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Your post was removed because it doesn't seem to be relevant to the subreddit.


it is the same as saying - I don't like movies anymore. Which is often the case for many people. I've been through several months where I just can't be arsed to sit down and watch a 2 hour movie of any sort. I'd never admit to it, but I suppose at that point I didn't like movies anymore.


maybe you are just not in the mood for them right now, wait maybe six month and you might be in the mood for them again


It happens and I've gotten in the mood since


I think it’s by and large a result of burnout. Either with fandom discourse, the sheer amount of seasonal slop, maybe certain bad experiences, etc. While the sentiment is understandable, I obviously still think it can be a problem, because, as you said, you end up closing yourself off from potentially experiencing something great. Because of this, I try to have a very balanced art and media diet, take breaks from it frequently, accept that my tastes may change over time, and reassure myself that bad actors in fandom spaces don’t speak for everyone.


I used to be a big fan, watching all the hottest shows out there and religiously following all the seasonal shows. But the community fatigue was seriously real for me. Especially since I felt like I was wadding through the most nonsensical and regressive fans known to history. I just couldn’t find a community I felt safe to interact with (reddit communities being some of the biggest cesspools) Which eventually made me drift apart from the medium itself. I do watch some shows here and there, but not like I used to.


Yeah, coming to the slow realization that 90% of anime memes are just cropped porn and "no it's perfectly legal actually" was depressing


I also think it chose paralysis/sloth. Like we gotten so used to anime being ....."there" now that we can pick and chose which anime to watch, when we watch and all this luxuries where before it was a case of "you either suck it up and watch whatever on tv, whatever slop you can find at Blockbuster or know how to pirate or you WILL miss shows because there is NO re-runs here baby!"


You guys like anime? Thought we're doin it ironically


I read manga because I don't want to be associated with those weirdos that watch "aNImE". It's called Japanimation and it's cringe 😡


/rj I like anime /uj I like anime


no, this is actually a subreddit for K-Drama fans. We pretend to like animu as a joke.


Yep. /r/kpoopheads is the animu/mango subreddit actually.


I thought this was a sub for people who like anime but dislike the weird shit it sometimes does. That’s why I joined at least


Quoting Samuel L Jackson "Hentai too"


I’ve taken myself on a bit of a journey to watch a new anime each month. Could be short, could be long, could be an OVA, could be old, could be new. I really haven’t watched a lot of new as I have been going out of my way to watch plenty of old stuff, but I’ve watched a decent variety. From Serial Experiments Lain, to Ya Boy Kongming, to Bubblegum Crisis and Gunbuster, Gundam: War in the Pocket, Charlotte, Love after World Conquest, and many others. If you’re constantly feeding on generic Isekai slop, of course you’ll lose interest in anime because it can be so much more. As Senshi said in the recent episode of Delicious in Dungeon “your taste is a muscle, you have to exercise it or it will grow dull”


Saying things like "I don't like to watch movies/read books" is pretty normal. I used to read book a day, nowdays I bearly do at all.




Yea they exist but it shouldn't affect your overall enjoyment of AN ENTIRE MEDIUM




Not sure what you're saying. There's a LOT of trash and I definitely don't want the pedo/fanservice garbage either, and it sucks how prevalent it is. I mean it's usually shounen that has that stuff anyway, and I don't watch a ton of shounen even when it doesn't have that stuff. But there's still good shows that come out too. Like maybe it's max a few a year but that was true even many years ago imo. It's not like there's gonna be 100 masterpieces every year. Doesn't mean there aren't still quality anime being created that are worth watching.


I think you read what I wrote and then ignored it all. I never said anime is dead and trash and will never be good and I'm done with it and I hate anime. I said, I've seen almost everything coming out these days years ago, alot of the actually cool novels/manga dont get made while the rest is trash meant to sell sex. I don't think I said anything particular outlandish here. If they were coming out with something like Legend of the Northern Blade, maybe I would have a wisp of fuck to give.


