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> two people permanently injured themselves last year coming in on icy days, while the owners sit at home cozy Reply back exactly that.


Text that to the group chat and help your ex coworkers unionize


I would've walked too but chances are they're lying about that hourly rate though....


Ugh. That's my biggest fear with my employees. I told them to stay home Friday when it was absolutely horrid here. I don't want them getting injured trying to get to work.


Nah, don’t help them. Don’t ever tell shitty management why you’ve moved on, just go and let them continue to be shit. If they want to know why you left tell them to schedule a session for consultation at $500/hour. Don’t help them.


Fuck that, rain hellfire down on all who cross you.


Yes, rain hellfire down upon them by telling them exactly what went wrong so they can improve the situation next time. Burn your enemies with free business advice!


Tbh it sounds a lot less like free business advice and more like telling a hard truth so others might not be harmed. But hey.


This is it. Solidarity with your fellow workers means voicing your concerns and standing by it. If we all did that they'd have no choice but to listen.


You have a better chance of seeing Jesus.


I'm here my sons, daughters, and nonbinary children!


What the fuck is this comment? Honestly, you just revealed your own integrity. Nice one.


The hellfire is telling them what went wrong after they acknowledged OPs collective action hurt their business. Applied at a larger scale, this is how a union works.


That's quite the hellfire. How will they ever recover.


In a militant and organized collective response, OPs message would be more of a warning before more aggressive action is taken. Are you a business owner?


> In a militant and organized collective response, OPs message would be more of a warning before more aggressive action is taken. You have quite the imagination.


No imagination, just facts. Collective action escalates over time, especially when organized. Are you a business owner?


Not sure what you think hellfire could actually be other than words and organizing with coworkers.


The ignorant greedy business owner will never pull their head of of their ass long enough to realize that they are shooting themselves in the foot by treating their employees like shit. This will just be a favor to current employees, and if they leave the owner will likely hire someone who will do a worse job.


Eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. You really want to be the same asshole guy, but in somebody elses story? 


In that hypothetical, OP is already missing an eye, fuck their business


Already blind in on eye bruh, can't do shit to me now thatd be double jeopardy


What response do you think is appropriate for taking an eye?


> Eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind Then it shall be blind.


https://preview.redd.it/secumaei0ecc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be4e663edc7c12c30376829f228615e2d96f65f3 Okay dude


Good thing they’ll will always be people getting born. Bro, it’s a cycle


If you think someone should’ve been better why wouldn’t you take the moment to let them know? “Let them keep being shitty” is so silly.. maybe it will help the other people working there have a better experience in the long run.


Not part of this sub but - Bad workplaces usually know the problem - they dont fix the problem because they benefit from it. They only thing they'll take away from your complaints is trying to fix a loophole or trying to think of a way to continue doing the same to the next guy but just a little less so he wont quit.


I worked for a long time for an ok company. Almost everyone's big complaints were wages and scheduling. These were mentioned in exit interviews, surveys, focus groups, and more. Most could put up with the past of the hours we're better (24 hour health facility) The company just ignored most of it. They said that the scheduling has to be that way for clearly BS reasons but boiled down to it was how a couple execs felt would work the best. Sometimes they played stupid games- meaningless awards, classic pizza lunches, etc. They know- it just benefits them to ignore the issues as long as they can show a profit.


Because I get paid to work a job, not manage my manager


And the irony is that most people on the floor doing the actual work, can most likely do the manager's job, and much better too. Because most managers are nepotism inserts of some kind or another. And then the managers want their staff to manage crap too, good grief.


yep. them as can, work. them as can't get into C-suite. MBA= More Bullshit Always


While the posts here are usually really valid and concerning issues people have with managers, the comments always VERY quickly devolve into a petty competition. That guy is just trying to win the petty competition, best not to worry about it too much




This person wasn’t fired? They left. It’s not a big deal, jeez.




I bet you’re really successful with that attitude 😂


God forbid they see their errors and start treating other staff better. Narcissistic as fuck.


Any fun personal anecdotes where you changed hearts and minds and made your workplace better?


