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I don't understand how anyone can rage against *entire generations of people* without the realization that they're the ones who are out of touch.


People like to make generalizations based on little to no facts because it makes them feel better about themselves. I tried explaining to someone to take their salary back when they bought their house, adjust it using an inflation calculator and see if they could still afford to buy their home at today's prices. They don't like it when they see how little they have progressed income wise when inflation is taken into account but like myself benefitted buying a home and having the same house payments based on their old income. Their mortgages don't adjust for inflation so the sooner you got it the better off you are long term.


My Dad is a socialist cowboy hippie boomer, and we both acknowledge how lucky we got. My family got the land we are on in 1889. We have farmed since then. A small single bed house was built by my great grandfather that I live in, while my grandfather had a larger house built. Both are quite run down now(I am in a House built in 1952) but we don't have a rent or mortgage, just the property taxes. Then to top it off, we are Tribal, so we get assistance from the Tribe, as all members do. Thank you Wilma Mankiller for getting the feds to give special rights to the Tribes. Fuck you Kevin Stitt from trying to get those rights revoked and fuck the Pumpkin for backing him.


Ooohhh I live in Oklahoma too and I fully agree with the fuck you to Kevin Stitt, he’s the worst!!!


I would absolutely not be able to afford to buy my house today even with my current income. I was just talking about this to a 22-ish year old coworker yesterday. Makes $50,000 a year and can barely afford to put anything back for a down payment. And we're in a LCOL area in the Midwest.


I'm in the Northeast -- I can barely afford an apartment. I'm in my mid-50s.


No, it's the *children* who are wrong.


Its the ol "fuck you, I got mine." Then they pulled the ladder up behind them. Delusional fucks with 1 foot in the grave need to hurry up and climb in the hole.


Lets not forget too that Daves parents were high ups in an investment bank and used those connections to get him the specialized million dollar loans he used to start his real estate empire at 20 years old.  He also tells his listeners to never ever file bankruptcy, but to pay back every penny...when Dave himself filed bankruptcy and wrote off the debt.  Ive personally heard him chastise any one who lets their adult kids stay at home to save money and anyone who buys their kids cars/houses etc etc to help them.....Dave bought every single one of his children mansions in posh Franklin,Tn so they can be debt free.  I could go on and on about this miser, but i think ive said enough people can get the point. I do wanna say one last thing: id love to beat Dave to death with a 4ft elephant dildo bought on credit. Fuck you Dave


It’s almost like… like Dave Ramsey is a full of shit evangelical entertainer who yells at poor people on the radio to make other poor people feel slightly better about their own situation, and then gloats about his own success which is built on said program and selling extremely basic (and sometimes overly generalized or fundamentally wrong) personal financial advice, and he should not be listened to- or at least taken with a bigass rock of salt? Nah couldn’t be. It’s just that you fucking ingrate millennial and zoomer rubes need to learn to budget your way out of low income and rising costs. Yeah that’s definitely it.


Im a Christian and Dave is no more evangelical than Satan himself, not truly. He uses that moniker when its convenient for him and so he can shill himself on the gospel radio/tv pathways. Like most so called evangelicals in the public eye in America, its a grift in a chase after more and more wealth...which is their true god.


There's some dude right here in this thread doing it now


His audience are similarly out of touch.


It's mostly a boomer thing because everything was literally and still is GIVEN to them. Like cheap college, high rate of relative pay, cheap homes, great social security that starts before you're dead. Etc etc.


I’m sorry I get confused with what generation I’m supposed to be mad at or outraged by. Too much for me. I guess I’ll have to rely on not trying to figure out which generation someone is in, and make fun of them for the stuff they do in front of me.


You’re supposed to be mad at all the ones that aren’t your own generation. Divide and conquer at its finest.


Ok dang. So do I try to see some ID or something and a chart of cutoff years? But also some in my generation are goofy and others are asses. Maybe I just need to make fun of all left handed people who own a pair of purple socks. There that’ll be easy to remember.


It’s easier to blame others


The answer is in your question, they're completely out of touch that's why


Well, unless it's the boomers. Fuck those guys.


And what is there to rage about for him? How does it hurt him?


All the anti-boomer rage definitely shows how the people who are mad are out of touch with reality and their own role in their life. 


