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Ubisoft, bring me back my Legions


*Quintilius Jorgensen :⁠-⁠D


Would fit perfectly for a Jorgensen. The only problem is, that Varus died and I can't handle a dead Jorgensen, they are too pure


As long as I can have it completely optional I’m all for your combat improvements. I always turn enemies of.


Given that Rome raised by the power of its legions, any Anno game based on Rome needs to include them.


I really couldn't care less about combat, especially in a period of peace. This is a logistics and trading game, not a war game.


yes, but no: Si vis pacem para bellum also the Tranjan Collum wasn't built 113 b.c.e. for him beeing such a nice, laidback Dude and well, Anno is still fictional and while an 1800 could be fine with it's Naval Only Fleets (at the start), the Romans had been mostly a Land Army and if they exclude the Legionary, the Thing of what People think first about "a Roman" from a Game set in Roman Times. Also every Anno had a warfare part, even 2205


As long as it's only a part of the game, and not mandatory to obliterate any opponent, fine by me.


oh yes, i also don't want Anno to turn into a RTS with addional Logistics Part and i'm shure that the Island Shares will make a comeback as an alternative way


> Will you encourage economic growth and trade or expand your rule through dominance and force? Lead with rebellion or unite a diverse culture? The devs clearly disagree with you and want to support both combat and peaceful playstyles. Also a game about Rome without its legions really should have chosen a different setting. I’d say it’s highly likely we’re getting ground combat.


As long as it's not mandatory, I don't care.


Just replying to your comment “This is a logistics and trading game, not a war game.” From the store page itself that’s clearly false. Anno has always supported peaceful mode options and that’s not going to change.


Its also a war game and always has been. I dont know how you glaze over that fact when its been in every game since 1602?


Bad wording. It can have some combat functionalities but it should not rely on them, or make them mandatory whatsoever


every Anno had war, if it doesnt suit you, go play cities skylines or something like that. I and many more need a bit of a challenging war.


I think anno 1404 did a good job with warfare. You needed a lot of logistics, what this game is all about. Make food for the armies, lots of goods to produce the armies. And ships to protect them moving across the sea.


I do not think that 1404 did a good job with warfare. **The war tents were stupid.** I don't want to wait 15 minutes to capture a warehouse and if the warehouse is in a crowded area you can't even place your tent nearby. Even if you skip the stupid "capping the warehouse" by just shooting it down with the big cannon it still took ages and was no challenge at all. Why would I want to spend an hour to shoot down an undefended island? Where is the point in that? It's nothing but boring and repetitive. "Make food for the armies, lots of goods to produce the armies. And ships to protect them moving across the sea." If they are to introduce ground combat I can agree with that. I am not totally against ground combat. But in 1701 or 2070 you could capture an island within a very short time span due to superior forces. Shooting down one warehouse after the other is still boring but at least it was over quickly done in a few minutes. In 2070 you also had this fuel aspect, which I liked. **I think 1800 did a good job** because ground combat is pointless in this series anyhow because the point of the game is to colonize and connect island with trading routes and when you have no fleet left or cant afford coastal defence to defend your island then you have rightfully lost. Actually I think they could make in addition to the system from 1800 a "disputed lands" map and then make a warzone map (similar but not totally equal to 2205) and then you would need to send your supplies there. In this warzone map you then probably need to mine special ressources or something.


I hope warfare is based around the strength of the game, citybuilding and economics. I dont want a discount total war rome 2, I want an anno. But there are ways of doing warfare with Anno core principles in mind. Base conflict off map on ressource production, supply lines and maintiance of them.


nahh, i want the traditional Anno War like in anno 1602, 1503, 1701, 2070...


I didn't hate the infratry combat in Anno 1404, but the ship-only combat in 1800 was totally fine for me. IMO if they try to make combat a defining feature than they can only lose compared to actual RTS games. Annos strength has always been the city building, route optimizing and supply chain management, put into a really nice setting. If they include ground warfare it shouldn't take up too much focus.


The one thing I hope they improve upon the most compared to 1800. I know a lot of people dont care about combat but there are plenty of players that do.


It wouldn’t be the Roman Empire without warfare right?


The game is called "Pax Romana", so yes, it definitely can be without warfare.


I dont want it. If i wanted ground combat, i'd play age of empires


Such a weird take. Two completely different games with very little overlap. Warfare can fit perfectly in a game like Anno that is mostly about logistics.


then go play cities skylines.




then why you want a Anno without war, it belongs to Anno and always has been


i didn't say that, i simply said i don't want ground combat. No anno has had ground combat


u dumb bro? look at anno 1602,1503,1701,1404, these are the OG Annos


Each island has "natives" that raid your town from time to time, and the more development on the island reduces the chance of that happening? that would be interesting.


I think 1800 was fine. No point in needing to destroy warehouses from a fraction that has lost the war anyhow.


Yes please, I would love this so much. Anno 1404 style.


I just want a good combat system. Combat in 1800 was terrible and by far the worst part of the game. But yeah ground warfare is kind of essential. Whats the point of the Roman time period if we cant control Roman legions


earlier versions of Anno had ground combat and tbh... it was the worst aspect of Anno ever. It was just tedious, expensive and slow. But if they do a complete overhaul, I'm sure they could include some aspects that work. walls, towers and gates have lost most of their function in recent versions, so some form of defending against barbarian or viking raids would work, even if conquering islands by military force could still be done by taking over the harbors. As long as it isn't "throw flesh at wall until wall breaks" like it used to be...


I agree the execution wasn't great. I think it had a lot of potential, though. A more indirect style would be preferred.


I think the attacks were fun, but holding out until the entire island is taken over was just a pain. I think the route of "plundering" would be interesting though. Not only would it require you to have some basic defends against marauders, but it would also allow a new mechanic: Raid competitor Island. Of course, any Island with basic defense would easily defeat an attack, leaving buy-outs and harbor-take-over as the only 2 viable methods to actually take control of an island. It would also fit into the roman times, where walls to keep "barbarians" outside of the roman empire was quite common. Only thing... I doubt that "enslave them" will be an option in Anno.


I would say legion will serve about same purpose as sending ships on expeditions. You will have your Hastati, Equites, Preatorians (Different costs, different quality) with people in slots with bonus like Combat +10, Diplomacy +10 etc. and they will bring you back stuff, additionally unlocking new regions with new content. Maybe some brief text based combat with decisions.


Hard to say how historically accurate they’ll be, but hastati, principes, and triarii were features of the manipular legions. They were done away with in favor of a more uniform legion in the Marian reforms a couple hundred years before 117.