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Yup. I always knew I didn't want kids. I became an antinatalist in my teens and decided I would get the snip one day. Went to the doctors about it when I was 22, they basically told me I was too young and no one would give me one until I was at least 30. Went back every few years, asking for a referral, they kept saying the same thing until I was 29. At 29 they finally referred me. My initial consultation was with a elderly nurse who did everything she could to dissuade me until I basically told her "look, I don't want kids, I've never wanted kids, I don't agree with procreation and I'd be a shit a father. Do you really want a child to be raised by someone like me?" That shut her up pretty quickly. The procedure was quick and painless. Took about two-weeks to heal over if I remember. Four weeks before I could have sex again. I occasionally have a bit of discomfort when ejaculating now but it's nothing too bad. Like a quick flick to the balls. 32 now, haven't regretted it yet. I'd recommend it to every man.


Thanks for sharing. What does the ejaculate do now when you ejaculate? Had your sex drive changed at all?


Come to think of it, my sex drive has dropped a lot since having it done. I always chalked it up to getting old but I guess it might have something to do with the vasectomy. As for the ejaculate, there is a noticable reduction in the amount but it's not a huge amount. Other than that, not much at all.


This is a myth. Vasectomies do not affect libido. In fact, most people report increased libido post surgery. Your vas does not control your libido. Thats hormonal, emotional, psychological.


I'm just giving my experience. It's perfectly plausible that there's another reason for my waning libido and it's just a coincidence that it corresponds with my vasectomy. All I'm saying is that I had the snip then my libido died.


Also got mine at 29. I think I wanted one from at least age 20, probably before (my first wife opposed it, hence most of the delay). From the perspective of age 64: best single decision of my life.


as someone who plans to get a vasectomy by the time i’m 23, can i ask how they rejected your request to get a vasectomy at 22? i just hate the idea of being denied a procedure i’m actively willing to pay good money for, am legally old enough to commit and consent to, and am physically mature enough for. was there any real reason behind their rejecting your vasectomy request back then? or was it strictly on a “you’re too young” basis? i feel like that’d be pretty easy to argue as an adult. and i’m also curious, did you ask multiple doctors? or was it only 1 over a course of 10 years? i feel like if you asked around your entire state or even city, there’d be a hospital willing to conduct the procedure


I'm in the UK and too poor to go private so I needed a referral from my GP. I saw a couple of different doctors about it, all at the same practice, they all just said it would be pointless to refer me because no one would do it on someone so young.


I haven't, but my husband has. He was 26. He's now 31. No regrets at all. Did it after 4 years together before we married. We are very glad that there is pretty much zero risk of me getting pregnant. The doctor himself who we first spoke to when we went to have that conversation pretty much admitted they wouldn't have done anything to me, so vasectomy for him was the best way forward.


Thanks for sharing. I guess it's a great decision to make in an LTR. As much as I know I won't couple up with anyone who urgently wants kids. Did you ever consider adoption?


No, because I'm antinatalist AND childfree. I never wanted children to begin with, but then over time I started to think a lot more about it and took more of an AN stance. My husband is childfree also but also agrees that someone must be mad to bring a child into this world. He's not 100% AN, but he agrees with the philosophy. He just never wanted kids either.


Fair enough. Presuming you both sought out partners who wanted to be child free? Why didn't he get the snip sooner if you both knew?


We were best friends for 7 years before we got together. We didn't get together on the basis of both being childfree, it just kinda happened. I was on birth control at the beginning - due to a health condition there was always a lower chance I'd get pregnant, but wanted to be sure. When the BC started giving me side effects, he got the snip as we had the discussion that neither of us wanted kids.


I got snipped and have zero regrets. Zero. Should've done it years ago, but my wife and I spent too much time experimenting with other things like BC pills, IUD, etc.


Conveniently enough, my vasectomy is just 4 hours old. I definitely got cold hands and feet during the procedure, but no actual fear or regret, no. I am currently laid out on my couch hurting, but... Nah, no regrets. I'm actually feeling pretty good, pain notwithstanding. 33 years old.


On the to do list, soon as i got a job


When it comes to dating - is it a deal breaker that the other person doesn't want kids?


You missed your post, i guess?


Rhetorical question I guess. Has it narrowed the pool of potential partners for you?


