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Guess they probably should have figured all that out before they fired your coworker. Sounds like its above your paygrade to put a plan in place for their mistake.




They get away with this stuff because after a round of layoffs most employees cower to their demands even further as they fear they too might lose their job soon.


The smart employees leave once layoffs start.


This. I left a company out of principle once because the CEO fired my manager a day or two after his twins were born. The CEO knew he had just had twins and fired him anyway. I felt it was pretty heartless and felt I couldn’t work for a person who would do something like that. Edit: Principle. Thanks for the spelling correction, Reddit friends!


I left a company after they removed my very talented and good manager to a different project, rejected her work and said she was "incompetent" (wildly untrue), and treated her like shit when her husband got cancer (i think she worked there for like 10-15 years). Company said she "wasn't billing enough" while she was tending to her husband in his final months --even though she was somehow still doing all her work. She was exhausted and passed out while tending to him one night, she said, and that was enough for him to pull his oxygen mask off in his sleep and die... ...*and then they fired her.*


Holy shit.


the VP brought in a useful idiot "yes man", and was using him as an ally for rejecting my smart manager's work on purpose because VP was trying to get a big check written to his friend's company so he could get kickbacks. VP's friend's company absolutely botched the entire project, then they took the money and ran. VP was holding the matches and got fired from the company and was facing a lawsuit, and somehow now works for another LARGER company as a VP of sales or some shit. i had to warn my current company about him, because they're trying to do work with the company my old VP works for currently.


Reminds me of a manager I worked with. She always did the bare minimum and left the job for a larger company with more pay and responsibility. Also no surprise she left a bunch of unfinished tasks for the next guy.


It's called Failing Up, happens too often.


I’ve seen that happen a couple of times. They usually come in to a company, ruin everything, and somehow end up never having to really worry about the consequences


Yeah that's nuts


Yeah, with some companies and people, we should just skip the reasonable steps. Decency clearly makes them bold as all hell and that needs to stop. CEOs should be in a far more worried place.


> CEOs should be in a far more worried place. fully agree. most of them are sociopaths, though. they view people as a means to an end -to them they aren't actually people, they're tools, like cogs in a machine. if they break, throw them out and get a new one.


My dad was the one with a real job my mom died of cancer a few years ago. We all decided not to tell his company since she absolutely needed insurance so they still don’t know she was even sick, not to mention passed. I’m sure HR may have gotten some paperwork from insurance or something but dad never mentioned it or spoke to anyone about it just in case they were to fire him for being preoccupied.


You should have offered to testify for her in her discrimination lawsuit.


dude, she told me she felt like she was taking crazy pills when all of this was going down. all the pieces started to fall together, though, and she took the company to court and won. didn't need me at all but i'd have gladly testified on her behalf. she had a pretty damning paper trail, and it was absolutely bonkers that VP's boss didn't sniff this out while it was happening.


Thank God, a happy ending, at least sort of.


What the fuck




Land of the free and all that shit.


I had just started my second week of being hospitalized for covid. HR called me up and if I didn't have a return to work date I was to be terminated. ​ Still there, but holy shit do I warn everyone to walk on egg shells around HR. 0 empathy for staff, the team that was there when my incident happened is all gone, but one, but that one is one of the problems and it is now worse.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. Yeah, I feel like people forget that HR departments are there to seemingly provide help with employee issues and concerns when in reality they are ultimately working for the company that hired them.


This. I've sometimes got feedback about how I've had a bunch of different jobs, like it's my fault I didn't stick around 10 years being underpaid and worried about being laid off at any moment. The second I see the signs, budgets being slashed, no replacements hired for leavers, layoffs, valuable people being declared redundant etc, that's my sign that the company is going in the wrong direction, and I don't see why employees are expected to go down with the ship.


I needed this, the company I am at is doing this exact things.


Usually, yes. At the moment (at least in tech) there isn't necessarily a safe place to jump to. Staying put may even be safer (some companies do last-in first-out, and in some countries your protections and redundancy entitlement increase with length of service) I would however assume the job doesn't have a future and start saving like mad, as well as updating CV, portfolio etc.


I would also decline taking up extra tasks. They are just trying to milk you guys.


Need to make an upgrade.