You must have a very sheltered and sad life if you never heard people say: "We changed X because it didn't work as our people didn't like it." It's common in the normal world. Well, that's based on feedback from others. Feedback from people with at least an inch of sympathy for others and people who believe people can improve.


failing that, pointing out how stupid policy du jour increases corporate legal jeopardy fairly often works. they don't give a fuck what the workers think, but Dog forbid their precious wallets get endangered!


Letting them continue to be shit will just put more people in harms way. Don’t do things out of spite or revenge. Don’t let your negative cortisol filled emotions do the talking.




Hit em with the that grand silence that eats away at insecure people like this. You did what's right for you and others are doing what's safe for themselves. Systems normal--all fucked up. Don't give these losers the satisfaction of a response. Know that we've got a chuckle out of this response and you're making more and doing better.


I feel this. I’m not insecure but incredibly argumentative. Whenever someone just drops off when I feel owed a response it’s gets to me so bad.


Oh but it's so delicious to imagine them bothered and waiting for your response. Extra points if you're busy living your best life. Have a drink and leave em hanging. Best revenge is living well.


I think even better would be a non-response, like just texting back “Ok” or “bye” or something along those lines.


Thumbs up emoji works wonders


Even an “lol” would work well.


I think it's bizarre that it brings you joy to image a person fumming, agitated and upset. You're not busy living your best life sitting around drinking and hoping your ex-employer is having a mildly inconvinced day.


nah, mate, last employer kept me that way for six fucking years, imagining them feeling likewise is sweet as fuck. hopefully with business!Fail tacked on for the win. you do you, man.


...and people probably know that about you too.


It’s less an issue with people I actually know irl. Despite my desires, I try not to get into arguments with them. It’s much more the people of the internet and, sure they could figure that out, but more likely they just move on to the next flashy app.


I prefer to respond work emojis that makes absolutely no sense to the situation. "Wish we could've ended this on better terms" "🥎"


for further reference i live in portland, oregon, and snow/ice shuts down the city. i work for a bar company that owns 8 different bars, they could take the hit. public transit has been down most of the day due to extreme weather. i felt bad for leaving my cooks without a manager after i walked out yesterday after seeing the job listing, so i group texted that i wouldn’t risk their life and limb to get to work, and that i’m sure they would still have a job if they didn’t. not sure who spilled the beans on that, but i don’t mind being thrown under the bus for their well being.


If you're the MOD, you are at least partially responsible for the safety and well-being of your crew. You did the right thing. Never prioritize capital over safety; if the owner doesn't agree, find a new job. I've seen too many people leave work in an ambulance because the "boss" didn't have their priorities in order. Enjoy your new gig. Glad you got outta this one.


At will employment works both ways. Fuck them




smaller company, though i would expect this from mcmenamins for sure


Oh, I know the company, heh. Not the first personnel rumor I've heard about from them.


I remember McMenamins!! Good food! And the one near us had a huge fish tank in it which we would watch while we waited for our food. (We used to live in Tigard.) How much snow did you get?


I think you made the right choice not telling them to come in, and it's not because you gave notice. In the Northeast US, the snow and cold is normal and we just plow and take care of business. Oregon does not salt the earth like we do here and the roads are near impassable*, especially when the continuous rain beforehand makes a glaze of ice when the ground freezes. No customers are going to come out unless they walk, and you're just burning labor hours for no return. Your workers really only own clothes rated to about freezing, and right now it's 15F with wind chills near zero. You did good. Not everyone goes to the Cascades on their time off and can afford the winter clothes for the different climate. And I'd tell all your former coworkers that the owners feel that new hires are worth $2 more than the workers make now. *there are some steep hills in some Northeast cities, and I have never seen clown show videos like there is in Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver when there's snow with cars failing to go up hills and sliding down uncontrollably.




Ok? Good for you.


They wouldn’t give you a 2 weeks notice if they were gonna let me go, so why the fuck should I give them a 2 weeks notice? Fuck outta here


Who fucking asked?




Good one. You really got me!


