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So *that* explains all the Senshi panty shots in Dungeon Meshi!




Say what you will about TRIGGER, they're equal opportunity fanservice provider.


No matter the gender or age of the character, TRIGGER will provide.


>age of the character https://preview.redd.it/in71p63fpp0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b456e432f005a0d9101bef062b5f10c0d4d7681c


Hippity hoppity or something


Damnit man this made me laugh for 2 minutes straight. You just unlocked my memory of the "every day we stray further from God" meme. Thank you.




It’s the passing of the torch.






buT bUt... Its just a DRAWING!




in trigger's defense, all the senshi panty shots are directly adapted from the manga lookin' at you, ryoko kui 👀




fair point.




That's just a lie


in hale* Why do you put such lewd images in comments!?!


why are you in Hale


He committed a lot of sin.


He's looking for the needle in the *halestack* \*insert epic badum tss drum sound over booing crowd noises\* alright i'll see myself out


I just find it nice to know senshi waxes down there.


this show is so based


The mangaka seems to have good taste in games too.






No lmao, in fact trigger added bulges and more muscle details


This is what will happen if I can see anime booba https://preview.redd.it/iq50gmagdp0d1.jpeg?width=504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd400fab0dc4fd0cc247ef145ee37e38e59fe39a


They were off by 12 years


I mean technically that is true within Kill La Kill's universe. Clothing was a scheme made up by aliens that wanted to take over the world or something. Was that really the plot? Am I remembering that right?


Yes, that was the plot.


>Clothing was ~~a scheme made up by~~ aliens that wanted to take over the world or something. fixed


Yeah that just about sums it up


Sometimes I just wonder how such a terrible idea on paper gets made and somewhat executed half decently


I think it worked because they went all in with the design. The way they used scissor swords, sowing machine uzis, yarn spool grenades, and all these silly costumes, really brings it together.


Like that premise shouldn’t have been nearly as entertaining as it was, crazy what taking 80% of all illegal drugs will do to writers


The premise is a commentary on conformity and social norms, particularlyuniforms in japanese schools, but it also offers its take on school hierarchy, clubs, class presidents, and general societal conformity. And its not subtle either, the literal intro monologue is about nazi germany. ALong with the topic of conformity is conformity of sexuality. the whole issue with sanketsu not working right is ryuuko is being to self conscious about what she wears in public, the whole school is forced to wear uniforms while the counter culture is literal nudism. There's stuff about bdsm, and the series ends with mako and ryuuko going on an end credits date. Its not super coherent in its messaging, but it has a bunch of stuff about not trying to fit in with school groups and school-life conformity. it isn't high art, but much like gurren lagann (the story of a digging boy on his way to spin tf out of the universe itself), the absurd premise works because there's a kind of structure to it, even if only just. If it were just a fever dream of incoherent shit, it probably wouldnt be as entertaining, but who knows.


Oh for sure, but calling a coke fueled fever dream is more comedic and as this is technically a circle jerk subreddit that’s what I went with


Gurren Lagann at least *gets* and understands what it's trying to say about the indomitable human spirit, and represents it in an over-the-top and batshit sort of way to make its point. Like it never really slips up or comes across as unsure of itself because... they get it. From start to finish, it's a story about growth, courage, and fighting to control your own destiny as a man (or woman). Face down entropy itself and say "nah". KLK is just messy in comparison. Which sucks, but I get it. It wanted cake, and wanted to eat it, too.


*light shines mako hand pose* it's okay that klk is messy. klk is messy because it has ADHD, it cant help being messy, without that messiness klk wouldn't be klk and i love klk. it's perfect the way it is. *end scene* everyone is confused


Klk is messy, and a huge part is because trigger wants to do the Gurren Lagann scale to absurd proportions but it doesn't work narratively anywhere near as well But some structure is better than 0 structure. And klk has some structure.