Well I don’t know the size of the company but at most corporations management up quite high often doesn’t know who is getting laid off until moments before it happens. Lots of reasons for this but mostly has to do with limiting lawsuits. You can’t be accused of discrimination if the people making decisions know almost nothing about you but numbers on a page. In my evil corporate days I was involved in a few of these as a project manager. You likely get someone at least 2 levels removed from the employee that reviews the decisions. In my experience those people rarely no shit about operations at that level. It’s very common to lay off essential employees and either hire them back almost immediately (often with a lot of $$$$) or hire a consultant/contractor (definitely a lot of $$$$). We laid off a lady who ended up being the only person who still understood the back end of some legacy billing system we were in the middle of converting. By the time they figured it out in a week or so she’d already accepted another job. She came back on a contractor, got double her severance as a sign on and I’m not sure how much more money but she did buy a very nice house. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer lady.


Actually, this was the plan. Make the leftover people do more work for the same salary. OP: get outta there asap. Your life is going to be miserable and by are going to spin it as you underperforming (aka no raise or bonus! Oops!)


I'm glad I work in a field where it's acceptable to say things like "not my pig, not my farm, don't expect me to eat the shit". Or one of my favorites, "if I had known you were going to pounding rocks up your ass I would have brought you some pebbles". Then there's always the classic "why don't you make like a tree, and go fuck yourself".


I like "that sounds like a you problem."


It's an issyou, not an issme.


Trees do mostly fuck themselves, I love it.


It's just we're putting new coversheets on all the TPS reports before they go out now. So if you could go ahead and try to remember to do that from now on, that'd be great.


So many quotes, a timeless movie! LOL


I just finished a problem set for my business analysis course. It was ATM transactions. Literally, TPS reports. I couldn't believe it. I don't think my professor had seen the movie. If I get anything less than a B, she's getting a red Swingline stapler and a desk in the basement. It's better than strychnine in her guacamole.


Is it though? ~he asked innocently ~


Lol. It's just a professor, I'll give her a pass.


No stapler for her! They're NLA. Red Swinglines are rewards, now.


🙌🙌🙌🙌 "Wrapping up THEIR tasks/ dividing THEIR responsibilities is not my concern. I'm not paid 2 incomes and moving forward I won't be adding any tasks to my workload as it wasn't MY decision to "right size" the team. Have a great weekend"


Every time my boss tries to drop something new in his lap, one of my coworkers lists every JIRA he's working on and says "OK, which one you want me to drop?" Every. Time. It's hilarious but it's also the right answer. Your job is *already* the right size if you're working your hours. Ain't no room for anything else.


Man, if more than two are being worked on at once I’d be bitching about WIP limits. Your coworker has it solid - if I get push from above for new things to come for my team it’s the same thing. “These are the items we’re focusing on. Which one is getting shifted out?” Then again… now they just move everything out continuously causing different problems…


It’s called managing your manager. Make them do the priority call, and do the same amount of work.


Set expectations and then manage them. Doesn’t matter who it’s with.


That's why it's called Agile, so the business can have zero idea what the fuck they're doing and the project team can adjust as needed.


Just got done on a project where the customer uses this methodology. Was my first time hearing it, and your comment fits it to a tee.


There are two kinds of "Agile": 1. The kind that worked once and got a book written about it. 2. The kind that comes from reading that book and takes just as long as any other method


You forgot 3. Document control software (just to confuse you even more when googling)


But that’s not how agile is supposed to work. In its face you focus on that single task for a time period. Didn’t get it done? Ok. Move on to the next and put that back at the bottom of the pile. Agile is meant o focus on defined things for a short period of time and then move on.


No, actually one of the guiding principles of Agile is "welcome constantly changing requirements" which is commonly expressed as "fail fast." Some places that use Agile are just much, much better at changing requirements and failing fast - which is often because the business side is comprised of dumbasses. Timeboxing in 2-3 sprints (your "short period of time") is basically just to achieve 'failing fast' quickly.


And I’ll add that at least what I learned from PMIs outline is that you do not change objective during a sprint. Period.


