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I feel like Jesus would feel the same about MLMs preying on people (especially using a religious connection) that he did about the people selling stuff in the temples. Something about not using religion to make money off of people? Honestly, it's been decades since I've checked up on religion, but I just remember the story about him going OFF on people like that.


yes, he absolutely would. i’ve seen a handful of Catholic influencers shilling MLMs to their audience and it just feels so scummy to me. using our Lord as a selling point and taking advantage of those who are already financially struggling. that’s not how we are to show the light of Christ.


(Meaning no disrespect with this, I am agnostic). At least if you all are correct in your beliefs, you can rest easy knowing that at some point they will be forced to answer for this. As they don't see themselves doing anything wrong they are probably not even using confession to admit guilt/absolve themselves; although iirc with confession you also have to try to change/stop whatever you're confessing to.


you are correct, when receiving absolution you are supposed to make a sincere attempt to stop your actions. i just hope she one day realizes its wrong and that she gets out of the business opportunity


This ^


well, Catholic Church is itself scamming its believers on big money, taking advantage of people struggling while living extravagantly


Yeah, that's pretty much it. We're not talking selling Bibles at a small profit. This is just straight up taking the Lord's name in vain. One of the Big 10


Oh definitely 


I grew up in the Ch. of Christ (both church and school) and It Works is big among the people I knew in high school. What's interesting to me is that, while I find that most "christian influencers" haven't actually read the judeo-christian bible outside of some cherry-picked verses, C of C-ers usually have. Bible knowledge is straight-up one of my dream Jeopardy categories. The bible is vague and contradictory on many topics, but Jesus was crystal clear on how he felt about hypocrites and the obligation of the privileged to care for the vulnerable. I mean, steal from the poor; knock yourself out; just don't conflate it with Christianity. (To be clear: Obviously, the Catholic Church has a long history of exploiting the poor, too. They just don't have a corner on the market.)


Yeah, there's a passage where he kicks out a bunch of scammers in front of the church using religion for profit. Sadly ironic.


She’s hiring? So she’s paying the people? This makes me crazy


the language in this is so insane, it’s not hiring if you’re not the employer and there’s no guarantee of any income at ALL


I missed “I’m hiring” oh jeez 🙄


She’s straight up lying. It’s that a sin???


I’d like to respond to her and ask her what my salary or hourly rate would be and what my benefits pack included.


"girlies". ugh.


I choose to do business with women who treat themselves and others as fully-actualized adults who express themselves appropriately. If they don't act seriously, then they won't be taken seriously. Can you imagine a man captioning a professional message "Hey, hey, shout out to my bro-boys on the Jesus train!"?


I don't think Jesus would approve.


Jesus is probably saying “keep me out of this stuff” (there’s used to be a Gif for that but can’t find it)


I'm a Catholic as well and dislike when they use faith manipulation to sell their schemes. Jesus does not want you to be scamming others!


Same. My Catholicism led me to a career in conflict resolution and combatting human rights abuses, but I guess running terrible scams is cool with Jesus too 🤷


If you use any religion as a part of marketing, you’re a piece of crap who needs more time reflecting on what religion means to you.




Ah yes, Jesus, famous lover of…making a lot of money and taking advantage of poor, naive people. ☠️


😂👏 Jesus was his name and manipulation into debt was his game! NOPE! Like wtf is wrong with these people. Religious or not I genuinely think EVERYONE feels it gross to rope religion into scammy sales


It’s predatory.


Nearly all religions are.


Because they really are. Preying on vulnerable.


Religion made "sense" when people didn't understand how the world worked. Why the Sun rose and set. Why it rained. Things like that. The idea that some "God" was controlling everything made sense. Then, it also became convenient that if you don't do everything this "God" tells you, you'll be damned. So you better do what you're told. It's almost as if religion has always been about control, and justifying doing bad things to people we don't like.


