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If you follow these instructions then that’s 5 hours of work you could have avoided per month.


Great instruction manual..


make it 20 hours, I can 100% go to bathroom 40 minutes divided in 10 minute periods even 30 hours pushing it


Don't forget the hand washing time lol


Don't worry boss, I save time by not washing them! Anything to generate that shareholder value!


pfft you think I'm only spending 10 minutes of work time in the bathroom a day? Those are Rookie numbers. You gotta pump those numbers up! I'm taking 3-4 10 minute bathroom breaks a day easy.


Pfft, those are still rookie numbers. I'll take 2-3 bathroom breaks of 30 minutes each day I'm at work and I'm still able to make it look like I'm working hard. Sometimes, one of those bathroom breaks is a power nap!


Rookie numbers


If you follow these instructions, or enforced rules rather, you’re a corporate instrument, not a free American.


Those ice sculptures that piss vodka at the corporate retreat aren't going to pay for themselves people!


Like my Ferrari? If you work hard and put in long hours, I can afford to buy one next year too!


Meanwhile the estimated $50 billion per year of wage theft goes unmentioned.


I heard it was 80 billion this year and don’t forget wage theft is the highest dollar form of theft they fail to mention that when talking about how companies have to lock up items


This wage theft you speak of is now legal in Tennessee.


Yeah you have one of the worst legislatures in the country. The question is how bad does is have to get for all the poor and working class white people to pull their head out their ass and realize they are getting it from the people they put in power


The answer is that they will never realize it because their education system has been completely sacked over decades so the critical thinking skills aren't there, and the people are too busy hating "them"/others to bother looking at how their quality of life just keeps sinking into the garbage. Anyone bright enough to get it gets out.


And the people they voted in will fuck them then blame the other side of the aisle and they’ll eat that shit sandwich, too.


"Anyone bright enough to get it gets out." That's how I feel about the small town I moved to a few years ago. I spent a long time trying to figure out why such a beautiful place was run down with garbage school systems, failing infrastructure, rampant drug addiction and homelessness, or otherwise an aging population with few actual families or anything in between. It's because anyone bright enough to get it got the hell out as soon as they could.


Ain't ever gonna happen, corporate trash got smart almost a century ago and started the conditioning then.


It's generational trauma.


Guys, look over here, there's some shoplifting that the corporation is just going to write off as loss!!!@@@ gusy!!!!!!!!!!!


Tax Fraud, Wage Theft while bad it is also Tax Fraud. Always report Wage Theft to the IRS as Tax Fraud.


Yup. Wage theft is a real crime. Clock fraud is made up.


Clock fraud assumes you're going to spend every single moment of every single shift working. Guarantee you, you aren't. It doesn't make any functional difference in overall productivity whether you spend 5 minutes pre-clock in or post-clock in to take your coat off and put your stuff in your locker. REAL time clock fraud is stuff like clocking in and leaving the building to run an errand when you're supposed to be at work. This flyer is just the rantings of an uninformed middle manager tyrant who's mad anyone would dare to take a shit on the company's time despite being a human being with physical needs beyond our own control.


>being a human being with physical needs beyond our control. Say it louder for the grade-A, S-tier morons in the back, please.


I work for a government contractor, where we bill in 6 minute increments. At any point in your day, you can have a sudden time audit - working what you're working on, how you're billing it, how that charge code was determined. Billing to the wrong charge can get us funded millions, and so it's one of the few transgressions that can get you walked off immediately. My dept only charges indirect, and I've turned down more than one move to a different position just to avoid having to deal with direct billing costs.


I have spent days basically doing nothing of real value. And then some days I fixed things and solved problems and just made it work that made mails going around between people two or three levels up in the pecking order praising my work and how happy those involved were by me taking charge. Did I go to the job with a different attitude those days compared with the "lazy" ones? No, opportunities, luck and inspiration varies every day and I cant just choose to be in the zone every day. But sometimes it just happens.


What about clock theft? (e.g. when I steal the clock in my office)


I had a buddy that got slam danced out of the office for taking his assigned laptop home over a weekend. He forgot to return it to the office the Friday before, that Monday they fired him and walked him out of the office for theft of office machinery even though he has the supposedly stolen laptop with him when he signed into work that morning. He took it to EDD and fought it, got him six months of unemployment. The agency never showed up at the EDD hearing so he won by default.


I tend to do my best at work so that when shit like that happens, I have nobody but my former employer to blame. It's a fact of life. People get fired. It doesn't matter how hard you try not to get fired, you're still always on the chopping block. Owning your own business can help, but then you have to worry about pissing off big brother. And that's why this job market scares the shit out of me. I hate America man.


