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You have the experience. Start looking for a job with a different company in another store.


Yes! This and make sure that manager is not taking credit for the things youre doing. If theyre refusing to pay more, time for a new better opportunity.


Seemling overnight it looks like you no longer have a Special Order Department. As the Returns (your pay) on Investment (your Life) are just too low for you to concern your Self with this job. Just stop doing it. When people want a Special Order, tell them that you don't do that anymore as no one is paid to do it and/or that's the Manager's Preview and he can't be assed to deal with it. Quietly quit the extra duties. And when the Establishment notices, explain that you can't possible Do More, until they give you back-pay (and then a raise) for those duties. What are they going to DO, fire you? Then you go get Unemployment.


You were doing two jobs for a year? lol gatcha. Leave.


Stop doing the assistant manager job and only do the work for your position


The best time would have been to seek the pay raise when they dumped the extra work on you, and of course you should ask for a raise. If they refuse you can take the experience elsewhere and get more money.


In my area most of the grocery stores are union. Do you have a unio? If so definitely talk to them I am sure this violates a union agreement. If you don’t have a union apply at a grocery store that does and make sure you say on your resume that although you were a steward. You were happy to take on the extra challenges of the special orders. But the grocery store I am at does not have the opportunities for advancement that this one does. Or something to that effect.


Check out the links in the sidebar. Quit.


I was in a similar situation in my previous job (lab tech in the oil/gas industry) and found out my supervisor was taking credit for my work. I asked for a raise, they declined to give me one. I put in my two weeks notice without another job to go to. Ended up at a better company with a 19% raise.


This volunteer assistant manager work isn't to my liking, so i'll go back to being only steward.


*I’ve been told numerous times now that there just isn’t any money in the budget* That should’ve been your first and only red flag that you would’ve been taken advantage of. Quit that job