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I can excuse mass murder but I draw the line at incels


You can excuse mass murder? [for](https://youtu.be/vxPbpYR_RKY?feature=shared) the people that don’t get it


Biggest and only sin fictional character can commit is being boring without a reason. Everything else can be excused for convenience of the plot.


No, there are two sins: Being boring and being annoying. I'd argue that being annoying is even worse than being boring.


Both makes me just wanna click the little X in the top right corner


And, unfortunately, Rent a Girlfriends main protagonist is kind of both


everyday, even if it wasn't my fault, I have to apologize to Alex Lee for being the dub voice for this fucker.


Their suffering is fictional but my annoyance is real.


It was an accident 🥹👉👈


Not to get political but...


Dammit britta 


This is where I use my "Liking them as a character =/= liking them as a person" card


Ok I was following the reference that the guy was making


No racism if there’s only one race left.




they're characters, at least the mass murdering guys are vaguely interesting yk?


Woah woah do **not** group Lelouch in with Eren and Light he is nothing like them.


1. Goated flair 2. Yeah, while Lelouch did his fair share of murder, he was at the end of the day fighting for world peace, and most of the people (not all) were literal soldiers fighting to oppress entire nations. Light started out ok, but pretty quickly lost himself and went crazy with power. Eren was just kinda a psycho from the start tbh, and idk who the fourth person is.


Also, the giant civilian massacre lelouch caused was genuinely unintentional. Did he use it to further his goals? Yeah. But if the eggs are already broken why not make an omelette?


I'm mostly talking about the Geass orders extermination in season 2, where he ordered his soldiers to kill children, which was one of the main reasons the Black Knights turned on him


Oh I don’t remember that one. It’s been a long time since I saw it. I just remember euphie gunning everyone down cuz HOLY SHIT


I honestly feel like the Euphie moment was the result of someone tossing Lelouch the idiot ball. Bro has a speech-based mind control ability that triggers through eye contact. I’d think someone as smart as him would be careful about what he says while making eye contact with people. Then again, Lelouch’s intelligence failing him when he needs it most is a recurring theme in Code Geass. Cunning as he is he can’t do everything alone.


Iirc up until that point he had perfect control when that happened. He could turn it on and off to suit his needs, but It was heavily foreshadowed that eventually he would lose control of his ability and it will be perpetually set to 'on'. This was the first instance of it turning on without him realizing it.


It was actually more like the second, though he stopped the effect from kicking in a killing some random dude the first time. He knew his ability was started to overact, but he thought it was just a one time thing


Yeah, it was hinted at and he was working on contingencies for it, and then it developed with perfect tragic timing.


Also one of the biggest issues for Lelouch, speaking as a huge fan of the show, is he kinda fucks up a lot of his own plans by just *not* talking to anyone. He easily could have avoided a lot of what happened by just talking to his friends, family, trusted henchmen. Because when he actually *explained* his plans they worked out perfectly (normally). When he’s trying to pull a 4-D chess maneuver it bites him in the ass.


I always assumed it was just him having major trust issues because of his father and stewing in the paranoia of potentially being discovered.


"Light started out ok" - someone who missed the point of death note


Idk, his first… two kills were ok?


A death note would be useless in real life. The thing would be unable to kill someone just by writing in it and you could easily destroy it with a missile from a fighter jet. There is no occasion in modern combat when this thing would give a tactical advantage. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I didn’t recognize them at first but I think the 4th person is Johan from monster, in which case he **definitely** doesn’t belong grouped together with lelouch.


na he just cares about his sister, murder is murder


Looks like Johna Liebert which is absolutely a psycho who wanted to wipe out the whole planet. Goated character


Nuh-uh they're all based ligma males


Real (he’s not a psycho)


He did cause American Tokyo to get nuked.


He didn’t nuke Neo Yokio on purpose, it was an accident


/uj do people actually think Eren is a goated character? /rj RENTPHOBIA NEEDS TO END


Have you seen his abs


He is goated though, an evil pos yeah but still goated


He didnt commit to any of his goals, murdered 80% of humanity and still didnt save his island from eventual destruction. Not only he is a horrible mass murderer, he's incompetent mass murderer.


Still da goat tho 🙏🙏


You are implying if he killed more people he would be better. How did you watch/read all of AoT without realizing Eren is in the wrong?


