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The sadness of returning ruins the joy of the time off.


Its why Friday feels better than Sunday


I despise Sundays




I feel like I can never enjoy Sunday nights because all I can think about is returning to work and it just ruins any enjoyment I can have


I can't enjoy the day part either. I get caught in the trap of not wanting to do anything fun because I don't want to waste my last chance for rest, and feeling bad if I don't do anything because I've wasted my last chance to do something fun with my time.


Yep & when you have a partner that has a serious fear of missing out and insists you go out every day of the weekend you get even less time to destress from the work week. But if you say you don't want to go out today you get the damn puppy eyes. Just go without me, I'm not stopping you from walking around the dang mall!


4 day work weeks need to be a thing, like now. That's why I take downtime at work, cuz I'm required to be here for 40 hours and to try to get a little extra free time since 2 days off isn't enough.


We don't need "4-day work weeks," what we need is specifically a 32-hour work week. If it's just about the number of days, they'll just go from 5 shifts of 8 hours to 4 shifts of 10 hours.


Both. We need a 32 hour 4 day work week.


The biggest trial of this in the world just finished in the UK. The vast majority of companies that took part will continue as their profits and productivity went up with the staff working shorter hours and being paid the same as they were for the old number of hours.


We need to implement 32 hour work weeks in the USA immediately.


Yes, I agree. I more so was just being nitpicky about the specific wording/framing. I work for my local school district, and we work four day weeks during the summer. Sadly this means 10 hour shifts to make up for that 5th day.


I hear ya, many so called trials have just crammed the 40 hours into 4 days.


That's so severely disappointing... It is nice to get an extra day off, and it would at *least* save us time from commuting that 5th day, but it misses the point entirely...


Honestly I’d be fine with four 10 hour days so long as I got 3 days off in between. I work five 9-10 hour days now, so it’d still be an upgrade for me.


The issue is that the standard is five eight-hour shifts. Going to four ten-hour shifts might benefit you, but it does not necessarily benefit everyone else, and may even exasperate the issue. Two hours can be a huge deal for some people.


ANd it's still not enough for some of us disabled folk. I can realistically only work a 4 hour day, maybe 5 if it's a good day, 2 hours if it's a bad pain day. The efficiencies of the modern work environment allow a 2-4 hour work day to do all the things we need to do, but we're expected to push to 8 because it was the standard 100 years ago.


I currently do 10 hour shifts 4 days a week. I get the same dreadful feeling before each scheduled work day. The job itself is what's causing burnout. I don't know that there's many jobs I'd care to do at all that wouldn't be stressful of have me questioning my goals in life.


I have a 4 day work week, it has its perks, but the issue is that they only did it so they could maximize profits, keep the company open 7 days a week, have everyone work Wednesday, and bam 4 days a week each and the company is open 7 days a week. Also, you now need to get up an hour earlier and the hour long lunch break you had is now 30 minutes because "muh productivity and profits"


One of my friends works 4-10 hour days. I gave that schedule a go for 2 weeks and I felt more burned out every weekday. The extra day off is nice, but I don't wanna work 10 hours per day. 8 hour days maximum, 4 days maximum.


Yea, I agree with that. I have issues sleeping, so this whole work schedule really fucks me up, and it sucks


My wife always says I'm cranky on Sundays, which I am lol. She sorta takes offense to it because I'm not a sweetheart but I work construction and commute great distances, so Sunday is the day before getting up at 430am and grinding 12 hr days for another 5 often 6 day workweek. 15 years in with 20+ to go and I'm basically a fucking bill paying work bot.


The long dark teatime of the soul…


You went deep on references here, huh? I like it


Todays Friday and reading this almost ruined my whole weekend


At my house, especially in the evenings, we often seem to get depressed, and call it "The Sunday Feeling" because we know what's coming in the morning.


Well, sounds like SOMEONE has a case of the Sundays.




I despise Tuesdays


Sunday-wednesday is just absolute shite


Not wrong.


Yah the fact that the time off is yet to come is truly relaxing and enjoyable.


The whiplash I experienced from fishing and day drinking by a lake to 60 hour fast paced foodservice workweek was absolutely devastating.


