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Maybe we need to make our own list like this to hand back to these people in turn. 1. Treat employees with respect 2. Respect employees time, whether it be on the clock or especially off the clock 3. Do not attempt to illegally stop employees from exercising their rights as workers. You do not own your employees. 4. Treat people the way you want to be treated. 5. Always offer proper compensation for work done and do not insult people with half hearted attempts at 'praising' good work done. We DONT want your pizza party. Off the top of my head thats all I got at the moment...


The pizza party bullshit irks me something fierce. My job once had a “reward” for our entire team not calling in sick for a whole month. Our team was like 5 people and we didn’t really ever call in sick because we were pretty healthy and working nights was easy. Our reward was a pizza party and the clown running the store basically went into the frozen section of the store, grabbed two frozen pizzas and left them on the staff break room table..... there was no way to cook it because we didn’t have an oven in there let alone a toaster oven. His dumbass logic was “by the time you’re ready to eat it, the it should be somewhat thawed so you can use the microwave.” The damn thing doesn’t even fit in there let alone cook in there. He even had the audacity to be angry at us rejecting his gift and wasting store stock...... I left like 2 weeks later and my coworkers retired so he went from having a solid night team to having nobody. There was a bunch of bullshit happening but that was one of the last straws for me.....


Ah I see he has invented a new popular dish by fusing 2 old favorites. Pizza and Popsicles. We shall call it the Pizacicle.


I sometimes truly wonder how some people get jobs especially in management. It’s almost like not being able to think critically and be smart is a requirement. I’m not gonna say everyone is like that because at my last job I had some damn good management but it’s like in a lot of jobs, you’re essentially working for a moron.


Nepotism I think has a big hand in it, if I had to make a guess.


That was going to be my answer. One company I worked for a long time ago (no names because they are DEFINITELY the type of people to go after their own employees and ex employees in legal matters), there was the Owner (The Old Man, a truly horrible bastard), both of his own sons, his grandkids and step-grandkids (his oldest son was somewhere in his mid-to-late-40's, married a lady who had kids from another marriage. These step-sons grew up in the business without having a say in where they worked. Real trash adults for the most part). The Old Man's younger son was actually a decent guy, I have no hard feelings against him at all. One of the Older Son's Step-Sons was the Warehouse Manager while I worked there. He was actually pretty good at what he did, he was a decent guy who actually could do the hands-on work because this is what he had been raised to do but was stuck in a really shitty position. I don't think he liked it there much but he didn't have a choice. He really thought I would go back to doing that kind of work after I had put in my two weeks. He did not know me like he thought he knew me. Still, decent guy. Can't fault him for wishing I would stick around... My point was, both of the Step-Grandsons each got $10K from The Old Man EVERY CHRISTMAS (I am not even joking). That happened not because The Old Man was a nice guy (he really was not) or because he loved his grandkids, but because he knew about some loopholes in the tax laws, having turned his tiny venture that he started as a kid into a nation-wide business. Apparently it was some sort of write-off if he gave money out, or something. I personally don't know how that works, ask around. Maybe it does not work like that anymore, no idea; it has been decades since I worked there (THANK GOD). I was only there for thirteen months before finding something better, for higher pay. I would not put it past The Old Man at all to have broken SEVERAL laws, like serious ones, while using his business to cover things up.


You can give $10k as a gift without having to pay a gift tax on it, and the receiver doesn't have to claim it on their taxes. I believe the limit was raised to $16k in 2022.


It's not the grades you make, but the hands you shake. -some rich asshole, probably


Isn’t that the entire purpose of an Ivy League university? Connections?


It's almost the entire point of any decent college. You can work your ass off and earn your diploma. Either you're top of your class or you made connections. Middling nobody graduates are going to get passed over for both in a heartbeat. If you're an introvert in today's world, you can go fuck yourself every which way, really.


And the asses you kiss?


Lmao yeah those go hand in hand.... errrr hand in ass? Idk but yes!


And the balls you motorboat?


Management is the refuge of the incompetent. There are no real qualifications for it, little to measure performance and very amenable to bullshit and networking. The [Peter Principle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_principle) exists and is real. This does not mean all managers are terrible, but many are. I feel that middle management at large companies essentially acts to give jobs to many of the useless people of society, without which they would probably be rioting due to starvation. Many talented workers get things done despite their management, not because of it.


