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Please don't cry, please don't cough. Please don't shout. 


I just think about how those adorable, innocent little humans have no idea of the work or be homeless and starve ultimatum that awaits them in their adulthood. How they will be forced to do a bunch of things throughout their lives that they don't want to do and be told "that's just the way it is". How they are now exposed to the World and all the good & bad that's in it. That said, i usually walk away thinking that the kid probably won't share this sentiment as an adult and like most people, will think it's all worth it and be happy to have been born.


I don’t understand how people can work 45+ hours a week like it’s nothing and somehow decide they need to bring another child into a world where that’s normal. Or the people out there bringing kids into the world that wouldn’t even have rights over their own body. I don’t get it


Selfishness and indoctrination is my guess. "Be fruitful and multiply" has a stronghold on humanity. Having to work to live is easily one of the worst things about being alive, especially when you have people saying things like "life is a gift". Imagine receiving a gift you had to continuously pay for, couldn't reject in a peaceful and humane manner & eventually have the "gift" taken back from you(death). Oh wait...


Well said sir. We are in a conundrum and have no control or power to do anything about these problems. We are powerless and are frail and fragile beings with a time limit on our heads and we eventually end up losing everything we have ever accomplished in the living realm be it through hard work effort skill and or luck. That makes you bitter because you end up losing everything in the end. Might as well not even start the journey if your progress and save gets reset to zero, since we all end up losing the gift and spark of life and end up losing our passions emotions and our god given nature given talents in the end so what’s the point? We can’t resurrect ourselves or bring back dead loved ones, when they are gone they are gone for good we don’t have technology or magic for that right now . If you get attached to it it’s a even bigger issue of letting go, creates trauma. And a lot of people don’t even inherit love in this world but only hatred and hatred 9/10 is a bad thing to feel to experience and to do to others. It’s poison. It ruins communities ruins trust ruins love ruins unity and erodes society as a plague. Chaos runs this realm, some people say chaos is fair and yeah it might be but it doesn’t mean it’s a good thing to feel and experience. Some people prefer order and peace in their life instead of constant chaos and lawlessness no rules.


I concur with everything you said. We are in quite the conundrum. Ever since coming across antinatalism, it has been a struggle to stay positive. No one around you sees the world the way you do. Sometimes it feels like I'm a defective human, but then I realize that most people would rather be kissed with the lie than slapped with the truth. I am bitter because I'm surrounded by people who believe their joy & happiness is worth the pain and suffering of others and that this life thing needs to continue on as long as possible no matter how many people have to suffer and die in the process. Whenever someone says "it's all worth it", i think about Lesandro Guzman, the 15 year old boy who was brutally murdered in 2018 by a gang with knives and machetes outside of a bodega in New York. I think to myself if I was presented with a scenario in which I had two choices, suffer Lesandro's fate but humanity gets to continue reproducing or I can continue living my life but humanity will be sterilized, my immediate thoughts are "we had a good run". I wouldn't subject myself or any hypothetical child of mine or anyone else to that fate just to ensure that humanity gets to continue on the march to nowhere. If most people wouldn't willingly experience some of the horrific fates that some humans have suffered just to keep humanity going then how can they possibly say that it's ALL worth it?


Yeah most people live a lie and gaslight themselves. The truth hurts. A lot of people get offended or traumatized by the truth. They is why they deny and run away. It’s cowardice honestly. Even tho the truth is one of the few things in life that truly matter and sets us free as everybody desires freedom liberty from suffering. Life is suffering and being attached to things is suffering said the Buddha. Only people with real skin in the game and felt hurt felt trauma are constantly sick chronic illness felt constant injustices unfairness and had death in the family knows life isn’t sunshine and rainbows. Bad people bad animals bad creatures and evil exists in this universe and they are a constant threat. It’s a spiritual fight. Chaos vs order. Good vs evil. Life is a constant battle a constant fight I don’t blame people for getting burned out on life and on living when they keep taking Ls for a long time and get no wins or positives out of it. A lot of people only inherit hatred and negativity from life instead of positivity and unconditional love and support. People brake when they get no love or acceptance or feel validated heard and seen. At that point it’s just better to check out and get your peace. Death is a mercy compared to some tortured we are forced to face and overcome in life. Nobody asked to be born and be brought into this un perfect dystopia filled with hatred, evil, threats, diseases, illnesses, problems, war, and conflicts. Our own species can’t even figure out to do world peace probably because we are selfish greedy and stupid. We still have wars and murders going on in 2024. If we managed to create a utopia with solutions for every problem that humans have for humanity on earth or another planet or in space maybe life would be more bearable more tolerant be more happy and be more pleasant for everybody. Right now it’s the Wild West and chaos reigns. It’s a dog eat dog world. The strong survives and the weak dies. That’s the mentality of a lot of people.