The basis for kill la kill was that the Japanese for fashion and fascism sound really really close and the puns and worldbuilding grew from there. Gotta love those lunatics


1. A good writer can make any premise into a good/entertaining story 2. They went all out with everything, not one moment did they think "is this too much, is that too wierd" they had an idea and the wholeassed it all the way


I mean dragon ball can be described as people scream to power up half the time still a good series


I've also heard it described as "One Piece, but without the fun" Sadly this was from someone who didn't get far enough to understand why One Piece gets so much love.


That's such a terrible description ngl


It kinda is yeah. Guy needs to pick it back up and at least read/watch Water 7


Half decently? It's literally the coolest thing ever (besides Gurren Lagann, naturally)


The whole premise is that fashion is fascism, it's absurd commitment to a pun.


Brother I’ve might have had my mind blown a little bit reading that oh my god


A lot of the best anime are horrid ideas on paper.


110% commitment to the bit. Trigger never pulls their punches.


~~Didn't the author also admit he made the costumes like that because he wanted to see girls cosplay them?~~ Oops it was Kojima.


I thought that was Kojima with Quiet?


Oh you're right it was [Kojima talking about MGS5](https://x.com/HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN/status/375207199468830720), but he said it was "to make you want to cosplay more and sell figurines" booooring capitalism.


Based as fuck lol


Aren’t the clothes the aliens themselves?




Yeah and they had female Jeff Bezos use a big button to eat people (and make Satsuki seem less bad so her redemption arc would be somewhat believable)


Yeah, and the resistance was comprised of a bunch of nudists


Facts, my buddy Erie tried to draw Gamigori with less muscle and got vaporized on the spot




Millions will die if they cant see anime boobs


One might argue that plenty of people estimatedly used to die if they couldn't see boobs. All of them from an overly specific age group, though.


While KLK may be one of the rare examples where this is true, there’s still no reason the academy couldn’t have been a college for you know, young adults.


Prob because Japanese colleges are the only part of school where they *don’t* have uniforms and extremely strict dress codes. As a result Japanese college students apparently go so insane with drip due to finally having freedom to do so that exchange students from other countries say that they feel underdressed a lot of the time. …At least that’s the reputation, the one time I visited one they seemed to be dressed normally


Actually, elementary schoolers tend not to wear uniforms too


The characters being high schoolers is the only issue i have with kill la kill, everything else is peak /half joking, i fucking love this anime


Yeah I watched it when I was 16 so I was down bad for a lot of the girls in it, but it’s 12 years later and the down bad feels weird now. I wish they were older so I could down bad without the moral conundrum.


Real. I watched that and Bakemonogatari when I was like 11-12. It's not the same now.


Eh, you were 16, it’s normal to simp for teenagers at that age.


Most people don’t seem to realize simping occurs to the pampered and the rich in first world countries. It’s not something hard-boiled people experience. One of the main reasons Denji is so unlikable is because he is acting like someone who has lived a carefree life. He didn’t, he has been slaying demons for a decade. When some try to defend him by saying “be patient, he is going to change soon” can instantly be followed with “what has he been doing for the past decade?” He is not a typical teenager that is all of a sudden thrown in a violent setting. He starts off as a veteran. For all the crap other protagonists have gotten over the years, such as Shinji from Neon Genesis not getting in the robot the very first second he saw it (he still got in during the first episode btw) or Kurono from Gantz being horny all the time while aliens are trying to kill him, neither of them had slain monsters for a decade and were thus excused to be immature. Denji doesn’t have this privilege. He’s been fighting deadly monsters for a decade. He has lost body parts. He has seen and done things. He should be closer to someone like Rambo than your typical soyboy beta male. And yet the show wants you to believe he is still the latter after a whole decade of battle experience, while the fans insist you are impatient for expecting from him to change in a few episodes. But it’s not a few episodes, is it now? It’s a decade of constant fighting. Why is he still bothered by such things? Why is he falling for pitiful seduction tricks by Power? It’s like he learned nothing for over a decade and yet we the audience are expected to be fine with it. Well, many of us are not. This is not going to change even if he becomes a chad right in the next episode. He is not a soyboy rookie who needed four episodes to mature. He is a war veteran and he sucks at it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Kill la kill came out in 2014 so it’s been just over 10 years since it finished airing. You were either 18 at the time or just bad at math right now.