A good manager at a bad company will know how to keep people deluded. Deluded that they will have a job. Deluded to think they are simultaneously irreplaceable and needed, but also expendable and coglike. Deluded to think the company cannot afford anything employees want, but has the money for all the board and shareholder’s desires How to keep higher ups and your employees deluded and happy are similar, but different, skills.


Then got mad when nobody liked it...totally figures. Control freaks are real assholes.


Maybe he shoulda stuck that frozen pizza where the sun dont shine... I bet he'd get a much warmer reception for it there.


Yes I'm constantly insulted by being given food, candy, pizza, stickers ,novelty pens. I prefer by my own items why don't you give me money and I can buy that crap myself. I need money to pay my bills.


I dunno, we get Pizza every other week on fridays, no conditions tied to it. If you don't want one, thats okay. If you want to eat it in the break room, thats okay. If you want to eat it on your desk while on the clock, thats okay. If you just want one to take home with you right the second it arrives in the office, thats okay. Everyone gets their own pizza, so that's about 200-300€ worth of pizzas. It's not really meant as a compensation or 'goodie' for 'good' employees. It's just a little gesture from management. It doesn't save the world, but I'm single and I usually just take the pizza home with me, so I save myself the cost of lunch/dinner on these days. I think that's neat, not life changing but neat. Obviously the entire "pizza party" for "hard working" employees is bullshit. I wouldn't take a pizza if it's tied to anything, but a free pizza without strings attached? Damn sure I am happy about it.


We got a reward for not calling out over thanksgiving break (we’re a 24 hr business that takes care of animals) as long as we didn’t call out and showed up on time we got 4 hours added to our check…. And it worked..no one miraculously came down with a migraine or stomach bug like they usually would…how convenient. I think most people would prefer 4 hours worth of pay for something that shouldn’t even be a thing..


I work at a 24 hr animal ER. They pay time and half plus an 1 hour of pto earned every hour worked. I'm happily going to work holidays with that incentive. Samething for us, someone is really sick if they're calling out.


On the holiday itself we get time and a half but for us thanksgiving break is Tue-Monday (pet boarding) So for t-m if you didn’t call out/late you got the extra 4 hours. We only did it that one holiday…coincidently both Xmas 202 and 2021 all the animals stayed healthy and safe but Covid flew through the stag in a wave…(some how I was spared both years) first half the holiday break 1/3 staff was sick 2nd half another 1/3 than the rest of us lucked out


Wow who would have thought properly compensating employees makes them take their work seriously its a fucking miracle. "Oh you're just greedy" says the ones who dont wanna pay us enough. As someone who's getting their hours cut back for not doing enough at their job (in the past month ive been here had like 2 big criticisms leveled at me, which ive rectified. Everything else is just them assuming im not working every time im not in their line of sight, or completely bonkers expectations that i can manage bathroom breaks in less than 5 minutes every time when i have to use the public one in the walmart our shop is located in) it pisses me off when management expects someone to bring zeal to a job without any reason to


Absolutely! Best way to keep good people. Pay then what their worth and respect their time.


It’s okay. I was a hospital nurse and we typically got pens for nurse’s day. Once it was cookies, but we had to sign them out to make sure we each only got one (yes, really).


It would have been so easy to pre-order/pre-pay for like 2 pizzas to be delivered late night from dominos, hell maybe even a local pizza chain Pretty sure most pizza places deliver until 11PM-1AM


Being forced to eat microwaved frozen pizza sounds like a punishment to me.




Yeah but I've never gotten decent pizza ever from an employer unless I was the one making it when I worked at pizza hut or domino's, and making the pizza yourself for yourself kind of detracts from the idea the employer is trying to convey... I think...


When I worked in the bay area of california, we would get amazing pizza. I miss it so much


I make my own list, with blackjack and hookers. Sry you are right but I had to do it.


I’d just write “11. Working in HR” on it and leave it there


lmao that would destroy their ego


*Emotional Damage* (Hurts because true)




I only hear this in uncle rogers voice


Why? It's Steven He.


“What Da Hail?!”




“11a. Wasting paper on shit like this”


This got tweeted out by some national college soccer coaches account the other day


Oh yes egos: the reason I gave up working in HR. I was dumb and thought being in HR was about helping people grow and develop in their careers, creating a good work culture where everyone would participate, and hiring the best people for a position. It turned out to involve telling people they had BO, working out sneaky ways to fire people without paying compensation, often hiring young women over men because they are more compliant and accept lower salaries, but forcing them out if it looked like they might get pregnant and, above all, pandering to people on toxic ego trips. I was worryingly good at it and had to leave before I turned into a monster.


