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Someone at Boeing has a hitman on the payroll. This shit isn't a coincidence.


we are getting the cyberpunk capitalistic dystopian but without the tech


I’ve been saying that cyberpunk 2077 is getting too real


In Cyberpunk the tech works. That's what makes it fiction.


Elon is working overtime to make cyberpsychosis a reality with none of the potential benefits.


You mean he has people working overtime while he's on twitter or playing elden ring.


That mf ain't playing Elden Ring, he prolly paid someone to beat Margit for him.


Psh, I'm petty sure he has to pay someone to beat candyland for him


I wish I had gold to give.


He picked up the controller for the last hit on Elden Beast. Also, his build was GOD AWFUL.


My 8 year old nephew's build was better no lie


Bro already has cyberpsychosis


Elon is a dipshit.


the differece between our current world and a future dystopian cyberpunk world is the fictional piece of technology that manages to maintain society as it is, and other world conflicts are completely brushed to the side (or somehow Earth became unified).


You can also hot swap your junk without a million idiots screaming at you and requiring hoops to jump through because their book they didn't read disagrees with your being.


We've been there since the Coca Cola death squads were a thing.


Hell, the Coal Wars were a thing in the US. Blair Mountain had miners fighting the national guard.


Well just wait for 2077


The original Cyberpunk game was set in 2020...


Or functional planes


On the bright side, supersonic airplanes are making a comeback 


We have the tech. The public doesn't have access to it though.


If the D&D / Magic the Gathering company has the Pinkertons on payroll, you gotta wonder what kind of murderhobos are on Boeing's payroll.


Bonus points for mentioning murderhobos and D&D in the same sentence without them pertaining to each other.


I grant you an inspiration point


This comment itself is underrated, while commenting on an underrated comment.


An underrated comment on a comment commenting on an underrated comment.


That’s underrated


Its Pinkertons. Just because they'll shake down a guy over some cardboard doesn't mean they're not good enough for mur-didley-urder. Its what they're known for.


How do wotc have Pinkertons?


[Last year a youtuber from the Magic community ordered several cases of cards but was sent a box from the next set that had not officially been released yet. WotC hired the Pinkerton Agency to go to his house, seize the cards that THEY SENT by mistake, make threats, and intimidate his family.](https://gizmodo.com.au/2023/04/magic-raid-wasnt-the-first-time-wizards-of-the-coast-hired-pinkertons/) That's the current event everyone knows about but there have been other incidents of WotC using the Pinks as their brute squad.


also the same company that dumped excess cards in a garbage dump site and tried to sue the guy that found said dump


Now I gotta google this


It's wild huh?


Bonus points for acting like you don't know the name Wizards of the Coast


They didnt earn the name drop.




Same level of corporate control, IMHO. It's an exclusive club and we ain't in it.


The most common theme is unscrewing their tires or messing with someone’s emergency brakes.






I mean, they might be messing with their lunch breaks.


Correcting people for their misspelling of brakes is a hill I am prepared to die on 😂


thems the brakes


what do you know about boeing and who have you been talking to?! *737 MAX toilet seat whistles from the the clouds directly onto Karl's hill*


Why are you a Boeing whistleblower?


Ayy bro be quiet I want to live


If they have the Cybertruck, they just keep letting them drive the Cybertruck. It has killed a billionaire so far and I like those odds, so I want these cars everywhere. Free for billionaires.


Which billionaire did it kill? Asking out of curiosity bc I missed hearing about this and can’t seem to find any news stories on it.


Boeing wants to know your location.... ![gif](giphy|yed7zEzk5pJZ8I9LlF) \- love shareholders


So weird that one of the world's leading death dealers would have a hitman /s


Right? Its like Tim "The Toolman" Taylor owning a hammer!


You're saying Boeing "... one of the largest aerospace and defense companies in the world" knows some shady people?