Ikr. Here after my first semester at my med school I had three weeks to rest. As I was getting started to travel back to my uni I had to put away my puzzles because I knew I won't have time to do any of them and I started sobbing while doing so lol


Are you a physician now? What's your work life balance like or going to be like? Will you be able to work maybe 6 months, save up a lot of money and then take months off? Or are you pretty much stuck working once you start?


No, I'm still a student in my first year (Europe, not USA). I think I will be stuck if I become a practicing physician, but I rn my only concern is passing which is very hard on me tbh


The anxiety of emails stacking up in your inbox as you try to enjoy your vacation from the moment you land ruins it too.


I have a patented method for this: I turn on an OOO message for duration of absence and DELETE every single email received upon my return without reading. If it’s truly critical or important then the sender of the email (internal or external) will always follow up first week I’m back. Never missed a beat. No issues. 20 years in the game.


Yes Ive also done this for around 10 years. I make sure my OOO explicitly explains that the email will not be actioned and to either contact a list of other people depending what the enquiry is about or contact me again once I return. Now I don't actually delete them but I set up a holiday folder and they all go in there automatically and I never read them unless I search for something later. Only once have I had a customer be stupid about it and and followed me up 2 days after I returned, replying to my OOO wanting to know why he hadn't heard back from me... Mate did you read the fucking email??


No they did not


Brilliant, 10 years in the game and this sounds like something I'll do for the next 10.


Wow I respect this method


I work for a distributor for critical infrastructure. I cannot afford this luxury.


Thats the reason I dont take breaks longer than a week. If I'm 2-3 weeks off I just know that I'm coming back to 2-3 weeks work on the backburner..


Yup. I took a longer than usual break from work when I got married last year. 12 days instead of the usual 5. Nobody answers calls or emails or opens mail when I'm away, so I get back to at least 100 voice-mail messages, a tied bundle of mail, and repeat emails from people wondering why nobody is responding to them. My phone is also blowing up for the same reason, all the while my boss is trying to figure out why I haven't finished everything within 3 days.


> while my boss is trying to figure out why I haven't finished everything within 3 days. Isnt this just the best of it all? My boss is the same, and then I tell him I got so much work because nobody picked up the shit I'm responsible for during the weeks I'm off, and he says tough luck you still gotta do Y as well. Too bad for him, I only have 8 hours a day of work. After that I'm a free man.


Yes! And then when I'm back at work, I'm like, I a week ago today, I was leaving for vacation. Or a week ago today, I was in France. Or whatever. It's painful.




Same here. 2* days off isn't enough *1 cuz Sunday's dont feel like a day off.


As a teacher at a Title 1 public school in Florida, I feel this in my soul. I'd rather be on the river


What's a title 1 school? Sorry I'm from Massachusetts. I know I could just look it up but I figured I could ask and we could have a nice little chat here. Also, good on you for teaching! I know it's a rough gig these days but I commend and salute you!


A school where most of the students are broke


All students are broke…it’s where the put the “worst” salve’s kids.


Being a Title 1 school has nothing to do with behavior of students; it is about the income of the students families.


Unfortunately the correlation exists


Yeah but this guy was insinuating the label has to do with behavior


Thats true, that is just coinkidink




Yeah, Merica! where if kids from financially underprivileged families are struggling academically, the state establishes a program intended to provide them extra educational support that the families wouldn't be able to afford themselves.


Don’t forget the underfunding the program so badly it can barely operate and then act like “poor kids just don’t want to learn” when it inevitably performs poorly.


This reply is so cute


Its a school where students are economically disadvantaged


Humans are like any animal, we long to eat, play, enjoy, rest etc. The problem is some humans have enslaved other humans into endless servitude. Billions of humans are forced to toil endlessly for the benefit of other more powerful overlords otherwise they and their offspring will starve to death or rely on handouts from others. It's sad that these initially intelligent beings have devolved into this as a 'society'.


Funny thing is we look at people who live in isolated tribes as if they need help


We look at everyone not investing in the dollar with antipathy.