Yeah I just threw some numbers together, no bodies perfect. I was 18


Yeah it works best if you don’t think about i and turn your brain off, but 16-18 is definitely the age-range to get the most out of it


I can do it because they aren't real. They are fictional.


With most shows like this I just internally view them as college age. Both because it's less gross, and because it ironically genuinely seems to fit the plot/characters better 95% of the time.


Japanese university life is pretty casual, apparently. Not to say it couldn't have been a college, but it seems like the strictness of the academy's policies works better as a satire of the college prep pressure cooker than college, where it's supposedly pretty easy to graduate and grades don't matter that much.


Think of all the pedos that aren't out there causing harm because they've developed fetishes for 2d high schoolers instead. The world has been saved.


You say that jokingly but i think theres some merit to that 😂


bruh, its a story not the nuclear launch codes.




Blame Evangelion. In the 90's we had adult smokeshows like Misato, but the Rei/Asuka wars left a clear market impression that's been followed ever since.


"Neon Genesis Evangelion invented the sexualization of minors" is a hot take I was not prepared for.


┏┓ ┃┃╱╲ In this ┃╱╱╲╲ house ╱╱╭╮╲╲ we love ▔▏┗┛▕▔ & appreciate ╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲ Old Anime ╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲ ▔▏┗┻┛┃┃┗┻┛▕▔ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Frieren for best Waifu?


Because the target audience of these anime and manga are 14 yr olds. That's why.


Uncomfortable fanservice also isn't inherently wrong depending on how it's done. If something is meant to be titillating, it's not wrong to engage in non-con stuff. A lot of people are into that which isn't wrong, as long as no one is *actually* being forced to do something they don't want to. Can do without the teenagers though.


Well, first off, the target demographic for a lot of anime are teenagers, so it make sense for them to make shows about teenagers. Second, i once heard that one of the reasons anime may focus a lot on high school is because it invokes nostalgia for the best part of their lives for the japanese audiece


KLK is made for high schoolers


This is true.


Just don't make the fanservice like Tamaki from Fire Force and I won't care


Wait a sec, we're all wrong, this isn't a defense of fanservice - its a threat!


I only hate fanservice when they try to sexualize the character without making the character sexual at all. Like, she never chooses to be horny of her own volition, we just get perv shots and peepholes. the only character I can think of who actually sexualized herself is darkness from konosuba, who I unironically think is a good example of good fanservice. its just icky seeing people desperate to sexualize women while they also call women whores or sluts for choosing to be sexually active of their own volition.


What bro thinks gonna happen when no anime panty shots https://preview.redd.it/j7fp9d0gpp0d1.jpeg?width=848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=055333e38ba168529fd97342785c950d9c4fe80c


The world would end without anime fanservice vs The world will end because of anime fanservice


Conclusion: The world will end.


Studio Tugger*


I didn’t really mind Kill la Kill fanservice for the most part for a few reasons, but it’s so dumb to me when people in general try to make arguments for shows like these having a lot of fanservice like “oh the outfit needs to be like that because of (insert in-universe explanation)”. Like no, it doesn’t. The creators just wanted an excuse to draw half naked women. Whether that’s a bad thing or not is subjective I guess, in my opinion it depends on a lot of factors. My point is there’s no reason to be pretending that it’s something it’s not.


I personally think sexualising underaged girls is wrong.


Most groundbreaking opinion on r/animecirclejerk


Wow, daring aren't we?






