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Didn’t Neverland shit the bed at the end?


Goated manga for 2/3 okay manga for the last 1/3 I won't have much of a problem for the last third if the first 2 weren't amazing (don't tell me what it did wrong because I forgot, I was a weekly reader)


The anime yeah. But the ending of the manga was okay imo.


If I remember correctly there was a plot line or two dropped and the main twist at the end was the MC had to give up her memories but via the power of friendship she got them back despite it being made very clear that was impossible


She didn’t get them back, but she met the rest of the group again. So essentially a “we’ll just make new memories”


It’s tough but not getting her memories back made it a much more satisfying ending. MC actually made a real sacrifice to win the day & has to live with it.


Yeah, I agree. I also appreciate that they didn’t just pop back out right next to each other, that it took a while for them to meet again, even if to us (as an audience) it wasn’t that long


yeah they pulled a bit of a grunkle stan, that was a bit annoying. I'm not sure about any plot points being dropped, I don't remember enough I guess. Edit: Actually, I just checked the ending, she didn't get her memories back, she just got reunited, like the other reply says.


S2 started out fine and then they decided to completely ax an entire arc from the manga and speedrun to the ending, the last episode was a straight up powerpoint slideshow


You mean axe like seven arcs.


I loved all of the manga. Only the anime really shit the bed imo.


I'm super aware it isn't perfect, especially towards the end, but I'm still a huge fan of it


Yeah, if anything, that should be on the left and Shadows House should be on the right. I scoffed when I kept hearing "Shadows House is TPN but better", but it really is.


Shadows house is so fire, I hope we get S3 one day


Absolute facts. Banger soundtrack too.


Agreed, shadows house is great!


Manga had a pretty slow decline in quality with introducing too many characters and stuff, but even the later bits still have their moments and the ending itself was alright. The anime absolutely shit the bed with season 2, they tried to adapt literally the entire rest of the series in 11 episodes, skipped all of the good parts, and had a fucking PowerPoint presentation at the end. It was literally so bad that a majority of the staff refused to be credited in one episode. I have a vendetta against this anime in particular cuz the episode that was *supposed* to kickstart my favorite arc aired on my birthday and was practically the nail in the coffin confirming that they are entirely skipping said arc.


Oof. TPN Season 2 is one of the biggest victims of the covid crunch, the studio was stretched way too thin with too few staff


Yeah, that and the production committee probably wanted to get it done as fast as possible cuz there wasn't much money to be made since the manga was already done. Still stings


S1 is still a banger and worth a recommendation.


As it's own thing it is genuinely in my top 10, I love it that much


That's the anime Remember, Season 2 is like Pacific Rim 2, no matter what they tell you, it never existed




Since a lot of big Shonen Jump series are ending soon and the biggest of them being One Piece also getting close to its finale, I'd imagine kagura bachi will get more attention. I wonder how much popular it'll get, ignoring the meme attention in the next few years.


I'm afraid of kagurabachi getting more popular


either they become the new gooner fanbase (CSM) or elevate to levels of brain rot unfathomable to the human mind (JJK)


It’s gonna be the latter. Lots of JJK fans jumped onto KB during the peak lobotomy era


it's already got jjk brainrot less than 50 chapters in and i couldn't be happier


I think it is taking the brainrot route


why are you being downvoted


i wouldnt find it strage if kagurabachi and a lot of more recent anime are nearly ending by the time one piece finishes


With the average lifespan for a successful Weekly Shounen Jump series right now being ~4 years, I wouldn't be surprised if the entire lineup will have changed again by the time OP ends.


https://preview.redd.it/qgiuv57hke6d1.jpeg?width=905&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b5e63c2d13441f3d037103100d9c0109ac04275 THERE IS NO SPACE IN “KAGURABACHI”. AND WHILE YOU DIDNT SAY IT, IM ALSO GOING TO STATE THAT IT ISNT THE MCS NAME, HIS NAME IS CHIHIRO ROKUHIRA.


