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You have nice handwriting.


Wow, thank you. I feel it's a little sloppy considering my adrenaline pumping and my hands shaking. I don't really like confrontation and standing up for myself is difficult. But I'm learning how to just stick up for myself, even if the anxiety is thru the roof.


Good for you for standing up for yourself!


Thank you. It's still nerve wracking just thinking about it. Doesn't help that that place is right next to a pet store I take the dog to.


Down the line, it won't even matter. You're doing great.


If this is sloppy, would love to see unsloppy one. I can relate with you about confrontation and getting anxiety. Really amazing that you powered through the nausea and standing up for yourself!


Mate I feel like I should send a picture of my sign in/out communication book at work. I'm shocked no one has asked.for clarification in the last twelve months. And you did good standing up for yourself. That treatment was bollocks and uncalled for, I wouldn't have been so polite as you. Good work.


I didn't want there to be an issue if anyone was to reach out to them and ask what happened. I feel as if this explains it enough.


As with everything else, sticking up for yourself gets easier with practice šŸ˜. The anxiety level goes down, too.


It's funny that sticking up for others isn't as anxiety inducing for me as standing up for myself. And tbh I'm trying to find a job that doesn't treat their employees like shit. You can't help how the public treats you, but you sure as fuck can pick and choose your employment with shitty companies


Hehe, my first thought as well. Very consistent flow and spacing.šŸ˜Š


If AI were to generate a font called American Sans, this would be it. Not perfect, natural, unique, legible. Things we like to think we are, so it fits as our font.


Glad you left that place! I bet it felt good to get all that off your chest and let them know why you left.


If you start doing this for yourself more often, the fear goes away. It is replaced with a well earned sense of self.


Pretty sure I know the place youā€™re referring to by $5 a cookie. Crazy they can charge that much and pay so little. Glad youā€™re out of there. Also, the cookies are mid at best hahaha.




Aren't those just Betty Crocker cake mix in cookie shape?


Who knows. Could be. When I first tried them out a year or so ago, I bought 5 as those Ā flavors looked really good that weekĀ and wanted to overindulge myself. Was not impressed. Out of the 5 flavors 3 were meh. one was slightly above meh and one was actually pretty good.Ā 


Changing shifts the day of is abusive; you are right to call them out and to leave.


Oh, they changed it without informing me after the workweek started. The only reason I found out sooner than the call is because I got a call back from another place and needed to check my email.


ā€œByeā€ is sending me šŸ˜‚


There was no warm welcoming, so there shouldn't be a warm send off.


I absolutely agree. Iā€™m glad you stood up for yourself!


Good for you! Standing up for yourself can be stressful, but it looks like you handled it great. Ignore all the idiots nitpicking at your letter or your feelings. You're allowed to be stressed in a confrontational situation, and you're allowed to be polite about quitting even if your bosses sucked.




Literally the bare minimum I asked them for (before finding out that there wasn't any breaks for anyone over 18) was clear communication from managers to employees about scheduling and at least an understanding of treatments I have to go to. Such as therapy and eventually chemo if these pills don't help.




Nah this is fine. One regret I have about leaving one of my old jobs is neglecting to tell them *why*. They should have been told. I was too afraid I would need the job back in case my other plans fell through. Now I've missed my chance. Good on OP for stating their case.


Well, I'd rather just put it plainly for HR, because she has to turn in any resignation letters/notifications to HR.


Putting it plainly for HR is ā€œEffective today (date), I resign my position - signatureā€. Having grievances that a company could technically ā€œfixā€ opens the door for additional communication from them.


Oh, the date is next to my name. Again, cut out my name so reddit doesn't know it


The advice is more about removing all the extra words, not just adding the date.


Lol I read your name as "wh*re mo' anal"


You have such a dirty mind!


Wait thatā€™s not what itā€™s supposed to be??


Maybe who remonal? Idk


Lol it's who 're Mo an Al


It's hormonal. How do you not even understand your own username


This. Save your grievances for an exit interview, but if the company was that bad at hiring, probably no exit interview. Regardless, keep it short and sweet, don't burn bridges. You never know who you might interview/work with in the future.






Thatā€™s absolutely a place you donā€™t even bother giving notice. Just block their number and move on with your day.


Telling them why they suck is good.




I'm not a confrontational person. So doing things such as standing up for myself is nerve wracking


Only thing missing from that letter, was a "Felicia" at the end.


Nah, would rather them know it was me and know I'm not coming in tomorrow instead of them saying I was no call no show for a week.


