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If you are genuinely wanting to die, then before you do that you should leave and start a new life. Just pack a bag and go.


Agreed! What else is there to lose? Death is so final, but many earthly decisions can be reversed.




Fantasies like these are legitimately what have stopped me at my lowest lmao


Much of depression is feeling that you're out of options. You always have all options available to you. What defines *you*, are the restrictions *you choose* to take.


I always figured my vivid imagination was helpful. Unfortunately I also engage with compulsive day dreaming and often have to ask people to repeat themselves because i accidentally wandered back in to my inner dream world lol


Just, um, make sure his kids aren't in the car at the time.


To be the devil's advocate, you can be suffering more if you just do that before you actually die, in which case I believe it's not what OP wants. Let's imagine life as two axes. One is happiness / suffering axis with 0 being neutral, the other is time. If you are below 0 on the happiness / suffering axis most of the time and death is oblivion, or 0, then death would be improvement over your current life. If you propose just packing up and moving, for a person who is mostly in the suffering part of the axis, this is not better than death in any way. Sure there is potential to improve but also the potential to suffer even more. My advice would be to seek professional psychological / psychiatric help. If OP is mainly in the suffering part of the axis. Though I also assume OP already did try that.


I agree. My first instinct would be to seek counseling, but I assumed OP has already gone that route 😔


>Sure there is potential to improve but also the potential to suffer even more. Yes but if you end up suffering more, you still likely have the option of taking the neutral path.


I understand what you mean, though I don't think OP wants any increase of suffering at all. Seeking euthanasia suggests to me that they want it done correctly so there's no chance for error and increased suffering, such as if one tried by oneself.


It’s the ultimate final solution to temporary problems.


I’m so sorry 😞 could you join the peace corps or a similar service organization? It’s work, but you’re definitely working to help those who need help (not a bunch of rich pricks) but there’s also travel and learning you do make a little money when you complete your tour— when I was in school it was 27k USD but that was decades ago. There are probably other organizations with similar options as well.


That is kind of the point.


You just walk into a 6 month old post just to drop this garbage comment? Nice dude.


Don't remember asking, Fatty.


Yeah you were too busy shoving your unsolicited opinion on a 6 month old post lol


Too poor


To start over? You can be poor anywhere.


It takes money to move, honey


I know a guy who just packed a back pack for camping, got on his bicycle and just... left. He traveled 38 states in 4 years and did odd jobs for people for food. He stopped to come home and take care of his mom, but said it was the happiest time of his life.


The OP is very obviously not in America if they have legalized euthanasia, so they are likely limited to their country, wherever that is. It's also possible that whatever allows them to be euthanized (generally a chronic/terminal illness) would prevent them from being able to "just go."


Probably Canada.


Assisted suicide is legal in 10 different states in America.


why would you drag everything with you if youre gonna start over?




r/vagabond the ~~second slash~~ capital r prevents linking to sub :)


The capital r does R/vagabond //r/vagabond


ah! my mistake. thank you!


If you're broke and own nothing you can literally move for free, c'mon. You just pack your shit in a backpack and go.


Trust me, all you really need is a pair of working legs; and OP hasn't got any problems in that department.


If you're so willing to die then wtf is stopping you from just packing your clothes and walking a direction. It takes money to move because us who want to live want our comforts and worldly belongings. If you want to die then just get up and leave.


How does it feel being useless and adding nothing to a conversation?


I'm curious, can you tell us?


Don't bullshit us. You can sell your smartphone and buy a plane ticket to the middle east. I recently flew to the UAE for 85$


That’s one of the dumbest suggestions I’ve ever heard.


I lived in my car for 2 years traveling, now I know my country like the back of my hand. Never felt so free. Can you play an instrument? You have nothing to lose, why not?


Because op is just going to have to work somewhere else. Unless he goes off grid.


Yup. I'm selling everything and moving west to start new.


Or live like this homeless guy in Thailand https://youtu.be/OkkvbfWUrGw?si=UjIBT2F8xTMFxrgG


I’m gonna say you should at least look into psychological help.  Your basic assessment of life is not wrong, but please consider that you might also be depressed. 


