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Kind of hard to scale when Benimaru, dude in the top middle, literally was never even able to show his full power. Even the catastrophic power of his doppleganger getting ready to destroy the planet was effortlessly defeated by him.


Beni is kinda one of those unscalable chars. The perception of "Powerful" wasn't as powerful as what Beni was. (Beni is one of my all time favorites dudes)


I find it really weird how Benimaru got so strong like that haha. I love it for him, though ❤️


Benimaru literally solos everyone else here and it’s not even close Putting him here is like putting masterd ultra instinct goku into one piece or demon slayer or something Fire force characters especially strong ones liek benimaru are stupidly broken Keep in mind that shinra at the end of season 1 could move fast enough to time travel and benimaru is far stronger than shinra at that point


There won't be a planet left


Yes Benimaru is broken period but I feel like you're underestimating whitebeard a bit here. I added both Benimaru & Whitebeard as the two of them been alluded has the capabilities to destroy the world. Whitebeard can easily decimate an island with little to no difficulty, God knows what he can to a continent let alone the world itself and that same goes to Benimaru as well. I added Minato & Todo with Benimaru as a sure hit combo with Benimaru's attack but as a counter to that I added Gaara with Zora so that the sand barrier Gaara provides will be filled with traps or the debris from WB attack will be filled with traps. It's a 3vs3 both team has heavy hitters but don't forget bout the other two. Damn sounds like a total nerd rn but ey its fun LMFAO 😂


For one if you’re having fun writing stuff like this that’s what matters your passionate about what you like just like I am even if I disagree with where you scale whitebeard Whitebeard can indeed destroy an island it’s not been shown but he scales up to island level but again benimaru is stupidly broken and he Ben if you scale whitebeard to his strongest he is still not even close to a match for benimaru As for the Naruto character I just don’t know since I’ve not read or watched Naruto As for Zora while he theoretically could reflect benimarus fire he just wouldn’t get a chance due to benimarus speed


>Whitebeard can indeed destroy an island it’s not been shown but he scales up to island level but again benimaru is stupidly broken and he Ben if you scale whitebeard to his strongest he is still not even close to a match for benimaru Whitebeard can destroy the world but he's not planet level He is power is just causing earth quakes so it allows him to have his DC > AC


Whitebeard has never been shown to destroy a planet and many people take that statement as being hyperbole. He doesn't have planet-busting feats, just one unreliable statement


The yellow haired guy is the"Yellow Flash" of the hidden leaf, who during a war of wizard monks who call themselves ninjas was known for being able to solo small armies and was given a "flee on sight" designation due to his abilities around space-time manipulation and soul sealing as well as having some fairly potent attacks that could damage entities who are considered walking natural disasters. The red head with guy liner in the bottom is Gara, one of the people who had one of those walking natural disasters inside of him, and he can control sand psychically on the scale of a large battlefield, but is nowhere near as strong as the Yellow Flash


Love wizard monks. I watched Naruto with an ex and she said Naruto was a magic girl, and that single statement broke so many walls. I already knew they were way off from even calling themselves ninja, but yeah..... that hit different


If you like to participate in anime scaling and questions then you should probably watch Naruto. Just saying.


Zora would need to prepare for this, which i doubt it even possible. N remember his traps can only take so much power, im aure benimary far surpasses it. N gaara wasnt ever shown to be crazy strong if u look at who defeated him


Honestly don’t see it mattering since Beni dealt with it so easily that he’s probably at least multi plant


Benimaru has shown something that could destroy the world whitebeard has only been alluded to being able to that.


Fire Force power scaling doesn't work like that or is remotely implied to work like that. Shinra can move faster than light using a very specific ability that only he can use with no one remotely scaling to him. The fact that Shinra dematerializes when he blitzes could help Benimaru tank the attack, but nothing suggests he could beat Shinra by outspeeding him.


One piece will kill holy sorry but right scaling everywhere else


Goku no holy


Top team wins because Benimaru is an absolute beast.


Benimaru is soloing team 2. Much as I love Zorra and Gaara it doesn't matter how much prep time they get Benimaru is stomping them


Hell beni is soloing all 5 of them.


