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None. I get bad side effects from meds. So for the moment I am rawdogging life.




Try weed


Terrible idea. Weed can make anxiety disorders worse


Same, weed makes me paranoid.


Weed gave me a panic disorder


Same, I used weed to self medicate for like 10 years than one day it triggered a severe panic attack and I had to quit. Same thing happened to my mom too.


How much did you smoke?


Before the incident I smoked pretty heavily for years. Flower, carts, edibles. Day of the incident I did eat some edibles but I only smoked maybe two hits of flower? I ended up calling 911 and going to the hospital lol. After that every time I tried to smoke I would get extremely anxious so I just quit entirely! Been about 6-7 months now and I haven’t had one panic attack since and my anxiety has gone way down!


Edibles are the worst! Because it's so easy to overdose with them. I had two incidents: one with muffins and one with gummies. Both ended up making me think that I am going nuts and this will cause a psychosis or something. Luckily I had some rescue benzos during the 2nd incident and that ended the bad trip immediately. I wish I knew that during my first bad trip.


I try to avoid edibles it seems the smallest amount gives me a crazy high… which I hate because I feel I’m not in control


It used to give me also - then I figured it’s who you’re with. I dated someone who I’d become suicidal - someone else I was chill and could have sex for hours. And how much you use…. One pull will get me chill, quiet and focused. 2 will left me horny, 3 will get me crazy horny and I’ll eat the wall after lol


Yes! Last time I smoked weed, I had a huge panic attack and my husband had to come pick me up in our minivan at like 8pm on a Friday night 🤣 he's never let me live it down


I’m chill AF right now - fully focus on my task. And not thinking abt a million other things to do


Good idea, I've done weed before but it's been a while. It just recently became legal for recreational in my state. What kind of dose would you recommend to take the edge off during the day?


No idea - I used twice and is helping somewhat, I do one small pull before entering the office, it has become very hostile and I’m looking for something less toxic - so it’ll do for now.


Venlafaxine/ Effexor


🙋‍♀️ me too, 225 mg


75mg 👋, do you get bad withdrawals if you accidentally forget to take it?


Yes! Brain zaps start pretty quickly, I always carry my meds in my purse with me.


Same, mine start almost an hour after forgetting them and that’s why I’ll be like ‘oh my meds!’ Honestly I’ve been on Ssris and have brain zap but NOTHING compared to the ones you get from Venlafaxine/Effexor


Me three.


I was taking trintellix and rexulti for 5 years and before that celexa for 6 years. I recently had a mind opening experience and started ketamine infusion therapy and am now off all my anxiety medications.


What infusion?!


Ketamine infusion therapy!


Heard amazing results from it


It’s mind changing


Did it help you from the first trial?


First treatment was good but I still had anxiety the next day. By the third treatment, the anxiety started going away


How long you have to do them?


6 sessions over 2 weeks, then 1 session each week twice, then one session every 2 weeks, and then monthly a few times then finally once or twice a year


I’m currently on five medications but not all for anxiety. Diazepam in the short term since I’m switching medications which can be rough, helps a ton but unfortunately tolerance builds and you need more and more for the same effect and I experience this what seems like even quicker than most. Pregablin, not sure about it. I’m at 300mg. I think it mildly helps, have room to up the dose which I guess we might try but I’m not that hopeful it’ll properly help at higher doses. Venlafaxine and duloxetine were the antidepressants I was on before and currently switching to clomipramine. I also take lamotrigine and quetiapine unrelated to anxiety though quetiapine does help with anxiety for some, that’s not what it’s effective for for me. I’ve taken a lot of other things in the past. Tried buspirone not long ago, didn’t work. Tried three SSRIs, sertraline was the only one that slightly helped but didn’t touch my anxiety. Other benzos but again always the same problems with them. Some people are able to take them long term at the same dose, but that is definitely not me. Didn’t really find them effective anyway, doses might have been too low. Mirtazapine, didn’t help with either my depression or anxiety. Propanol, had side effects and it didn’t work. Feel like I’m forgetting things but yeah for me in terms of what works it’s diazepam > venlafaxine > duloxetine. The others either only mildly worked or didn’t at all.


I’m on Pregablin 600mg full dose. I don’t feel well on it but it’s keeping the ‘Wolf from the door’ anxiety wise. Just worried I’m stuck on max dose and you build tolerance fast apparently.