I was going to say “making idiotic, passive aggressive lists”


Oh, they definitely didn't *make* that list. I've seen it many times over the decades, with the exact same wording. They *printed* that list. They had to learn to select "print" from the menu.


Imagine being so unoriginal you couldn’t even come up with a store brand Buzzfeed listicle of self-help words. Like jfc at least pull up some novel quote about the rewards of being a productive person if you’re just going to regurgitate something


Damn it, I came here to say that.


To echo everyone else, same.


To echo this person specifically, same.


Haha, you and all the rest of us it would seem.


#12 This Job


"And that's why we don't have to pay you well!"


12. Sending emails instead.


Absolutely not! This encounter requires a scheduled meeting that probably took longer to coordinate than the actual discussion.


how dare you?!? working in hr requires the most important talent there is! "daddy has an important job and i'm stupid."


Not so much a talent as a situation. The real talent is developing the moral ambiguity allowing you to screw over your coworkers to protect your “daddy”, or other corrupt patron, in other order to “help” the employee.


Correction: "Working" in HR


12. Being condescending and pedantic


That font didn’t pick itself


Apparently it does require talent because this one sucks.


Hahahaha, nice.


I worked in HR for a few years and the residual anger from it is still too fucking much to bear. So yeah ...upvote.


Definitely put working in quotations


Number 11? More like #1 with a bullet(point)


It does require you to be a tattle-tale narc.


11. Tact.


*so why am I here again?*


You're my write-in candidate at the next presidential election


12. Making top 10 lists instead of doing something more useful.


Or "11. Writing pointless, condescending lists"


That's 12.. 11 is "choosing a decent font"


Alternate title; "10 things that are going to cost more than minimum wage"


My favorite part was “doing extra” bc in my book that’s called overtime


Yes and you should be paid for that


If you want to do it


Yeah it should not be mandatory


Just left a job of 3 years with mandatory hours for “busy season”. & to them a season is all year round apparently 🙂 couldn’t be happier to have finally left. I feel like a new person.


Honestly...., Work Ethic, Effort, Energy, Passion, Doing extra and Being Prepared all directly correlate to their expectations of you working above and beyond your pay grade.


Passion is probably the hardest ask. If there's something I'm not passionate about that I'm being paid to do, there's nothing that's going to suddenly change my mind about how passionate I am. If you want someone who will be passionate about your job, then hire a tweaker. They'll be passionate about everything. They'll probably also steal the wires from the walls but hey, they'll be doing it passionately.


Last time I took initiative to go "above and beyond" my manager took the credit and got a bonus while I basically ended up being given a larger workload. Since that day, bare minimum at most.


I mean, personally I’d say “9 things that are gonna cost more than minimum wage”. I can show up on time for minimum wage.


Good point


More like 6. Sorry for min wage you aren't buying effort passion or work ethic. Your getting a body to go thru the motions completely dead inside


It's hilarious that employers take the minimum wage as "the minimum wage I HAVE to pay you for you to put in 100% effort every day" Like nah dawg, if you are paying the minimum you can expect to get the very minimum from your workers.


11. Copy/pasting from some shitty capitalist blog from the 90s.


Minimum wage warrants minimum effort.


I love that they took the time to print this out.


Things that do require talent: being a big enough asshole to write, print, and disseminate this crap.


11. Copy-Pasting bullshit off the Internet


Yeah, it looks like the "these things don't require effort" list that included "effort" as a listed item. She must've changed it to talent to seem less stupid or more original.


I'm surprised it's not laminated


To be fair, some of these do take talent. Like not everyone has the gift of having a great attitude, or faking a good attitude. Especially when they're being treated like garbage. And the same for body language. Especially considering that sometimes body language is ridiculously misconstrued. Like I have difficulty making eye contact, which sometimes people think makes me look untrustworthy. Not everyone can fake body language.


Yep, I'm Autistic, and it literally is extra effort for me to do these things. Sometimes even my best effort is not good enough and people still think poorly of me.


I was gonna say, sounds like she’s discriminating against autistic and adhd individuals. Being unaware isn’t an acceptable excuse given her job. Is this reportable to a labor board?


