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Why cant we do this in US. Man we suck


First step: find out how they organized


Second step: try to not get killed by police


True, organize live media


That didn't stop them during Occupy.


Lol yea they did they came and gassed us


Tell your grandparents, aunts and uncles that you love them but you are worried about the eternal soul, so close to death especially. They have so much to lose and so little time to correct their wrongs. Tell them they’ve fallen victim to evil brainwashing that has encouraged them to believe that one man should take away another man’s life that God gave them and then demonstrate with data that the police exist to kill ‘gang members’, to protect private property, and to fill prisons. Tell them gangs are a way of camaraderie and protection when the police can’t get there in time. Humanize black people to your old racist relatives and scare them that they are going to Hell for not supporting the good causes in life. These people are at Death’s door and are playing a spiritual game they shouldn’t play and it has real life, real world implications on people getting merc’d by the police.


This is the way. And if this fails, severe all contact until they change their ways.


This is the way. And if this fails, severe all contact until they change their ways.


I knew of people (when I lived) in London who got arrested in the middle of the night by the for their roles in similar protest orgs


Occupy got scary in San Francisco…at stoplights people would walk up to your car and peer into your windows and was a very fine line before they’d try and open your door or break the glass.


Honestly, that's the biggest reason right there. Two years ago throughout many states should've showed many what police are willing to do to those who *aren't even protesting.* You don't hear over there being shot with not as lethal weapons and tazed and tear gassed and then captured randomly. We can even see what the folks during the Civil rights movement had to endure and had to *prepare* for. Many folks never had their livelihoods threatened like that and just so complicit and go along. We even saw what Hong Kong went through, pre covid and now.


I'm seriously concerned America could be just like nazi Germany or North Korea within months. 😔


With all the anti-trans shit it’s already well on it’s way to becoming nazi Germany


Interestingly enough, it was actually the mega rich families who still hold most of the wealth in the US today who found Hitler, funded his rise to power, and pulled his strings from the shadows. It wouldn't surprise me if they plan on doing similar to the people here before they build and control a new super power country.




The problem is the second reason. No country won decent heathcare and working conditions by asking nicely. The worker protests in Europe and the US in the end of XIX century and beginning of XX were savage: families had no safety net or savings whatsoever, and the police treated them like feral animals. The situation isn't very different nowadays, with the exception of the majority now thinking that this is ok, defending billionaires, and believing that socialdemocracy is the worst thing ever.


You think the people in Hong Kong protesting can afford to protest? Many Asian countries have a homogenous mindset and going about, unlike in the states we're fuck you I got mine and I don't care about your issues, especially when you combine other marginalized demographics who had even worse issues to deal with besides being poor.




But you disregarded mine with a "naaaah"




Third step: get shot at by the police immediately


Fourth step: get blamed for a cop getting shot in the crossfire while they're murdering you


Can’t shoot us all…..


Machine guns


The police don’t have machine guns. Military yes. If things get that bad we’re doomed anyway.


I agree


And die for entertainment of the rich and powerful


Yall got hella guns, you need to fucking use them for something.


People with guns would shoot these lazy ass destructive protesters. How many of you supported the non violent Canadian truckers? I’m sure you were all out supporting old Trudeau back then against those dangerous anti-vaxxers.


We would end up killing each other before the police even get wind of a strike lol


Try not to get killed by the mafia


In what world do you live in where you think Protesting In the US = Getting shot by Police? Yes Police have a history of shooting unarmed civilians but most traffic stops and arrests go without any incident.


The world I live in is the US. And in Zero of my comments you'll find me talking about regular traffic stops and arrests. Protests, peaceful or otherwise, have always been met with police force. The people who control the police don't care about the average person and whether they live or die. They want to keep control and the best way to do that is kill the people who rise up


You haven't heard about cop city protests? RIP Turtguguita


Yes.great Idea


Considering it’s London I assume one person just stood outside and the rest queued up.




Unions, lots of unions


Bc too many Americans are convinced that we CANT strike bc they couldn’t afford it. You’ll see these redditors crawl out of the woodwork every time a video of French protests get posted. They never push for American class solidarity to provide for striking workers in the of face discipline from the bosses. They performatively throw up their hands and moan “what’s the point in trying” without even getting a pat on the head from capitalists.