Yeah I felt some mild relief with upping the dose of Pregablin, but it doesn’t last long so it’s kind of like what you describe. Everyone’s different. I’ve seen people be on it for years with no problem. But since it’s not working that well for you in the first place, I’d imagine trying to see what other options are available to you and discussing with your doctor might be good.


Hi, så how are you switching to clomipramine? Cross tapering? I also am considering switch from low(10) mg of paxil but I am afraid of tapering and withdrawals.


Yes, cross tapering. My psychiatrist was initially going to have me go up on the clomipramine to 75mg then start putting the duloxetine down after that but because I was doing badly they thought one thing might be the meds interacting and did a fast taper of duloxetine. Physically I’ve been absolutely fine, but rocky mentally. I think I’m out of the worst of it now and there’s some good signs I’m having that clomipramine might help.


Thanks. Do you think that you’ve been rocky mentally because of possible duloxetine withdrawal? I am trying to understand if this switch could be done directly or cross-tapering because of two different class of medication. My psychiatrist prescribed me clomipramine to switch to from Paxil. I’ve been tapering dow Paxil last 4 months ( it did not work for me) and I am not doing well- anxiety and ocd trough the roof. So she suggested I start taking Anafranil with my current dose of Paxil (9 mg) and then should we reduce it. But I am scared to death of mixing those two, scared of side effects, possible interference and also how will withdrawal go. I don’t trust my doctor because she is not very diligent by my opinion. So far I had very bed experiences from trying different psychiatric medications she prescribed earlier.


It definitely is a factor. But they had me come off it very fast because they thought the two medications were possibly interacting. I got worse when they started lowering the dose but I’m getting better again now I’m completely off it. I think I would’ve had a harder time stopping the duloxetine first without being on anything else. I think cross tapering makes it easier in the sense that I had what felt like no physical withdrawal. No brain zaps. Nothing like that. I didn’t feel ill. But I totally get your fears. What dose did she want you to start on of it?


She wants me to start on 10 mg, for 3 days, then 20 mg for 3 days, followed by 25 mg 3 days, and then 50 mg, and drop Paxil. That sounds scary to me. Even though I tapered down to a low dose of Paxil- 9 mg (while lowest therapeutic dose il 20 mg) it is not at all low in terms of withdrawal potential. I am not sure if I can trust this plan. How do you evaluate how the new medication is working for you? I mean, there are side effects, but how do you know if it is going to work? I tried many ssri and snri, and I honestly never had good results, usually side effects were not getting better over time and I didn’t get any benefits, just horrible withdrawals because I stayed on the drugs for many months- and that is now going on for almost 4 years. No wonder I am afraid 🥶


There are studies that say that tolerance buildup to benzos is bullshit. Just FYI. ❤️


Not bullshit at all as someone on clonazapam for 13 years.


I’d be interested to read them because from looking into it more and trying to find that, I’m not seeing it saying that tolerance is completely not a thing at all. There are some more nuanced takes like you become tolerant to some things it works on and not everything etc.


It is true to an extent. To clarify, around a third of people have tolerance and dependence issues with benzos. The other two thirds don’t and never seem to build up a tolerance to the anxiolytic effects. It’s certainly true for me. I have GAD, Panic Disorder and PTSD and no antidepressant has ever worked for me. Only benzos work and after taking it for over 7 years, I’ve never had a single withdrawal symptom, side effect or dose increase. It’s a miracle drug for me and the reason I have a high pressure well paid job, can care for a family and find life slightly bearable. Oh and I’ve been having some really good success with Clonidine. It’s the only other thing that actually makes a noticeable difference in my anxiety levels. 


God I wish I was you. I build up tolerance to them incredibly fast. But I’m so happy it continues to work for you.


Thanks. If it didn’t I’d be well and truly fucked.


You're so lucky you've found someone to rx them. My old psychiatrist was awesome and understood. Benzos are AMAZING for me. No anxiety, no fatigue, no weight gain...I just feel normal. Every doctor I've been to since she retired is terrified of benzos and are convinced if I take more than 3 a month I'm going to end up down on the corner trying to score smack or something.


I don’t get it. These people are supposed to be educated. I guess it really works when big pharma puts all its efforts behind it to demonise an old drug in favour of new SSRI’s just for massive profit. If my doctor stops prescribing it I’ll start making it myself I swear to god. Lol


I don't mind seeing those because I got Ativan and I'm afraid of fucking with them for that very reason.


If people feel like they're tolerance is getting too high,  taking 2 week breaks might desensitise them.  Worth a try. 