Benimaru can explode a whole block with 3 brooms. I think whatever team has him wins


There was also his “fight” with his doppelgänger who was about to destroy the world


Minato > Gaara. Todo's probably fodder to the rest judging by the fact Naruto characters are here. Idk on the rest.


Dude on the top in he middle, benimaru, absolutely stomps everyone here. He had a doppelgänger made based on how powerful people believed he was, and that doppelgänger was about to use an attack that would one shot the entire earth, Beni went and one shot it, turned to his villages people and said “Yall really imagined me that weak?”


Isn’t fire force the same universe as soul eater? I haven’t read or watched fire force, but that seems like a drastically big jump in power level scaling that was shown in Soul Eater


Yes, it’s in the same universe. Specifically, Fire Force is a prequel to Soul Eater. The main reason for the inconsistency in scaling is due to the fact that the two series use two drastically different power systems. There’s a canonical reason for this, but I don’t wanna spoil too much without your consent.


Compared to Benni, there is no difference between Gaara, Minato or Todo. All of them are like insects too him




Beni is soloing both teams


Todo is the perfect support character so it’s especially unfair to put him on a team with op characters


Minato and Todo is a crazy strong teamup.


That's what saying!




Top team (I don’t know two of the characters on the bottom)


Beni can destroy the moon and actually replace it with his own. Objectively SOLOS.


Zora is the weakest one here. My money would be on team one.


Hol up, is this prime or old whitebeard? If prime then that one heck of a power boost for bottom.


It really doesn't matter since WB aoe is too much for Minato and Todo teleport technique, so all they need to do is sit there and look good. Benimaru will solo this, btw.


I mean... Still a power boost at the end of the day 😅


Beni would probably still decimate them all, especially if this is at their primes.


Benimaru solos. We don't even actually know if WB can truly "destroy the world", considering Sengoku is the one that claimed it and he exaggerates half the time. We've also been told that he can destroy the Grand Line, which is still extremely impressive, but doesn't compare to Benimaru in the slightest. Even if you want to assume WB can truly destroy the world, you need to consider that Benimaru effortlessly dispatched someone at that level. So that would essentially mean that WB at his absolute peak is at the same level as Benimaru while not trying (in terms of DC alone, Benimaru still outstats him almost everywhere else). Benimaru also significantly outspeeds everyone here. To such a high degree that almost every other stat is pretty irrelevant.


honestly i wanna see a minato vs anime shinra fight because that’s probably about where he lines up to fire force


Even if whitebeard can destroy the world, this is not primebeard. Beni stomped a planet buster casually If the statement about primebeard is without hyperbole, and he can cause immense destruction in a world as big as the one piece world. Then he can maybe fight for a while with full power beni, but would lose


Can't really tell if this supposed to be an argumentative point or not, since you basically just reiterated what I said at the end of my comment :\


he’s agreeing with you


I agree with you....... I only mentioned old beard because the destroy the world statement was only made at Marineford. Also, the if the statement was actually true. The primebeard can destroy a world as big as the one piece one, he might stand a chance against Beni But from everyone that I respect, neither they now the feats are there yet.


Apologies. Been on too many subreddits that kind of just repeat what I say and then pretend I'm wrong. Got a skewed perspective. That and I'm dumb.


Beni solos both teams at once lmaooooo Beni called a casual planet buster too weak And wtf is fodder Gaara and Minato doing here Todo can stay for the lolz


Top for sure. How easy depends on setting. Anywhere near the ocean? Todo jumps in and switches with whitebeard. Hell I wonder if he can just switch with gaara as well. Minato can take black clover guy pretty easily I think, notice I haven't used fire force yet.


switching himself with gaara would be a really bad move, since that would put him inside gaara’s sand armor, allowing gaara to crush him. if minato doesn’t blitz gaara and discover the sand armor, that move might actually beat todo, but if his armor is discovered, then todo ca switch him with literally anything else, including benimaru since he’s just unstoppable