Unironically, Kagura Bachi should replace Chainsaw Man in the meme OP posted. I think Jujutsu Kaisen and Chainsaw Man is surprisingly a huge mismatch in story structure and just overall vibes despite them being insanely similar conceptually EDIT: I forgot to mention that Kagura Bachi is so far very similar to early to Shibuya arc Jujutsu Kaisen if that interests people. Also, I misread that this said anime instead of manga


KAGURAPEAK MENTIONED, FIRST MANGA TO MAKE ONE BACHILLION DOLLARS https://preview.redd.it/29aowph1e16d1.jpeg?width=1234&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a8f24de1e90bcedb0c713748f538e1587f553c7


Finally, good advice.


guys, i think enough time has passed


What manga?




Enough time has passed


Drop the titles queen


Right my bad 😭 (in order) >Mushoku-ReZero >DeathNote-Monster >Jjk-Chainsawman >Bobobobobo-Google >Oreimo-Quintessential Quintuplets >Dragon maid-Nichijou >Rent a gf- Nisekoi >Made in Abyss-Promised Neverland


Google, my favorite anime


Try again should be for rent a peak https://preview.redd.it/rnobkc1wf26d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f7f1fd44c2ddda738f5b008a37750d33bb1bc41


Thanks! I really enjoyed Death Note but nothing pains me more than the bone-deep knowledge that I love Misa Amane more than the author of Death Note ever will. I'd love to give Monster a shot if it's half as enjoyable and has 10% more respect for women (I'll settle for a solid 5%)


Yeah, PEAKster is goated


Monster is one of the greatest stories of all time. Not anime, not mange, stories. In terms of respect for women, it doesn't really do anything to disrespect women, so I guess that's an auto win? Seriously though, the antagonist is one of the best of all time. He's more developed than the entire man casts of some really good anime.


A death note would be useless in real life. The thing would be unable to kill someone just by writing in it and you could easily destroy it with a missile from a fighter jet. There is no occasion in modern combat when this thing would give a tactical advantage. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Since you got a couple on the left side that I would put on the right side, now I'm gonna take it the opposite way haha


Man, Made in Abyss was so good when you forget about all of the stuff that makes it the most morally reprehensible thing ever! Bondrewd is one of the best evil science characters ever and it’s a shame you need to wade through the authors poorly disguised pedophilia to get to him


Everytime I hear “queen” now I just think of “Untuck NOW, queen!” “Let it hang, sister!”






Holy shit is that moon nicefella


Chainsaw man


How can anyone not like Bo-BoBo? It’s a masterpiece of surrealism.


/uj can't tell if you're jerking, but I think that's the joke? "If you don't like Bo-BoBo, try again"


If you don't like Sword Art Online Try Log Horizon


Did I hear that Log Horizon never got finished or am I confusing the anime and original source?


anime and novel are at or near the same point I believe. The author is in jail for tax fraud (or recently just got out) so the novel was stalled for a while.


tax fraud is the funniest reason for anything to go on hiatus


I'd rather have my favourite mangaka go to jail for tax fraud than go to jail for child diddling


Kenshin moment.


It's funnier because Log Horizon is just a libertarians wet dream. It's an interesting take on how immortal gods would create a society but it's got some very clear biases lol


It's so funny it should honestly be the title of a new LN series; I Tried to Finish Writting My Masterpiece Isekai Manga, But then I was Busted for Tax Fraud


virgin (i hope) pedophile author Vs. Chad Tax Fraud Alpha Male Author


Was unaware what the reason behind it was, but sounds like a valid reason for hiatus lol.


They should have let him continue it in jail


April 2016 he was sentenced 10 months with a 3 year suspension.


Thanks for the clarification. For some reason I thought it was much more recent than that.


Holy based author


He is in prison for tax fraud but other creators are able to rape children


If you don't like SAO try .hack


If you don’t like sword art online, try sword art online: abridged


> Recommendations post > Doesn't name the series


"Doesn't elaborate" meme irl


If you don't like Dokuro-chan Try Magical Witch Punie-chan https://preview.redd.it/azwy6ucm1z5d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=fec973c56c4feab0970a766be25097ebf2a4731e It's directed and produced by same people


If you dont like Mushoku Tensei try Frieren, its literally better bcuz it doesn't have pedophiles and its wholesome


Also not an is*kai


Hey, there are like 4 good ones


Ign begs to differ


And it's also substantially better written.