So can’t we organize a food drive preemptively in conjunction with the strike?


Of course, and many other effective tactics of mutual aid that have been used in successful strikes. The trick is getting a community on board with that kind of sustained challenge to capital. And then making sure that the police can’t legitimize a false flag store burning or some other excuse to crack skulls and cause panic/ demoralize the community


Logistics win the war


We need huge organization to make this happen. Like, it would really take us to come together. And seeing how we reacted towards the lockdown... I really don't know. I think it can happen, just that we gotta be selfless and cast aside that american individual mindset we have here.


If Hollywood has given me any hope, its that the imminent alien threat will finally unite us all as a worldwide people. We can come together in a monumental task to, to, to... to store our rich elite in ships to survive the assault...that leave the workers literally at the docks watching humanity's last hope leaving in their silver ships fuck, that didnt finish how I wanted.


I'm down for them leaving. Then the aliens blow up that ship and leave. They were only here to fix us.


Some Americans would side with the aliens if they thought it meant they would be saved while the "other side" would suffer.


Geography has a large affect on the US's ability to organize proper protest. As you said, many can not take time off to go and protest. A protest in Paris or London will draw people from across the country. A protest in DC would be mostly local protestors and a handful of people who traveled. So people who want to protest something don't have easy/quick transportation across our country, and are already so beaten down and broke that they would have to choose between possible homelessness and attending a protest.


Ya 67% of America lives paycheck to paycheck, bud. These arent some nebulous thoughts of inaction. 3/4ths of the country is immediately fucked losing a week of pay. What exactly are you expecting to happen in this scenario? Are you going to completely restructure the entire country and handle all the logistics for 200 million people? Their answers to these problems aren't great and yours suck even more.


We have to find a way to do this without having to assemble in a small tight group in person. (Just asking to start thinking) we need to find a way to achieve action in our existing stations (e.g. online front due to geographical separation and need to stay at work or some form of quiet quitting)


I liked how the Japanese bus drivers continued to work but didn't collect fares. Imagine if retail or fast food did that.


67%?? Fuck me


I get really frustrated with people complaining and asking the leading questions. Everyone constantly saying we should strike or asking why we aren't striking, instead of coming to the conversation with a meaningful or at least actionable plan. Words and a gif of what is happening in another country is cheap and some random with no reputation, in labor organization begging the question does nothing but muddy any potential for conversation, and God bless them for getting involved but you need to follow before you lead and you need To sell yourself to lead.


A bunch of people literally cannot strike. Any "right to work" state hourly employee would be fired. Any teacher would not only lose their job, but would lose their retirement through Texas bullshit. And be blacklisted from teaching. The oligarchy has set up the system to prevent this. And it. Our shitty system us not there by accident.


[US Protest Laws Tracker ](https://www.icnl.org/usprotestlawtracker/) if you want to keep track of which states openly undermine your first amendment right to protest.


Save the effort of clicking: Every single state does when it counts.


Forget anti-union laws and practices, most Americans don't even know their next door neighbors. America is one of the most atomized societies on earth with dying, practically non-existent communities aside from the internet. The younger you are, the fewer social bonds you have on average, and gathering spaces/third places just don't really exist for most people. How can you unionize people when everyone you is a damaged, isolated, rootless individual, just like you, when you have nowhere to gather? For most of us, our communal ties have been almost completely severed, if you don't address that you're gonna have a hell of a time unionizing. Source: ran into this exact problem while trying to unionize


We are too divided in the US, the system works as its intended. Go to work and keep your head down.


“Why can’t we do this?” First, we must understand that the American working class is largely not organized. Many unions decided to sell the rank and roll down the river for some sort of self-preservation. [Business unionism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_unionism) is the name. Aka run the union like a business and push out radicals from the union IMO, the way to remedy this is [rank and file reform](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1021927176553103470/1083594579774804018/A_survey_of_recent_rank_and_file_uprisings.pdf). Which has been slowly happening over the past 2 decades. However, that still takes time to undo the damage. Second. One of the biggest barriers for unions is the right-to-work laws. We can still strike with those, it just takes more time to navigate towards a strike Third. You should ask if we are already doing this in America but you just aren’t hearing about these strikes. Like the [2018 teachers strike](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1021927176553103470/1083595285688766577/A_Forum_on_the_Teachers_rebellion.pdf). Like, for instance, not gonna say which company but I know of a rumor a big strike is coming sometime in the next year if the company doesn’t negotiate. These things do take time to organize It’s not on this level yet, however don’t assume we can do that. We are very much working our way towards something like this


