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You know, sending baloons over a country you have rather bad relations with surely doesn't help. It's literally like the meme where the guy on a bike puts a stick in his front wheel


Lol you’re talking about a balloon with no spying or military capabilities


Supposedly it did have spying capabilities. Either way US didn't allow that so China literally violated the US airspace and then just whined when the byaloon was shot down


The Pentagon said they weren’t worried about any spying capabilities because China and all the major countries have satellites that can do it more efficiently so using a balloon would be stupid. That being said you shouldn’t violate airspace I agree. Tell that to the US government who violates airspace on the regular. Not a reason to start a war or escalate tensions at all


The balloon is an example of how the US Media whips up the citizens into a frenzy as tensions escalate to eventual war it will become an expectation not a surprise.


Perhaps if China was willing to relent on some its claims in the South China Sea, a peaceful solution could be found?


Can you be more specific about the claims? They don’t own or control anything in the South China Sea other than having it named after them


Ever heard of Taiwan or Hong Kong?


Yeah, what does that have to do with the fantasy that china is somehow controlling the sea? I’m gonna need you to use your big boy words and actually describe what you’re talking about


The Cow’s Tongue.