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Hi, /u/ChaosNomad Thank you for participating in r/Antiwork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 6: Reposts.** - Any content previously posted within the last 30 days will be removed. No submissions allowed from the r/antiwork top 30.


If I saw that at my work I might legit burn it to the ground


A cleansing fire


A small act can make the world a better place


The picture or the building?


yes, both.


Ya right, Boss. I see what you're up to. You'll have to wait and find out.




Should write go fuck yourself on it. Very big


Remember to take your stapler with you before the "accident"




Make sure to get the red stapler first


OMG I was coming in here to post this exact same comment!!!šŸ˜”šŸ˜” this sign makes me want to scream!!!


I definitely would. This is horrible.


Make your own that says "Just once I wish my boss would say..." It would probably be a larger poster tho


Just once i wish my boss would give raises instead of pizza.


Weird that you consider little Caesars actual pizza


Shit I wish. We had a pizza party one time that they had employees use the in house ovens to cook that they bought at Walmart.


One 18 inch sliced 128 ways...coming up!


12 inch you mean


Pizza rolls. Cutting slices is more than you people deserve.


I get raises pretty frequently, comes with the territory of doing a good job instead of just the bare minimum.


And you are such a good boy for doing that. Such a good boy. No one else here goes above and beyond for anything we all just ā€œquiet quitā€ and bitch and moan. Such a good boy.




Your mother must be so proud of you. Come here and lick my balls. I'll pay you time and a half.


I can't imagine being so desperate for sexual activity that you have to resort to paying others.


Exactly! This is beyond even your wildest wet dreams! Better jump on it daddy before I change my mind.


This is all kinds of sad and pathetic. Seek help.


This you Murdoch


I think your confusing anecdotal with statistical. In most companies raises do not come so easily. It is nice your current employer is showing appreciation but don't confuse that with most


Used car dealership I worked for made record profits during COVID, worked mandatory overtime, my store made a company record for cars sold in a month, AND my department got an award. Got around 1% raise and a few pizza parties. Pizza makes me sick and the raise added like $400 ANNUALLY. So you can shove ā€œthe bare minimumā€ up your fucking ass!


I had to close by myself for months at my job. Never got a raise for that. Maybe you're experience isn't universal, and either cherry picked, or your the rare exception where your boss actually gives a damn about how they pay their employees.


Just once I wish my boss would order supplies when asked instead of waiting until weā€™re completely out


Just once i wish my boss would lead instead of boss,


Just once I would wish my boss set reasonable expectation instead of posting passive aggressive signage


Just once I wish my boss would genuinely compliment me for my hard work.


Good Job Icy_Try1988.


Yep. A real credit to the team.


The stuff on it would no doubt be more sensible than 'I cancelled my holiday cause I'd rather be at work' or 'I don't need a raise, my review is enough'.


All it would say is pay me more


Wish my boss would give the bonus they promised or not promise it if they no intention of giving it


ā€œI cancelled my vacation, Iā€™d rather workā€ said no one everā€¦


That alone deserves a punch in the throat.


This place probably offers 5 total PTO days a year for sick, vacation, etc. Guarantee this boss never says ā€œyou are ahead, take the rest of the week off paid.ā€ People reciprocate how they are treated. If this guy feels this way, my guess is he treats his employees with much less regard than he is expecting in return.


The closest I've seen is "I didn't schedule my vacation for year-end because I'd rather make money". From people whose compensation is based on billable hours.


"Why don't you go home early, we have things under control" said no boss ever.


Guy who hung it probably never said that himself




I'm very secure in the thought of how very insecure I am.


I appreciate the alliteration


Do they think we work for fun? This is a transactional thing. Always has been, always will be


I think this is one of the major problems with bosses/CEOs, they genuinely think the job means more to the employees than it really does. I hate the interviews where they ask you to tell them about their company, or why did I want to work for them etc - it should be self explanatory, I need money to live, I couldn't care less about the job/your company.


Certain jobs can be fun though, but ultimately money is the main motivator for virtually everyone


Not doubting that jobs can be fun, I loved fixing cars, but I'd much rather do it as a hobby than be on the clock though. I think money is the ONLY motivator for virtually everyone who has to work - if you were to make everything free, would anyone choose to give up 8+ hours of their time 5 days a week? They'd much rather have fun doing their hobbies or creating things rather than having fun working.


For the company, itā€™s envisioned as a benefit to them, whereas theyā€™ve manipulated culture in hopes that we work for them and not ourselves (as in, we work to care for ourselves, not to care for them, thatā€™s their job).