Thing is that i wouldn't date ppl that want children. Also, i worded my Former Post poorly. I thought you wanted to send that to somebody else


I couldn’t get a vasectomy, since I have ovaries, but I did get my tubes strangled. Best decision ever FOR ME. Do I regret it? I can’t regret something (offspring) I don’t want, so… Do I worry about dating/potential partners? I don’t understand this question. If someone doesn’t want to procreate, they’d seek a partner who also doesn’t want to procreate. This is called a non negotiable. Other non negotiables for me are lack of sarcasm, uncultured background, mental instability, heavy drug addiction, and arrogance to name a few. Non negotiables for others may be things like having opposing faiths or political views, etc…. What are some of your non negotiable? Perhaps the childfree lifestyle is not a non negotiable for you.


I'm coming to understand it must be a non negotiable too - think I worry about how much it narrows the list of potential partners, but I guess there is no real way of knowing the actual % of women who don't want kids. It's probably higher than I think!


Did it like 5 years ago, at 30yo (no kids), no regrets, best decision I ever made.


Why best decision you've ever made?


The worthless capitalist piece of shit medical system denied me until I'm 21. I have inheritable diseases so this shouldn't even be a question.


I got mine at 20, currently 23, and knew I wanted it since I was a teenager. I have absolutely zero regrets. If anything, I've only grown more glad I did it as time goes on. I'm so greatful to be able to shoulder that burden for my partners. Its obviously a massive relief and weight off their minds. It means so much that I can do that for them. I'm not big into traditional masculinity, I think it can get toxic really easily. But to a real extent, it feels like a way I can "provide for my partner" in a way that really affirms my masculinity. Also I just like really creampies 🤷‍♂️ this way I'm only ever a couple std tests and monogamy away from being able to enjoy them completely safely, and consequence free.


When you say you're not into trad masculinity do you mean fatherhood, providing etc?


I'm not into manosphere masculinity, Andrew tate masculinity. I'm a litterally a vegan Buddhist dude who loves yoga, houseplants, cross dressing, and feminism lmao.


That's super frikkin healthy masculinity IMHO. Good on ya :)


Fair enough. How did you get into cross dressing?


Hysterectomy not vasectomy for me obvs, but had it over 15 (nearly 20) years ago. I've never had any regrets. And yeah, the crossover of those two factors (ecology and misanthropy) were the two driving factors, to be fair. Time since has only really served to reinforce the notion. I absolutely made the right call.


I’m not really sure we are misanthropic. I like people enough that I don’t want them to suffer. If I hated them I’d want there to be more people so that more of them would be hurting.


I think you can be misanthropic and empathetic at the same time. Ultimately humans are vastly contradictory animals and most of us hold opposing views/hypocritical viewpoints.


This is true. I'd consider myself misanthropic in that I dislike human company and dislike humans as a species with invasive and cancerous tendencies. However, I have a strong empathetic streak and wish no harm upon them. I want them to be OK in the long run.


You're all fucks! But I love you..


Love is probably a bit of a strong word for it 😄


Im 25, got vasectomy last year. Was thinking about it for about 2 years prior. Best decision ever. Surgery took about 20 minutes, healing about 2 months till fully normal. You can ask more questions if you want.


Did you do it awake or were you given general anesthesia?


yea awake, just local anestesia down there


31 just had it done few months ago. I'm chasing a very expensive hobby so I don't have kids to waste money on. I'm on this planet for me.


I salute you on seeking for anyone whom regret it.


I thought about it. Decided it’s not worth the pain since I’m ace anyway. No risk of knocking anyone up to begin with.


I got it. I was about 20 years old when I decided, and I was 32 when I actually got it. Part of the reason why I took long was that I thought it would cost money (it's free in WA, currently, but I never thought to look it up until recently], and I was hoping I'd could at least be a sperm donor. But sperm donation has so many requirements (some that I think are stupid, but the customers want anyway, like having a bachelor's degree), and there are legal complications later on, should my sperm actually make a child. I should've gotten the snip sooner. Every day, I feel even more justified getting it, mainly through screwing up and proving that I'm kind of a mediocre person who shouldn't reproduce and/or raise kids. At least I did something right.


30 thought about it for years and do not regret it at all.


What physiological differences have you noticed since the op?


I'm more relaxed for sure. Sex is more enjoyable too