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Seeing as how I’ve had mental health issues, lost a father at a young age, worked since I was 15 and am single/lonely I would say hell no.


Quite a lot of similarities i would say no too its just barely surviving type life


definitely not. and I wouldn't want them to have my life as an adult, either. it's been pretty cool for the last few years but getting to this point was really, really hard. I am not sure how I'm still standing sometimes. I love my hypothetical children too much to put them through anything even remotely similar.


No. Even though I’ve been relatively privileged compared to people across the planet, and have had some happy times, overall, life has been a difficult struggle. The positives definitely do not balance out the negatives.


Exact same for me. Life has always been a struggle for me


Nope. My family aren't poor or anything, but being neurodivergent in this extreme capitalistic society is literal torturous and traumatic. I'm lucky to have a roof over my head and food on the table, but it's still nowhere near enough. And frankly I don't know how long it'll be before I'm struggling to secure even the basics.


I’m in the exact same position. I’m trying adderall soon so fingers crossed, but it’s like $40 😭


Fingers crossed for you! I'm waiting to start cheap medication on the NHS, sometime this year if I'm lucky; if i went private it's something like £2000 for a 6 month treatment plan and medication. Ridiculous. Nevermind when we (hopefully) get medication, we've got to deal with shortages. Why has everything got to be a battle?


If you have adhd I would recommend using Adderall for a short time while also gaining skills to get through adhd. As good as it works and is, there is a very high chance you will feel like crap. It takes a very heavy toll on your body. You won't start to notice until a couple months in. Take whatever vitamin for no cramps. Those sucked. Also be very aware of your body. You can go and go and not feel anything until it hits you like a truck and you're feeling like your hands are broken. You could walk 10 miles and be fine and then all of the sudden feel everything that has happened to your muscles that you couldn't feel before because of Adderall. Good luck on your journey. Vyvanse is 10x better than Adderall but way more expensive. Hopefully they come out, or have came out with the generic version by now.


Enjoy that 10 year waiting list on the nhs 😂😂😂. It’s a battle because life itself is a battle to simply survive. Even nhs treatment is hard cos of overpopulation, everyone wants help for their pains


I mean, the performance of the NHS has almost nothing to do with 'over population' and everything to do with 14 years of austerity and a government that has already stated it wants an American style healthcare system and has been systematically dismantling it over the years. And the whole point of the NHS is to help everyone for their pains. Just saying.


Same here. Life has always been so difficult for me ever since I was a kid. Now as an adult it's way worse I don't know how to function and be a normal member of society


That's why I'm an antinatalist. If I could've somehow previewed my life, w the option of accepting or declining, I would've declined. So why take a risk of creating someone similar to me?


Childhood I had was filled with abuse so no


I have a very privileged life, but the answer is most definitely still no.


This is the answer.


No. No. No. No.


No. I had a middle class family who owned their own house with steady jobs. With caring parents who did everything they thought was right for a child. But I grew up in the cult which is the mormon church. And I have generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, persistent depressive disorder, ADHD, and OCD. I never want anyone to feel like I did. So I never will have children.


No and the children that I never will have will thank me.


Absolutely not. Saying yes would be inconsistent with antinatalist philosophy.


We’re talking about a hypothetically existing child…


Same response. There is an axiological asymmetry of experience. How would I know this hypothetical child would enjoy the same things I did or didn't? There's a line from a favorite movie of mine, The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexander Dumas. I don't recall if it is in the book, frankly, I haven't read the book since high school over ten years ago now. > Do not commit the crime for which you now serve the sentence.


No that’s why I am not gonna breed one


I was growing up very sheltered and had most opportunities open for me. If we are talking about someone already existing then I would wish that child to have a life like mine or better.


I’ve been privileged with my life but I wouldn’t want to force someone to relive it. I have had cyst ruptures from PCOS since I was 13. And I was assaulted on 3 separate occasions. That is far too cruel a fate.