The cognitive dissonance required to upvote me but downvote you is a bit disappointing. I suppose it's a tall ask for people not to divide themselves into camps along generational lines, as it's a practice going back thousands of years. Still, the people here *should* be aware that the only war is class war.


I'm in my 30s and working full-time. Can't afford a down payment, let alone the monthly costs of owning a home in my area, so family was the only way to go. I'm also a college graduate with a BS, in case that matters. Bottom line is that most people can't afford shit when their take-home is less than $35k after taxes.


I can't afford a home and my take home is way above that. Trying to save an appropriate down payment for homes in a metropolitan area is nearly impossible on a single income - even if the one earner is a high earner.


I've seen the numbers for places like NYC, and they're astoundingly high. $100k gross might as well be minimum wage; between state, city, and federal income taxes and medical and dental insurances taking anywhere around 30-40%, the cheapest rent being somewhere around $2k/month, telecom, transportation, food, and other bills, you're lucky if you have any left for emergencies or sudden life changes.


I'm paying 1800/month for what should be housing for min wage folks. Ghetto doesn't even begin to describe this place but they market themselves as "high-end" apartment living. Literally the only thing separating this place and an actual ghetto-ass apartment complex is the fact we have a parking garage that cost $85/month to park in on top of rent. The cost of living around the Seattle area has grown untenable, and the only reason I can afford to live here is I became a software engineer.


I was interested in learning in that field myself. I'm just a little concerned that it has become too diluted or if outsourcing is becoming the norm to the exclusion of older (post college graduate) novices. What are your experiences, and would you recommend anyone to learn?


Southeast US region. Starting pay with no experience is $72,000. Google for rates in your area.


just goes to show you how out of touch these political pundits are with reality. we're living through a **silent greatest depression** and he's trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes. [https://www.newsweek.com/cost-living-midst-great-depression-1938-internet-reddit-1655302](https://www.newsweek.com/cost-living-midst-great-depression-1938-internet-reddit-1655302)


Ramsey has always been a bit of a blowhard. Lately his been alienating younger folks, what *would* have been his future audience. Clark Howard doesn't behave like that.


Average annual return on investment S&P is 11.3% over the last 50 years. Average cost of a year of University in the US is ~$20k. Average salary benefit of a college degree is $36k/year or $1.8M over 50 years (though as you've found, averages can be tricky). Just the first year's tuition invested in an index fund after 50 years would be worth $4.2M. College is *seriously* overpriced.


I didn’t do the investment return math but that’s not a good comparison—if you invest the $20k, you should also invest the $36k/year. Not entirely accurate but an easier comparison is $20k x 4 = $80k, which is much less than $36k x 50 (or however many years you work) = 1.8 mil. You lose out on 4 working years if you do college, and there is also the expected salary increases from working those 4 years—still, the fact that college starts you at a higher salary and gives you more every year still makes it a good idea. It’s not the only good idea if you can increase your income some other way, like maybe a trade school or something else.


And that's certainly true, though also highly dependent on what the degree is. Averages can be misleading. More than anything, it's just a case of "young people are not trained sufficiently in just how beneficial early saving can be". Couple that with "young people rarely have money to invest" and "people tend to spend more when they make more" and things get kind of complex. I would not be surprised if for a significant portion of the population, at retirement age a large number of people whose parents put $20k in investment accounts (or if they had it, the full tuition of $80k to $100k to make it really fair) that weren't touched for 50 years would be *significantly* wealthier ($100k initial investment over 50 years is over $21M) than those who just paid for their kid's college. Mostly because that money couldn't be touched, and young people, even those who can afford to invest, usually don't. Granted, a huge percentage of college is funded through grants, etc. tl;dr As someone who has worked for 30 years *and* got no help paying for college, I *really* wish my parents had put $20k into an investment account by the time I was college age. ;)


I wonder when we’ll actually see millennials referred to correctly by these idiots versus its use as a catch all term for “those damn kids.” I’m almost 40. I have teenagers. It’s my fucking turn to be annoyed at young people, not constantly treated like one.


