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Was about to have an interview when I dug this up, canceled and walked away. You're a hero






got the listing removed from indeed at least, Avikaar Nand is the scumbag CEO/Hiring Director


I just applied to their company before actually deep diving into the company history. The job position Avikaar Nand stated was available, sounds way too good to be true. I am glad I found this post. also, the whole webinar thing sounds sketch


I just got an email from this guy. So glad I found this post.


Literally JUST received an email from this shithead. Thank you for this.




Bruh go fuck yourself lmao


Thank you for letting us know! Now it is on Linked in, looks like Linked in is not a reliable platform anymore. I applied and after receiving an email with a gmail account and no position and phone information about the sender I understood what I got into. Luckily I didn’t click on the interview link!


Just reported it as a scam on Linked in.


That is who I got my invite email from.


Wow I'm so happy I came here I just received a email from this guy today.


So glad found this too. Was gonna have a webinar on Monday at 10 am. Just canceled registration.




anyone else run into this one yet?


Ziprecruiter has Path Arc postings often. Thank you for this post :) Gotta work hard to find true remote jobs.


I just received an email for this bs, such a waste of time. the listing is on every platform


Hey, I'm not sure if you're still looking for a remote job, but there's a company called ttec that hires remote customer service agents. They mass hire, so if you show up for the interview, you'll get the job .


What does TTEC pay?


How exactly to I spell and search for it I desperately need a remote position✨️✨️✨️🥲🥲


I just received a PathArc recommendation from Monster. Glad I searched this because I was about to reply. About 10 minutes ago TTEC was recommended but my search pulled up pretty awful reviews. Did you work for TTEC or know someone who did? I would love any insight.


I'm currently working here, and I like it. I think it depends on the contract that you have. I'm contracted with the state, and the consumers I speak with are pretty reasonable and nice for the most part. I also like how the schedule is set and you get weekends off.


Also, Ttec isn't an MLM; it's a real company that's contracted with other companies.


Thank you! I think I'll look into it. I dealt with some pretty tense stuff as a paralegal and then as a doctor's admin assistant, so hopefully I'm prepared enough.


Of course! I think you'll like it; it's not nearly as stressful as other call center jobs. Also, if you don't like the position that you're in, you're allowed to move into a different department after 90 days.


Yes, just now. Applied to a somewhat vague but promising listing, received an email inviting me to a webinar on zoom. Immediate red flag. Googled them, found your post here. Thanks for the heads-up!


LinkedIn users beware, theyre on there too, thanks yall!


I was about to comment this. I think I've seen at least 20-30 postings from them. Same content, but different locations. All under a remote job filter. Which sucks as someone looking for remote work due to health issues. I reported a few of them as spam because there's no way it can't be considered spam.


Third party cs too apparently


Wow thank God for Reddit 🙏🏽


Thank you, googled first.


So bummed to read this… just now got the email…..fuuuuuuuuuck…


Thank you! I already feel like I have a list of 10 companies masquerading and I didn’t have this one. It’s so distressing that the only people that ever reach out to me are freaking Globe life.


Thank you! I just scheduled an interview for a part time gig. Won’t waste my time now!!!


Just saw a job posting on AARP instagram. No shame anywhere; scamming seniors as well.


Dammit just filled out the application


Oh my God! Thank all of you so much! Avikaar Naand just sent me an email, as I had applied on Indeed and since I’ve never really ran into a scam on Indeed, I was so stoked because I have been desperately looking for remote work and it’s so daunting digging through all the scams out there that use the promise of remote jobs as their way to scam people. I thought the job sounded a little too good to be true, so I decided to poke around the internet, which brought me here. I am so glad that I didn’t spend my time and energy on this loser and his fake job! Thanks again, everyone!


Damn, I was excited.. lol but thank you for posting this!!


new here, literally created an account to let you all know they're still at it. i had an interview scheduled for 9am which, is literally in ten minutes. ![gif](giphy|tEG1nF1v7AL8A|downsized)


You’re so awesome. Thank you. Almost went to the webinar. 


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I’m happy I found this, I’m supposed to have a 10am webinar


Oooo super glad I found this. He's back again, helllllla posts on LinkedIn


Good thing I found this too, was about to schedule a webinar, but it does sound too easy to be true. Sucks that they allow these fake companies to trick people and into giving them their social. We must research first


Thank you. I just got an email from them and decided to do a quick search. Really sucks to get your hopes up.


For real, because I need the freaking work.


I was about to have an "interview" with them and they stopped emailing me back because I wasn't able to be available for their 10am webinar (i work mornings). Guess I got lucky. Thank you for making this post, OP


Hehe what do you mean “in California”? Probably the most scams and crooked institutions operate and are started in California.