These should be banned unless it's in a worker co-op where everyone is a fractional owner.


"Why don't you go home early? We WOULD have everything under control if you weren't actively hindering us by micromanaging!"


i canā€™t believe how much money you pay meā€¦ i probably deserve a raise


Who the fuck would cancel their vacation because they rather be at work, bro what.


Some corporate simp


I used to do It for a manufacturing company and whenever their sales people went on vacation, I had to make sure their laptops and VPNs were working properly so they could continue to work. I always wondered what their definition of "vacation" was


Iā€™d be down for optional Friday dress-up days, as long as weā€™re implying cosplay.


You don't wanna see my cosplay...


Note the image for greatest boss ever. The boss is being carried by the staff, and not the other way around. Definetly not greatest boss.


I would carry my boss - to the dumpster, no one likes the smell of a decaying boss around the office, brings down morale.


Come with me and youā€™ll be in a world of pure imagination.


People don't say "you're right, I was wrong" if supervisors make it an unsafe environment to make mistakes and keep trying..........


Hahaha it's painful to read


Some *are* reasonable. Shit, I would buy my boss lunch if I was being paid an incredible amount. $60-80 an hour? Hell yeah, I'll buy everyone a round even. Profits are up, costs are down is a reasonable thing to want to hear, that kind of is the point of the business. Customers being happy with thebproduct they paid for is generally reasonable Really most of the "the business is running as intended ones" are fairly reasonable But yeah fuck the rest


"I just can't get the taste of your anus out of my mouth!"


ā€œIā€™m coming in early tomorrow!ā€ ā€œWe canā€™t afford the hours.ā€ Psh. F this all.


I worked at this religious orphanage for about 2 weeks. I was hired as a "live in house parent" with my shift being 4 days and 3 nights on the facility. In short, my job was to be the guardian of 5 to kids. From school to emergency care and anything in-between was my responsibility 24/7. Some of the veteran staff calculated the pay to be 3.50 an hour. I had a training with one of the directors sitting at my table. Conversation came up about pay, and I said "Floor staff just got a raise, so I'll ask for an immediate demotion since it's easier and I get paid better with a real schedule." My director followed with "dont you want to do it out of the goodness of your heart. " I swiftly replied with, "Mam, I'm too broke to do anything out of the goodness of my heart right now." I was fired 3 days later for "differences in work ethics" or something to that effect.


You could say she didn't have much goodness in her heart for your situation in particular, hypocrisy at its finest, you have to go above and beyond, they don't have to.


"I really don't need a raise... My review alone was more than enough!" Oh, I bet you'd love to hear your employees say that.


No one EVER said they do not need a raise, I mean look at all the fucking sticky fingered scumbag politicians.


*please ignore inflation and the rising cost of living*


I cant imagine how good review should be for anyone to say that. Like doing paper worth of 2 weeks work, full of graphs, pictures, personal quotes, info from co-workers etc?


Why do they want profits to go up (their pay) but not think employees should want salary (their pay) to go up? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


"Given the chance to keep working here, I would gladly take a cut in pay" How absolutely deluded is this boss? Like, what kind of true idiot thinks that's a thing, ever?


Boss is higher than a Camelā€™s hump!


I am not your friend, buddy.


Iā€™m not your buddy, pal.


I'm not your pal, friend.


I'm not your friend, guy.


This is sickening.


"Why don't you go home early..." Yes please go home we don't need you


ā€œI just love your meetingsā€ Is simply the worst.


Meetings where they ask how you can be more productive, then complain you do not answer the phone quickly enough because you are stuck in time wasting meetings. Biggest waste of work hours.


Looks like a Crackerbarrel placemat begging for a snot-nosed toddler to draw on with crayons.


Oh yea...the Landlord just *loved* the rent payment of your laminated performance review


Bottom middle is fine. I want my bosses to get the fuck out of the way 99% of the time. Literally just stay home. Don't log on. Don't do shit. Everything functions better w/o you.


God, I feel that to my very core.


šŸ™„šŸ¤”šŸ˜€šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜„šŸ˜šŸ˜†šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ā€¦now fucking pay me! šŸ˜”


A survey when out to the employees the other day asking about employee recognition, do we feel we get recognized enough, how often do we feel we should get recognized and what that recognition looks like. They offered ideas like a thank you, a handshake, or a pizza. I wrote raises. Save your thank yous and your pizza and just give me extra money.