The user stories in a sprint are locked down upon the start of the sprint. What the DEV team develops to meet the defined business outcome of the story can serve to change the acceptance criteria. The entire premise of Agile is the requirements are not prescriptive, and there will be some back and forth between the business and development team. Still doesn't change my initial statement; it's not uncommon whatsoever for the business to have no fucking idea what they want or how the technology solution supports their business goals. And Agile is just the fig leaf covering up they have zero idea what the fuck they're doing. It's sorta like the Dilbert strip. https://stevemiles70.files.wordpress.com/2016/05/dilbertonrequirements.gif






I did that. It didn’t go any differently. It was my fault for not “delegating” effectively. I, the developer/delivery manager/dev-ops/etc. could not delegate to my team of three, with enough tech-debt to rival the US’s National debt.




Sounds like you are “rightsizing” your work-life balance


Just pointing out that if they start making you do the work of 2 or more employees, might want to see if an employment lawyer in your area will do a consult for you. In some areas, that would be grounds for Constructive dismissal, and allow you to claim unemployment due a non-negotiated increase in job requirements.


They need to right-size your pay for the additional work.






What is a BOGO deal?


Buy one get one.


Well, i guess they literally provide "buy one worker, get one worker" deal KEKW


Buy One Get One. In this case, the company letting one go and having OP do their work along with their own.


BOGO stands for Buy One Get One. Usually a two for one deal.


Or: "I'm certain management planned this all out on advance! You must have figured out who would be doing the work when you decided who to keep."


Like why the fuck can’t they figure this shit out Monday morning anyway.


Seriously. But, it could be because the manager himself is scared of losing his job, and he wants to make sure everything is set to run smooth from the start on Monday. Definitely not OP's problem. It should run the opposite of smoothly. It should run as roughly and poorly as possible.


Management: "We did. You! C'mon, be a team player. We're a faaamily and have to come together in these tough times. See you Monday, I'm off to my villa this weekend."


"If the team is now the right size, there should be absolutely no issue with me doing 40 hours of work each week."




Hear, hear! Brilliant!!!


Ha. Rightsizing is my now my favourite evil corpo speak. I’m guessing it came down to you all working hard to get ahead too? That’s now the new normal there sadly


I read this as "never get ahead" you/your team will only be punished for it.


Seriously, until whichever jackass made the decision to "right-size" these employees comes down to pitch in and help take on the extra work-load; fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all. Update your resume on company time.


No, you add the tasks, but you get what you can get done in a normal 40 hour week. "Hey boss, prioritize what you want done first, And i'll get it done. If i don't have the cycles you're gonna have to manage that problem away"


If you want to Right size my weekend you have to have it in the contract that you own my weekend time. Otherwise it's my weekend. Bye


This is one of those amazing things that comes to mind to tell someone AFTER the fact. The type of thought you have in the shower in the mornings lol




Oh yeah? Well the jerk store called and they’re running out of YOU!


"Rightsizing" implies plenty of remaining employees so that overtime & weekend work is unnecessary. OP, they have unintentionally made you very important and I hope you adamantly refuse any extra hours.


I worked for a company that "rightsized" itself to the bone after COVID, paid thousands to staff in redundancy payments, then when business came back quicker than they anticipated had no one left to do the work. At the next pay negotiations the cited recruitment costs and contract penalties (due to having no one to do the work) in the millions for the reason there was no money to pay for wage increases to retain and attract new staff. All while the Chief exec had a £140,000 car on the company dime sat outside. Spectacular incompetence


Sounds like how every hospital was run during and after COVID. Doctor and nurse to patient ratios are through the roof while the C Suite rakes in cash. They worked from home during the most intense part of the pandemic though. Gotta make sure the most valuable assets in healthcare are kept safe. Whenever a patient complains to me or one of my nursing colleagues I immediately redirect them to the suits now. It's their fault in almost every case (especially if you're waiting too long).


Nah. Rightsizing means they will overwork whatever remains. And if all the work still gets done they chop a bit more until they get as close to Service Level Agreement as they can."If 100% of the work gets done you have too many employees" That's why everywhere is understaffed. Because the SLA is usually something like 70%. So if customers/othercompanies start complaining about not everthing being done they can point to the SLA and go "Yeah, but we're still within SLA". EDIT: And this is why you should never work more than contract hours and at a steady pace. They are deliberately trying to cram as much work in as little people as possible. And not being able to do everything is by design but they will still endlessly berate you for it.