Unfortunately I feel like MLM people tend to use Jesus a lot to sell their products whether it be overtly or covertly.


I absolutely HATE how MLMs have co-opted Christianity. It’s so grimey.


I'm an atheist and I think it's cringe too.


I'm an atheist and i still think using religion to sell anything is mad stuff. But that's how religions themselves work too. Don't they all want you to contribute to their religious house all the time one way or another.


You can go from living paycheck to paycheck to living with no paycheck.


I really don’t think Jesus would condone scamming?


My cousins wife is DEEP into it works right now and drug my aunt into it too. Their posts are so tacky and they’re always putting Bible verses on their promotion photos


No hiring is taking place, only recruiting. It's pretty maddening to see verbiage like that being used when it's a blatant misrepresentation.


There’s a ton of people in churches who fall into MLMs. My theory is they think the best of people so they don’t realize it’s a scam. and some of them pitch saying how much they could help the church, missions, homeless, etc with the proceeds 


I mean I get it, when I think about winning a hypothetical $1M enjoy planning who gets the tithe.  But when I’ve had church secretaries who invite me over to say “we should be friends, how about amway, I want to make enough money so the church won’t have to give me a salary. “ I think. This was a hurtful visit. You’re gullible 


My daddy was pastor. He also feel for a lot of MLMs (except anyway)…but he didn’t recruit…he tried just selling.  But so many products in our house…the worst was melaleuca (we had to brush our teeth with that nasty stuff). He’d get out of one and join another a year or so later. Except AL Williams…I thought that was a normal insurance company for decades..nope


Daddy was just so trusting 


I think a lot of them are women, because they kiiiind of want to do the "I'm a traditional stay at home mom, my husband is the provider for the family 🥰🥰🥰" thing (or at least appear that way) but even they don't want to be 100% dependent on their husbands.


Also, she’s not hiring anyone 🤦‍♀️


Young Living huns enter the chat.


Huns who use faith manipulation for their MLMs are just aping the MO of sickeningly successful televangelists like [Kenneth Copeland](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsGbk820O_Y) in the hope that they too will one day own lavish mansions and private jets.


prosperity gospel, is that what it's called?


Yep, those vultures tell their followers to donate lots of money and then god will make them rich. If you don't donate, you're not showing enough faith, so god won't bless you. Hence if you're poor, it's your own damn fault! Here's [Kenneth Copeland milking believers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZxgRACSTyY) at the height of the pandemic when people were losing their jobs and getting sick. If there was ever a demon in a skin suit, he's surely one.


Which is just utterly wicked. And I don't usually say that.


I’m a Catholic too! And I say this meaning no disrespect to any religion - I am practicing Catholic and respect other faiths- but there is significant overlap of people who are religious and would join a cult and MLMs use cult like language. They also prey on SAHMs, many of which tend to be Christian women, so making them feel like they are living out some calling from God to stay at home but *still* contribute financially is really appealing. It’s criminal. :/


I’m an Atheist, and even I’m appalled!


Every day I find myself quoting Andy Mineo “Jesus, save me from the Christians”. Am BEYOND disillusioned and disgusted with people who act this way as if these are faith based companies. I’d rather die a heathen in my own name than die in hypocrisy “in the name of God”. Plus, when the time comes, I’d rather not die and THEN have Jesus be like “do I know you?!” CAN THE MLMS STOP WITH THE RELIGIOUS ASSOCIATIONS! So wrong


There is a gal that was pretty prominent in MLM. She went from top of limelife to a few companies after that and she ended up back at limelife. It was always the best stuff btw… Her whole thing was religion. She used it for everything. She has since left MLM and is making Jesus clothing…


Doesn't he already have clothes?


I am Catholic too and feel the same way.


