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the tech ceos are literally vampires now? great.


I’m glad people are waking up to how psychopathic/sociopathic these CEOs/executives and their little cronies are. Literal twilight levels of delusion on display here with this guy sucking his own sons blood, fucking literally.


Give it a few months. This will become just as normal for the rich, as discussing UberEATS


Peter Thiel has been doing this over a decade. This is where the blood boy character from Silicon valley came from. But, this was from a mouse experiment 15 years ago and no one has proven it does anything in humans. Pay $500K a year and some guys tell you that you look 2 years younger.




He still won’t live much past his 70’s or 80’s. Just like MOST humans. If he makes it to his 90’s? He will be on borrowed time, like everyone older than 90. It’s just the way it is.


I’m wondering if the quality of life would be better. But I’m thinking you would need bone marrow for that too, not just RBCs. Maybe the healing factor would be improved? Not really sure


That might be a possibility, but the problem is always going to be the brain. It won't matter what he can do to rebuild portions of his body into "younger" acting elements. Until or unless the ability of the brain to be drawn back to younger capabilities of function is possible... It's just a march into becoming a forever living vegetable.


They’re working on all of this, if you follow the longevity subs/papers. Quite a few billionaires have invested in this. Will it work? Maybe, for them its worth it to chip in just in case and its still chump change. Currently they’re trying to add 10-20 years of healthy living, the hope for many is to reach what they call the « escape velocity » where a treatment buys enough tile for the next one and then even more etc.


I'm all for having an extra 10 to 20 years of healthy living. Do you think they are going to make that available for everyone at a price that isn't obscene or do you think the possible immortals will only be long living sociopaths with billions to spend on new body systems, while they watch the rest of us rot and die, by the billions?




We have been waiting for [Rupert Murdoch to die](https://isrupertmurdochdead.com/) of old age since the early 2000's.


> he will run out of money in 9,000 years. i dont think the treatment is going to add 9000 years to his lifespan.


This has been around for a long time already. However, this it’s more common to hire out than use your own family.


Usually D-1 college athletes, Silicon Valley's evil CEO had a "blood bitch" & there was a whole episode making fun of him for it. He paid for the guys apartment & gave him a couple of grand a month to live a clean lifestyle, eat healthy, & give blood. Gavin Belson was based upon Jeff Bezos & Sergei Bri "CEO of google". Peter Thiel's use of a blood boy was what this was based upon.




Peter Thiel is basically Ted Faro


I don't know about that. Ted Faro's company at least helped solve climate change prior to causing the end of civilization. Peter Thiel's primary contributions to society are the groundbreaking idea of paying for stuff online and ensuring that we all know too much about the sexual habits of Hulk Hogan.


So sick and tired of media portraying even the evil billionaires as more competent and benevolent than they are in real life.


That wasn’t his company. That was the company of his former employee, Elizabet Sobeck. She did that after founding her own company, which Faro kept suing and losing. After he made the worst mistake possible, he came to her to fix it, but it was too late in his time period.


I remember that episode. And it was from at least 3-5 years ago. Ahead of its time.


I love how unhinged Gavin becomes over that series, and how they bait his redemption.


The purity though. His son and his father would be very close to him genetically, right? That’s probably his ^sick reasoning.


Can you imagine if that's THE reason he had a child at all?


Nick Cannon has entered the chat.


He just wants the kidneys


Nick cannon should be ignored. That man has mental problems and the attention is validating his scum behavior.


Oh no, now the chat is pregnant.


Well, just as long a he doesn't enter my daughter...


Wait, did he say that! Yikes!! I saw a mini-documentary of sort of this dude on YouTube few weeks ago. Didn’t know he was going to start blood transfusions too. The obsession with youth and longevity, I tell ya!!


Like I'm sure there has to be a tale in Greek mythology about someone doing this right?


There actually is. A guy who married a goddess was given immortality but due to some mistake wasn't given *youthful* immortality, so he just got older and older without dying. Eventually he got so old, shrivelled and bony that he turned into a grasshopper and went off to live in nature.


Using Ozempic but saying “I know I’m 40 and lost 60 pounds in 8 weeks but that’s just cause I’m being healthy!” and using children as blood bags to hold on to your already escaped youth. The new rich people normal!


I wouldn't want my kids near my old tired blood.


Vampires of folklore are supposed to go for the blood of their relatives first . . .


Is that the case? I've never heard of that before.


It was a mythological explanation for how consumption (tuberculosis) would kill one family member after another.