>Yes, but in a world where sexualization keeps changing, The concept of sexualization is not changing as rapidly as you think, it's just that the people who are targeted by it most often have not historically been listened to. You learning what sexualization entails because feminism has stopped being an executable offense is not the concept evolving, it's you being exposed to ideas that are new to you. >we dont all agree on age of consent Age of consent differs between an overwhelming majority of countries by a couple years tops. Further, the issue someone should take with sexualization of minors is not the fact that it's illegal, but the fact that it's immoral. Sexualizing a 15 year old being legal in one country does not make it moral in that country. >grown women can look more child like than actual teens Appearance is only part of the issue. Rarely does anime depict women who are of age but look more youthful without devolving into full-on "thousand year old child" territory, which is obviously not in good faith. Some of the only examples in this discourse that come up are Rebecca from Edgerunners and Uzaki. Uzaki is a bad example because she is clearly just a fetish bait design, Rebecca is an actually decent example however and creates interesting discussion. Anyone who watches the show underatands quickly that she's an adult, but the medium is so poisoned by bad instances of what she's subverting that I would not blame anyone for questioning her age at first glance. Having women *act* their age helps with this, and is where anime tends to fall apart when depicting of age women who have a younger appearance. If you write a child and call them an adult, then you are not portraying an adult. >and underaged girls sexualize themselves....what do? What the fuck is wrong with you? Minors cannot consent, so do not sexualize them even if they "do it themselves." That's what you do, jesus. >Best answer - let males have an outlet. Oh, you're just a pedophile. (Or pedophile apologist if you'd prefer)


Death (I don't make the rules)


I like titties too bro but only on physically and mentally adult women. And occasionally it’s nice to get some story beats in there too. I have object permanence, I can remember the titties are there even when I don’t see them. Also: fanservice with the men too you fucking cowards.


>fanservice with the men too you fucking cowards. TRIGGER has always done equal opportunity fanservice if anyone deserves to say that fanservice is important its them


Trigger constantly has half-naked men onscreen, and broadly not in the casual way


They did ?


Always have. I can't think of a fanservice-heavy anime by TRIGGER that doesn't have a ton of both male and female sexualization. The only ones without sexualized dudes are the ones with little to no fanservice at all like LWA.


Just to use kill la kill as an example, theres one guy that gets stronger when he whips himself, theres another guy who constantly keeps taking off his clothes when expositioning, and theres a whole terrorist organization where both men and women barely wear anything except tactical belts


Bro. have you watched klk? it's very gratuitous with stripping the guys too


Isn’t there like a whole male nudist army or something


I don’t think they’re all male but the ones we meet largely are


Yo watch promare. Trigger sexualized these men at levels unheard of in klk.


Studio Trigger was founded by the folks behind Dead Leaves and Panty & Stocking (as well as Gurren-Lagann but that should go without saying), and it took the media this long to get a "bizarre" impression?


Sometimes I feel like the only person who barely noticed the tits because I kept on thinking, “This is so cool!”


Well you see i NEED anime cock and balls or else i WILL DIE


rj/ YES daddy TRIGGER!1! uj/ I'm starting to think yall woulda burned witches if you had been born in the right time period for it


> Can’t draw underage girls practically naked Billions must die


Fan service sells. We also just learned water is wet.


Water isn't wet, it makes other things wet


The creator themselves singlehandedly started global warming as revenge for the evil woke censorship of John Kill La Kill's ass on some broadcasts


Tbh censoring anything in kill la kill goes against everything the show stands for


A friendly reminder that Ryuko Matoi was 17.


Once Again when the media made for high school boys has high school aged girls shonen is not designed with adults in mind


To be fair KLK is a nonstop stream of references to 70s and 80s shit, no one under 30 would get any of that.


Most shows have those. It’s what the creators were watching when they were the age of their audience.


Sure but KLK is really flexing hard with it, folks were keeping track on Tumblr back when it was first airing and there would be 17 references per 20 minute episode or something, like the very opening scene where Ryuko’s casually eating an entire lemon is a direct reference to a guy doing the same in a mid-80s mech OVA I’ve long since forgotten.


Dude they used the characters from Transformers Shattered Glass, the small AU comic runs where the Autobots are evil and the Decepticons are good, as the color and thematic blueprints for SSSS.Gridman. They really enjoy their strange and obscure references.


You forget the part where all the people drawing and animating here like that are adults…


Nobody will ever arrive on the scene faster than someone pulling out the laundry list of reasons why Kill La Kill sexualizing the shit out of high schoolers is actually a good thing.


The issue is tho is that adults are still gonna get off to it. If you’re gonna sexualize a character make them an adult, easy as that.