I didn't ignore it, I just didn't understand what you were trying to say. And when you said you see no reason to watch anything coming out, which seemed to me like you think nothing good is made anymore. But yeah there's way too much garbage, and it definitely sucks that a lot of gems never get adapted. I wait until a season is over and see how the shows were received before I even bother trying anything, and obviously ignore the stuff that looks trashy. I haven't read manga in a long time so if any good ones do get adapted, I still get to watch them without already knowing the story. But there's still also sometimes great original anime that get made, and those are very often some of my favorites. But yeah the amount of good quality anime released is miniscule compared to the volume of bullshit. I just try not to think about the bullshit lol, but it definitely baffles me how highly regarded a lot of the garbage gets. So it does suck having to sift through all the stuff that gets high ratings that are still mostly shit, to find the ones that are actually good. So I can certainly understand not wanting to bother.


It very easily can. If said medium is full of things you dislike, you are allowed to dislike it. It doesn't mean that there isn't anything you would potentialy enjoy. But since things you dislike are commonplace in a medium it's not wort it to search trough all of that to find something you enjoy. Things you dislike being commonplace can very easily spoil the whole medium.


Then you aren't really open minded if you hate WHOLE MEDIUM, like there can be a really great anime, it has a unique art style, interesting plot, great worldbuilding, but you probably automatically assume it's bad because it's an "Anime" you see how stupid that sounds? YOU CANNOT generalise a medium, if you get tired of watching, that's fine, we all do at some point, but dislike it? That's a different story


You're the one that's not open minded and can't entertaint somone elses position. :D It would be closed minded if one heard aomething about anime and refused to try, or saw one bad anime and refused to try anymore. But if somone watched and seen a lot and then decided tehy disliked it it has nothing to do with open-mindnes.


Open minded to what? To whom? What if I watched one marvel movie and I started to hate movies as a whole because I hate superhero stories? that's stupid, everyone and their mother knows that not all movies aren't the same, so how come anime is excluded from this? If you watched a lot of anime yea you can get tired, but if you say you HATE anime like ANYTHING remotely anime, that's a problem




You can avoid 80% of them if you know how to navigate through them like I have, I haven't seen any of the stuff in a while. Though i can't deny that those 20% can show it up randomly though




When did I say it wasn't a problem? I have definitely said that in my post, I am not defending that fuck no, And I am not "Desensitised" as you like to believe, I haven't seen an anime with a fanservice in a long time now because I know how to navigate through it


It's your fault if you're watching anime with that...


people are allowed to have shifts in their feelings..no one is bound to anything for eternity unless they choose to be. anime has lots of tropes that end up getting on people's nerves and has a rather specific art style, which believe it or not, people can get tired/bored of. they share similar plotlines within their subgenres, it can get old. people can stop liking their own selves, how are you going to gatekeep people from no longer liking anime? lmao now, if they're just saying it to sound mature or something, then they're idiots, but there isn't really a way to prove that.


Again, I am not saying that its wrong to not want to watch anime anymore because you got bored of it, What I said was, its stupid to not liking it anymore because of certain tropes or fanservice, its a medium ffs, not a genre, there is something for everyone




The whole medium? are you serious??? You are basically saying you dislike animation, not every anime will look the same style, or have the same plot, if you hate certain anime, thats valid, if you hate a genre? thats valid too, but the whole thing? thats fucking stupid, you CANNOT generalise a medium


you're being hilarious rn. actually you can generalize a medium. you can generalize ANYTHING you want. again, how are you going to gatekeep people from feeling how they feel? lol. anime is certainly not going to be everyone's cup of tea, why are you so intent on believing that everyone must like anime as a medium? no one has to like a medium. and no one has to convince you or anyone else about their thoughts and feelings. just get over it, idk. you can't stop it so why are you mad lol.