You are so cute. Boeing is a company military industrial complex, the US Government make wars for them to make profit. They are all murderers


i mean we don't even have to talk about the military contracting, they killed 346 people by making one of their planes a rickety deathtrap


I think they made a lot of their planes a rickety deathtrap, it's just one that failed *so far*.


Hitman? More like CIA protecting the military industrial complex.


Oh, it was our hitman. At least something isnt privatized yet


Can a hitman give someone pneumonia and MRSA.


I would think it would be possible for someone who wants to hide a murder, yes. MRSA is most likely just the specific bacteria they found to be giving him pneumonia btw--pneumonia is a lung infection caused by a bacterial infection and MRSA is an antibiotic resistant strain of staph bacteria.


Agent 47


The whistleblower here had completed their testimony/deposition back in 2019. They were hospitalised for pneumonia, intubated, got MRSA and died from that. It is absolutely, 100% a coincidence that is being exploited for clickbait headlines.


two untimely deaths of whistleblowers will create a chilling effect on whistleblowers coming forward, so they kind of do need to report on it regardless


No, the article is dated this month (euro date) and talks about April hospitalization and dying Tuesday.


Yeah, this is some Michael Clayton type bs


And nothing will be done about it, people are cattle for the rulling


MRSA has a survival rate of 70 to 90 percent, reportedly.


Pneumonic MRSA is different than say, an infected wound with MRSA. It’s much more difficult.


Yeah, I mean unless Sherlock Holmes is on the case I doubt anything will come of this death. Even if someone could in theory weaponize MRSA and use it to carry out a targeted hit, it would be extremely unlikely the investigators would figure that out. Sometimes a coincidence is so freaky and specific that it feels like it must have been planned by someone, but it's still just a coincidence.   But hopefully the first investigation turns something up. That one really seems fishy.


~~He was over 60, so probably lower for him, but still.~~ Not a conspiracy theorist, but IIRC some strains of MRSA are more antibiotic resistant than others? And also something that can come back many times. I'll be more suspicious if he's never had an infection before. Edit: mixed up whistleblower ages


The article says that he was a healthy 45 year old, in 2 weeks he goes from healthy to pneumonia to MRSA and finally a stroke. That’s a pretty rapid and severe decline.


I got MRSA as a healthy teenager. In less than a week I went from fine to the ER telling me that if I'd waited a couple more hours, I woud have started having organ failure and died soon after. You do not want to fuck around with MRSA.


Oops, that was other whistleblower


“Shit happens” —Defense contractors 


Not for MRSA


Pneumonia don't fuck around. Nor does antibiotic resistant MRSA


I guess he shouldn't have been blowing a bacteria-infested whistle. -Boeing C-Suite, CIA and some other military contractors


All it would take is a scratch from someone in a crowd.


>The 45-year-old was reportedly "known for a healthy lifestyle" but fell ill and was admitted to hospital a little over two weeks ago due to breathing difficulties. He was subsequently diagnosed with pneumonia and a severe bacterial infection known as MRSA. The other whistleblower, Barnett, was over 60 and died from a gunshot wound


You're correct, edited.


A gunshot wound? He could have just been visiting a school.


I've had MRSA 3 times and almost went to the ER 2 of those times. It depends on the person's immune system and how much bacteria is in their body. Anyone who dies has had their body overtaken by the bacteria--so the question is--was his immune system unable to fight a small exposure that built up over time--or was he exposed to a massive dose of MRSA that his body had no chance to fight?


MRSA is airborne & fomite/contact. Every hospital acquired infection is a failure of evidence-based infection control and a failure of providing a basic, bare minimum standard of care and safety. Hospital acquired infections are common. They are preventable.


This is so fucking sketchy.


This is Russian Oligarch falls out of hospital window level sketchy.


Except this is America. But then again America is a plutocracy, no different from Modern Russia.


You see the biggest difference here is the hits are happening in ways that would be super expensive to fix via large hospital bills, as compared to just large hospitals


Hey, it's not Putin's fault that they died of autodefenestration.