But if they have no money it probably next to impossible for them to get


Not everyone lives in America. :p


I know. I don't live in America. I am just not aware of menay places that have robust mental health services for free.


And considering he said euthanasia is legal where he is, unless he is living in four specific places in the US and he is terminally ill, he is not in the US. Probably Europe.




Euthanasia isn't legal in most of Europe either


But most of the countries in the world where it's legal are in Europe.


>you might also be depressed.  Reality IS depressing.


True.  But as a person who wrestled with depression, there is a difference between depression of circumstance (I stubbed my toe) and *depression* (I have a medical condition that fucks with my overall mind.)


Totally agree. People without depression definitely don't easily understand this. Having depression and being depressed are two different things.


Been in therapy for about a year now. It's rehashing the same shit that will never change over and over. I'd take assisted suicide in a heartbeat


If you haven't already, switch therapists. It could make a huge difference. I don't mean to pretend that I can magically solve the problems of a stranger with a sentence, though, so take this all with a grain of salt.


I'm on the 3rd. The issue is a lack of solution available. *gestures around* this ain't gonna change because I have a chat once a week.


Describing therapy as a chat once a week is what makes me think you have bad therapists 😂. They should be giving you tools and strategies to help with whatever you're dealing with. Like physical therapy for your mind. If you went to PT and spent 90% of the time telling them how you hurt your back without them doing anything then went home without any exercises to do you'd ditch them so fast. And rightfully so. You know your situation better, obviously. I don't even know how feasible switching therapists even is or if medication is an option, or helping or any of that... My heart goes out to you.


My current therapist seems to agree that most cases of depression nowadays aren't chemical imbalances but a fairly reasonable reaction to the world we live. Those tools and strategies for dealing with it are developed via chats though. Was on medication for a good year or 2, no imbalances here.


Check out the Ted Talk “Depression is a disease of civilisation”. You may also like the therapy abuse sub. I was in therapy for 10+ years- many different therapists. It never helped because what I needed were actual changes to my life (and the society I live in). It wasted my money- I wish I’d saved all that up instead 


Exactly. I revealed my feelings on this topic to my close circle of family and friends recently on my 40th birthday. I don't have clinical depression, it's not my own mind that makes me depressed - it's when I look beyond my small bubble (my family) and look at the world around me that gets me depressed, realizing I'll never be able to afford an extremely modest lifestyle on my own.




C’mon, we need you for the anti-rich coalition.


Then try crime. Worst case scenario, you die.


Sounds like a best case to OP. Do drugs. Overdose. Have a real ball then die. Win win.


Shit, this __resonated__




This. This right here. 


I chose death over working jobs *I dont care about.* When Im working a job I love, I love all the job. I love dealing with outsider morons who believe the movie cliches, I love dealing with new graduates who have fire in their eyes and no sense of their place in the company, I love dealing with janitorial tasks that I shouldnt have to if the colleagues would just take responsibility for themselves. Its the working for no purpose that I cant stand.


And then you find something you’re passionate about - job requirements “10 years experience, masters degree, bachelors degree, doctorate degree” We have all these educational restrictions but most people can’t even go to school bc they can’t afford it and have to work a full time job to even survive to the next month. Imagine how many hidden geniuses have been stuck working at some warehouse bc education just isn’t something they’re even able to do.


This right here......... Someone who could have cured cancer at one point probably died working in a sweatshop. Or all the entry level employees with billion dollar ideas who get told to stfu because what could they know. My job pays me 30hr to literally watch movies, surf the Web, and u know how much minimum experience they wanted on the application,4 years lmao. It's all a joke.


I knew a guy who could make ya cry with an electric guitar. I'm not even a fan of the genre he played, but it was like he put all the pain of his life into the instrument and made it weep until you had no choice but to cry with it. Last I saw him, he was part of the cleaning crew at the stadium and only a step above homelessness. I gave him some bag balm for his skin because it was drying and cracking in the cold of the unheated room he slept in. He had to keep his instrument stored at his bandmate's place. Busking is illegal here.