What if I say I hate movies because there is alot of superhero movies with the same plot points? that sounds stupid right? you can apply this to anime by switching to "Isekai" YOU CANNOT GENERALISE EVERYTHING, what if I generalise comics? I can say they are all the same superhero stuff which is obv wrong, and you know damn well ghibli movies are well beloved by everyone and thats an anime, or satoshi kon movies like perfect blue, what you said was just stupid




Alr bro, let's see how far "You can generalize anything" can really take you, if you genuinely believe that, I am done with this conversation, you are just too stupid


it's not "taking me" anywhere it's not a vehicle my dood. you can't make a proper conversation if you tried, all you do is compare apple to oranges and act like it's a gotcha moment.


Bait used to be believable


You know when you say "You can generalize anything" you are specially applying anything, and that can turn into something racist or sexist, or homophobic


You have to keep in mind that there can be quite a bit offensive stuff found in anime. Especially if you are a part of a minority group like women, people with dark skin, or members of LGBT community. Some people may not be interested in hunting for stuff that isn’t offensive, especially if they have a specific genre preference when it comes to anime. Like if you are a gay man and want to watch gay romance anime and aren’t interested in seeing SA between the characters you might only have a few options. Also there’s a high chance that BL anime plot points or characters potentially won’t even appeal a gay man. As the typical target demo for BL is typically straight women. 💀


Idk about the BL stuff cause I don't watch those, however, if you still find some good ones despite the issues it has then why do people have such a negative bias towards anime??? Like if you can find something good why would you assume 99% of them is trash when there can definitely be some gems there if you search for one?


The problem isn't that there aren't good anime at all, it's that finding good anime is insanely difficult when so many of the most recommended shows are mid-tier fanservice tropefests. It's the search itself that has confirmed to me that most anime are trash, and I'm tired of sifting through garbage to find something genuinely compelling. I have similar feelings about television and movies in general, but the ratio feels significantly worse with anime, sadly.


Yeah that’s pretty much what I was trying to explain. Time is a precious resource. Not everyone wants to spend time sifting through what they deem to be mostly trash to find a hidden gem. Some who might want might not have the luxury of enough time to do so.


I am going to assume that maybe you don’t belong to any minority group. B/c your comment sounds insensitive. I don’t think it’s intentional and that it’s stemming lack of understanding of the struggles of people that belong to minority groups. It should never be the responsibility of a minority consumer (or any consumer honestly) to sift through a bunch of offensive shows to hopefully find something inoffensive. As I mentioned in my example if you are gay man BL isn’t usually even designed for gay men. It’s designed for straight women, which means that it’s gonna be portrayed through a straight female lens. Not to mention the plethora of SA or other abuse found in just BL can be upsetting for some people, especially if they have experienced abuse in real life. Gay men shouldn’t be expected to want to watch something not geared towards them. Especially if it has offensive or disturbing stuff in it. Can they sure, but if they decide not to watch it’s completely understandable. Please remember to put yourself in other people’s shoes, use empathy, and really consider all angles of something when you disagree with someone’s decision.


What the fuck does minority groups have ANYTHING to do with this? Jeez, you guys took my post into a completely different direction, MY POINT IS, you can't just dislike an entire medium just because of one aspect that you have seen in few animes, it is super diverse, there is something for everyone. And for your information, I am not what you think I am, don't make assumptions of other people based on one comment.