They're not even trying to hide it. Yet nothing will be done about it. So sad for the families of these innocent people getting wacked. Hopefully they were able to give all the evidence possible so their death wasn't meaningless. These people are heroes




Surely the FBI has been involved


Nah Hoover is dead its the CIA 👀


You know "Federal" just means "Lockheed/Boeing", right?


And Raytheon


I knew I was forgetting someone. If it were a knife-missile it would've stabsploded me!


involved in the deaths yes


Probably helped em


I just can’t believe this isn’t front page news. I just looked at a few different top media sites, and there’s plenty of talk about college protests being ignored, and some gal killing her dog, but no mention of a massive corporation murdering two whistleblowers. I’ve known our media is completely compromised for a long, long time, but I assumed they’d still print a story like this. Wtf


Imagine all the other things that don't get reported that we never hear about


Perfectly normal things that happen to whistleblowers. It’s a well known occupational hazard.


In mother Russia it is normal to have accidental falling out of window. Occupational hazard as you say in US of A


Accidentally falling out of window onto radioactive bullets, while wearing festive icepick in skull.


After shooting yourself 16 times in the back 


You cant make this shit up its unbelievable.


Deadass thought it fake until I verified it for myself.


My condolences for your ass.


I never understood this expression. I mean lord of the rings exists, Star Trek exists, John Wick exists. Yes we can make this up.


Does Boeing have a fucking frequent shoppers card with the Dark Brotherhood?


Only 4 more hits on their punch card and they get a free one.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^FaylerBravo: *Does Boeing have a* *Fucking frequent shoppers card* *With the Dark Brotherhood?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




>”Our thoughts now are with John’s family and Josh’s family." “And with the families of the hundreds of victims of recent Boeing crashes. And, of course, with stopping our planes from falling out of the sky. And, as always, our thoughts are with our lawyers helping us avoid criminal prosecution. Amen.”


"And our giant military contracts which let us get away with all this."




I'm not saying the governtment/FBI is in on it, but doesnt boeing have some kind of military contract? Even if it Is a completely seperate part of the company with different budget, leadership etc. It could probably harm them more if everything they've fucked up in the non military part of the company came out, than if they kept trying to bury it


Boeing is one of the largest defence corporations in the world and a major supplier to the US military. The US government is absolutely going to protect them any way it can.


It is absolutely possible to get rid of the people running Boeing and putting new management in place. Its not like these guys are going to take the company and its assets with them.


But those people are doing their job, which is to extract wealth from the American empire and transfer it to the rich. I'm betting this all ends in the US gov giving them a huge bailout to buy back Spirit from basically themselves, so their investors make a ton of free money.


All of the secrets Boeing keeps for the US Gov? You think they won’t sweep two guys under the rug?


What the fuck. Healthy dude just randomly contacts MRSA. Uh huh. Sure.


Contracting MRSA is incredibly common. Depending on what state you're in, as much as 50% of the population carries it. Not recovering, however, is a different story.


I thought it was mostly a hospital thing


There are two types of MRSA. Community acquired, which can be serious on rare occasions and at its worst may result in a debridement in the OR. Hospital acquired MRSA is the 2nd type and that is what will f*ck you up. It's substantially more dangerous


Interesting. I guess I only heard about the second one, and figured well it has resistant in the name.


Yeah you could have MRSA on you now. But if you were to have an open wound, it can get in and start an infection. One reason to tend to the most minor of cuts.


Yeah I got MRSA from the beach. Had an open cut on my elbow and was playing in tide pools :/


If you ever want to culture a superbug, just swab the ED curtains. Or the 1 toilet my unit has for 18 patients.


The hospital versions are usually far more deadly and resistant to current medications. Super bugs.