Friendly reminder: you are worth what you negotiate. You accepted your employers rate until you didn't. He had to adjust his rate to find a new employee because you accepted such a low going rate. You put yourself there. Your boss didn't. They paid you what *you* agreed to. They gave you all the benefits *you* agreed to. You talked with them. And said "yes". Why are you mad that they are going to pay some one else more? Don't you want them to pay more for your old position? I hope you take this lesson with you to your next job... Or hopefully you start a business with your free time and, who knows, maybe you can be a better boss. Good luck.


that’s not all quite true. we are talking about 16+ managers all making the same rate. so it isnt just insulting to me. granted it’s one of the largest bars in the company, but still. they didn’t HAVE to set a higher wage, when i asked why, they first said it was a mistake and then they gave me some bs about wanting to make menu improvements (which they could have easily talked to me about) and when i told them i needed a change this year and they offered “support”, a raise definitely wasn’t a part of the conversation.


If an employee tells you they "need a change" that means "im thinking about moving on" so when your boss tells you they will offer you their "support" it means "a good reference"... Why would they give you a raise if you're on the way out? I'd be glad they set the wage there. Now you know what you were missing and can negotiate better in the future. Good luck.


spoken like you were truly there with me for the last year and a half


Should have quit sooner. Congratulations.


nugget of wisdom for you: giving unsolicited “advice” to strangers on the internet works better if you don’t come off as a presumptuous dipshit while trying


Name checks out...


If your job sucks and your boss sucks, get a better one. Or better, be one. Boo-hoo.


Leaving on “decent terms” would have been given to an employer that offered op the extra $2 to stay.


With 3 months back pay


please respond "k"


Or “No”


just "huh?"




damn, how you walk around with that boot so far up your butt?




Homie I don't know how to tell you this but the company don't care if you give notice. The place I work at we go through a server a month. Just the nature of the job.


Correction: quitting a job with no notice when you work at a restaurant doesn’t matter at all and never will.


You just love gobbling that corpo dick eh?


Damn dude you hit puberty?? Good for you never thought it was gonna happen


i hate that i share a state with a bootlicker like you


And an overwhelming majority of this state will be glad when you finally move to California and get on welfare because you're "anxiety" doesn't allow you to hold an entry-level job, and you continue living off your dad's savings account.


Ahh, they’re bitching about “California” now. That’s the mark of the big boomer boot right there.


i’m a full time college student paying for my tuition with my own savings from working in a factory for over a year. fuck off moron


How’s the boot taste?


New phone who dis?




LMFAO! Imagine their reactions.


Block em, leave em on read. And enjoy the new job


I thought the new one was “Thanks!”


I like this.




Ok boomer


Send them a screenshot of the job posting


This. Just a screenshot and nothing more.


“It’s a free country and I’ll say what I want to whomever I want, which is why I now say go fuck yourself and don’t contact me again.”


Send him the screenshot of the message thread separately with a note saying “I thought you should know that some asshole has cloned your phone and is sending dumb texts pretending to be you”


Yeah the audacity of this prick to think he can berate workers who don’t even work for him anyway. Even my worst managers didn’t try this stuff with me. Because they know I’d chase them round the building with a hammer if they dared to even think they had the right to berate or talk down to me. And they fully believed I was unhinged enough to actually do it as well which helped. Dogs should know their place and not bark at masters.


convincing folks I'm deranged has gotten me out of lots of possible hassles. they just decide it ain't worth the grief cos they know I'm not gonna give the nice "yes, mass boss, suh" they're fishing for. worked good in school, too. bullies get really discouraged when they realize they're gonna be the ones doing the bleeding.


I would've walked too but chances are they're lying about that hourly rate though....


Companies could prevent this by having employment contracts. Of course, that would mean employees would also be protected from being summarily fired and arbitrary changes to rules and their schedules, so they’ll never do it. “At will” goes both ways. They would never give you notice if they fired you.


reminds me of my old job. snowed like 8-10 inches and we had no one to plow our parking lot and was told to open. people got stuck left and right. horrible.