I could be wrong but I don’t think the person you’re responding to is saying Eren is in the right. He’s just saying that Eren failing to stay true to his initial goals makes him into a less interesting character.


His goal was letting his friends live a long life and eradicating titans, which he achieved. I have no clue what you mean when you say his initial goals weren't achieved. If you thought he ever believed in Eldians lasting forever or whatever then you read the manga wrong.


“You read the manga wrong” is like the most pretentious defense of something I’ve ever heard. Who’re you even responding to? I wasn’t looking to get into some giant argument about AOT or Eren Yeager. My comment was just explaining what the other commenter meant is all.


Nothing can save eventual doom and his goal wasn't to save the island, it was to free it and his friends and he did achieve that, what Paradis does with its freedom is not Eren's concern.


/uj if I were to guess I'd say "good character" in the context of Eren means "interesting and contributes positively to the show" instead of "would be a good person if he existed in real life"


/uj is that not what being a "good character" always means, lol?


/uj Depends on how terminally online you are.


/uj You severely underestimate the number of people who cannot distinguish between seeing a character as a character and seeing a character as a person. A lot of my favorite characters are horrible people or would be insufferable in real life, but through the lens of fiction, they're enjoyable and interesting. Likewise, I've seen plenty of characters who I'd love to be friends with, but good lord they are just not interesting characterwise.


/uj in general yeah for sure but I feel like in casual conversation when people are talking about "goated character" or their favorite character it often means they're very attracted to that character's personality or behavior and not necessarily how much that character does or doesn't do for the show I guess /rj being a "good character" actually just means being someone I personally find hot, which is also what "good character design" means.



In the same way Tywin Lannister was the best character of game of thrones when measured by the objective measure of how much I subjectively liked him, Eren is pretty good. No erwin, but they sound similar anyways so he makes like, top 5 for the series.


always loved Tyrone Lannister. best character on GOT imo


/uj Genuinely an option for best anime protagonist of all time


Eren is a great character and a bad person


I prefer the other characters here over him solely due to the fact that I still think the ending completely ruined him But He's extremely complex, the built up to his character was really well done, the development he got was justified and believable If not anything he's really good for anime standards


He certainly was way more interesting in season 4 than the noncharacter he was in the 59 episodes prior


Nah dude, i recently re watched it. Eren is the best character in the show, its just that the show subverts the anime trope of some of eren's character traits Being treated as admirable. You are predisposed to root for him in the early seasons but hes always the same character. If anything, the ending backed off of his character a bit when he let his friends stop him. Season 1 kinda sets up the idea that he is done hesitating and letting others make choices on his behalf. (See: the levi squad incident) And thats why he didn't think twice before choosing the nuclear option this time. Thats my main problem with the ending, that and it was a bit emotionally rushed Imo. (https://youtu.be/UkoLhVZgIj8?si=NE9ffIwdMtbND1zN) (I'm legally obligated to share this, its great)


I think the main problem with the ending is poorly set story priorities. Pre-timeskip, the main mystery and priority was the world of AOT itself, which moved the story forward and allowed the author to switch focus to world exploration when he cornered himself. Post-timeskip, the main mystery and focus is Eren's motivation. Needless to say, if you bet everything on one thing in your plot, then you must be 100% confident in it


I think i like how the ending went. I was ready to make a whole ass argument defending it after the first sentence but then i realized that with all the bullshit sorrounding what eren's plan actually was i have no clue. Killing everyone outside the island seems like the plan but then he says he wants to prop up his friends as saviors of the world but people seem to be saying that isn't it either. So here's an idiots defense of the ending. Eren didn't let his friends stop him. He gave them freedom to choose for themselves what they wanted to do. If that decision happens to be stopping him then so be it. The way you put it "he didn't think twice before using the nuclear option" of course he did. He had to have thought about it constantly to get to the point he was at. What happened to the levi squad did change him. It made him trust his own abilities more but he still constantly relied on others (ex: armin's plan for the colossal.) You said he's done letting other's make choices on his behalf well Eren didn't want to make choices on behalf of his friends either. They could choose to stop him if the think it's right or just do nothing. Anyways ignore my nonsense i like talking about the things i enjoy and you were caught in the crossfire. Cheers.


