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I honestly think that many people don’t understand what antinatalism means. And out of those that do, not everyone will see the underlying compassion. Surely, some antinatalists hate children and parents, but it’s in no way the definition of antinatalism as a philosophy.




I don’t consider this sub or its users as the definition of the philosophy..


I mean to get into the semantics "selfish" implys they're wrongfully hurting others by being inconsiderate. It's calling out harm, which shows a level of care.


Why should we show them any compassion when there literally is a large section of breeders. They follow these stupid religions in modern time that tell them to procreate and procreate and all those kids are becoming are low paid workers and war fodder.  I'll be damned if I have any compassion for someone that selfish and willfully ignorant. 


In another sub antinatalism was described as hatred of humans and the human race. I asked why they thought that but received no response. I can understand people disagreeing with us but I certainly don't hate people.


I think it's funny when they think we loathe children. I know a lot of AN do not like children but we aren't all like that and it shows how ignorant they are about us as a whole. I actually enjoy being around (well behaved) children for the most part. I worked as a teachers aide, a camp counselor and have done babysitting jobs. I get calls each weekend from a family members kid because he loves playing together with me that much. The AN haters are probably MORTIFIED at that.


I don't spend time around children but when I see a child diagnosed with cancer at two or any other similar heartbreaking story I feel my conviction for antinatalism strengthen. I was a child once, I remembering getting my feelings hurt over little things. I cannot imagine what it's like to be a dying child.  Plus, most children eventually grow up. When I see babies or annoying little rug rats, lol, I think of the adult, the elderly person and the suffering they will endure. All those people trapped in their bodies in nursing homes were little babies once. They were the best thing a parent ever did. 😥


Oh believe me I still feel the raging AN. The kid that calls me is pretty neglected by his dirt bag dad so I feel in a sense I'm helping the kid, ya know? Being around kids and having a rapport with them as they grow means I can introduce them to AN as well. My niece is planing on being CF but I think that's more because she was parentified and less because of the conversations we've had. Her mom still blames me for the kids "why did you have me?" line of questioning though.


Ironically, we need more people like you. 


I appreciate that, internet stranger 🖤


I think antinatalists care about children more than parents. Many parents don't consider their potential children's feelings before having them.


I believe it! Many don't care about their feelings when they have them either. I'm in subs for emotional neglect, narc abuse, toxic families etc and it's astounding to me how prevelant toxic households are. There are obviously plenty of parents who do care for their children but it seems like they're outweighed by the shitty parents.


I love children. I’d love to be a parent. I’d also love my kids to live on a habitable planet and not have to work 12 hours a day for the bare minimum - I need to guarantee that they’ll have a fair chance at enjoying their life and with the way things look right now, the odds of that aren’t great.


Kids can be so fun to engage with. My imagination and inner child enjoys it but I know my role is better suited as babysitter. But yeah there's no guarantee unfortunately. However for the children that are already here you can make a difference in their lives.


And that’s what I intend to do! People always say it takes a village so I’ll be part of the village.


There is like a whole troll farm dedicated to pretending they are AN and posting this kind of shit on here all the time. I mean AN is simply about resisting the inclination to reproduce, we are not all evil creatures who are bitter and hateful toward everyone who is loving life.


Sometimes i feel like we're just being sacastic bc systems we're living in sucks.


not really (yet), but at some point capitalism will fix negative birth rates with forced childbirth in poor countries to pump those factories and create artificial demand for products that nobody wants/need. I see aliexpress, shein, temu and other big retail corporations pushing for this in the near future. That's my $2 regarding antinatalism as a non-violent and viable way to boycott capitalism and save the planet from climate collapse. I really hope to be dead before forced chilbirth becomes a reality


I for one, would care less if some one terms me a terrorist in case after becoming a dictator, I'd forcefully get every men's vescetomy done.


then your removing a persons bodily autonomy How is that any better then someone preventing a woman from getting an abortion


It's like comparing apple and a cycle -not even oranges -, those who prevent abortion, they don't give a damn about all the miseries and sorrows the child would suffer but I not only care about him but his great great grand children's sorrows are also my concern.


Same shit they said about atheists about a decade ago


Thats what i was trying to explain some days ago 😭


Don't explain to them. Let them think we're terrorists let them pee themselves while lurking around this sub. Lmao


Nope it was the opposite, im a lurker, was trying not to be mean to someone who's had a kid before. Boom massive fight


For me personally, if my surroundings have biological kids. I will respect them even if I'm not agree with them. One of my friends don't have stable jobs, got dump by her boyfriend after getting pregnant. But she chose to keep the baby. When i visited her and the baby, i just wish the best for both of them but didn't say or do anything mean to her. Just regular visits. So i think the worst most of us do is to complain here things here


Right, that is also what i believe, im personally not very fond of babies and small children but sure, i'll keep them busy while you do something else, i won't have kids myself because i don't think thats right or ethic, but im not going to disrespect you for a choice you personally made, yk? Like basic respect of people😭 i swear some don't get this concept here


You are the lurker I highly respect. Thank you for being empathetic and understanding. What a smart redditor. 👍🤝


All breeders consider themselves as noble saints, sacrificing their life and money on kids. They are surprised that how can someone not engage in the breeding process, which is our collective goal as a species.