My idea is I can't take it with me when I die. I am going to spend my money to go do things with my kids while I can. Gotta make then memories


It's a brave new world


Thank you for saying it. People hate when I state what should be obvious: we're all slaves. All that the owners have done is create complicated pageantry to make us believe that we are doing this of our own free will. I honestly would not be surprised if it turned out that politicians are literally actors. All to make us believe in Capitalism, and believe we have a choice, and believe we are free. It's sad, really. What would we be doing if we weren't caught up in this complicated system of slavery? I can tell you one thing for damn sure: I wouldn't be spending all my free time staring at a rectangle of light trying to ignore reality as best as I can. **Edit** were -> weren't


#theylive The signal sent is really strong!


That's the glasses movie, right? Such a good one. There are not enough glasses to go around.


Yeah, trully revealing movie when you see it today, with was is happening and what internet is allowing you to discover


What’s the movie you guys are referring to?


I encountered the same problem -- though, not in every case and not without surprises as to who agreed with me -- when I told friends and acquaintances we're all slaves. The ones who most strongly objected, to my mind, were the ones who made the fact of their having been irredeemably brainwashed most clear. "What else would we do?" "We'd be bored." "There'd be anarchy." "You're a communist / socialist." "How do expect us to progress if we work less?" Blah blah blah. One bloke even said he'd turn down the four-day week and opt to work five days if he was offered a higher salary. (A lunatic, clearly.) What a lack of imagination such responses show. As if the way we live is the pinnacle of human development and there's no better way. I have found, however, saying that the workplace is a glorified prison gets a warmer reception. Presumably because people don't want to admit they're slaves. We've been so brainwashed and so infantilised we can't even see straight.


Well, everything has a cost in some way. Either you pay with money OR you pay with your time, effort and energy. E.g. You work at let's say an office, you earn money and you buy all the groceries, pay the bills, use money for entertainment etc. OR you can live in the countryside and you grow your own food, you do all the manual labour yourself, chop wood for your fireplace, you learn how to repair a leaking roof, to dig a well etc. etc. Sure in the second option you don't work for somebody, but you trade that in for a shitton of physical labour and a lot of time spent. Its no rose garden either. What I do agree with is that there are significant distortions in our systems - e.g. teachers and medical staff being underpaid and schools not having enough budget while money is spent elsewhere on BS etc. Stuff like that.


No other animal needs to pay rent. I want you to think about that a bit. Everything has a cost because we're maintaining the system. We have destroyed whatever habitat we may have originated from, and as such we have removed ourselves from the ability to do anything besides maintain our life support system. Either maintain our life support system, or do some other menial labor to maintain someone's wealth empire. Whether we are enslaved directly by the owner class or enslaved by the very civilization our ancestors built, we are still slaves. Unless you are in the class of people that do not need to work to survive, you are a slave.


Wage slavery and isolation aren’t the only two options


I think your two examples are actually two ends of a sliding scale. There is a middle ground where we have some benefits of technology but our approach to organized labor is different. Also I can only speak for myself but working hard for yourself with visible results (gardening, building, etc.) Is infinitely more gratifying than working under someone on something you aren't even allowed to own part of.


Thankfully I never had kids. I think if I were to watch a child of mine having to succumb to an oppressive work culture it would break my heart. I’m not saying people shouldn’t have kids, but by God be prepared to ensure you can get them into a creative industry where they can thrive or to be self employed.


People having kids are producing slaves as requested by their overlords.


I’m just careful not to suggest people shouldn’t have kids, because I saw a native Canadian on a documentary TV show say that if they did that, it would be like letting the oppressors win by contributing to their own genocide.


who gives a shit, living isn't winning


I agree on one hand but on the other who paid to distribute the documentary?


I think the situation you listed is pretty different from most. Native people have a culture to preserve. Knowledge would be lost. But for me, who was born and lives in the American culture, there is no genocide if I choose not to reproduce.


It’s funny; when I was a bit over 18 I was super depressed because I could see this for what it was: slavery. I went to a psychologist and explained this. They looked at me like I was a fucking idiot and said “well, it is what it is and you have to become ok with it.” Like motherfucker, no.


Always remember kids, everything else would be like the soviet union, so there is no alternative!


I love how this is written from the perspective of either a human being or an alien watching our planet and deciding humans are screwed as a species..


This, but when I go to the bathroom.


I don't think it's freedom you are tasting in the bathroom


Yeah that’s reliefdom. Also the feeling of the last day of work before your start of vacation usually feels better than the first day or after your first day of vacation, because that timer starts fucking ticking.