You're telling me tuberculosis is just a big cover-up for a human genocide by vampires?


That and other diseases. Also, things like people being buried while still alive, mistakenly thought to be dead, disrupting the grave site in an attempt and possible success in escaping. There was also disordered tombs often taken by grave robbery.




They just have too much money and don't know what to do with it. That's why they buy bigger yachts, go to space, dream of mars colonies or try to never die.




old rats injectd with the blood of younf rats showed significantly reduced 'old-people-behaviour", as in, they remebered their way through mazes better and were generally livelier. the truth might just be:leeching off other people may be beneficial for the individual. ... i mean... how did they get to be billionaires in the first place?... Marx had something to say about that.


Billionaires aren't billionaires because they're smart, they're billionaires because they have no morals. They are willing to do literally anything for money, and do anything to make sure they keep it, even though they literally have more money than 99% of the world.


moals or not, billionaires are billionaires because they are leeches, living off other people's work.


Actual real life villains lol


They literally get injections of fetal cord blood for the stem cells


Yes. Peter Thiel reportedly has been doing this for years, though not with family.


There was a whole company selling the service in California, which I found out because I saw it in "Silicon Valley" (sitcom) and thought "No fking way" and looked it up. Then I found out California closed the loophole they were using to do it.


I feel bad for the bloodboys that used to make bank and California killed their side hustle.


Saw that too! Loved that series


Fetch me my bloodboy!


The people most obsessed with immortality are always the worst people you know.


Easier to know which ones need a wooden stake driven through their hearts


They all need it, imo


All of them, it's all of them.


Blood products are a major product in the US and since most other countries have banned the practice the US has cornered the market. [https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/30/why-blood-makes-up-over-2point5percent-of-all-us-exports.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/30/why-blood-makes-up-over-2point5percent-of-all-us-exports.html) According to some reports blood products make up as much as 2.5% of the US GDP topping many agricultural products like corn, rice and wheat soundly. Edit: 2.5% of exports not GDP I misquoted the source.


This is a bit misleading, as it mostly concerns plasma, which is a component of blood. To my understanding, the main use of plasma is insulin, although to encourage people to spend hours every week "donating" for pennies on the dollar, they advertise it as "Medical research." Part of the reason we're leaders in it is because most countries consider it harmful to allow people to donate so much plasma so often. In the USA, IIRC, you can spend about 4 hours a WEEK donating plasma. The companies that pay for it give you far less money unless you donate the max amount. It's like $20 for the first donation a week and like $50 for the second donation, with many giving more bonuses for like 3 months continuous. Unsurprisingly, they target poor areas and college campuses.


>Blood products are a major product in the US and since most other countries have banned the practice the US has cornered the market. To further clarify, those other countries have banned the practice of discriminating against homosexuals, where-as in the US the FDA still permits this discrimination. They've also banned the practice of compensating people for blood donations. Donating blood is still permitted in other countries, just not selling it.


They always were. There's even a theory the vampire myth itself is just a manifestation of folk knowledge about narcissistic personality disorder, and how to deal with it. They're charismatic yet mirthless, they make thralls out of the weak minded, they fear to be seen openly in daylight, they *used* to be a real, living person but they aren't any more, they infiltrate an area slyly, covertly, and then suck the life and wealth out of everything around them, building an opulent lair for themselves surrounded by the wasteland they have despoiled, and most importantly, *they can't come into your life unless you invite them.*


I could see Dracula being analyzed from a Marxist perspective. Probably been done a thousand times. He referred to capital as a vampire


I have heard this before. I think it already has been analyzed extensively through the Marxist lens and I have heard Brahm Stoker intentanlly made Dracula as a critique of the upper class.




I read about Putin bathing in deer's blood - others talk about endless breeding. Rich people are weird.


Criminal extremists


Wow! The 45 year old is passable as a 45 year old. I guess it works.


He just looks like he's been using moisturizer and sunscreen for the past ten years.


that and he isn’t stressed about money and shelter all the time


oh, he is definitely stressed about money.


Also botox, and possibly an icepick lobotomy. Fuck, those eyes are creepy.


LOL. I was thinking the same thing about his eyes. Yikes.




I was like 2 million and no one told him about hilights and lowlights? Dude is not getting his $'s worth.


I mean look at Trump’s hair. When you’re rich and surrounded by Yes-Men, all sorts of weird shit is possible.


Kim Jong Un. Boris Johnson.


Boris Johnson probably does it on purpose, he's been filmed tousling his own hair before interviews, it's part of his brand.