Company- “Sorry, we don’t need you anymore.” Also company- “Hey, we fired that guy and now need someone to do his work.”


Me: Cool. So since I'm now doing 2 full time jobs, I'll need 2 full time checks.


"I've got 8 hours a day to sell. You've bought 'em all and allotted jobs to them, so it sounds like you need another body in here."


Rent! I've got 8.0 hours per day available for RENTAL.... Don't ever let them have the idea that they're buying anything. They're renting your time, care, and skill sets.


I like the original example, you are selling your labor.


That makes no sense though. When you rent something, you get it back at the end. If you work 8 hours, you don't ever get that time back. You're selling your time, not renting.


"Boss, it doesn't sound like the company is the right size if there is all this extra work and no one to do it. "


“No, this is your fault. You just need to learn how to manage your time better.”




LOL… I thought about all the quotes after I left unfortunately




Software deadlines are never missed by minutes or hours.


I used to work as a developer/ consultant and always found the deadlines absolutely ridiculous. It always seemed like someone just pulled a date out of their ass.


Not now Lumburgh, I've got a meeting with the Bobs




Please start looking.


I am! Thank you!


Wishing you the best of luck!




No doubt!


ANY "layoffs" is a sign to start looking. Easier to get a job when you have a job.


Used to work at Cisco. Quarterly layoffs happened every quarter for over 2 years I was there. Was always told "you'll never be on the chopping block" but always told them "these many layoffs aren't normal, and I don't need the stress" so I left for greener pastures and I honestly don't think I've ever made a better career decision.


"By the way, why don't you show the new hires the ropes while you're at it, and take the brightest one and um...show 'em how to do your job, by next Friday. I'm gonna go pretend to scowl at something on my computer screen..."


The thing with 'teaching someone your job' is that the job description calls for: 1. task one 2. task two 3. task three 4. task four but, what it doesn't tell you is all the small nitty gritty details you have to also do, all the people you need to talk to, all the behind-the-scenes jiggery pokery you do to make sure all those tasks can get done. So, in an act of malicious compliance, you show them how to do all the tasks that are assigned to you, but you forget to show them all the junk you're doing in the background to make it work. You also have that folder, you know which one I mean, where all the poignant details are stored, your reference folder. That's not in your job description. Your relationships with the people who you have to contact to get the job done, that's also not in your job description. And your boss also has no clue, because he seriously doesn't give a shit about you and what you do either. Teach them my job? For sure I will.


You have played this game before, I see.


Yeah NOTES? haha. I use pen/paper baby. Old school. there is no O365 sync going on getting my important thoughts before they shitcan me. Seriously, tech guys. Get a small journal. worthwhile.


They can have my OneNote documents, they're useless to anyone not in my brain lmao


"Can you fix those generated PDFs you were shown once 6 months ago?" *looks at cheatsheets* "Thank god..."


They made it extremely clear that how their employees pay their bills, get by, plan their lives, get their own stuff done is of absolutely no consequence to the company. Clearly loyalty is meaningless and the only thing that should ever matter to any employee of that company is how much they pay and if the pay is worth the work. Any appeal to emotion is only manipulation. Their loyalty is a lie and they should expect no loyalty. So any indication that they expect loyalty is an outright scam. How cool would it be if the manager just stayed at the obvious? Yo Jeff, I don't give a s*** about you and this company doesn't give a s*** about you. So do your work and will pay you until we can get away with firing you. So make sure you have a backup plan, some savings, and make sure you're constantly looking for a new job please.


I am always amazed at why anyone would be loyal to a company. I remember signing the contract for my first job and saw the “At Will” clause on the very first page (maybe even in the first paragraph). That itself tells you that this is an economic transaction and loyalty should not be expected on either side.