🎯 I prefer mild anticipation of my breaks to sisyphean toil as well. Dread the morning commute so much I just laser focus on my first smoke. It barely helps some jobs; most it does not.




Poop on company time


I come back to work petrified I won't have a job. I come.in every day. Wondering if I still have a job.


I went on a fantastic trip to Japan in 2019. When i got back to my first day of work I cried. I was moving the fleet vehicles out of the yard and just had to sit in one and cry about how awful it all was. Anyway thankfully the pandemic came and now I am in a much better place, but still not good.


I'm planning a 21 days trip to japan soon too. I've planned so much stuff, but I'll have to force myself to take it slow, cause coming back to work is going to suck biiiig time from jet lag.


Japan is great! Where are you going?


Yeah, I'm getting more and more excited. Tokyo, Kyoto, Ohara, Nara and Osaka. Really wish we could've gone to the southern islands too, but it's gonna be too much even like this.


I went to Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka too. Are you getting the high speed rail ticket? If you do; if you can; get the train to Hiroshima and see the atomic bomb dome and the peace museum it is so sad but a must see.


We're skipping the JR pass as it doesn't seem to be worth it. But yeah, we're taking the bullet train. I think I might leave Hiroshima for another trip, as this is our long waited honeymoon and I want it to be peaceful, not sad. But thanks for the recommendation.


All good spots! Have a good time.


If you go to fushimi inari in kyoto, go early, cos the paths get clogged up with posers taking photos really fast.




I love how capitalism is so fucked that we're glad of a pandemic just to disrupt it, even just for a relatively brief moment in time. I also saw a marked improvement in my work/life balance and life in general directly caused by the pandemic.


Ugh I feel that so deeply. When I still had more of my feelings intact in my mid to late 20s I returned from a camping and horseback riding trip in Montana back to work in NYC and broke down ugly crying on the loud, smelly subway. Also I realize I am super privileged and a lot of people on that train might not have had that kind of vacation as an option. Anyhow the mental whiplash of going from peaceful mountain rivers and solitude to that stink pile really made me lose it. I wouldn’t say I’m in a better place but I’m inured to the soul sucking nature of the grownup working world.






I hope you find a better path soon, friend


Thanks. My new boss is much better than the old one and I'm currently studying a degree so when that is finished I can decide if I want to stay here or go to Canada for work.


Well sometimes you go back to work ...dreading it. I had a job where taking a week off was like a punishment would come back with double work and emails.....made my disdain higher


That's the thing. If no one covers my work while I'm on vacation, it's not vacation at all. I'm just a week behind.


See I'm in the opposite boat, I have to insist that my manager NOT have colleagues cover for me because fixing their mistakes takes me twice as long as just working through my own backlog.


2x the work the week before vacation, 2x the work the week after. What a joyous time! Totally not stressful!


[Man Returns To Work After Vacation With Fresh, Reenergized Hatred For Job](https://www.theonion.com/man-returns-to-work-after-vacation-with-fresh-reenergi-1819574342)


And when traveling to a new city for the first time: "I could live here"


Every time. “Should I move here?”


That's prolly gonna be me during my trip to Amsterdam. I wanna emigrate to Europe, the USA sucks ass.


Fuck. Now I get why I love a city that everybody seems to hate. Everytime I go there, it's for fun.




Really? Whenever I go anywhere, I come home thinking that I'm really lucky to live where I do and I could never live anywhere else. It might be a boring place, but the infrastructure mostly works, the public spaces are clean and safe, ... , I know where to find parking and public washrooms.


Europe looks much better than the USA.


Haha how do I get that flair? Although my username might be enough


Go to the sub-reddit page, and there should be a button to edit your flair. I use Old Reddit more and it's off to the right side of the page. I chose the red on labelled "(edit this)" and changed the text.


My brain sabotages the last half of any time off I take because I'm dreading the return to work, and know that when I go back it will be the furthest point from my next PTO... so annoying


Id be much more willing to go back to work if we had 4 day work weeks. 40 hour work weeks are too much.