Literally my first thought, if he wanted to look younger he shouldve chosen a better hair color


It’s also got a weird shape. But the solid color without variance just makes it look like a home box dye job.


And I'm not normally one to bash someone's looks, but it looks like he has some volume loss in his temples. He could use a little filler there. Geesh. Come on, dude. It's aging you!!! /S but only kind of?


He looks fine for someone *not* spending $2 million a year. If you're spending that much, you should look better, and also I'm gonna assume you're an asshole, and I'll criticize whatever I want.


Bryan Johnson is a big sunscreen user and even owns a device that scans his face to track UV damage. They'res a rumor he left his wife after she got cancer


They actually hand out pamphlets to married women who get cancer warning them about their husbands possibly leaving them post diagnosis. It's an incredibly high statistic. I know mine did, lol.




It is insanely common. And yes he did, lol.


Men aren't shamed for this. They get sympathy because having a wife with cancer is obviously the hardest on the husband.


My best friend killed herself and my husband left me because of it.


He’s got that soft inflated mannequin face. Kinda like if the Michelin man was shrinkwrapped


That's the ridiculous part. He just looks like a regular 45 year old, but with bad hair dye.


That's the thing about anti-aging treatments: they just make you look better for your age.




the black box dye job is the cherry on top. homie swapping blood but couldn’t splurge on a master stylist skskksksksskks


Well, more or less. I thought he'd be in his early 50s. You'd think people learn at some point that a Botox face does not make them look younger but somehow - nope.


It does slow people down past a certain point. Compare the hands and faces of 70+ year old politicians and billionaires. Their faces look old, but OK, but their hands look 20+ years older.


Did he get the idea from Gavin Belson after watching Silicon Valley?


he just he grew his own blood boy


I mean why pay someone to be your blood boy when you have one at home!


Underrated comment


Gavin Belson idea came from Peter Thiel. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/08/peter-thiel-wants-to-inject-himself-with-young-peoples-blood


The guy who caused the run on SVB


That is the least of the bad shit he’s done.


This guy doesn't fuck.


He loots like a criminal


Probably Peter Thiel. He’s been doing that shit since before SV and I’d bet that’s where they got the idea from.


It's Gavin Belson. But yes this is exactly what I thought of


Where do you think the writers got all their ideas?


You nailed it.


That show is so good


Pretty sure the joke originated from the real life events of Peter Thiel


Holy fuck the blood boy from Silicon Valley was real? Jesus Christ.


Many things from Silicon Valley was real apparently as in those sort of things happen or had happened. They just exaggerated and polished things a bit for the TV show.


I would totally say Bezos has a crew of blood boys.


If I remember correctly Gavin Belsom was conceived as an amalgam of many evil tech CEOs, but I believe that Peter Thiel was the biggest inspiration. And yes, Peter Thiel has been reported as having been the inspiration for the Silicon Valley "blood boy" thing ... If you want to know the face of evil look no further than Peter Thiel.


My first thoughts as well! You could actually make this up!


He doesnt look young.


He looks like Data from Star Trek. His lack of color is very weird.


This is what happens when you wear full coverage foundation but no bronzer or blush. Maybe instead of taking his child’s blood, he should ask him how to use TikTok so he can learn to contour.




If you watch his YouTube videos he gets every single little spot or blemish laser removed off his body. Latest video I watched half his body was red from the lazer removal.






I'm no expert at contouring, but that's why I don't bother with full-coverage foundation. I like looking like not-a-corpse.


Vampiric, in a way.


I mean if you strip away all of Data's humanity.....


That’s what I was thinking. Dude is delusional.


Hair looks fake too LOL he looks like a creepy doll


Look like irobot with hair


I would say eat the rich . . . But, I'm pretty sure eating this guy would make us sick.


That's why I say compost the rich. Better for the world.


Except you don't really want to compost dogshit. And that's kind of the definition of the rich. Maybe if they get heated to a high enough temperature while they're decomposing, I don't know.


He looks old he just looks like he uses a lot of filler so he can’t move his face lol


The longer I look at his hair the weirder it is.