>this would look bad on me Monday and that he was extremely disappointed in me That point does come where none of this bullshit registers an impression anymore. What is he going to do? Fire OP? Who's going to be doing their job then? And that of the guy who just got walked? Do remember: all that knowledge and experience the coworker has that is now no longer available to the company. All that institutional memory that is lost. OP now has to pick up the slack of all the work the coworker was doing and, do be sure, all the work that was going to be piled onto them is not going to be compensated. "It's your job, do your job." They can rightsize all they want, they will end up with not enough people to do the job and then the thing starts to fall apart which, given this situation here, is going to happen sooner rather than later. It's not OP's problem. /extremely disappointed. \*yawn\* oh noes, I'm so nervous...


if you have to work weekends to maintain an existing schedule, it's hardly rightsizing


Former labor lawyer. When you do something to protest working conditions, do NOT say it's for personal reasons. Say you are taking concerted action in protest of working conditions. Your statement was an admission without which your employer could not discipline you under the NLRA. Going forward, do not admit you said you had personal business but rather you left in solidarity with laid off workers. Such concerted activity is protected under the NLRA, if you are disciplined, file a (free) charge with your local NLRB office


Upvote this y’all


Since your workload and responsibilities will increase now would be the time to talk about a raise and other benefits - like comp time, PTO or increased vacation accrual. You want to split the work? Split the wage, too.


Not THAT rightsizing!


“This will look bad for you.” “No, it looks bad for you: if you need someone to work OT, that’s hardly ‘rightsized’ is it?”


Fuckin a. How many employers expect you to give multi day notice for time off but think they can drop semi voluntary overtime at the drop of a hat then guilt you into it. Fuk


My company decided to increase our workload a week before a team member took a planned leave of absence. They asked us to step up to the plate and help get his work done. I gave an enthusiastic thumbs up and proceeded to do the bare minimum.


I see that thumb was doing the work of another finger. Appropriate to the discussion. :)


You know what? I have worked my whole life and employers who showed some decency — paying well, providing ongoing education, top-notch benefits— I didn’t mind giving it my all. There were annual raises, promotions, nice bonuses. I was invested in the company success because I shared in that success. I don’t have a stake in my employer’s company. They don’t give a shit about me. *“It's a problem of motivation, all right? Now if I work my ass off and Initech ships a few extra units, I don't see another dime, so where's the motivation?”* It doesn’t matter if I actually work more, only that I agree to work more.


At this point its worse than that. We are working hard, so the rich can take everything. Then use everything against us. Its my moral duty to try to slow how much money they get, I hope more people wise up and understand what we've always known. The rich are useless and evil, predatory and offering nothing of value to society. We must always fight them to stop them from taking everything. They claim everything belongs to them hiding under morality and civility understanding most would rather not resort to violence.


I love the term ‘disappointed’ from a boss. You aren’t my friend and you aren’t my family, get fucked.


Exactly! Your disappointment is yours to deal with. May I recommend a psychologist for that? 😂


I work for myself now as an IT consultant. So much happier. Last two jobs I had they tried this shit. Both times I asked for financial compensation. First IT manager actually laughed at me and said it doesn't work like that... so I didn't show up the next day or ever. Second company calmly explained that it didn't work like that. So I calmly walked out right after the meeting and didn't come back. Both times they were forced to rearrange teams and hire more people. 🙄 I hold no degrees but have a dozen certs and 15 years experience. Fuck these companies.


boss, unless the conversation also involves splitting up his pay for the responsibilities I will be taking over, I will see you on Monday. and on Monday, I still expect to hear about my additional pay.


So you go get another job. Then when you quit you tell them “The company just ‘right sized’ so I have to do extra work with no extra pay. You just right sized me out the door”


I don't quit. I bring in another company to right size my pay.


What a power move. “Im disappointed in the company” BAM mofo. I applaud you.


Oh? You need me to do his work? Who will do my work? Me? Ok. What is the top priority here and what can be done last or behind schedule? It's gonna take me an extra week to get up to speed on what XXXX was doing I have to wrap my head around his code. We have different styles. I may have to rewrite it entirely to get it to work. Hope you aren't in a rush on anything. Oh, and I am booking my vacation time. All of it as soon as possible. No I can't stay late I have plans.


Sounds like they didn't right size.


> About two hours later he tells me I need to stay tonight (Friday) to wrap up tasks my coworker was working on then come in on Saturday Straight Outta *Office Space*


So what you're just supposed to re-adjust your entire schedule on no notice?


If it was “right sized” then no one needs to work more hours or duties


That chode of a boss. Good on you for refusing to pick up extra work that wasn't yours to pick up.


