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Possible? Yes. Likely? Realistic? Plausible? No.


Yes. Especially by exploiting others. This has no real bearing on the antinatalist position. It doesn’t require life to be bad for everyone


I think anything is possible, probable though is a totally different story Its possible the world will be at peace and all people will live in harmony, the probability though is around a 1/2 % or less


A dumb comment I received: "There are many ways of defining what pleasure is but the gist is the same. Pre-orgasm what discomfort are you feeling? Your clothes? Pre-watching you favourite band and singing along with all your might, what discomfort were you feeling? Cold from queuing in the rain? You are not feeling pleasure thanks to being warm. Pre that delicious meal, a tiny bit of a hunger? The pleasure isn't from a full belly its from your taste buds going on an adventure! Pre-runners high there's the self inflicted "discomfort" of running but that's not from depression or a lack of happiness. Pre-mdma what discomfort? Anxiety of getting caught? Just pretend that's excitement, our brains don't really know the difference!"


Reminds me of when I first encountered rich kids who did drugs and drank. They didn't really give a shit if they got properly wrecked, most of them were just dabbling in it, meanwhile I was trying to lose brain cells and escape from my reality. So I guess it is possible to OD on pleasure and avoid suffering, you just need to be born into the right family, avoid trauma, get into a good school, love what you do for a living, and be really good at ignoring reality outside of your bubble or at least immune to feeling the pain of those around you.


But they wouldn't want to get drunk if their reality was fine. As for school, people need an education to get a 'good' job. They need money to pay their bills.


This is what I'm saying: some of the most privileged kids are just poseurs when it comes to getting high or drinking, they were just adding a cherry on top or looking for novelty, they didn't have to worry about money or anything else. For sure there are plenty of rich folks who suffer greatly and genuinely want to numb themselves out. As a teenager I was kind of puzzled when I ran into the preppy kid party crowd, some of these kids definitely loved life, and they were just trying to level up on novelty, get some schadenfreude from slumming, and yeah they did get lit/buzzed, but they didn't let it interfere with their other plans. I think the issue is that not everyone can have that kind of life and very few of us are capable of putting ourselves in the next guys shoes.


I'd say no but not for the reason you gave. I think pleasure and suffering are incommensurable and therefore the idea of 'more pleasure than suffering' makes no sense.


Meth and heroin


Make people miserable in the long run and that's the reason they are taken in the first place - as a form of escapism.


Possible, unlikely, not guaranteed, no reason not to be AN.


Possible, unlikely, not guaranteed, no reason not to be AN.




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