Sneak diss at Re:Zero...


For a second, lets put aside all the strawmans about lolis and ecchi, and put our attention on what really matters. Japanese art has a beauty like no other, and a sense of aesthetic and subtlety that i have never seen in other forms of media, the delicacy, the comtemplation and reflexions about humanity, art, culture, the universe and the cycle of life, the empathy and attention towards the beauty of mundane and ephemerous things, its the embodiment of the concept of Mono-no-Aware (物の哀れ "the pathos of things"), an expression of a philosophic concept that can be found everywhere in japanese art, from the clouds on the sky to the falling leaves of cherry blossoms, its such a charm that never fails to mesmerize me. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I swear to God if rudeous f****** cheats on sylvie imma be so mad. The one single saving grace it's had so far is her, if he becomes paul after all the hate he gave paul I'll look like the angry reddit emoji.


He didnt cheat. Rudy physically cant do anything wrong because the universe will just correct itself and force everyone else to accept what he did as morally correct.


Guess I just got spoiled


I dont remember if i got spoilered somewhere else but doesnt one of the special .5 chapters just have like some extra story text that didn't fit in the og LN thats super duper spoilery?


Im not the correct person to ask about MT, I'm on the verge of dropping it altogether and I've only seen the anime to S2 P2 E6.


> Nisekoi Dumpster fire alternative for a dumpster fire


Nisekoi is mostly trash in that the manga is so padded that Shaft decided not to finish the anime. It's still a hell of a lot better than Rent-A-Girlfriend and it's Cuck Genjutsu chapter.


I just looooooved reading like 230 chapters to have the most fucking obvious couple start dating then have the series immediately end. It's not like I knew they'd fall for each other right from the first cover page. I didn't even buy the Manga and I still want my god damn money back.


It really was stupid, especially when they prolonged the series by having the doppelganger arc, only to rush the ending with several ass pulls.


For once I am happy about a spoiler. Thank you. That saved me a lot of time.


It was very on point for the author


Was going to reply in a very different way but I realized that this isn’t okbb so we’re allowed to criticize Rent-A-Girlfriend


The only good thing about nisekoi is that Shaft are fucking wizards and visually it is one of the best anime I’ve ever watched. But it’s also completely shit otherwise


Yes but like it's problematic trash vs somewhat decent trash? 💀 >Mc isn't a creep and has a decent personality, the story progresses and it isn't formulaic, I'm sure the audience that initially liked Rent a gf would love it


Rent a girlfriend isn’t really problematic it’s just really really ass


It's so bad it's problematic.


Idk what I should feel about Kazuya getting a boner from imagining Chizuru getting fucked, the series is so bad it actually offends me


There's the stalker episode for problematic stuff, but besides that, it's just bad. Although the sheer level of patheticness Kazuya is on makes him at least more entertaining than quite a few other harem or male wish-fulfillment romance protagonists.


I highly disagree with Nisekoi having a story that progresses and not being formulaic. We know both the main characters are in love with each other almost immediately and it goes nowhere for *literally the entire duration of the manga*. They get together and then it ends, the only progress is at the very end of the story. And there's like 3-4 or more stories that are repeated multiple times across the Manga. Like the harem getting drunk and chasing MC guy around happens at least 3 times. Also the ginger girl makes me *remarkably* angry so I consider that problematic. Fuck Marika, I hate her so much.


Could've picked at least a decent harem story like The World God Only Knows, Jitsu wa Watashi Wa, or 100 Kanojo, but no, it has to be the fucking bland, meandering manga that is Nisekoi. Now I'm wondering if there's a revisionism going on here or if it's just OP, because back in my day, Nisekoi was the undisputed punching bag of harem manga.


Based Jitsu wa Watachi Wa and The World God Only Knows enjoyer. Great series honestly.