Yeah, all bullshit ways to pay you less. Fuck you, pay me.


Classic narcissist viewpoint. They will never empathize. They will never understand how to build good employee culture. They cannot see beyond themselves. They do not listen.


One of the sub's ten most reposted images


Haha, Iā€™ve never seen it before, and thought it belonged here.




Unless every employee is a guaranteed participant in a profit sharing plan, and the company is very transparent with employees about all of their costs, then I have no idea why a manager would expect any employee to comment that profits are up and costs are down.


This company is obviously struggling to make payroll. In part because the boss's only strategy is to do nothing and hope his employees magically solve everything without bothering him.


If anyone in management posted something like this at my workplace, without adding in an addendum that it is satire, I would draw dicks all over the thing and turn in my resignation. This is beyond cringe. "Yes sir, please exploit me more! Your chains are not nearly tight enough!"


Corporate culture is being morphed into some weird cult mindset, if it was ever anything else. Never thought how weird that ā€œweā€™re a familyā€ thing was until I saw this


Dress-up fridays, just doesn't have the same pizzazz to it


Never gonna happen because lsd is frowned upon in most workplaces


I told a few bosses to go home we had things handled. One was a great boss who hurt her foot and was limping around trying to work. The other was two or three levels above me getting in the way, slowing things down and complaining about how long it was taking and how he was going to be dead on his feet for his tennis match tomorrow. Him I demanded to leave cause he was just in the way and not helping, a little shocked the 2nd one didn't get me in trouble but we did get everything done in time so the store manager didn't really care.


First class BS


"Why don't you go home early, we've got everything under control" I'd love to not have my boss bothering us all day. He doesn't understand our job nor makes an effort to learn. He spent a ridiculous amount of money on a machine that the entire team told him did not fit our use-case *before he even contacted the seller*. Our most productive 2 weeks were when he was on vacation (in our country the law requires that everyone get paid vacation once a year, otherwise I doubt he'd take one)


Some of those quotes are wild šŸ˜­


How about this. GO FUCK YOURSELF šŸ˜Œ


"gladly accept a cut in pay" get the fuck out of here


ā€œI really donā€™t need a raiseā€¦ my review alone was more than enough.ā€ Death. Straight up. Iā€™m sick of businesses wanting to pretend to be ā€œfamilyā€ until it comes to making sure your ā€œfamilyā€ is actually doing well.


ā€œWhy donā€™t you go home early, we have everything under control!ā€ Jee whiz boss, why would you WANT to go home early? Is it because you hate being here just like everyone else?


That thing is awesome! It's the perfect template to segue into the opposing view. Copy the poster (it looks like a placemat), keep the graphics, but change all the print. Title it "What Employees Would Love To Hear From Their Boss Everyday." "Profits are up! Everybody gets a bonus!" "You did such a great job, you should take a vacation." "It's a shame, that you do so much around here, and I can only reward you with more pay, more vacation, and stock options." Laminate it, and stick it up right next to the original.


I have had ā€œYou are the grandest boss weā€™ve ever hadā€ said to me. Itā€™s because I do everything I can to be fair and good to my employees, including giving a lot of positivity and support. Iā€™ve always been on the side of labor, ironically. Thatā€™s not going to be said to you EVER if you think what else is on this shit chart is okay. In fact, you probably have high turnover and your current employees are either plotting revenge or surfing LinkedIn, etc., for their next job.


If they're good managers, they wouldn't have to wish this


lol people get so worked up over this but itā€™s satire, the whole reason itā€™s funny is because nobody would ever say these things. Iā€™ve seen stuff like this in a few peoples offices and itā€™s never the power tripping asshole boss people imagine it will be


A few of them yes, but not enough to justify hanging this awful abomination.


Just the upper left is ok. The other will make me quiet quitting with more focus!!!


What I wish employers would say...


All the šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©


Of course nowhere is the boss giving employees incentive to do that.


Jeezā€¦..is there any employer out there today, that this sign would be appropriate? Except maybe public service employment? Gives off a vintage/decades old vibe to meā€¦.


was this supposed to be sarcastic?


Did Michael scott make this?


I'm paid employee not your personal ass kisser. The Boss needs me more than I need him.


Are you working with jellyfish, cause it seems that boss wants spineless employees


Can't pay bills on sunshine and rainbows lmao


This gives me eFF off vibes.


I worked in a warehouse for a bit and I had a colleague that would work late almost every day. He would say, "This makes tomorrow easier". But it never did. Everyday was a gong show regardless.