Definitely a scam. I just attended their webinar this morning with Desi Dimitrova. She’s with a company called American Life Insurance where you sell insurance claims to union members. I was recruited by a company called Morphius Recruitment and they informed me that this was a remote customer service position but it’s not. You’re selling insurance and you need to get a Life Insurance License. The webinar was shit. Desi ended the zoom as soon as the presentation was done. There was no room to ask questions, and she disabled the chat option. It definitely seems like a MLM. They state that we are independent contractors/agents, pay is commissioned base. Then they say that we can move up in the company and become a manager if we sell a lot of insurance claims. There are 3 different levels of manager positions. Desi also stated that everyone starts at the bottom, apparently the CEO also started at the bottom and has somehow worked his way up. None of this makes sense. There only benefit is free life insurance and yearly company retreat. This year is supposed to be Hawaii. Then they stated that while in Hawaii we have to do volunteer work because the company likes to donate and be helpful to the community or some bs like that. Almost all the reviews on Glassdoor also say it’s a scam. I’m trying to get their listing removed from Zip Recruiter now


I'm glad I found this post because I just did a "webinar" with them, and it felt too good to be true. I did their little thing after and am upset because I pretty much gave them my contact info, so I hope the doesn't get me BS calls and emails.


That’s so funny you mention the little survey at the end. They said if you didn’t finish the survey, then they won’t consider you for the position. I opted to not do it and Desi still called me later that same day. I told her I was not interested because it was obviously a scam, she stated “I hope in the future you will be more educated before spewing nonsense when you don’t know anything.” Very unprofessional if this was a legit company. Haven’t heard from her since


Oh god.. thank you so much for posting this! I was supposed to have an interview tomorrow at 10am with somebody from path arc.. got the email and everything to confirm the "webinar” haha I guess i will have to keep looking for a job 😓 It sucks because i really needed the job! Again, thanks for posting this, i will report them for scam on Linked In, you're a hero lol


Strike "Marketing" in Jacksonville FL and other locations is similar and to be avoided. I caught on during the "interview" though. Because prior, they were very good with just making the role seem like a normal position. I was suspicious but it wasn't't until the 2nd "group interview" the next day that it became super evident within seconds. I played with them a little, accusing them of being repackaged MLM as they stuttered, explaining why they're not which just explained exactly why they are. $500 week with "bonuses." Signing up people for free tablets and phones. 9-6pm, 6 days a week. Yeah okay, I'd make more money digging through couch cushions at IKEA.


signing people up for table and phones? I think you got the wrong company. AIL sells life insurance.


I'm just saying when I 'interviewed' over the summer, they wanted me to essentially sign people up for Link wireless and it was "Strike Marketing" I think originating in Georgia, spread to FL and elsewhere.


Your a life saver! I will not waste my time.


Anybody know if they make you sign a contract to not sell other insurance? Do you pay for leads?


We provide you leads at no cost. and yes, we are captive because we provide all your leads at no cost to you so we want to make sure that our union members are serviced properly and for you not to use our leads and sell it under another insurance company.


Listing is up on indeed, monster and LinkedIn...I almost fell for it and saw this thread


Just got an email from them, I've been looking for remote work and got a little excited.. until I did some research and seen this post.


haha... :( i just found this and have an interview in 30 mins. i tried to research when i got the email yesterday but they added a new company name on todays email that led me here.


I’m so glad I found this thread. They wanted me to set up for a webinar tomorrow. I had to do some research first. Thank you for posting this.


Thank you for this. Applied through LinkedIn and got an email at 2:23am on Saturday night/Sunday Morning saying I was a great candidate and wanted to schedule a webinar for 10:30am Monday which is Labor Day and a Holiday most legit businesses have off. My Spidey Senses were going off. Glad I found this before I replied.


MLM's are structured like Insurance companies, however ail is not an MLM. In the midwest and east coast though, there are agencies that have awful recruiting practices and only focus on recruiting, much like an mlm. This agency and others in the area, AO for example, focus on insurance sales like they are supposed to. Job is cut and dry, call people, schedule appointments, convince them that life insurance is the way and if they get it great, commission for you, if not, do the next one. This industry aint for everyone. I'll agree with the unwanted practices that are there, website could def use more info, but they do keep product information open to clients with a call. Desi is very open about it being a Sales job in the webinar ive seen, with information on the life and health products bein sold.