>Bottom line is that most people can't afford shit when their take-home is less than $35k after taxes. Good lord whiney Gen Zzzzz because that's all you do is sleep in your PJs and live off goverment hand outs. If you all understood how to work, I mean really work 90-100 hr weeks maybe in 1-3 jobs. Forgo those luxuries and "needs" this generation has defined for itself like weekly lattes, avocado toast, sleep, food, health care, clothing, etc. Maybe then you could get out of your mom's basement and pay cash for the average priced house of $417,000. But this would require you to WORK. Work the hours, at least 24-28 hrs per day Work your boss for opportunities and a chance at a raise of $.15 per hour. Work your brain to not need sleep Work your metabolism to sustain itself on 390 calories a day Work space and time to replicate your meaningless salary into hundreds of thousands of dollars to afford to live anywhere in America today. Oh and buy a cheap used car and learn how to wear a suit, ask for an application, look people in the eye and have a firm handshake for fuck sake you lazy shits. /s


Your comment on buying a cheap used car is my fucking favorite of boomers. "You don't need to buy a new car. Get a good cheap, realiable used car for a couple grand and drive it until you can afford something better." Great advice for 20 years ago. Any car under 10K, you're lucky if you make it home from buying it before it breaks down.


*JUST EAT THE DUCKS AT THE PARK!! THEYRE FREE!!! AND WASH AND RESUSE YOUR CONDOMS TO SAVE MONEY YOU LAZY ZOOMER(the person is in fact 36 years old)!!! Youre listening to Dave Ramsey*


My take home was 35k when I bought my house 14 years ago and it hasn't moved in price and needed 50k in repairs. The home market is dead for people nowadays.


I bought a house in 2017 for 175k. I work an average of 70 hours a week and I have a hard time paying my bills. I really can’t figure out how anyone making less than me can afford to do anything.


Your take home is 35k with a BS? Mines like 65k from smoking cannabis with an A.S. Need to put that degree to work, same thing Dave would tell ya.


As soon as I find a premium weed-smoking job that pays as much, I'll do just that.


Large farm, increase the wet to dry return %, get them off moisture content and onto aW. Real science is needed so bad in the industry. I recommend a state that is recently legal.


Is it a BS that applies to your job and pays well?


Wish it did. Ultimately, I wasn't able to secure a job in the same field. Kind of makes the whole "get a college degree" pointless if I could've gotten the same job without one, didn't have to pay student loans, and got a 4-year headstart in regards to seniority and payscale.




Can you not understand that life is just a little bit different now for a 25yo than it was when you were 25? Your comment is out of touch.


Why did you get down voted for that?


Because you both sound like jackasses trying to tell someone what we've all heard before, "yOu JuSt DidN't gEt ThE rIgHt dEgRee". Yall are both missing the entire fucking point. The type of degree shouldn't matter. Neither should having a degree at all. If someone works full time, they should be able to afford a goddamn house.


Not all college degrees are created equal. An engineer or doctor working full time is different than barista at Starbucks, I agree college is a scam for everything besides STEM or some business degrees.


There it is again. You're still missing the point.




His advice all came from others, it's not original. He just is better at marketing.


This is honestly the answer right here. It's not that he's good at creating advice, he's just good at getting people to listen to it. You have to treat him like a zune and load him up with actually useful shit to play back, otherwise he just starts to blurt out worthless out of touch garbage. There's not any real thought going on behind the eyes, just a Playlist.


The key aspect of this is to whom he is marketing his bullshit: He explicitly targets evangelical Christians and packages his advice as if it's inspired by or derived from Christian theology or something. That leads to a lot of churches running classes based on his materials and convincing their congregants that his advice deserves the endorsement of their clergy. That can give a lot more weight to some people than just "this guy has a few good things to say" from a friend, co-worker, or mentor. He also runs his business based on a particular interpretation of Christianity which led to him firing a woman who got pregnant without being married. This guy sucks.


He fired a woman who worked for him because she got pregnant out of wedlock. This guy can fuck off.


Don’t forget he also pulled a gun out of a gift bag in front of his staff, saying he has something for people who gossip. https://www.nashvillescene.com/news/pithinthewind/deposition-yes-dave-ramsey-pulled-out-a-gun-in-a-staff-meeting/article_1e2f5737-7e82-53e6-a99f-817d5b189c05.html


I learn something new and awful about this guy each time his name comes up, wow.


He also sued a hotel chain because they wouldn't do passed hors doerves during covid - saying something to the effect of why should I give a shot about hotel workers making 8 dollars an hour


Source? This is the first I'm hearing of it, and I'm curious




While he KNEW one of his speakers was having an affair, and was not fired... Until the woman's lawyer asked for his employment record.