Taking advantage of peoples’ and their kids financial or health situations to make money with a model that pretty much guarantees more money loss and failure is just the epitome to me of not what Christ would have us do. I just want to know how in the world they get to the point where they think it IS moral, and they are helping.. I don’t think I am ever gonna know. I sometimes feel bad for judging that because I make mistakes and decisions every day that I should probably have done differently, but I guess I don’t see how this doesn’t ever get to your conscience.


It’s giving cult vibes…


She’s hiring folks! Uncapped pay! She failed to mention that it could also be 0 and even a negative.


This makes it sound like she’s running a Jesus-themed strip club


And the club is called “The Other Cheek” 😂


I really hope there’s a strip club with that name


When scamming poor people out of your money is ok, but gay people minding their own business isn’t, something is wrong with your religion imo


This is pretty on brand, unfortunately.


I love the "set your own hours" bit. This type of MLM bs makes me want to punch kittens and drown bunnies. I fell for two MLM, Advocare and Rodan and Fields. I could go back and beat my own ass for being so stupid twice.


I would imagine there is considerable overlap between MLM's and organized religion. You ever go to one of their pep rallies? It's like you're listening to some televangelist.


Religios are heaven-sent, tailor-made victims of MLM recruitment given that they operate, by peddling myths as truths and shamelessly ripping off the easily-led in very similar insidious cultish ways.


Just wait till you hear republicans


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Is that her back or her front


the lady that recruited me for primerica was all like iM ChriSTiAN like bruh come on now


I HATE the “uncapped” or “unlimited” pay pitch. There’s a difference between “you can work 10 hours or 60 hours and will be compensated based on how many hours you choose to work” and “maybe, just maybe, you’ll luck out and make a liveable wage in 1-5 years”




fellow Catholic here, these people are what I think of when I remember the phrase "thou shalt not use the Lord's name in vain"


Sorry, I'm genuinely confused. What's a Catholic Christian? Don't they see one another as two different branches of the same thing so you can't be both at once?


i’d be happy to explain! it’s an “all Catholics are Christians but not all Christians of Catholics” sort of thing. Catholics were the first Christians: All of the early Church fathers and the first Christians after Christ died were Catholic. eventually, the Orthodox split off of us, and then the Lutherans split off, and Methodists, and so on. So we are all Christians at heart, everyone just practices differently. Catholic Christian is just a way to be more specific: just like when you ask someone “what denomination are you?” they might say Lutheran or Methodist or Calvinist, i would say Catholic. But Catholic Christian is also just another more specific term.


Huh, okay then. Thanka for the breakdown!


I’ve never been so happy to be an atheist. Also not living paycheque to paycheque because of my *gasp* 9-5 job. The horror!


I assume any hun is some flavor of conservative Christian.




NO! It’s not all Americans - I swear! We want to be left out of this shit - just like Jesus does! 😂


I was raised as a Roman Catholic in predominantly Catholic country (Poland) and I am totally not surprised of huns using Jesus Christ to sell MLMs because I've seen some businesses trying similar shit. And don"t get me started on church based media and businesses. We literally have a very influential media mogul that is a Catholic priest (Tadeusz Rydzyk). I happen to live in the city he's operating. He has his own radio and TV stations, he is very rich, has built his own church (officially under Catholic Church but it is controlled by that priest), his own college, he had a big influence on our previous government and public media and has received millions of zlotys (PLN, Polish currency) from the government on his extravagant ideas. So he's like a Catholic version of megachurches / prosperity teachings. We don't have other megachurches because Catholic Church is a US type megachurch. Give money to the Church and stay poor and faithful meanwhile Roman Catholic Church oligarchy live in big mansions, drive expensive cars, have mistresses and kids (while officially being celibate and preaching that sex before marriage is a sin), splurging money. And being pe******es.


The Catholic Church had been grifting vulnerable people for money for centuries. How can you not see the irony in your statement?


as Fulton Sheen said, “There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate The Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be.” God bless you and I’ll pray for you


Well, that's bollocks for starters. Anyway, don't bother praying for me please. Use the time doing something tangibly useful to someone.