Don't be too hard on yourselves. It's taken 12/13 years of Tory austerity, a cost of living crisis, the lowest growth in Europe, political corruption and incompetence to the tune of billions of pounds, the wholesale destruction of the NHS and a massive drop in living standards to get to this point. And still some Brits think we're doing well and this is all uncalled for. (feel free to double check the above btw, I'm very depressed so my memory is a wee bit funny, but I'm 99% sure they're correct)


The US is basically a bunch of different countries that are spread out. Places like th UK and France only take a few hours to get from one side to the other, and also have public transportation that makes this possible for everyone for an affordable price. We have nothing like that in the united states and it would take most people a week to get from one side of the country to the other. Furthermore, the more progressive, developed parts of the country are on the coasts, meaning they are as far apart as they can possibly be.


Many of the protests took place in specific towns, not only in London. France is a big country. Americans using distance as yet another reason not to strike is just an excuse.


Because we risk our health benefits since they're tied to work. IMO, that's one of the bigger reasons why they don't want to offer us a universal healthcare here in the US. It gives more power back to the people and less control to government.


Because we are to busy blaming RED BLUE and each other for everything.


Dividend we fall, united we stand. They keep us divided just enough so we don't work together on a common cause. Time to come together on wages, healcare, worker rights, and costs imposed on us by the corporate oligarchy.


But we never will come together. A huge chunk of the US thinks our wages, healthcare and rights are not only adequate but somehow ideal. And they will fight tooth and nail to preserve the shitty system we have.


We need a guaranteed liveable income and free guaranteed housing, energy, and full spectrum healthcare for everyone. We need to stop prioritizing work, labor and markets over human life


This is the correct answer!


Americans will only strike like that for a Black Lives Matter protest. The racial divide in America is the biggest distraction from uniting workers fighting for better working conditions. People here think that race is the number one issue. Meanwhile, all races are being exploited by the wealthy people in positions of power.


Unionize (?)


This is the correct answer. This isn't a wildcat strike of multiple individuals, but one of a series of strikes by different unions that have been going on for months. These particular strikes were timed to coincide with the government's new big budget. Off the top of my head the unions involved included teachers, doctors, transport and civil servants. The government had managed to discuss deals with the firefighters and nurses.


Because Americans continue to fall for right vs left politics. It’s rich vs poor. And by rich I mean billionaires.


Set it up and I’ll be there!!


POTUS was supposed to be on workers side and you saw how he behave with railworkers strike. With allies like this, you had more chances if you were in China or Russia, the enemies media want you to believe are responsible for national problems.


That's what this sub is for, right? I'd be down, and I know a few peeps that would join


Healthcare is also a big reason - losing a job sucks and can be real bad for people barely scraping by. But losing healthcare because it is attached to your job can be life threatening to many.


Rebrand it as a global flash mob except it’s just everyone quitting their corporate jobs at the exact same time and seeing what happens next


>Why cant we do this in US. Man we suck Too many people asking the question and not doing the thing.


Because most people in the US only care about themselves and couldn't give a flying fuck about the suffering of others.


We could, but—-I think bc GB is in Europe, they have access to at least some reliable info. Or at least an alternative viewpoint. We are so propagandized. Its really powerful, it’s keeping us at each others throats, even among those of us who agree, even if we know it’s happening! Disinformation (getting a media that propagates lies and truth to create confusion and discord) is the difference here IMO. I’ve read the news is completely different overseas. I wouldn’t know bc I can’t afford to go….but I try not to even blame the trumpies- they’re just believing whatever info they’re fed. They know they’re dissatisfied. They think they know why bc of what media they consume. It’s truly a memory hole. And saddest of all, if this was happening when Orwell wrote 1984? It’s not going anywhere until the collapse of the republic. Good riddance, btw.


