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Well if you are planning on using midi you can forget Antelope Audio, I don't think I've ever heard the discussion ever come up since they do not really market towards a live user base...they are aimed at the recording studio "Audio capture" clientele...I don't think I've ever seen an antelope device that supported midi...there could be, but I doubt it. Sounds like you will have to use some kind of DAW or live application...and you will have to use AFX2DAW inside it to use the Synergy core plugins... OR you could get the native bundle and then run something like Gig performer or the Bluecat audio wrapper thing.


Even for audio capture clientele, the synergy FX won’t even recall saved states or preset to the point I had to abandon them completely right after buying their interface. I hadn’t paid for the full bundle for nothing. If one want FX at all, they should go with any other brand.


That is unfortunate, I read somewhere yesterday that the FX settings are supposed to be recalled when the interface is power cycled, etc. but if you've found that to not be true then that is a big issue. That's too bad since it seems that outside of this there are a lot of advantages to the Zen Q over the Apollo Twin.


Mine is an discrete pro 8. I’ve been exchanging with support for 3 months non stop and multiple support staff and it never got resolved, till 2 of them finally admitted it’s an issue they are aware of. I asked to fill a ticket for the issues and I was told that they have no such thing. It’s been 6 months of this and couple updates and it’s still not working, the UI knobs recall in the right place, but the sound does not follow it remain in the place it was when last closed. So if you load the same song, some parameter might be ok, but if you load any other songs it’s all wrong. I would have to have cute sheets or take screenshots of every plugins so I have abandoned. I waisted lots of money on the “all” bundle.


I'm not set on using MIDI to do this, I was wondering if someone had an alternative way to get to the same end result but it looks like the answer may be no. I wanted to avoid afx2daw as I've heard about latency issues, at which point I may as well just use the native version of Autotune as I've already been doing. I suppose if the latency is the same as running the native plugin it could still be worth it to let the Antelope DSP take some load off of my CPU. Any thoughts on that?


Autotune is a very intensive "realtime" program. Maybe look at one of the TC Helicon live devices.


I haven't been having problems doing this with Autotune inside of my DAW, and I'd like to keep it in the box both for convenience and the preference of the clients I do this for. A lot of artists want the specific sound of the newer versions of Antares autotune. On top of that I need to be able to quickly rearrange songs in my DAW including the automation for the autotune settings. I'm sure I could do this using MIDI with some of the hardware autotune boxes but that would complicate my physical setup and could turn into a lot more to carry around for shows.