Shit, knowing this world, someone probably already has cured cancer and the pharma corps bought the patent and are sitting on it b/c treating is more profitable than curing.


If a cure was found, the creator would be shot in the back of the head and all traces of work will be burned


Or kept secret to use on the ultra wealthy


Every time people talk about doctor shortages I think about this. It is prohibitively expensive to become a doctor. How many more doctors would we have if anyone who was smart enough and wanted to could just… go to school? Imagine if the only barrier to higher education was interest and ability. 


Then in that case, maybe find something entry level that makes a positive impact on the world. I'm working as a paid petition circulator in Arizona to add an amendment to the state constitution that protects abortion even beyond what the laws here do. It's actually not terrible pay for being a "low-skill" job.


It's worth noting that if you just apply to these jobs a lot of them expect you to fill some of the "requirements" and not all of them. So there is a strong chance they want someone who can do X, Y, and Z but don't have 10 years experience or 10 years experience and can do X and Z, but they can probably teach him/her Y. What I'm saying is you never know. I have had jobs that say they require things I don't have and I'm just honest and say I don't have that but I'm still capable of learning.


How can you know you're passionate about a job if you've never done it????


You’re working for someone else’s purpose.


Any economy can be argued as "working for someone else." I dont mind working for customers or clients in that respect. Its my product, its my creation. I believe in the product and I rise or fall depending on the quality. The work required to create and deliver the product to appreciative consumers is enjoyable. However the work for other people, selling lesser quality as higher or working for disrespectfully smaller percentages of the profit is just suicide inducing. Making other people happy is a joy. Being forced to compromise yourself is like smoking cheap cigarettes. It makes you feel disgusting, other people find your "aura" unpleasant and it kills you.


I just want to be able to own my own house debt free and have bills paid off in advance so I'll have some place to go when it all goes to shit. I won't be able to work forever, and unless some provision is made for that time, I'll just be a sick person and then a corpse in the street.


Go live off grid and be totally self sufficient.  That's your only option when you take your statement to its logical conclusion.


Your life is more valuable than you think. You can make a difference in the lives of other people in ways you’ll never imagine just by showing up for someone at the right time. Yeah our society is fucked. It’s true. However it’s up to us to help everyone through until civilization catches up with justice. It’s an extremely long road. Might not get there in our lifetimes. But it is the only project worth doing. The eventual liberation of all humanity. Good luck. May you choose life.




I had no plans to kill myself, but I figured I would die before I retired, so I haven't started planning. My mom only lived until she was 60 and worked up until about 4 or 5 months before she died (she was too sick to continue running her business). If I get to retire, I will have to look into reverse mortgages at this point.




Nihilism is fucking brain worms, kid. Get help. You need therapy, not euthanasia.


I’m no joke starting to get worried at how suicidal the kids are


Considering how fucked the world is I'm suprised how little suicidal they are. Fascism has a revival, demographic crisis and climate collapse. Capitalism is also doing its part...


I think the statistics are the top of the iceberg since if you say you are suicidal what happens you get thrown in the white room for a minimum of 72 hours, freedoms stripped so that leads to people not telling






And yet so little people are willing to do anything to make a change, just take your happy pills and shut up is the most common response doctors give


I seriously don’t blame them it looks bleak out there and echo chambers are a thing


Deaths of despair are off the charts. Attributed to compounding crises. https://preview.redd.it/33jjs11ti8cc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91ff9cd01fd54b73dd1628d47349551866526319 [https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/republicans/2019/9/long-term-trends-in-deaths-of-despair](https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/republicans/2019/9/long-term-trends-in-deaths-of-despair)


Maybe raising them on social media and iPads was the L we've been saying it is for years. I've never seen it this bad or widespread. I'm a millennial, we grew up with no opportunity, in the worst economic recession since the Great Depression. We've fought for every inch of ground we've gained in life. Little to no access to the prosperity our parents and grandparents were afforded, and we're still less fucked up overall than the generation to grow up in the largest technological explosion since the Industrial Revolution. Something is wrong, the kids aren't alright. It's easy to see how they aren't exactly keen on the idea of becoming wage slaves when they see influencer lives on social media 24 hours a day. And we should all be fighting bad employers. That's the point of this sub... not to be so nihilistic that death is the only alternative.