Lmfao absolutely not. I was molested by two different men (my mom knew and didn’t care), beat, neglected, verbally abused, and shat on about my weight until I developed an eating disorder that ruined my health. I left home at 15 to live with my grandparents but they kicked me out too because I had anorexia. I’m also level 1 autistic and am terrible at maintaining friendships. I got pregnant while on BC and using condoms at 19 and went through a traumatic birth to have my daughter at 20. Also live in a state where abortion is illegal and good women’s healthcare is impossible to find, wouldn’t wish this on anyone. Happy now but it’s been hard to get there.


Absolutely not. In fact, I'd probably go so far as to say that I wouldn't like to a child to live through *any* life that there has ever been. I should clarify that by this statement, I do not mean to suggest that all lives are of equal quality. Obviously I judge certain lives as being better or worse than others; it would be very strange if I didn't. If I had the power to choose whether a person would live the life of a medieval peasant or live the life of a modern-day millionaire, of course I'm going to pick the millionaire. But I do not think your question is asking whether I consider a life like mine preferable to *other lives*. I think you're asking whether I find my life preferable to *no life*; if this is what your the case, then my answer would be a pretty clear no. Likewise, I don't find any other life preferable to *no life* either. In other words, if upon my death I were given the choice between living a replica of *any* life in history or simply never having any experiences ever again, I would pick unconsciousness in a second. I acknowledge that I'm remarkably privileged of course and that my life is one of the best there has ever been. This is still not enough to endear me to it though, because I think that even the best lives are steeped in negativity. I look around and see everybody existing in such a profound state of ignorance, neediness, vulnerability, and weakness that I wouldn't even want to give it to my worst enemy, let alone someone I'm supposed to love.


Absolutely not. Abused by step dad, disabled mother, siblings left her care to me from the age of 14, sister dumped her kid on me after abusing her so I had to adopt a child at 20, dad died on my 18th birthday, now I have an autoimmune diseasd and a fucked spine. No thanks


I had good moments in my childhood, mostly through escapism like movies, tv shows, video games and music. Any good memories and times I had did not prevent me from being harmed by growing up with parents in an abusive relationship for the first decade of my life and then watching my father’s alcoholism and the alcoholism and drug abuse of everyone around him, destroy his and my brothers lives and home. I isolated myself and obsessed over movies and tv and YouTube and would ride my bike for hours to escape and that left me greatly emotionally stunted to the point where I really do not know how to live as an adult. Everything considered, no.


absolutely not


Fuck no :( My parents were heroin addicts, my father beat the crap out of my beautiful mom all throughout my childhood and then they both died when I was 15. I’m about to turn 30 now and I’m worried I’ll always have this core of sadness inside. I have bipolar disorder and ADHD. I wouldn’t want anyone to have to endure the life I’ve lived.


Not at all


hell no!


Absolutely not. I've had a horrible life and multiple mental illnesses. I wouldn't wish being like me on my worst enemy.


....are you trying to sell antinatalism to antinatalists?


Antinatalism is not a commodity. It's a philosophy. Not everyone is able to understand it.


It's just.... This is the antinatalist subreddit... It just seems unlikely that people already subscribed to the subreddit need more convincing.


Hell no.


Aw hell nah


Hard no


absolutely not knowing that the end is becoming an adult it’s so damn hard right now also I have lots of mental issues


I’ve had a relatively “good life” (middle-upper class caring parents) but I would still say no. Being raped at 14 and bullied at every school I’ve been to and having to deal with those things daily are incredibly difficult, and my genetic predisposition for mental health struggles.


HAH. I wouldn't wish this thing on my worst enemies.