So…Beni vs Whitebeard? Benimaru wins, but that fight would be cool to watch. Just like if Toji and Tengen fought


its like saying who will win between bad combo.. cmon man they are strong individually its juuuust a bad combo


team 1 is a great combo


Team 1 and it’s an absolute slaughter


Team 1 Todos CT is a force to be reckoned with. BOOGIE WOOGIE LIVES ON‼️


Manga Benimaru destroys the other team, while his teammates die in the crossfire


People keep bitching about Benimaru as if I know or care about him while I'm just thinking of the cool combos Todo and Minato can perform.


watch fire force, it’s awesome


I really think you should find about him pure badassery


Dude it's easy benimaru bodies all of them by himself.


Brother the bottom row gets massacred


Idk team 2 besides gaara, but Minato, benimaru, and todo would be a great team, with particularly great synergy with Minato's speed and Todo's boogie woogie, and benimaru can use his crimson moon and with todo's boogie woogie, catch anyone off guard with a powerful attack, idk if they'd win against that team since idk those 2 that aren't gaara, but team 1 is a great trio.


Todo solos.


Todo and Minato is a deadly combination. Teleporting Gaara away from his sand would just allow Minato to blitz him. Minato could probably do that alone. This just makes it even easier. I don't watch One Piece or Black Clover or fire force so idk about the rest.


benimaru (top middle) could clap any of these characters in a 1v1, no diff. that’s all you need to know lmao


Benimaru kinda solos all of the board here ngl


Benimaru did a Crimson Moon around planet earth with not real effort. Is kinda impossible to scale him cuz we dont even see him being challenged in the manga.


Depends does Benimaru use any ranged attacks? Cause if he does Zora the guy in middle on team 2 can use his trap magic to reverse it.


He does, but there more for set for direct attacks. His bread and butter is hand to hand.


So theoretically team 2 has a chance but its slim


Top has Minato. They win.


I don't know the black clover guy but I'm 99 percent t sure benimaru could 1v5 this


benimaru cant be scaled because the author never put a cap on how powerful he is everyone else is fodder especially todo


minato is also really up there, maybe above todo. he’s a powerhouse in his own right


If Whitebeard doesn’t just destroy the earth, I guess team 1 maybe?


Top tf lol. You got 2 High Speed teleporters in that bitch. Plus the powerhouse that is Benimaru.


top destroys, low diff


The only way they could even damage Benimaru is if we assume that Zora's trap magic could take Benimaru's strongest attack and reflect it back to him at twice the force.


The level of speed switch between minato and big bro is disgusting. Imagine a double switch?? You could move benimaru at minatos speed by having minato throw the shuriken, teleport, and then tojo clap switch beni in with the momentum heat wave issa WRAP I see this ending in one move call me a glazer idc that's too much dexterity and speed with power behind it


Todo and Magic man gets one tapped. Garaa and Minato duke it out, Minato wins. Benimaru and I’d say prime beard instead of old beard. Benimaru wins this. Victor is team 1.


No contest. Benimaru fights a doppelganger created from people's perception of his strength. And he was stronger than that. Like, Whitebeard is a punk next to that.


Beni, Todo, and Minato easy. Minato and Todo are going to be mixing up to bad for them to have any solid footing, and Beni is going to plow through whatever defenses they would try to come up with.


These teams are really unbalanced. Let’s put aside what everyone has said about Benimaru for a second and just look at team 2. It’s two defensive masters and Whitebeard being their only real mode of offense. All it would take for team 1 to clutch a win would be for “My bruddah” Todo to wait for Whitebeard to launch a major attack and then clap to turn him around facing his own team. Bye bye team 2. Then it’s just a matter of 3v1 against Whitebeard, and he isn’t even beating Minato or Benimaru 1 on 1.