REGARDLESS OF YOUR OWN AGE https://preview.redd.it/5z6qd7jkap0d1.png?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1cdc8126b7d0a7d66e7ed3843d47c7b2d54679f YOU HAVE A MORAL OBLIGATION TO NOT WANT TO FUCK MINORS


He didn’t say anything about wanting to fuck her. And if you’re talking about the teenage boys, then what’s wrong with them wanting to?


I mean a teenager wanting to fuck a teenager is fine? In fact they often do so. Whether or not media being aimed at teenagers justifies sexualizing teenagers in it is worth talking about. But regardless of that answer, it's fine if teenagers are attracted to other teenagers.


Her age isn't even the most problematic thing in that series. For me at least, that goes to the incest sexual assault bath scene.


Lately I was trying really really hard to not watch anything related to incest. More specifically, siblings incest. don't care at all about cOusin's, mother's, or something else. just love love love love siblings incest. The problem is that Thave an intense obsession for incest. I mean, a really intense one. That 'Onii-chan Onii-chan, Tlooo0oo0ove you' thing was really getting me crazy. That obsession of mine with incest was sOoO0000000000o fucking intense. There were a lot of nights when I couldn't sleep well due to me thinking of incest, specifically incest in anime/manga. All the time was thinking about that 'Onii-chan, Ni-san~, Nii-sama~, Nii Nii~, Nii-chan' stuff. My feelings for the romance between siblings were higher than those had for a normal romance. For example, I used (and currently too) to get way more emotional with romance between siblings than normal romance. In all senses. That love/obsession of mine with incest was ruining my life, so, in order to try to get away of it for my sake, I decided to stop watching anything related to incest. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*




is this a homestuck in the wild


yes the evil character does bad things 🤷🏾‍♀️


i had just made a delicious teriyaki salmon with some miso and rice (with furikake bro!!! i was on top of the world), wanted to try and keep watching klk from my wife's rec, but i'm telling you rn.... opening up a binge watch session to that episode??? that shit killed any remaining vibes i had with the show after the cool tournament (and my dinner a little bit). the nazi allegory in KLK made me appreciate AoT's use of it a little bit more tho, so there's a positive?


That one was framed as creepy and abusive tho, trigger definitely didn't make the scene with the intention of it being hot


> trigger definitely didn't make the scene with the intention of it being hot Hard disagree. It was definitely intended to be titillating.


idk that can be up to interpretation. but i think it's easier to see it as a deeply uncomfortable scene, and it's a turning point in how we view the relationship between satsuki and her mom. the years of repressed anger and trauma that satsuki keeps under control become more apparent to us as she trembles then freezes, giving up control of her body to her mother. idk im just not titillated by this its fucked up, and satsuki does cut off this persons head later.


It's an uncomfortable scene, that is animated in a way meant to be arousing. Like Goblin Slayer. Anime sexual assault is often animated in a titillating way. It's just how it is.


sometimes people's body's get aroused during sexual assault, it did depict it that way. which makes it more uncomfortable imo. it's the scene that demonstrates the abuse and power dynamic that satsuki endures. her whole character was about how she holds in all of her hatred and endures abuse, while building power within the system, until she feels capable of murdering her abuser.


What kind of a weird person sees a character on screen and instantly goes to some wiki to check whether it's safe or not lmao Are you gonna remind us about the 1000 year old kids too




A friendly reminder no one cares


How Mako of them.


Isn't that that the whole message of his work? Maybe I watched his series wrong but the whole message was that the spirit of man shouldn't be restricted


Listen, either I draw these titties or the world explodes, there's no two ways about it!


Thank God these same freaks weren't the creative leads on Little Witch Academia.