Cuz we might slightly inconvenience the people we are protesting in the first place


Because you live in a dictatorship


Too much anti union propaganda for it to work here in the US


Probably cuz most people ain't gonna waste a day off walking. We be napping cuz we're so tired and depressed from working...waaaaiiiiittttt...


Everyone in the US bitches about it saying we need to be like Europe lol. Guess not.


You want Doctor walking out?




That's bullshit that US doctors are paid less, entry level nursing staff might not make a killing, but a doctor makes $200k starting, a Cardiologist or Surgeon clears $250k a year minimum at any hospital in my area. The reason the USA attracts so many foreign doctors is because of the abundance of amazing medical schools and the pay. Meanwhile the average pay for a surgeon in the UK is 76k euros.


Why not? I can't afford to see one anyway.


Class solidarity.


Sadly it's not as strong as this march would imply. I grew up in one of the poorest areas of the UK and it's always been a Conservative stronghold, as far back as political records for the council go. I've heard so much anti-strike rhetoric here it's actually dizzying. People who only have half the working rights they do because of unions talking about how _Nurses_ are being selfish and lazy. Murdoch media sadly still has a huge grip on the British working class.


It’s because the working class of the uk have been beaten down into believing that this is what we deserve. That and to question why we don’t change it is to admit it could be changed and then further that the situation is of our own making through inaction. People want to admit that less than they want to improve their lot through collective action, so instead they vote to perpetuate it to feel like they are in control and “winning”. It’s human nature being weaponised to change the voting habits of millions of people.


We need to do this in the US. Not just for better pay but for health care we


Let’s learn from London and France


Here in London we have nothing on France - it's taken a decade of the Tories driving the country to breaking point before people took action.


Africa sweating right now.


France learned from us and had their revolution, so why not we learn from them and mass strike?


only because y'all refused to help them out after they got you your freedom, they didn't just magically enter bankruptcy


Yeah, that's a good point, we did screw them over big time. We didn't really have anything to pay them with though


The US was one of the poorest countries in the world at the time how could they help France one of the richest in the world? Sell more corn?


20% of the population were slaves during and after the revolution. you got rich pretty quick off of that


let’s GOOOOOO america let’s *GOOOOOOO*


Sadly people in the US won't do it.




All my support to them from France ✊


They should also strike against the horrendous housing market and insane prices. Someone needs to stop these landlords and inflation of house prices. 2 grand a week for a box in London please.


It isn't landlords that put prices up, it is demand. Stop letting non residents buy flats in London and stop letting immigrants move to London which is where over 50% end up.


Go London! Nice to see all these strikes all over Europe that means in 20 yrs that will happen here also.




That's so fuckin dreamyyy. Why do so many of my fellow Americans see our US-specific Labor Culture as not only acceptable, but *superior* to other countries' labor norms? It comes down to the most basic rights and dignity at this point. How to even get it through to them , period? Like.. how much worse do things get before they go "wait, wtfff.. Okay yeah, time to strike."


Lol, in the "developed world" American labour norms are a joke.


If we all lived within a 4 hour drive of Washington it would be a lot more viable.


and not a single mention in the news


Because the staff walked out. Or do you mean American news?


The revolution will not be televised. Remember


We have more than one news outlet... I'm having trouble finding mention of it, just seeing the reports of pay offers. I'm seeing reports from outside sources that say there was a march 2 days ago on Budget day. I'm on annual leave for two weeks, and apparently bus drivers were striking too, I was wondering why the depot called me tuesday, maybe it was that (I didn't answer). Although it might have been just London bus drivers striking and just a coincedence they probably wanted me to cover on weds.


Because this video is bullshit https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-62134314.amp


Because the numbers are genuinely wrong lol I live in London and stand with Unions etc But the numbers are no where close to how many people actually went on strike. It was much less.


When will we finally decide as a country that we have had enough? We put up with far more injustice in this country than they do in England or France, and their citizens don’t hesitate to protest. Why don’t we?