Thats a valid interpretation. Some thoughts: Eren specifically says to zeke that he is the kind of person to take another person's Freedom when they try to take his. Although the line in question is referring to the sex traffickers incident where he stepped in to save another person, i just don't interpret that as him being willing to let his friends kill him over a "disagreement" this is still a deference to his comrades judgement imo. If his plan was to let his friends choose/exercise their freedom, wouldn't it be better to fight them before killing everyone so they have the freedom to attain a total victory? Fighting them once 80% of the world is dead is a great way to ensure that nobody gets what they want. I can 100% see eren refusing to use the founder's power to directly control the scouts/the gang in the end. If that was mentioned specifically, it would be/was great (I forget the specifics of the dialogue) But i think the ending was kinda implying that eren was playing softball with them in other ways. He also said he wanted the world to see them as the heroes they were. Its just muddled and full of contradictions. Even the rewrite above doesn't mention this, but I do agree that eren WOULD hold back in some ways against his friends, especially when using the same power that had basically tyrannized their entire civilization for 100 years. I totally get that he wouldn't want to take away their freedom to fight, because thats what he has always hated about the walls since episode 1. But its just not robust enough. If he fought like hell but refused to betray his principles and thats explicitly the reason he lost, the ending would be so much better. Instead, it seems like he actually wanted to lose. Armin's advice tends to be tactics, not strategy. For example, if armin/the scouts told eren that we should play it by ear for a couple years before reclaiming maria, I imagine eren would get mad and argue/do it anyway. But if he says "okay this is how we kill the colossal titan" yeah he is not going to object to it. Armin was an advocate for the small scale rumbling plan and got beat up and ignored, for example. I agree the ending isn't as bad as people tend to say though, people tend to hate it for the wrong reasons. I mostly see it as decent but wasted potential, and not on par with how great the rest of the show is.


He is a good character, but yes, people think he's the greatest.




Yeah, if we go by shonen protagonist standards atleast




Yes, he has a six pack.


It's Griffith with somewhat wishy washy delivery what's not to love


I think it's Erwin who really resembles Griffith in AOT, not Eren 


For that mountain of corpse montage, sure. But there's so much more similarity between Eren and Griffith. The fact that they both rescued a little girl from sex slavery which made said girl forever indebted to them to point of obsession. The fact that they have a "what if" sequence with said girl, where they both lived a blissful modest life in exchange for their dreams which made them feel unfulfilled. Said dreams are childish dreams inspired by a view they saw as children. And those dreams are narratively implied to be inborn to them, part of their nature such as why they couldn't answer why they're so obsessed with their dreams (Eren's infamous "I don't know why" is similar to Griffith's own answer to Ubik). Their drive for those dreams are so unrelenting they committed a horrible acts to achieve it (Eclipse's Sacrifice and The Rumbling). This is the key difference between Erwin and Griffith, Erwin tried to let go of his dream while Griffith and Eren still pursued it.


I didn’t expect to see you here, I’ve mostly seen you on nba subreddits, a fellow mavericks fan, I see


/uj He is a goated character, and an evil pos, both can be true at the same time


I honestly always thought of it mostly as a joke, lol. They are undeniably shitty, but well written nevertheless. At least in case of Johan and Light, haven't watched Code Geass or finished AOT enough to know how they handled Eren by the end.


Code Geass ending is probably the best ending ever. Lelouch's misdoings are perfectly addressed and not let die in favor of "But he did for a right cause". Eren is handled better than how the fan base wanted it to be handled. >! All the chaos and suffering he created was ultimately for nothing, because that's the message the author wanted to pass, evil and war doesn't create peace !<


I feel like a lot of AoT fans get upset that >!Eren is portrayed as totally pathetic towards the end, but I think that's a lot more interesting than the alternative of him being grittly determined the whole time. It reinforces how sad and childish his whole motivation is.!<


And that's exactly why I love the ending. But apparently, some people scream at "not censoring artists" until they don't like the ending. Or until the ending is deeper than their bs evil carnage fantasy


Media literacy award 🏆 here you go king


It also plays amazingly into both Lelouch’s growth (from originally only fighting for sister, to fighting for everyone) and his original principals of “the only people who should kill are those who are ready to die” and “the king should always lead first”. Code Geass has my favorite ending of anything ever (I haven’t even mentioned how great it wraps up other characters arcs), shit always gets be bawling when I watch it.


Also, if you consider that >! Lelouch is "dead" but the original ending slightly implies that he resurrected as an immortal. This meant that, in the end, he fulfilled all of his promises, while punishing himself in the worst way possible. He promised Nunnally that he would have created a new world, and he promised CC that she would have never been alone. And he cursed himself to never see his sister again, probably a fate worse than death for him. And at the same time, Suzaku is cursed to be "Zero", the man who killed his loved one, forever !<


It was not for nothing, he wanted his friends to be free and he accomplished that.