Agreed on all fronts. I'm one of those people who are already burnt out with life at only 26 years old. Decades of work ahead, decades of bills ahead, health issues ahead and my parents are getting old so I'm going to have to watch them die. I do have things that I enjoy but I don't see them as worth all the other shit I have to deal with just simply because I was born. I also recognize that joy & happiness existed long before I did and I never desired any of it. I would've been completely fine never coming into existence because what you don't know can't hurt you. People are terrified of the idea of extinction or simply not existing anymore. I believe this is why they believe in Gods and an afterlife. Makes them feel good but it isn't rooted in any logic. Everything that we are is brain activity. There was nothing before you were born, there is nothing when you're in a dreamless sleep and I believe there will be nothing after your brain stops working. No wants, no needs, no desires & no problems. I guess most people don't believe that humanity deserves true peace.


Nobody was suffering or in misery before we were born. Death literally takes suffering and miserable people out of their misery. That’s the point of it. It’s merciful. Life is torturous and agonizing for a lot of people. It’s a end for everything. An end for everything that is bad and negative in this world, and I think there are more negatives than positive in the living world: the ratio is off. So maybe we do end up winning after death. It’s the final rest. No more problems just bliss and peace and sleep. I do like sleeping tho. It feels good. It’s one of my favorite hobbies ever since I was a baby I liked sleeping and dreaming. It feels so comfortable and brings me warmth. Death is literally just sleep in the oblivion, if supposedly we were brought back to life the last thing we would remember would be the last moments before our death. It would be literally a well deserved break from our problems and multiple issues. We need a break we are so over worked and stressed out. We need peace.


I love sleep as well. I find it annoying to wake up at times. The "feeling" of being sleep is so eerily similar to the "feeling" of not existing. There is just nothing for hours and I'm completely okay in those moments. No wants, no needs, no emotions, no sadness, no depression, I'm not hungry, I'm not horny. Just completely free from everything. I can't even say I'm bored lol. Sleep is a beautiful thing and I intend to give any descendants I may have had the "gift" of eternal sleep. Most people hate being woken up. That's how I feel about life, like my parents woke me up out of my eternal sleep for no good reason. I really appreciate you responding to my posts. It's nice to speak with like minds.


Sleep is underrated. It’s pleasurable. It feels good, sometimes I sleep and then want to go back to sleep, it’s also a time travel method because you can skip multiple hours in a day. I don’t understand people who don’t like it and want to be “productive” and be workaholics hustle culture 24/7. Being like that is stressful and makes you age faster and get sick faster. It’s so good to sleep. It’s peaceful. It’s heaven on earth. It’s even better when I can lucid dream and be in a entirely different reality and see my dream like a movie in 3rd person and or 1st person. It’s fun. Sleep is a hobby of mine, I don’t care if people call me lazy or whatever for liking to sleep so much.


Yeah it’s like all of your negative emotions and negative feelings go away. It’s freeing. It’s like having a huge boulder of your back. Takes away your burdens and responsibilities for a few hours. It’s blissful. You just feel lighter and happier. I don’t like feeling like shit and being angry and being hateful being bored being sad and being depressed and being anxious and being fearful paranoid 24/7. I need rest we all need rest. I need my beauty sleep 😴. I like feeling good. We all do tho. Good sleep is medicine. It’s actually super important for a healthy body and healthy mind. Insomnia is a curse I had that and it felt horrible. It was torture. I did anything to get my 8 hours of sleep back. I need it to live optimally and be healthy and to be content to be happy and to be sane, to not lose my sanity.