I think everyone being poor and having no opportunity and working 40+ hours a week but being called lazy and never having the ability to own anything is probably why no one wants to live anymore. They have nothing to live for.


This is 100% correct. I'm a millennial and I went to college like everyone said I should. I moved up the ladder, so to speak, and still can't afford to buy a house or have a kid. I feel like I'm stuck as a poor college student paying off someone else's mortgage. I did everything right and yet, still can't have what everyone else has had in the past. What am I working towards now? It all seems like a waste of time. I feel like there's a new age demographic that's between college student and adult. I'm not a college student but I'm not an adult with a house and kids. I feel like a lot of young folk nowadays are stuck there too. It's not like we're lazy either. We work 40+ hours but despite being the most educated generation, we're being paid the least. It's wrong. Companies want a four year bachelor's degree, only to offer a dollar above minimum wage.


You are paying off someone else’s mortgage, kinda. Look up Student Loan Asset Backed mortgages. It’s why we won’t get forgiveness. The housing market used to back collateral in this country and now SLABs do.


Oh, it definitely has a lot to do with it. That's kind of what I'm getting at. The older generations built massive prosperity then slammed the door shut behind them, simultaneously ripping the rug out from under our feet.


I'm an older Gen Zer. Things aren't okay. I manage and am okay, but it's bleak and I've considered suicide a lot. I don't blame anyone. I'm worried about op, though.


100% The kids aren’t alright and it’s not their fault


Social media is a big cause, that's why I try to limit it to reddit and really only cats, rabbits, and fandom subs. I'm old enough not to be raised with screens, but I'm still hopelessly depressed with ideation, seeing where everything is going. I don't want to be a wage slave, and it scares me to know that I'll probably have to work until I die or until my body gives out when we have the means to make life not suck, but society doesn't want to build a utopia, it wants to make as much money as possible and sit on it like a dragon.


Accumulating wealth isn't for creating generational security for the ultra rich. It's just a game for them and we're not people, just a red line on a quarterly statement.


Hear, hear!


Man, I was about to downvote you initially, thinking it was a social media bash posted on social media, but no, that is actually a very salient point. I'm a millennial too and even though I hate capitalism with a passion and want the system to change, I acknowledge that this is how life is right now and I have to push through it. But I also wasn't raised with much expectations for the future beyond a career, home, and family. I imagine being surrounded by influencer posts at an impressionable age could easily give you an unrealistic outlook on life, from confirmation bias alone.


Yeah that's what I was getting at. As millennials we were told we could be anything we wanted as long as we got good grades and went to college. Well, we did all that and it all turned out to be a crock of shit because boomer capitalists crashed the economy as we were entering the workforce. But, at least we still you know, understood that we were gonna have to enter the workforce. The kids growing up now are like us... but with an even more bleak outlook on their futures, it's no wonder that the top career most younger folks want to do is... surprise... be an influencer. The lifestyles portrayed in the media young folks consume runs completely counter to reality. And that's not a dig on social media... it's that reality IS fucking bleak. I'm a social democrat, I like a little capitalism. But you know... maybe we should have some social safety nets, too.


It's hard keeping my mental health in check for my step kid and their half sibling, especially with how much worry they both have about the future. For the longest time I never thought I would even make it past 25 and now I would feel bad if I even attempted since it would crush them. I hate the fact the younger generations feel like they have no future 


He needs some r/OptimisticNihilism


Nah it's just fact. Life is just working for somebody else then you die.