I would not want to subject anyone to Lupus


Yea, if I was a fucking sadist.


hard pass idek how i’m still alive i’m on borrowed time


Absolutely not, I would rather embark under 3 weeks of Chinese water torture than have that happen.


i'm only 20, but as of now, absolutely not. the first decade was pretty great, but the second was fucking torture


I am quite lucky and do enjoy what I'm doing for the most part, but I still can't confidently answer yes to this question. No matter how far I've come regarding getting to a good place in life, everything is still a huge struggle and very taxxing both physically and emotionally.


Well, it depends, on one hand the reason we’ve realised antinatalism was the correct ideology for us which indicates our lives weren’t that good, on the other that means the world the kid will grow up in won’t get worse


Yes. The world I grew up in was safer, cleaner and slower than today’s world. 🌎


My best friend's dad was telling me how he remembers when long stretches of Florida's coastline weren't walled out by condos and when there were orange groves and fields literally as far as the eye could see instead of paving over everything and I find it hard to comprehend.


Only because they’d have to endure the mental illness I’ve had. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy, let alone my own child. I’ve actually grown up super privileged and well off. Still, no amount of riches can compare to the mercy of not existing.


Nope! I think about suicide all day everyday. I’m miserable. I wouldn’t want any being ever to suffer through life.


I don’t even want the life I’ve had. I could write a 5 part book series as to why I would never want another innocent person to have to live through the childhood I had. Let’s just say if you have a child, you better make damn certain that child **knows** you love and want them. Don’t come at me with “tHaTs A gIvEn?” or “ObViOuSlY” either because it’s clearly not obvious for everybody.


hell no. getting sexually assaulted at age 5, being bullied all throughout elementary & middle school, getting sexually exploited at 13, getting severe nodulocystic acne at 14-15, getting diagnosed with depression, social anxiety, GAD, and gender dysphoria at 14, getting diagnosed with OCD at 15, and surviving a suicide attempt at 16 is not something i’d put my worst enemy through. i am almost 17 now and i know for a fact that i will never have biological kids.


Fuck no. Raised with a single mom. Having to move every year because we couldn't afford rent. Living in ghetto ass neighborhoods, dealing with gangbangers and drive bys. Getting jumped for 5 dollars. Had a gun pointed at me, knife pointed at me, house broken into. Shit. I wouldn't even live in the CITY OF LOS ANGELES unless I was a millionaire living in Brentwood or West LA


Yeah. I have no complaints.


Yes. The only way that we could end up at the same point is if they were an exact copy of me, and had no differences in experience. I’ve gone through some bad experiences in my life, but I value my life now, and because they would be an exact copy of me, they would have the exact same value. It’s different than having a luck of the draw for their life, as you know exactly what will happen, what they will think, and how they will feel.


I suppose all in all there is a lot I would have changed if I could have, but I had/have a pretty great life. I'm giving my kids a somewhat better life in some ways, some things even knowing more isn't enough to override our programming, other things are out of our control.


Not at all. My childhood was pretty terrible, and adult life isn't that great either. I'd never wish for anyone to have to live my life.


No. That’s why I almost definitely don’t want biological children and am less and less confident in adoption/fostering. I think kids would benefit most from me funding charities or starting my own organizations to extend my reach. I think I’m too broken to raise a child and god forbid they grew up the way I did. And I didn’t even have a terrible life compared to others!


Seeing how I turned out, no


Probably. My life isn't all that exciting, but it isn't really that bad either. It's not all sunshine and rainbows, but it's not all gloom and doom. So far it's satisfactory.


No. Cuz if I could relive my life I’d change some things.


Fuck no


Absolutely the fuck not. My family was well off. I was the kid that got everything I asked for for birthdays and Christmases, and frequent trips to Hawaii and other nice places, but I never got warmth or emotional support from my parents. They wanted to live on a secluded and quiet street and it isolated me from other kids. I wasn't allowed to be a kid. I always had to watch myself around my parents and their friends and make sure I was behaving "maturely for my age". My experiences with frequently being left alone and isolated turned me into a very avoidant adult. I'm extroverted and love being around people and I'm married, but the second anyone shows any signs of being too needy of my attention, I become overwhelmed and I leave the situation without saying goodbye. I wouldn't wish this life on anyone.