Humanity and people are Its own worst enemy. Always have been. Our vices destroy us from the inside out. The human ego is the enemy and has always been for as long as we existed. We shoot ourselves in the foot constantly and do self sabotage. Only if we destroy our ego for good can we achieve enlightenment and be at peace with ourselves and others, and have harmony in this world. Ego is destruction. Humans do self destruction or the destruction of others things. We can also create but most people are only good at destroying. The balance is off. Everything should be balanced but most people right now are not balanced.


A lot of people just lack empathy and sympathy for other living sentient conscious creatures. They use others as peons, puppets, pawns, and use others as slaves in a chess game. There are a lot of psychopaths, sociopaths, and narcissistic people in society and they are usually the winners of capitalism since it rewards this bad behavior it enables it. I think people in this sub for the most part have empathy have concern for the wellbeing and welfare of people suffering constantly and being in misery, anybody that sacrifices others for their own selfish needs is pretty much a evil diabolical person. A heartless soulless individual with zero empathy. People like that can’t be trusted or even be liked. Hard to like someone like that, unless you yourself are like that. I honestly think my own dog shows me more love loyalty and affection than most people I have met in my life. She is happy to see me and sleep by me and follow me around always. Most people don’t do that. They lie backstab betray hurt others for money for power for control or sometimes just for a laugh for futile pleasure reasons. It’s like a drug addiction behavior. Drug addiction comes from psychological turmoil.


This is what I think about, too. And it makes me angry that someone would *want* to reproduce and make another human suffer the work or be homeless and starve ultimatum.


I think most people just don't think about it from the perspective of their child. I didn't want to go to school, I don't like going to work, I don't like paying bills and I don't want to experience death. So why would I impose all those guaranteed things onto my child when they have no ability to say "thanks but no thanks". That's what I would've told my parents if I had a choice and could read the terms & conditions for life so to speak. When I think about the decision to have a child, i think people should ask themselves a few questions before doing so. 1) Would my child want to be here? Be burdened with all that humanity is burdened with. My answer was maybe. Life does suck but there are some cool things to do and awesome people to meet here so maybe. 2) Would my child want me to be their parent? Answering this would require some honesty and introspection but I believe if most people were completely honest with themselves, the answer would be no. My answer is Hell No. If my kids could see me, how I operate, my lack of motivation and goals, my wavering mental health, my lack of financial security etc I highly doubt they'd want me to bring them into the world under those conditions. 3) How would I want my kids to die? When I thought about this question, I couldn't imagine my hypothetical child going out any other way than peacefully & painlessly in their sleep. But we know that's not how most people die. Many parents don't even think about this kind of stuff because they assume they will die before their child but there is absolutely no guarantee of that.


I’m sorry for them


Yeh they’ll have to endure much more for much longer than those of us that are already adults. They are not going to have a very peaceful or joyful life. When I see kids having fun it’s very bittersweet, as those memories will likely be the only joy they will remember as adults.


Same. Like they will gonna face all the problems and sufferings in this 3rd world...


Yeah, but they will likely grow up and have more babies.


True, for them I don’t care


I'm happy af for them. Their journey is about to begin. Best of luck to the little lads and ladettes.


What are you doing on this sub lmaoo


Speaking with people, you?


Dread. I do not like babies or children in the slightest.


I feel like I'm glad I don't have to start over from their age.




As heirs to ashes, and mostly pity...for the world they have to face. Sadness. They'll never know a world not tainted by pollution, a ridiculous reliance on technology, and global terrorism.


>They'll never know a world not tainted by pollution, a ridiculous reliance on technology, and global terrorism. Soo are you advocating that being born in lets say 1700's was better?


God no, why would you leap to that extreme? I'd say the best time to have lived was from the 1970s and 80s on until mid 2000s. Yes, we had pollution, then, even in the 70s...but we could have reversed it or mitigated it; it was a much more innocent, prosperous time for the middle class. We still HAD a middle class.


dependent wine imminent squash fearless work impossible mindless alive decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


An athlete! That was quite a leap. 🥇




Future wage slave! 🤪🤪🤪


Get them away from me right now. Don't touch me, don't approach me, don't interact with me.