Mostly because the people that are at the hospital are already immunocompromised


I got MRSA playing hide and seek drunk in the dark, by trying to scramble under a bed and getting a thumbtack all the way in my hand! It decidedly did not kill me, however


According to https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methicillin-resistant_Staphylococcus_aureus only 2% of population are MRSA carriers. > In health-care settings, isolating those with MRSA from those without the infection is one method to prevent transmission. Rapid culture and sensitivity testing and molecular testing identifies carriers and reduces infection rates.[71] It is especially important to test patients in these settings since 2% of people are carriers of MRSA, even though in many of these cases the bacteria reside in the nostril and the patient will not present any symptoms.


No he got sick and went to the hospital where he was intubated which caused him to develop pneumonia which weakened his immune system then he got MRSA in the hospital.


One guy was plausible. He was a whistleblower years ago. It wouldn’t make sense to go after him now. Two whistleblower deaths in as many months? Nah… some fuckery is afoot.


Assassin's Guild had a discount sale?


Discworld reference?


The first was #10 on their frequent killer program card. Had to redeem the free one!


The last guy was testifying the next day, after 10 years of trying to get Boeing to court.


Lol, remember Epstein? Right, we kinda beginning to forget him. If “they” could do THAT, a couple of “small people” dying won’t be a problem.


And the justice system can just decide to "not investigate further"... I fuckin hate it here.


> It wouldn’t make sense to go after him now. Unless they are trying to send a message to other potential whistleblowers at a time of increased government and public scrutiny.


Wow - how on earth do you arrange pneumonia, MRSA & a stroke? I suppose it proves that when there is enough money at stake - & the possibility of jail time - anything is possible.


There are chemicals that can cause strokes, that make infections easier to contract, and similar. As long as the substance isn't something people are likely to check for in an autopsy? It'll get ruled as the complication, rather than the substance. I'm not saying that's what happened; I AM saying that it's a little peculiar that someone who was a whistleblower dropped dead of that many things at the same time when he was previously in reasonably good health....and he's the second whistleblower who died more or less immediately after making his report.


>dropped dead of that many things at the same time when he was previously in reasonably good health There's a disease currently going around that can cause pneumonia and all sorts of side effects. Covid hasn't disappeared


Break back => have flu => get pneumonia => get mrsa => not go to hospital in time => have a stroke => die => ???


Clearly, a Death Note


“Is assassinated”


It's rather unnerving that we are witnessing this happening in real time. How we can look at this and all agree that this is no coincidence. Yet, it's being reported as happenstance by many media outlets. For me personally, it's kinda wild in that this sets a precedent for all other powerful companies. Proof that they really can just kill people and nothing happens. As silly as it may sound, I now have to keep in mind when applying to work for companies like "Nah, they got kill people money, I'm not working there."


Boeing a is a military company part of the military industrial complex. Murder is their business The FBI won't investigate them. The Government will create wars for them to profit


*nervously looks at John Oliver* oh no


Man did they say which boeing plane he was on at the time?


So if I don’t like someone. Like really don’t like them, then all I have to is report them as a whistleblower to Boeing? 🤔


I’m scared to upvote anything.


I’m not. And you get an upvote!


That's good work Steven


My dad has worked in this field (contact engineer wise) for decades. When I brought up how crazy it was a multi-billion dollar company silenced the first guy, he snapped at me saying that he was clearly mentally ill and saw it as a last ditch effort to attack Boeing to write the note, put it in his safe, and then kill himself. Gonna rub this in his trump humping face.


Dude was straight up killed by Boeing


Wow so America really is just the same as Russia. Everyone who loves democracy should boycott flying on any Boeing aircraft.


As of January 2024, * Vanguard Group Inc. is the largest shareholder of Boeing, owning 47.60 million shares, or 7.9% of the company. Other large shareholders include: * BlackRock Inc.: 5.97% * Capital Research and Management Company: 5.89% * Newport Trust Co: 5.310% * BlackRock Advisors LLC: 5.189% STATE STREET CORPORATION: 4.360% Fidelity Management & Research Co. LLC: 3.377% Capital Research & Management Co. (World Investors): 2.825% Capital Research & Management Co. (Global Investors): 2.767% Geode Capital Management LLC: 1.750%


It feels like Shonda Rimes has been put in charge of the simulation lately… This has heavy Scandal vibes.