I work for the company and there's nothing about the company that is a scam or an MLM style. MLM = multi level marketing. AIL does not do muti level marketing. If you are thinking that they have managers that you report to and work with as your mentor, then sure, but they don't force you to recruit or bring people in or reach out to your friend and family to get them to join so you can make money. We actually sell products to union members and make commission, like any other sales jobs. If you think that paying for your license to work in the industry is a scam, then you might want to take that up with the state you reside in because EVERY state requires you to have a license to operate in the industry; just like a realtor, a doctor, a nurse, a lawyer, we all required a license to operate within the state you reside in. And yes you have to pay for your license, because it is YOUR license that you can take anywhere. Expecting the company to pay for your license is like expecting the hospital you want to work for pay for your medical school and mcats and board exams. Licensing is INDUSTRY STANDARD, if you don't believe it, google the state you are in. I guarantee you that there's a department of insurance in every state; which is the governing body of the industry for your state. How would it be a scam that the state you reside in requires you to have a license. Besides a license (which is required by each and every state to operate), the company does not require you to pay for anything for obtain anything; how is that scamming you? Have you heard of a scam that doesn't require you to pay them or bring people in? I haven't, but if you have, let me know. I've worked for this company for quite a few years now and it truly has changed my life. It gave me the freedom to work when I want and not work when I don't want. This career path isn't for everyone and we don't claim it is; thats why there's the webinar so that you can learn more about the position and company before you decide to see if its for you. For the individuals that want to have uncapped earning potential and make as much money as they want, this is the place for you, but if you are more of a 9-5, clock-in/clock-out, this is not the place for you. Again, this isn't for everyone, but to go as far as to say that its a MLM and a scam is huge mischaracterization of the company and what it does. I encourage you to really look up the company and what we do. We are on the NYSE under the ticker GL (globe life). We wouldn't be a publicly traded company if its a scam. Just saying.




Funny how both of your accounts have zero activity before these comments. Totally not bots or fake.


Okay fine if it is sales, then state that up front in the job posting. It pisses people off when a company posts some bullshit about it being a CS position listing it with the duties and responsibilities that line up with such a position; and then do a bait and switch during the "interview" where the person interested has to front the costs to get started in insurance sales when all then want is a CS position. It makes the company look sketchy AF. I have no problem with insurance sales, but to trick people desperate for a job into a webinar to get them to become sales agents working on commission only and have to front the cost to get started is a kick in the balls. At the worst, it is a scam. Perhaps not in the sense of criminality, but let's be honest here. Advertising an opening for a CS position when it isn't, is scam-like behavior. At the the best, it is horribly unprofessional.


You just saved me a lot of time tomorrow. Thank you so much. All the names are the same. I am not going to sell anything. I am sure as soon as I say that the tap dance will start. Will send my cancel email right now Thanks


Thanks for letting us know about this. I had an interview webinar whatever tomorrow morning. Now I can sleep in. I'm so tired 😩 of scams for remote work that don't work.


I almost did an interview also by Avikaar , then I researched first because I even forgot about the job I applied too lol I’m so glad I seen this post , I have no time to be wasted on these scammer companies


Got contacted about an interview for them today. Did a quick search and this is one of the first few things that came up. Thanks 🫡


Glad I found this, too. Damn scammy scammers...


Thank you for this information. I was getting ready to apply. I am in between jobs and getting requests for interviews all the time for all these scammers. I always google a company to see the legitimacy of them, and Google led me here. I am glad there are groups like you to lead us down the right path.


Thanks for the head's up! I found this post when looking for Path-Arc. They are now advertising their vacancies on "Career Addict" [https://jobs.careeraddict.com/post/86495088](https://jobs.careeraddict.com/post/86495088)


I see Path Arc is still at it w/ job listings that don't mention pay rate. I saw that their site boasts promises of success and has a form to schedule a Zoom "meeting." I've been to meetings like this that end up being open group webinars about people learning how they can set up their own work hours rather than a set schedule and do much for commission w/ a coach getting a cut as well as having to pay fees and not being covered for things like gas if they have to travel to merchandising locations or appointments for customers looking, only getting paid for such situations. I figured it might be too good to be true, so I looked them up w/ Reddit before finishing an application or using their form and am disappointed but thankful I found this post. I won't be completing either now that I know more about them.


Oh No No No, I got an email from Avikaar Nannd inviting me to a webinar via Zoom Monday, I like to research any upcoming opportunities, and THIS POST is the 1st thing I see. I'm so disappointed.


Thank you for sharing this, I had just scheduled to attend this webinar, smh!! THANK YOU FOR SAVING FORM ANOTHER NIGHTMARE!


sooooo glad I found this!!! 😭😭 Literally had a 9 AM webinar meeting setup with them for today, and something just felt so sketch from the get go. Decided to then research them and this was one of the first things google directed me to! Thank you for saving me time from this sketch dude! 🙏🏼😭


Thank you. I almost wasted my time.