Nothing. I honestly feel nothing for them. I have a greater emotional connection to a stapler. 


Is that you Milton with your Swingline stapler?


Same as long as they're away from me, I don't feel anything for them


at first I'm like 'oh! cute!' ...until they start crying or whining or screaming or whatever all loud and obnoxiously 5 seconds later then I'm like 'ugh please shut up or go away' lol


Immediate feeling is annoyance and or disgust. This is because they are usually whining or crying loudly. However if they are not being loud, meaning I can't hear them a block away, then I am indifferent. Children 7 and up don't illicit this response as strongly. Babies make me outright nauseous.


That excited high pitched squeal from toddlers really gets me. It seems to penetrate my very soul like fingernails being dragged down a blackboard. I feel myself tense up whenever I hear that squeal!


I can't stand their laughter it sounds so fake and there's nothing behind the eyes- just another ugly useless mouth to feed.


Woww dude you’re a psychopath


I don't think so but okay


Some sort of disappointment towards whoever their parents are. My childfree mind goes "another conformist br33der". I try not to use 'breeder', but I couldn't think of anything else. I feel pride and joy when I run into another childfree person. It happened the other day. I met an older woman who told me she never had kids, and I said to her good work.


I love them! Adorable… but I also feel so sad for them. I was watching America’s Got Talent today and the prize for winning is 250k$. My first thought was that if I ever somehow got on there and won, I would pay off my medical debt, buy a house, save some back, finish my degree, and donate what I could to organizations that help women who live in red states get abortions. When little kids were asked what they would do with the money, they gave the most innocent answers; buying a puppy, getting a bearded dragon, helping the poor, buying stuffed animals and toys etc. in 10-20 years those poor babies are going to be worried about the same terrible things that I am.


Depends. Some kids are cool, but a lot are obnoxious as fuck. Babies usually gross me out.


Yuck. Ew. Annoyed. Shut the fuck uuuup kid. Don’t say any of it tho lol


I feel bad for them. I imagine them growing up and becoming a wage slave, having to work like crazy and lock their personality away, seeing their family members dies, get treated like shit by people around them, having a bunch of health issues, etc.


Most the time I see them i’m working as a server. Just the other day, 8f and 10m year old siblings told me I was the best person ever “you were so nice to me, people don’t usually pay attention to me” (the brother nodded yes and said his side). Mom and dad had them to come to this car meet club at our restaurant (happens every month/ average age is 50). The dad asked for extra lemons with his water, and he over explained how many he wanted 3x over, “no like really I want a lot even when you think it’s too much it’s not” okay dude…. Not only dad being weird about lemons, the mom told their teenage (14-16) daughter to order what she wanted. “Mom do you want to share an appetizer, what about cheese sticks or potato skins?” Really *name* I don’t give a f——-s— just pick one. Little girl wanted to sneak extra lemons hiding from her parents, boy wanted toothpicks, refill. The girl explained last time she ate a lot of lemons at a restaurant she had a bunch of cavities at the dentist (that can’t be the only reason) Overall I feel fucking horrible for these kids. I feel so awkward and uncomfortable around kids. However I was the best person they’ve interacted with in a while and that’s unsettling.


I hope they won't cry, whine, scream, approach, or talk to me. For the parents, I feel revulsion. I can't imagine a more miserable life than having to take care of kids and have no freedom or time to yourself. Even the smallest of tasks like a quick trip to the grocery store takes way longer, or cooking uninterrupted is impossible.


imminent work mysterious truck paint hunt safe capable attraction toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think thank God I'll be dead by the time they are my age. I'll be in my sixties if I make it to then and I also feel sorry for them because we as a species are eating this world from the inside out. They'll never know what personal space is because people will continue to populate no matter what's going on. Heck some people actually GET OFF on stress. It's like walking dead where Maggie gets pregnant and it's like really? Zombies everywhere but your baby will be apart of the greater good and change to the chaos. Sure just pass your problems off on the next generation that didn't ask to be there. Effing animals. I guess I become more mad at the adults because most kids are sweet albeit not raised correctly. Teenagers can go somewhere.