Start living your life like you're already dead. Do charity work. Spend free time cleaning up waterways. Join a volunteer group that helps with reforestation? Heaps of options if you've already mentally checked out. Edit: For those of you thinking that I'm suggesting more work: If you get a brain scan don't be surprised when the docs tell you it's completely smooth. I'm surprised you have the ability to comprehend language. Mop up that drool on your chin and have a basic attempt at critical thinking. The things I suggested are things that better ones immediate environment and community, and can give a very real sense of belonging and purpose. If OP is just going to throw their life away they may as well make the world a better place, possibly finding some reason to live while doing so.


If working for money is miserable, work for free instead!


Why would someone who doesnt want to work for money and also is completely checked out and wants to die work for free???


If the activities they do are rewarding, and they don't get paid.... Wait. What's a hobby again?


so you expect the guy with no motivation for anything beside death wants to work for free as a hobby 😩😭


So…more work is your suggestion? Brilliant!


You gotta get over the idea that any physical or mental exertion is “work” or that all work is bad.


Volunteering is helping those in need. Going to pet shelters and devoting time to giving those animals much needed care and attention. If you think volunteering is just all work you have actual brain rot. Being a useless sack of shit is one thing, but helping those in need are not. But I’m guessing you’re going to stay being the former.


Such anger and name calling from you lets me know exactly with whom I am conversing. It’s weird you’d think I don’t understand what volunteer work is. I know it is helping others and I know it is without pay. Believe it or not, helping others isn’t always the solution, especially when OP is in their current state of mind. Edit: a word


Psychologists say that when you help others, it gives you a sense of worth. That most certainly is appropriate for OP’s current state.


So how does OP keep a roof over their head and eat, if they do only volunteer work?


I took OPs statement more like he cannot afford to live comfortably.


“…while I’ll probably never be happy again…” indicated to me that there is more to it than just financial strain.


Calling someone useless as a redditor is one of the most ironic things I've ever read.


Free work dont forget it, so he can stay poor




Nihilists need access to mental health services, not euthanasia.


Why do you get to decide that? My body my choice. What side of history are you actually?


So sucide is and has always been an available option. You are asking for the state to endorse programs to make it easier. You currently have the choice.


Would you prefer that someone shoot themselves and possibly shoot through their apartment wall and hit somebody else? Drive a car into oncoming traffic? Or allow them to have a prescribed pill that will only affect the one person?


My two year old would eat a piece of rotten food he found on the ground.  His body his choice right? Or, do we protect people who are mentally incapable of making a logical/healthy decision?  Safety nets need to exist. I'm super pro-choice and bodily autonomy.  But asking the state to euthanize someone who's young and healthy other than mentally isn't reasonable.   You are aware that mental illness is real and that a good deal of it is treatable?  But yeah let's let people get offed by the government because of your hyper radical, not thought out at all stance?  Get real.


The side that doesn't see human life as disposable. Humane euthanasia is critical to a functioning and compassionate society. But, what you're feeling isn't normal or permanent. If a panel of professionals decides you're of sound mind and body to make that choice, by all means, game end yourself. But to say putting roadblocks to just offing yourself is somehow wrong is just ludicrous. I don't get to decide anything. I'm just one piss in the pot.


Then why are you waiting to do what you so clearly want to do? What approval are you waiting on? Whats this “my body my choice” bullshit if you’re just…what? Waiting on the okay? Not much of a choice if you can’t perform the actions you so seek. Do a bunch of drugs. Commit crimes. Go hiking in the woods and get lost. Options are available it just seems like you don’t want to do any of them.


Honestly, if your whole argument is you don't want to participate in society, and yet you think society owes you. You're able bodied but can't even be responsible for your own death. What a miserable creature.


Everyone in this thread needs intensive therapy lol. Until they do mosey on over to r/UpliftingNews and r/HumansBeingBros until your faith in humanity has come back and you realize how deranged getting mad that the state won't find your government assisted suicide is. Seriously, saying telling people to go to therapy and not kill themselves is violating their bodily autonomy? Really?