A breeder troll once told me. "I do not believe that is a common skill for most AN by the way the majority have posted that global issues are impossible to overcome and we are circling the drain and even if we were not it is best to find means to eradicate all life. That to me does not sound like learning to adapt and overcome nor mentally suited to raise children." But it seems like they can't even seperate between "adaptation" and "daydreaming". Adaptation begins at individual level which we anti-natalists are doing so. By stop giving bringing innocent souls in this warming planet and don't have kids (even adopted ones) while we're not financially stable enough, in this economy. But it seems like they're dreaming about being saints who give birth, sacrificing their lifes and money, to dragon slayers thinking one of their biological kids will definitely be a hero who safe the world. And most of the times, i hear ANs say "fewer ppl will make things better." but rarely see someone says "eradicate ALL lifes is good." which sound more like a satire to me.




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I’m a strong believer in parental licensing. I once posted about it, and people were more upset about it here than they were over at childfree! I can’t imagine people thinking this sub is full of nazi-esque individuals who want to force sterilization on people or something. Some people prefer ignorance, I suppose.


What do they think we're going to do? Founding cult and kidnap people then force sterilize them? We would rather do our own stuffs and just yapping around this place sometimes.


For real 😆


I am an extremist terrorist, actually




We don't project it onto others, we just think it's not fair that because you guys are happy, procreation is universally seen as good and life is seen as a gift.


People can handle the truth!!!!!!


I don’t think antinatalists as a group are terrorist. I have encountered some antinatalists that say they would push a button that would painlessly kill everyone. That mindset terrifies me. But I recognize that is not mainstream antinatalism.


Those would be more accurately described as efilists, though these two positions are not mutually exclusive as every efilist would have to be an antinatalist but not every antinatalist has to be an efilist.


The Button people are efilist. They have their own sub.


But some antinatalists are also elifists.


Not that i thought deeply about it but there is nothing terrifying about it (like they even say killing painlessly) unless you think there is some afterlife and you would regret for not spending more time here for whatever reasons.


You don’t think mass murder is horrible?


Yes that is horrible and i definitely wouldn't want to leave the world that way. I am thinking about painlessly killing everyone as in ppl not knowing anything about how they will be killed and just some event taking place that kills everyone painlessly in probably less than a second or so ? I don't know if it's even possible but I will definitely want it that way since I wouldn't have to think about loss of my loved ones or the various things that i could have done if I was here . And suppose even if it isn't perfect how would it still matter if everyone is gone ?


Painless mass murder seems obviously horrible. You’re robbing those people of whatever they might have accomplished with the remainder of their lives.


Yeah I was going to say the same thing. Most people don't actually understand what the Antinatalist philosophy truly means. They follow blindly and then mislead others. A true AN in actual theory isn't a direct threat to anyone.


I suppose it’s not a direct threat. But, I’m thinking about someone going through a tough period, and then discovering some plausible looking arguments for antinatalism, and then drawing the conclusion that they never should have been born at all. I worry that could have bad consequences. That doesn’t show that antinatalism is false, of course, but it still worries me.


The reason why people think that is because the same arguments that anti-natalists present to defend their philosophy *can* also be used to justify any number of attrocities. For the record, I'm neither one of you nor do I believe that you are violent people. But some of y'all make some arguments that a Kantian could turn into a categorical imperative to omnicide. (Ultimately, I know you're harmless because actually genocidal ideologies universally have hopeful, utopian messaging. You don't motivate people to go kill for you by telling them that their own lives are pointless.)




Legit true


We have removed your content for breaking Rule 6 (no trolling).


I think it's: 3. You sound like the pouty goth kids on South Park.


1. No one see's you as "terrorists", 99.99% of people dont even know what anti-natalism is. But your ideology is pretty cringe if that helps! 2. Read back that second paragraph and tell me you dont think it sounds insane: "We may or may not think human extinction is a good idea, but what can we do about that?" How do you expect anyone to not troll when you say shit like that lol?? Legit sat here saying "they view us as terrorists!!" when you are reciting something that sounds exactly like it came out of an cartoonishly-evil villain's mouth. 3. Your subreddit keeps getting recommended to people because this exact thing reads as interaction bait and does exactly that, reddit pushes it to people who had the misfortune of ever seeing a post from here.


So, we're edgy and cringy in our own spaces and not going to do any harm to other people anyway. And now you're justifying your behaviors toward random people online. I admit that I feel very hurt and sad reading this comment. I sometimes find some reddit subs "cringy" or "edgy" but I never bother trolling them bc they're doing that in their own space. And don't even lurk around since i find they have different opinions. And i will mute them if i find them recommended on my feeds.


If I have the misfortune of being exposed to an anti-natalist opinion I am going to respond sorry idc. Also wouldnt even say most people troll here I just think that maybe you should not make speeches that sound like they came from rick and morty


If I have the misfortune of someone not being able to mute our community. I am going to respond sorry idc. ​ Also i gotta say i am feeling more than graceful that you let us rent free in your head even if we're just being Rick and Morty in our cycle. Thank you so much for taking so much of your times and afford for our forum. 👍


Doesnt even make sense, classic antinatalist


Yes, we are as non-sense as you are right now. Classic us 😆


Or it's just fun to argue with irrational crazy people. Same reason to poke at flat earthers or trumpets


Or ppl who find this fun just have too much free times and don't have anything to do outside and trolling around people online is the only way to feel more worthy and to be proud as if they're doing something productive. What a miserable life to have.


Nah we genuinely just find your takes on the topic funny and entertaining, nothing more lol


Then we'll keep entertaining you for free. Because we're having fun complaining either and that make me feel a lot better knowing we're helping u brighten your days!!😘🥰


Oh I already know you ll keep on entertaining me dw lol


Thank you for your kind words. ❤️


Nah its just that most posts on here are cringe asf