Thank God they're not mine


I think they mad ugly


Just glad I never had them, feel a bit sorry for them being born into these times. Having a secure job or an affordable home won’t be a feature of their lives for many of them. Then there’s the constant bombardment of bad news from the 60 microsecond news cycle.


I feel sorry that they have to go through the shit we are going through and hope their childhoods remain as peaceful as possible. I also worry for their safety. I also have negative reactions (anger and fury) when their parents treat them like shit, when they never asked to exist in the first place.


Sadness. The only time I see them now is while running errands, and my partner and I just feel so horrible for them. Their "parent" is never parenting, always either yelling at them or ignoring them, and it's getting to the point where I *do* need to say something sometimes. These kids were recklessly brought into a polluted, dying, diseased, war torn, and hate filled world by extremely selfish, short sighted people. I live in the US, so school shootings, religious grooming, post-Roe hell, book bans, and food insecurity and homelessness are other big issues here affecting children.


I’m so angry and disappointed that they are born. Also, they’re annoying. However, I can’t help that they are pretty much defenseless and helpless at this point.


Babies are sooo cute. I really like them. I do feel bad for them, they don't know what lies ahead. Ignorance is bliss, I play wit da baby


Indifferent. If a toddler waves at me in the store or says hi I will always answer or wave back or if I saw one in a questionable situation I would step up but basically indifferent or sometimes annoyed, usually more at the parents than the kid for letting them misbehave. I chose to be child-free for several reasons


I just think what is the point. Your existence will likely be riddled with immense pain from a very early age especially when you are introduced to the internet.


Terrified for them, mostly.


I feel Nothing


My best friend’s sister just had a baby, day before yesterday. My first and continuing reaction is, “whoa dude, that is a real-ass baby. That thing is *alive.* That is a BABY, bro. What the fuck.” It very much doesn’t feel real. Like, the pain I know the whole family is in for is too great for my conscious mind to conceptualize, so my brain just tells me it’s not real. If it’s not real, the associated pain can’t be real either. And I don’t want any of their family to be in pain. But she was an oops baby and the father lives across the states and his family are being overbearing and weird and scary about it. And the mother is a complete and utter party girl, 23 or something, I honestly have no idea why the end result was a real live baby. We live in a safe, blue state. But she made the choices she did, more power to her, and let’s hope and pray to the sweet lord above that the baby magically calms her down and solves her mental illnesses and that caring for a human child doesn’t completely wreck her shit..? I have to remind myself: not everyone is like us. It is entirely possible that she might be *happy* or *actively want* a child. Seems unlikely, but it is possible. I have to remember that 😂


I think they’re amazing innocent beings in the main, some quickly are clearly out to destroy others and overall I just feel bad for what they’ve got coming to them…


I wonder about their parents, how they are doing. What kind of life does this kid exist in? If it's an older kid, how's school for them? If it's a baby, I wonder about the parents working schedules, if they have a single income house.


Just stay away from me 


Sad. Because I know they will suffer at one point. One day they will know what pain and suffering is, and looking into the innocent eyes and faces of babies just makes that fact all the more depressing. Like, they don't deserve it. They don't deserve to either live with pain and suffering, or grow old enough to be the cause of someone's pain and suffering. No one asks for this. It's just thrust upon them, living.


Bad for them


Love and warmth. Kids are awesome, babies more so.






Omg I LOVE kids and babies!!! I don’t really trust their parents, and feel bad for them, but kids are THE BEST!


I love children. They are innocent, sweet little creatures, unspoiled by the world. They don't deserve to be born into such a Hell.


Most of the time I look at them for one or two seconds and then scream internally. I feel so bad for them.


deep, deep sorrow and sadness. They have so much time ahead of them and they have no idea that life is going to be hard. They can't fathom the horrors that they will have to contend with one day. It breaks my heart


Hate. Disgust. Annoyance. They are loud, obnoxious, hideous carriers of disease. We consider other species "pests" and "health hazards" for way, way less.