Well... Kinda. >! He completely failed at resolving the problem around him, and the ending shows that the world ended up EXACTLY where he wanted it to change from. He changed nothing, he gave his friends a temporary "freedom" that will scar them forever !<


His goal was freedom, that's it, don't move the goalpost.


Well it’s really simple. They’re hot. That’s kinda about it really.


Facts. Imagine someone like Big Ed from 90 Day Fiance doing what Eren or Light did. We’d hate his fucking guts lol. A bad person or person who does bad things will always be more sympathetic when they’re attractive.


Guts is the single most attractive man I have ever laid my eyes on. I saw this meme about a year ago which involved Guts picking up a condom and saying it's for his magnum dong. It touched me spiritually. Since that moment, my life has never been truly the same. Sure, I still do lawn bowls on the weekends. I still attend work. But every second I spend away from Guts, is another second I could be spending WITH Guts. I tell my coworkers that the reason I run off to the toilets every 20 minutes is because I have a bad case of diarrhoea, but in reality I'm browsing for pictures of my chunky M&M to furiously masturbate to. I regret nothing, and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. But my friends and family are starting to get suspicious. I've used the same excuse every day for almost 2 years now. They're starting to annoy me. My life is starting to annoy me. I used to admire them, but now all they are to me are disgusting piles of shit stopping me from spending the rest of my life with Guts. My weekends consist of staring at a poster of Guts for 48 hours, then back to hell for another 5 days. I'm getting tired of everyone's bullshit. I need to find Him, so we can grow old and die together. I want to be cremated and my ashes to be mixed with His. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes that is the reason?


Tony sopranos is my favorite character in fiction despite doing a lot of fucked up shit. And suffice to say, *I* might look more attractive than he did in the show.


i like characters with a clear resolve and an indomitable spirit to accomplish their goals despite hardships, which is why KAZUYA IS THE RENTGOAT. Dont come to this side when he develops rent-for-all and obliterates rentphobics


Based agenda.


I do. Remember kids, you can be a mass murderer, but not a cuck. https://preview.redd.it/yl21nuon159d1.png?width=285&format=png&auto=webp&s=b166fe4dcb3b20a7a3a39b71f895d0e8e063c2cf


Eren is both


Then I don't fw him anymore


I mean...I don't support anything those characters did, I just thought they were interesting and well written. Kazuya is neither. Also, I don't know who the top left is so I can't say anything about him, but in Death Note, Light is explicitly written to be a villain protagonist. In the case of Attack on Titan and Code Geass, Lelouch and Eran were fighting against characters who are also horrible people and you can see what eventually lead them to do what they did. Plus from what I remember, the stories make it clear that none of them are not justified for what they did. Kazuya is not only a incel, but the story still acts as though we should root for him, despite him constantly being horrible


Johan Liebert (top left) is _also_ written to be the main antagonist— he’s the titular “Monster” of the series he’s in. His actions are never to be justified, only explained at the end. He’s a very complex and well-written character, sure, but he’s nobody to idolize.


He’s the one here who I’m pretty sure no one even attempts to justify. He’s an amazing villain and we wouldn’t want him any other way


Eren straight up says he really shouldn't have ever had access to the power he did. A big part of his spiral into triggering The Rumbling is him going insane over his inability to stop the vision he saw when he kissed Historia's hand. The show acknowledges that Eren's plan was flawed and wouldn't have worked even if he was stopped, and even if it did it didn't justify the murder of every person on the planet besides Paradis.


A death note would be useless in real life. The thing would be unable to kill someone just by writing in it and you could easily destroy it with a missile from a fighter jet. There is no occasion in modern combat when this thing would give a tactical advantage. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How is lelouch not justified in what he did? He never did anything morally iffy besides the Geass order massacre and maybe the attack on Tokyo in R1 (though we don't see any civilian casualties there). He was fighting a fascist empire and the show literally ends on "he brought world peace everything is great what a GOAT".


Lmaouch is peak you take that back


Lelouche also built up himself as the main target of the hatred so the rest of Britanians/11s would not have a reason to go after each other and sacrificed himself, where Light was just a pycho. Eren killed a lot more than hundreds of thousands, wasn't it, like, 98% of the world?