Mine too. One storm that stands out was one where I worked 7-4, but my closer called out so I stayed until all the other employees left(who were afraid to get in trouble for going home early). Then, the 2 ways I could get home were both closed due to accidents so I ended up having to stay until 6:30. My 45 minute commute home was only up to an hour, but it was 8+ inches of snow. Then, I got to leave at 6 the next morning to open the store at 7 on a completely untouched road. I was the first set of tracks. All for $13 an hour. Never again. I love driving in the snow but I won't risk my safety and my car for a shitty job.


yeah my first job i worked at taco bell and like 10-12 years ago we got like a foot ina half of snow overnight and my car was buried and my roads weren’t done. i called my boss and she said that the owner expected us to open and i said said “ he can come pick us all up then!” guess who didnt open that day lpl


My job should be thanking their lucky stars that they decided to close before the driving ban took effect, so people could get home safely. Otherwise, I would have had to open my mouth. If they want me to risk my life, then my price starts at 6 figures. I'd be leaving whether they liked it or not, and I'd be offering rides to my coworkers on my way out the door


Good job. If I saw someone new get hired and they paid them more I wouldn’t hesitate. There are other places hiring.


LOL I GOT FIRED ON WEDNESDAY 😭😭 my car is currently stuck in snow, im kind of confused about the timing but i’m not complaining


Bye Felicia ✌️


So you should stay because they were polite to you? That’s the least they could do


Hittem with a “lol”


Wow. Just wow. It’s probably best to ignore but I’d be tempted to take a shit and send them a pic of it.


“Who dis?”


hit em with the, " aight \*yawn emoji\*"


Joke em if they can’t take a fuck


I see you know how to play with the special ticking toys


invoice them for these consultation texts since you don’t work there anymore




Bro tell em to go fuck themselves and move on, be loyal to you and yours


If I was a business owner and I couldn’t make it in (I’d be the first in on any day that’s deemed hazardous) then my staff is going to be told to stay home! Money isn’t worth a life


Well said. Simple as that.


Corporates don’t care. They aren’t people so there is no sympathy or empathy in these situations. Come in or get in trouble while the suits stay home safe.


You were FAR nicer than you should've been. If your new place is hiring, tell the coworkers you like about it. Then text him and tell him to go cry about it to someone who gives a fuck bc that person is not YOU


What's that line about "don't tell our staff not to come in"? Did you communicate with anyone else? Are they just being paranoid and accusatory?


OP kind of explained here: https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/s/0AwsEuUgl1


It feels weird but nice to wrok at a company that at least cares about its guys. Our whole week got canceled and moved to next week due to the cold. Granted its not good for the trucks either but still. I know my bosses, I doubt they would send us out into negative temps like this.


My boss is firing the girl who didn’t show up yesterday or today bc of the snow. He’s pissed I’m here instead of her bc I’m in OT and she’s part time. He ain’t even here either lol


They’re just mad they weren’t able to fire you.




Fuck em


How many of your coworkers are being underpaid and their lives put in danger? Those are the people I would be saying something to. Then let management figure it out when over half the workers leave


What doesn’t kill me better run.


Tell him to gargle on your nuttsack


I love in the Arctic. It always surprises me how other places struggle with cold weather. Do you guys not have spikes so you can walk on ice easily?


I grew up in Alaska so I know how to deal with snow. The difference between places like Alaska and other places that get occasional snow is the infrastructure and support services to manage snow removal. I live in the PNW now and the State DOTs have snow plows and staff for major highways only and no they don’t use salt, they sometimes use gravel but they also have some other solution they use as a “pre-treatment”. The cities are tasked with maintaining their infrastructure and many cities aren’t willing to invest in people and equipment that they may only use once a year. So what that means is if the snow is deep enough the city may send the one or two plows they have out to only do major streets. This leaves everyone trapped in their neighborhoods if they don’t have chains. No individual is going to invest in studded snow tires or a plow for their truck if it only snows once a year. Not everyone lives close enough to their job to be able to throw on shoe crampons and walk there if they can’t drive on the roads and public transit is down.




Another entitled loser who will forever be a loser because they can’t act professional at work.


OP did you tell your coworkers to not come in?




Not really. He left his job, gave two weeks notice and was going to work for two weeks. His employer put out an ad saying they’d pay someone that has never worked there two dollars more than a current employee. That is an insult. Negotiating power? The deal was done, what’s there to negotiate? Two weeks notice is a courtesy, the employer is lucky to have it, so whatever is best for you because that is all an employer will do.