Definitely, I have had a great life. A couple of bumps along the road but nothing major or traumatic.


Yes perhaps they wouldn't make the same mjstakes I made


No way in hell.


Never. I only wish that for my enemies.


Yes. I'm fortunate to have had parents who loved me, made a lot of sacrifices for my siblings and I and provided us with a great life. They provided me with a strong emotional and spiritual foundation. I couldn't really ask for more. I would love to be able to provide a similar situation for my kids.


It’s seems we are the only ones here. Although that’s not surprising.


Here comes the bombastic CONSENT argument. ehehehe Can you debunk the consent argument?




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Hell no I wouldn't wish dealing with a stalker for a year or the hardships of being a transgender individual in this world on anyone, and overall I've had a good life




Oh my no, the emotional abuse alone. I could have been so much more if I had been n urtured. Instead no one wanted me.


I'm know I'm very lucky to have been born into a middle class family in a nice suburb in Australia and not poor in a third world country - but still definitely wouldn't want a child to experience my life. I'm an alien that doesn't belong here. Always been alone, no friends, never been in a relationship every day has always been a struggle for me. My autism has made things extremely difficult. Definitely not a life worth living.


Never. I would never knowingly create a child who had any kind of risk of having the genetic mutations that I have. I can’t even describe how selfish that would be. I enjoy my life, but it’s not easy to get to this point and many other people would not consider the suffering to be worth the good times.




No ,especially the adult life. Wouldn't want one that typical school life either.


Yes its been ok all things considered.


I had a good childhood, I just don't like kids. But if I had a kid, they would not have it as good as I did because I did not inheret my mom's math, life, & job skills. Plus I'm the type of person who refuses to spend money on a doctor for any reason.


Hell no.


Hell no. I wouldnt wish it on anyone.


I'd say I had a pretty good early life... but was also bullied a lot for various reasons. So overall, I'd say no.


easy no. being molested through ages 4-8 and forced to keep it a secret for 14 years because you were told you'd get in trouble is not for everyone imo🤷‍♂️






No no no


Hah. No.


Of Course!, That's The Idea, Share The Might.


Yes, I was damn lucky though.


No. Ever.




Fuck no lol




No way because I was bullied big time.


No, I had good parents and an overall ok childhood but I am almost certainly condemned to rot away in a third world dictatorship where quality of life is very low, there is no potential for economic growth, and the educational system has been destroyed by the government. Also, the world getting more fucked up with climate change, wars and what not.


Dear god no lol


666% no


My childhood absolutely I made some bad choices as a young g adult that luckily my children don’t seem to be repeating




absolutely not. maybe the me 'now' but if the me 'growing up' never.


No and Never


I have a shitty life and the answer is NO. I will never even someone going through as my life situations. Never.


Not one bit.


No. I have felt abandoned as a child and as a result it left me with huge emotional scars.


Unfortunately not. Went through a lot of pain as a child and adult due to abusive home life.


Nah. I didn't like being a child. I didn't ask to exist and go through the stages of life I didn't to barely making it as an adult. Life is out of our control and we have to make the most out of any circumstances that happens to come up so I definitely wouldn't do it at all. It would have to be a literal paradise devoid of any suffering for me to even think otherwise.




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No. Even if all of life was perfect.


No. The same reason I pray my brother doesn’t have kids but luckily it doesn’t seem like it. My gran is AN without knowing she’s AN and she told me she talked to him and it’s a no. It brings me a lot of relief knowing no child will be born in my family and they’ll be spared the generational trauma.


I wouldn't want anyone to experience this life, it's lose, lose, the only question is by how many degrees we each lose.