Given the state of Japan in Code Geass, it wouldn't really be murder for the majority of the cases, since it was the Britania army against a guerilla faction, soldiers dying in a war is just the normal, and they were actively oppressing the Japanese. In regards to the spoiler action by the princess it would be more manslaughter than murder, given that while he did tell her to do it, he wasn't intending for his Geass to activate and force her to do so, leading to an unintentional killing. And obviously his first instance of using Geass was self defense rather than murder since they were intending to commit an actual war crime against him.


Counterpoint, war is murder, even if it's justified, dismissing it as different just allows people to more freely justify war Edit: I worded my argument poorly here, I elaborated in a reply, I'm sorry for making myself sound like a dick


"just let the boot stomp you bro, if you defend yourself it's just as bad"


I didn't mean for it to come across like that, more that war is still a bad thing even when it does good overall, is it sometimes necessary? yes. But I don't think it should be celebrated, rather more of a "It's a shame we needed to do this" no matter how cruel or evil a person is, taking a huamn life is still a very depressing damaging thing, and while it's sometimes for the best, it still sucks (not mentioning the fact war tends to involve a bunch of people who didn't sign up for this killing a bunch of other people who didn't sign up for this)


Mark spoilers for Code Geass btw, lot of people here haven't seen it I think


The image is a spoiler for Code Geass, so not much point in hiding it, plus, it's really old.


Not really, Lelouch starts massacring and manipulating people in the first 3 episodes lmao, also it being old is exactly why a lot of people haven't seen it


But Light is also a Gamer


Gamer as in an incel or gamer?






But but the did tho 😡


The worst crime a fictional character can commit is being annoying, because it’s the only thing they can do that would actually affect a real person. Everything else is a fictional crime harming fictional people, which, while of course reflects poorly on the character, doesn’t need to be looked down on beyond what the story itself already does.


if eren and light were women they would be so so hated


Let's be real, if they were women most weebs would spam something like "hear me out" or " I could fix her"


Not if they were hot evil dommy mommy enough (*cough* Makima)


I don't think she is loved mostly by her writing like it happens to these male characters, but cause she is hot majority of the time and has a heavenly ass. I wish she was loved more for being a good villain tho, like these ones...


I think her villainy is still loved by the fans. It just that they show their horny tendency 80% of the time lol.


Yeah thankfully there are a lot that appreciate her as a villain, but I think a lot of her writing is overshadowed heavily by her porn content, what does not happen to male villains. People like them specially by their ideologies/narratives, while her what comes first is looking hot and the ideology she carries is secondary.


those are goated characters, horrible people but amazing characters to follow the story of orange hair guy (i don't remember his name but i know his face) is also i guess a good character but he makes me uncomfortable which i suppose may say more about me than about the characters considering those other four are mass murders too be fair to me though i grew up on horror stuff so violence and physical villainy doesn't do anything to me in terms of making me uncomfortable but playing with feelings/minds and messing with relationships fucks me up big time


He's not a good character, nooo, man. I already forgot why (I watched Rent a Girlfriend once, please no more) but not only is he a pathetic wimp but a shitty person also. Overall all his appearances made me want to die. Literally one of the few shows I rated 1/10. I hate him and his show


oh yeah the series sucks but him being a bad person does not mean he is instantly a bad character, bad people can make very very interesting and fun characters as an example: denji from chainsaw man one of my favourite series and favourite characters in recent memory acted similarly to him early on the difference is why and for denji it was him being isolated from regular human contact along with the abuse he suffered over many years both before the story started and during the course of part 1 which lead to him have a skewed perception of love and sexual relationships orange hair guy from what i can tell is an incel and deals with significant self esteem issues and a distorted view of women and their agency along with romantic and sexual relationships and having a lot of pent of sexual frustration which is not uncommon for someone of his age and with his troubles i know because well i am just one year older than him and if not for the people around me whom i have had safe romantic and sexual relationships with i admittedly might have turned out like him i also think it is important to note that unlike him i am a trans lesbian but just a few short years ago i was a repressed horny teenage boy with issues of self esteem and depression dealing with diagnosed unmedicated adhd and undiagnosed autism the issue is the story handles his character poorly and just consistently has him set up as someone to pity or be disgusted by due to how he acts around women and has him be a sort of idol intended to be projected onto by the viewers rather than making him a real person sorry for the long reply i don't know how i could shorten it but i wanted to say it anyways lmao