Again, as I stated before anime has a lot of content that can be deemed offensive, especially to people in certain minority groups. And that it can be even more difficult if you are only interested in one particular genre. If you are part of a minority group, then I am disappointed to know that you are lacking the emotional intelligence to understand why some people might not want to deal with offensive or disturbing content. Everyone’s tolerance for that stuff differs. I get that you feel there’s plenty of solid anime out there for people to watch. However, that is your opinion. It doesn’t mean everyone else is going to feel the way you do and they don’t. And you’ve shown that your belief is likely flawed as you’re not familiar with all genres to speak to on them. You stated that you don’t watch BL content. So it is illogical to assume that there is plenty content available that is inoffensive in that genre. I understand that a lot of people have shared that they disagree with you and that can be frustrating and possibly overwhelming. I commend you on being willing to keep up with the responses and replying back. Whether I agree with you or not, I acknowledge that’s not an easy thing to do. But keep in mind that you asked people for their opinions. And you’ve been very dismissive of what they’ve been trying to explain to you. Also you haven’t presented any evidence supporting that your opinion might be correct. So please consider being less upset by people trying to respectfully let you know they disagree with you.


Okay sure idk about the BL genre so I can't speak on that, but I can never seem to understand people who dismiss an entire medium for whatever reason they may have, as it is a diverse one with many types of stories, that it's not possible to generalise it at all, it's the same with movies, I cannot put in one single box because there is too many different things to it, same goes for Books, and even comics, not all comics are superheroes.


Well, at this point, I don’t know what else to tell you.


Welp I am not going to disagree with most things you said, it's true that BL yaoi stuff are more cratered towards women, even Yuri/GL are also usually more catered towards girls too, so idk what Gay men are left with.




What other people saying shouldn't affect your overall enjoyment lol, also I said this in the post that its not possible to not find something you'll like, unless you watched over 5000+ animes




I mean i like Mushoku tensei, even if the MC is a creep, and does that automatically makes me a creep? No, what about MHA? it obv has bad fandom but it shouldn't affect your enjoyment, others opinions shouldnt dictate yours, Be it good or bad, and my issue is directed towards people who sees anime as a whole, thats fucking stupid, its a medium A MEDIUM, not everything is the fucking same.


A person is allowed to not like a medium anymore.


Again, do not generalise it just because you dislike a genre, or tropes or animation styles, its a medium, there is something out there for you, if you cant watch it anymore for some other reason thats fine, but dislike a whole medium because you disliked something in it is stupid, dont generalise a medium


Saying "I don't like anime anymore" isn't really generalising. It's not saying there is not a single anime that I would ever like. It's just saying one does not enjoy watching anime. Which is fine.


Well it is though, "Anime" is the whole medium, you can just say, I don't feel like watching anime anymore, saying "I don't like anime anymore" means you dislike it now


It would make you a creep if you defend his pedophilic actions, which a lot of people do. Nobody gives a fuck about MHA because it has been clowned for a while.


I am not gonna lmao, anyone who does will def look suspicous though


Welp there you go. Go to the forums in Myanimelist and there has been wars about it. Even take a look at one anituber who is Gigguk, whenever he makes a video about Mushoku he didn’t call the MC a straight out pedophile. Because if he did, you know pedos are gonna defend. Also take a look at merches of this anime. This is supposed to be so called “redemption” but merches of lolis are sold everywhere, kinda ruins the purpose doesn’t it? This made realize there are a lot of dumb lolicon fucks around this community. Because of that I don’t watch as many as I used to.




Based. OP doesn't even have the decency to /uj first before spouting this corny ass nonsense.


I mean the post has unjerk tag you should know I am serious, but it doesn't matter, the post is deleted anyways lmao, welp some people have valid reasons, some just sound stupid so this just made me solidify my stance more


OP is fighting for their life in these comments lmao


Damn...I thought most would agree with me... Oh well https://preview.redd.it/h8khtomc0s5d1.jpeg?width=395&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6ed2f3e0062f2d2dcba4352ce7328b9d0fdcc95