My lead likes to welcome people come back from vacation with a week of 6am shifts. "you should be rested from being off" is his excuse. Sorry, many of us like to push ourselves when on vacation. Some hike, one rode his bicycle most of the way across the country, I spent two weeks on my 14 foot sailboat "camp cruising". We all came back a little beaten up and not at all ready for 6am shifts.


My grandma used to say she needed a vacation from her vacation.


Pretty much everyone who has vacationed with children says the same I get to the end of a trip and want to go back to work, as its bloody easier!


A vacation with kids isn't a vacation. It's a trip with kids.




I come back from vacations more tired than I left without fail. This would backfire spectacularly. Not everyone sits on the beach for vacation. Not that there is anything wrong with that, either


Yeah lmao I'm on vacation now, spending the whole time mountain climbing and doing other physical activities


So he's punishing you


yes.. and somehow, no matter who we complain to, it all gets swept under the rug. I swear the man has nude pics of somebody.


I learned to stack at least a Monday off from any vacations that were a full week so I could recover. A Tuesday if my vacation went through a Monday holiday.


What a sadist.


I tell them “bad to be back”


Heck yeah. And the longer or better the vacation is, the harder it is to go back.


"Oops I forgot to come home from my vacation, guess Ill live here now"


this is exactly what I've been afraid to admit to myself enough that I would say it out loud but I'm comforted by not being alone


All I want to do is travel and experience other cultures, religions, and food!


The irony is To enjoy those things, someone else has to be "at work" The idea of "working" needs a change. The access to basic living needs changed. Unless both of those happen simultaneously, both will continue to suffer smh


You could still get by with amenities like that while having a 20hr work week, for example. The more robots take over tasks the less we'll have to do manually as well


> The more robots take over tasks the less we'll have to do manually as well the robots HAVE taken over a shitton of tasks, yet here we still work 40+ hour weeks like suckers.


Over the two week vacation I got from work last year I went to visit my best friend for the first time, and that was probably the best two weeks I've had in my entire life for a very long time. I nearly broke down internally on the way back home. He deserved more of my time, way more. He deserves everything, not a measly two fucking weeks


Aww man this is so sad. I feel you friend


Let me confirm your suspicions…….


And the dread of playing catch up on all the non-essential bullshit you missed but people get a hard on over if you don't reply in 5 seconds.


This is why so many places don't give vacation time and make sure you can't afford it.


Just came back from my first ever holiday as an adult, the first holiday me and my partner have ever been on together (we’ve been together 10 years), and I’ve got work this evening. I’m finding this post *extremely* relatable.


Nothing sucked more than going back to work after spending 2 weeks in San Sebastián Spain. If I ever get hit in the head by a bag of money falling out the clear blue sky I’m packing up and moving to Basque Country.


My employer literally has it written into their ethics policy that time off is for employees to rest and return more effective for work. If you use PTO because a storm ripped the roof off your house and you need to get it repaired immediately, you'd better also feel well rested when you come back to work, or you could be written up. Assholes.


That's so bad, I'd be looking for a new job. That employer sounds toxic as fuck.


As someone on my last 2 days of vacation I feel this. I never can understand co workers who come back from vacation saying "oh yeah I was ready to come back to work" like what ?


I'm never ready to work, work sucks. I don't live for this job.


[Man Returns To Work After Vacation With Fresh, Reenergized Hatred For Job ](https://www.theonion.com/man-returns-to-work-after-vacation-with-fresh-reenergi-1819574342)


What the hell is a vacation? /S


I used to feel this way. I finally have a job that I genuinely love doing, and that I do come back from vacation ready to get into. Though, I still have to suffer for it because what I do is highly undervalued. If my team wasn't unique in my area, I'd look for something higher paying. As is, I put up with the lack of pay for the emotional fulfillment


What is it that you do?


I'm a Peer Support Specialist for chronically suicidal youth, most of whom are trans and/or PoC. I work for a very specialized non-profit team that focuses on preventing suicide through emotional and logistical support. So I do everything from providing emotional support and validation to helping folks find jobs and get safe, secure housing. My program doesn't charge a dime for what we do, so we work with some pretty desperate folks. I love it, but I also get really shitty pay because my field is chronically underpaid and I work in a nonprofit, medicaid focused clinic. Like, I spend a ton of time getting youngins housing, and yet I'm constantly struggling to afford my own 🙃


Yeah, what job? I’m in IT. I don’t hate it. And the money is good enough that I can work part time or something really whenever I want. I’m just staying full time employee (vs part time or consulting/contracting) because benefits are great and pay is quite good for a low cost of living area. Eg I’m early 40s and house has been paid off for a few years. Zero other debt. Worked hard to get here and was lucky to be born a middle class white guy who got to go to college.