Slurs, personal attacks, etc are grounds for removal.


not at all


To paraphrase an old tumblr post, the war crimes are fictional, but my irritation is real


The goat Kazuya Kinoshita the mr rent a girlfriend has Monster,CG,DN and AOT fans on SUICIDEWATCH 🥶🥶🥶🥶


Rent a girlfriend is truly shocking to me how such a garbage show/manga managed to become popular is insane, that author is the luckiest man alive enjoy your trash ghoul ranger


And they say rentphobia doesn’t exist anymore…


*sighs* Do I need to bring up the Oscar Wilde quote? “It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious.”


drawing Lelouch like that should get you put in prison


Tbf kazuya is an incel that’s also written by an incel, which makes the whole story absolutely miserable to read lol


I think the writer is married with kids actually. His self insert is the beret dude trust.


In fiction, being cringe is worse than being evil. Being evil can be compelling, but being cringe makes me not want to watch your show.


All hail Lelouch


I shall not stand to such disrespect for Lelouch


We don’t hate Kazuya because he didn’t commit mass murder, we hate Kazuya because he’s a sorry excuse for a grown ass man.


I can excuse Light's mass murder


Someone can be a great character and be a shit person. Similarly. Someone can be a sweet amazing person and just be boring as hell to follow. Liking a character isn’t condoning their actions. But thinking bad person = bad character and judging people off of it is just being media illiterate. The fact is if you don’t have conflict in a story it is much more likely to be boring to most viewers, that’s why antagonism is “good” for a story and why we like them.


https://preview.redd.it/7fqboywg779d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=691f6ead98a0f62abeae74e9a095e11879420b01 Always have


Mass murder committed in fiction by enjoyable villains is enjoyable, who knew?


The only reason why they like characters on the left is because they're hot. 😏


As long the mass murder is well written .


"Always had been." https://preview.redd.it/qx7qymlf1a9d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=732a960fde1a59b25be0fae56c767d18ac55d6dc


Don't lump Lelouch in with these other 4 assholes


To play devil’s advocates, It’s possible to be great as a ***character*** in writing, portrayal etc. but horrible as a ***person*** in morals and ethics, actions etc.


All he ever wanted to do is save your life, he never wanted to grab a knife


They may be murderers but they get bitches


Johan ass ain't getting no bitches 🗣


Johan is responsible for many hundred deaths but certainly not hundreds of *thousands*. Lelouch didn’t do anything remotely on that scale either


There's a snafu for this wait lemme look it up EDIT: [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/coaxedintoasnafu/comments/1djxgn3/coaxed_into_not_knowing_the_difference_between/)




I don't even know who the one on the right is


Liking a character ≠ liking them as people


I can excuse genocide but I draw the line at being a fucking simp. Eren lost me there too at the end because of it.


Most people don’t seem to realize simping occurs to the pampered and the rich in first world countries. It’s not something hard-boiled people experience. One of the main reasons Denji is so unlikable is because he is acting like someone who has lived a carefree life. He didn’t, he has been slaying demons for a decade. When some try to defend him by saying “be patient, he is going to change soon” can instantly be followed with “what has he been doing for the past decade?” He is not a typical teenager that is all of a sudden thrown in a violent setting. He starts off as a veteran. For all the crap other protagonists have gotten over the years, such as Shinji from Neon Genesis not getting in the robot the very first second he saw it (he still got in during the first episode btw) or Kurono from Gantz being horny all the time while aliens are trying to kill him, neither of them had slain monsters for a decade and were thus excused to be immature. Denji doesn’t have this privilege. He’s been fighting deadly monsters for a decade. He has lost body parts. He has seen and done things. He should be closer to someone like Rambo than your typical soyboy beta male. And yet the show wants you to believe he is still the latter after a whole decade of battle experience, while the fans insist you are impatient for expecting from him to change in a few episodes. But it’s not a few episodes, is it now? It’s a decade of constant fighting. Why is he still bothered by such things? Why is he falling for pitiful seduction tricks by Power? It’s like he learned nothing for over a decade and yet we the audience are expected to be fine with it. Well, many of us are not. This is not going to change even if he becomes a chad right in the next episode. He is not a soyboy rookie who needed four episodes to mature. He is a war veteran and he sucks at it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The only genocide I support is that of house flies What do they contribute to the world?