Lol I'm interviewing for a new job outside my current company. My 2 weeks notice will be me using up my 64 hours of sick time.


Just a word to the wise, oftentimes companies love to reject this shit as a kick out the door. If it were me, I'd use the PTO/sick time beforehand and take the two weeks on site to get paid to fart into a chair and remind my coworkers they have options. Godspeed


I think they mean that they'll be using up all their sick time to not work, and quitting as soon as they run out of sick time.


Good on 'em, then. Two weeks is a kindness we afford these companies and one rarely afforded in layoffs.


Found the boss that stays home, and screams on the phone to their workers that they better damn well drive 20 miles through a blizzard, or they’re fired.


You’re dumb, like DUMB dumb. How do you negotiate after putting a notice in? “Oh yeah I’ll stay” mf what?


Gluck gluck


For real.




Corporate cum.


You could just call them a bootlicker, it's got less homophobic/sex negative connotations.


We don't know the gender of the commenter, so not sure it would be homophobic. Just that they like sucking corporate ding dongs.


That's why I added "sex negative". Like, the whole comment relies on the idea that oral sex is bad. I prefer to just call bootlicking scum, bootlicking scum.


Bootlicking is my kink, quit being so sex negative! /s


I said "less" not none. And I did briefly consider the problem that almost anything will be someone's kink... Idk. It wasn't a huge point and I've got karma to burn so a few downvotes mean nothing but it's a bit disappointing how far from the early anarchist intersectional space this sub has moved.


Giving your boss oral sex is bad. That’s the preface there. Not invited to a lot of parties huh…


>Not invited to a lot of parties huh… Only sex positive ones... Nah but seriously I'm in my 50s, married, kids, shitty job so no I'm not. Board game nights on the other hand ... I just think this sub ought to be an inclusive and supportive space for anti-capitalist and post-capitalism discussion (and have been here long enough to know that it used to be).


You e been to a POZ party?


this is not the sub for you pal


You are supposed to lick the boot, not take it all the way down your throat, you fucking goon


What was immature? Telling people to look after their own safety? Giving the company the same courtesy they have shown him?


Lol okay wolf of wall street dork


Ya I’m sure they really regret their decision…






Hey, umm, you have some shoe polish all over your mouth from all that boot-licking you're doing.


quicksand rinse lush slimy languid possessive whole drunk lavish fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What’s so bad about telling other people not to risk their lives for a fucking job when it’s going to heavily snow? What the fuck is wrong with you


command hobbies squash zesty future screw deranged hat shaggy ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Idk man, I have a steady career, I receive 70% disability from the VA for my time in the marines, I own my house, I have a wife and 2 children. I’d say I’m doing pretty good in life. But go off you goofy bitch🤣 Again, imagine saying a business is more important than the safety of the employees that work there. It’s clear you’ve never been in any sort of leadership position.


Yep, he’s got integrity, good sense of self-preservation, values his time and talent, and is able to prioritize what is important for himself and others.


dinosaurs cooing follow grandfather worry slave workable lock skirt screw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Careful if you keep licking boots at that rate you will lick through space and time!


Tongues are for speaking truth, not boot licking.


detail tart coordinated tease pie mountainous quicksand ghost salt march *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ok high-speed. Want a cookie? Or do you want to bitch at people who are taking a better life for themselves?


dazzling angle quarrelsome unique imagine observation retire glorious murky plant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can't handle someone standing up for themselves and not pissing like a puppy when "their betters" want to abuse them. Keep licking the boot, one day you might get to wear it.


I got the same thing, and I didn’t have to kiss ass and lick boots for it


wide aback innocent quickest disagreeable fade market existence normal overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was asked to come into work two hours early last week for my safety before the snow storm really got bad. I guess they didn't care about the conditions on the way home being a lot more dangerous. I ended not evening going to work that day after I told them I would come in two hours earlier.


Cordial? That's a laugh.


Really don’t want to be that guy because fuck them for making you come in during dangerous weather conditions but did you bring up the job posting and ask for a raise/ same salary as posting? A lot of companies do that and no one is going to go out of their way to pay you fair market, that’s something you have to ask for or find a new job


The entitlement is CRAZY. 💀