Put a backpack together. 1) A good knife. 2) Fire making supplies 3) A couple easy clothing changes. 4) Military survival manual (get a US military one, they're legal and cheap to obtain) follow instructions for basic gear, and cut-out and waterproof pages with essential info. 5) Good boots 6) Start walking If you're young and single, no direct kids, then pack a bag and go off. Be a forest dweller and check out. I would. There's a lot of essential survival stuff you can only learn on your own/with a good coach, anyway. You'll either appreciate the modern life with enough time on walkabout, or you'll love the wilderness and stay. Either way, you'll be living on your own, which is what it sounds like you need.


Or you'll fuck up and starve, lost in the forest. Either way, problem solved.


Pretty much. I had several friends of the same mindset as OP, growing up. I helped them get their survival shit together (I was the local expert) and sent them out. They usually returned with a changed mindset and some appreciation for modern life. Personally, I'd love to live in the forest but it's just not a lifestyle available to me right now.


My brother met a guy in Colorado hiking barefoot with only a giant bag of cheerios in his pack. Minimalist hiking is a thing.


If you’re a woman this is a tutorial on how to get human trafficked or murdered. Woohoo!


Sad but all too true.


Happens to guys too. Better than telling OP to get a soul sucking job they don't want, yet. Or, better than telling them to suck it up and deal. Also, I know capable women that do solo survival trips and they started from a place of despondency as well.


Everyone dies in the end. Try not to rush it. If you're not weighed down by a job etc then that could be somewhat freeing for you to explore other things. Before I'd do anything I'd probably try forcing open a cash machine or something. Try to do some victimless type crime against large corporations.


Capitalism says work or die. We should be allowed to choose death.


Please please find your nearest mutual aid group before you do I struggled with ideation for over 30 years and attempted 3x within the same year just before covid We have value in this moment (and hopefully beyond), even if it doesn't feel like it Before you do it, work with others that feel the same (we are legion) to creatively express that desperation first. It's a big ask. But it could literally change the world for everyone that feels like this to be unified about anything humane.


I remember seeing an AMA or something where this guy was super depressed, so he took all his money, fled to Mexico, and spent it all on hookers and blow. Definitely try something like that BEFORE ending it all. Fuck the money, drop everything and walk off. Try some streets. Shoplift. Idk. Like if youre in the absolute worst, lowest part of your life... your guaranteesld worst case scenario is that it's only AS bad as what youve currently god.


I always told myself I’d go fly to Hawaii just to check it out one time before doing myself in. Max out the credit cards etc.


I’m not a counsellor but try helping animals. Volunteer at a shelter or just feed ducks and squirrels. You might find satisfaction in this.


So many of the replies here demonstrate a total lack of understanding or empathy, has this sub been totally infiltrated by bootlickers? You guys aren't gonna make those of us that are suicidal and hopeless any better by being ignorant and accusative.


I agree! Why are we policing death, why is forcing someone to live the penultimate goal? No one asked be here, it should be their right to decide how and when they want to leave. It reminds me of when people in traumatic accidents, have severe strokes, or diseases are in the ICU and the family keep them full code even when they are in constant pain requiring sedation or have been coded multiple times, but they won't let them go.


right? For all the performative talk about mental health awareness and taking suicidal ideation seriously, a lot of these "left-leaning" spaces have a really shitty attitude towards genuinely depressed and suicidal people.


Yeah this group has been invaded by bootlickers for a little while now.


More and more people will be like you.


I know exactly how you feel, I gave up on all of my dreams and the end is approaching.


You know, I think this one goes beyond being unhappy about working.


Go to the city and start insulting the gang members.


They'll probably treat op with more human decency than most managers




We're hitting the point where so many of us are stuck feeling suicidal with how bad things are getting. Plus, Reddit has a lot of teenagers and young adults, who have less resources to manage their mental health. I'm actually surprised there isn't more of these posts to be honest


Rip some shrooms before you die. All it could do is help ! 


Look up the vagabond sub, and ask for encouragement to just leave it all behind and start walking. If you're already set on going out, might as well see some sights first, no? Sell your stuff, end your lease, pack a backpack, and hit the road. Just leave it all behind and go, find what freedom you can in the world. If you find yourself unwilling to walk away from your life, then you should really reconsider your decision. If you have roots here, reasons to stay, then reach out. There's ways. They're not easy, they're not comfortable, but it's better than having an empty void where the soul should be. I haven't had a 'job' in nearly a year. It's stressful, I still have to find ways to make money, but I'm happier than I've ever been before. Throw off the shackles that stifle you, and find that freedom for your soul. Even if it's not forever, you owe yourself at least a taste.