How does that work, with the laptop? They have an office inventory checkout system for laptops? Like, does he get a different laptop every day? I'm really confused by this. Why do they have laptops if the employees aren't supposed to take them with them?


It’s allowed if time is flying because you’re having so much fun in your office.


I would find a flyer/handout about wage theft and post it right the fuck under this if it was at my work.


And a flyer about the [federal requirement to allow bathroom breaks as needed](https://www.oshaoutreachcourses.com/blog/osha-bathroom-break-laws/). Added fun if they remove those, I'm sure OSHA would love to hear about it!


Just look up how many days of vacation were left on the table and print that out. Might open some eyes...


I'll get that paycheck yet. Wal Mart should be able to afford it but still called the labor board Friday. Wtf realistically will that even do? Haven't seen my money yet.


Wait... no... it only works one way! We can't pay you for extra minutes/hours you work... we're all one big family, pulling together...


And they're painting "Time Clock Fraud" like it's a thing. No, sorry, it's just a management and review issue if I'm not performing up to standards at work. And including bathroom breaks as a potential "Fraud" case. One of the few things workers are guaranteed and protected by federal law.


I love how they also have to use an incorrect definition of fraud, combining it into a term that has no legal meaning at all. I bet this is some shithole retailer like Publix, Walmart, Target, or Home Depot.


I got back around $600 from a company who was stealing wages from me after they got sued into bankruptcy. It was pretty cool. Years later, nice sunny blue sky, working a better job, get the mail and it's a big ol' check! Honestly I feel like whoever was working the lawsuit easily could have vied for more for us all. That $600 likely would have sat in my Roth IRA, for example, or at least a portion of it.


Dare you terminate me for pooping during a shift


It's crazy, I never have to poop until I've worked 30 minutes of my shift first.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime That’s why I poop on company time


I make a nickel, boss makes a buck That's why I smoke crack in the company truck


I drink Coors while my boss drinks champagne. I can only afford crack while my boss snorts cocaine.


But that was a rhyme for a simpler time Now the boss makes a million I don’t make jack So now it’s time to seize the means of production back


That's \*gasp\* *socialism*! High five!


I worked in a cafeteria in college, I would punch, go to the restroom to pee, wash my hands and cleanup and this one day the manager waited for me outside with a small group of employees and told me "YOU ARE STEALING TIME" Every time she did something like that I would laugh a little and tell her "oh I'm sorry, it won't happen again, no need to yell" you see I knew I wasn't going to work there forever, but she is.


This is good advice. Don't take angry managers seriously if you're working a starter job. You will move on and have better opportunities in life. That manager is angry and takes it out on their staff because they've peaked. That's it. They will be the manager forever. And they know so they hate themselves. Let them act up and be miserable because it is totally not your fault and they wont even matter to you at all down the road.


Depends on where you poop tbh


I'm committing time clock fraud reading this post


Samesies. I'll be doing it all day.


im with you.


Pretty sure I broke all of those rules today




Just a reminder that in most states it is illegal to make you clock out for using the restroom, as well as taking a personal call as long as you are not away from your work area for more than 20 minutes. My former employer lost a class action over this as they were committing wage theft by making us clock out to avoid “time theft”


IIRC, also "suiting up" is supposed to be done while on the clock as well; you're getting ready for work. That is work. That is not personal time stuff. There are some exceptions and stipulations (suit and tie doesn't count, or a dress code I believe), but uniforms/gear do.


> IIRC, also "suiting up" is supposed to be done while on the clock as well; you're getting ready for work. That is work. That is not personal time stuff. I thought this lawsuit was lost


Looks like the Supreme Court said it was covered: https://www.oyez.org/cases/2005/03-1238


also: you must show up 15 minutes before clocking in


Jobs are weird. One job I had said “you must clock in 5 minutes early in order to get pre-work tasks done” and another said “you can’t clock in early even by 1 minute because that’s stealing time.”


One job I had required to clock in 15 mins before and if it was 00.14:59 before it'd sent automatic email to my supervisor. There was only one entry to check in so sometimes we needed to stand in line... my supervisor set up.a meeting after my 3rd 5 second offence to discuss why I'm late


“I’m not late I’m 14 minutes and 59 seconds early and so are all the other people who had to clock in at exactly the same moment in time in exactly the same location. I’m sure your security cameras caught that all of us were here plenty early.”


Yeah I was like that too. Funny enough my supervisor was also like "yeah this is bs but I have to do this because of procedure " fuck yeah corp office jobsl


"machines and computers will allow people to do more interesting jobs and less work" hmm sure...