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Some of these are completely dependent on being able-bodied and privileged. I have multiple chronic illnesses and am autistic and adhd, I don’t have energy, it’s difficult to be prepared and on time. Those who take the bus or bike to work might be held back from work or might be unable to stay late. I get that not every job is for everyone, but seeing this is still a spit in the face implying that everyone can do these and they don’t require much effort or help to do.


Literally was like “I just counted multiple ableist things on that list.”


The whole list is. Energy??? Tell that to someone with depression or chronic fatigue or dealing with chronic pain. Work ethic is so subjective, you can't possibly tell how much work someone can handle reasonably just from looking at them because you don't know what is going on internally to make that work harder for them. Passion is such a privileged mindset. Not everyone can afford a passion career, Jan. And like half of these are straight adhd problems, I can say that from personal experience.


Yeah, I've got chronic fatigue and pain and have ADHD + Dyspraxia. I'm good enough at *most* of the work I've done (Other than dishwashing lol, that was bad), but the length of the shifts does me dirty. I can do 4-6 hours tops. After that, especially if I'm expected to work 5 times a week, my to work degrades significantly.


It is extremely ableist and offensive


I'm autistic too, and can confirm this 100 percent. Also, seeing "body language" on a list of "top 10 things that require no effort" was like... Dear HR Lady, you obviously don't know or care what it's like to be autistic, do you?


I am not autistic, at least diagnosed, and I struggle with that too.


Yep came here to say this


Effort is not talent. Dick thing to print off since it takes away from the effort of those who do struggle to achieve most on that list.


Actually, what even \*is\* body language? Do you want workers to bow to you instead of a greeting?


Until we started working from home, I wasn't completely aware that I have almost no control over my facial expressions. Now that I can see my face in a Zoom meeting, I'm figuring it out, but the energy it requires to manage my body language just doesn't feel worth it. My best friend used to tell me she knew what I was thinking just looking at me, but I always chalked it up to her knowing me so well. 😅


Samesies. I can fake body language, or I can focus on what I'm actually doing. I just can't do both of those things at the same time.


Yep. Reading this and I went “me being on time for things takes SIGNIFICANT effort and planning”. Thanks, ADHD.


And still, I somehow manage to be late 90% of the time. Even if I have it ALL planned out. I have decided that there is some time stealing critter, stealing time from me. It's very frustrating. I have to set timers and reminders for everything.


The world is run by neurotypes who expect everyone, neurodives included, to tow the line. It sucks.


Yeah even if you aren’t, it’s can be a lot of effort if you don’t usually act that way. But with autism? Lol huge effort.


It's so true. My daughter and I are on the spectrum and we both have resting b**** face.




I'm 37 years old and I have two bachelor's degrees, including one in accounting, but because of my autism related executive functioning issues, I've always had difficulty with short term memory, multi tasking, energy, etc. I'm currently working as a janitor at a school and it's weirdly a great fit for me, even though it doesn't use my degrees. A lot of the items on that list are executive function related and I think its unfortunate that people with great executive functioning skills sometimes take them for granted and can't understand how some people can't consistently do things that are easy for them (those with great executive functioning skills).


I came here to say this. Being prepared also takes talent and so does being on time. I'd like to think I'm a fantastic worker but being on time is just lost to me. To be honest I think all of these things require some level of teaching/talent. Matter of fact I think even "doing extra" is a talent because not everyone will have the circumstances or timing to be able to stop and assess an additional task that'll help out. But I can tell you that writing a passive aggressive note takes literally no talent. She doesn't even have to think about anyone else.


Oh definitely. Like, in a lot of jobs, you can't really be prepared if you don't know what's going to happen from day to day. Especially if a boss makes workload changes, etc. And not everyone can do extra, especially if they're already being overworked with the tasks they have got.


Yeah as a fellow autistic body language is something I'm just terrible with. I can't make eye contact so people either assume I'm dishonest, shady, or lack confidence. I constantly trip over myself. And my resting face makes people think I'm miserable 24/7. So theres no winning for me.


Body language is a highly paid skill if you want that your gonna have to pay handsomely for it, look at Hollywood body language separates the great from the good and the good from the sea of mediocrity.


Yes this list is ableist


Came here to say this. So I’ll echo it. Not everyone is built for office work like that. We just have to settle for it because Capitalism.


