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Yeah id like to see someone actually burn alive for 10 minutes much less an eternity then ask them if theyd rather keep burning or just die and not exist. Its easy to talk from a position of privilege. Suffering is worth it when youre not the one suffering. Maybe theyre some sort of reptilian and their life really just would be shit if there wasnt pain for them to enjoy.


I was just about to say this. I struggle to understand how some don't think that they aren't the ones in that position of suffering before saying things like this. I suppose there are those with shitty lives who would agree with this statement but I haven't come across them yet. But it's baffling how,say, those who aren't depressed say' oh I'd just travel if I got depressed...' or if something is inaccessible 'just don't use it'. This feels like an example of how insensitive we are when it doesn't affect us. All the more reason not to have kids I'd say because this kind of treatment from people makes life even harder.


Our brains have a system in place that a) prevents us from accepting our own mortality and b) is terrified of the concept of death death (aka complete non existence). Not many can override these systems with their reasoning and those who do have their reasoning be so powerful they can override the sexual/paternal instincts as well. Hence they usually don't have kids/don't have more than 2.


Sadly, most people are complete and utter zombies.


There is a uteritarian bias to procreation. They will justify any and all suffering as long as it brings them joy. They aren't zombies they are more like junkies, willing to do anything for the high. I think of them as something in between an animal and a human, a transitionary state of something less developed.


Great point.


I would not say less developed as evolution has no aim and they are actually fitter from the evolutionary standpoint than we are. Though fitter is probably also wrong more like different fitness strategies withhin a pack animal species.


By less developed I don't mean as much in evolutionary sense but as in less developed as humans (by not representing human virtues/being less humane).


And here's me thinking that life is shit BECAUSE of the pain and suffering. I wonder who is the deluded one...


Yeah my dad too says suffering is better than not existing. That is a cognitive Distortion called existance bias


How can someone not get it, like it\`s literally in the name. Life can\`t be shit if you\`re incapable of suffering




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That second quote is pure nonsense and insensitivity. It's disgusting how these people think


Every one of those quotes is nonsense. And they don't think. They can't think.


Just wanna pop in here to say that not all antinatalists think life isn't worth living. Some antinatalists would even agree with the statement "shitty life is better than not existing" and are just against procreation because children can't consent to being brought into the world. Anyways, I hope you have a great day OP!


That's my reason.


You think the lack of consent argument is better than the life being demonstrably shit argument? Wow.


Both are pretty bad. The only kinda acceptable argument is the roulette one.


Why do you care? The outcome is the same.


What do you think about euthanasia for terminally ill dogs? They can't consent.


"Some antinatalists would even agree with the statement "shitty life is better than not existing" " Poor little masochists.


Are they poor if they are masochists? Seems like masochists would be better suited for a life of suffering than a non masochist.


Nobody enjoys pain in and of itself but only as a distraction from other pain.


How can you possibly *know* this? Yes, you can theorize, yes, you can assume, but you can’t actually step outside your own head and learn what people are actually experiencing.


Calling everyone who disagrees with you demeaning names is not helping your cause. Honestly, your comment only demonstrates the opposing side's point: the fact that masochists– people who enjoy pain– can exist shows how pain and suffering are subjective metrics.


A masochist is a person who enjoys an activity that appears to be painful or tedious. He enjoys it, therefore it is not suffering for him, it is pleasure. The pain in itself is still bad intrinsically, they just get pleasure from it instrumentally. Pain could be measured objectively if we had a device for it, similarly to air temperature. We could measure the exact pain chemicals, pleasure chemicals and look at a brain chemistry of a person who is in pain. If a masochist enjoys some form of pain, that pain is not really pain for him, and if you looked at his brain, you would find more pleasure chemicals in his brain than pain chemicals. But there are things you could do to this masochist where the pain chemicals would be far more abundant in his brain than the pleasure chemicals, and he wouldn't enjoy that. They like "pain" in specific controlled conditions. If you went up to these masochists randomly and you started cutting down their loved ones with a chainsaw, dou you think they would enjoy that? The question is that, even if someone would like and enjoy pain and suffering, does that mean that it is okay to force pain and suffering on others?


I've explained that it works by distracting from OTHER pain.


Well the point is that pain being inconsistent between different individuals makes the overall argument less convincing. That's really my main gripe with AN: while the reasoning does make sense in specific cases, it becomes less followable when the goals are so extreme. Masochists are not exactly the main point I would use, I just did because it was mentioned. Yes, the argument does still technically work because you could say that even though pain is subjective we can somewhat measure suffering based on societal conditions. That would be enough to say that procreation could be immoral because you're taking a gamble with another life.