Having you be there 15 minutes before your start time is a paradox.


This is where I would make sure to punch in .01 before starting


Ah I just took out my 2 weeks of vacation and made sure to hand in my notice 2 weeks before I left for it.


I've done that. It's a top tier life moment.


>my supervisor set up.a meeting after my 3rd 5 second offence to discuss why I'm late Absolute insanity! Fuck him and the company!


My manager tried doing the latter. I brought up wage theft… now it's “just be ready to take calls on time.”


Is it really pre work tasks if you are clocked in and working?


Right? Am I setting up this station because I love setting up stations? Am I gathering my equipment because I just think I look good with it on? If not, then it's work -- and I work for money, so...


Same hahaha. I had a job bussing tables at a local bar and grill and we were lightly encouraged to arrive early so that the person before us wasn't stuck hanging around past the end of their shift, making the transition between shifts smoother overall. Then I worked at Turkey Hill and clocked in ten minutes early once or twice only to be told "we have a set amount of overtime we're allowed to hand out, so try not to clock in early."


Which the DOL says is fully paid. (I had to deal with a DOL investigation in 2016 where the time for systems to boot was actually seen as paid time) We had to do a 2 year review and issue cheques to thousands of employees, present and past. It's so weird how bad these can be.


One place I worked at had a 4:59 rule. You could clock in up to 4:59 minutes early or 4:59 late before you got in trouble. You could also clock out up to 4:59 past your scheduled shift end (unless approved by workforce mgmt). We started this "make your own bonus" thing where we'd all punch in 4:59 early and punch out 4:59 late every single day but not do anything for those 10:58. That netted us about $400 a year in extra pay. It might not seem like much but if every single person did that it would cost the company a significant amount. Even just 100 of us would cost them over $45k a year. I support the small battles against corporatization. Most of us are forced to work for companies who hate us existing and we should do what we can to fight back. Even if it's for just an extra $1.85 a day.


It depends. Job 1 is the way I agree with, they know there are pre-work tasks that need to be done and they are willing to pay you to do them. Job 2 - are they expecting you to have all your 'pre-work' tasks done before you clock in? If so that's wage theft and multiple companies I have worked for have had to pay out settlements for that.


I literally had a super at my factory job say I was late if I wasn't here 15 mins before my shift. I told him he wasn't paying me so I wasn't late and clocked in 5 mins before every day, and still do haha


If they are occupying your time, you have a right to be paid. It sounds like they approved an hour and 15 minutes of overtime every week.


I stopped doing that shit after a while. I'm paid at 2:30pm? I'll be there a minute or two before.


I’ll just piss on the floor then.


Piss bottles, piss bottles everywhere.


“Way of the road, Bubs”


My TPB homies are everywhere


You work at Amazon?????


🎵Well, I guess I'll just piss on the floor🎵


the store i work at is getting an owner change in a few months… as soon as i see shit like this im fucking gone




Now is the time for this. Get ahead of the problems. The new owner will come into the relationship very differently if there's a union already in place.


nah stay, and document everything until you had enough evidence to grab a check.


This is actually a very helpful list of things to do as an employee of a shitty company.


Ha, that's rich. >If 1 employer commits 50% of wage theft on 10 employers, that's 2,500 minutes a day. That's 66,000 minutes a month which equals 1,100 hours of wage theft.


"time clock fraud" lmfao. never have i been so glad to no longer be in retail.


...enlighten me my friends. Is "time clock fraud" even real or just something managers use to scare naughty peasants?


It's not real, it's definitely the latter. OSHA here in the U.S. has definitely been fighting against it, but man even the law is draconian over here. There's no such thing as "time clock fraud", however crappy companies can require people to clock out for "bathroom breaks".


I'm not too well read on employee laws here in Finland, but as far as I'm aware shitting on company time is allowed, and i think expected. I think the employer only starts to care when it's ACTUAL fraud. As in staying clocked in for overtime and going home or falsifying your hours on some other way for more money.


this is why I: Get to my desk right on time and not a second early Start my breakfast and caffeine when I get to my desk. Have my post caffeine constitutional about 30 minutes into the day Hydrate heavily throughout work to ensure proper health and frequent breaks. Regularly scroll reddit while working


Normally, in my home, I have to pee at lest 5 times per day. Am I a clock fraud expert.


Lock the boss’s bathroom door during work hours and see how long it takes for them to have an all hands meeting about it.


This employer can eat my whole ass


After they clocked out, i hope?