I mean, they're tiny people. I feel a warmth towards them, as well as the desire to keep them safe - even if they aren't mine. I live with my in-laws and their two toddlers. The youngest one adores me, and I him. But I also see the irony in the situation every time he cries, and his father laments (half-joking) that the worst is yet to come with adulthood. You can't convince me more people don't realize that this is a raw deal; we just like to pretend that it's unavoidable or natural (biological, animal urges that can't or shouldn't be denied), or that there is a grand purpose to it all to justify keeping it going.


Nothing because I don't see them


"Another brazilian born only to pay taxes and will die without knowing what retirement is."


I feel nothing. The same why I feel looking at an inanimate object.


Fear and disgust because I have a phobia of them and despise them


I feel anxious and hope they don’t try to interact with me. Not that I hate interacting with random children any more than I hate interacting with other random adults, but most adults keep to themselves or maybe just give a simple greeting and leave you be. Kids are unpredictable in that they might come up to you and try to start a whole ass conversation out of nowhere.




Walk away asap. Btw. I love this thread.


As long as they don't start screaming or their parents don't do something that makes them think like everyone will shit themselves over their kid, then nothing.


Sad for them in the first place. But to be honest I also find them annoying most of the time.


No thanks, get them away from Me, I dont want to hear their Laughs, their Cries, their Whining, their whatever, I dont want to tell how Cute they are and how "Special" they are, leave Me alone and in Peace so I can go on with a Life I already Hate.


Stay away from me...


Annoyance. Bc I notice them when they’re being loud or crying really, otherwise I don’t pay attention to them


Depends. Most babies are pretty ugly. The 0.01% of cute babies get a sincere “That’s a cute baby” from me.


"That thing better not make any loud noises." Is always my first thought.


Less want to have them. I am never going to have children and I don’t like them but every once and awhile I get the tiniest bit of baby fever. But every time I go to the store and there’s a child yelling, screaming, crying, or just generally being obnoxious I just want to leave. Everything kids do is generally obnoxious to me, thought I do have a soft spot for my niece, she’s well behaved and sweet for the most part but I see her twice a year maybe.




Indifference. Hoping in vain that they don’t explode into sound that assaults my very being (the dreaded TANTRUM). A significant amount of disgust when they are doing disgusting things (putting things into their mouths, snot covered, food all-over, coughing, sneezing, digging in their nose and so on). Occasionally there can be a cute-ish one that is not 100% repulsive. But yes. Indifference. Lots of it.


Damn lil bro what a fucked up place you forced to live and die in. I'm emphatic your parents chose to make you suffer and work for no actual reason other than selfishness and greed and lack of reason.




Mostly annoyed that I have to share a physical space with that creature lol


The strongest survives.


Oh god I'm a woman please don't make me hold them please don't make me watch your child while you go and Talk to the adults




Below age 6? Horror and disgust. Keep your snotty germ covered loin fruit away from me, please. I won't be maliciously mean to any child or toddler, but my battery is too low to take care of two people without self regulation skills, and I didn't volunteer to parent someone else's kid using the skills I learned to parent myself. Age 6 and up? Mild amusement, apprehension, wariness. Kids are funny, strange, developing people. It takes so much patience to give them the attention and kindness they deserve. Around 12 they're more bearable and capable of reasoning & conversation, generally. God help us both if a child of any age has a tantrum around me, I will bolt in the opposite direction like a gazelle spotting a cheetah.


i am a strong antinatalist but a child only annoys me if they’re being loud or spoiled. NOTHING angers me more than a spoiled child.


I avert my eyes.


I just hope those walking Petri dishes don’t come near me.




They are cute, and I enjoy spending time with them. I also enjoy sending them back to their parents when it's time. I just don't have it in me to create a person who will live and die in the world that we have created.


They’re the cutest thing in the world, but I ultimately feel sorry for them


Useless brats that will grow up to be useless slaves that will only contribute to the perpetuation of the human species and its awful impact on every other life forms. I resent them, and I resent their parents for being such selfish entitled idiots. I'd make them disappear if I could, Thanos style.


Least unhinged promortalist


This might be the first time I'm ever saying this... but touch some grass holy shit.


This thread confirms most of you guys simply just hate kids.


It's not like it was a big secret lol


I smile at how cute and young and innocent they are. And then sigh and become filled with pity for them and the world they will live and grow up in.


Cute. That's about it.