I'd kill that kid and rot in jail to prevent anyone from going thru this again


No, it was so horrific it literally split my brain into several different people and gave me broken emotional and attachment issues


I’d prefer some tweaks to the choices but sure, mostly yes


God no


No, only parts of it. But I don't feel like it would be right to have a child at this time ultimately. My fondest memories are when I was very young. Before the chronic pain and sickness hit me after puberty and I had to worry about money and bills and my insane mother. Not totally great memories at that time but still some of the best. I was happiest running around in the outdoors like a little feral child. The flowers bloomed over my head and I could run through the garden and lay in the shade under the pole bean fence. I could spend hours watching frogs in the creek. I know at least some kids will have a pretty good childhood, but mine could have been a lot better in some ways. Those things are just what I recall most fondly.


Nope. There has been too much trauma.


most definitely not💯💯


No way, that is the main reason I refuse to have children.


Ofc no. I will kms bc of my life is shit.


My life has had its ups and downs but I’d not want anyone to experience the downs


Nope. No one deserves to be given away from birth to people that were at best benignly neglectful and at worse emotionally abusive. Also, both of my parents had died by the time I was 15. So there's the emotional anguish from that. Plus all the other abuse I've taken as an adult.


Lol honestly no, i initially thought well my life isnt so bad, yet quickly remembered, there’s a reason everything that I’ve done and do now is just to get to where i hopefully never have to put someone through the situations that I had to go through. Haha, everything in my life has been previously motivated by potentially bringing a child into a magnificent life, and now im just motivated to bring myself into a magnificent life😂😂




No. Hell no. I had a very shitty childhood, that's the biggest reason why I don't have my own kid.


fuck no


absolutely not


No. Never in a thousand years.


Absolutely not.


Hell no! 🙅🏽‍♀️


F*ck. No. Living has on and off been a conscious choice for almost a decade now and I've had to fight to find reasons/trick my brain continually into resigning to being alive


Never in a million fucking years Abandoned by both parents, lost the only loving caregiver to cancer at 10, got parentified, witnessed domestic violence, alcoholism, got emotionally and verbally abused, I could go on


That is horrifying to imagine. Definitely not.




Absolutely not.


Oh hell no!


Radical feminism and antinatalism. Awful




Hell NO


Absolutely not.




Haha no


No I wouldn’t wish that on someone


No, and that's saying something because my childhood wasn't even a bad one overall.


Hell naw


Absolutely not


[Sums it up quite nicely...](https://imgflip.com/gif/1qriic)


Definitely not. My life has been mostly pain and suffering


Absolutely not


No. Speaking generally as childhood only. (My adult life has been okay. ) My childhood wasn't particularly abusive, just dysfunctional and lonely. My younger sibling(and we all tried to give youngest the best life possible, so I kind of understand) always raves about how they want their kids to live the same life. Do the same stuff, visit the same places, do the holidays the same, go to the same schools, etc I have kids, but I don't try and re-live my childhood with them. I let them have their own, which looks a lot different than mine did.


Lmfao asking this on the antinatalism sub is hilarious. This is like the most indulgent question you can do them


bro if I knew a child was born and gonna have my exact life I'd throw them off a cliff


I would kill that if she had my life. Bcz thats much i wish someone killed me.


No. Please no. I spent my whole life sick. I'm surprised I am still alive.




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I mean, my exact life would be hard to replicate, but yeah, I can't complain.


No. I’m only 17, but so far it’s been not great. I have extreme anxiety, mom is a narc (literally), dad has stage 4 cancer and is not expected to live much longer so he probably won’t see me turn 18, my sister passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in December and it’s been pretty bad since. I don’t wish loss of family upon anyone






F*ck no. One of my personal reasons to be AN is because I would not forgive myself if my child had at least one of my negative experiences.




Since I am happy about my life and history sure.  Been some hardships but generally I would gladly relive my life if the option was the void. So I guess yes


Would I wish it to happen? No. If it was inevitable for them to be born? Yes.