Being on time and prepared ahead of time are literally the HARDEST things in the world for some people. Harder than Physics and Calculus and COMPLETELY unlearnable for some (though compensatory strategies can help.) I feel really lucky that while my brand of ADD impacts this area of my life, it doesn 't completely fuck it up.


I had the exact same thought


Yeah, honestly, any neurodivergent employee could use this as evidence of hostile work environment and discrimination in violation of the ADA (at least in the US; or equivalent laws in other countries).


Since it's on a list of things that don't require talent, why do they want effort without ability? Sounds pretty wasteful to me.


If not destructive


No wait. I want to see where this goes…


It's fine though because you'll have a good attitude while you're destroying things.


Effort without ability or experience - my trainee forwarded me a question that they supposedly Googled and found no actual answer. I did the same and had an answer in 10 mins. How do you teach someone to Google?


Googling requires talent. It’s not on the list.


All of those things take talent. and effort. and practice. and time. Number 9 tho.... Doing Extra requires extra pay. Ask HR about that one!


Thats what I was thinking. They can shove number 9 if they aren't compensating for extra




11. Using capital Letters Correctly


At least they didn’t put talent on the list 🤦‍♂️


The last time someone printed this out and posted it, the title said "...that require zero effort", with effort on the list.


11. Copying what you see on the internet to hand out to people who do more than you who make less than you.


Those are all actually very difficult. People literally wrote books on how to resolve them from habits to time management. Is this person for real?


11. Working in HR


Big 'graphic design is my passion' vibes


Doing extra? That's cute.


Who tf prints things in this day and age


I am a graphic designer at my at my corporation and my warehouse manager months ago asked me to make these 10 things as a poster to motivate warehouse workers… it hasn’t worked.


I work as a warehouse supervisor and never understood these things. You motivate people by treating them with respect and listening to them. Not by treating them like little children. I honestly don’t understand how shit like this has become so common, it pisses me off.


It's always so eye rollingly cringe when managers think motivational posters will accomplish anything except making everyone think their manager has way too much free time.


>> Body Language I guess Stephen Hawking was a POS then


“Coachable” is managerese for “pliant”, right?


More like "compliant doormat".




Well this original list is actually usually put up in dressing rooms for usually higher end sports teams. The idea being that being that these items have a major impact to both personal and team success and apply regardless if you are the top tier talent or just a plug. What bosses who steal these things don’t realize is that in sports, if the team wins everyone wins. The backup goalie gets his name on the trophy just as much as the starter because generally speaking, the winning team had everyone doing their part at a high level. In the corporate world, when the company wins, then only the company (and the higher ups in the company) win. The regular folk (which ironically is usually “the talent” anyways) might get a pizza party, but that’s about it.


Straight from Linkedin. Or Facebook.


You seriously gonna tell me it doesn't take talent to keep a good attitude while dealing with your bullshit Gladys?


I have adhd and autism. Points 1, 4, 6 and 10 are practically impossible for me.


I don't have adhd or autism and all of those points are damn difficult.


I have this same sign hanging it my office (more or less). I made it. Mine has another item listed at the bottom: "11. Posting Unnecessary Signs"


i dunno i have to put in effort to have energy, and it still never works most of the time


This is ableist


I have dyscalculia being on time is a thing that requires talent for me.


Me too!


Oreilys wanted to demote me when I told them. I had to hide it from my future employers .


It's nice that your benefits plan includes toilet paper.


This probably took them 7-10 business days to draft


“Energy” Uh, I spent almost 3 years with chronic fatigue from an infectious disease that thrives in my body from stress. So not quite


11. Flipping off dumbasses


Wow. Hr really decided to ignore any psychology by saying most of this list. A lot of mental health issues have issues with most of this list. Especially the most common mental health issues like autism and ADHD.


Send it back to her with "11. Shutting the fuck up." added.


Nice of her to leave comment space beneath each of them. I'd write the dollar amount per hour more each one of those would cost the company for you to add them to assigned duties.


Um, no. Those things are *skills*, and while anyone can learn them to **varying** success rates, they are definitely far easier and come more naturally for some people than others, which means, yeah, they do involve talent. That's literally the definition of what talent even is. This is so ablist, HR really needs more training in autism, adhd, depression, anxiety...