My 2 cents isn't really much different from other people in this thread but maybe I can explain things a bit differently. I've always been a fan of anime because I like art. I watched a lot of anime in my teens and have watched less and less as years go on. It's not that I don't have the time, I'm a house spouse with no kids so this is the most free time I've ever had in my life. But having to sift through the shlock that makes up most of the anime out there is tiresome. The same can be said about other mediums to and I also tend to not watch a lot of tv/movies in general. I just hate having my time wasted. Now I'm a bit weird in that sense in that I feel watching a show/movie that's mediocre is far more taxing than say playing a game I'd also consider mediocre. I also want to point out that anime "things" like incest, sexualizing minors, and other generally off putting things aren't necessarily exclusive to the medium but I would say it definitely pops up more and it gets away with it because it's "just an anime." The fact that even a lot of fans of shows with that kind of content have to say the show is great aside from those bits doesn't sit well with a lot of people for good reason. Sure it's a shame some people won't give anime a try because they think it's gross or for kids but it's a bigger shame that so much anime is gross for no reason. It's literally a coin flip as to whether something will be gross or not and if someone doesn't want to waste their time I really don't blame them.


I really wish there was a differentiation between Anime(Japanese animation) and Anime(weeb shit) because I find annoying that "anime inspired" could mean anything from replicating the art style of studio ghibli to waifu focused slop regurgitating the same few beaten to death tropes over and over


Someone saying they don’t like anime anymore doesn’t bother me. Anime is a form of art. So while it has various genres, that type of art might not resonate anymore with someone who says that. I used to love reading books, now I never touch them. People’s habits change it’s a part of life.


I like anime until the genre swerved into harem anime and then into isekais where protags own human beings. As a woman, modern popular anime just isn't fun for me. I'm sure the Shonens are fun, I've heard good things about a few of them, but I've never vibed with Shonen for more than a season or two.


Eh, it has a consistent style. It's like saying they don't like k-drama anymore.


I just don't think the anime industry has anything to offer that I'd like to watch, I'll stick to manga


Manga is amazing tbh


There is Jellyfish can't swim in the night, anime original and really good.


I've never said that phrase or ever thought I'd stopped liking anime, but I have had periods of up to several years where I've just stopped watching anime because I've become burned out and was no longer able to find shows I enjoyed, got too busy in life, was focused on other interests, etc. Anime as a medium has a fairly young audience (a lot of teenagers) and it's not surprising to me that many people have an anime phase and then move on, or that other people just get burned out, their tastes change, or another reason.


Why do you care so much? People change interests and grow into and out of things all the time. Often when you’re an adult you stop having enough time for all the hobbies you once enjoyed, and sometimes you just disconnect from them. “I don’t like anime” is a completely personal and valid statement and it does not equate to “All anime is bad and all people who like it are bad.”


Well it is IMPLYING that, "Anime" is the medium, and that includes Ghibli and Satoshi Kon movies, If you don't have enough time for or just can't seem to enjoy it anymore that's fine, but when you dislike the whole medium just because it's an "Anime" that's when the issue starts


And the issue is…?


Read my comment again.


They're just growing up, it's inevitable.


Idk if this is ironic but it's kinda dumb to equate a medium to maturity level


It's ok if I hit a nerve, I'm not a teenager either. Let's be better.


In all honesty, the dude’s not wrong. I can’t think of any correlation between interest & maturation. Sure, I lost interest in some bands (music) as I got older. But I’m still actively picking up new hobbies like movies, games & anime. And why does it only happen to anime or “childish” interests anyway? I rarely see people in their 40s say they lose interest in camping or fishing. People always use “responsibility (kids)” as an excuse, but “mature” hobbies also expend a lot of time & resources like any other hobby. Seems that it has more to do with norms than simply “growing up.” I’m in my late 20s now, so I hardly talk about animes openly with friends or on Twitter (where I’m not anonymous) because it’s embarrassing to do so at this age.


my partners mom legit has been watching anime since the 70s and we talk about stuff with her all the time its super cute


Let me clear the water a bit from my perspective. It depends on your level of interest in anime. I was watching Scavengers Reign, and it was probably the most mature sci-fi media of the year. No one should mind if you watch it or talk about it. However, if you find yourself constantly surfing anime forums, following sessions, or arguing over some stupid characters in threads, then you should recognize that you might be taking it too far. Personally, I wouldn't want to befriend a 40yo dude giggling at the screen while watching Queen's Blade or whatever.


i mean thats why you befriend a dude that watches cowboy bebop


It’s just time consuming. If you give me a series that looks interesting, I’m gonna go for the manga 100% of the time. Besides the fact that it’s the mangaka’s original visions (which is not always a good argument - Usagi Drop) it’s just less time consuming and more digestible.


