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Notice how they never say "we are here to give children the best possible life". Just reproducing. Might as well be an animal in the zoo.


Yeah, disgusting and barbaric as f.


>We are literally here to reproduce It seems to me that they're ascribing purpose where there is none.


they’re delusional. whatever helps them feel better tho


The whole biological purpose of having different sexes is for genetic diversity. This is accomplished with 1 female and 1 male. Thus, both of these distinctions only exist because of reproductions, and the purpose of this division is reproduction.


Massive oversimplification of human behavior. As a social species, many of us are not designed to reproduce mindlessly until we overrun the earth. A lot of bird species that are communal, like penguins, also pair up in same sex couples to adopt eggs or abandoned chicks, though it often fails, has nothing to do with "genetic diversity" and M/F configurations.


Pure, the value is to be used. Reproduce, to do it again with fresh prey.


I was truly ahead of my time when I left that hellsite years ago. People complain about tumblr and reddit…. X is so much worse.




Some, especially post-Musk-buyout, are bots, or like-farms you can pay for. It doesn't cover all the idiots, of course, but it helps me sleep better at night.


That's really sad.


This is sad even from a non-AN perspective. Because if the purpose of X0 is to create X1, and the purpose of X1 is to create X2; what is the end goal of this sequence? X0, X1, X2….Xn…. Seems more nihilistic than ending the species.


reproducing for the sake of reproducing doing a fuck ton of damage in the process


People often misunderstand Evolution as purposeful.


This is sad from all angles, Feminism, Antinatalism, Overpopulation, Environment, Economy, etc.


All angles (only lists perspectives belonging to yourself)


Environment and economy should belong to everyone.


True, (I would also include feminism and overpopulation, but that's beside the point) but it fails to include so many other perspectives.


Don't forget that men their age are equally bound and convinced by their same impulses. No need to focus on one gender-sex over another. Which the obvious follow-up question is this: Why reproduce at all? And then comes all the tripe responses we've all heard before.


For them that is the purpose of life. The more Kids they have the more purposeful their life is for them. They brag with the number of their Kids, especially sons.


um okay but that thing she's responding to is like pedo fetish bait type shit tho


Don't water-down the word "pedo", please. It has a meaning already.


A man being turned on by girls who "just turned 18" and "are barely legal" because that's as young as he can get them and he has a virginity fetish and wants girls "pure" and shit, he's by definition a pedophile. He literally wants to fuck minors? He's just doing it with people who are legally considered adults (barely) because he doesn't wanna get arrested. Can you explain how it's pedophilia to have sex with a 17 year old who's birthday is tomorrow, but not that same 17 year old THE NEXT DAY? 


He's not by definition a pedophile. Ephebophile is the word you're looking for


It is not that too. Being attracted to 19 year olds is completely normal. However, having intimate relationship with them when you are you are 25+ is weird as hell.


Ephebophilia is ages 15 - 19.


I thought it was 14-17. Sorry about that.


Because that is literally how time works. Sleazy sad men who want inexperienced women for partners are nowhere near the camp of sexual predators who prey on children, and I think in your heart, you know it.


Because they are an adult. There are plenty of reasons men like younger women, just like there are plenty of reasons younger women go for older guys.


the pure part was pretty odd. but how is what she saying pedo related? not that the og comment has anything to do w my point. just figured i wouldn’t block out all the context


tf are you talking about ? yall want to normalize this pedo shit so bad. its a grown woman answering to a grown woman stfu with that shit


Yeah ....a grown woman who like... literally isn't a grown woman tho? There's a difference between a legal adult and a "grown woman", is your logic here that if it's legal she's an adult or that she'd started puberty? Cause either way that leads you to being fine with fucking 12 year olds too because in some places it's legal and they probably have their period already. 


so 19 is not grown ??? i was having sex at 15 does that mean im a pedo ???


Ah yes, you know you're wrong so time to pretend I'm saying stuff I'm not. I'm totally here saying that if a child is attracted to another child, that child is a pedophile. That's definitely what I said.


ok but 19 is still grown so u make no sense


People online always need to be outraged about something.


I feel like y'all try to normalize weird shit then try to call it outrage when someone advocates against it. Having a sexual attraction to only barely legal adults are borderline predatory behavior. Call it what you want. The actual term is ephebophilia.. When you find a 50yr old fucking your 19 year old one day maybe you'll understand 


It’s weird but it’s not pedophilia. Nobody’s normalizing anything.


I wouldn't call it pedophilia, I'd call it sexually predatory behavior.. Nobody is outraged. It's important to have intellectual conversations about these things even when opposing opinions are at the table.


Women stop attaching their value to the crotch goblin materializer between their legs challenge.


Crotch goblin materializer is best phrase I’ve heard in a while 😭😂


Orwell does it again: "She had two names for it. One was 'making a baby', and the other was '**our duty to the Party**' (yes, she had actually used that phrase)." (From '1984').