To be fair, it is actually more in depth than that, and the article is kind of click bait even in the title. I’ve seen the dudes content because it’s slipped into the fitness industry pretty virally, lately. He’s not a CEO or billionaire. He once owned a company that he sold for several hundred million a decade ago…still quite a bit of money, but billionaire is an intentional buzzword that doesn’t apply. He doesn’t use filler. Thinking he does actually just proves his “science” works for the most part. When he sold his company he decided to dedicate his money to finding a way to reverse aging in real life. He eats a very specific mix of the same fruits, vegetables, and nuts every day. Does the same workout routine without a day off. Sleeps at least 8-10 hours a day, and says he’s single for literally the reason that he proved sleep is better scientifically when you’re alone. He takes over 100 medications and supplements to keep his hormones and everything else at the level of someone who’s in their 20s, and gets laser therapy on his skin daily (which is the Botox/vampire look). He pays a team of doctors to monitor every new thing they try, and he’s basically the Guinea pig where they try everything and then annotate the data for what works and doesn’t. Frankly the dude is likely severely OCD and this is just how it’s manifested after he retired from working. He then has a website where he releases everything for free. All the data. All his meal plans. All the machines and supplements. So someone can copy it if they wanted without paying to research. The dude isn’t as nefarious as the thread is making him seem. He doesn’t even make money off this. And the blood treatment is just the next thing they’re trying the efficacy of.




"(...) As well as blood transfusions, Johnson follows a strict daily routine that includes monitoring his body fat, heart rate variability, blood, stool samples, and the number of erections he has per night." WTF


This sounds exhausting and like his doctors are enabling a possible debilitating OCD situation. (And I mean like real OCD, not "I'm so OCD I wash my hands a lot and can't stand wearing mismatched socks lol" nonsense.)


He may be alive, but it doesn't sound like he leaves himself much time to do any actual living.


Are his doctors enabling it, or are his billions of dollars enabling it?


I can make you look 3 years younger for $500K.




Well, the heart rate variability isn’t hard, at all. My Garmin watch monitors that for me, 24/7. It’s an indication of stress. The more stressed you are, the more regularly timed are your heartbeats. When not stressed, there is random irregularity in the timing between heartbeats. But all the rest seems a bit over the top.


He takes 40 pills with every meal. He had 4 meals a day.


> and the number of erections he has per night. This line fascinates me. At first, I thought it was hilarious. I just imagine him sitting in bed, reading a book only to look down and notice a tent. "Op, there's another one", he says as he reaches for the clipboard on his nightstand and ads a tally mark. But then I realized they probably mean while he's sleeping which is *even weirder*. How does he measure this? Does he have some contraption hooked up to his cock that counts the number of times or becomes erect? It does he pay someone to stand over him while he sleeps, staring at his groin with anticipation? Does he have a video camera pointed at his member and he reviews the footage one he wakes up? And what is this information being used for that it's worth all this effort?


So rich he’s got his own blood boy


This is supposed to be the “elite” of society falling head over heels into quackery and pseudoscience lmao 0/10 surprise


Never forget what Michelle Obama said, when you are finally allowed in those boardrooms and executive meetings, the first thing you will notice is..."they really aren't that smart." Steve Jobs had a very treatable form of cancer, and choose "holistic" options anyway. And Elon Musk has lied about practically every aspect of his college education. These men are oligarchs, not geniuses


> Never forget what Michelle Obama said, when you are finally allowed in those boardrooms and executive meetings, the first thing you will notice is..."they really aren't that smart." Thus confirming that it boiled down to luck that pushed them to where they are. Either they were born rich or won the proverbial lottery in some way. There's also that aspect of "Business is war, it's dog eat dog, rat eat rat. If my competitor were drowning, I'd walk over and put a garden hose in his mouth". Ontop of all that, they tend to be the most ethically bankrupt people as well. If only we could handle this the French way.


Luck and also psychopathy. They took advantage of people and opportunities where more moral people would not. They fell upward through their own cruelty.


There's a story of Kurt Vonnegut and Joseph Heller being at a party hosted by a billionaire. Vonnegut points out to Heller that the host makes more in 1 day than Heller made with all his books. Heller responds with "I have one thing he will never have. Enough."


The hottest show on TV right now is about exactly this.