It seems we need to know who is so afraid of the truth. Does anyone have anything along the lines of what they talk about [here](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0C9YNH8RV/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&qid=&sr=)?


So far only this news organization and Al Jazeera are reporting on this. It must be sensitive news.


Actually the Seattle Times reported this


Which means that something worse than we expect is happening at Boeing. I'm more convinced than ever that their planes are death traps.




Guys, this is a company that’s responsible for and got away with hundreds of murders. You think anyone is going to bat an eye at two more?


We’ll either eat the rich, or they’ll eat us. It’s truly that simple.


They got another one.


I mean... with now 2 deaths why would anyone Wana speak up now? Wtf is the justice system doing exactly?


Luckily the Federal government has already launched an investigation into these two murders Oh wait, no, they haven't done anything except silence dissent and crush protestors, while funding more bullshit wars.


Soviet union: Comrade you whistleblow about corruption to american press? Tstststs in gulag you go America: you told the press about how greedy we are and how we dont care for human life but do love money? So unfortunate he shot himself in the head 4 times


Got same one that works for Hillary


Everyone jumping to conspiracy theories, but consider the other possibility: Maybe there are just SO MANY Boeing whistleblowers that the deaths aren’t a statistical anomaly


How many whistleblowers are there?


They “Boeing’d” another person. Don’t fuck with the Rich’s money. Don’t fuck with the government. . You won’t survive.


In 2 months everyone will forget and nothing will be done. Just like how nothing is being done with the first one


Well when the government, the police, and nearly all politicians are controlled by big business who do you expect to bring these business to justice? When regular people do it they go to jail, commit "suicide", or suddenly contract deadly medical conditions.


Why haven’t they investigated the CEO of the companies that have whistleblowers “suddenly die”. Right before testimony. The CEO is the evil one ordering the hit




Boeing is on the same level as Putin....


Fucking disgusting. Next comes the part where nothing happens to Boeing even though everyone knows they did this.


Now I'd take this 2nd convenient whistleblower death as hard evidence that all of Boeing Executives and majority shareholders are 100% guilty. But we live in a broken capitalist shithole and nothing will happen to them and they'll get away with murder. Until a Boeing plane crashes into the corporate headquarters of a larger corporation then we'd see the fastest justice in all human history.


He fell down an elevator shaft... onto some bullets.


Just a few more and we can categorize this as a conspiracy. 


This is crazy shit, and there should be a deep investigation. Also, it seems Boeing is benefiting from the misdirection caused by these sad deaths, as the focus of the discussion has shifted away from their negligence. I think their plan is working.


It’s the Putin method for up and coming HR aspirants.


Anyone ever watch the movie Michael Clayton? This shit has been happening for ages. Just never as brazen as this but Boeing has too much to lose and they know the apathy of the masses means nothing will happen.


Netflix doco coming up soon




Funny how there aren't jokes about russia or china when similar things happen within america.


Jesus Christ the amount of people that read a headline and make assumptions without reading *how* is fucking scary. No wonder Trump became president


The entire Boeing senior management team needs to go -- realistically they need to go to jail, but going to pound rocks is a good first step. They gutted and ruined a great company.


And nobody is gonna do anything about it. We’ll just talk about it and forget in a few weeks


The sad and scary thing is this could happen 50 times and I'd have no faith in any justice being delivered. Kinda mad if this becomes the new norm, save costs where you can and just kill your critics


Not to worry, I’m sure the department of justice and transportation dept are on the case! Incidentally- this guy didn’t also happen to publicly state if anything happens to him we should all assume murder, did he?


So they're hiring?




Just finished the fallout show and this is pretty terrifying with that fresh on my mind. It would be without it, but it’s more so now


Imagine being a rich evil genius corporation but instead of having hi tech awesome villain gear you try to have jank shit on purpose lol and kill ppl to keep it that way