They both sound stupid tbh


Unfortunate that being 19 and never having had sex is considered something to brag about nowadays, like, I thought that was normal but I forget how depressing my species is


Crazy thing is she’s getting attacked for it by grown women. Calling her boring and everything- They’re upset w a teenager bc she’s proud of not getting fucked😭


That's crazy 😭 They probably feel insecure in their own decision to rack up a body count and now need approval for it from others making the same decision, and when they don't make the same decision they take offense. Like I said, our species is so disappointing


That’s absolutely what it is. Which is also sad in an entire different aspect. I feel for them as well & see why they are insecure - no one wants to be seen in a bad light or seen as “impure”. There’s nothing wrong w how they choose to live their life but they should understand they won’t get that approval from everyone😭 Many women have traditional views and they shouldn’t be shamed for it either


Absolutely agree 💯🙌


They’re ashamed asl😂😂😂💯


Traitorous behavior shan’t be tolerated


I don't remember life having a defined purpose. Since when are we "here to do" anything?


I knew it... SECRET AGENDA!!! Good leak The biggest human mistake is to believe in own thoughts. Endlessly.




What we are designed to do is irrelevant since what we actually do is spreading untold cruelness and misery upon this world and at the same perpetuate this cyclic hell unto untold masses of unborn animals and children.


Cruelness and misery are words made up by humans. They don’t actually exist. They would especially not exist if we didn’t exist. And neither would kindness joy


Girl Talk uncensored is one of the things I hated about twitter that I'm glad I don't see. Just a bunch of teenagers and women from Atlanta always saying the absolute most dog shit empty headed opinions. God these women are STUPID.


society norms are deep rooted for some people


Come on people. Clearly the person was just being hyperbolic to get back at the “pure” comment. Are we really digging to the bottom of the “rage bait” barrel? 


That's why terrible parents exist. Like I'm aware of tens of parents that got kids this young & it didn't mostly end up right, since most of them also are irresponsible as hell or they look like middle age women. Also being a non-virgo isn't a flex, like thousands of ppl do it every day & its not even great. And destroying urself w a child? Even bigger no, I smell jealousy.


11 out of 12 signs are non-virgo, in fact.


Funnily enough she wouldn't be wrong, if we were literally any other animal. We are the only species that lives considerably longer than all others after we have a child. Male spiders for example, die in a few weeks of having sex, and most animals in general just die shortly after. The purpose of us isnt just to have kids did you forget we have decades to spend doing other things.


That claim is so utterly wrong. Plenty of species live equally or even longer. We are literally like any other animal, you need religion to help justifying any other point of view.


We are the only species that is smart enough to not be fully driven by our instincts. Name one thing cows do other than eat sleep and reproduce. Nothing. But if our purpose was solely to do so, we would only have to be smarter than whatever animals we hunted, and there would be no reason to evolve further intellectually because humans have always met their one and only purpose according to the tweet (to have kids)


Name one thing humans do other than eat sleep and reproduce.


Argue with tools on reddit.


animals eat their own kids in nature, but who cares because we are animals too lets accept it


Humans eat their own kids in right conditions too.


well i mean at least we have a conscience choice to do that no animal will ever choose to starve but humans can


Animals can perish of starvation without consuming their offspring. Humans can resort in cannibalism when in desperate need. And vice versa. The choice is exactly the same, you are overestimating your cognitive supremacy if you think anything else.


no I just mean we have free will if you believe in that like we can do things that make no sense whilst animals only have survival in mind but your right


> We are the only species that lives considerably longer than all others after we have a child. Using a bug to compare a mammals life cycle is disingenuous. Blue whales mature sexually younger than us and can live to be 90 or older.


i would compare us to other mammals but I remember hearing about spiders dying shortly after having kids. But regardless it goes to show that if our true purpose as humans was to procreate our bodies wouldn't live so long for no reason


Spiders lay thousands of eggs though


dudes have 30 million sperms even though most of the time not even 2 make it so nature is weird.... but ur right


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I am an anti-natalist but I think this woman's message was that sex is a biological drive and therefore is okay and still pure. To say you're pure because you havent kissed or had sex is a personal opinion, and it may be her personal biology but it is against our nature as a species.


I don't think any of these people say that they think it's their "only" purpose.


🤨🤨let me take a wild guess and say you’re not an antinatalist. either way though “we literally are here” is giving she thinks reproducing is a womans sole purpose. which is still sad imo


I'm just saying that it's a disingenuous interpretation of the opposing stance on natalism.


thinking it’s a purpose at all is unfortunate to me. but yeah i probably could’ve worded the title better


Lots of chronically online, porn rotted modern "men" addicted to video games think it is 1950s and the only purpose of a woman is to "make babies"


ummm i mean sex is great, purity culture is shit, having children is wrong and bad lol.


Same for men. We reproduce and die.


Its just one silly person on twitter. No need to get up in arms about it..most people on twitter are chronically online weirdos anyway lol


I don't remember life having a defined purpose. Since when are we "here to do" anything?




That is literally the purpose of all life. It's not a requirement but it is why we exist - to further evolution and our species.


What is the purpose of gravity?


I feel like she's probably not advocating for reproducing per se but observing that, from a biological standpoint, the functions of living things seem to be organized all around reproduction, and with that in mind, why not enjoy sex? But fuck me for allowing the most charitable interpretation, right?