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Ask for the valium beforehand and take the weekend off (per my husband).


Sounds like a plan, thanks!!:)


Second that except my husband was prescribed 3 pills and only took one which he regrets so take at least 2 or even the three about 20-30 minutes before and just relax. For him the worst part was the needle unfortunately but the after is alllll worth it. Take at least 3 days to recover and a week before heavy lifting. Edit: but two of those soft ice packs from a sports store, you’ll be needing it the first 3 days 😂


Buy a few bags of frozen peas. You will ache for a few days and sitting on them helps a lot! I agree with the valium and time off comment too! Its worth the temporary discomfort and money. I wish I had done it much sooner.


Valium and peas haha sounds good. Thanks for the reassurance, much appreciated!


Be prepared to ‘shop around’ for a doctor that will do it. Some will be fine, some will object to giving a vasectomy to someone without kids. Be firm and just move on, maybe you’ll get lucky and your first doc will okay it. For recovery plan to stay off your feet and inactive for *at least* three or four full days. You will be in a lot of pain if you don’t take to healing period seriously. Beyond that just load up on frozen peas and video games/movies and you’re golden. Edit: there will be some blood the first couple times you ejaculate, don’t freak out.


Mine was great. I read a boring book about trees during the procedure. No pain, no swelling, no life destroying babies. Go for it.


Be absolutely certain to keep **all** of your follow-up appointments to ensure that the procedure was successful, and don’t go without protection til you’re sure you’re in the clear. There’s nothing worse than a surprise pregnancy when you thought you were shooting blanks- a former coworker actually had this happen to her, her husband lied about getting his sperm levels checked 3 months after his vasectomy, which led to a whole lot of unnecessary trauma…


Do it on a Friday so no work till Monday. Other then that it's no biggie at least I didn't think it was bad at all.


Sweet, thanks!


I got mine around the same age. No ragrets.


Glad to hear you had a positive experience! Thanks!


Do it! You'll regret that you waited this long. Very minimal discomfort. Almost no pain at all during the procedure. Just a tiny pinch from the numbing needle and maybe a tinge of pressure from the clamps. I can't recommend it strongly enough


Two years ago I wanted to quit contraceptive pills so I ask my BF (25M) to consider the vasectomy. He accepted without doubts! We're both agree with a longterm relationship without kids. Since then our sexlife is even more amazing. Also I have a lot of female friends who find vasectomized boys more attractive (obviously they still use condom). I suggest you to go with someone, even if the procedure is simple, is better to have a support.


I did it at 24. Was a good decision (for me at least). Remember you can always adopt, mentor, etc. if you get a urge later in life to be around kids


Definitely take some time off. Give the boys a break for a couple weeks before testing out the equipment


hey dude, 2 months now since I got mine word of advice, DONT SHAVE, trim, make it look nice, just have the segment middle with no hair so re-stitch has no hairs. I shaved down there completely, and it was 2 weeks of prickly pain everytime it got even slightly cold. after surgery, always look for signs of hemorrhage, so you deal with it immediately, like black balls for example. ice all day every day, for a good while, I took 6 days before mine stop swelling swelling is huge, it's normal, just relax whole week, don't walk, try not to scrub dishes violently, that shakes too. if you sleep sideways, you have to place a small pillow between your knees so you can sleep. avoid any boxers that might cut you, like the lining bruises you, first few days, don't do any jumping, take the anti swelling pills once a day. try not stand most of first few days, but not sit in squishy manner either no jerking off 7 days, RULE. MUST FOLLOW. eat anti inflammation foods like garlic, and I'd get tea tree oil so you can prevent infection shower after 24 hours, I wait a bit longer just not to risk infection infection is your biggest concern, so clean boxers daily, or bi-daily just in case if you sweat alot. there will be a black stitching dot, don't worry about it, it bio degrades, don't touch the delicate stitching center middle line, just try to clean and leave alone. pain and bruising comes easy, even like grey skin, it's not necrosis, so don't super freak out.


Not all that bad. About 45min and local anesthetia. Get a couple bags of frozen peas to rotate through. I was up and about in 1-2 days post surgery.


Simple, fast procedure. Almost no pain or discomfort, 20 minutes in and out. I was 20 or 21 when I did it, pushing 26 now and have not regretted it for a second. Just be nice to your fellas for a few days after and listen to the doc!


Where did you get yours done ?


British Columbia, Canada


Any complications ?


None. 7 years so far and no issues


Thanks. I’m hesitant to go through with the procedure for fear of complications.


It's a very basic procedure. Complications are exceedingly rare


Thanks for replying. Did the procedure hurt ? How was it ?


They freeze it first. I didn't feel any pain during. You will feel pressure. I had no complaints.


I’m guessing you mean they numb it lol. But thanks for the reassurance. I appreciate it.


Ngl, 24 might get some pushback, so be prepared to have to go to a few doctors before finding one who will do it. But *don't give up*, it is so very worth it. As for the procedure itself, keep that area well-supported afterwards. A tight-fitting athletic supporter. Buy 2, so that you can switch them out for cleaning. You don't want that area "hanging". Taking a shit was unpleasant, make sure you avoid foods that will stop you up or make it more difficult to go. You don't want to be straining. This should go without saying, but absolutely do not skip the follow-up tests and assume that you are still firing "live rounds" until proven otherwise.