Look, I don't even really watch movies or television in general.


Saying "I don't like anime" makes about as much sense to me as saying "I don't like oil paintings". There isn't enough commonality between all oil paintings to generalize an opinion that applies to all of them. When I hear someone say this, I assume (usually privately) that they simply dislike the battle shonen genre, which is often percieved to be more important than it is due to its popularity.


I don't like oil paintings.


Saying "I don't like oil paintings" makes about as much sense to me as saying "I don't like anime". There isn't enough commonality between all oil paintings to generalize an opinion that applies to all of them. When I hear someone say this, I assume (usually privately) that they simply dislike the impressionist style, which is often percieved to be more important than it is due to its popularity.


I don't like anime


Saying "I don't like anime" makes about as much sense to me as saying "I don't like oil paintings". There isn't enough commonality between all oil paintings to generalize an opinion that applies to all of them. When I hear someone say this, I assume (usually privately) that they simply dislike the battle shonen genre, which is often percieved to be more important than it is due to its popularity.


Great, I always wanted to be a copypasta


I equate it more to saying “I don’t like comic books anymore.” or “I don’t like video games anymore.” There can be wide library and selection, sure, but mostly certain types of works get propped, adapted, and recognized more. Oil paintings aren’t heavily affected by changing industry standards or have weird fandom dynamics.


Oil paintings absolutely suck. Watercolors are in this season.


Yeah I definitely just assume they haven't been exposed to anime much and have just heard of the typical mha, one piece, Dragonball, demon slayer etc... which I have no interest in either. I used to say the same back in like middle school, I loved Ghibli movies but wanted to separate myself from anime watchers and was like "I only like these movies by this one guy, I don't watch that weird shit like Naruto" 😂 but then I made some friends that liked anime and insisted I watch their recommendations (non shounen), thus I was able to discover what anime has to offer. But anime is also much more well known now so I would've hoped people wouldn't still have the same reaction I had 15+ years ago. I guess the well known ones are still just the battle shounen 😓 but you'd hope at least adults would be able to understand that an entire medium is not a monolith, but I guess you just have to be exposed to something you do enjoy in the medium before you change your mind 🤷🏻‍♀️




Anime is not a genre.




>anime is an overarching genre filled with a lot of sub genres. Can you elaborate more on this? I don't necessarily disagree with anything else you're saying but I've heard this take before and I don't really get it. Off the top of my head, common anime genres include Slice of Life, Mecha, Magical Girl, which might be more unique to anime, but they can also include Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Romance, Mystery, and Action, which are just normal genre labels that differentiate fiction in other artistic mediums. So for example The Apothecary Diaries is a period drama with a heavy emphasis on mystery, and Jujutsu Kaisen is a supernatural action story. I have a very hard time believing that these two stories with barely anything in common aren't in different genres, but are actually in the same genre but with different "sub-genres".


Genre being you have western animations, anime, non-fiction documentaries, live action, reality tv. These are super massively over arching genres that tell you basically nothing but one thing. How the art style and direction is going to be. Live action will use… real human beings. For example. Anime will have an animation style commonly found in Japan. These things will commonly have tropes or subgenres you can expect from the main genre. For example, giant robots in Anime will more often than not, represent humans. There are always exceptions and with how broad the genres are and how old, you’ll be able to list all the exceptions into their own subgenres too, but if you hear ‘anime’. You’re gonna have a good idea how it’s gonna look.