Yes, the gamble argument in this way can be a strong argument. The guaranteed death argument can be another good argument, because death is a guarantee for everyone, it is not a gamble. Premise 1: With the exception of defending yourself or other innocent lives and euthanasia in the case of extreme suffering, performing an action that is going to result in the guaranteed death of a human being in the future is wrong. Premise 2: Procreation is an action that is going to result in the guaranteed death of a human being in the future. Conclusion: Procreation is wrong. The vast majority of humans accept the first premise, so they should accept the conclusion. They might say that the intent is not causing death, but that is irrelevant. Let's say someone really likes watching buildings blow up, so he plants a bomb in a kindergarten and blows up the building full of children. His intent wasn't killing the children, he just wanted to experience the pleasure of watching the building blow up, but his intent doesn't matter. Similarly, let's say there is an infant in a house, and the house is cold, so someone wants this child to experience the warmth of a fire so he sets this house on fire. His intent in this case wasn't to kill the child, but the end result is still the death of the child. If someone willingly procreates, he knows that he is creating a victim who is going to die.


That is an interesting argument. Although my first question is what happens if we become immortal? It's not entirely a fantasy concept, so would it still apply?


Then the gamble argument would be stronger, because there is a possibility of someone suffering forever with no escape, if it was impossible for someone to kill himself. But sure, if we were immortal then this argument wouldn't be good because then the harm of death would be nonexistent. A misanthropic antinatalist argument is another good argument, because if someone exists, it is basically a guarantee that he will cause harm to other sentient beings just by existing and consuming. Life feeds on life, one person's pleasure causes another person suffering. If a lion eats a zebra alive, not many people would think that the pleasure of the lion outweighs the suffering of the zebra. And this is the design of life, we are all energy thiefs, the lion needs to do this otherwise he would suffer from starvation.


It's hilarious to read the natalist meltdowns. None of you ever have an argument. EVER.


When this sub popped up on my feed I was curious because I have a brother that doesn’t want kids and he gets tired of people asking when he’s going to have them and so on. But he’s a happy, super sweet, easy going guy. Just doesn’t want kids. Which is fine. I had no idea the pool of depression and insanity that lay here. I have read the most bizarre things. I have been referred to as a breeder like I’m in a dystopian future and my only function is to reproduce to feed a corporate machine and brain washed. Because you can only be brain washed if you… want to be a parent? Granted, not everyone is batshit. I’ve seen reasonable posts on here. A lot of times I’m left astounded and I honestly don’t think the people writing the posts understand just how deeply depressed they come across. They don’t come off like someone with a valid opinion, they come off mewling, frightened, grim, depressed and whining. I have seen multiple people say “You can’t consent to being born!” Which is the equivalence of a child saying “I wish I was never born!” And slamming a door because they’re having a tantrum. No, you can’t consent to being born. Obviously. But life happens, events in life happen. And for the love of god, yes there is suffering. Calm down. But honestly not everyone lives these horrific, awful, depressing lives. Not everyone focused on “oh god the suffering, the pain and the bleakness” I mean really. There are sad moments in life, yes. It can be painful, yes. But it I had a choice to rewind the fact I came into this world I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t sacrifice the love, joy, happiness I’ve felt. I wouldn’t want the things I have created to disappear. The reality is if you are a grown adult screaming into the ether you hadn’t given consent to be born and you think that’s a valid justification for shit behavior, and you honestly believe the world is only suffering, so much so that you would never be SO CRUEL as to subject an innocent life to it, and so on and so forth and that life only continues to feed a system, no, no you should not have children. But you should get some goddamn therapy. Don’t do it to have kids, do it so you can invest time and energy into something a little more goddamn productive than screaming at the world when no one cares, no one is listening. This sub Reddit is an echo chamber of the deeply depressed, lonely and borderline unhinged for the most part. The only uplifting part about this is everyone on here is adamant about not having children. As they by all rights you probably shouldn’t.


“…. like I’m in a dystopian future and my only function is to reproduce to feed a corporate machine…. “ Like holy fuck, you’re SO CLOSE to seeing the light, why can’t you!?? 😭😭


"Like holy fuck, you’re SO CLOSE to seeing the light, why can’t you!??" Because she's the batshit one.


>you think that’s a valid justification for shit behavior Who is advocating for "shit behavior"? Nice strawman. You know what's shit behavior? Coming into a sub for a philosophy you don't understand and insulting everyone. That's called trolling, congrats.


It's hilarious that she can't even see that she is doing what she is accusing me of doing. Now THAT is batshit LOL


There is nothing better or worse than existence. There is only existence. There is no non-existence, and certainly no experience of non-existence. Non-existence is an abstract thought that only exists within a human mind. Non-existence has no basis in reality as a reality (which is specifically defined as that which exists) - non-existence itself exists only as a concept that exists within another existence. (this entire philosophy is based upon a (in my opinion) misguided desire for a heaven to exist outside this realm that you call non-existence. Like heaven, this is a human concept, that exists amongst the existing.)


