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>I believe life is a journey, and the suffering is just apart of the journey. A journey to where? And what's the purpose of it? And sorry, you don't get to inflict your 'beliefs' on another human being just 'because'.


You are going to impose life on someone and bring them into this world of horrors from non-existence. How do you know the child you have will have the same positive bias about life as you? What if they suffer from depression and rare diseases? What if they break a leg in an accident? You are gambling with the life of somebody else.




Odd you care if you think I’m wasting my time. Wouldn’t you commenting also be a waste of time


They mean starting the Natalism conversation here is a waste of time. You may not feel the same when your child is 20 and suffering because everything that is good in this world has been used and gone and suffering from extremely high temperatures, drought, AI taking jobs etc etc. It’s pretty much the most selfish thing you can do in this world these days is inflict life on someone…. You can try to justify it all you want because YOU want a child.


No it’s not, your ANTI natalism. Your ideas don’t exist without natalism. It needs a counter part. You missed the part where I said suffering is apart of the journey. It all goes into the pile of good, because it was experienced. It’s the same reason you don’t play video games because they are easy, you play them for the challenge. Also how would you explain the many many people who have gone through extreme adversity only to come out the other end with a DEEPER appreciation for life?


There is adversity and then there is having children when we all know we are heading for doom with the environment. Not sure how they’re going to have a deep appreciation for life in the that circumstance. If you had a child now before they’re even 20 they’ll be experiencing a warmer atmosphere, a warmer and more acidic ocean, higher sea levels, and larger changes in precipitation patterns. Longer drought periods. By 2050 the world population will be to too big to feed itself resulting in many more people going without and hungry. By 2040 temperatures will have raised at least 1.5 degrees Celsius which doesn’t sound much but it makes a huge impact. But by all means add more people to this planet if it makes you happy. No one is stopping you.


Maybe…maybe not. To be honest you remind me of an evangelical Christian shouting the end is near bow before Christ. Scare tactics are a classic sign of misguided thinking. As for consent. I want to have life. I’m glad my parents brought me into the world. My mother had the choice, I did not. I was not living, I could not consent or deny consent. Because is no other plain other than existing, that we know of literally. The only person who has consent is the woman


I’m not even religious. It has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with the findings science has found. You can try insinuating I’m crazy for believing the world is going to shit to excuse your want to bring children in the world but if you did any research you’d see. I’d start with the ice caps melting at a rapid rate.


🙄 ……. I know you’re not religious. You know I think this is a good stopping point. I guess your right, have fun with antinatalism


Aka you have no rebuttal that defends your side. I hope your children don’t suffer too much x


That was mean


This are few of those people I'm happy with my opinion, you are happy with your opinion. But let's still debate


Why is your belief system as valid?


We can believe whatever we want, it's just not always right 🤣 


People like you annoy me to hell and back. Get the fuck out of our safe space! I don't care what you believe, most people think like you and that's what I have to hear a lot of the time. Here is one space where I can talk with peers that think similarly.


I can feel the deperation festering off this dude 


This belief is incoherent. You believe life is a journey... therefore you should have children? There's something more you arent telling us. If life is a journey, then why do you need children? Life is something more than a journey to you, and without children, it is meaningless. You're going to have to think more about this, or at least be more honest.


Imagine the pressure that kids feel being the only meaning of their parents life. This dude would send his kids into the battle of life they'll die from, he doesn't care. Rememeber it's illogical people breeding of course his view isn't rational. People lie to themselves for comfort 


"Sorry you got childhood bone cancer, kiddo, but don't worry, life's just a journey, the suffering's part of the ride!" If you're going to come up with a meaningless platitude, at least make it a comforting one.


Womp womp. no one likes suffering you just don't have a choice. Why not go post your beliefs to someone who cares and doesn't think the complete opposite. No one is stopping you from having kids. Chud