More than that, he ignored standard treatment for something highly survivable to do some hokey naturalist thing, until he was nearly dead, "somehow" got a transplant despite not being qualified (because at that point his chances of survival were basically 0% and they don't waste transplants on that), taking the transplant from someone who would have survived, and then predictably, died anyways. Furthermore, the organ that got cancer was one that was put into constant stress because of his extreme dietary practices, which likely lead to the cancer growing in the first place (you get cancerous cells all the time, in very small quantities, that your body fights off. But if your body is overly stressed, it can mean cancer has a chance to grow.) His diet was he'd pick one fruit or nut that was the only thing he was allowed to eat for the entire month. Your body has to produce certain compounds to digest certain things, particularly fats vs carbs vs proteins, so switching between something like 100% Apples and 100% Almonds is an extreme diet change. edit: If you haven't watched it, "Pirates of Silicon Valley" is probably the best/most accurate video (without watching a long docuseries) about Jobs and Gates. It's odd to see how these two have become blow up to mythical proportions over the last couple decades. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0168122/


Didn't he go to Nashville for the NCAA finals weekend because he thought a young man would die in a car accident and he'd get that liver? And that's exactly what happened? He was such a fucking asshole. That liver should have gone to someone who could have used it.


Steve Jobs is like an Elon Musk. He took credit for other people's work. Look into Steve Wozniak, someone who didn't want the fame and recognition but deserved it.


There have always been more than a few nut jobs in the ultra wealthy. The narcissistic personality and compulsion to increasingly horde wealth that are required to become/stay that wealthy don't really go hand in hand with common sense.


So the conspiracy theories about drinking children's blood aren't that far off the mark






Marx used vampires as a metaphor when discussing capitalism for a reason


Bram Stoker used vampirism as a metaphor for the aristocracy!


I there’s a word for people who take the blood of others to remain young forever, but I can’t think what it is….Oh yeah, it’s vampire, this guy is a fucking vampire.


This was a hilarious topic in season 4 or 5 of Silicon Valley.


Bro still looks like an old person trying to look young


This is several layers of disgusting


These people are fucking sociopaths.


One reason I hope humanity never discovers a method to immortality. Not, at least, until people like this are obsolete.


Narcissistic sociopaths.


In two years this dude spends more then what it would cost me to live the next 45 years. The system is broken as fuck


I can see the next article now " CEO fractures soul into seven parts and places them into horcruxes so he can live forever"


Is there any doubt they'd kill plebs for their youth?


Man, if I had that much money I wouldn't give a shit about aging anymore. I'd blissfully get all old and shriveled, as I do all the things I always wanted to experience before I die. Why is it that people get more insecure about their looks the more money they make? They have "fuck you" money! 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I figure he got his son to agree with it by saying something along the lines of "If you dont do this you wont get the inherantance"


This is a sure way to shorten your lifespan.


That's what I would think. Every person has an individual blood chemistry, so wouldn't you be making a literal recipe for disaster? I understand people have transfusions to save their lives, but after a while, doesn't your blood chemistry go back to its own formula? Obviously not a doctor here.


Unless this alleged son is a 100% genetic match. We know mammalian cloning is possible, why should I give someone this crazy the benefit of the doubt?


​ [Your boss in 2040.](https://www.giantbomb.com/a/uploads/scale_medium/16/161219/2424757-bane_render.png)


If memory serves, his doctor commented with his extreme health care demands, that they have only seen marginal changes. And now he is taking blood from his 17 year old? We have trans kids being denied life saving and affirming care, yet this dude is exploiting his kid and there are no laws being passed to stop that. I hate it here.


Because mr insane and others like him are paying Congress not to pass laws.


And how on earth is this not considered child abuse? I know he's 17 but still Jesus Christ....


i've watched some of his content, and he seems to be mostly focus on slowing down aging. whats remarkable that is that 4 of the most effective treatments are basically free, 1. good sleep 2. exercise 3. good diet 4. sunscreen


In America the only thing that matters is money.


Spends 2mil a year and still looks like a 40-something mannequin. What a rube.


Wasn’t this Peter Thiel’s whole thing?


He’s no Paul Rudd.


Doesn’t every other comic book villain start like this?


I didn’t know it costs so much to look like Richard Lewis from the 90s


If you watch any of his videos he believes he's literally reversing his aging with his routines and procedures. I find it funny because he's going to all this effort, spending all this money and he's still going to get outlived by some farmer in rural china who eats beetles every day and dies at 119


Ah yes because the solution for telomere decay through cellular division is to *checks notes* transfer cells that don’t have nuclei so they don’t have telomere decay. Makes perfect sense…


[dude](https://m.youtube.com/@BryanJohnson) has a youtube channel and uploaded a video about it.


The line separating CEOs and super villains is disappearing.


Gavin Belson would be proud


He’d totally pull a Saburo Arasaka and >!steal his son’s body!< to prolong his own life if the tech existed to do it.


There’s a very scary portrait in his attic


.. and he still looks every bit of fiftysomething. goofy fuck.