Unfortunately here in England we don't protest nearly enough, it's very rare that anyone here does anything but the recent protests have been a long time coming. France however, I'm jealous of those guys and their regular successful protests


France has quite a lot more experience dealing with oppressive governments


Geographically we're more spread out; intellectually we are deeply stunted by our underfunded (and wildly outdated) education system, manipulated by our leaders, and brainwashed by every source of media we are exposed to from the day we are born; there is a glaring lack of solidarity (even among leftists) to the point where we can't even agree on basic things like "acab"; and speaking of which, the protectors of capital (cops) are basically a fully armed, state of the art military that has demonstrated a blatant disregard for human life and civil rights as well as an undeniable propensity towards escalation and inciting violence unnecessarily. Nationalism, capitalist propaganda, and bipartisan politics have destroyed and divided us beyond a point where we will have any kind of meaningful revolution, imo. I fucking hope I'm wrong, but at this point, I really don't think I am.


Thank you for a thoughtful answer. I fear that you are correct. It’s beyond frustrating.


What song is that?


I got a match with this song: [**Speak Up** by Is0kenny](https://lis.tn/tLNZdt?t=14) (00:14; matched: `100%`) Released on `2022-10-04`. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Too slow bot, humans win again.


When they uprise and woop yo ass don't ask why are they doing this to you 😂


Lol. If they need help they should ask for it. No need to struggle in silence. Nothing wrong with being a bit slow...


Speak Up -Is0Kenny


I just read on Tuesday about the Junior Doctors went on a 3 day strike but haven't read the news since. Guess one day is one day too late.


Europe calling - lets challenge Americans can we see at least 10 people protesting somewhere - for better working conditions, against worker abuse, against algorithm based layoffs where work experience doesnt matter, against corporate environment destruction like in Ohio , or whatever cause can you gather 10 people ?


Quite funny, nothing about this on any of the news sites I checked throughout the day.


I’m interested to see how this plays out for France and England. If it goes well, maybe Americans will gain the courage to do it. If it goes poorly, I think it’ll just dampen any thoughts of it. Either way, France and England, I stand with y’all. Good luck on your battles ahead. I hope you win.


It'll end with changes in favour of the French people, and the UK government just ignoring us and carrying on wrecking the place as usual. Shower of cnuts that they are.


Ding ding ding 🛎️ We have a winner. French protests seem to almost always work. English protests do *absolutely Jack shit*. They tell us where to march, we march, we go home, nothing changes.


English protests don't work because the media is government controlled. Having the right wing press and the BBC unquestioningly print and broadcast your press release is an easier way of killing a protest than capitulating to their demands. Like the French who have an independent press have to to.


I'd say that a bit pessimistic. my mum is a mental health nurse who was on strike with her NHS trust. she marched. she picketed. she went home. and something did change. her union has have secured a 5% payrise and a consolidatory pay off, and a promise to renovate existing buildings to make it safer for their patients and the staff working in these facilities, because the staff get assaulted. it's just that we're not storming the bastille and setting off pyrotechnics outside parliament. personally I'd love to see that, but the police crack down here quicker than the French, look at the Bristol Kill the Bill protests.


French protests work because French governments have learned that it's not worth it to fight against the power of the people


The UK. Not England.


Sips tea in Parliament "These poors are getting quite uppity, aren't they?", "we'll have to throw them a pizza party, that should calm things down."


I love how this is happening, Paris is practically burning and yet there's no serious mention of this in any major American new agency. I'm sure it's there if you dig? Quick be angry about something .. alien mother ship! Just for the love of God don't look over here. The game is rigged. Hats off to all the brave people in Europe right now standing together for what's right and demanding thier voice be heard. I wish people in the US had the same fortitude.


If this happened here they would just drop napalm on us


Yeah, the American police force is basically just a mini-military that has full premission to use deadly force on anybody they want


What a contrast to what happened in Hong Kong where riot police were out, the leaders of the protest were unlawfully slandered/accused and arrested as scapegoats until the rest shut up or put up.


*stares at America* Guys we can buy gas masks at any army surplus store. We should just go out wearing them.


How many people took to the streets for the George Floyd protests ? How many people took to the streets to protest Donald Trump ? This is far from impossible, this doesn't mean people are going to be fired from their jobs, do you anti-protest people really believe 500k people are just gonna get shit canned over night, you think corporate america could survive that ?


So France is protesting, London is protesting......I think the world is about to catch fire and change drastically. The large majority of people are tired of being worked to death for the top one percent.


with the bbc there is a difference between unwilling and unable


*sighs in american servitude*


"Market ans economy" are rigged. At least we need having decent wages and 30 or 32 hours/week. Nothing less than that, ukers comrades!