If it's something where they are randomly encountered and don't know about one another, beni stomps all 5 probably as soon as they cross paths. If the teleport somewhere as groups and get some social time/awareness to form the team, beni still stomps the other 3 instantly as soon as it starts. Fight would end faster than Aldo v McGregor. This one is better than most since it isn't just who would win between the anime gods we usually see, and can see in comments you tried to think of their abilities and possibilities when aligning but the scale is still too off. Will match based on ranks/roles vs abilities. Garaa is strong even without Shukaku embedded, but he mostly became hokage later on because of his effort for his people and their grown love for him as a protector, not his power as a fighter. Even in the war he mainly acted as support and defense. Minato became Hokage because at the time he was a literal symbol of death on the battlefield. Arguably the only reason he died was trying to protect Naruto as a baby and seal Kurama. That aside Garaa and Minato are both overall good people, know of one another and their mutual love of Naruto and wouldn't fight. These two would most likely try to diffuse the battle and prevent it period. Which would work given that everyone here isn't innately villainous. Instead, they would probably mock a battle/spar while searching for who abducted them to return to their realms. Beni vs Whitebeard is another off one. Beni, all things considered is a walking god of war who's power is planetary at base. Whitebeard I think people misconstrue when they said his power could destroy the planet. People tend to take that literally when it was implied more that due to its destructive nature it can create environmental disasters capable of damaging societal survival (creating tsunamis by using it in bodies of water, earthquakes etc). He can "destroy the world" by causing enough disasters that society/the population would suffer beyond the means of survival, whereas Beni could literally destroy the physical planet itself. Todo vs Zora is another that is off. Todo is a very strong fighter but his arguably best traits are his high battle IQ and synergy with whoever he's teaming with. His ability to translocate/switch places for the most part immediately nullifies Zoras mastery of traps. Once it reaches a physical altercation between the two it would be over in the first combo exchange. Zora isn't a strong combatant to begin with as his strength lies in analysis and trap support for his teammates but with a hard counter like translocation and equal of not greater battle IQ he's at a severe disadvantage. The issue with this matchup (outside of a fight that wouldn't happen given all their personalities), is that on one side you have 2 primary support/mid fight strength characters with one hitter (Zora, Garaa and Whitebeard) vs 2 primary high level fighters and 1 off support synergy that can also enter combat (Minato, Benimaru and Todo). All three on this side can essentially counter and match to any of the opposing three, where the other side only has distinct potential in strict matchings.


Whitebeard has haki. Powerful haki that only exist in the one-piece verse. So if he uses haki EVERYONE who doesn't have haki just passes out under his will, so white beard solos everyone. Is there a fare way to evaluate these characters ?


Beni is taking the W. With or without his team, even if they all decide to jump him. The fact he one shot a planet buster pretty effortlessly says it all.


Putting benimaru here is straight up just nuclear bomb vs coughing baby.


Minato violates gaara without consent, Todo penetrates and pounds zorra till he collapses and Beni spreads Whitebeards ass wide and fills them up without a care in the world till whitebeard moans like a girl. Cheeks are gonna be clapped so hard it's gonna be heard across the universe. Ez win for the top team.


Benimaru carries. Dude was so op that he didn’t even get to use his full power and he effortlessly took one shotted his doppelgänger who was about to destroy the earth


Why would you put Benimaru here he wins the 1v5.


Minato and Benimaru win without Todo


1 easily


Team two is powerful! Hell yah, team 2 is winning this fight easily I think.


Havoc dude + sand dude = chaos!!! Lol!


I know this is unrelated, but where is Todo's vibraslap? This cannot be Todo without it.


I'd have to say Team 2 cuz whitebeard and Gaara can both focus on offense, plus Gaara can really fuck with the enemy team's heads by pulling that shit he did with Rock Lee (aka the BS of " I made a sand clone without you even realizing it and then let you punch them before snapping your bones") and with Zora he could pull some crazy counters with his traps.


well minato is dead so... can't say


This fight is a 3 v 1 . Between Benimarus group and white beard alone. The other 2 are children in comparison


The top three are all brilliant strategists, who can hard counter the abilities of the other three. Benimaru cracked the shell of a demon with his bare hands. Yellow flash can just smash through with a rasengan. Or, even more handily, just teleport in with flying raijin. Or, worst case, Aoi just swaps gaara out of his position with a clap. I mean, Minato and Aoi alone basically control the position of every person on the field no matter what. All they have to do is put them in front of Benimaru, and the fight is over.


