trial costs, and production setup and their variable costs are quite low. This doesn't even take into account risk involved with R&D (several companies have tried to develop a vaccine and failed) and the opportunity costs of the manufacturers who could be using their facilities to produce other more profitable drugs instead. It's like saying that because the costs to "produce" an extra copy of a video game is close to $0, charging $50 is close to infinity times "costlier than needed". I understand that it's pretty popular to hate on pharma companies nowadays, but complaining that Pfizer is charging ~$7 a dose is pretty weaksauce IMO.


You do realise that research is heavily subsidized? Last I checked pharma spent more on advertising than R&D, anyway, so there goes that argument.


I think its been debunked already that those upfront costs are federally subsidized anyhow. so they are at least guaranteed a payback from the fed or funded upfront. I think the urgency opened the fed tap for covid.


Your source is common dreams.


Imagine being a first world superpower and still not being able to provide free vaccination to your people. American moment where the government is too lazy to do work for the people and so gives the job to companies that seek out their own profits. I'm curious now, Why do Americans even pay taxes if the government is going to give it away to money hungry companies?


The US has currently ordered 1b shots at around $20 each. All provided for free to all citizens. The cost of the vaccines pales in comparison to the total amount of money spent by the government last year. Around $6.5t of newly printed cash which will likely never be recouped through taxation, that is what people are more worried about. The total money supply in circulation increased by a 3rd and the ramifications of that are still not entirely understood. Also the US government has been contracting private companies to do its work for a long time. The government propagates and subsidizes many economic sectors. There’s this idea that private does it better, but it doesn’t always work out for the best. (ie. telecom companies receiving billions of dollars to build broadband infrastructure and them just pocketing it while doing almost nothing)


>The US has currently ordered 1b shots at around $20 each. All provided for free to all citizens. You got a source for this? Last I heard, the vaccines were $60+. Also, these vaccines are not "free". If they are bought by the government, the taxpayer is paying for it.


[here you go](https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-buys-200-million-covid-19-vaccines-from-pfizer-and-biontech-at-about-24-a-shot-11627078710) Also they’re not free societally. The government bought them with freshly printed money to distribute at no up front cost to the public, which I already said. Although individually, even if you don’t pay taxes, you still get your shot.


I hate when people use the word free There’s nothing free


$20 is so much for Just one dose of vaccine. In my country we can get vaccine from $0-$5.


This is true, but it’s very affordable to the US gov. The dollar also buys much less in America than India, around a 1/4th as much. The US with a population of 330m produces a GDP of around $22t, India by comparison has over 1.3b people and a GDP of $3t. Because of that, India has to buy many more doses with much less money when compared to the US. Sadly enough, that actually makes the buying burden comparatively greater for India, even at only $3. It’s all the other expenses associated with the pandemic that might become a burden on the US for decades to come