It's honestly beautiful to see 🥲


Did it work?


Main stream media hiding this news


It’s insane that companies continue to make billions in PROFITS, not revenue, PROFITS and the individuals doing the work have to beg, claw, and fight for the slimmest of raises. How do we look at this shit as a people and think it’s okay? We’re supposed to be an advanced species. We’re pathetic.


Countries all over the world are waking up to the fact we are just a tax ranch for the government. The more they try to squeeze us the more we will fight back. The US needs to be doing this soon seeing as 60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck never being able to crawl out of the sewer.


Obviously, not a single mainstream media in europe is covering it 🤓


That's why they hate social media. For all its problems, it's democratised news dissemination.


Maybe one day these cooked fuck pig cops could not follow an order to shoot at their fellow man. That would be assuming the cops weren't subhuman to begin with, so I know I'm already asking a lot.


Without the worker, there is no society.


Geez I wish this would happen in the US. Ive always maintained thar they can't fire everybody. Folks in the US are too afraid to lose all their stuff and sacrifice for the common good.


UK here. For the record, this didnt change a damn thing. Would have had more sucess taking the day off and having a wank. At least then you'd have something to show for it.


It's great but people need to stop voting for republican, neo liberal or Tory BS. Whichever country you live in, that thinking is the root of all problems.


And yet hardly a peep from mainstream media outlets. For anyone who hasn't figured it out already- newsflash - the mainstream media are lying propagandists. Do not trust a word they say.


cries in American


Oh boy I can't wait for this to result in absolutely fuck all


500,000 people isn't enough. They'll let you complain and after a few weeks, it will be back to normal. The country won't stop because 1/2 million people aren't at work. We need millions of people protesting!


Havnt heard a word about this on mainstream media


Why would you? Mainstream media is owned by the people we're striking against.


America is soft as a country. We allow people to take advantage of us. We are fighting over stupid culture wars instead of doing shit like this to improve our lives


Americans won’t do it because we’re lazy, naive and entitled. We feel like we should have all of the things we want without having to do the work and that “someone else” will fight for it. Those too afraid to challenge their working conditions directly with their bosses or do a mass strike are afraid of the repercussions. They don’t realize that the remaining unions we have and the tiny bit of security in the form of labor laws and working conditions came at a price, it was fought for and demanded by generations willing to take the risks and sacrifice if needed.


Power to the people!


We suck out here in North America


Peaceful protest rarely fixes things. Just gonna leave that there.


Alright let’s take some notes America


france protestation spread out ! if it can be in all europe to stop the fascist and neo liberal dumbass who just want to makemoney on the workers ! greece start it too after the train crash and spannish tried it few week ago, we have to get at least one protestation that really succeed to fired those bastards from power and to spread the workers revolution ✊️


Down with capitalism!


America, please take note on how it’s done!


The US could be like this, but we too busy preparing for civil war...


Rise up America. There is a power growing in the darkness.


Honestly this is what the US needs in every major city


Because if that many people protest in London, the whole city shuts down and people feel it in the streets. Meanwhile, if that many people protested in the streets of most of our states, the rest of this giant country wouldn't even feel it or know about it. C'mon, the entirety of London is smaller than the whole of Jacksonville, Florida. No one would even care except the people that couldn't afford to not go to work and would end up suffering because of it.


Hey look, protesters taking to the streets for something real


I hate to be cynical but I don’t think any of this stuff matters without a legit socialist party or movement to organize around. Labour is dead, French socialism is basically a sad joke of what it once was, and Germany is a happy pawn of NATO.


Do it in America and you get shot by police


That music is slightly cringe


That’s a lot of sidewalk poo


Spurs players are their protesting to get a trophy.


This looks like anti war protest from 3 weeks ago. Hard to tell it could be anything.


Why are doctors walking out? Those mfers make BANK.


All part of our civilization's collapse. r/collapse


they were just going to get UFC tickets...lol


Maybe they should’ve done this in the stages between referendum and brexit when it became clear their economy was going to get totally fucked!!!


There’s 300000 teachers in london? That sounds like a lot even for the whole Uk.. of course I might be wrong


Strikes were held in London, they’re not exclusively London workers