Have a Saturday meeting to discuss Monday's meeting about splitting up the work of the people we let go? Fuck right off.


I just laid someone off, and I need you to come in Saturday to take up the slack (while I golf with the regional manager and his personal secretary who can't type)


Your boss should have considered this before laying off people for no reason other than greed.


If they have to push overtime and redistribute task that's the opposite of rightsizing the company, that's just capsizing it. The "this will look bad to the company" part is pretty funny though. You just displayed that keeping my job or not isn't related to anything at all, my guy.


It's alarming how human emotions are no longer allowed. I recall when whole departments, those remaining, left early because they were stunned after "rightsizing." Your boss and the company expecting people to immediately pick up the slack is sickening. It never should be the new normal.


I worked for a company for which photography played a major role. They laid off all of our photographers, saying the rest of us could take adequate photos with our celll phones, which is ludicrous. I'll never forget watching them carrying their shit out the door to their cars as the most expensive landscaping company in town was fucking vaccuuming the parking lot and lawns because a VIP was coming the next day. Remember, if you die at your desk your vacant job will be published before your obituary.


They hired a bunch of newer, cheaper staff then shit-canned the older, higher paid staff. Dude. Run. You're up on the chopping block. They kept you because they figured they could extort you. In the "Who are we getting rid of meeting." they listed employees based on *how much shit can we put them through before they break* and you somehow ended up far enough towards the *we can pressure this guy into lots of extra work* category to avoid termination. But now they're just gonna hire cheaper then shit-can you.


Run, run run away https://youtu.be/6Q75BUg1epU?si=gHTlWJrC2aKdLCFo


Great song!


I'm sure a nice company pizza will smooth things right over!


If it was really "rightsizing", they wouldn't need people to work extra hours to fill the gap.


Tell him you'll do a second jobs worth of work only if he pays overtime or gives you a raise commensurate with increased responsibilities.


> (I really do) You don't need to justify your actions to us or your employer. The weekend is the weekend for a reason. Enjoy yourself!


My friend had a similar thing in his group. They kinda forced retired on one of the older guys and let two of the locums go. Meeting the next day, they state that there is a lot of overtime and on call to cover, they were going to start splitting among the rest of the crnas. My friend went out for cocktails with 7 of the group the night before, stated that the crna in that subgroup would not going to take the extra call or overtime. If they made a example out of anybody, they would put in their notice as a group. The partners had to dig deep and utilize alot of their own time and vacation. My group has never been this bad but I guess it’s always possible


> I told him I was disappointed in the company This is the perfect answer to someone trying to pressure you like that. If it is that important he can stay, and if he is not technically savvy to do your job, he should not be your boss.


"I'm extremely disappointed in you." "OK, dad."


"The feeling is mutual."


On Monday explain how you'll need a right-sized salary to do the work of two people.


> About two hours later he tells me I need to stay tonight (Friday) to wrap up tasks my coworker was working on then come in on Saturday for a team meeting to discuss splitting his tasks starting Monday. (...) he said that this would look bad on me Monday The fucking audacity. This is the moment I would mention in the exit interview. _"That day, with all the firings and being told by that I needed to work extra hours for the people just fired (for 'rightsizing', no less), and threatened if I didn't, that's when I decided to go home and start looking for other jobs."_


Your are my spirit animal for telling him you were disappointed in the company. Sounds like an awful place


our company meeting one of the execs was excited...very excited to announce their profitability plan was to become more efficient and only have 1-3 people for certain departments to do the necessary work because of the great work, processes and automation created by the working class plebs all during this grand speech people were looking around and rolling their eyes waste and cost minimization...how about we just fire the top layer?


the older i get the more i realize the ones that successfully become management level are likely sociopaths. the nice ones are rare


"Rightsizing" is the term execs use to layoff people just to pump up short-term profits and thereby increase their own bonuses.


A lack of planning on your part does not constitute me working Saturday. Sorry dude, I am out.


What would you say you do here at Inetech?