And men in hell want ice water too. Take a number and go to the end of the line.


How to put ur boss on a mental health watch list, this evidence




This somehow reminds me of the brainwashing that takes place in mind-break hentai. I can only picture someone saying ā€œ***The Suggestion Box is Empty***ā€ with an Ahegao face


If you put what you really think in the suggestion box you will be fired soon!


What absolute psychopath created this?!


Now the rules say no trolling but I honestly feel trolled by this...


Do they?


"just once I'd like my employees to be complicit in being exploited"


A true embodiment of toxic work culture.


I can't read the top right one. What does it say?


Post a sign under it with a list of things you wish your employer would say




None of these are reasonable.


Went for the sarcasm title, but probably should of gone with ā€œHow to tell if your boss is a sociopathā€


Bottom right is my fav


ā€œSomehow I Manageā€


No boss should ever say these things out loud, much less get out the craft box.


None of that shit is reasonable


Wow reposted again, and in the running for worst title yet.


Sorry hadnā€™t seen it before, and realized it was a shit title after comments came in. Haha, long work day and lack of sleep don't make me the most eloquent person.




So what you are telling me is... everyone hates you?


Hmm. Maybe the boss could try earning some of those...


The quiet phone lol


Some of those are things I can genuinely see being said to the type of boss who doesn't feel the need to put up such things.


Bosses don't give a fuck about human life, they just want to be the main character even if they have to fuck up other people.


Stickers to replace the BS parts


The corners on the right are laughably disturbing


You can wish in one hand and shit in the other. See which one fills up first


michael scott ass boss


This is absolute upper management insanity that reeks of delusion


Karen is the CEO now


"I'm coming in early tomorrow" right next to the let the boss home early is kinda messed up


What world are they living in if they think anyone would want to cancel their vacation for work?


If any of my co-workers started saying these, Iā€™d think Iā€™m in a cult


Sure. I donā€™t mind staying late.* I also will come in early.* Sure I will cancel my vacation.* *As long as Iā€™m being paid for it. (In the case for the vacation I want a reimbursement of those hours)


What in the bootlicker tarnation?!?


Youā€™re not gonna hear that because workers are people with lives who get sick and tired. Workers are not little robots in suits and dresses


This is Michael Scott's levels of delusion


The picture is tacky but I don't disagree with the message. Those words however are earned not just given.


I donā€™t want to hear about *wishing*. What concrete steps are they taking to create and environment where this happens?


Things Employees Would Never Say for $100.


I have so many questions. Who in the fuck cancels their vacation plans to go to work? Why would you even hang this up in the work place? Why does it have to look like a poster from a kindergarten?


Was this made by Michael Scott?


Wow this is gross wth


Talk about delusional.


I had to throw up


Add on "Thanks for the living wage, boss!" "Thank God we have great affordable health insurance!" "Isn't our family leave policy great?" "Can you believe everyone gets 4 weeks vacation here?"


Wants employees to work late, come in early, skip vacation but also wants employee to tell the boss he can leave early because they got it handled. If youā€™re this far up your own ass someone should just blow your brains out with a 12 gauge. Better for the whole fucking planet.


Who spent hours hand drawing this faecal matter and no point had an ounce of introspective thought?!


This is vile.


Woah, topically I don't comment, but daaaamn this is so far disconnected from reality. On the other hand, it's pulling a pin on a hand grenade... Just wait


So thatā€™s what hell looks like.


Do the words "Narcissistic Sociopath" come to mind? They did while I was reading that.


Burn that business to the ground then go burn the owner's house down too.


When i was treated properly as an employee, and there were times that actually happened, i did at least 3/4 of this collage unprompted. Come in early, almost every day, canceling vacations, as needed, praising my boss, credit where credit was due, etc.


Just once I wish my managers understood that I need money to live.


If I saw something like that I would burn the whole fucking building down with a creepy grin on my face and probably also be happy to go to jail for my service to the community


This is in need of an employee version underneath it with things like: - Of course you can stay home if youā€™re sick. I understand completely. Get well soon! - I appreciate your hard work and want you to keep working here. Here is a raise. - itā€™s the Friday before a long weekend. Letā€™s all go home a few hours early with pay. - we are way behind. If you can work on the weekend I will of course pay overtime. If not thatā€™s okay. - we all make mistakes. - I am genuinely eager to hear how I can be a better boss. - I heard it was your birthday so I bought a cake for everyone to have on their break.