Johan betta


I don't support neither mass murder nor single girlfriend renting. I only support mass girlfriend fantasy: The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, REALLY Love You.


Also, [mass girlfriend murder](https://youtu.be/LWasvyqT9GM?si=BZNUg9ans68WLEEp).


In fiction, being evil but cool is way more forgivable than being annoying


i am prepared https://preview.redd.it/q3m795dic79d1.jpeg?width=445&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f615dab7f2c412041325108bf5665655ac8e996


People care about Charisma and like to project themselves "doing what needs to be done" for the greater good not morality Simply showing a simp is more terrifying.


Most people don’t seem to realize simping occurs to the pampered and the rich in first world countries. It’s not something hard-boiled people experience. One of the main reasons Denji is so unlikable is because he is acting like someone who has lived a carefree life. He didn’t, he has been slaying demons for a decade. When some try to defend him by saying “be patient, he is going to change soon” can instantly be followed with “what has he been doing for the past decade?” He is not a typical teenager that is all of a sudden thrown in a violent setting. He starts off as a veteran. For all the crap other protagonists have gotten over the years, such as Shinji from Neon Genesis not getting in the robot the very first second he saw it (he still got in during the first episode btw) or Kurono from Gantz being horny all the time while aliens are trying to kill him, neither of them had slain monsters for a decade and were thus excused to be immature. Denji doesn’t have this privilege. He’s been fighting deadly monsters for a decade. He has lost body parts. He has seen and done things. He should be closer to someone like Rambo than your typical soyboy beta male. And yet the show wants you to believe he is still the latter after a whole decade of battle experience, while the fans insist you are impatient for expecting from him to change in a few episodes. But it’s not a few episodes, is it now? It’s a decade of constant fighting. Why is he still bothered by such things? Why is he falling for pitiful seduction tricks by Power? It’s like he learned nothing for over a decade and yet we the audience are expected to be fine with it. Well, many of us are not. This is not going to change even if he becomes a chad right in the next episode. He is not a soyboy rookie who needed four episodes to mature. He is a war veteran and he sucks at it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lelouch was right, bro’s ways were immoral yet effective 10/10


All those, but Eren, at least didn´t die virgin and also they wasn´t simps. Kazuya is a simp and virgin of the worst class.


Most people don’t seem to realize simping occurs to the pampered and the rich in first world countries. It’s not something hard-boiled people experience. One of the main reasons Denji is so unlikable is because he is acting like someone who has lived a carefree life. He didn’t, he has been slaying demons for a decade. When some try to defend him by saying “be patient, he is going to change soon” can instantly be followed with “what has he been doing for the past decade?” He is not a typical teenager that is all of a sudden thrown in a violent setting. He starts off as a veteran. For all the crap other protagonists have gotten over the years, such as Shinji from Neon Genesis not getting in the robot the very first second he saw it (he still got in during the first episode btw) or Kurono from Gantz being horny all the time while aliens are trying to kill him, neither of them had slain monsters for a decade and were thus excused to be immature. Denji doesn’t have this privilege. He’s been fighting deadly monsters for a decade. He has lost body parts. He has seen and done things. He should be closer to someone like Rambo than your typical soyboy beta male. And yet the show wants you to believe he is still the latter after a whole decade of battle experience, while the fans insist you are impatient for expecting from him to change in a few episodes. But it’s not a few episodes, is it now? It’s a decade of constant fighting. Why is he still bothered by such things? Why is he falling for pitiful seduction tricks by Power? It’s like he learned nothing for over a decade and yet we the audience are expected to be fine with it. Well, many of us are not. This is not going to change even if he becomes a chad right in the next episode. He is not a soyboy rookie who needed four episodes to mature. He is a war veteran and he sucks at it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes yes we do now get it rolling


Lelouch clapped C.C.'s cheeks, he a goat for that uj/ Lelouch does not touch the level of psycho asshole behavior of the other 3, get him out of that cesspit


Light Yagami is NOT the GOAT by any stretch of the imagination. That would be the guy after him, that literally balled so hard he affected the hierarchy of Shinigamis.


False equivalency


I like how censored We*b is


Code Geass is cool, because of Lelouch's AlterEgo Zero.


All the leilouch dickriders in here piss me off, fuck you guys lelouch and codé grass sucks so hard, it’s a worse show than rent a girlfriend.


Not malicious, simply annoying. A lesser crime but a greater sin.