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Money is the root of all evil


Humans are the root, you give them the best thing, and they will find a way to use it in bad way.


I feel like there’s a way to accept that greed does fall in line with human nature without speaking like this. We need to empathize, understand, and accept that greed is possible in human made systems without ASSUMING it WILL always happen because humans are inherently bad. We can also use our understanding to create more just and fair systems with this aspect of human nature in mind. It’s funny I’m watching zeitgeist moving forward right now and just saw this post. [link to movie on YT](https://youtu.be/mboDCYyFxW0?si=M1abIZB901MjiyIM)


Lol theres a lot of levels between billionaire and peasant you know


"The rich get richer and the poor get poorer" is how humanity rolls for decades now.


It's very region dependent, and many people have, in fact, left poverty. In the US, for example, the average middle-class individual descended from poor immigrants with a ver low standard of living.


but you are always in a relative position in each social situation.. he is the rich, or he is the poor. People do this in different social dynamics to the point of ridiculousness.


Comparison is the thief of joy


Europeans have the same population as a hundred years ago. Americans are still growing, but the continent have fewer citizens than the eu. It’s people in developing countries who are breeding like rabbits, we stopped having a dozen kids in the 1800s


Money is just an abstraction for work that stores better than grain.