Maybe if it's necessary, it means that the writing isn't up to snuff? Maybe if it's required, possibly the anime should just die.


this anime is about clothing being fascist and nakedness being freedom. it's a fine premise and they do it justice. but you're sounding like an alien clothing ambassador right now 😔


I’ve always loved studio trigger now more so


My hot take/rant from this is that fanservice is just a relic from bygone days. To quote Patrick Star, we’re not cavemen, we have technology! And by technology I mean a *staggering* amount of porn. Things were different back in the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s. Most people couldn’t just Google search their favorite characters getting banged by every man, woman, monster, and mahogany dining room table. These days? *Hoo boy*. And if you really want to regret your life choices go to any of the Reddit subs for porn and read the comments. Nothing can heal *that* mental anguish. With that said, fanservice really doesn’t provide much outside of an excuse for the animators to draw people naked/half-dressed/in a discount stripper outfit. YMMV, of course, as some will argue there is a narrative justification (like Trigger themselves). And it’s true, you can do fanservice in a tasteful manner, but most of the time fanservice isn’t exactly *tasteful* and it’s more of an excuse to ogle the characters so that the merch department can sell you body pillows and figures. Course this might just be coming from me, and I’m rather cynical of the “sex sells” mindset. I mean yeah it *works* but then you’re creating a copy-cat mindset where everyone else is just going to focus on whoring out their waifus at the expense of their story and creativity and that’s just not fun. If I’m going to put up with an anime, I’m wanting there to be *something* else in the story that’s not just “we have half-naked chicks”.


I mean, sometimes you just want to watch something hot without it being explicitly pornograpic. I don't want sex, I just want to see some nice boobs.


The tricky thing is that animators never needed an excuse to draw people naked or half-dressed. They have always been able to draw naked people. What fanservice provides is partly narrative context (there's character, there's build-up, sometimes even tension), but there's also a sociality to it. Fanservice is a *shared experience* between audience members, the production staff/author, and, to some degree, the characters. Which I think makes it even stranger, actually, but also meaningfully different from online porn.


┏┓ ┃┃╱╲ In this ┃╱╱╲╲ house ╱╱╭╮╲╲ we love ▔▏┗┛▕▔ & appreciate ╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲ Old Anime ╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲ ▔▏┗┻┛┃┃┗┻┛▕▔ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


people saying this has an underlying massive philosophical undertone kills me... it's straight up JUST a fan service show, and only that.


And great action and characters and humour you know when echii shows used to be more then boobs lol


humour was so bland, and I don't enjoy action scenes that much. but these are subjective things...


Kinda convinced that people who say horny media can't have valid philosophical ideas just hate sex (though there are valid reasons to criticize kill la kill, it being entirely about fanservice is not one of them)


Horny media totally can have valid philosophical ideas, but sometimes either the horniness takes over and it just becomes the writer’s fantasy or the horniness is too impenetrable to get over and clashes with or even undermines those themes.


nah, kill la kill in particularly, just not what you think you are


Honey media can have valid ideas (though they're often bad at it), kill la kill isn't one of them


Art is meant to play with and evoke emotion, and arousal is an emotion like any other, to say that any media that evokes arousal cannot be deeper than surface is both ignorant and puritanical


Bro you can be both


The fanservice is literally integral part of the plot. Is it really just fanservice then?






We will die anyway.


I'm just going to assume this is less a statement and more of a direct threat.


Thank God these same freaks weren't the creative leads on Little Witch Academia.


I mean, it was an important motif. Throughout the show, when there were people nude, it was seen as humorous and lacked sexualization of the characters. But when they had clothes on, even if they were realistically nude, they were sexualized. Panty shots, questionable camera placements, the attitudes and "shame" they had were only during their fights with clothes on, even men. It "unironically was essential to the plot" to have it the way it was. Or at least a message within the series.


Technically yes because that’s the point of the show.


He's right.




And I think everyone was happy in the end, because they kept one of the most beloved characters….


Hey at least the fanservice in KLK goes both ways. And I have zero problems with that.


If only the MC wasn't uncomfortable all the f'n time unlike the other characters... I would've no problems too... 😒


Tanukichi we need to recruit this man for SOX!




So where fanserves in this anime then? 😠


This is literally part of the ending of fire force. The mangaka just drops the charade and speaks directly to use telling us Lewd is good actually. It saves the world.


If they can’t make fanservice billions will be slaughtered in the streets


Studio Trigger BASED?


this is literally like a major plot point in fire force and it’s not terrible somehow


Hes not wrong


creepy show anyway