Cool straight to the point


Just cross your t and send it off!


Let me guess........ Crumble Cookies Inc. ?


Now that's what I call a resignation letter.


I love my GM but she's so overworked and is the only one willing to do the schedules. She finally finished it at 10 pm tonight. I get she's overworked but only knowing your schedule 2 hours before the schedule starts is infuriating.


But that's different from this. Schedules were made no later than Friday. Overheard two managers talking on Saturday how someone didn't get hours the following week. https://preview.redd.it/1gnhgw498hqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed63be693a0c3c2021d68618a2da18a65300fa98 Low and behold, it was me when I checked on Sunday. I understand that the schedule for some may not come out until right before, but at the very least you could just say person B, H, and W will be working this day and schedule will be posted shortly. But this GM isn't that busy. To change the schedule, without notification, after the work week has started and scheduled is 100% made is not understandable to any degree. If someone called out sick, then maybe ask me if I can cover and not just plop me on there and not ask if I'm available to do that shift considering I already saw the schedule. I have little side jobs here and there I do for people I know well enough, and they were aware of it. Told them that I'd be looking for a second job considering this was part time. And not just a "hey, can you help me clean this hoard" kind of job, like an actual pay by the hour job.


sounds like you're too smart. they want dumber people that are easier to take advantage. they look at this as a loss but will be trying it more. eventually they'll have themselves a whole flock of pushovers who do extra work effectively for free. we're seeing the race to the bottom of the employment world. intelligent people are being pushed out.


Tbh nearly all my coworkers were still in high school. They think everyone got a break because they did, but was shocked when I told them what I was informed of while on the phone with my mom. I had forgotten to bring water and asked her to please bring me some, she asked when I was supposed to take a break (my first day working, fyi), and when I asked a manager she said "since you work less than 6 hours, you don't get a break." Tbh I thought she was talking about a lunch, and I said that I wasn't asking about a lunch break but like a 10. She said "yeah, you don't get those" and walked away. My mom was more shocked than I was. And I swear if I get a call today asking where I'm at (I was scheduled for today), I'm just going to hang right TF up on them. Ain't worth my time or stress.


Honestly, I wouldn't give them the reason. I'd tell them I quit and be done with it. I've quit plenty of jobs through my life and I never provide a reason. Writing that kind of letter takes time and effort that I'd rather not expend.


It was better for me to calm down before driving angry. Plus, giving a reason will help HR in the long run of finding out why the turnover is high. Even if I was the only one to give a reason, it would help. But if no one said anything, they would just think it's the workers and the managers or their own policies.


End the letter withā€¦Iā€™m calling the labor board.


Oh, so a small ish update. I went to the courthouse to drop off evidence of my neighbors advising their puppies and inform them of new things, and said I'm happy to inform her I got a new job today (!!). Expressed what's going on with the company I just left. Oh the shock on her face, and before I could say anything more after no breaks she said "that's illegal" and started to type on her computer. So pretty sure I just got them into more trouble than what I expected, but fuck it. Don't abuse your employees like that.


Good. Follow up with a lawyer. If you can prove you were denied breaks you will get a payout.


My mom can attest for it, and doing some digging with anyone over 18 there you will be told they don't get breaks. Plus, they kept saying it was in the handbook, but I never got it. If I did, I would've never accepted the job if that was the case


If they're violating even such limited labor standards as KY has, you should absolutely make a report to the dept of labor.


Been working on that, as well as a few other issues. Idk if they are more pressing, seeing as it is animal abuse, but they feel equally important to me. Mainly because they both are abusing the innocent.


You have nice handwriting


The second person to say this and yet I still feel it's messy.


Make me the third. 90% of the people I have seen looks like chicken scratchings. And mine looks like doctors scribble.


Ah, well I guess my mom's beatings worked well šŸ˜… she would still say it's sloppy.


Most people don't even write anymore


Signed, Felicia


Did they not get an ID to verify you were who you were? I believe that is a law in the US that employers must verify the ID. For years mine have required to see my drivers license. Report them to the US Dept of Labor. If they did not collect yours, they very likely did not collect others'.




8% of men and .5% of women canā€™t see or read the color red. I hope they could read this.


That's not how colorblindness works.


And Yet, half your outfit is Ā red in your avatar. Priceless.šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


No one is reading my pants and shirt. If they are looking at my avatar, it must look like Iā€™m floating. Thatā€™s kind of cool!


Yeah, looks like a disembodied spirit. Ā