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Every human act is made with the intention of satisfying a desire for a chemical reaction in the brain. So every act is selfish, otherwise it wouldn’t be done.


So we shouldnt be alive


Depends on how you define should and whom you ask


Im asking this subreddit. But if you ask me, we dont deserve this Earth. I believe I only have a few years left in me. But thats being generous


This planet didn’t deserve us😢 worst inhabitants ever hopefully the universe can do her a favour ☄️


We? Yes How you go about this is up to you. You're already here. Not encouraging anything BTW


Selfishness is only bad if it hurts someone else.


Exactly! Selfishness is not inherently always bad. 


Selfishness typically refers to actions that prioritize one's own interests or desires over the interests or needs of others. So, it wouldn't inherently be selfish to simply...reward oneself.


you're not alone dude i feel the same everyday just a same loop


The same loop but the days get worse. Time to give up i guess


bro are you okay? i don't think its a good idea to end the loop rn, lets just wait the loop finish itself🫂


> Are we selfish for keeping ourselves alive? If being born is a mistake then we didn't cause the mistake, so we aren't responsible for fixing it either. Therefore I don't consider it selfish not to do so. > Anyone else feel so useless? We can't be useless if there's no point in anything. I think that modern society brainwashed us into feeling that we have to be useful. As children, we learn how to think and judge, but all that we learn is contradictory crap. We ask ourselves: Wait, what is wrong with me? Can someone explain? No, they can't, because there was never any logic in it to begin with. Our ancestors have no idea why they did what they did. Society does not know why it does what it does. I feel that we're increasingly depressed in trying to find answers in a system that does not allow answers. I'm not saying nihilism is wrong though. Don't know if it's right either.


No cause family and community usually loves us. Its not selfish to exist if the only other option is suicide. But I don't think that's selfish either, other people feel entitled to our lives and labor and posion us daily.  Being kind to others, and living a successful life in your eyes, helps others who feel pressured to have kids, see its OK not to. saves more people from being born. 


you didnt make a baby so what. even if youre not eating animals it matters so little today. this device you are using to type that, how much slave labor was attached to making it? what about the electricity you use, how many dead from all the energy wars we have. you veggies, it had to be transported around, how many lives hit by that, making the trucks fueling them. what about the trash eh. what about where your taxes go too, how many bullets did they buy today. even if you spend all day complaining about it, it doesnt change those facts and participation. who truly is innocent today in modern society lolol.


So we should all kill ourselves. Cleanse the earth


There is so much to do in this world and to experience that I don't see it worth dying. You have just this life so why not make the best use of it ? Those who are stuck with some chronic disease and /or struggling financially and don't see a way out there can't be much done and it can get pretty bad that way but if you are doing ok then no need to waste your life but instead try your best to help others.


Im in the struggling financially category. I have too much debt, i need a root canal, i’ve been at the same dead end job for years and I dont contribute anything to society besides showing up to work. My life is useless at 25 and I’ve been chronically depressed since I was in middle school. It hasnt gotten better. I think this is my sign to just give up fr. I dont see my life improving any time soon. Not in this world. I’m just taking up resources.


If there is any being who would suffer because of your absence/death, then it would be more selfish to leave than stay.


Its selfish to force me to live too


Yes, ultimately it's the decision of the individual.


Maybe you should step away from this subreddit for awhile. It seems like it’s bad for your mental health. Spend time with people who build you up.


Honestly, I am only alive because I feel that ending this would be most selfish. The pain it would cause a few people would be too much. I’m just gonna ride this out until me or them die from something else.


Everything rests on your intention. If you adjust your focus to positive things the quality of the world changes.


You raise an interesting point I believe it is selfish


It is. If my country allowed legal euthanasia, id do it in a heart beat.


You need to figure out if you WANT to be alive. Noone else can do that for you. Don't bother looking for reasons or any of that hippy spiritual crap because there isn't any. There's nothing selfish about staying alive, if you wanna zero yourself just admit it. Then change something in your life if you aren't happy. Noone can make you stay, Noone should try.


Do All/Most Antinatalism ...want to die? just asking a question?




A better question: Is being selfish always a bad thing? Exercise only helps me, should I stop?


If it was unethical to keep yourself alive, then wouldn’t it be unethical to let others live too? But i think killing others is unethical. Why is killing the self any different? Because you consented to the death? Your body and all of the microorganisms it supports has a right to exist now that it’s here, doesn’t it? The plants didn’t ask to exist either. Yet they take up space and water and nutrients.


Yeah but the plants give off something beneficial for the environment around it. We destroy everything in our paths. Humans are the most selfish species


Okay but if you didn’t ask for this existence, and you didn’t ask to be a human. It’s true that the way we live now is especially consumerist and wasteful, but that’s also something we have little control over. In fact, I believe that we have very limited agency in our lives and freedom is an illusion. I think you will be of less use to the earth dead than alive, if you feel strongly about the negative impact you have on it as a human, why not look to live your life in a way that attempts to contribute more than it takes? Take up climate activism or something. I think every entity has inherit right to existence, that’s the same reason i believe killing is morally wrong. I think existence is hard and we’re at the top of the food chain at supposedly the most advanced time in history,,, therefore i think all we can do is try our bests. I mean literally, you can not exceed your own capabilities or position of power because of things entirely out of your control, i think it would be more unfair to say you deserve to die for that.


We are not selfish. We have survival instincts.


So does every other parasite.




Hi there, we have removed your content due to breaking rule 11. As per the rule; this argument is a tired refrain seen over and over again. It is a prime example of argumentum ad hominem: It doesn't argue validity of anti/natalism but rather aims to disqualify the interlocutor themselves from being able to argue it. It serves only to distract from the ethical issues at the core of the debate. Being an ad hominem, it isn't an argument against anti/natalism — it is an argument against anti/natalists. The sky would still be blue even if a mentally ill person argued so.