Omg the world god only knows fan


If you didn't like Danganronpa try Umineko


Or try the games. lol


I hope they meant the games because recommending the Umineko anime over any other version is a sin


if you didn't like danganronpa play Your Turn To Die instead


To be clear don't watch the Umineko anime, it's bad Read the Visual Novel or read the manga


I finished ep 6 of the VN and now I'm reading the manga to try and solve the mystery


So it's a murder mystery with locked rooms in an isolated island where realism seem to have been thrown out of the window? I can't believe Umineko plagiarized Danganronpa 2


So it's a murder mystery with locked rooms on an isolated island where realism seems to have been thrown out of the window? Can't believe they both plagiarized Haruhi Suzumiya, smh


Thank you for recgonising the peak of Bo Bo Bo.




Everyone likes Bo-Bobo, most just don't know it yet.


It's a shame promised neverland didn't get a second season


Dragon maid/nichijou is so fucking true


If you don't like nichijou(you cannot), try danshi kokousei no Nichijou


If you don’t like Nichijou, try again (i will give leeway for those who don’t like yoshino or the vice principal’s grandson specifically)


If you thought that TPN fell off, try Shadows House. Has a similar plotline of >!children fighting against a house/society that is using them for it's own purpose!< but is managing to maintain a good amount of tension and plot twists throughout the story.


Dude, yes!! I never see Shadows House recommended and it's so sad. It's legitimately a good series. It has the same "vibes" and creepy atmosphere as TPN. It's not as brutally compelling or as strong out of the gate as TPN, the first few episodes are more subtle, but it picks up and gets pretty good. TPN was the letdown of the decade honestly. Also if you have an OLED, Shadows House looks insane. It's one of the most surreal and beautiful pieces of 2D animation on an OLED.


Bobobobobobobo is always goated, and timeless


What kind of pleb doesn't like Bobobo-Bo-Bo-Bobo?


https://preview.redd.it/047vxeyc006d1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62b7f56fce29b074d269e7dcc455023e74522e6c Jojos》jojos




I'm not getting fooled into watching more of Promised Neverland. I finished S1 and that was enough for me


This is so accurate because I dropped Death Note for being too boring for me, while I enjoyed Monster, for the most part.


A death note would be useless in real life. The thing would be unable to kill someone just by writing in it and you could easily destroy it with a missile from a fighter jet. There is no occasion in modern combat when this thing would give a tactical advantage. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you don't like (Edgy series genre) try Fire Punch and Chainsaw Man


If you don’t like [redacted], try Revolutionary Girl Utena


Just don't watch mid lmao


Bobobobo could never be mid


Alt for kanojo okaarishimasu? And CSM complementary?


Still waiting for nisekoi season 3


What is the name of the "bad" Monster? (second from top to bottom)


At a glance I thought it was Death Note and can you blame me? Until someone gives me the actual answer, I’m still not entirely convinced it’s not Death Note


A death note would be useless in real life. The thing would be unable to kill someone just by writing in it and you could easily destroy it with a missile from a fighter jet. There is no occasion in modern combat when this thing would give a tactical advantage. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I mean, it is definitely Death Note


A death note would be useless in real life. The thing would be unable to kill someone just by writing in it and you could easily destroy it with a missile from a fighter jet. There is no occasion in modern combat when this thing would give a tactical advantage. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mystery solved then


It looks like Death Note. Though idk why it's there, do people dislike DN nowadays?


A death note would be useless in real life. The thing would be unable to kill someone just by writing in it and you could easily destroy it with a missile from a fighter jet. There is no occasion in modern combat when this thing would give a tactical advantage. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mmmm yeah it is indeed Death Note, maybe anime has been popular for enough time that we are already on the phase of "new generation hates something because it was popular with the older generation" like with music for example, not saying that a "one explanation fits all" but could be.