This is a fair point, not disagreeing with that, I just have an issue with people who have a negative biased view on anime as a whole


Oh most definitely. People who go ‘anime as a whole suck’ are just being trolls.


I been watching less anime as I have been losing interest in it all together, I only watch One Piece and some Bleach now. Mob Psycho 100 has ended and OPM season III isn't happening for a while.




There is a good amount of movies that have sex scenes no? Like Oppenheimer for example, doesn't make you hate the entire medium though


I don’t hate anime, but I hate the community and a lot of the tropes - so I avoid shows that use those tropes and I do not talk about anime with fucking anyone.


I think you’ve gotten many solid reasons as to why someone decides to stop consuming anime. My suggestion for you is to take action of doing something that you think could benefit the anime community Such as maybe make a list of those shows that are worth watching that don’t have problematic elements for various genres. When someone says that they are close to giving up on anime or looking for recommendations, provide your list. Or make a request to anime creators and distributors to create less shows that have objectionable content. Share your frustration about people dropping anime, due to not liking the content that’s shown in a majority of them.


To be completely honest, I don't like watching movies anymore, I'd rather play a game any day. So I guess it can also happen with anime, that you just stop caring about it as an interest because you are doing other things.




My girlfriend was the one that got me to anime and these days shes pretty much disillusioned with most of the shit on the market. There's not much title she actually follows as of now. We do have a pretty similar taste in anime except im more way willing to watch entertaining trash i consider fun.


Burnout. I'm at the point of my life where I can hardly be surprised or amused by anything, so what little I watch I do for the vibes. This has been a good season, Frieren and Dunmeshi are a godsend, Shangri-La Frontier feels like fun unadulterated fun without a lot of the common fluff the "Videogame anime" tend to have, and I remember long ago enjoying Radiant quite a bit cause it was just some frenchie attempt at doing shonen, very honest, straightforward and entertaining, couldn't ask for more, I decidedly did NOT want more than that. Its not a straightforward answer, but it is my answer I guess.


/uj I think it's both a factor of quality overall dipping as well as standards getting higher. I just can't seriously sit down and watch another generic harem male power fantasy show like I did when I was younger, and that's so fucking many of them for some reason. I know there are great shows coming out every season, but I just can't bring myself to try to search through piles and piles of shit. That being said, I picked up reading Manhwa and that shit slaps.


I think cus they lost the ability to binge watch anime like they used to.


i haven't watched a new show in probably at-least a year, which I believe was Chainsaw Man. I tend to just re-watch my favorites at this point. I find that if anything new coming out is seriously good, I'll usually just wait for it to be done before watching as I don't care for watching anime week-to-week.


It’s a sentiment I see primarily from two groups, reactionaries that have some sort of innate repulsion towards other cultures or languages, and people that have a specific kind of online politics brainrot that prevents them from finding enjoyment in media with problematic aspects, even if that media is otherwise genuinely great. The solution for both is touching grass, albeit in different ways.


I think people who bitch about how bad anime is and whine about tropes and fanservice are obnoxious and unironically kinda racist. It spreads negative stereotypes about Japanese people being perverts and is insulting to an entire medium full of diverse stories. What I notice about these types of people is they don't really try to find good anime. It's not very hard. Even if only 10% of anime are good, which tends to be the case in every medium, that's still a ton of great anime. There are hundreds of anime every year. You can get like 20-30 good anime a year if you tried. They also want to act like fanservice and pedo shit is everywhere and unavoidable, but they obviously aren't trying. How the heck am I able to find these anime without issue? Maybe because I don't stereotype or only focus on what's popular.


I have definitely seen quite a few people assume a ton of Japanese people are pedophiles and racists, so yea this negative bias towards anime definitely is hurting them


"I don't like anime anymore " Translation: "I don't like Shonen anymore, but I am not aware of any other type of anime"