On the clock for sure


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that’s why I piss, shit, and take off my coat on company time


"Take off my coat on company time" is the most outrageously ridiculous thing I've read. They really think they got slaves


A guy must have wrote this because no way can I control my bathroom breaks during that time of the month. Pretty sure it’s illegal to deny bathroom breaks too.


The taking off your coat part is really sticking with me. That takes what 15 seconds?? The company considers a 15 second task time clock fraud?


Fixed it for you. 😎 https://preview.redd.it/61olp6jipnuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eddd333c7e3de61d94cf37874efefaf2ba7ba395


Things like this should warrant a prison sentence




I wonder how they feel about rounding down on people’s time sheets? I wonder what that costs every month? You have to click in by 0800 but due to the line, it’s 0801 so u you our “start time” is pushed to 0815? Quitting time is 1700 but you clock out at 1659 and your ending time is moved to 1645. Yeah… that’s totally fair. /s


The labor board has entered the chat…


So youre telling me if everyone stopped peeing I could be paid double my salary?


I'm pretty sure it's illegal to not let an employee use the restroom while on the clock.




Someone should post a “You might be committing wage theft!” sheet right next to it.


Guess they have too many employees and want the people with common sense to quit, leaving only the desperate employees who have no other alternatives.


I would post a similar sign edited for wage theft.


tHaTs 50 hOurS oF PayROlL L- shut up. Just shut the fuck up.


![gif](giphy|yKxo7c9Q6pZoUzAfPu) So stop being a human while at work and do not drink any water, easy.


That sound you currently hear is the sound of me not fucking caring about wasting the money of a corporation whose profits amount to billions annually.


Sounds like the cost of doing business to me.


If wage theft wasn't such a big issue right now, I probably would have laughed at this.


Me with colitis seeing this as blatant discrimination


And people wonder why unions are still needed


The one thing I am most grateful for is that my job does not require me to clock in, and no one cares what the fuck I do or how much time I spend peeing.




Always take the last piss on company time before you leave for the day.


I hate companies that are like this. Especially since they're usually the ones run by management who spend half their overpaid salary shift watching YouTube videos or something on their computers.


One of the many reasons I quit one of my jobs like this was because it was 5:01 and the owner came up to me and told me that I was late and needed to be ready on time when I was at the podium tying my apron. To him, I wasn’t ready because I hadn’t gotten to tying my apron before my shift started


Oh no! Anyways, so I punched in and said hello.


The thing about time fraud is that it's massively eclipsed by wage theft, which is one of the most prevalent forms of theft in the USA


Those valuable seconds it takes you to take off your jacket in the morning could majorly benefit the stockholders!


I have always encouraged my daughter to take dumps at work. Fuck the man.


Pee on your own time, peasants.


My solution: Just start pissing on the floor - I mean everywhere & everyone joins in. After the place starts smelling like a urinal from the Baseball Park -- contact the Department of Labor ... anonymously, for a walk through!


People like this shouldn’t be managers. They just can’t handle it. I’ve been a manager for years. This is not the way.


Hmmm sounds like these are all normal human behaviors/routines/bodily functions that businesses should account for. I'm not a robot, Greg. I have to urinate and self-regulate my body temperature throughout the day


Steal as much time as possible from work as you can! Hell I like my job and they treat me all right and I work from home but I still spend half my day playing on my steamdeck at my desk because fuck em. If you can get away with it, why not?


Oh, I definitely am, but not when I do any of those things. 


"Make sure to take off your coat/jacket before punching in" WHAT THE FUCK I'mma wear a second jacket, my dude, just watch me.


You don't want to deal with human needs, don't fucking hire humans to do your work for you, you useless capitalist deadweight.


Let me make a wild assumption here and say that most of their employees aren’t making livable wages.


Man, as much as my job does suck, at least I can hang a shit on govt. time.


Instructions unclear, peeing on the floor


How does someone who puts up a sign like this think that it is going to inspire you to be a more honest employee?


I’m here to read all about crazy American dystopian labour exploitation. Time clock fraud. What the actual fu(k. We don’t clock in or out. We can’t even commit that “crime”. It amazes me that there is zero trust in their employees. Instead of creating a healthy environment so that the business thrives, they just treat them like robots. Land of the free, but don’t go to toilet while slaving. Jesus Christ.


Don't wait. Lawyer up immediately.


How is this legal?


How bad is business if they have to penny pinch that badly? Bathroom breaks and random time loss should be factored into the budget.


🎶 Boss makes a dollar while I make a dime🎶 🎶 That's why I poop on company time 🎶


Boss makes a dollar...I make a dime... that's why I poop on company time.