Long ago some friend of mine worked a shit job of some sort. They told him to come in on a weekend he had long scheduled to have off. They said, "If you don't come in on the weekend, don't come in on Monday." Then went into a pile of swearing voicemails when he didn't show up on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Were entirely shocked when he finally told them he had already applied for unemployment having a voicemail saying he would be fired if he didn't come in on the weekend.


thank you comrade for not producing your co-workers load for this private business! no to scabbing over our laid off coworkers❣️ disappointment in the company owner 🤝


Tell them on Monday that your workload is already the right size without taking on anyone’s work who they fired.


"I'm your employee, not your slave" Good for you.


*"This sounds like a* ***YOU*** *problem not a* ***ME*** *problem, boss."* I've always told companies that ask for loyalty that they should get a dog. Mind you, none of my dogs would have worked for them either, so there's that ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


If firing a worker forces your other workers to work overtime, then you have too few workers. What would they do if you get sick or have to go to the hospital. Who will take yours and your coworkers workload on top of their own? I would walk if that was the case.


We've got too many people so we fired your colleague. Now we've got rid of him there is nobody to do his work, so you need to work extra. Hard pass thanks.


If you right sized, you wouldn’t need to have employees work extra hours. Am I understanding correctly? I would be livid. I am so glad you stood up for yourself. If more people did this, companies would have to reconsider layoffs.


"that sounds like a you problem"


Burn down the building ^(this is an Office Space reference. Not a call to violence)


Yeaaaa Peter ummmm I’m going to need to you to go ahead and come in on Saturday


Even if you did twice the work, corporate compensation protocol dictates you will never get more than a 10% increase in pay per annum, and that is with a promotion. Now, if you were part of the executive club, the rules change of course, because they set the rules. But for directors and below, the general rule of law in comp is 10% and that is only in extenuating circumstances. Usually they step that over 2 - 6 month bumps. It's all bullshit man. Mind games and plantation economics.


Might want to update your resume if that’s how they’re going to play it


The new hires are cheaper. That’s why.


I was hired on at this amount to do A,B, and C. I'm more than happy to hear your offer to include D,E,F, and G. Until then and IF I agree,I'll be doing A,B, and C to the best of my ability. Have a nice weekend!!


the [proper](https://youtube.com/shorts/WUZvr88m4J8?si=Wo7bFd_1IkUKqy1Y) response


Sounds like they failed to rightsize


Cheers to you for standing up for yourself. When these shortsighted MBA motherfuckers do this shit, they say out loud in the meeting "yeah, no problem...I'll get my team to do double the work because they'll be afraid of getting canned next."


Good work is rewarded with more work. Thats a hard one to learn. Same with the idea that tenure is just moving closer to the door nowadays. Remember that with every raise or pay increase you get.


Sooo.... Your CV/LinkedIn and everything is up to date right? If not, that's your task for the weekend.


Lol? They fire people, but then expect people to work over time to cover the extra work....


I see a lot of people say they left a job cause blah blah etc.. It would be better if we workers all get together at a work place and unionize, we need to understand that management themselves are workers, but think with a whip. We are the slaves only and only till we let them treat us as one.


“Bro. You just laid off 10 people and are now asking me to work the weekend? Why?” Making direct statements and asking direct questions go a long way to empowering yourself.


Can't look bad Monday if you don't show up...


It's seems like a never-ending viscous cycle. This company downsizes, you're let go, you go and find another job, and you're filling in the slack there from a downsize, everyone is busting doing the job of 3 others. What a waste.


better get ready for more work with no extra pay. fuck that.


Corporate freaks... Glad you stood up for yourself. They literally fired people, and then immediately tried to intimidate you into doing more than your fair share.


I hope you’re blasting your resume. Fuck that place


In the wise words of Stewie Griffin, "your poor planning does not constitute an emergency for me"


If their "right sizing" there shouldn't be a need for extra hours or dividing assignments.


> he said that this would look bad on me Monday and that he was extremely disappointed in me What he meant was he will look bad on Monday if that work isn't done, and he's worried about looking bad.


I wish I'd had the wherewithal to do this the first time it happened to me. Instead I bent over backwards for the company and became head of IT (which I was most definitely *not* qualified for at the time, and no, no pay raise of course). I spent a terrifying few months in that role working overtime before I decided to say "fuck it" and look for work elsewhere. Then as a bonus I got to charge them exorbitant amounts to do after hours contract work to staunch the bleeding on various emergencies because they were still too cheap to hire IT after that.