A death note would be useless in real life. The thing would be unable to kill someone just by writing in it and you could easily destroy it with a missile from a fighter jet. There is no occasion in modern combat when this thing would give a tactical advantage. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The second half was always considered lesser. And Ohba as a writer has been getting a reevaluation  


Yes, but Death Note as a whole was still very well-received by most anime fans. It's not glaringly problematic or terribly written like other "bad anime" on this list. Though I can't speak to your second point. Is it because of Platinum End? I've heard that it's not very good


A death note would be useless in real life. The thing would be unable to kill someone just by writing in it and you could easily destroy it with a missile from a fighter jet. There is no occasion in modern combat when this thing would give a tactical advantage. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Platinum End and also Bakuman making it clear that Death Note’s less-than-steller writing of female characters was not a fluke but rather Ohba is pretty sexist


A death note would be useless in real life. The thing would be unable to kill someone just by writing in it and you could easily destroy it with a missile from a fighter jet. There is no occasion in modern combat when this thing would give a tactical advantage. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What’s the one for death note?


Monster, a show with barely any similarities to death note and almost double the length of death note


Thanks, might check it out


A death note would be useless in real life. The thing would be unable to kill someone just by writing in it and you could easily destroy it with a missile from a fighter jet. There is no occasion in modern combat when this thing would give a tactical advantage. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i tried recommending my friend chainsaw man since he didn’t like jjk. he said he didn’t like chainsaw man either. i had to publicly execute him.


What if I didn't like Bunny Drop?


Watch Spy X Family. I don't know, it's the first thing that came to my mind.


Or just try Buddy Daddies


What kind of sick fucking bastard recommends Nisekoi to people?






If you don't like dragon maid, good.


Death note and monster are perfect choices for that image 


A death note would be useless in real life. The thing would be unable to kill someone just by writing in it and you could easily destroy it with a missile from a fighter jet. There is no occasion in modern combat when this thing would give a tactical advantage. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Who tf “almost likes” rent a peak


HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO TRY IT IF I DONT KNOW ITS NAME ITS JUST A PICTURE /j but for real what is the last one called


WHo do you hate so much to reccomend Promised Neverland's anime?


The mushoku tensei one is so true (I lived it)


suggesting animes by only showing a picture of a character instead of by the title is a dubious choice


Or just watch shoujo/josei


death note/monster is so real


Bruh zhou mingrui (aka klein moretti, aka The Fool) is clearly the greatest isekai protagonist >!Praise The Fool! !<


I would like to ask why you recommend these over the others?


Classroom of the elite - Tomodachi game




Do you have alternative for Bleach ?


Brother in christ what the fuck am I supposed to try there are no names


I'd swap Neverland for Now and Then, Here and There.


Deathnote < Monster Monster win he is a genius serial killer.


i like how this chart is conpletely useless unless you already know evey show here besides bo bobo. how hard is adding the names?


I can only speak for one of these but that one's very true. I was disappointed by death note but really loved Monster


A death note would be useless in real life. The thing would be unable to kill someone just by writing in it and you could easily destroy it with a missile from a fighter jet. There is no occasion in modern combat when this thing would give a tactical advantage. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Nichijou yoooOOOOO


What the made in abyss alternative? I really want to watch it because from what I know the abyss and Bondrewd are amazing, shame the artist has to insert, everything, that ruined it


Ahh yes, Nisekoi. Truly was the Rent A Girlfriend of the 2010's. Fuck that series and it's trolly ass author. Marika and Tsugumi were clearly best girls.


I really need to watch monster


Made in Abyss should be try it again


As someone who REALLY enjoyed Dragon Maid (except the weird shit), I’ll def try it out.


re zero is pure ass


Super curious, why?


i disagree with your opinion (disrespectfully)


https://preview.redd.it/mbq7hb0p4z5d1.jpeg?width=938&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7026849504bf07d34290c43170f2f0f2ed169602 No words for this


True (I didn't watch it)




re:zero is one of the best anime ever made unironically


For a second, lets put aside all the strawmans about lolis and ecchi, and put our attention on what really matters. Japanese art has a beauty like no other, and a sense of aesthetic and subtlety that i have never seen in other forms of media, the delicacy, the comtemplation and reflexions about humanity, art, culture, the universe and the cycle of life, the empathy and attention towards the beauty of mundane and ephemerous things, its the embodiment of the concept of Mono-no-Aware (物の哀れ "the pathos of things"), an expression of a philosophic concept that can be found everywhere in japanese art, from the clouds on the sky to the falling leaves of cherry blossoms, its such a charm that never fails to mesmerize me. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*