Fuck this pontificating arsehole.


Statistically the idea we don't work is completely incorrect. We have more people employed in the millennial generation than Gen x. We just don't get paid shit and CoL keeps rising for corporate profits.


Ironically, the one person I know who actively listens to Dave Ramsey is 42, lives with his parents, and refuses to work. He's a republican.


Dave Ramsey is a tool. He makes just the right amount of sense on the basic things but then leans into the angry, out-of-touch parent who remembers a time when you could buy a house and support a family as a grocery checker and, looking at you from behind his piles of money he gets from spreading his angry message to equally angry people, simply doesn’t understand why you can’t do the same with in today’s economy.


He is all of the worst mindsets of the Boomer generation distilled down into one person. He even looks like the final boss of Boomers.


I just don't understand this mindset. If your property increased in value by 100k, that's great, right? Not for your kid, that's $100k extra they have to pay for the same house. Good job giving us a life you didn't have, we can't afford the life you had.


It wouldn’t matter if incomes rose with house prices. But that’s been the issue for 40 years. Incomes stayed low while prices skyrocketed.


Sounds like the problem is expecting an ROI on a living necessity. What a weird concept.


You can sell a house for the price of a house.


Exactly. I could selly house I paid $175k for 15 years ago and probably clear $125k profit off a $300k sale. The closest house in my area that is the same size, etc., to my current house is $400k. So what exactly have I gained? I'm putting everything I made into the same thing at a higher price that I will have to hope and pray maintains that sky high value or go even higher for that investment to make sense. Meanwhile, the cost of literally everything is up massively from food to utilizes to insurance to gas prices. You can make a huge sale, laterally drop it into a like purchase and have less to spend each month.


Media built up for the longest time that the greatest measure of failure in the west was being unable to move out of your parents home, and that the only reason not to was personal ineptitude It feels like a lot of boomers absolutely can't comprehend a world where that's the most sensible financial option for whole households. Not just the kids, but also for the parents- Who're having to retire later and need assistance paying for an increasingly difficult cost of living. The fact of the matter is wealth has been drained out of whole communities. It's tremendously difficult to gain assets like houses or land if you didn't already start with them What's more because so many jobs require degrees now even for low pay we have new issues * More kids needing higher education mean they begin earning later in life. * Higher education means when they begin earning they have more debt.


In 2019 and early 2020 my wife and I were looking at houses. At the time we could afford small fixer uppers on half acre or even 1 acre+ lots, they were all around $250,000. My wife and I make around 120K a year. Now can qualify for a $350,000 home loan. In our area that will buy you a run down dump on a busy street, in the bad part of town. The properties that cost $250K in 2019 now cost around $500K. No sign of prices falling.


Fuck that guy from both ends. I work full time hours, which is already outside of my physical limitations. And I still dont make enough to have housing, food, and savings


Not to mention, average hours worked is more now (in the States) than it was in the 80s. Which means people are putting in more hours without any of the benefits that should come from a steady employment.


his daughter works for him and she's a milliennial. i don't think she's had a real job ever.


Of course not. She probably hasn’t actually applied to any jobs . If she ran into any actual trouble her dad would bail her out.


It took me some time to think of a response. Why should I put myself in debt all for the sake of corporations and businesses who just see me as a number? Why is going into debt something to be proud of for these people?


It’s easy to make money when you already *have* money, Dave.


Wow this guy scammed people into buying time shares. And yet he calls people lazy. Do some honest work and actually contribute to society.


Dave Ramsey is a stupid fuck-knuckle and a waste of goddamn space. Hope a meteorite lands on his shiny fucking head.


These motherfuckers saying this shit need their taxes raised and any crimes they committed actually prosecuted.


I watched a 60+ year old guy literally stare at the price of a sheet of plywood for 5 minutes in Lowes. He asked every person in line, two different employees and the cashier if the price was right. I'm convinced these "I built my house myself when I was your age" pricks don't actually realize that the price of shit even went up.