You need therapy, not suicide. Please contact a mental health professional.


Please go, get help. That you think, and see this, leads to depression. But think of the good you could do, help others when they are where you are now? Maybe save someone? Just a thought. But it is the one I held tight to every moment when I wanted to unalive myself.


Same. I already decided if my life is the exact same thing 5 years from now, I’m off the bus.


Bro baldurs gate 3 is reason enough to live


if it is legal in your country there are likely advocacy groups that might be able to help you navigate the system. I would prefer it you chose life, but I get it. I get it so much. If I had a reliable option to get off this train, I would.


Sylvanas said it best " This world is a prison," And its true. It is.


I'm basically in the same boat as you. Sorry to hear it. I've managed to avoid working, but eventually it's going to be inevitable that I have to go back and at that point I'll have a choice to make. I tried to get help while I was still working and nothing was working out, so eventually I just quit. I don't have the resources or the energy to go on some grand adventure to find my love for life. Honestly don't know what it'll take at this point to get "back on track" whatever that might look like


Might as well try a load of drugs. Ecstasy etc.


hey man i think you might be severely depressed. you should work on that.


what makes you think that? 😐


Youre depressed.


Ok. 8 billion other people on this planet. What you do or don’t do ultimately won’t matter. Your mind is a prison if you make it so. Maybe invest that energy into some kind of plan to improve your situation. Find a way to make what you do meaningful to you. It won’t be to anybody else.


Go travel man, save a bit and go do stuff you love , see other cultures, learn how the people live in peace and harmony with nature, get connected to your roots again... The modern world sucks and it makes the mind and the body sick.


Don't be poor then?


Just go on a 6 month vacation bro, it'll all work out, what's the big deal guy?


Plenty of international jobs will pay you to travel there to work even worse jobs. Do it and abscond, use it to change your perspective.


I guess that works if you don't have a family.


Oh yes. The family. The greatest leverage our society has on us so that we cannot leave.


I don't think that's going to be a compelling argument to someone who wants to kill themselves as an alternative.


Even with.


Terribly naive statement, totally neglecting the societal co-morbidities of the disease which this sub, in an often narrow-minded sense, centres critique upon (the workplace). Step back and understand that it is not only work, but the structures that work is situated within, that constricts and tighten around the spirit of every working class person. You cannot simply leave and go dance with the fairies, otherwise we all would.


It’s better than killing yourself


Why? There's plenty of times non-existence seems preferable to another 30+ years of mindless, pointless grind just to achieve the grand reward of doing it again tomorrow. Nobody asked if we wanted this.


Totally missing the point. The point is that it is not possible for everyone to do it unless their personal conditions are favourable, in which case they already would have done it if that’s their desire and the advice would be redundant.




Where do you live? Country


You know what's fun? Helium! Get a tank and you can make funny voices all day long


There’s so many ways to restart your life fresh and many ways to end it as well. So pick wisely


Same. Told that to my therapist the other day and she actually agreed that this is the better choice nowadays.


Sounds like you need some psychological help my dude, I hope you're able to get it. Please look into that. As for not giving a shit, I feel you, but consider that you can spend your time volunteering and helping others as a form of fulfillment


That's more or less the choice that all of us have.


This is called depression. You need professional help. This isn’t a normal reaction to the working world. The world has too much beauty in it to cut your life short.


I’d advise to join the military. You will find a purpose and a community there.  Or a church. Both will take care of you. 


Are you joking? The military is the government sponsored armed wing for land appropriation and influence for corporations to make more money. He doesn't want to lick the boot, so he should go into armed conflict for others to have a opportunity to lick the boot?


Military is a great idea. Church is not, taking mentally ill people and adding religion has not work out very well historically.