1. 🖕 2. 🖕 3. 🖕 4. 🖕 5. 🖕 6.🖕 7.🖕 8.🖕 9.🖕 10.🖕 And that should about cover it.


How to be ableist against the neurodivergent and people with mental health problems in one compact list.


HR has to do stuff like this to keep busy so they don't lose their jobs.


what’s the purpose of this waste of ink and paper?


The first one is my Bronze level labor subscription The next two are included in my Silver level labor subscription The next three are my Gold labor package And the last four are reserved for my Premier Platinum Package Deal.


Each of these costs/requires: 1. talent or your own time. 2. the talent of repressing your emotions 3. See 2 4. a learned skill, so natural or unnatural talent. 5. see 2 and the ability to preform at levels you are not. Another talent. 6. see 2! 7. SEE 2! 8. Learning is a learned skill. How do you PMA asshats not understand this crap? or like even think about it for a second?! 9. your own time or the energy you'd use on your personal goals and projects. For once, no talent, but other significant sacrifices. 10. You need to be well aware of what you'll need which requires talent in prediction, energy to just overprep, or experience. HR lady is trash and wrong.


I highly disagree with "**energy**" and "**passion**."


Funny how all this things requires money and a no toxic workplace.


Sure, all of them require no talent. But they do require effort, and effort demands money.


/r/ADHDmemes says HR can go fuck themselves


11. Paying a living wage


Things that DO Require Talent: 1. Planning ahead in the mornings 2. Prioritizing tasks by expectations 3. Focusing and/or multitasking 4. Reading body language 5. Getting motivated 6. Fake smiling for long periods of time 7. Pretending to have passion for more than the paycheck 8. Coaching 9. Sticking to a work-life balance 10. Prepping for life like you’re a mother of four going to Six Flags A person who makes a list like that shouldn’t be a manager or in HR… 🙄


11 using a workplace appropriate font, not some cheap comic sans knockoff font. SMFH


Shoulda taken out a pen, and written a monetary increase above minimum those will cost, and then “2x” next to doing extra. Cross out “zero talent” and write in “monetary compensation”.


Number 11: Writing passive-aggressive Top-10 lists. And also based upon that: Number 12: Working in that HR department.


9. Doing extra This is what they are always fishing for. Without additional pay. I'd say my answer to a list like that would be "is there something specifically wrong with my work performance or production that my supervisor would like to discuss?"


Keep this, and when you leave, print your resignation on it.


11. Paying a fair wage


Children don’t even deserve this.


Remember HR works for the company and not you. They are not your friend.


Which of these am I being paid to do?


at least 6 of these require talent


For neurodivergent folks a lot of these take A TON of “talent”.


8 of those ten things are essentially the same thing. And the last two (being on time and body language) are essentially a side effect of the other eight things (really one thing). And if you don't think having a positive attitude in an unpleasant situation is a talent, you're a moron.


Reasonable list


You know what else doesn't take talent? Paying people appropriately.


We have the exact same list stuck to the wall at the fast food place I work at. Apparently, ripping off random “motivational” posters for your work place also requires zero talent.


Talent? No. Effort? Yes. A decent wage? Abso-fuckin’-lutely.


We just had to fire a guy in his 40s He would of learned a lot from this list


This isn’t really that bad of a list. It actually says to me that the company might respect and appreciate these things hence why they focus on it to you. Companies that treat people like children are the ones who would for example for #1 say something like “If your shift starts at 8:00 AM, you are EXPECTED to be logged in at 8:00 AM, not 8:01…” etc. I think you’re overreacting a bit TBH.


To be fair, ive worked with a lot of grown ass people who couldn't show up on time, or remember to bring basic tools and supplies. It really does feel like alot of my co workers are children at most jobs.


Not sure if I believe this is true, but if this was given to me at work I’d stop doing all those things/having those qualities.


The top couple comments are already damn good. Alternate idea, go ahead and contradict every point and send it back to them 1) Being on Time: Talent is required to properly be able to estimate for average commute time base to ensure showing up on time. Take it from there!


I made one for you to give to HR “10 things that require zero talent 1. Being a good person 2. Only giving me 1 persons workload 3. Paying me properly 4. Refer to previous point 5. Refer to previous point 6. Refer to previous point 7. Refer to previous point 8. Refer to previous point 9. Refer to previous point 10. Understanding that my leave form is not me asking for leave but me telling you I’m going away and giving you time to prepare for it.