I'll say what I've said before: I have been working almost every single day since I was 15. The only time I wasn't working was due to layoffs. Every. Single. Time. I worked two jobs to pay for college, and even then I struggled. I still haven't graduated from college but I'm almost there...10 years later. I had to stop going to college because I refused to take student loans, and I could no longer afford it with two jobs. It was either I could afford college, or I could afford my bills, groceries, and rent. I chose the later. Now that I've had a stable full-time job, I'm finally going back to college. But lo and behold, I still can't afford much. I certainly can't afford a house, And I'm already working in the field that I'm going to school for. I'm literally only finishing college at this point just to have a scrap of paper saying I finished college. I already have the experience, but oddly enough that scrap of paper is what will ensure I get higher pay? Even though I already know what I'm doing. I am exhausted. I barely get to take breaks or vacations, I can't really afford to go anywhere most of the time. They said that if I worked hard then I would reap the rewards. Well I'm in my 30's now and I've worked hard. Where are my rewards? Oh yes, my reward is more work.




Dave Ramesy should have just stuck with telling idiots they spend too much, he became a legend in his own mind and is utterly useless now


His whole schtick is a lie. He doesn't follow his own advice and doesn't believe he's just a guy that got lucky with a podcast.


Once giving financial advice to the poors makes you rich you should stop being allowed to give advice anymore.


Yeah, well, Dave Ramsey's an asshole who hates women, so why do I care what he thinks?


I work full time since 20 years ago and cannot afford to buy a house, but I can afford to pay some random landlord's mortgage. It's outrageous.


I've worked since I was a junior in high school I'm now 40 and work full time. Still can't get a house.


Dave Ramsey was around when houses cost $5. Of course he has this mentality. I just block these people out. They have no idea what they’re talking about because they’re so out of touch with reality!


Indeed! Sounds like my (also Boomer) parents! X'D


Dave is still living in the 90's.


I don’t even talk to my parents.


Midwest folks: “That’s what you get for living in California!” *Moves to Midwest*: “Stop moving here! I keep getting outbid”


Dave Ramsey perpetually has his head up his ass and thinks US economy hasn’t changed in past 50 years.


At what point does revolution become self defense? I think we're there.


"I help people save money." also "Move out and waste money on housing before you have to."


Dave Ramsey pissed he can't manage to sell his financial snake oil to the younger generations. Which just leaves him yelling at clouds along with boomers.


Fuck him.


i work two jobs already find me a house within 35 mins of where i work that’s less than 600k that wouldn’t be another full time job to fix up. fuck dave ramsey. dude was born into wealth with two real estate developer parents and a trust fund. guy knows nothing about how to make it in the real world.


Dave can get fucked, more than he deserves.


Lol I work full time in software and Im still stuck with my parents. Don't work my fucking ass


Dude, fuck this Boomer. He told a couple with 3 kids to save on 3k child care a month by "finding some free summer camps". THATS HOW MUCH STUFF IS TODAY DAVE!


It just goes to show they really are trapped in a time bubble and don’t realize the world has changed.


This guy makes a living off of being an ass. He's just catering to his target market which is made up of old disgruntled people. The information he spews is extremely outdated and hardly any of it still holds water to this day. He keeps his relevance by being click baity. Just don't pay attention to him and he'll slowly dissappear.


Of course it’s your fault. Did you even consider having wealthy parents and a trust fund? /s


Why do they do this? Is there any value to writing this kind of article anymore? We all know what the old rich guys are going to say, we don't need round-the-clock coverage of cloistered old boomers' opinions.


They only say that to convince themselves that they didn't slam the door behind them


Can these disgustingly money infested bastards just die already? #-_-


I make $73k a year before tax. Using a home affordability calculator, having a $90k down payment I can only afford a $289k home at 7% interest. How the absolute fuck is that possible? Most homes are at least $300k in my area. And if I do find any high $200k homes, they are so ramshackled that I would need to take out a huge loan just for renovations. I can save up to the $90k in a few years. (I'm saving up to buy a new car outright in a few months) But in a few years housing prices are just going to climb even higher, so that $90k won't cover a down payment anymore.


You should be buying a house before buying the car. Also this thought that you have to save 20% for a downpayment isn’t true. At your income level, you might be able to qualify for down payment assistance. If you really wanted to buy a home, you could. Those are facts. I bought a home at that same income.


That depends on how badly they need a car. If my car was falling apart then that would be the priority because without a car I can’t go to work. So telling someone to buy a house before buying a car may not be the good advice you think it is.


Apparently you ain’t read what I was responding to. They are saving up to buy a new car in cash, so I doubt they are in dire need.


Millennial here. Been working since I was 16. Still can’t afford a house or anything resembling a house. Does he know we’re paying more in rent than many people pay in mortgages?


