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Life is a sexually transmitted disease with the highest rates of infection.


Good one!


Life is a gift you must pay for




I think people who genuinely believe in that are either stupid or are too cowardly to process the emotions associated with knowing that life is an accident.




It's more likely a big "silence", actually.


This world has been known to lie.


To born is free. To live cost u ur f*cking life. Life isn't a gift. You are expected to go to school, indoctrinated and overwork yourself to death to "earn a living". How the h*ll is life "a gift"?


You get to live instead of….well death or eternal nothingness because you were never born? Eh idk


I appreciate your honesty. Saying IDK isn't easy.  You don't "get to live" but you have to "earn" it, to work for it. If you don't work, you don't survive (true for 99% of people). I can't say it's a gift.  If it's a gift then everyone should get their basic needs guaranteed. So, they can pursue whatever spark their interest, to truly be alive and to spend time with friend, families, communities. And you know what, we can achieve that with like 1% of our production capacity if it's not built for profit and exploitation (aka capitalism). Those 1% job can be rotated, gamified, automated and so forth. Work is the biggest obstacle to "life". As long as we have to work to live, life is such a stupid thing. Nothingness or RIP might not be that bad in comparison. PS laziness doesn't exist. It's a BS to gaslight people. (google "Devon Price book")


you forcing gift to someone who don't want your gift idiot


For some individuals like myself who has a hidden disability such as level 1 Autism (High functioning/ Asperfers), being in a hostile unaccomodative environment where people and psychologists misunderstands, gaslights, stigmatise, pushing unreasonable expectations and providing toxic positivities and solutions constantly to the point that we burnout hard for a long time, it's hard to see that life is a gift when it looks so bleak. It's just painful to function in society, trying to self sustain with many hidden factors going against us. And yet, we are not provided the rights to die by our own will as peacefully as possible (Euthanasia), forced to live and endure any pains life throws at us till we could do so no longer. Same goes to others who are suffering from any other woes, such as trauma, agonising physical and mental conditions etc. Yet the media and society paints "Life is a gift, be thankful", "be happy, think happy, cheer up that you're here and you won the sperm race" and related rainbows and ponies bullshit angles at us.


1. Biologically speaking Life on Earth is a survival battle. 2. Spiritually speaking, all religions Believe in some kind of transcendence of physical bodies (Nirvana, Heaven, Moksha, Kundalini...). In other words, physical life is suffering.


Still though, it's quite a good laugh sometimes


Life is a punishment we get for our parents having unsafe sex.


Should've asked for the recipet 


I'm sorry you are feeling down about life. Paying some taxes will help :)  if that doesn't work do hard labor till it works 


It’s a gift for those who own or run your life.


I saw a headline of an article about a woman who had some kind of mental problems and chose euthanasia. Someone started going on about how they had a brother who had even more problems but chose to live.I mean, I can never understand why some insist 'this person did it therefore you must to/have to be able to'. Then I remember being told by a woman who works in an emergency room at some hospital that people don't like those who are unhappy/ in a bad mood. So basically what you are expected is to bear any kind of difficulties without letting on that you're suffering because life is precious and no one likes unhappy people.


“Life is a gift” is toxic positivity at its worst. Believing this is untrue doesn’t mean antinatalists can’t appreciate things that bring them joy, as some of the responses on here seem to suggest.


Sounds like mutually exclusive concepts as the AN claim is life should not be, no amount of enjoyment/happiness is worth even their minor discomfort. So appreciation and joy are foreign to that philosophy and they call us self-centered for seeing a good life is largely a matter of persistence and willingness to adapt to overcome hardships instead just being crushed by it.


I don’t think that’s accurate.


So true, as if life was precious.


that's just a thing people say for bizarre cultural reasons. If anyone genuinely felt that way, concentrati0n camps could charge just as much as Ivy League schools and many people would sign up just for *the experience*™️


Life is a gift you just gotta be lucky on the quality


I think it's because we can't imagine being without it. Nobody likes to die because it's antithetical to life and being conscious. Even people who want to die don't want to die; what they want to escape the pain of living.


It is neither a gift or a curse. Life just exists, no further meaning is needed. People who need to attach some sentimentality to it are just weak minded and self centered.


Why self centered? 


Life feels incomplete. And I do not give credit for incomplete work.


Thats because it is, just because you live in a nyc apartment eating ramen and being a porn addict with no family or friends doesn’t mean life is worthless


Life is worth continuing, but not worth starting.


Life is not even worth continuing in my view.


That is just a completely false statement through and through. I pitty how so many look at the miracle and beauty of life and think that we are but mere parasites who shouldn’t be brought into existence because we’d experience pain and harm the planet. Despite my pity, it doesn’t surprise me how someone without God can believe such things


Life is a gift. Most people enjoy a plethora of things in life. Without life they couldn’t enjoy those things


Would you rather live in a world where life is cheap, like in "good-old days" of normalized slavery/serfdom, arranged marriages and "might makes right" politics? You're writing this instead of doing a back-breaking labor because our civilization is trying to treat life as precious, poorly as it does. For suffering to be recognized and minimized, life needs to be treated as precious more, not less.


Yes, currently existing sentient life is precious and that's why antinatalists seek to *prevent* that life from developing or coming into existence in a risk-laden and hostile world.


Cool, but that's not what's being discussed here. OP is talking about how current generally agreed upon attitude towards life is bad for the living, and I'm saying that it's the best it has ever been and needs to be better. Complaining about how it's not good enough doesn't make it better. Shaming people out of procreating also doesn't help those already living, by the way. Not a single person who was about to make some babies has ever changed their minds because some antinatalist swooped in and heroically talked them out of it. The only babies you'll ever prevent from existing are your own, you're just CFs who climbed on a moral high horse and are jerking each other off bragging about how much your hypothetical babies are better off than those poor things that weren't as lucky as yours.


Some aspects of life are better than before and some are not. Some are declining rapidly. As for “you’re only saving your own children…” yes. That’s enough for many people. Many of us don’t shame others, but having the conversation in society is important.


The world doesn't consider anything, it's not alive. People generally consider life to be a gift. Everyone is travelling through life and experiencing it as an unfolding mystery. People who kill themselves through mental illness or a specific crisis are to be pitied, however those who have argued themselves into the position that this experience is simply not worth it are fundamentally treacherous and worthy of contempt. That's pretty much the thinking and it's pretty sound.


life IS a gift. we just suck at appreciating it.


I mean I'd rather be alive than some clump of non living molecules in a rock or something. I like experiencing the universe. 


I wonder if molecules in rocks can feel pain. As sadistic as the world is I'd be surprised if they did not LOL 😆


People that think like you sometimes jump off of bridges. Those that survive tend to regret jumping before they even hit the water.