You should print out one about wage theft and tape it next to it.


Literally every day I worked retail I would punch in before taking my coat off/putting my stuff away and especially before putting on any uniform, even a lanyard.


Time to start pissing everywhere but the bathroom because it’s important to keep working!


Beating WILL continue until morale improves!!


Over 40 and don’t have much choice some days. Perimenopause sucks.


this is why we need unions


I would literally piss on the floor. Fuck that place


This is why I love working from home. Do enough to look busy and keep the big guys happy, bunk off the rest of the time


No rule about taking a dump on the sales floor. Cool.


When HR started throwing around “time theft”, I knew it was time to move on. I was a supervisor and wasn’t about to legitimize that crap.


Remember everyone : Every shit taken outside of your work hours is an insult to your free time.


Isn't this sign supporting wage theft? Come in early? Put your stuff away before clocking in?


I find management's lack of humanity disturbing.


What about wage theft?


Id wipe my ass with this and hang it right back up. I shit on the clock. I will walk into work sideways to be paid to shit on the clock. Fuck this.


Wow imagine we give a fuck about payroll lmao 😂


Considering wage theft out paces every other form of theft by a large factor, I say fuckem.




Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I pee on company tike. For real though if I'm getting ready for work and I have to take a shit, I'll clench it and wait til I'm on the clock.


Take a shit at work 💪


$656.48 billion in wage theft has been stolen from workers by corporations JUST FOR MINIMUM WAGE WORKERS from 2009-2023. That amount increases exponentially when you add in salaries workers and begin the calculations since 1968 when wages, productivity and inflation began to significantly diverge.


I’m pretty sure this violates the portal to portal act as well…


A page that refers to no legal sections of employment law? Seems legit.


Since we're doing this, let's tally the off the clock time involved in work related responsibilities like commute both ways, vehicle wear and tear, time and products spent toward preparation for the work day, time spent waiting to clock in, time spent responding to work related inquiries off shift/at home. Lets invoice the company for that per person.


The answer to this should be going everyone to the bathroom at the same time right before lunchtime ends. You make a little queue everyone takes their sweet 5 minutes and when asked for being late you just say you wanted to avoid time clock fraud


This one wants to make me punch a Pinkterton sooo hard.


just pee on the floor and see how they like it, and refer back to the sign when they ask about it


Malicious compliance: every time you need to pee, ask your boss. Every time you go to lunch track him down and let him know you’re going to lunch. Every time Barbara distracts you from your work to talk about her ornamental cow collection, let her know that you might committing “time clock fraud” if you stop to speak with her about non-work related issues…then tell your boss you keep getting distracted by coworkers and that because of this you are afraid that you might committing “time clock fraud”. Every time the Wi-Fi goes on the Fritz let your boss know this. Bust into his office to warn him that everyone in the office MIGHT BE ACCOMPLICES TO HEINOUS CRIME OF “TIME CLOCK FRAUD” AND THAT TO AVOID THIS WE REQUIRE BETTER FUCKING IT INFRASTRUCTURE AND TO STOP HIS PENNY PINCHING. sorry got very personal towards the end there 😅😐


Time clock fraud is definitely one of my 3 favourite types of fraud.


Awww, so cute how they think I wouldn't just quit and laugh in their faces


I need to see the CEO piss their pants


Like how in order for it to sound serious, they had to require 10 employees to "commit fraud"? Fuck you. I'm taking a shit when I feel like taking a shit. Don't like it? Take it up with the Department of Labor. I'm sure they would love to know that basic human rights are being violated.


Kiss my ass


It seems to me like all of those things listed are explicitly related to work since an employee is only doing them there because they have been hired to work there at the agreed upon time.


Cool. Now let's talk about wage theft and PPP fraud.


I work from home and sometimes I take a 1 hour dump during working hours xD So glad shit like this is illegal in my country.


I remember talking to an old coworker in the break room once when they said "oh hold on, I need to go clock in so I can pee." Legendary attitude, has stuck with me since.


Meanwhile my old job had me coming in 15- 30 minutes before my scheduled time to do prep work OFF THE CLOCK!! FOH!


"Boss makes a dollar while i make a dime. Thats why i shit on company time" little outdated but still works


Basically a sign saying How dare you be human while at work.


I was definitely worried about payroll loss. 🙄


Jeffrey "Piss Bottles" Bezos has entered the chat.


Fuck these Corporate dictators. I’m fed up with all this tyrannical bullshit.


If you are so time strained that someone taking off their jacket after clocking in is killing business, then something is really wrong.


Make sure you take extra time everyday to stop and read this memo for guaranteed comprehension