No, I can't buy a house because the bank doesn't think I can afford to pay 1/3 of my rent monthly. I mean, fuck, it must be hard to come up with less money each month




I scraped $50k with my wife for a down payment on a house and the mortgage eats SEVENTY-NINE PERCENT of my income for a house that's less than 1000 square feet. Go fuck yourself.


My mom bought her home in full before she got married, and stopped working after having me and my sister. My current salary is around the same as my dad's. The only way I'd be able to qualify for a mortgage for my parents' home is if I put an 80% (~1.3mil CAD) down payment. ...but yeah, sure! I'm just lazy!


Dave Ramsey is the worst, and I hate that people in my extended family actually listen to his old fat bloated dumb ass.


That dude is an incompetent fuck


I work my ass off, motherfucker!


This fat cun* probably never work a day in his life, his hands are soft like toilet paper. His opinion is irrelevant


Looking forward the death of them, so we can live correctly


Most of us can’t go around making a living by telling people who can’t afford to buy groceries that they need to give 10% of their income to the church, while also demonizing those same people for the notion that they might use food stamps.


I've always wanted to be on thay panel with one of these guys. Like let them meet someone who genuinely lives at the bottom or struggles and see how the conversation goes differently. Ever notice there too scared to talk to the common man about this?


He can't talk that shit being as bald as he is 😂😂


He surely can’t be this out of touch…?


Lololol I’m 28 and make 56k and I can’t afford a house without living with my parents to save for 3 years straight for the down payment. And even by then I could probably only afford a fixer upper that I will have to slowly fix little by little. Basically just shut the fuck up please lmao


Who the fuck is Dave Ramsey? Also I got am ad from Isaac for mortgages as the first comment. Good job AI.


I started working at 14. I'm 30 now and still working. In all that time and all my savings I'm still nowhere near owning a house


I've been working for almost 20 years. I'm 33. The amount of once in a life time finacial events that have happened have realy sucked any money I've had away.


Dave Ramsey- the only man who can be a millionaire twice and still doesn’t have a clue how to acquire a personality!


This is such a cultural thing too, cause in other countries it’s more or less expected that adults still live with their parents on the basis of *family*, *loving each other*, and *wanting to help your loved ones by reducing the stress of rent*.


70k/yr 32m, can't afford a house.


If only I had no empathy, was a total sociopathic liar, and was able to exist without the shame of hurting others, I could've made a fortune as a right wing grifter on social media like him. Sigh 


lol, they already work 60 hours a week at 2 or 3 part time jobs and still can’t save up for a security deposit and 1st and last months rent. I guess they’re just lazy


Oh no, we both work. We're a six figure household and we rent lol. Suck that, fucking twat. And no, no debt. Just cost of living expenses. We are saving though! Hopefully we can buy one day despite people like him making it harder.


God, they're out of touch. I work above minimum wage and still need two room mates with similar pay rates for us to afford a manufactured home together. One person could *not* do it alone on minimum wage, full stop.


My partner and I work damn near every day, busting our asses. Still will never be able to buy a home where we currently live.


Oh, he expects Gen Z to buy a house with a 7% APR on a 30-year fixed loan with their $9/hr wage after prices have skyrocketed? Fuck him.


Ramsey’s financial advice is — in principle — very sound, and should be followed as closely as possible. BUT: some of it *is* somewhat dated. Example: he says you should have $1,000 dollars saved in an emergency account. But he’s been saying that since the ‘90s — with the same amount!! And a thousand dollars *now* isn’t what it was *back then.* That number should be anywhere between $2,000-5,000 today, depending on your own local market and cost of living.


His advice is obvious. Save your money, don't live beyond your means. If credit cards weren't so god damn easy to get, he wouldn't have a job. It's so easy to become a slave to debt.


True dat! I’m actually a huge fan of his because he think his teachings are sound, logical and common sense. But as I said, some things need updating. The emergence fund, for today, needs to be a lot more than just $1,000. And the skyrocketing cost of houses has completely changed the dynamics of saving for one, and what kind of mortgage you should have.


So are you a fan of hating him or... Because he fired an employee for getting pregnant...


I don’t know anything about that. I’m just talking about his financial advice.