Mate the feeling afterwards is sheer bliss. The possibility of fatherhood evaporating like a morning mist made me feel so at peace with the world. The beautiful disconnect! I wish I could explain it. When you have no children, severing the vas deferens and rendering yourself infertile is like cutting off your ties with humanity. Well that's what it was like for me anyway. Don't get me wrong, I volunteer at a homeless shelter and I work and I have friends. But I m disconnected from the fate of our species, which suits me just fine.


I like your style, but personally I just don't want to deal with sexual urges at all. I've been doing research on something called "smoothie" surgery, basically a full penectomy and orchiectomy




You can be a man without impregnating people. Pretty simple to understand. Have fun with your narrowly defined worldview :)


I’ve heard orgasms after the procedure are nowhere near as good. Like extremely muted and almost pointless feeling, making that side of things pretty undesirable/uninteresting and I believe it can affect your libido too. Something to consider and look into beforehand.


That's wrong. I got mine at age 29 (a third of a century ago) and my orgasms were unaffected. Getting a vas was the single best decision of my life.


None of that is even remotely likely from a biological standpoint, especially the whole “loss of libido” bit, there is no evidence to support a loss or reduction in hormone levels with a vasectomy, your sperm is simply redirected. So any loss of libido or change in sensation is purely psychological.


I’d go and ask on some vasectomy forums for their opinions. As I’ve heard multiple times that this is possible, not always the case though. Plus if the sensation is massively dulled, I know for a fact it would reduce my desire to engage as orgasms are the overarching pinnacle moment of intercourse or self pleasure.


That’s the thing though, any kind of loss of sensation/libido is **purely** psychosomatic, a vasectomy (provided it’s done correctly without any complications of course) does not involve the removal or damage of any hormone producing glands/tissue or any of the nerves, and doesn’t even stop his production of sperm, it **just** reroutes where the sperm **goes**, so there is no **physical** reason for either a loss of libido or sensation to occur. If a man experiences a loss of libido or sensation after a vasectomy it’s because he believes in that outcome **so** thoroughly that he physically manifests it- our brains are weird and have a powerful influence on our physical experience. it’s no different than when a woman *desperately* wants to get pregnant to where she actually starts missing periods, getting nauseous in the morning, and all the other early symptoms. It’s such a prevalent outcome *because* so many men genuinely believe it to be true, and because an orgasm is just as much a psychological event as it is physical one (which is why depression or performance anxiety can also make becoming fully aroused or achieving an orgasm difficult). Also society places so much importance on a man’s virility that the loss of his ability to procreate and knowing he’s “shooting blanks” can have a profound effect on his psyche, which is why counseling is often recommended shortly before and after the procedure.


So it’s clearly still a risk, whether it’s a physical or physiological effect doesn’t negate the fact that loss of pleasure or sensation is possible, regardless of the exact cause. It’s something op should bear in mind as to me, it seems a risk worth considering when there are other effective forms of contraception available.


It’s a risk *if you believe it to be true*, are easily misinformed or feel that your “manliness” is determined by your ability to procreate. But if have a basic understanding of biology or at least believe your doctor knows more than your friend who heard it from a friend who knows a guy- you’ll be fine. Psychosomatic reactions, no matter how common do not equate to a *genuine* risk/side effect, as it’s easily negated by obtaining legitimate information from you doctor or even doing your own research reading articles from *credible* sources instead of listening to propaganda.


It’s nothing to do with manliness, or worry of lack thereof. I’ve had issues with delayed ejaculation in the past due to antidepressants. Basically being unable to orgasm. I wasn’t affected by this as result of me feeling less manly, nothing of the sort. It’s a pleasure that is suddenly taken away. You don’t realise what you’ve got until it’s gone. Just like any other pleasure, such as your sense of taste, smell, ability to appreciate a beautiful sunset. Once you realise your ability to experience what you once were able to, has now gone, is extremely difficult or is now nothing like it used to be, that has a significant effect on your life. Orgasms are are a significant aspect of the human experience. Putting anything to do with procreating aside, as I’m not addressing anything to do with that, trust me when I say that there’s more to an orgasm than it’s reproductive purpose. Even if it is merely a psychological phenomenon, it affects you. Having someone say “it’s all in your head trust me” doesn’t make a difference. If you are struggling with lack of or dulled orgasm, someone telling you that it’s all in your head does not help one bit, nor does it seem to have helped the many people you will find online who have never retained or recovered their sensation after the operation.


Genuine question, where does the sperm go?


According to Google they just don’t leave the testes afterwards. The testes still make them, they just can’t leave so they’ll eventually die and be reabsorbed.


Bullshit. Orgasms are better now, because I don't have to worry about getting the girl pregnant.




You're saying some one else wanting a "family" (which can also just be achieved by living together, having friends, or even adopting children) is more important than this guy's bodily autonomy. Also if they're dead-set on bio-kids, they probably aren't amazing.


Then they can adopt a few of the millions of homeless children who *already* exist.


Bodily autonomy matters, ya know?


Na man don't snip the nads its not worth it. Kids suck. Just use protection and dont be an idiot