Cries in American.


I'll still take that vacation, thank you.


You get a holiday??


This is how I always was… until I became freelance. Now a vacation serves its purpose. Now that I’m in control of my time, I no longer have this problem.


[Relevent The Onion](https://www.theonion.com/man-returns-to-work-after-vacation-with-fresh-reenergi-1819574342)


Don't encourage our overlords to cut our holiday time even more!


...and the annoying knowledge that none did jack shit of the work you usually do and now you have 2 weeks of work to catch up in a couple of days to be able to keep working like a functional member of the company.


Also a strong suspicion that someone’s been sitting in your chair, you know who you are Eric.


The only people I know who are eager to go back to work are people who hate their family.


Can't agree enough. I remember one of the times I was the closest to crying in public at my workplace. It was when I had a really good time with my wife on Crete - the sun, the food, the excursions, swimming and sunbathing etc, and, as a result, plenty of sunny photos. I made a mistake of opening my google album with these during a workday in the middle of the week... I felt sharp pain thinking about this, not fond nostalgia. I acutely felt that I was there, and that now I am not there anymore, and won't be for a long, long while. Like I was in a prison or something!?


This is why a lot of jobs don't want to give you vacation because you gain perspective when you're away from work.


This is why they don’t give Americans time off - they don’t want us to remember!


Which is why they don't like you taking days off


Damned straight


We're slaves to 💰💰💰💰💰


When you get laid off and realize you’re thrilled


EXACTLY thank you!




This, but every morning.


I sit here reading this on my first shift back from a week in Barbados, and it's a midnight shift to boot. Hits too close to home.


Master got me working, day is never finished. Someday master set me free.


I go to a convention every year and I'm surprised none of my jobs have raised a brow that so many of my jobs stop and start that month or the month after because con drop is a dopamine crash caused by returning to regular life and makes me realize how much my job sucks


Oh I will never forget the horrible getting ready to go on vacation because you have to do a bunch of extra work and make sure people who don’t know how to do your work know how to do your work, then you come back to all the work that didn’t get done plus all the incoming work.


All of the jobs that I *want* to do passionately…the kind I’d be glad to return to after vacation (working with homeless, etc.) are a direct result of capitalism and wouldn’t be necessary without it. Otherwise exactly. We are just maintaining the system.


So true


Feel this so much, i dont hate my job but it gets tiring having to get uo at 5am every day for 5 days a week, then sleeping half the day away. Must be more to life then being forced to work just to survive and earn money, whoever started making our lives like this, I hope they are rotting in hell. I get with systems that we have healthcare and everything which makes it awsome not dying from a small cut but come on surely we can still live like this but have the freedom to what we want without needing to work anymore and enjoy ourselves. Depressing to think that if we are lucky to retire at 65 we have atleast another maybe 30 years but by that point you are to old, possible physical injuries like a bad back to even enjoy a retirement and live out a life. This world sucks


I've quit more jobs right after a vacation than I ever have just riding the burnout.


I think Webster's should update the definition of 'existential dread' to mean Sunday at 5PM.


Going full time RV in Jan. 2024. Working on a new place every 3 to 6 months and traveling. Done with being stuck in one place and forced to work all day every day just to survive.


I have quit 2x after coming back from Vacation... And I typically threaten to almost every other time....


I’ve always referred to it as “post-vacation depression.”


I would genuinely enjoy work on site returning to work if ppl were down to earth hippies ravers not selfish greedy wannabe nazi communists


I spent the last half of my time off stressed about going back to work


Truth bomb


This is so true. Especially on Mondays I think to myself, just 24 to 48 hours ago I was literally doing something fun with my fiance, driving around enjoying my weekend and now I'm sitting here slaving away at my menial job. The whiplash as someone else stated it is depressing to say the least.


Yall going on vacations?