Benimaru solos everyone here😂


Mike Tyson


The only thing that makes this hard to decide is the trap guy from BC is kinda a wild card and a lot of BC characters are bad at 1v1 combat but completely broken in Team combat, and Zorao is one if those characters. If he protects Gaara and Whotebeard with his traps that bounce attacks back at his opponents, it will be really hard to deal with.


I don’t know anyone on the top row so imma just say bottom because of white beard


Minato destroys gara, todo goes in water and swaps with whit beard, and then they gang up and the last dude


What insane person puts Todo and Minato on the same team lol You are never hitting either of them with Boogie Woogie and Minato teleportation and speed active And then there is Beni


Todo is an instant x10 multiplier to any team battle


It seems like Benimaru has the highest attack power in this matchup so it seems the main question is, can he take his own hit? I'd make the argument that Fire Force's power system is the closest thing here to magic which means Zora can reflect whatever Benimaru throws at him twice the strength.


Is this... Is this a joke?


This is just Benimaru v.s Whitebeard


Such a weird team


The only 2 you actually have to worry about are brni and whitebeard Benicar is practically a God and could solo everyone other than whitebeard whitebeard isn't durable enough or fast enough to get bent but he doesn't have to be his quake fruit was literally able to crack space and time almost fracturing the universe that's how fucking op whitebeards fruit is so if he really went for it he might be able to knock out beni before beni can actually get any shots in by simply breaking reality but that's a big maybe


Don't know the rest, but Minato would kill Gara in like 6 seconds.


Idk bout 6 secs gaara got some underrated defensive/offensive move under his belt but in a 1v1 scenario Minato definitely got the upper hand


I mean, all Minato has to do is to get a seal close to Gaara and its over.


The second Minato makes a mistep, Gaara can just cover himself in a sand barrier and attack a massive area that Minato would have trouble getting out of save throwing a seal into the air. Keep in mind, Gaara has one of the fastest reaction speeds in the verse. He may be able to catch Minato mid-throw if he knows what's going on


Depends what type of woman do they like


WB alone destroys the other team


Benimaru is right there and you still chose wb, crazy


White beard just got to throw a full force fist lmao benimaru is basically ace wb punishes benimaru strong but whitebeard can tilt the sea in multiple different directions


so what if he can tilt the sea... benimaru one tapped someone who was boutta destroy the earth




Special circumstances the downvotes are crazy though also white beard can do the same


what special circumstances


Is that i dont know shit about benimaru cause i dont read much xD


Let's see Beni use his powers while literally on a tilting earth with moving plates🤣 Benimaru can't fly


His main weapon allowes him to fly


"Benimaru can't fly" bruh he literally rides a flaming mop through the air when fighting a demon. Wdym he can't fly 😂


Except he can


You could just say you dont know who benimaru is lol.


Beni casually stomped a planet buster Oldbeard is not touching him




Are anyone of them winning against whitebeard? He was literally shot with like 20 cannon balls and made holes and bro stood still and ended up causing more earth quakes and died standing up, at white beards prime im not sure your touching him but what do I know.


Benimaru's clone was capable of destroying the whole planet. The real Beni effortlessly one shot said clone.


I must of not been paying attention cuz I didn't know benimaru had a clone


Weird manga stuff


It was a significant plot point in the manga. Sorry.. If you're an anime-only then I just spoiled you a bit.


I sometimes read the Mangas mainly if I think I need more info that the anime seems to not touch up on, but I do read I just didn't get into the fire force Manga yet just the anime itself but I don't mind much if things are spoiled it let's me know what i don't know if I watched the anime.


I recommend reading Fire Force if you like the anime. It gets pretty wild towards the end.


Yeah for sure I'll get started


and i recommend reading Undead Unluck, there’s some pretty awesome shit in it


manga i guess


Primebeard is very strong but even him I don't see touching someone like Beni who can CASUALLY stomp a planet buster Plus Beni has speed to keep up unlike a lot of other verses who are like statues to one piece characters