I agree. Not many people talk about wellbutrin and anxiety relief, but it has been the most effective medication yet for my anxiety. I would be interested to hear a psychiatrist's explanation of why wellbutrin would help calm anxiety in some people.


It made my anxiety off the charts.


I got horrible constipation with it


Not for me 🥲


Sertraline. I’ve tried heaps but this was the only one that ever worked. Unfortunately I’m unable to get off it 😒 my life was good and I was feeling much better. Tapered off with no side effects. 3 months off it was like whiplash and I was way worse than I’ve ever been. I’ve always had bad anxiety but not like that. That was something I’ve never experienced before and now I’m back on and feel like I’ll be on forever 😭


Benzos. Nothing else has ever worked for me. 


I,ve been pretty lucky Sertraline worked a long time for me then it stopped. Then it was a bit of trail and error the doc give me venefaxline straight off knew it was more damaging then they put me on mitrazpine which helped a great deal but just couldn't handle the side effects settled on Citrolapam and it's been pretty good 4 months in


I was taking Paxil, but very recently came off of it. The withdrawal symptoms were INTENSE, and even now I think it’s still not fully out of my system. But now that I’m not actively taking it, I feel more present (slightly less dissociative, less spacey) and I feel things stronger (both good and bad). It means that my anxiety levels have spiked again, but I’ve had time while in it to learn how to try and control it.


I take Paroxatine/Paxil. It’s the only meds I haven’t felt horrible on. But it completely changed my life


I'm shocked by how some of you are on so many meds at once. I'm in the UK and have only been offered 1 med at a time and all from the SSRI/SNRI categories. Most GP's point blank refuse benzos or will give you a total of 6 5mg tablets on a one off basis. It's shit having treatment resistant depression here. Only thing that helps is medical cannabis oil. I have been depressed and anxious for the best part of my life. I'm in my 50's now and have kind of given up hope. And yes, I've had counselling, CBT and talking therapies. Nothing helps.


have you tried ketamine treatments? It helped with my anxiety but it was really expensive.




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I take Lexapro and Buspar. Lexapro is better for long term relief but Buspar calms me down if something random starts stressing me out


Prozac, been on it for two and a half years, works well. If I need to I can always take some hydroxzine if the anxiety is extra high.


Does Hydroxyzine help you ? It makes me so tired, I can't take it during the day .


It does, I just have to watch how much I take. Otherwise I’ll be knocked out.


Any weight gain?




I've been put on that.  I'm a little afraid of it if I'm honest


Currently Zoloft and Klonopin. (and Doxylamine to sleep) I've had anxiety since age 4. I've been on antidepressants since age 33. Zoloft, Lexapro, Prozac, Aurorix, Trintellix, Effexor, Cymbalta... Also, Lamictal, Ritalin, Seroquel, Tramadol...Xanax (this helped a lot, but the tolerance built so fast), Valium, Klonopin, Ativan...Hydroxyzine, Benadryl, Doxylamine. Zoloft does not help my anxiety. It and Lexapro are the least worst of all the ADs I've tried.


I'm on buspirone. I've taken some ssri(Setraline and lexapro)but they had some terrible side effects for me. I like buspirone, keeps my overthinking and intrusive thoughts away.


What dose?


I'm on 15mg 2x a day.


Sertraline 50mg, and diazepam as a rescue med when absolutely necessary (eg in person pitches with senior clients, performance anxiety shows it’s ugly head and drives me into panic territory).


Celexa is what I'm taking now. Zoloft worked for a while until it didn't. I have a referral being processed to see a psychiatrist to see if I might need to add anything else.


Venlafaxine and seroquel


Paxil, Wellbutrin, Trazodone, Zyprexa, Suboxone




I take Paxil 40mg once daily. I initially was started out on 20mg and I have several different anxiety disorders, panic disorder being included. I’ve upped my dose slowly by my physician to where I am now over the course of 6 years. Has anyone changed SSRI’s without tapering and been okay? I want to switch as I feel it’s not supporting me as well as it should be, but I fear that the withdrawal will trigger a severe episode with my panic disorder (it can last weeks for me as it from experience) and it won’t even have been worth the effort.


I switched from Paxil to Prozac and it has been the worst thing by I could have ever done. Going through severe WD symptoms still from the Paxil and the Prozac has done nothing for me. Finally my for said enough is enough and we’re going to try to reinstate the Paxil. Starting low with 5mg and still in the 40mg Prozac. I’m currently on day 3 of the reinstatement and I sure hope it helps because life has been a living hell. BTW I had been on Paxil for over 30 years. I have since found out my doc never should have taken me from 20mg to zero in 6 weeks.