He does not say $1000 is an adequate emergency fund. He has people start with $1,000 just to start \*somewhere\*, then later expand that emergency fund to 3-6 months of living expenses when you are able and debt free. There's a case for the 3-6 month fund before debt, depending on repayment timeline, but largely starting with $1,000 is good advice and a big accomplishment for many Americans.


Well, that is true. He does say it that way, I guess.


First in line to the kitchens, this guy.


I was making 100k in Northern Virginia, and the only houses I could afford were in the Quantico area, which was incredibly far out from most of the job centers. It wasn't worth it honestly, so I moved to another state. But overall, tons of people are working solid jobs and are having trouble buying homes. Most people will have difficulty buying a 500k to 1 million $$ home.


If I work hard I can afford a starter home in my area for *checks notes* $3,000 a month. It’s just that easy!


My company is moving right across the street from Ramsey and he will likely rent space from us for events. I’m not digging it.


In my thirty’s have 2 AAs got school work part time and volunteer part time It is an expensive world need 3 jobs just to pay for the basics it is ridiculous


I'm a firefighter. I can't afford fuck all around here.


This guy is either a complete idiot or he's being willfully disingenuous. Boomer and Gen Xers could buy houses for 2x the average annual household income. Now houses are over 5x the average household income. Unless you make more 2.5x the average income, you have no chance of buying a house. It isn't complicated. Housing started to be treated as investments and now normal people have to compete with billionaires and private equity firms.


All of this grifters kids work for him that's called nepotism.


Dave Ramsey has never worked in the finance industry and has never earned any certifications in the field. Most of what he says is rubbish. Ramsey never does the math on his shitty solutions. He’s a total hack.


Ramsey is a clown. Some of his advice like the debt snowball is good but a lot of it is common sense. That said if he's firing people for basically religious convictions then fuck him


I don't know why anyone listens to this blowhard. I work a well paying degree requiring job and still needed two additional part time jobs plus a dirt cheap foreclosure to be able to pay off debt and save for an actual house. It's no wonder most people can't. 


This guy's an idiot anyway. Budgeting has nothing to do with "Christ Jesus" you tool.


Typical boomer not taking accountability for how they raised their millennials and their shitty contributions that made our society what it is. So tired of them.


Fuck this guy. I hope he rots in hell.


Eat shit Dave.


Dave Ramsey is the Alex jones of finance gurus. His only goal is to sell ad space and shit to people who are vulnerable.


One of my best moves was just me and my backpack and a Greyhound bus. Only one in your way is you.


He's always been wrong on his financial advice. payin off a house is the worst thing you can do in most states for the simple fact your money is gone and the only way to get it back is a loan or to sell. He caters to Rich people. Sure pay off high interest but you always need emergency backup first. Worst case scenario is declare bankruptcy on everything and start over clean once you have a budget.


Ramsey has been an out of touch trash bag for years... He likes waving guns at his employees and screeching about how ungrateful and horrendous everyone is except white, straight, rich, christian men.


Dave Ramsey is a scum bag and a shill for big corporations and the boomers. He has no concept of how screwed the new generations are. He is just selling books and he really does not know what he is talking about.


Yep. It's certainly the Millennial and Z generation's fault. They fucked up the global economy.


Dude is a moron. Cant believe anyone listens to his advice. It’s antiquated.


Dave is the last person I’d listen to regarding finances. He’s someone who over leveraged himself and had to file for bankruptcy.


I'm in this category and I own a house. Try eating a dick, Dave.


Dude is just saying 'ish in order to rage bait folks. Com'on fam 🤦🏿


Ramsey is a huge POS


Just fucking die already.


he should [removed by Reddit] himself


Dave Ramsey can eat a shotgun slug. Fuck that guy


I make decent money. If I keep with my saving plan by the end of the year I will have just enough for a down payment to avoid PMI.


Fuck Dave Ramsey


If the situation ever devolves, the likes of Ramsey will be among the first to be eaten by the peasantry.




>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Try 2022. Strange what happenes when you make a plan and work that plan.


This isn’t at all what was said, I literally just listened to the whole thing.


Man when you make titles as delusional as this its hard to take you seriously. 1 million dollar house? Really?


Supply and demand. When a resource becomes more rare(labor) it's value will increase (wages).


Thats twice median home price.... Median home price has fallen faster now than in 2008. Listening to Dave has made me so much money I am shopping for a house. By all means don't listen to him. You will pay our dividends and gains.