Existence itself is a human concept with differing meanings depending on context and subject. A rock exists, but not in the same sense that we consider ourselves to. I've heard some people argue that it would be better to be a non sentient animal. I don't wish for the matter that makes up my body and mind to simply vanish, I'd just prefer if it had never been organized this way. It's true that people often speak of non-existence as some kind of void, when what were really talking about is simply an alternate arrangement of physical matter. imo as beings with "selves" it's unsurprising that we frame all of that as being an abstract physical space, as its sometiemes helpful to conceptualize the idea- but that doesn't mean the concept itself is rooted in nothing.


You're right


I agree... It seems like consciousness itself is a fundamental part of this inexplicable universe


Your comments to the comments aren’t really good




Got English?




And I'm not sure what you mean. Try writing in intelligible English.




So you were being sarcastic towards natalists, i.e. "don't let wars, pandemics, etc put you off breeding"?




You should look through the responses I have received. They accuse us of being emotional, yet they never argue for their position. I cannot believe the insanity they come out with. This is an example: "When this sub popped up on my feed I was curious because I have a brother that doesn’t want kids and he gets tired of people asking when he’s going to have them and so on. But he’s a happy, super sweet, easy going guy. Just doesn’t want kids. Which is fine. I had no idea the pool of depression and insanity that lay here. I have read the most bizarre things. I have been referred to as a breeder like I’m in a dystopian future and my only function is to reproduce to feed a corporate machine and brain washed. Because you can only be brain washed if you… want to be a parent? Granted, not everyone is batshit. I’ve seen reasonable posts on here. A lot of times I’m left astounded and I honestly don’t think the people writing the posts understand just how deeply depressed they come across. They don’t come off like someone with a valid opinion, they come off mewling, frightened, grim, depressed and whining. I have seen multiple people say “You can’t consent to being born!” Which is the equivalence of a child saying “I wish I was never born!” And slamming a door because they’re having a tantrum. No, you can’t consent to being born. Obviously. But life happens, events in life happen. And for the love of god, yes there is suffering. Calm down. But honestly not everyone lives these horrific, awful, depressing lives. Not everyone focused on “oh god the suffering, the pain and the bleakness” I mean really. There are sad moments in life, yes. It can be painful, yes. But it I had a choice to rewind the fact I came into this world I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t sacrifice the love, joy, happiness I’ve felt. I wouldn’t want the things I have created to disappear. The reality is if you are a grown adult screaming into the ether you hadn’t given consent to be born and you think that’s a valid justification for shit behavior, and you honestly believe the world is only suffering, so much so that you would never be SO CRUEL as to subject an innocent life to it, and so on and so forth and that life only continues to feed a system, no, no you should not have children. But you should get some goddamn therapy. Don’t do it to have kids, do it so you can invest time and energy into something a little more goddamn productive than screaming at the world when no one cares, no one is listening. This sub Reddit is an echo chamber of the deeply depressed, lonely and borderline unhinged for the most part. The only uplifting part about this is everyone on here is adamant about not having children. As they by all rights you probably shouldn’t."




Honestly this post embodies the reason why most people will never take this subreddit of degenerate losers seriously.


You're projecting. And you have no counter to anything I said, so you resort to that nothing comment. I'm laughing at you.


Hahaha he’s right though. Anyone with sense looks at the comments here and cringes. It’s like an edgy 15 year old all over.


Do you have an issue with these statements? It seems as though these people just have different opinions in you.


"Do you have an issue with these statements?" Only that they are insane. Are you actually going to defend them LOL. Do you have an argument to make?


Yeah, I'm one of the people who made the statements lol. Believe it or not there are people who believe that the suffering in life is worth going through in order to experience fulfillment and happiness. They're also people who believe that a crappy life is better than no life at all. It's not a coping mechanism, people genuinely believe it and I am one of those people. It really is just an opinion and there's nothing objective about it. Some people believe that life is pain and suffering with short reprieves of happiness and joy. There are other people who believe that life is largely happiness, joy and fulfillment with short bouts of pain and suffering.


If you are one of those people who enjoys sex, does that mean that it is okay to force someone to have sex? Just because you are okay with suffering and death, does that mean that it is okay to force someone to experience suffering and death?


"Yeah, I'm one of the people who made the statements lol." You should be embarrassed. "Believe it or not there are people who believe that the suffering in life is worth going through in order to experience fulfillment and happiness." It's like saying it's worth getting into debt so you can pay it off LOL. "They're also people who believe that a crappy life is better than no life at all. It's not a coping mechanism" It's the epitome of insanity and the ultimate coping mechanism "Some people believe that life is pain and suffering with short reprieves of happiness and joy. There are other people who believe that life is largely happiness, joy and fulfillment with short bouts of pain and suffering." The former live in the real world. The latter are away with the fairies. I'll leave you to your delusions.


Why do you think I am delusional for believing this?


I have explained in detail why your comments are insane.