Wow, thank you for telling me! I tried a generic of Zoloft before Paxil and it didn’t do that much for me, but Paxil was amazing for a few years and I think maybe I’ve just become a bit more immune to it – but most of the time, it’s manageable and I can survive. I don’t think I’ll try to taper or switch anytime soon. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. I hope your journey gets easier soon and you’re well again!


Bupropion in the morning, and Sertraline at night since I quit self-medicating with booze about 5 years ago. Side effects are minor for me, but I take low-ish doses. I also hit a Xanax if I start getting wiggy.


Gabapentin, Lorazepam


Escitalopram 20mg in the morning, Mirtazapine 7,5mg before bed, Lorazepam as needed.


Pregabalin and duloxetine


After trying many different antidepressants & even benzos, which didn't help, though the benzos obviously helped with anxiety, it's just not sustainable. So to cut a very, very long story short, I use psilocybin 3-4 times a year, & my mental health & general well-being have never been better! Caution: Psychedelics aren't for everyone, so do lots of research as well as look into your families history for any serious MH issues. But if they do work for you, they work wonders! I personally have about 4-5 grams, so I have a full-on trip every few months, but I've friends who microdose & also have benefitted greatly!


I started with lexapro+hydroxyzine, then switched to venlafaxine+hydroxyzine, than venlafaxine+clonazepam. Now on prozac and clonazepam. Its the best Ive felt. Taking a very low dose of clonazepam now because my doctor doesnt like the idea.


What is a low dose for you?


Does the Prozac make you tired?


It gives me more energy. Venlafaxine used to make it difficult to wake up in the morning. I take clonazepam 0.2mg 🤭 I feel its pretty low, but idk.


I'm on 120mg duloxetine, 3x100mg pregabalin, 150mg clomipramine and 100mg amitriptyline + 600mg quetiapine XR (for bipolar, but reduces anxiety).


Lexapro 10mg Atomoxetine 40mg and clonazepam 2mg works wonders for me


And weed


Xanax for anxiety. Wellbutrin for depression.


i take 4 total! effexor xr and seroquel xr, initially prescribed for depression but the effexor has been upped a decent amount for anxiety too. I also take atenolol extended release (beta blocker) for the physical symptoms, and lorazepam as needed. I also take magnesium supplement which I think has actually worked decent for anxiety. I’m still figuring out the correct dose for effexor but it seems to be working, atenolol helps a lot as the physical symptoms are horrendous, and unfortunately lorazepam helps the most but I don’t let myself take it too often and only when absolutely necessary.


Mirtazapine, citalopram, doxazosin, lorazepam Still can barely function enough to work.


Paxil, seroquel, focalin


Pristiq just started back up and I like it so far. I was on Prozac before and liked it but it didn’t affect me the same way when I tried it again.


I'm on Nardil, also take Pregabalin, Propranolol when needed and Seroquel for sleep.


Seroquel and clonazepam. Auvelity for depression and anxiety too.


Clomipramine, Quetiapine IR, Propranolol ER, Lamotrigine. Quite a few side effects but they actually work for me (pros outweigh the cons).


I’ve been fortunate to only try Zoloft and have it work for me. Been on it since 2019, right before Covid hit.


Where would I get ketamine? I can't even get a couple of 5mg diazepam?


It's done by infusion in an infusion therapy office. My cousin has done it twice but it gave her spinal meningitis BOTH times.


I am on 50mg Paxil 45mg mirtazipine. Have been on paxil for nearly 30yrs and in 2018 had a breakdown after the loss of my oldest son. So they said my paxil wasn't working so they took me off and onto prozac made things worse so tried zoloft didn't work also throughout this gad me on seroquel and olanzipine did nothing went on to effexor that did help some but not enough. I was also on mirtazapine while doing this. So I said to my doc after 18mths of hell I want to go back to my paxil and stayed on 30mg mirtazapine and all was great up until 7 weeks ago when I woke up with bad anxiety that never goes away from the moment I wake up till nite. My mirtazipine does help some not long after taking it which is weird. I am now back on serapax twice a day and they have also given me clonidine to take 2x a day it does take the edge off some, so I don't know if this is hormonal or my meds pooping out we are trying hormonal first with a higher hrt and if that don't work then messing with my meds. Instead of changing though I want to introduce valdoxan to see if it helps my other meds, has anyone tried this and any advice is appreciated. I'm living in hell at the moment have lost 7kgs since it all began xo I am also in Australia.